On advice of the Seattle Police I will not carry an unloaded gun openly w/o a permit since thr copd think that is illegal (contrary to lots of smart gunnie lawyers here) and because a bunch of folks tell me that I will get shot at if I am not armed and can shoot back. I do not follow the reasoning but …. what do I know? Maybe guns are magical?
So, here is the compromise. I will attend, with camera,
I will bring a statue of Pussy’s favorite messiah and my favorite President. … and ,,
I will bring five free Faux Guns. In the true loving spirit of Faux News. These will be given to the first five Repricans who ask polite, “Mr. SJ, may I have a free gun please?”
Beck talk by SJspews:
R71 at Beck talk
BTW, we also plan to bring some R71 sign up lists to the Beckfest so any good family lovin types can sign up to vote yes on 71.
I will offer a free autographed picture of Mr. Beck in his Stasy uniform to anyone who signs up! of course, in Faux tradition, the signature will be forged amd balanced.
Beck talk by SJspews:
Great conspiracy theories …
fun skit! Made me wonder who really did destroy the Death Star?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
I have been looking for a really good impersonation of Glenn Beck at You Tube
@ 1~ Good to see G. Beck has Ol’ Seattle Jew shuffling ’round in his Western State hospital issued slippers muttering to himself…”Glenn Beck, Glenn Beck”. At least the lad hasn’t resulted to head-butting the padded walls, but it’s too early to tell whether we’re out of the woods yet as the event is approaching.
Care to share the size of the pea shooting posse you’ve assembled for the Beck event, Steve?
Beck talk by SJspews:
7. ESO
You comin or still pissin in the wind?
I hoe the former .. because I do not like to get wet and also because I really enjoy photographing freaks.
Say the magic words and I’ll give you tour own cap gun!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 7 ~ I’ll be there, but won’t be associating with you. I prefer to socialize with sane people, Steve. Beck grew up in the NW, can you say the same? Goldy Can’t. Lee Can’t. Little Dancing Davey Ross can’t. Any number of dumbasses that contribute to this website can’t. Outsiders whining about a local person getting key to the city of Mt. Vernon, WA. Too amusing for words.
Thanks for the offer, though.
Beck talk by SJspews:
Ahhh .. so you WILL be pissin in the wind! Careful who you pee on.
I can not figger out what you are bragging about .. you were born here? so???
you related to Dave Beck? the wobblies? Chief Leschi, Tsonokwa? Bill Gates? Slerpless in Seattle? the Sasquatch? Boib Satiacum?
Back to Troll patrol, never now what might wash up on the beach.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 9~ hmmm linking to a video on whaling. Are you sure you took your medication today, Steve?
Let me understand the progression of this SJ project to counter free speech. First, SJ wanted a posse to show up with unloaded firearm to protest AT the beck event inside Safeco…when confronted with the inconvenient reality that firearms would not be allowed into safeco, SJ changed it to the public area outside of safeco field…and now, getting closer to the event, ol’ SJ is without a posse to join him so has chosen to go to plan “B”, the almighty camera. Wow! I love it when a plan goes awry.
Now, Steve, are you a native of Washington state? and if not, why the fuck do you care if a native of the state YOU MIGRATED TO receives the key to the city of where he grew up? This says more about the liberal tendency to want to control their surrounding than anything about Beck. Groupthink must be established and enforced sayeth the left.
burlap dudespews:
what a brainless thread
“In a rambling, contrite, at times bombastic statement to reporters, Frank apologized for “a number of factors, one of which in particular is my own fault, have contributed to my position on ACORN being unclear.”
So much for “the messiah” united the Country– Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of U.S. voters believe that the current level of political anger in the country is higher than it was when George W. Bush was president.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 22% think the level of political anger is lower now, while 16% rate it as about the same.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ESO says:
@ 1~ Good to see G. Beck has Ol’ Seattle Jew shuffling ’round in his Western State hospital issued slippers muttering to himself…”Glenn Beck, Glenn Beck”. At least the lad hasn’t resulted to head-butting the padded walls, but it’s too early to tell whether we’re out of the woods yet as the event is approaching.
I can picture it.
SJ is more obsessed and envious of Beck than Goldy is of the Blethens.
@15: Gee, and Klynical proves our point once again: The rightwingnut backlash with overtones of stupidity, fear, racism and just plain ignornace has created a climate of polarization in this country.
who woulda thunk it?
Just as the rightwingnuts planned it and their level of vitriol and ignorance has suffused the country in partisanship.
Obama has tried to reach out to the republicans – but clearly, the republicans are more concerned about their petty political goals thanactaully helping the country.
Yelling socialist in a crowded theatre is the extent of their ability toengage in public discussion.
And Klynical – thanks for playing the fool once again. Trying to blame Obama for the rightwingnuts lack of decorum and vitriolic game plan – you really are stoopider than we thought.
Oh yeah, Glenn Beck….a loudmouth ignorant one-trick pony who stirs up people with ridiculous conspiracy theories….so that other gun-toting fools will be incited to do things like this (killing a census worker and writng fed on his chest (the guy was by all acounts a great person, eagle scout and sub. teacher):
Boehner: GOP leaders haven’t met Obama for health talks since April
“The ball is in President Obama’s court to reach out to Republicans if he wants a bipartisan bill on healthcare reform, House GOP Leader John Boehner (Ohio) said Monday morning.
