Well, the DrugWar is patently absurd. Absurd in its’ basic assumptions like declaring something contraband immediately makes its’ existence void. Presto! No more problem! Now let’s see about that pesky issue of gravity….
That kind of ‘thinking’ – if you can call it that – led to the rise of criminal organizations that, prior to the moment certain drugs were declared illegal, were nothing but minor nuisances. Now they threaten national security, Talk about unintended consequences.
Yet we are supposed to have retinal blind spots the size of Mack trucks and ignore the fact that drug prohibition created the very threat that the drugs themselves could not when they were legal. And Yahweh help you if you dare talk about that fact in public, lest the screeching harpies of ‘concerned citizens groups’ (in many cases, funded by Big Pharma corps as is Steven Steiner of DAMADD, who lost his son, not to illicit drugs, but the very Oxycodone his benefactors at Purdue Pharmaceuticals manufacture) descend upon you, red of tooth, claw and eye for engaging in such blasphemy.
For that is what you’ve done; committed blasphemy against their Church of The Holy Drug War. The defenders of the Sainted Chil-drunnnn (it’s always for ‘the Childrunnnn’) shall declare you anathema and seek to excommunicate you from society for such an affront.
Absurd? An example of gross understatement if ever there was one…
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Well, the DrugWar is patently absurd.”
Absolutely true!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
You gotta love the obama and his photo-ops.
He invites docotors to the white house and tells them to wear their lab coats so people will know they are doctors.
Some decide to be adults and wear suits and dresses.
Yet in the same segment they talk about how the sarah palin skits helped form an opinion of palin.
So, skits that make right-wingers look bad are good.
Skits that make left-wingers look bad are wrong.
You gotta love how the republican party consists of a bunch of whiners, nay-sayers, racists and corporate shills. You gotta love how the entire republican party is in the pocket of the big insurance companies and opposes the one thing that can actually bring down health care costs…the public option.
You gotta love Klynical and how he tries to impress us with his stupidity.
You have anything close to the Pentagon paying generals to flak for the war on Faux News?
Didn’t think so…all you have is stupid innuendo.
A couple of stinging editorials recently in the Seattle times on the state of the republican party and on the republican party mouthpiece, Faux News:
1. Paul Krugman correctly identifying the Republican party as the 13 year-old whiners:
Cheers erupted” at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly Standard, according to a blog post with the headline “Obama loses! Obama loses!” Rush Limbaugh declared himself “gleeful.” “World Rejects Obama,” gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.
So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.
2. Leonard Pitts takes down Faux News:
I might join this pity party if I thought Fox a credible news source. I do not. Consider just a few of the network’s and its hosts’ recent lowlights:
June 3 — In a column Bill O’Reilly says he never called murdered abortion doctor George Tiller “a baby killer.”
This is wrong. PolitiFact.com has documented 24 instances just since 2005 of O’Reilly referring to the doctor as “Tiller the baby killer.”
June 10 — Glenn Beck asks, “Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We’re the only country in the world that has it.”
This is incorrect. Canada has it, as do 32 other nations.
June 18 — Sean Hannity says that under the Cash For Clunkers program, “all we’ve got to do is … go to a local junkyard, all you’ve got to do is tow it to your house. And you’re going to get $4,500.”
This is false. The program requires the car to be drivable and to have been registered for at least a year.
July 22 — Beck says the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy “has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.”
This is untrue. The claim is based on a textbook John Holdren co-authored in 1977 that analyzed and “rejected” such coercive means of birth control.
July 31 — Kimberly Guilfoyle claims the government will get total access in perpetuity to the computer of any participant in the Cash for Clunkers program who signs up at the government Web site, cars.gov.
This is inaccurate. Fact-Check.org reports this claim is based on a security notice required of “car dealers” who access a secure area of the Web site.
Let me make this next point crystalline; “every” news organization from CNN to CBS to Miami’s Herald to L.A.’s Times gets it wrong on occasion, and every single report risks reflecting the biases — political, racial, religious, class, educational, geographical, generational — of the reporter. This will be true until the day the news business is no longer run by human beings.
But Fox is in a class by itself. In its epidemic inaccuracy, its ongoing disregard for basic journalistic standards of fairness, its demagogic appeals and its blatantly ideological promotions it is, indeed, unique — a news source in name only. That’s not just an opinion: a 2003 study found Fox viewers more likely to be misinformed than those who get their news elsewhere.
Yup, these are the people the Klynical represents: the idiots, the ignorant, the uniformed, the racists, the partisan hacks who care more about bringing down Obama than trying to fix our country after the Bush mess.
Where is the republican health care plan?
The only proposals they have trotted out have been laughable – they did not cut costs or cover everyone. Pure stupidity, pure arrogance and pure naysaying…they don’t want health care to be fixed – they like it as it is with runaway costs, more expensive than any other country by about 2X and on par with Slovenia for total health.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The extreme-left-leaning ny times let this little fact slip past the censors…
AGAIN made a clean sweep of the nobel medicine prizes?
How does a country that has such dismal healthcare win so many nobel prizes.
How bad is our healthcare?
The left keeps telling us that 45,000 americans die because they don’t have health insurance.
Yet, 2.3 million people die each year. Subtract the 45,000 uninsured and it’s obvious many many more people die with health insurance.
Why would someone want health insurance since it increases the chance of your death.
Marvin Stamnspews:
5. correctnotright spews:
Where is the republican health care plan?
If you got your news from something other than the liberal media you would know about it.
For some reason, the liberal media doesn’t want to report on right-wing plans.
@7: And where is it? Put the details up here for discussion….Put your money where your mouth is….and defend the plan that doesn’t exist. Explain how it will control costs and ocver everyone and costs how much….go for it…instead of whining.
We are waiting …..maroon.
Marvin Stamnspews:
5. correctnotright spews:
2. Leonard Pitts takes down Faux News:
Red Eye averaged 432,000 total viewers and 202,000 in the demo. Let’s deal with the demo first – CNN’s 8pmET show, hosted by Campbell Brown, averaged 191,000 in the demo. Let’s just let that one sink in – Fox News had more people in the all important A25-54 demographic watching their channel at three in the morning (east coast time) than CNN had for the show that leads off their prime time.
CNN prime time can’t compete with a fox 3am show. What a joke the liberal media is becoming.
How much longer until the obama gives cnn and the other liberal media a bailout to keep them propagandizing for the democrats?
@6: Actually NO, the US did have a clean sweep of the nobel prizes:
There was a Brit, and Australian for Medicine.
Of course, the nobel is often awarded for past performance and seminal work in an area. It has nothing to do with current state of health care – it concerns research. That would be government funded basic science research that republicans like to cut.
But I would not expect an idiot like Stamn to be able to differentiate the difference between health care and basic science research.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. correctnotright spews:
@7: And where is it? Put the details up here for discussion
Are you that computer illiterate you can’t find it for yourself or is this just another example of the leftist thinking of having someone else do for you?
@9: More bad news for the ignorant Faux News watchers…..Stamn misses the point again….your station is not a news station. It is not based on facts, but on opinions. It regularly makes inexcusable errors and is biased.
6 – Your private school education must taught you a lot about the comfort of the inside of a paper bag.
Seeing as you can’t argue your way out of one.
Hey, you claim there is a coherent plan…you put up the details and defend it…until then…you got nothin’ as usual.
@6: the Stamn moron show:
Wow, this is really incredibly stupid:
The left keeps telling us that 45,000 americans die because they don’t have health insurance.
Yet, 2.3 million people die each year. Subtract the 45,000 uninsured and it’s obvious many many more people die with health insurance.
Why would someone want health insurance since it increases the chance of your death.
How do I understand the mind of someone so stupid as to write this crap?
Here are a couple of hints for not conflating data and being able to think rationally.
The 45,000 excess death number is from a peer reviewed paper about how that many excess deaths occurred becuase people lacked insurance.
The annual deaths….from everyone (insured and uninsured) can be due to accidents and fatal diseases…they are not preventable deaths to lack of health insurance.
Wow, what a callous fool you are Stamn…you don’t care that people are dying unnecessarily due to lack of health insurance (from just being laid off, for instance).
And you claim to be religious. Right.
Marvin Stamnspews:
10. correctnotright spews:
@6: Actually NO, the US did have a clean sweep of the nobel prizes:
Excellent leftist thought process.
The article says it was a clean sweep and you said “NO, the US did have a clean sweep.”
15 – Does that number include deaths from underinsurance?
Ooops should have read further.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. correctnotright spews:
@9: More bad news for the ignorant Faux News watchers…..Stamn misses the point again….your station is not a news station. It is not based on facts, but on opinions.
That’s the difference you haven’t yet figured out. Shows like oreilly, hannity, beck all call themselves opinion shows. Unlike the liberal media that still likes to pretend they aren’t biased.
Dan rather is still trying to claim he didn’t use fake a document right before an election to help kerry win. Is he a news reporter or someone with an agenda that was proven by some little right-wing blogger.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Marvin,
When Puddy saw fact checking of SNL on CNN Puddy busted a gut. Sometimes the best comedy is found on the Clinton News Network.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Knowing how you live on leftist pinhead sites Puddy is sure you didn’t get this email… Butt Puddy will keep you educated on many black issues…
1) tort reform – shown utterly ineffective at lowering health insurance premiums while increasing the impoverishment, pain and suffering of victims of medical malpractice.
2) selling insurance “across state lines” – enables insurers to buy a state legislature with weak consumer protection laws to evade responsibility for their shoddy products. Pushes older, more vulnerable beneficiaries off of coverage more ruthlessly than before while underinsuring younger, healthier people.
3) Health savings accounts – another tax shelter for the rich
4) high deductible catastrophic or major medical insurance – another scam that won’t be there when you most need it.
Being the unemployed skirt wearer and lacy underwear owner in your home, did you see Conde Nast is gonna end Gourmet Magazine? Great recipes for you to surprise the working pants wearer when she comes home eh? Oops… that magazine is too pricy for you right? Is it owned by Rupert Murdoch?
Hey correctnotright… where are all those links again in #5 ?
@18: The O’Reilly ,Beck and other
Faux News “columnists” may call themselves “opinion” ….but you might think that they have some obligation to also be factual….well, maybe not.
so you are admitting that Beck et al. are based on non-facts and made-up crap?
Still waiting on the republican health care plan as presented by Stamn…..
(sound of crickets chirping)
It can’t be that hard for you to find the plan that the “liberal” media is not reporting on, Stamn.
come on, you can use the “google” and the “internet”.
Let’s see the wonderful plan that will fix health care forever….still waiting…..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Lets see correctnotright on facts.
ACORN – SMACK SMACK SMACK – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Oops Puddy forgot…
ACORN & SEIU together in the same building (a ylb arschloch favorite) – SMACK SMACK SMACK – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Van Jones – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Jessica’s Law – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Sludge Judges who give lenient sentences to child molesters – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Valerie Jarrett and her slum lord land holdings jockeying for the Chicago Olympics – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Cass Sunstein and his call for court lawyers for animals – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
John Holdren and his Population Control commentary – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Hmmm. Murdoch and Wellpoint (or Exxon or United Healthcare, etc.) could be in the same building.
What does that prove? Moron.
his whackamole Czars
Of which Dumbya had 31. Proving?
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. correctnotright spews:
@16: Idiot Stamn – Yeah, I had a typo
It was not a clean sweep – read the articles – I know reading is hard for you.
Reading is hard when the people that believe they are smarter can’t type, oops, it wasn’t a typo, you left the word out.