Boehner told reporters that the president has not invited House GOP leaders to the White House for meetings on healthcare reform since the end of April.
Earlier this year, GOP leaders sent a letter to the president in May stating that they would like to work with the administration to find “common ground” on healthcare reform.
But the administration responded with a tersely worded letter indicating that they had healthcare reform under control.”
Puddy realizes the memory capacity of correctnotright is minimal. That’s we we all laugh at his lunacy and moronic attack attempts.
END OF correctnotright BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Puddy posted this before. ylb arschloch has the previous PuddyMissive! Ask him for it correctnotright.
@8: I grew up on the other side of the Skagit River from Beck (in Burlington).
Is it okay if I whine?
I signed the petition to the city council asking them to overrule the mayor.
has the previous PuddyMissive! Ask him for it
Poor Stupes.. He’s obsessed!
Is it true that Mount Vernon is so proud of Glenn Beck, that the ceremony giving him the key to the city is going to be a private invitation-only affair, with only one media credential issued?
Are they going to sneak him in through the back door?
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
Does anyone else see the irony of a town nqamed after Washington’s home honoring Beck?
Washington was the rock of civil responsibility, he rejected partisan politics and the excesses of both the Jefferson and Adams partisans.
I do not see Beck as welcome iin that President’s house.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch,
You have NOTHING to be obsessed about. You bragged about your “project”. Puddy trying to get you a job fool. You spent all that time on that tctmgr project, yet you won’t use it except for silly worthless attacks which have failed Failed FAILED!
The Prosecution Rests!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
private invitation-only affair
You didn’t get your invitation rhp6033? Well it could be you hate GB. That personal deficiency could cause your missing ticket.
Awwwwwwww poor baby. Mrs Puddy asked last night if we are going. Puddy hasn’t decided yet.
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
Is SJ Obsessed with Beck?
Yes. I am also obsessed with the memory of the vast harm that Beckoids have done throughtout the history of democracies. Anyone who can not see Beck as an asoiring member of the crew with Huey Long, Father Coughlin, the Panthers, Goebbels, Stalin, David Duke, George Wallace ….
I actually think Goldy s moderate in his criticism of Blethen. If the times is really an element in our democratic society, then gifting its editorial leadership to an immature family member is a pale reflection of North Korean democracy.
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
@25 Puddy …
Go, please!
I will even give you one of my Free Faux Guns.
BTW, if you do go, I would call first. I think the EFF is offering a discount for people woth darkish skin and tyhey may well wanyt to place you near the Leader to enhance the vidseo.
We could all get together afterward so you can enjoy a last dinner with good friends before you join Beck in his Yom Kippur fast. Remember erev Yom Kippur begins at Sundown on Sunday!
24 – Heh heh heh… It’s in your empty skull Stupes… It’s boring deeper…
What you fear the most…
rest all you want.. You’ve been asleep to that soma drug called right wing bullshit for many, many years….
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yes, SeattleJew.
BTW did you observe teshuvah last weekend?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again ylb arschloch is truly delusional. You who daily admitted to running to Kooks and drinking the kook-aid is the dumb brick of HA fool.
Keep being the dumbest brick of Goldy’s house!
30 – LMAO!!!!
The poor schmuck can’t handle it… Keep bringin’ that same feckless shit different day.
Don’t worry fool I’ll be back..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh no, ylb arschloch is coming back. Are your going to to look for a job now?
Hey Stupes,
A moron who works for Tom Coburn, Mike Schwartz said at the “values voters” confab that porn make you gay.
Sorry wingies – turn off that Murdoch swill lest you go flamin’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Nice imagery there, pal. Problem is, Steve is a research pathologist at the University of Washington who has all the academic credentials required to become a practicing M.D. if he chose to sit for the medical boards. That shows him to be a brighter and better educated person than most of us.
And you? Do you have credentials to be anything more edified than a bacteria-slurping toadstool?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 If you associate with Beckies, you’re anything but sane. That identifies you as a member of the ignorant, UFO-believing, anti-rationality, pro-civil war, teabagging birther redneck set. I wouldn’t brag about that if I were you. If I were a Beckie, which thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I’m not, I sure as hell wouldn’t want my mother to know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Steve, I think you’re getting close with your Son of Sasquatch theory. Empty Suit, whoever he is, clearly was raised in a cave by something non-human.
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
I respect those who do, however.
Is your point hypocrisy? If I may banter with you, do you lay Tefillin or eschew the misuse of the yod heh vov heh? Jesus did both of those. Am I wrong to imagine that you DO pronounce the word forbidden to all who follow the ten commandments?
FWIW, I also eat lobster and have had some great pork ribs. ? Ever have cheese on a burger? How about you?
FWIW, I also do not sacrifice animals, own slaves, or believe there is anything wrong with worshiping Baal, Mithra, or Jesus. Nor do I destroy other’s idols .. I even own statues of Ganesh, Buddha, Mao, Raven, Asherah and Marx. Do you have any pictures or statues of your God that I can destroy for you?
If I can be serious, part of why I value you as a friend is that I think we share that sort of respect.
Soloveitchik, a favorite Rabbi of mine, was also a theoretical physicist. he wrote about how he could use his intellectual skills in the two domanins.
For may part, all forms of human experience should be respected as long as those experiences do not include imposing one’s beliefs on others.
That line can be a hard one for those who think their beliefs .. e.g. pro or anti abortion .. are based in fundamental human rights.
Anyhow .. you can have your choice of orange tipped weaponry … except for the flintlock and a new automatic I really like. They are MINE and I will fight you to the pellet gun simulated death for my rights to bear faux arms!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “counter free speech”
Nope, you’ve got it backwards; standing outside with a sign is exercising free speech and countering free speech is keeping the press out of Beck’s Mount Vernon appearance.
Beck and his handlers, like cockroaches everywhere, can’t stand exposure to the antiseptic light of media coverage they don’t control.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Roger Rabbit,
Just admit it. Deep down you are another of those 9/11 Truthers, mindlessly walking arm-in-arm with Van Jones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Well, part of it anyway, specifically 6, 8, and 11.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Bush didn’t so why are you bitching?
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
Roger on ESO
Perhaps ESO will identify himself at the beckopollsa so I can get a DNA sample? What a discovery if Mr. nESO turns out to be part Yeti!
BTW, I actually have practiced medicine, in the US navy. I also passed all the exams. I chose not to practice because I found thge pain of hurting people, even when helping others, to be overwhelming. I admire my colleagues who can handle that pain. Losing a patient because a therapy can be dangerous is terrible.
OTOH, I am VERY proud of a number of my students who have gone on to be fine physicians.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Yep, we’re angry. You thieving lying Republican incompetents got stomped twice by the voters but still think you’ve got a right to run the country and walk over the majority. That’s understandably pissing off the millions of hardworking Americans who thought they were rid of you leeches when they voted you out of power.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Is your point hypocrisy?
Absolutely not. Knowing how you celebrate the festivals, Puddy just inquiring. Still on that other kick Puddy sees.
This is September 2009. We’re discussing “the messiah’s” fools now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 “I found thge pain of hurting people”
You’re too sensitive to properly deal with Beckies, SJ. Some of them oughta be dissected with an AK-47.*
* Just kidding! Glenn Beck joke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “I can picture it.”
That comes from spending too much time with goats and not enough with people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “Boehner: GOP leaders haven’t met Obama for health talks since April”
Yep, they’re waiting for Hell to freeze over while medical costs bankrupt millions of American families and businesses every year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 They should do more than overrule him. As mayor, he’s supposed to serve all the citizens of Mount Vernon. Instead, he’s misusing his public office, and misappropriating the city’s good name, to promote a rabidly partisan party agenda. Someone should start a recall petition to let the city’s voters decide whether this is the kind of mayor they want.
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
What happens First Monday of October ..
The Nobel in decisne will be awarded. Traditionally SJ receives the news as it is announced in Stockholm and we will pst that at SJ.
@28 I kinda suspect that Puddlehead is a detention alumnus who suffered permanent brain damage from waterboarding. Has anyone checked on when he first showed up at this blog?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Roger Roger Roger,
Have you missed your oxygen treatments again?
Yep, they’re waiting for Hell to freeze over while medical costs bankrupt millions of American families and businesses every year.
Let’s repeat it again…
Earlier this year, GOP leaders sent a letter to the president in May stating that they would like to work with the administration to find “common ground” on healthcare reform.
But the administration responded with a tersely worded letter indicating that they had healthcare reform under control.”
The occupiers of the whitey house aren’t interested in working together dumb bunny!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Neither; and the mere fact you suggest it certifies you as Gitmo-insane. You’re an example of what happens to people subjected to prolonged confinement with nothing to read except used toilet paper.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew… so if post#50 is right then there won’t be a need to cull and destroys all those embryos for stem cells and the stem cell argument from HA Libtardos flies out the window!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Roger Puddy likes watching NewsMax TV.
They don’t serve the kook-aid with their productions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 Not me. I’m discussing your hypocrisy.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Gitmo-insane? Well why not invite one of dem terraists to your hole in the earth?
You can make friends with him. You can break bread with him. Sign up for one since you wanna shut it down. Puddy suggest Khalid Sheik Mohammad.
Go for it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@45 Not me. I’m discussing your hypocrisy.
While covering up your own.
“We like our crooks better than your crooks” – Roger Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 Talk is cheap, pussy. As far as actions go, all I’ve seen from Republicans is fearmongering, gun-waving, disruption, stonewalling, and “no” votes. Sorry pal, but your party is uncompromisingly for maintaining a status quo that enriches drug and insurance execs, and bankrupts everyone else. Fuck you and your party, since you don’t want health care reform, we’re going to reform health care without you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, puddy, the GOP had 28 years to reform health care and didn’t do a damn thing except create a huge welfare program for drug companies. That speaks louder than Boehner’s empty words.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 You’re right, kook-aid isn’t a side dish, it’s their main course.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 I admit we have crooks. I criticize them, and I’m for prosecuting them. Where’s the hypocrisy in that, pussy?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Poor delusional pussy thinks Democrats are the same as Republicans. He can’t see past his mirror.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Really Roger?
By the way, puddy, the GOP had 28 years to reform health care and didn’t do a damn thing except create a huge welfare program for drug companies. That speaks louder than Boehner’s empty words.