Ummm, How about all the “incorrect” facts in the article?
You did not address a single one of them?
changing the topic again?
The main point, that Puddy misses (once again), is that Faux News is not a reliable news source.
You have not refuted that. Instead you list a bunch of meaningless crap.
Puddy: A legend in his own mind. Thanks for playing Puddy – don’t let the facts get in the way of your boundless ego.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy agrees with you on correctnotright. Giving too much time to idiots is tedious. Butt in the case of ylb arschloch, correctnotright, rujax, and other fools here we who think right have a job to do and Black and Decker does not provide the drills for tapping into granite encased skulls like these leftist have.
correctnotright… Puddy has place this on this blog many times. Puddy uses HuffPo because your leetle brother ylb arschloch loves to scream right-wing bullshit on anything else. Puddy realizes you have your deep seated mantras correctnotright just like roger Rabbit on NK nuclear weapons. Puddy also realizes in a week you’ll ask the same question again. Puddy realizes paying attention to facts explodes the insides your head but the granite casement stays intact.
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. correctnotright spews:
Still waiting on the republican health care plan as presented by Stamn…..
Stop being a democrat and expecting others to do for you.
@6 Funny that Stamm should mention the US winners of the Nobel Prize for medicine, but not that one of them was fired by George W. Bush
I realize that reading is tough for you Stamn, but so are reasoning, logic and thinking.
However, I can recommend some good government programs to help you with your disability.
And as far as intelligence – all I know is that you fail to demonstrate intelligence. For all I know you could be brilliant…you just have not shown it here with your third grade level posts and lack of ability to analyze or think.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. correctnotright spews:
Ummm, How about all the “incorrect” facts in the article?
Is your aticle “fair and balanced?”
Does it give beck credit for outing the communist green czar?
Did it give him credit for his part in exposing acorn as a haven for pimps and underage girls?
I wonder why your article didn’t list those things. Doesn’t it bother you that the articles you don’t link to only report on the half of the story you want to hear?
Geov that kind of thing (a fact) is totally lost on a private school graduate like Stamn.
Graduate of Sean’s Inanity Academy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. correctnotright spews:
However, I can recommend some good government programs to help you with your disability.
It’s all about the government helping.
Why don’t you step up to the plate and help me, prove that not all liberals are hypocrites when it comes to helping others.
@34 For those who don’t follow links, she was fired from the President’s Council on Bioethics in 2004 for refusing to bend science to fit the Bush ideology on stem cell research.
Remember when you asininely commented on Puddy saying ACORN and SEIU were in the same building and how you joked for me to prove it? Then upon proof you went nutz?
Well you are still nutz!!!!!! :-O
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
Typical democrat.
Once the dixiecrat label was tarnished, switch to a new name.
Once the liberal label is tarnished, now switch to progressives.
Once ylb was tarnished by your support of acorn helping pimp underage girls into sexual slavery you change your name.
You’re still the same morally bankrupt leech on your wife you were before you changed your name.
Here’s an intriguing thought: Global oil supplies are indeed set to peak within a few years, and no, that is not bullish for oil. Quite the contrary—it will spell the end of the “oil age.”
That’s the take from Deutsche Bank’s new report, “The Peak Oil Market.” In a nutshell: The oil industry chronically under invests in finding new supplies, exemplified both by Big Oil’s recent love of share buybacks and under-investment by big oil-producing nations. That spells a looming supply crunch.
That will send oil to $175 a barrel by 2016—and will simultaneously put the final nail in oil’s coffin and send prices plummeting back to $70 by 2030…
In a report filled with interesting tidbits, one in particular stands out: The cost of the Iraq war at the pump. Deutsche Bank figures the cost of the war at $1.5 trillion. Amortized over 20 years, that works out to $75 billion a year. “If the US government taxed US gasoline consumers purely to reflect the financial cost of the war in Iraq, gasoline prices should be some 54 cents per gallon higher,” the report notes.
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
ylb arschloch@29,
Remember when you asininely commented on Puddy saying ACORN and SEIU were in the same building and how you joked for me to prove it? Then upon proof you went nutz?
facts/truth to democrats is like kryptonite to superman.
Of course when you provided the proof to the guy that lives off his wife he had to go nutz. If not, his head would explode. And that would once again be something that his wife would have to clean up after him.
Nope calling the WSJ opinion page “MSM” as you’ve done is flat-line stupid
Marvin Stamnspews:
56. “I dont hate anybody” spews: Are you saying that for a fact they did not share the same building?
I’m saying that’s as stupid as drawing a line between Murdoch/Scaife and anyone they share a building with.
So you voted present.
I knew you wouldn’t say yes or no. You only say yes yes yes when it comes to acorn helping pimp underage girls into sexual slavery.
Do you see any difference between a building with 30-40 floors that many many different companies and a small building that only houses acorn and their union thugs?
Go ahead and vote present again if you can’t admit the truth.
“When black O.J. Simpson was accused of killing his wife, white Hollywood shunned him. When white Roman Polanski was found guilty of drugging, raping, and sodomizing a little girl, white Hollywood circled the wagons.”
“For years now I contend that white liberals consider black people their pets, and Janeane Garofalo is no different. But using race as the basis for her argument, especially being a “comedian” who based on her body of work would stay unemployed if she were black, is clearly being done for her own sense of relevance.”
Damn Greenies trying to ruin the business environment…
In the past two weeks, three utilities — Exelon Corp., PG&E Corp. and PNM Resources Inc. — have quit the Chamber, citing the group’s opposition to climate bills. A fourth company, Nike Inc., said Wednesday that it was resigning from the Chamber’s board because the group “has not represented the diversity of perspective” held by the board’s members on climate change…
Last month, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers — which includes General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. — joined the Obama administration and environmentalists in opposing an effort to bar the EPA for one year from attempting to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions for power plants and other large sources.
And then there were five—defections from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over its climate-change policy, that is. Apple today resigned its membership in the Chamber “effective immediately.”
Apple has recently been on a green crusade to catch up to tech rivals Dell and Hewlett-Packard which have a shinier environmental reputation.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. “I dont hate anybody” spews: Are you still supporting acorn help pimp underage girls into sexual slavery?
Have you bought a pimp cane, shades and a grandma’s chinchilla coat?
Fuck you.
I am not going to get together with your underage daughter.
Ask one of your liberal friends. Maybe they will give her alcohol and drugs like polanski did to an underage girl.
And did you notice all the support from the left for polanski? Even whoopi said on national teev that it wasn’t rape-rape. And she supports obama, go figure.
A “conservative braindead” knows more about your wife and her union “friends” than you do.
Uhhhh.. No….
But keep making shit up. You excel at it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Another ylb arschloch “classic”:
I’m saying that’s as stupid as drawing a line between Murdoch/Scaife and anyone they share a building with.
Then you better go back and perform more research on the Rathke brothers.
Wait a minute… you have all the PuddyMissives on this in your tctmgr database. You can educate yourself right in your own home fool. Looks up the intimate connections Puddy gave you in those links in your database and then you can “look educated” on this blog.
Ohhh… this wasn’t an order just a “suggestion”. VOTE Present ylb arschloch!
It would seem to me that using a right leaning source to prove a point supported by the left would be a good idea.
Yep and the right does exactly the same thing. It’s frightening that our political folks think that that this sort of thing is somehow important.
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
63 – One of your right wing peeps here said the girl was sexually active at 12.
And that makes her fair game for a rape by a man 30 years older than her? I feel sorry for your kids. If I could, I would have them taken from you and placed with a loving father that doesn’t support child rape.
Ever play trumpet on a score to one of Polanski’s films?
Never got called to play or work in any way on a polanski film.
Ever play trumpet on a score to one of Polanski’s films?
I’m sure he blows a lot of things. I am equally sure that a trumpet (or any brass instrument) is not one of them. His embrasure is way too loose, if you get my drift…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl, Puddy’s post on the @63 comment of arschloch is held up.
Until then ylb arschloch it was on Salon and WAPo for crusader to read.
Back to work. The arschloch is losing it again.
Marvin Stamnspews:
68. “I dont hate anybody” spews: Fuck you.
Hey what’s the matter? I thought James is a role-model for right wing activism.
James does not support forcing young girls into prostitution and child rape like you do.
If you weren’t such a sick fuck you could learn something from him.
When are you going to put your daughter on the street to turn tricks for you? After all, she’s just another female that could earn money to support you.
And that makes her fair game for a rape by a man 30 years older than her?
Hey, your right wing peep called it a “NON-CRIME”.
When have I done that? Waiting for the link….
If you’re going condemn me for anything condemn me for avoiding your leading and baiting right wing bullshit questions.
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. Ku KluX’ad Klan spews:
I’m sure he blows a lot of things. I am equally sure that a trumpet (or any brass instrument) is not one of them. His embrasure is way too loose, if you get my drift…
Look, the little racist is back.
I blow a lot of things, wow, what a 3rd grade gay insult that was. Only someone that thinks being gay is an insult would try an insult like that. If you get my drift…
What’s an embrasure? Oh yeah, you’re an ignorant little hater, the word you tried to spell is embouchure. Since you’re on a computer, can’t you even figure out how to use spellcheck or is that too hard for you.
Say, aren’t you supposed to be leaving the country? Why aren’t you gone yet?
When are you going to put your daughter on the street to turn tricks for you?
LOL! I remember Stupes asking me the same question!
Ok you wanna be like James and you wanna be like Stupes as well.
Thanks for playing Marv!
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
Hey, your right wing peep called it a “NON-CRIME”.
Let’s see… some guy hiding behind a fake name says it’s a non-crime, while many left-wingers publicly supported polanksi raping a young girl.
You sure do hang out with some classy people yipeelilboy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
79. “I dont hate anybody” spews: When are you going to put your daughter on the street to turn tricks for you?
LOL! I remember Stupes asking me the same question!
Maybe it’s time for a few moments of self-reflection to figure out what is it about your words that prompt others to ask that question.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow a quick check on a backup and this brazen lie appeared.
LOL! I remember Stupes asking me the same question!
Wrongo fool. Puddy didn’t say that. Good try fool. Butt when Puddy asked what would you do if your daughter got preggo and would you force her into an abortion being conservative at home and a flaming libtardo here you went nutzo.
BTW KArmaboy, is your daughter turning tricks yet? Since you seem to be zeroed in on Mark Foley, one of the first to yell about the Dubai ports deal you dumbASS moonbats forget was suggested by Clinton.
Maybe it’s time for a few moments of self-reflection to figure out what is it about your words that prompt others to ask that question.
Hmmmm.. I’ll reflect a moment. They ask me if my daughter is turning tricks. They call her a nympho slut. They attack my wife repeatedly for merely being a member of a union. They make all sorts of personal attacks.
I guess it’s because I just see too clearly through their right wing bullshit.
I guess I should look at their right wing bullshit just a little more opaquely or maybe just don the rose-colored glasses.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! That self-reflection shit is for right wing idiots.
A new handle for a new chapter in the volumes of right wing idiocy buried in the comment threads at HA.org
Marvin Stamnspews:
88. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
Hmmmm.. I’ll reflect a moment. They ask me if my daughter is turning tricks. They call her a nympho slut. They attack my wife repeatedly for merely being a member of a union. They make all sorts of personal attacks.
When you start every sentence with “they,” that shows you are not self-reflecting.
What is it about your words that prompt “they” to ask about you pimping your daughter out.
Goldy has never written anything that would lead me to believe he pimps out his daughter. Has Puddy ever asked those questions of goldy?