From 1954 to 1994 your party controlled the action. From 2001 mid year through 2002 your party controlled the senate. Your party controlled everything since 2006 again. So where does your “28 year accounting” happen?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
I admit we have crooks. I criticize them
Hmmm… Where/When did that “criticizing” happen?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You’re right, kook-aid isn’t a side dish, it’s their main course.
Puddy glad you agree NewsMax don’t serve the kook-aid like HuffPoTV or TPMTV or KosTV.
See we can agree on a thing or two.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Man Roger you are definitely off your meds today…
uncompromisingly for maintaining a status quo that enriches drug and insurance execs
Better Check HuffPo again… Puddy helped the old feral dumb bunny with HuffPo facts. Big Pharma Meeting took place in July at the whitey house dumb bunny. This was ylb arschloch can’t cumplain it’s right-wing bullshit.
“Beck grew up in the NW”
So did Ted Bundy.
This is how the republicans deal with the Obama administration now. And I a sure they plan to expand this approach the longer they’re out of power:
Why did my link disappear???
Seems a certain has-been “action” actor has managed to get his face in front of a camera or two by advocating flag desecration in the name of his brand of “patriotism”. Chuck Norris is telling conservatives to fly American flags that they’ve covered with tea stains.
Would that be something like your bed sheets, Chuck?
Anyone here read him? (I know the conservatives won’t, but the rest of you?)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
17. correctnotright spews:
@15: Gee, and Klynical proves our point once again: The rightwingnut backlash with overtones of stupidity, fear, racism and just plain ignornace has created a climate of polarization in this country.
who woulda thunk it
CNR has gulped an overdose of “the messiah’s Stupid Solution”.
Nothing is ever Obama’s fault.
If you disagree with Obama on anything, you are a racist.
The poll shows America ain’t buyin’ Obama’s BS CNR. Obama and his minions trying to minimize and demonize protestors is what other dictators tried. Obama has shown ZERO leadership and is out of touch with mainstream America. It has nothing to do with race. Race is Obama’s weapon of choice…because his ideas are not good enough to be accepted on their own. Use Guilt…sounds like an Alinsky Rule to me. In fact, the entire Obama idea of government is a mirror of Alinsky as Puddy has repeatedly pointed out with specific examples.
Puddy is a great American.
He takes all the “Uncle Tom” nonsense you KLOWNS dish out and doesn’t back down.
Puddy didn’t buy the Jesse Jackson BS…and he doesn’t buy the Obama BS.
Does that make Puddy……a RACIST!!.??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
20. sarge spews:
@8: I grew up on the other side of the Skagit River from Beck (in Burlington).
Is it okay if I whine?
I signed the petition to the city council asking them to overrule the mayor.
Let me get this straight…you lived NEAR Mt. Vernon, so you signed a Petition telling Mt. Vernon officials what do??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’m sure the Mt. Vernon officials quickly huddled when they saw your name on the petition sarge.
They are scared to death that “sarge”, who posts hateful, stupid drivel on HorsesAss.org,
thinks we should rescind the key to the City for the most successful TV personality in America today…except for Rush.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
26. SeattleJew on Trollpatrol spews:
Is SJ Obsessed with Beck?
Yes. I am also obsessed with the memory of the vast harm that Beckoids have done throughtout the history of democracies. Anyone who can not see Beck as an asoiring member of the crew with Huey Long, Father Coughlin, the Panthers, Goebbels, Stalin, David Duke, George Wallace ….
SJ, that’s quite a diverse list there.
You have lost it.
You forgot Lenin, Mussolini, pol Pot et al.
Get a grip SJ…we’re worried about you.
Perhaps when the men in white come for you, you will not resist. The arm & leg restraints are for your own good.
@76: Being called stoopid by an ingnorant fool like Klynical is actually a compliment – thanks, maroon!
what party said they wanted to “bring Obama down”
What party gave 0 votes to health care reform?
What party encouraged protesters and gun carriers?
What party has hacks that shout out and interrupt the President during a speech to congress?
contrast this with Obama…who has tried to get bipartisan support and even included a tort reform proposal…..
Bottom line…you can’t negotiate with recalcitrant little children (republicans) who have no plan and just want to wreck anything that will benefit people for their own short-sighted political purposes.
Bottom line: Klynical is a fool and a liar and lacks the ability to put together a logical argument….gee, just like his fellow naysaying republicans.
These ladies are real entrepeneurs…. basketball is now a salacious sport…who would have thunk?
@80 correctnotright
Speaking of plans, what is your thinking with regard to Afghanistan?
Hi Reba,
Afghanistan….you mean the country we left hanging for 6 years while we went into Iraq unnecessarily?
Well, we need to fix it. The Taliban are still there and in Pakistan and if they have a base they can attack. Unfortunately, the “elected” government is corrupt and ineffective..reminds me some of Vietnam.
But….we still need to fix it and it may require more troops to fix the Bush problems – at least in the short run.
I like the idea of more trainers…they will have to fight their own battles eventually.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
This is why we laugh at correctnotright. Every time we who think right show correctnotright facts “they’re anecdotes”.
Here is a partial transcript.