So, it is something you write that results in the question being asked.
That’s whet you should reflect on.
Or you can go on blaming “they” and them. That’s why liberals have earned the victocrat label.
What’s even FUNNIER is that the same conservatives who claim that Obama is taking over our government, turning the US into the USSR, and will send those who are not killed by health insurance to internment camps also claim that he does not and can not accomplish anything.
Things that make you say “Those guys are fucking crazy…”
Daddy Lovespews:
62 Pud
Ah, the unsigned editorial, so beloeved by conservatives.
And this (from your cite)…
For years now I contend that white liberals consider black people their pets
I applaud the writer and I applaud you for citing him/her. Please keep telling black Americans that they vote Democratic because they’re sooo stupid. After all, when a strategy is working, it’s working, right?
John Cougar Kelly-Kampspews:
Coal in Montana: First, the GWB administration determined that CO2, exhaled by every living person on planet earth, is a pollutant.
In a landmark case, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that carbon dioxide emissions do qualify as a “public nuisance.” The decision means that states and land trusts can sue power companies to make them curb their greenhouse gas emissions.
Insanity rules, green Marx wins, and America loses. So do the poorest of the world’s poor who have been kicked to the curb again and again by fat white liberal progressive ecofascists in the United States.
Fat greens proposterously patted themselves on the back for bringing down DDT. (Un)intended consequence? Millions of dead black and brown children.
Then fat greens shut down Borlaug’s war on starvation. (Un)intended consequence? Millions in Africa have starved to death.
Now fat greens want to shut down economic growth by killing coal and oil. Saw a preview of the (un)intended consequences: At an upcountry clinic in Obama’s own Kenya, greens insist that only solar panels are permitted; two big panels on the roof that let the clinic either use a light or power up a cooler for vaccines, but not both.
Question: Why do America’s red greens, who are mostly white, hate black people?
Daddy Lovespews:
7 MS
For some reason, the liberal media doesn’t want to report on right-wing plans.
Seriously, you guys have plans? And the crap we hear and see are the execution against those plans?
Wow. Fucking wow.
I am reminded of Groucho Marx’s comment about Harpo’s character in Room Service: “He’s the brains of the organization – which gives you some idea of the organization.”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy back and there goes ylb arschloch again…
Marvin said…
When are you going to put your daughter on the street to turn tricks for you?
Puddy said
KArmaboy, is your daughter turning tricks yet?
Now where is the comparison ylb arschloch? Did Puddy say you were gonna put your daughter out on the street? NOPE YOU DOPE!
EPIC FAIL of that tctmgr database. Chronologically wrong again.
You are doing so well being the HA arschloch. It’s the one position… having it up in the air… you occupy so well.
Marvin Stamnspews:
93. Daddy Love spews:
4 MS
What’s even FUNNIER is that the same conservatives who claim
cnn fact-checking saturday night live only when the poke fun at the obama is beyond funny.
It’s almost like they believe the people that watch SNL are too stupid to understand what a joke is.
Strange they didn’t have any problem with the joke that palin could see russia from her porch.
So it looks like the people that watch SNL are really stupid. I guess that’s why the show tilts left instead of right.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
Obama is back down to 30% Strong Approval vs. 37% Strong Disapproval.
Folks are still a might slow in connecting the dots on this guy despite his long list of failures.
I guess a big number still seek “the messiah”.
Too bad for them.
Daddy Lovespews:
Bravo! Keep telling black people that they’re stupid for voting against your boys. That’s the way to win hearts and minds, you know.
And it’s so much easier than, you know, doing anything for them. But heck, they’re too stupid to realize that you’re not doing anything for them so it doesn’t even matter, right?
Well, what I would say is that people who watch SNL to get their news have some problems.
Same with people who watch Fox for that purpose.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ACORN’s CEO in denial again!!
Bertha blames 2 disgruntled ACORN BOARD MEMBERS (her bosses) for allegations of a $5 MILLION embezzelment!!
ACORN is collapsing under it’s own corruption!
96. Daddy Love spews:
7 MS
Seriously, you guys have plans? And the crap we hear and see are the execution against those plans?
Maybe you should start watching/listening to right-wing news so you can hear the other side.
It’s obvious the sources you watch/listen to aren’t giving you both sides of the debate.
One only has to look at the media you watch how they threw cindy sheehan under the bus once bush was out of office to see liberal bias.
Say, how many troops have died the last week. For some reason olbermann isn’t reporting it anymore and it’s no longer the lead story on the nightly news. And what about all those anti-war protests, why isn’t the media you watch covering those protests anymore.
1) The liberal media has always ran to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, John Lewis, Spike Lee, Kanye West and other “leaders” who claim to look out for our interests. Yet if you look at these millionaire leaders what do they do when black-on-black crime happens ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
2) These same leaders line their pockets with the same money from the same corporations they attack publicly. Puddy has placed many stories about them here. Only Al Sharpton is mostly middle class cuz of bad investments and using his own money for a presidential run.
3) As more of my people become educated and leave the ghettos of America they begin to see the Democratic party as one which promised the moon and delivers dirt.
4) If my people took time to inventory their situation and evaluate how Planned Parenthood is killing my people; almost 35% of American abortions come from the black community while we’re less than 15%. Wonder why Hispanics passed blacks? Not from illegal immigration but they keep their children as being precious in God’s sight.
Also with all the other “black” commenters here, why haven’t anyone else spoke up about #4? Only PacMan and Puddy have ever said anything about black donkoinfanticide. It sickens me to see these libtardo blacks like ROTCODDAM nod their heads like the stupid dolls in the back of cars with the light-up eyes and not care about her peeps.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Yet another in the long list of Obama LIES!!
Holder said Obama deadline of 1/10 for closing GITMO unlikely!!
You KLOWNS scream about GITMO…but now have amnesia….again.
Wait until the 2010 elections come and the entire Obama list of LIES is used to pummel Democrat candidates….then in 2012 to pummel O-blah-blah.
Perhaps Obama ought to make his pal David Letterman his MORAL’s CZAR??
Marvin Stamnspews:
100. Daddy Love spews:
And it’s so much easier than, you know, doing anything for them. But heck, they’re too stupid to realize that you’re not doing anything for them so it doesn’t even matter, right?
Puddy @ 105–
These ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES love the thought of all the dead Black babies.
Next will be their “cleansing” of old Black folks with Health Care DEFORM!
He is an egomaniac, articluate but never challenged on the intelligence side.
I’d love to see Puddy and PacMan have 30 minutes to Q&A Obama on the real world and real consequences of his actions to the Black community.
Of course on HA, there are 2 Black Patriots willing to question Obama…and ZERO on the Atheist Progressive Bandwagon.
Of course steve desperately wants to be Black…but it don’t count steve!
Bill Clinton tried it…didn’t work.
Most Black folks are strong Christians. That’s what Obama professed to be. His actions will soon be judged.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey 109,
Thanks for sock puppeting me. It’s the greatest form of flattery.
Don’t worry you won’t see Puddy putting up the “Name” of ylb arschloch to sock puppet you. Puddy doesn’t sink to the dumb brick level.
Marvin Stamnspews:
105. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
evaluate how Klanned Parenthood is killing my people; almost 35% of American abortions come from the black community while we’re less than 15%.
Just imagine if it was the republicans that were in favor of baby killing and the democrats were pro-life.
The left would be yelling RACIST RACIST for the fact that black babies are being slaughtered at a percentage rate so much higher than their population.
Marvin Stamnspews:
112. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Hey 109,
Thanks for sock puppeting me. It’s the greatest form of flattery.
He’s always been a secret member of your fan club.
Don’t worry you won’t see Puddy putting up the “Name” of ylb arschloch to sock puppet you.
If you did, who would read what you write. People would assume it’s ylb and they would simply scroll past your words of wisdom.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama’s indecisiveness in Afghanistan is creating chaos not only in Afghanistan…but in Washington DC among advisors and DEMOKLOWNS!
It’s really a shame we have such an inexperienced, indecisive President at this time in our history.
The blood of those dead soldiers is on OBAMA’s hands.
The Taliban is really pumped up by Obama’s weakness.
It’s a real mess and a real shame…all on Obama’s watch.
The buck stops with OBAMA on this Afghanistan debacle…
OBAMA blinked…and American heroes died.
When are you going to put your daughter on the street to turn tricks for you?
KArmaboy, is your daughter turning tricks yet?
Profound differences there Stupes! What penetrating analytical insight!
Hey Sue! Your hero with the big S on his chest is a credit to his ideological tribe. Even a “progressive” like you can see that!
Daddy Lovespews:
104 MS
Oh, Marv I do.
And what I hear and see are a bunch of rabid mouth-breathers hating on Obama. Executing against the plan, you say? Brilliant!
But the bottom line really is, your insane, divorced-from-reality “plans” don’t mean shit, because you’re not in the driver’s seat. We are, and them means you’re going to get federal regulation of health insurance that will do away with pre-existing condition restrictions and recission and you’re also going to get a deferal insurance exzchange with a robust pulic option, along the lines of “Medicare for all.”
And like Medicare and Social Security, they will be so popular that NO subsequent Republican administration (however long after 2016 America forgets) will dare touch it. And people will be treated for illness and disease, and chronic conditions will be managed. For all of us together.
Daddy Lovespews:
107 MS
No, Marv, that’s not how it works. You want black votes? Tell blacks what YOUR guys will do for them.
It’s not sock puppeting, more like quoting a classic of right wing idiocy but you’re welcome anyway.
I’ll keep it going until another milestone in right wing idiocy is reached.
It shouldn’t be too long.
Daddy Lovespews:
106 Cyn
LEt me get this straight. The way Republicans will win in 2010 is to tell Americans that Obama didn’t glose Guantanamo, and that your side proposes to keep it open?
Sure thing, pal. Sounds like a winning strategy.
It’s going to fun watching you guys try to make a case for your unpopular, delegitimized, powerless and failed party.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
120. Daddy Love spews:
106 Cyn
Let me get this straight. The way Republicans will win in 2010 is to tell Americans that Obama didn’t glose Guantanamo, and that your side proposes to keep it open?
Sure thing, pal. Sounds like a winning strategy.
FYI. I said that is one of MANY Obama lies. Obviously it’s not the only OBAMA LIE. Far from it. Obama will have to explain Porkulous, Unemployment, Massive Deficit Spending and National Debt, Afghanistan stumbling & bumbling, Cabinets & Czar appointees, Health Care debacle.
Obama got a total free ride in 2008…no real record to run against and MSM in the tank.
Now he does.
Get Obama’s record out..and let Americans decide.
Obama blew thru his Political Capital at a record klip…from +32 Strong Approval over Strong Disapproval to -7 (and it was as low as -12!!)
You KLOWNS keep reading the Daily Kos polls.
They poll anything that stinks and walks on 2 legs. Rasmussen polls LIKELY VOTERS.
LIKELY VOTERS change electeds dontchaknow.
Daddy Lovespews:
The Republican health insurance “plan?”
I hope you guys aren’t talking about Piyush Jindal’s “10 point plan.”
1 of his points won’t fly in Congress (“trot reform” or stripping patients of their right to sue bad doctors.
The other 9 are ALL in the Democratic bills.
The Party of NO is certainly not the party of ideas. Nothing new, and nothing original.
Of course you don’t, otherwise you would know about the republican alternatives.
And what I hear and see are a bunch of rabid mouth-breathers hating on Obama
Just a few months ago the same could be said about democrats. Go figure.
“plans” don’t mean shit, because you’re not in the driver’s seat. We are, and them means you’re going to get
That explains why you don’t know about republican alternatives.
The liberal media feels the same way you do, that despite the popularity of obama, congress, support for free government healthcare, cap & trade all dropping like lead weights, now is the time to take advantage of a crisis. The crisis is that obama is losing his mojo, as evidenced by the speeches of his and his wife at the olympic selection panel. Check out the speeches and see how many times the two of them use the words I and me. Or maybe those europeans aren’t educated in a democrat unionized school system so they actually know something…. so when first lady made her speech and said Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection they realized either she was a liar or there is something wrong with relationship between michelle and her dad. In case you don’t get it, to watch carl lewis in the olympics michelles was 20 years old. How many 20 year old women sit on daddys lap to watch teev.
And to think it only cost over a million $$ for the trip.
And like Medicare and Social Security, they will be so popular
To the people that are getting more than they paid into. Of course, that’s human nature. Who doesn’t want something for free.
Marvin Stamnspews:
118. Daddy Love spews:
107 MS
No, Marv, that’s not how it works.
I couldn’t come up with anything democrats have done for blacks either.
You’re so fond of quoting Faux News. What’s with Shep Smith?
SMITH: What more than 60 percent of Americans say they support is a public option. This has been an enormous win for the health care industry. That is an unquestioned fact, but I wonder, what happens to the American people when we come out with legislation now which requires everyone to have health care insurance — or many more people — but does not give a public option? Therefore millions more people will have to buy insurance from the very corporations that are overcharging us, and whose profits have gone up 350 percent in the last ten years. It seems like we the people are the ones getting the shaft here.
For a country where oil and coal use have been growing for more than a century, the fall since 2007 is startling. Last year, oil use dropped 5 percent, coal 1 percent and overall carbon emissions 3 percent. Projections for this year, based on Energy Department data for the first eight months, show oil use down by an additional 5 percent. Coal is estimated to fall by 10 percent. Altogether, carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels, including natural gas, dropped 9 percent over the two years.
-Lester Brown
@38: Once again, Stamn puts forth the republican health care plan…but cannot come up with it.
All your whining can’t refute the facts.
Where is the republican plan? You brought it up…you produce it. And then we’ll dissect it.
Poor little Puddy – reduced to your usual name calling. Again, when you can’t refute the facts, you resort to name calling.
Leonard Pitts called out Faux News and you have not refuted a single one of his Faux News false facts.
Here is the idiot Stamn’s counter argument that Faux News puts out lies:
As if that is even an argument!
so What?
Faux News has NO credibility – they lie and they lie repeatedly. Beck, O’Reilly and Hannity lie repeatly. Period.
The Stupidity of the trolls on here astounds me. All you do is make the case for ignorant republicans.
Still waiting on the republican health care plan from Stamn…..he has not figured out yet that he has to actually produce facts in order to win an argument…why would I go get your facts for you Stamn? It is your argument…you produce facts to support why the “republican” plan will work. First, you need to find the republican plan. Hahahaha. Idiot!
128 – All of that is indicative of a shrinking economy. The silver lining is that recessions often introduce more efficiency practices into economies which are then eaten up by growing populations and economic growth.
My solution is nuclear power – lots of it but not the kind you may think.
Poor little Puddy – reduced to your usual name calling. Again, when you can’t refute the facts, you resort to name calling.
Here are the facts and the supposed name calling correctnotright is again screaming into his “pillow”.
Lets see correctnotright on facts.
ACORN – SMACK SMACK SMACK – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Oops Puddy forgot…
ACORN & SEIU together in the same building (a ylb arschloch favorite) – SMACK SMACK SMACK – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Van Jones – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Jessica’s Law – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Sludge Judges who give lenient sentences to child molesters – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Valerie Jarrett and her slum lord land holdings jockeying for the Chicago Olympics – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Cass Sunstein and his call for court lawyers for animals – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
John Holdren and his Population Control commentary – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm and his whackamole Czars – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Need to see more correctnotright? Nuts drawing tight again?
So where is the name calling again correctnotright?
Are you complaining of Puddy calling ylb an arschloch? Well it’s the truth?
Are you complaining of Puddy asking if your Nuts are drawing tight again? That’s name calling correctnotright?
Hmmm…? Strange one is correctnotright. – Yoda!
Still waiting for correctnotright to provide those links for comment #5. Don’t hold your breath though. correctnotright is egghead-dish on those links.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Comparing debt to time just for this year…
One million seconds will pass in the next 12 days.
Plan? You mean the plan to demonize progressives, lawyers, immigrants and poor people, all while toting pitchforks and torches while crying out for a revolution? That plan?
Strange that the only non-nationalized auto company (ford) is doing well at the expense of gm & chrysler.
So what the obama gambled and lost the taxpayers $81 billion dollars. It’s not as if the liberal media will care or anything. Just raise taxes on the evil rich and spend more money.
Marvin Stamnspews:
All those right-wingers kept insisting that acorn people embezzled $1 million dollars. Clueless jerks.
And for yipeelilboy, there is the picture of the building that houses, er, housed both acorn and the union thugs.
And like the obama said, ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself. So he wants to be judged by people that help pimps and those that embezzle. And lets not forget rev wright, all those tax cheats, etc.
Just raise taxes on the evil rich and spend more money.
Who benefited the most from the taxation policies pursued since 1981?
Certainly not the poor and middle class of this country.
If the country needs money to service its debt, maintain military readiness and keep people from living on the streets, the country should go where the money is.
And the money is not with the poor and middle income folks.
I don’t remember the world dumping the dollar when bush was president.
Oh yeah, the country voted for change.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Chris Stefan.
Ever installed Oracle 10.2.x.x.x on Red Hat Enterprise 5? It is one pain in the ASS. Who wants to read 230K or errata? Writing an edict now. Gonna migrate everything to 11.2G
Did you read the article where Teachers are calling for FEWER school days??
I’ll get you the link…it’s hysterical.
So the messiah calls for MORE school days..
And teachers call for LESS.
Who’s on first???????
Marvin Stamnspews:
145. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Marvin, That’s the picture Puddy posted to shutup ylb arschloch for a minute.
That’s why I mentioned it.
I was hoping if the facts smacked him against the side of his head enough he might learn something.
Marvin Stamnspews:
144. Puddy didn’t say that. spews:
You never talk about them do you?
Matter of fact I have.
But every time I mention urs corp and perini corp you cover your ears and mumble to yourself so you won’t have to face facts.
Are you secure enough with yourself to admit that democrats have profited off the war?
151. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Hey Cynical and Marvin,
Puddy did a search on ylb arschloch and this email address surfaced…
I have to call bullshit on this.
I emailed him and got a 298 error message back:
“The recipient you emailed is not allowed to play on the internet until he gets his household chores done.”
Polanksi is breathing easier knowing he has your support.
I don’t think much of him myself. I can’t recall one memorable movie he made after Chinatown.
How much have I commented about Polanski? Zero.
But your right wing buddy Crusader called his actions a “NON-CRIME”.
That’s just all right with you I understand.
Marvin Stamnspews:
158. Puddy didn’t say that. spews:
And not mention Parsons, Bechtel, Flour, Xe, Custer Battles, KBR, blah, blah….
And still you have nothing bad to say about feinstein profiting off the war she voted for while she was ranking leadership on the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee.
Marvin Stamnspews:
160. Puddy didn’t say that. spews: Polanksi is breathing easier knowing he has your support.
How much have I commented about Polanski? Zero.
Exactly my point. Thanks for making it.
Look how many times you post the republican offenders link and with a leftie like polanksi you remain silent. Silent about child rape just like you being silent about feinstein.
But your right wing buddy Crusader called his actions a “NON-CRIME”.
That’s just all right with you I understand.
But like you said, you haven’t said anything about polanksi so it must be YOU that’s fine with polanski raping a young girl. How old is your daughter?
My right wing buddy crusader? That was a lame attempt even for you. Try again.
Well, the prices spiked right after the democrats took control of congress.
Not really. They declined to 2.11 per gallon at Feb 2007, climbed steadily to 4.12 at 7/10/2008 and then nosedived to 1.61 just before Obama’s inauguration.
That nosedive was on a Dem majority watch. Not that the Dems had anything to do with it. But that’s the kind of association you like to make.
Maybe the obama can run to the UN and give a speech about himself and fix the problem with him reading those sweet words about hope and change off his teleprompter.
My right wing buddy crusader? That was a lame attempt even for you. Try again.
Your right wing buddy Crusader who spouts more or less the same right wing bullshit you do with a dash of homophobia.
How was that?
Marvin Stamnspews:
142. Puddy didn’t say that. spews:
Who benefited the most from the taxation policies pursued since 1981?
Probably the people that actually pay taxes.
Certainly not the poor and middle class of this country.
Do you know the breakdown of federal income taxes? The poor and middle class don’t pay their fair share.
If the country needs money to service its debt, maintain military readiness and keep people from living on the streets, the country should go where the money is.
Why is it the government’s responsibility to keep people from living in the streets? Should the federal government treat the homeless like the good liberals in san francisco?
And the money is not with the poor and middle income folks.
The money is with those that have earned it. Why should poor people get money just because they are poor?
Do you honestly believe giving people money and stuff helps them?
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. Puddy didn’t say that. spews:
Dumbya stole the White House.
Even the liberal ny times knows that bush got more votes.
Earlier today CNN’s Wolfie Blitzer covered CSPI . But did you know they lean left-wing whackamole? http://www.cnn.com
Did you all know the trans-fat issue everyone is now screaming over was because the CSPI asked McDonalds and other fast food restaurants to move from saturated fat oils to trans-fat oils in the 1980s? OOoops…
Nothing new here Marvin, but thanks for reiterating the truth.
“you haven’t said anything about polanksi so it must be YOU that’s fine with polanski raping a young girl”
I don’t recall you trolls denouncing Republican pedophiles wearing panda costumes. So I take it that you’re all good with that. Well, we all know that Klynical and Marvin would be good with it. They’re both certified goatfucking freaks, after all. But Puddy being good with Republican panda pedos?? Sigh!! And I had thought so much higher of him. Damn.
167 – Well right wing neglect has produced a poor and middle income class that doesn’t have a thin dime to spare.
Yet the needs to shore up the financial system, maintain military readiness, service public safety, judicial, education needs, keep crumbling infrastructure from crumbling further and provide a modicum of a safety net so the streets of this country don’t resemble those of Mumbai – well the money for that has to come from somewhere.
And if those needs are neglected even further then that doesn’t bode well politically for those who stand in the way, i.e. those of your ilk.
Spout your bankrupt ideology all you want. There’s nothing the least bit radical or extreme in what I’m saying. It’s ridiculous that our politicians are wringing their hands over stuff this basic.
Marvin Stamnspews:
172. Steve spews:
I don’t recall you trolls denouncing Republican pedophiles wearing panda costumes.
Denounced. Like I’ve said before, give the kids dad 10 minutes of alone time.
Now will yippielilboy say polanksi raping a young girl was wrong?
Say, where did your buddy gbs go? Ever since he said he had the proof I was Puddy and I called him ignorant I haven’t seen him around. I hope the violent guy didn’t off his wife and kids.
Marvin Stamnspews:
173. Puddy didn’t say that. spews:
167 – Well right wing neglect has produced a poor and middle income class that doesn’t have a thin dime to spare.
And while the right wing was”neglecting” people, what were the democrats doing?