BLITZER: “The cooperative option, a series of health insurance cooperatives that wouldn’t be the public option, but would be something in between? Is he going to get into a detail like that and say he likes that idea?”
AXELROD: He will acknowledge the fact that there is that idea. There’s the idea of putting a trigger on the public option so it goes into effect at some date when it’s clear that the — that a market is uncompetitive. There are a number of ideas, but what is very important is that we have the kind of competition and choice that will help consumers.
AXELROD: Because we are trying to do this in a way that advances the interests of consumers without creating such disruption that it makes it difficult to —
BLITZER: Why would that be disruptive if Blue Cross and Blue Shield or United Health Care or all these big insurance companies, they don’t have to worry about just working in a state, they could just have the opportunity to compete in all 50 states.
AXELROD: But insurance is regulated at this time —
BLITZER: But you could change that —
AXELROD: State by state.
BLITZER: The president could propose a law changing that.
AXELROD: That is not endemic to the kind of reforms that we are proposing or that —
BLITZER: Why not, why not?
AXELROD: We’re proposing a package that we believe will bring that stability and security to people, will help people get insurance, and will lower the cost impact and pass the Congress. And that has to be the test. We’re not into symbolic expedition here.
There you se it correctnotright… Axelrod and his gang don’t want to play nice AT ALL. So much for your reaching across the “aisle”.
The Clabber Girl (check out my dirndl)spews:
Beck considers himself to be an entertainer. I guess that’s true if you find hate-speech entertaining.
16,000 locals (can they sign it if they did not grow up there) have signed a petition saying that they do NOT want Glenn Baeck being given the keys to the city.
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
#79 Mr
glad to hear you are worried about me. Contributions are welcome.
I certainlt can add to this list and yes I would incldue Lenin. AFIK POl POT was simply a blood thrist dictator, not a Beck/Goebbels clone.
Am I overly concerned about Herr Beck? Perhaps but don’t yu think that the defense of free speech is worth over concern? Isn’t that part of YOUR reasonb for being here? O
r is this just what happened to you after masturbation ceased to be fun?
@83 Afghanistan…
Well, we need to fix it. The Taliban are still there
Are you saying our goal is to drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan?
The Clabber Girl (check out my dirndl)spews:
re 84: ‘Reaching across the aisle’ is just a sop to the uninformed middle of the road voters to show them what obdurate obstructionist assholes Republicans are.
In countries like Germany, they keep a lid on asswipes like you. They’ve seen the ultimate results of your right wing antics — and it’s no laughing matter you namecalling label flinging freak.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hilarious proposal to “defund” David Vitter. The revenge of ACORN?
Chuck Grassley just finished telling us this week that he and the other Gang of Six Republicans had their proposals adopted by Baucus’ bill in committee.
Sonds like there’s been some aisle-reaching that Puddy has conveniently ignored.
Oh, and David Axelrod is not a legislator, nor does he have a executive policy position in the administration. He’s an advisor to the president (his official title is Senior Advisor).
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
Lenin was not himself the propagandist .. he heired a scuz, a banrobber and poet to do that for him. That man was Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili. Later named man of steel, Stalin.
Does that make you feel better?
BTW, we once came close to losing this republic because of Beckism. You know the stories about Hemmings and Jefferson? They began as smear campaign against Mr. Jefferson by a Beck-like muckraker, verbal terrorist named James T. Callender. Apologists for Mr. Callendar clim to this day that he just did this “for the money.”
Sound familiar?
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
SJ to da Trolls uber Ganistan and da Taliban ,,
Hmmm ..
if all you Bush era Replicns want is for the President to finish up the Taliban issues Bush neglected, why not just offer all the Talis free tickets to Bghdad where the wonderful Bushite Army can deal easily with a few roughed up dark folks?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Daddy Love stepped in de poopie again
Chuck Grassley just finished telling us this week that he and the other Gang of Six Republicans had their proposals adopted by Baucus’ bill in committee.
Sonds like there’s been some aisle-reaching that Puddy has conveniently ignored.
Puddy not ignoring what Iowa’s Grassley said. Puddy reacting to the others on the hill who said the bill was DOA. Senator Grassley said “It’s a much better bill because of my involvement and what we’ve done to get it to this point. If you compare what a partisan bill that came out — a partisan bill that is reflecting a lot of what the bipartisan group did — compare that to what came out of the House and Senate committees during July,”
Senator Ron Wyden “Additional steps are going to have to be taken to make coverage more affordable. That’s a real hit on middle-class families.” Senator John D Rockefeller said there was “no way” he could vote for the Bill in its present form because of the absence of a public option.
“I’m not very happy about that obviously. I think it was predictable that the bipartisan thing was not going to work. And we spent virtually an entire year with most of the Finance Committee being excluded, and a lot of us have a long history in health care and have very strong ideas and good ideas.” Senator Jay Rockefeller.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., complained that he and others were never part of the deal with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and were under no obligation to protect drug makers from further costs.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, responded angrily that the deal would stand, noting that the White House helped adopt it.
That’s okay Daddy Love you can crawl back into your hole now…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
China played it’s hand now that “the messiah” and others like Madeline Half-bright said the United States will no longer lead or be the world’s super power.
America's Worst Nightmare: A SeattleJew with a Gunspews:
I refuse to be in the same country as assholes like Cynical and Marvin, so I choose to leave.