Yet the needs to shore up the financial system, maintain military readiness, service public safety, judicial, education needs, keep crumbling infrastructure from crumbling further
Strange that cities under democrat rule are in worse shape than cities under republican rule. Here in lala land, we have water mains busting every other day. And what have the democrats done to fix it? Want to talk about how the democrats didn’t neglect detroit? I hear they can’t even give property away. Democrat policies at their best.
It means Mr Obama will become the first president not to welcome the Nobel peace prize winner to the White House since the Dalai Lama began visiting Washington in 1991.
Shun nobel peace prize winners because his chinese masters told him to.
Marvin Stamnspews:
A little more to add to #176-
Mr Obama has changed his position on Tibet since his election campaign.
In April 2008, he was joined by Hillary Clinton, then his rival for the Democratic nomination and now his Secretary of State, in calling on George W Bush to boycott the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony in protest at the bloody repression of a popular uprising in Tibet.
So he wanted bush to boycott the olympics in the name of human rights and then obama throws the dli lama under the bus.
Well, the DrugWar is patently absurd. Absurd in its’ basic assumptions like declaring something contraband immediately makes its’ existence void. Presto! No more problem! Now let’s see about that pesky issue of gravity….
That kind of ‘thinking’ – if you can call it that – led to the rise of criminal organizations that, prior to the moment certain drugs were declared illegal, were nothing but minor nuisances. Now they threaten national security, Talk about unintended consequences.
Yet we are supposed to have retinal blind spots the size of Mack trucks and ignore the fact that drug prohibition created the very threat that the drugs themselves could not when they were legal. And Yahweh help you if you dare talk about that fact in public, lest the screeching harpies of ‘concerned citizens groups’ (in many cases, funded by Big Pharma corps as is Steven Steiner of DAMADD, who lost his son, not to illicit drugs, but the very Oxycodone his benefactors at Purdue Pharmaceuticals manufacture) descend upon you, red of tooth, claw and eye for engaging in such blasphemy.
For that is what you’ve done; committed blasphemy against their Church of The Holy Drug War. The defenders of the Sainted Chil-drunnnn (it’s always for ‘the Childrunnnn’) shall declare you anathema and seek to excommunicate you from society for such an affront.
Absurd? An example of gross understatement if ever there was one…
“Well, the DrugWar is patently absurd.”
Absolutely true!!
You gotta love the obama and his photo-ops.
He invites docotors to the white house and tells them to wear their lab coats so people will know they are doctors.
Some decide to be adults and wear suits and dresses.
So the obama has his staff go out and get lab coats to be passed out to those doctors that didn’t obey the obama.
You gotta love how the liberal cnn has decided to fact check saturday night live for their skits about obama.
Yet in the same segment they talk about how the sarah palin skits helped form an opinion of palin.
So, skits that make right-wingers look bad are good.
Skits that make left-wingers look bad are wrong.
You gotta love how the republican party consists of a bunch of whiners, nay-sayers, racists and corporate shills. You gotta love how the entire republican party is in the pocket of the big insurance companies and opposes the one thing that can actually bring down health care costs…the public option.
You gotta love Klynical and how he tries to impress us with his stupidity.
You have anything close to the Pentagon paying generals to flak for the war on Faux News?
Didn’t think so…all you have is stupid innuendo.
A couple of stinging editorials recently in the Seattle times on the state of the republican party and on the republican party mouthpiece, Faux News:
1. Paul Krugman correctly identifying the Republican party as the 13 year-old whiners:
2. Leonard Pitts takes down Faux News:
Yup, these are the people the Klynical represents: the idiots, the ignorant, the uniformed, the racists, the partisan hacks who care more about bringing down Obama than trying to fix our country after the Bush mess.
Where is the republican health care plan?
The only proposals they have trotted out have been laughable – they did not cut costs or cover everyone. Pure stupidity, pure arrogance and pure naysaying…they don’t want health care to be fixed – they like it as it is with runaway costs, more expensive than any other country by about 2X and on par with Slovenia for total health.
The extreme-left-leaning ny times let this little fact slip past the censors…
Though Americans have again made a clean sweep of the Nobel medicine prize
AGAIN made a clean sweep of the nobel medicine prizes?
How does a country that has such dismal healthcare win so many nobel prizes.
How bad is our healthcare?
The left keeps telling us that 45,000 americans die because they don’t have health insurance.
Yet, 2.3 million people die each year. Subtract the 45,000 uninsured and it’s obvious many many more people die with health insurance.
Why would someone want health insurance since it increases the chance of your death.
If you got your news from something other than the liberal media you would know about it.
For some reason, the liberal media doesn’t want to report on right-wing plans.
@7: And where is it? Put the details up here for discussion….Put your money where your mouth is….and defend the plan that doesn’t exist. Explain how it will control costs and ocver everyone and costs how much….go for it…instead of whining.
We are waiting …..maroon.
More bad news for fox haters.
The ratings came out for September and Red Eye is up over 30% in total viewers and up 50% in the key demo (25-54) since July. They have more overall viewers than every CNBC show, every MSNBC show that is on before Hardball, most of HLN, and American Morning on CNN.
This is the best line from the same link…
Red Eye averaged 432,000 total viewers and 202,000 in the demo. Let’s deal with the demo first – CNN’s 8pmET show, hosted by Campbell Brown, averaged 191,000 in the demo. Let’s just let that one sink in – Fox News had more people in the all important A25-54 demographic watching their channel at three in the morning (east coast time) than CNN had for the show that leads off their prime time.
CNN prime time can’t compete with a fox 3am show. What a joke the liberal media is becoming.
How much longer until the obama gives cnn and the other liberal media a bailout to keep them propagandizing for the democrats?
@6: Actually NO, the US did have a clean sweep of the nobel prizes:
There was a Brit, and Australian for Medicine.
Of course, the nobel is often awarded for past performance and seminal work in an area. It has nothing to do with current state of health care – it concerns research. That would be government funded basic science research that republicans like to cut.
But I would not expect an idiot like Stamn to be able to differentiate the difference between health care and basic science research.
Are you that computer illiterate you can’t find it for yourself or is this just another example of the leftist thinking of having someone else do for you?
@9: More bad news for the ignorant Faux News watchers…..Stamn misses the point again….your station is not a news station. It is not based on facts, but on opinions. It regularly makes inexcusable errors and is biased.
Unfair and unbalanced (see Glenn Beck).
6 – Your private school education must taught you a lot about the comfort of the inside of a paper bag.
Seeing as you can’t argue your way out of one.
Hey, you claim there is a coherent plan…you put up the details and defend it…until then…you got nothin’ as usual.
@6: the Stamn moron show:
Wow, this is really incredibly stupid:
How do I understand the mind of someone so stupid as to write this crap?
Here are a couple of hints for not conflating data and being able to think rationally.
The 45,000 excess death number is from a peer reviewed paper about how that many excess deaths occurred becuase people lacked insurance.
The annual deaths….from everyone (insured and uninsured) can be due to accidents and fatal diseases…they are not preventable deaths to lack of health insurance.
Wow, what a callous fool you are Stamn…you don’t care that people are dying unnecessarily due to lack of health insurance (from just being laid off, for instance).
And you claim to be religious. Right.
Excellent leftist thought process.
The article says it was a clean sweep and you said “NO, the US did have a clean sweep.”
15 – Does that number include deaths from underinsurance?
Ooops should have read further.
That’s the difference you haven’t yet figured out. Shows like oreilly, hannity, beck all call themselves opinion shows. Unlike the liberal media that still likes to pretend they aren’t biased.
Dan rather is still trying to claim he didn’t use fake a document right before an election to help kerry win. Is he a news reporter or someone with an agenda that was proven by some little right-wing blogger.
Hey Marvin,
When Puddy saw fact checking of SNL on CNN Puddy busted a gut. Sometimes the best comedy is found on the Clinton News Network.
Knowing how you live on leftist pinhead sites Puddy is sure you didn’t get this email… Butt Puddy will keep you educated on many black issues…
See ya!
The “rightist plan” for health care is always:
1) tort reform – shown utterly ineffective at lowering health insurance premiums while increasing the impoverishment, pain and suffering of victims of medical malpractice.
2) selling insurance “across state lines” – enables insurers to buy a state legislature with weak consumer protection laws to evade responsibility for their shoddy products. Pushes older, more vulnerable beneficiaries off of coverage more ruthlessly than before while underinsuring younger, healthier people.
3) Health savings accounts – another tax shelter for the rich
4) high deductible catastrophic or major medical insurance – another scam that won’t be there when you most need it.
Have I missed anything?
ylb arschloch@21,
Being the unemployed skirt wearer and lacy underwear owner in your home, did you see Conde Nast is gonna end Gourmet Magazine? Great recipes for you to surprise the working pants wearer when she comes home eh? Oops… that magazine is too pricy for you right? Is it owned by Rupert Murdoch?
What a libtardo!!! :-O
This bad:
Thanks for the warning.
@16: Idiot Stamn – Yeah, I had a typo
It was not a clean sweep – read the articles – I know reading is hard for you.
The main point – that you missed again – was how idiotic it is to conflate the delivery of health care and winning a Nobel Prize in Medicine.
wow – you just can’t reason very well..can you?
Lots of invective…but very little intelligence.
On the libtardo MSM sites they forgot to mention the doctors in the background was staged.
Headline “White Coats in the Rose Garden, as Obama Rallies Doctors on Health Overhaul”
Headline “Obama Rallies Doctors”
Headline “White House gets doctor house call”
Headline Docs Join Obama in Health Care Pitch
Butt, did Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm offer something new? Doesn’t look like it!
Hey correctnotright… where are all those links again in #5 ?
@18: The O’Reilly ,Beck and other
Faux News “columnists” may call themselves “opinion” ….but you might think that they have some obligation to also be factual….well, maybe not.
so you are admitting that Beck et al. are based on non-facts and made-up crap?
Still waiting on the republican health care plan as presented by Stamn…..
(sound of crickets chirping)
It can’t be that hard for you to find the plan that the “liberal” media is not reporting on, Stamn.
come on, you can use the “google” and the “internet”.
Let’s see the wonderful plan that will fix health care forever….still waiting…..
Lets see correctnotright on facts.
ACORN – SMACK SMACK SMACK – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Oops Puddy forgot…
ACORN & SEIU together in the same building (a ylb arschloch favorite) – SMACK SMACK SMACK – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Van Jones – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Jessica’s Law – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Sludge Judges who give lenient sentences to child molesters – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Valerie Jarrett and her slum lord land holdings jockeying for the Chicago Olympics – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Cass Sunstein and his call for court lawyers for animals – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
John Holdren and his Population Control commentary – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm and his whackamole Czars – SMACK SMACK SMACK by – O’Reilly, Beck and other Fox News “columnists”
Need to see more correctnotright? Nuts drawing tight again?
Hmmm. Murdoch and Wellpoint (or Exxon or United Healthcare, etc.) could be in the same building.
What does that prove? Moron.
Of which Dumbya had 31. Proving?
Reading is hard when the people that believe they are smarter can’t type, oops, it wasn’t a typo, you left the word out.
Ummm, How about all the “incorrect” facts in the article?
You did not address a single one of them?
changing the topic again?
The main point, that Puddy misses (once again), is that Faux News is not a reliable news source.
You have not refuted that. Instead you list a bunch of meaningless crap.
Puddy: A legend in his own mind. Thanks for playing Puddy – don’t let the facts get in the way of your boundless ego.
Puddy agrees with you on correctnotright. Giving too much time to idiots is tedious. Butt in the case of ylb arschloch, correctnotright, rujax, and other fools here we who think right have a job to do and Black and Decker does not provide the drills for tapping into granite encased skulls like these leftist have.
correctnotright… Puddy has place this on this blog many times. Puddy uses HuffPo because your leetle brother ylb arschloch loves to scream right-wing bullshit on anything else. Puddy realizes you have your deep seated mantras correctnotright just like roger Rabbit on NK nuclear weapons. Puddy also realizes in a week you’ll ask the same question again. Puddy realizes paying attention to facts explodes the insides your head but the granite casement stays intact.
Stop being a democrat and expecting others to do for you.
@6 Funny that Stamm should mention the US winners of the Nobel Prize for medicine, but not that one of them was fired by George W. Bush
This is why right wingers luuuuuuurve Faux News:
This reinforces the right wing bullshit training.
I realize that reading is tough for you Stamn, but so are reasoning, logic and thinking.
However, I can recommend some good government programs to help you with your disability.
And as far as intelligence – all I know is that you fail to demonstrate intelligence. For all I know you could be brilliant…you just have not shown it here with your third grade level posts and lack of ability to analyze or think.
Is your aticle “fair and balanced?”
Does it give beck credit for outing the communist green czar?
Did it give him credit for his part in exposing acorn as a haven for pimps and underage girls?
I wonder why your article didn’t list those things. Doesn’t it bother you that the articles you don’t link to only report on the half of the story you want to hear?
Geov that kind of thing (a fact) is totally lost on a private school graduate like Stamn.
Graduate of Sean’s Inanity Academy.
It’s all about the government helping.
Why don’t you step up to the plate and help me, prove that not all liberals are hypocrites when it comes to helping others.
@34 For those who don’t follow links, she was fired from the President’s Council on Bioethics in 2004 for refusing to bend science to fit the Bush ideology on stem cell research.
Oh, and she’s an immigrant. Love it.
ylb arschloch@29,
Remember when you asininely commented on Puddy saying ACORN and SEIU were in the same building and how you joked for me to prove it? Then upon proof you went nutz?
Well you are still nutz!!!!!! :-O
Typical democrat.
Once the dixiecrat label was tarnished, switch to a new name.
Once the liberal label is tarnished, now switch to progressives.
Once ylb was tarnished by your support of acorn helping pimp underage girls into sexual slavery you change your name.
You’re still the same morally bankrupt leech on your wife you were before you changed your name.
I can’t believe Hannah the Whore and James the spiffy pimp didn’t “investigate” the Acorn/SEIU conspiracy in NOLA.
Stupes loves to put them inside the same building. Maybe James and Hannah can get the inside scoop for the Sean Inanity show.
Can hardly wait.
Ahhh Pavlov’s Doggie posted @35 right on cue.
What a librard! :-O
facts/truth to democrats is like kryptonite to superman.
Of course when you provided the proof to the guy that lives off his wife he had to go nutz. If not, his head would explode. And that would once again be something that his wife would have to clean up after him.
42 – C’mon.. Hannah was alluring enough but James..
You must have busted right through the front door to the nearest haberdasher to get a set of duds just like that.
Such a fitting tribute to being right wing.
Moron@43: What does
have to do with anything? You were dead wrong about your wife’s union in cahoots with ACORN.
We didn’t win a prize for healthcare, we won it for medical research. Those are two completely different things.
41 – What did it prove?
I’ll tell you – you’re an idiot.
Are you saying that for a fact they did not share the same building?
Don’t be like the obama and vote present, take off the french maid outfit your wife insist you wear and act like a man. Take a position.
Did they share the same building:
[ ] yes
[ ] no
Using WSJ blogs per ylb arschloch is right-wing bullshit because WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Ohhh… you ignore the arschloch too…
Well there’s another nail in the “ylb arschloch is useless” coffin!
and according to Stephen Hayward, you’re a “conservative braindead”.
Oh ylb arschloch@50&53
Such a powerful retort. SMACK SMACK SMACK :-O
Are you still supporting acorn help pimp underage girls into sexual slavery?
Does you wife know about this?
I bet she would kick your ass out on the street if she knew.
Are you man enough to tell her. I doubt it.
I’m saying that’s as stupid as drawing a line between Murdoch/Scaife and anyone they share a building with.
You gotta do a little bit more than draw a dotted line.
Ever seen me do that?
Nope – only on the right.
A “conservative braindead” knows more about your wife and her union “friends” than you do.
Would that make you “liberal brainless?”
Have you bought a pimp cane, shades and a grandma’s chinchilla coat?
Nope calling the WSJ opinion page “MSM” as you’ve done is flat-line stupid
So you voted present.
I knew you wouldn’t say yes or no. You only say yes yes yes when it comes to acorn helping pimp underage girls into sexual slavery.
Do you see any difference between a building with 30-40 floors that many many different companies and a small building that only houses acorn and their union thugs?
Go ahead and vote present again if you can’t admit the truth.
Gotta love it when it’s correctly called… another site NOT visited by ROTCODDAM but Puddy will help her with her myopic view…
“When black O.J. Simpson was accused of killing his wife, white Hollywood shunned him. When white Roman Polanski was found guilty of drugging, raping, and sodomizing a little girl, white Hollywood circled the wagons.”
“For years now I contend that white liberals consider black people their pets, and Janeane Garofalo is no different. But using race as the basis for her argument, especially being a “comedian” who based on her body of work would stay unemployed if she were black, is clearly being done for her own sense of relevance.”
Damn Greenies trying to ruin the business environment…
Fuck you.
I am not going to get together with your underage daughter.
Ask one of your liberal friends. Maybe they will give her alcohol and drugs like polanski did to an underage girl.
And did you notice all the support from the left for polanski? Even whoopi said on national teev that it wasn’t rape-rape. And she supports obama, go figure.
Uhhhh.. No….
But keep making shit up. You excel at it.
Another ylb arschloch “classic”:
Then you better go back and perform more research on the Rathke brothers.
Wait a minute… you have all the PuddyMissives on this in your tctmgr database. You can educate yourself right in your own home fool. Looks up the intimate connections Puddy gave you in those links in your database and then you can “look educated” on this blog.
Ohhh… this wasn’t an order just a “suggestion”. VOTE Present ylb arschloch!
It would seem to me that using a right leaning source to prove a point supported by the left would be a good idea.
63 – One of your right wing peeps here said the girl was sexually active at 12.
Ever play trumpet on a score to one of Polanski’s films?
Hey what’s the matter? I thought James is a role-model for right wing activism.
Ever hear of “I wanna be like Mike”? (Jordan)
Don’t you want to be like James?
Here is another site Puddy knows the leftist whackamole pinheads here haven’t visited…
“Network of principled mothers, grandmothers, daughters, & guardians of our nation’s children dedicated to the 9 Principles & 12 Values.”
Ohhhhhh their just another racist hate Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm group – per rujax’ definition.
Yep and the right does exactly the same thing. It’s frightening that our political folks think that that this sort of thing is somehow important.
And that makes her fair game for a rape by a man 30 years older than her? I feel sorry for your kids. If I could, I would have them taken from you and placed with a loving father that doesn’t support child rape.
Never got called to play or work in any way on a polanski film.
And crusader probably read it on Salon, that “left-wing site” used above by Geov!
Or maybe it was the WAPo?
Anyway once again the tctmgr fails arschloch.
I’m sure he blows a lot of things. I am equally sure that a trumpet (or any brass instrument) is not one of them. His embrasure is way too loose, if you get my drift…
Darryl, Puddy’s post on the @63 comment of arschloch is held up.
Until then ylb arschloch it was on Salon and WAPo for crusader to read.
Back to work. The arschloch is losing it again.
James does not support forcing young girls into prostitution and child rape like you do.
If you weren’t such a sick fuck you could learn something from him.
When are you going to put your daughter on the street to turn tricks for you? After all, she’s just another female that could earn money to support you.
Hey, your right wing peep called it a “NON-CRIME”.
When have I done that? Waiting for the link….
If you’re going condemn me for anything condemn me for avoiding your leading and baiting right wing bullshit questions.
Look, the little racist is back.
I blow a lot of things, wow, what a 3rd grade gay insult that was. Only someone that thinks being gay is an insult would try an insult like that. If you get my drift…
What’s an embrasure? Oh yeah, you’re an ignorant little hater, the word you tried to spell is embouchure. Since you’re on a computer, can’t you even figure out how to use spellcheck or is that too hard for you.
Say, aren’t you supposed to be leaving the country? Why aren’t you gone yet?
LOL! I remember Stupes asking me the same question!
Ok you wanna be like James and you wanna be like Stupes as well.
Thanks for playing Marv!
Let’s see… some guy hiding behind a fake name says it’s a non-crime, while many left-wingers publicly supported polanksi raping a young girl.
You sure do hang out with some classy people yipeelilboy.
Maybe it’s time for a few moments of self-reflection to figure out what is it about your words that prompt others to ask that question.
Wow a quick check on a backup and this brazen lie appeared.
Wrongo fool. Puddy didn’t say that. Good try fool. Butt when Puddy asked what would you do if your daughter got preggo and would you force her into an abortion being conservative at home and a flaming libtardo here you went nutzo.
73 – LMAO!!! You calling crusader a righty falling for lefty arguments?
I remember crusader circle jerking you against all the “jew-haters” here.
LOL! Yeah like manofcrap.
Just another braindead right winger – they all stick together like flies on poop.
What, yipeelilboy lied?
I’m shocked. Well, not really. I know that yipeelilboy has a problem with the truth.
The words of the moron in chief himself:
Only one mention of abortion in that thread on a totally unrelated topic.
This shithead be OWNED!
And that doesn’t include you? Are you saying you have no credibility?
If you’re saying that then I heartily agree.
@62 Looks like poor misunderstood puddy is trying to play the race card — that means he’s got nothing else left.
Hmmmm.. I’ll reflect a moment. They ask me if my daughter is turning tricks. They call her a nympho slut. They attack my wife repeatedly for merely being a member of a union. They make all sorts of personal attacks.
I guess it’s because I just see too clearly through their right wing bullshit.
I guess I should look at their right wing bullshit just a little more opaquely or maybe just don the rose-colored glasses.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! That self-reflection shit is for right wing idiots.
This looks interesting:
Wingnut nutjobs to rewrite Bible to remove liberal passages. Can’t wait to see what they do to the sermon on the mount and the beatitudes.
A new handle for a new chapter in the volumes of right wing idiocy buried in the comment threads at HA.org
When you start every sentence with “they,” that shows you are not self-reflecting.
What is it about your words that prompt “they” to ask about you pimping your daughter out.
Goldy has never written anything that would lead me to believe he pimps out his daughter. Has Puddy ever asked those questions of goldy?
So, it is something you write that results in the question being asked.
That’s whet you should reflect on.
Or you can go on blaming “they” and them. That’s why liberals have earned the victocrat label.
91 – zzzzzZZZZz.. zzzzZZZ..zz
Whaaa .. Whoa!
Marv, dude. You ought to bottle that and sell it.
It kicks ambien’s ass.
4 MS
What’s even FUNNIER is that the same conservatives who claim that Obama is taking over our government, turning the US into the USSR, and will send those who are not killed by health insurance to internment camps also claim that he does not and can not accomplish anything.
Things that make you say “Those guys are fucking crazy…”
62 Pud
Ah, the unsigned editorial, so beloeved by conservatives.