That’s from the X-Man, yesterday, when he apparently had nothing better to do and no place better to be. Anybody seen him today? Is it possible he actually, like, left Cynical Marvin country and went away?
That would be a first, if he did. Remember November 2004? When every liberal whiner and bedwetter in America whimpered that they were going to round themselves up like Ward Bond or Robert Horton and move to Canada? Either they were lying liars, or they really moved to Canada and reluctantly came back for Granny Pelosi in 2006.
May the Schwartz be with you: Pigs fly, SJ & I agree. Having the Seattle Times roll its OpEd downhill to Ryan Blethan is sort of like North Korea rolling itself downhill to Kim Jong the Third and Hans Brix. Ryan Blethan is final proof that evolution works, but in reverse.
sarge is a prick, and Glenn Beck is way better than Fr. Coughlin, David Duke, or Stalin. The Panthers, though … that’s a closer call. Doesn’t every liberal liberal-arts Bennington grad in America know that the Panthers were social workers in a hurry? Nourishing tiny tots with wholesome breakfasts between drive-bys and drug wars? What’s Beck done to compare with that, besides deposing a red green czar and taking down an ACORN criminal enterprise?
America's Worst Nightmare: A SeattleJew with a Gunspews:
SeattleJew owns statues of Mao and Marx. Cool. Sort of like filling an inside straight in Fremont: Their Lenin and SJ’s M&M, a holy trinity for postmodern Obamunist secular Seattle.
(I have two Red Guard alarm clocks that almost keep time … perhaps we can do a deal.)
America's Worst Nightmare: A SeattleJew with a Gunspews:
Washington was the rock of civil responsibility, he rejected partisan politics and the excesses of both the Jefferson and Adams partisans.
I do not see Beck as welcome iin that President’s house.
The early partisan divide was more Jefferson/Hamilton than Jefferson/Adams, but Mr. SJ needs to dial in more attentitively to Mr. Beck. Beck is post-partisan. He is without prejudice. He dislikes both parties, both partisan factions.
Beck is not the Caligula or the unWashington of modern politics. He’s the W.C. Fields of modern politics. Love him madly.
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
@95 AWN =======
May the Schwartz be with you: Pigs fly,
SJ & I agree. Having the Seattle Times roll its OpEd downhill to Ryan Blethan is sort of like North Korea rolling itself downhill to Kim Jong the Third and Hans Brix. Ryan Blethan is final proof that evolution works, but in reverse.
The sad thing about rrolls is that they waste stem here rather than engaging in any sort of real discussion.
Yeh the fish wrapper is a pretty useless toy now. BUT, given Goldy’s opne mind, why don’t you and other non lefties here use the effin site to raise some real, patriotic, practical issues?
Funny thing for SJ, I get told all the time that I am NOT a librul. Well what ever I am not, I am a believer that we need real debate, Doctrinaire lefties are irrational too, but today’s “left” is non very sinister.
In contrast the typical rightie troll is either a fanatic or a ideologue.
Come down to earth and see what sensible people can do to make it better!
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
@97 Beck on some stage might be as funny as Mort Sahl of Richard Pryor were in their days.
Beck is not, however, some comedian in a right wing version of a hippy club.
FWIW, I never laughed at Sahl either … Fuck this, Fuck that .. pretty soon it is all fucked up.
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
@96 .. yep,
I also own action figures for Bush and Obama. The Bush figure is in a G-suit with a huge crotch piece and .. of course .. the figure salutes with its left hand. … you know the one Arabs use for personal hygeine?
@94 China’s been planning to do this for a long time, Einstein. Your erstwhile heros of the Bush Reich brought the era of American fiscal hegemony to a pathetic end by plundering the till for eight years. The trigger was the market price of gold passing $1,000 an ounce.
Great job, guys. The party that so worships capitalism sold the United States lock, stock and barrel to the only remaining communist superpower.
“Bipartisanship” is dead and buried. There’s really only one political party left. What was the other one is now a cult.
SJ Beaver Patrolspews:
As Darryl the Wonder Dog often writes, let’s review: “(W)hat sensible people can do to make it better” apparently refers to your stalking of Lee. That was a selfless service that served the public good. If you had followed through and taken him all the way down, we sensible partisans might have been persuaded to indulge your Safeco posturing and your Glann Beck gangsta publicity stunt.
As it is, your posturing and your stupid stunt (rather like Codpiece Bush and Mission Accomplished) are all you have, that and about twenty minutes of prime time on Dori’s show.
Monson seldom suffers fools gladly. He’s quick to put fools in the septic tank where they belong. But you, SeattleJew, you were so far beyond the usual parameters that you almost made Monson speechless, a bad place to be for someone who talks for a living. So maybe you can add that to the “making things better” part of your CV.
Hope an ESL coach helped you build your CV, because your time on HA shows you’re not on speaking terms with any language we know. Perhaps you’ve used HA to improve the human condition in ways we don’t know and can’t understand. But probably not. If you’d done anything useful here, Lee would have been airlifted to a trauma center.
But enough about you. When you were taking point on troll patrol you surely noticed that we trolls have failed to immolate HA, but we’re still trying. We flame you one day at a time. We twist your little pink tails. We fumigate what George Orwell called “the smelly orthodoxies of the left.”