And this (from your cite)…
I applaud the writer and I applaud you for citing him/her. Please keep telling black Americans that they vote Democratic because they’re sooo stupid. After all, when a strategy is working, it’s working, right?
Coal in Montana: First, the GWB administration determined that CO2, exhaled by every living person on planet earth, is a pollutant.
And now this …
Insanity rules, green Marx wins, and America loses. So do the poorest of the world’s poor who have been kicked to the curb again and again by fat white liberal progressive ecofascists in the United States.
Fat greens proposterously patted themselves on the back for bringing down DDT. (Un)intended consequence? Millions of dead black and brown children.
Then fat greens shut down Borlaug’s war on starvation. (Un)intended consequence? Millions in Africa have starved to death.
Now fat greens want to shut down economic growth by killing coal and oil. Saw a preview of the (un)intended consequences: At an upcountry clinic in Obama’s own Kenya, greens insist that only solar panels are permitted; two big panels on the roof that let the clinic either use a light or power up a cooler for vaccines, but not both.
Question: Why do America’s red greens, who are mostly white, hate black people?
7 MS
Seriously, you guys have plans? And the crap we hear and see are the execution against those plans?
Wow. Fucking wow.
I am reminded of Groucho Marx’s comment about Harpo’s character in Room Service: “He’s the brains of the organization – which gives you some idea of the organization.”
Puddy back and there goes ylb arschloch again…
Marvin said…
Puddy said
Now where is the comparison ylb arschloch? Did Puddy say you were gonna put your daughter out on the street? NOPE YOU DOPE!
EPIC FAIL of that tctmgr database. Chronologically wrong again.
You are doing so well being the HA arschloch. It’s the one position… having it up in the air… you occupy so well.
cnn fact-checking saturday night live only when the poke fun at the obama is beyond funny.
It’s almost like they believe the people that watch SNL are too stupid to understand what a joke is.
Strange they didn’t have any problem with the joke that palin could see russia from her porch.
A zogby poll that found-
And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!
So it looks like the people that watch SNL are really stupid. I guess that’s why the show tilts left instead of right.
Hey Puddy–
Obama is back down to 30% Strong Approval vs. 37% Strong Disapproval.
Folks are still a might slow in connecting the dots on this guy despite his long list of failures.
I guess a big number still seek “the messiah”.
Too bad for them.
Bravo! Keep telling black people that they’re stupid for voting against your boys. That’s the way to win hearts and minds, you know.
And it’s so much easier than, you know, doing anything for them. But heck, they’re too stupid to realize that you’re not doing anything for them so it doesn’t even matter, right?
97 – To quote your dinner pal, Mr. Klynical:
98 MS
Well, what I would say is that people who watch SNL to get their news have some problems.
Same with people who watch Fox for that purpose.
ACORN’s CEO in denial again!!
Bertha blames 2 disgruntled ACORN BOARD MEMBERS (her bosses) for allegations of a $5 MILLION embezzelment!!
ACORN is collapsing under it’s own corruption!
Maybe you should start watching/listening to right-wing news so you can hear the other side.
It’s obvious the sources you watch/listen to aren’t giving you both sides of the debate.
One only has to look at the media you watch how they threw cindy sheehan under the bus once bush was out of office to see liberal bias.
Say, how many troops have died the last week. For some reason olbermann isn’t reporting it anymore and it’s no longer the lead story on the nightly news. And what about all those anti-war protests, why isn’t the media you watch covering those protests anymore.
Daddy Love@94,
1) The liberal media has always ran to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, John Lewis, Spike Lee, Kanye West and other “leaders” who claim to look out for our interests. Yet if you look at these millionaire leaders what do they do when black-on-black crime happens ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
2) These same leaders line their pockets with the same money from the same corporations they attack publicly. Puddy has placed many stories about them here. Only Al Sharpton is mostly middle class cuz of bad investments and using his own money for a presidential run.
3) As more of my people become educated and leave the ghettos of America they begin to see the Democratic party as one which promised the moon and delivers dirt.
4) If my people took time to inventory their situation and evaluate how Planned Parenthood is killing my people; almost 35% of American abortions come from the black community while we’re less than 15%. Wonder why Hispanics passed blacks? Not from illegal immigration but they keep their children as being precious in God’s sight.
Also with all the other “black” commenters here, why haven’t anyone else spoke up about #4? Only PacMan and Puddy have ever said anything about black donkoinfanticide. It sickens me to see these libtardo blacks like ROTCODDAM nod their heads like the stupid dolls in the back of cars with the light-up eyes and not care about her peeps.
Yet another in the long list of Obama LIES!!
Holder said Obama deadline of 1/10 for closing GITMO unlikely!!
You KLOWNS scream about GITMO…but now have amnesia….again.
Wait until the 2010 elections come and the entire Obama list of LIES is used to pummel Democrat candidates….then in 2012 to pummel O-blah-blah.
Perhaps Obama ought to make his pal David Letterman his MORAL’s CZAR??
What have the democrats done for blacks.
I say nothing.
Puddy AND steve both say nothing.
What have the democrats done for blacks?
Lying sack-o-shit@101.
You, ylb arschloch, claimed Puddy said something Puddy didn’t and your tctmgr database of PuddyMissives proven wrong again.
Now HA has five specific instances of your EPIC FAILURE using original PuddyMissives incorrectly.
Sucks to be you moron! If this was your output in the digital arena, no wonder you wear the lace panties and your wife wears the tighty whiteys.
It’s brought here daily to the comment threads.
And it’s debunked here daily.
Propaganda is a kind word for it. Horseshit is more accurate.
It’s time to use Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Puddy @ 105–
These ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES love the thought of all the dead Black babies.
Next will be their “cleansing” of old Black folks with Health Care DEFORM!
He is an egomaniac, articluate but never challenged on the intelligence side.
I’d love to see Puddy and PacMan have 30 minutes to Q&A Obama on the real world and real consequences of his actions to the Black community.
Of course on HA, there are 2 Black Patriots willing to question Obama…and ZERO on the Atheist Progressive Bandwagon.
Of course steve desperately wants to be Black…but it don’t count steve!
Bill Clinton tried it…didn’t work.
Most Black folks are strong Christians. That’s what Obama professed to be. His actions will soon be judged.
Hey 109,
Thanks for sock puppeting me. It’s the greatest form of flattery.
Don’t worry you won’t see Puddy putting up the “Name” of ylb arschloch to sock puppet you. Puddy doesn’t sink to the dumb brick level.
Just imagine if it was the republicans that were in favor of baby killing and the democrats were pro-life.
The left would be yelling RACIST RACIST for the fact that black babies are being slaughtered at a percentage rate so much higher than their population.
He’s always been a secret member of your fan club.
If you did, who would read what you write. People would assume it’s ylb and they would simply scroll past your words of wisdom.
Obama’s indecisiveness in Afghanistan is creating chaos not only in Afghanistan…but in Washington DC among advisors and DEMOKLOWNS!
It’s really a shame we have such an inexperienced, indecisive President at this time in our history.
The blood of those dead soldiers is on OBAMA’s hands.
The Taliban is really pumped up by Obama’s weakness.
It’s a real mess and a real shame…all on Obama’s watch.
The buck stops with OBAMA on this Afghanistan debacle…
OBAMA blinked…and American heroes died.
108 – Let’s look at it one more time:
Profound differences there Stupes! What penetrating analytical insight!
Hey Sue! Your hero with the big S on his chest is a credit to his ideological tribe. Even a “progressive” like you can see that!
104 MS
Oh, Marv I do.
And what I hear and see are a bunch of rabid mouth-breathers hating on Obama. Executing against the plan, you say? Brilliant!
But the bottom line really is, your insane, divorced-from-reality “plans” don’t mean shit, because you’re not in the driver’s seat. We are, and them means you’re going to get federal regulation of health insurance that will do away with pre-existing condition restrictions and recission and you’re also going to get a deferal insurance exzchange with a robust pulic option, along the lines of “Medicare for all.”
And like Medicare and Social Security, they will be so popular that NO subsequent Republican administration (however long after 2016 America forgets) will dare touch it. And people will be treated for illness and disease, and chronic conditions will be managed. For all of us together.
107 MS
No, Marv, that’s not how it works. You want black votes? Tell blacks what YOUR guys will do for them.
It’s not sock puppeting, more like quoting a classic of right wing idiocy but you’re welcome anyway.
I’ll keep it going until another milestone in right wing idiocy is reached.
It shouldn’t be too long.
106 Cyn
LEt me get this straight. The way Republicans will win in 2010 is to tell Americans that Obama didn’t glose Guantanamo, and that your side proposes to keep it open?
Sure thing, pal. Sounds like a winning strategy.
It’s going to fun watching you guys try to make a case for your unpopular, delegitimized, powerless and failed party.
120. Daddy Love spews:
106 Cyn
FYI. I said that is one of MANY Obama lies. Obviously it’s not the only OBAMA LIE. Far from it. Obama will have to explain Porkulous, Unemployment, Massive Deficit Spending and National Debt, Afghanistan stumbling & bumbling, Cabinets & Czar appointees, Health Care debacle.
Obama got a total free ride in 2008…no real record to run against and MSM in the tank.
Now he does.
Get Obama’s record out..and let Americans decide.
Obama blew thru his Political Capital at a record klip…from +32 Strong Approval over Strong Disapproval to -7 (and it was as low as -12!!)
You KLOWNS keep reading the Daily Kos polls.
They poll anything that stinks and walks on 2 legs. Rasmussen polls LIKELY VOTERS.
LIKELY VOTERS change electeds dontchaknow.
The Republican health insurance “plan?”
I hope you guys aren’t talking about Piyush Jindal’s “10 point plan.”
1 of his points won’t fly in Congress (“trot reform” or stripping patients of their right to sue bad doctors.
The other 9 are ALL in the Democratic bills.
The Party of NO is certainly not the party of ideas. Nothing new, and nothing original.
What made Klynical switch from Rasmussen to Afghanistan?
The memos the RNC put out must be interesting to say the least.
Of course you don’t, otherwise you would know about the republican alternatives.
Just a few months ago the same could be said about democrats. Go figure.
That explains why you don’t know about republican alternatives.
The liberal media feels the same way you do, that despite the popularity of obama, congress, support for free government healthcare, cap & trade all dropping like lead weights, now is the time to take advantage of a crisis. The crisis is that obama is losing his mojo, as evidenced by the speeches of his and his wife at the olympic selection panel. Check out the speeches and see how many times the two of them use the words I and me. Or maybe those europeans aren’t educated in a democrat unionized school system so they actually know something…. so when first lady made her speech and said Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection they realized either she was a liar or there is something wrong with relationship between michelle and her dad. In case you don’t get it, to watch carl lewis in the olympics michelles was 20 years old. How many 20 year old women sit on daddys lap to watch teev.
And to think it only cost over a million $$ for the trip.
To the people that are getting more than they paid into. Of course, that’s human nature. Who doesn’t want something for free.
I couldn’t come up with anything democrats have done for blacks either.
At least we have a common ground on this issue.
Hey Klyn,
You’re so fond of quoting Faux News. What’s with Shep Smith?
@38: Once again, Stamn puts forth the republican health care plan…but cannot come up with it.
All your whining can’t refute the facts.
Where is the republican plan? You brought it up…you produce it. And then we’ll dissect it.
Poor little Puddy – reduced to your usual name calling. Again, when you can’t refute the facts, you resort to name calling.
Leonard Pitts called out Faux News and you have not refuted a single one of his Faux News false facts.