We don’t hang around stately Goldstein Manor with spud guns in our pants but we work hard to detoxify America from the Goldy disease.
We stand tall for God, truth, justice, and equal librium in Glenn Beck’s America, the Real America. We do it for the children.
And while we work hard day by day to make America better, you waste time, yours and ours. Meanwhile, my brother (and I say this in a nice way), time is wasting you. Stop wasting your life, Mr. J. Grow up and get a clue before it’s too late.
SJ Beaver Patrolspews:
Stalking the wild etiology …
First guess, lysdexia.
Second, TIA
Third, Full-frontal full-bore CVA
Fourth, Pre-frontal labotomy
Fifth, Recent arrival in our strange land
Sixth, Chronic Brain Syndrome secondary to prolonged substance abuse
So … listened to you on Monson closely. You seemed almost … normal, from a purely clinical POV, aside from your batshit Beck fixation.
Anyway, here’s the bottom line: Glenn Beck is a great American who is making America better, most of the time. You aren’t, and you aren’t.
Mort Sahl and Fr. Flotskyspews:
Learned the truth from Lenny Bruce, thanks. How to talk dirty and influence people.
Sorry you’re offended by our naughty words, but that’s what you’re gwine to get when you gets to that big ribberboat in hebbin. Gaw-damn.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did ya see all those progressive Dummocrapt rioters in Pittsburgh?
Yep, another wing of the Democrat party. Butt, which part of the “Rainbow Coalition”? The real whackamoles appeared today, cousins of many HA Libtardos.
“The documentary is quite clear that flying in aeroplanes is disastrous for the planet. “Apart from setting fire to a forest flying is the single worst thing an individual can do to cause climate change,” we are told.
So after applying for and being given press accreditation by their publicists I decided to find out whether the film makers and their celebrity supporters have stopped or even reduced their flying hours.
Or is it only the people of the developing world who must fly less while environmentalists continue with their luxuries because their campaigning is so important it has to continue.”
Democrat Environmentalists will only tell others to stop doing that which destroys the planet. They always give themselves a pass. Just axk Al Gorebasm. His gas and electric bills are still ASTRONOMICAL!
106, 107…
@84: Dear Puddy
The conversation you quoted does in no way support your point of view that Obama is no playing “nice” ….in fact, appears to not even be relevant to your argument.
Co-ops created out of thin air…pie in the sky republican ideas. State regulations…yup, necessary to prevent out-of-state insurance companies from ripping people off further.
compition in the current market…next to none.
Your point is what? that republican plans that won’t lower costs or deliver better health care are being ignored?
Well, that is because the republican ideas are stoopid….just like your pathetic arguement.
Thanks for demonstrating, once again, that you don’t have the ability to actually formulate a logical argument or even understand what you are quoting or linking to.
Oh, and if that is a quote…then you should blockquote or attribute it…that is the proper academic protocal. I assume they taught you that in school?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
correctnotright, we’re laughing at you again. Regarding “the messiah” playing mean That was post #19. Jay Rockefeller said what he said later in #84. Not even 24 hours and the libtardo mind fails again and again and again!
How do you know what the Republican plans are since they are not being debated? Oh wait… Puddy already delivered the Republican health care plan. Roger Rabbit asked for it two weeks ago. When Puddy gave it Roger was shocked cuz he didn’t read it on the whackamole kook-aid sites he and others like you visit every morning.
You bring us hearty laughter. Please continue to post from that large vacuous space called “your mind”.
I have been looking for a really good impersonation of Glenn Beck at You Tube. This is the best so far!
Tragedy + Nerdiness = Humor.
Free Faux Guns, Fair and Balanced
On advice of the Seattle Police I will not carry an unloaded gun openly w/o a permit since thr copd think that is illegal (contrary to lots of smart gunnie lawyers here) and because a bunch of folks tell me that I will get shot at if I am not armed and can shoot back. I do not follow the reasoning but …. what do I know? Maybe guns are magical?
So, here is the compromise. I will attend, with camera,
I will bring a statue of Pussy’s favorite messiah and my favorite President. … and ,,
I will bring five free Faux Guns. In the true loving spirit of Faux News. These will be given to the first five Repricans who ask polite, “Mr. SJ, may I have a free gun please?”
R71 at Beck talk
BTW, we also plan to bring some R71 sign up lists to the Beckfest so any good family lovin types can sign up to vote yes on 71.
I will offer a free autographed picture of Mr. Beck in his Stasy uniform to anyone who signs up! of course, in Faux tradition, the signature will be forged amd balanced.
Great conspiracy theories …
fun skit! Made me wonder who really did destroy the Death Star?
@ 1~ Good to see G. Beck has Ol’ Seattle Jew shuffling ’round in his Western State hospital issued slippers muttering to himself…”Glenn Beck, Glenn Beck”. At least the lad hasn’t resulted to head-butting the padded walls, but it’s too early to tell whether we’re out of the woods yet as the event is approaching.
Care to share the size of the pea shooting posse you’ve assembled for the Beck event, Steve?
7. ESO
You comin or still pissin in the wind?
I hoe the former .. because I do not like to get wet and also because I really enjoy photographing freaks.