Here is the idiot Stamn’s counter argument that Faux News puts out lies:
As if that is even an argument!
so What?
Faux News has NO credibility – they lie and they lie repeatedly. Beck, O’Reilly and Hannity lie repeatly. Period.
The Stupidity of the trolls on here astounds me. All you do is make the case for ignorant republicans.
Still waiting on the republican health care plan from Stamn…..he has not figured out yet that he has to actually produce facts in order to win an argument…why would I go get your facts for you Stamn? It is your argument…you produce facts to support why the “republican” plan will work. First, you need to find the republican plan. Hahahaha. Idiot!
Wow, you are stupid.
128 – All of that is indicative of a shrinking economy. The silver lining is that recessions often introduce more efficiency practices into economies which are then eaten up by growing populations and economic growth.
My solution is nuclear power – lots of it but not the kind you may think.
This will drop the costs of clean energy a lot. But we gotta get started now if we’re to have it in 5 to 10 years.
Hey correctnotright,
Puddy provided the Republican Health Care Plan for Marvin. Did you miss it again for the eighth time?
Why are you soooooo stupid? Go to the white house to get you “white jacket”.
Hey HA Libtardos,
A video just for you… ENJOY!
Here are the facts and the supposed name calling correctnotright is again screaming into his “pillow”.
So where is the name calling again correctnotright?
Are you complaining of Puddy calling ylb an arschloch? Well it’s the truth?
Are you complaining of Puddy asking if your Nuts are drawing tight again? That’s name calling correctnotright?
Hmmm…? Strange one is correctnotright. – Yoda!
Still waiting for correctnotright to provide those links for comment #5. Don’t hold your breath though. correctnotright is egghead-dish on those links.
Comparing debt to time just for this year…
One million seconds will pass in the next 12 days.
One billion seconds will take 32 years.
One trillion seconds will pass in 31,688 years.
Thank you Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
@131 “Republican Health Care Plan”
Plan? You mean the plan to demonize progressives, lawyers, immigrants and poor people, all while toting pitchforks and torches while crying out for a revolution? That plan?
@ 133…
What an infant.
136 – Yep..
Such junior humor.
138 – It’s not humor.
It’s just plain fact.
Is gm doomed?
Analysts assert that the smallest member of the big three no longer has enough market share to cover its cost base. Furthermore, Ford — the only non-nationalized auto company — is picking up market share at the expense of both Chrysler and GM.
Taxpayers are likely to lose most of the $81 billion that Congress and the administration sunk into the two companies, according to the Congressional Oversight Panel. Chrysler is expected to lose all $14.3 billion of the taxpayers’ money.
Strange that the only non-nationalized auto company (ford) is doing well at the expense of gm & chrysler.
So what the obama gambled and lost the taxpayers $81 billion dollars. It’s not as if the liberal media will care or anything. Just raise taxes on the evil rich and spend more money.
All those right-wingers kept insisting that acorn people embezzled $1 million dollars. Clueless jerks.
It’s really $5 million dollars.
Louisiana’s attorney general has broadened the scope of an investigation of ACORN to include a possible embezzlement of $5 million a decade ago within the community organization, five times more than previously reported.
And for yipeelilboy, there is the picture of the building that houses, er, housed both acorn and the union thugs.
And like the obama said, ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself. So he wants to be judged by people that help pimps and those that embezzle. And lets not forget rev wright, all those tax cheats, etc.
Who benefited the most from the taxation policies pursued since 1981?
Certainly not the poor and middle class of this country.
If the country needs money to service its debt, maintain military readiness and keep people from living on the streets, the country should go where the money is.
And the money is not with the poor and middle income folks.
Wow the libtardos sure ignored this from Russ Feingold.
The well-connected to Dumbya’s excellent adventure in Iraq made off with a lot more than that.
Lots, lots, lots, lots more.
You never talk about them do you?
Marvin, That’s the picture Puddy posted to shutup ylb arschloch for a minute.
Change and hope.
Change for a dollar?
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
I don’t remember the world dumping the dollar when bush was president.
Oh yeah, the country voted for change.
Hey Chris Stefan.
Ever installed Oracle 10.2.x.x.x on Red Hat Enterprise 5? It is one pain in the ASS. Who wants to read 230K or errata? Writing an edict now. Gonna migrate everything to 11.2G
So much easier.
143 – Right wing idiots missed this one:
# of czars for Barack Obama: 32
# of czars for Dumbya: 31
Wow! Barack has a whole one on Dumbya!
Why do you care ylb arschloch? You don’t pay taxes. You live here!!!!!
So that means ignore this?
So every left-wingnut organization gets a free pass from you?
Polanksi is breathing easier knowing he has your support.
Hey Cynical and Marvin,
Puddy did a search on ylb arschloch and this email address surfaced…
Did you read the article where Teachers are calling for FEWER school days??
I’ll get you the link…it’s hysterical.
So the messiah calls for MORE school days..
And teachers call for LESS.
Who’s on first???????
That’s why I mentioned it.
I was hoping if the facts smacked him against the side of his head enough he might learn something.
Matter of fact I have.
But every time I mention urs corp and perini corp you cover your ears and mumble to yourself so you won’t have to face facts.
Are you secure enough with yourself to admit that democrats have profited off the war?
You never talk about them do you.
Of course you don’t.
Why do you think the gasoline price went over 4 dollars a gallon in Summer of 2008?
Was it demand? Hardly.
The dollar chart tells the whole story. I’m not too confident you can interpret it:
Once again Puddy has to say it slowly for ylb arschloch…
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
left-wing whackamoles
who are not
part of the
normal mainstream
thought of normal
United States
of America people.
Now Russ Feingold
is concerned that
some of these
whackamoles are
gonna have issues
with normal
What a tard ylb arschloch is.
I have to call bullshit on this.
I emailed him and got a 298 error message back:
“The recipient you emailed is not allowed to play on the internet until he gets his household chores done.”
Oops, maybe it wasn’t bullshit.
And not mention Parsons, Bechtel, Flour, Xe, Custer Battles, KBR, blah, blah….
Instead it’s all ACORN all the time.
Well, the prices spiked right after the democrats took control of congress.
Looking at the picture, the curvy line was going up & down & up until 2009 when it dropped. Hey, didn’t the obama take over in 2009.
Strange… gas prices go u when democrats take control of congress and dollar drops when obama takes office.
I’m sure it’s all just a coincidence.
I don’t think much of him myself. I can’t recall one memorable movie he made after Chinatown.
How much have I commented about Polanski? Zero.
But your right wing buddy Crusader called his actions a “NON-CRIME”.
That’s just all right with you I understand.
And still you have nothing bad to say about feinstein profiting off the war she voted for while she was ranking leadership on the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee.
Exactly my point. Thanks for making it.
Look how many times you post the republican offenders link and with a leftie like polanksi you remain silent. Silent about child rape just like you being silent about feinstein.
But like you said, you haven’t said anything about polanksi so it must be YOU that’s fine with polanski raping a young girl. How old is your daughter?
My right wing buddy crusader? That was a lame attempt even for you. Try again.
Not really. They declined to 2.11 per gallon at Feb 2007, climbed steadily to 4.12 at 7/10/2008 and then nosedived to 1.61 just before Obama’s inauguration.
That nosedive was on a Dem majority watch. Not that the Dems had anything to do with it. But that’s the kind of association you like to make.
And now the UN wants to dump the dollar.
The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the “privilege” of building a huge trade deficit.
Maybe the obama can run to the UN and give a speech about himself and fix the problem with him reading those sweet words about hope and change off his teleprompter.
Thanks for making my point. The chart shows the value of the dollar declining steadily since Dumbya stole the White House.
It’s clear to anyone with an ounce of brains.
It spiked upwards only when there were world wide panics and holders of others currencies were looking for a “safe haven”.
People have little confidence in the dollar because right wing policies have allowed our economy to wither.
Your right wing buddy Crusader who spouts more or less the same right wing bullshit you do with a dash of homophobia.
How was that?
Probably the people that actually pay taxes.
Do you know the breakdown of federal income taxes? The poor and middle class don’t pay their fair share.
Why is it the government’s responsibility to keep people from living in the streets? Should the federal government treat the homeless like the good liberals in san francisco?
The money is with those that have earned it. Why should poor people get money just because they are poor?
Do you honestly believe giving people money and stuff helps them?
Even the liberal ny times knows that bush got more votes.
Even under the strategy that Mr. Gore pursued at the beginning of the Florida standoff ? filing suit to force hand recounts in four predominantly Democratic counties Mr. Bush would have kept his lead, according to the ballot review conducted for a consortium of news organizations.
The ny times knows the truth. I know the truth.
You are insistent about remaining ignorant.
Earlier today CNN’s Wolfie Blitzer covered CSPI . But did you know they lean left-wing whackamole? http://www.cnn.com
Did you all know the trans-fat issue everyone is now screaming over was because the CSPI asked McDonalds and other fast food restaurants to move from saturated fat oils to trans-fat oils in the 1980s? OOoops…
Do you wonder what are the politics of this judge Steve?
Marvin on ylb arschloch
Nothing new here Marvin, but thanks for reiterating the truth.
“you haven’t said anything about polanksi so it must be YOU that’s fine with polanski raping a young girl”
I don’t recall you trolls denouncing Republican pedophiles wearing panda costumes. So I take it that you’re all good with that. Well, we all know that Klynical and Marvin would be good with it. They’re both certified goatfucking freaks, after all. But Puddy being good with Republican panda pedos?? Sigh!! And I had thought so much higher of him. Damn.
167 – Well right wing neglect has produced a poor and middle income class that doesn’t have a thin dime to spare.
Yet the needs to shore up the financial system, maintain military readiness, service public safety, judicial, education needs, keep crumbling infrastructure from crumbling further and provide a modicum of a safety net so the streets of this country don’t resemble those of Mumbai – well the money for that has to come from somewhere.
And if those needs are neglected even further then that doesn’t bode well politically for those who stand in the way, i.e. those of your ilk.
Spout your bankrupt ideology all you want. There’s nothing the least bit radical or extreme in what I’m saying. It’s ridiculous that our politicians are wringing their hands over stuff this basic.
Denounced. Like I’ve said before, give the kids dad 10 minutes of alone time.
Now will yippielilboy say polanksi raping a young girl was wrong?
Say, where did your buddy gbs go? Ever since he said he had the proof I was Puddy and I called him ignorant I haven’t seen him around. I hope the violent guy didn’t off his wife and kids.
And while the right wing was”neglecting” people, what were the democrats doing?
Strange that cities under democrat rule are in worse shape than cities under republican rule. Here in lala land, we have water mains busting every other day. And what have the democrats done to fix it? Want to talk about how the democrats didn’t neglect detroit? I hear they can’t even give property away. Democrat policies at their best.
Why won’t the obama meet with the dalai lama?
President Barack Obama has refused to meet the Dalai Lama in Washington this week in a move to curry favour with the Chinese.
The decision came after China stepped up a campaign urging nations to shun the Tibetan spiritual leader.
It means Mr Obama will become the first president not to welcome the Nobel peace prize winner to the White House since the Dalai Lama began visiting Washington in 1991.
Shun nobel peace prize winners because his chinese masters told him to.
A little more to add to #176-
So he wanted bush to boycott the olympics in the name of human rights and then obama throws the dli lama under the bus.
A proud day for democrats.
176 – Yeah imagine that – American politicians doing things in alignment with Chinese interests.
They hold how much of our debt? To finance what recreational wars in the Middle East? To line what right wing pockets?