Say the magic words and I’ll give you tour own cap gun!
@ 7 ~ I’ll be there, but won’t be associating with you. I prefer to socialize with sane people, Steve. Beck grew up in the NW, can you say the same? Goldy Can’t. Lee Can’t. Little Dancing Davey Ross can’t. Any number of dumbasses that contribute to this website can’t. Outsiders whining about a local person getting key to the city of Mt. Vernon, WA. Too amusing for words.
Thanks for the offer, though.
Ahhh .. so you WILL be pissin in the wind! Careful who you pee on.
Good thing. Saw your Becky video, impressive?
guess who is going to the reception with BGeeBee?
I can not figger out what you are bragging about .. you were born here? so???
you related to Dave Beck? the wobblies? Chief Leschi, Tsonokwa? Bill Gates? Slerpless in Seattle? the Sasquatch? Boib Satiacum?
Back to Troll patrol, never now what might wash up on the beach.
@ 9~ hmmm linking to a video on whaling. Are you sure you took your medication today, Steve?
Let me understand the progression of this SJ project to counter free speech. First, SJ wanted a posse to show up with unloaded firearm to protest AT the beck event inside Safeco…when confronted with the inconvenient reality that firearms would not be allowed into safeco, SJ changed it to the public area outside of safeco field…and now, getting closer to the event, ol’ SJ is without a posse to join him so has chosen to go to plan “B”, the almighty camera. Wow! I love it when a plan goes awry.
Now, Steve, are you a native of Washington state? and if not, why the fuck do you care if a native of the state YOU MIGRATED TO receives the key to the city of where he grew up? This says more about the liberal tendency to want to control their surrounding than anything about Beck. Groupthink must be established and enforced sayeth the left.
what a brainless thread
“In a rambling, contrite, at times bombastic statement to reporters, Frank apologized for “a number of factors, one of which in particular is my own fault, have contributed to my position on ACORN being unclear.”
I bet!
Frank turns against ACORN
Does “the messiah” really vet these fools?
So much for “the messiah” united the Country–
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
ESO says:
I can picture it.
SJ is more obsessed and envious of Beck than Goldy is of the Blethens.
@15: Gee, and Klynical proves our point once again: The rightwingnut backlash with overtones of stupidity, fear, racism and just plain ignornace has created a climate of polarization in this country.
who woulda thunk it?
Just as the rightwingnuts planned it and their level of vitriol and ignorance has suffused the country in partisanship.
Obama has tried to reach out to the republicans – but clearly, the republicans are more concerned about their petty political goals thanactaully helping the country.
Yelling socialist in a crowded theatre is the extent of their ability toengage in public discussion.
And Klynical – thanks for playing the fool once again. Trying to blame Obama for the rightwingnuts lack of decorum and vitriolic game plan – you really are stoopider than we thought.
Oh yeah, Glenn Beck….a loudmouth ignorant one-trick pony who stirs up people with ridiculous conspiracy theories….so that other gun-toting fools will be incited to do things like this (killing a census worker and writng fed on his chest (the guy was by all acounts a great person, eagle scout and sub. teacher):
correctnotright BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Boehner: GOP leaders haven’t met Obama for health talks since April
“The ball is in President Obama’s court to reach out to Republicans if he wants a bipartisan bill on healthcare reform, House GOP Leader John Boehner (Ohio) said Monday morning.
Boehner told reporters that the president has not invited House GOP leaders to the White House for meetings on healthcare reform since the end of April.
Earlier this year, GOP leaders sent a letter to the president in May stating that they would like to work with the administration to find “common ground” on healthcare reform.
But the administration responded with a tersely worded letter indicating that they had healthcare reform under control.”
Puddy realizes the memory capacity of correctnotright is minimal. That’s we we all laugh at his lunacy and moronic attack attempts.
END OF correctnotright BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Puddy posted this before. ylb arschloch has the previous PuddyMissive! Ask him for it correctnotright.
@8: I grew up on the other side of the Skagit River from Beck (in Burlington).
Is it okay if I whine?
I signed the petition to the city council asking them to overrule the mayor.
Poor Stupes.. He’s obsessed!
Is it true that Mount Vernon is so proud of Glenn Beck, that the ceremony giving him the key to the city is going to be a private invitation-only affair, with only one media credential issued?
Are they going to sneak him in through the back door?
Does anyone else see the irony of a town nqamed after Washington’s home honoring Beck?
Washington was the rock of civil responsibility, he rejected partisan politics and the excesses of both the Jefferson and Adams partisans.
I do not see Beck as welcome iin that President’s house.
ylb arschloch,
You have NOTHING to be obsessed about. You bragged about your “project”. Puddy trying to get you a job fool. You spent all that time on that tctmgr project, yet you won’t use it except for silly worthless attacks which have failed Failed FAILED!
The Prosecution Rests!
You didn’t get your invitation rhp6033? Well it could be you hate GB. That personal deficiency could cause your missing ticket.
Awwwwwwww poor baby. Mrs Puddy asked last night if we are going. Puddy hasn’t decided yet.
Is SJ Obsessed with Beck?
Yes. I am also obsessed with the memory of the vast harm that Beckoids have done throughtout the history of democracies. Anyone who can not see Beck as an asoiring member of the crew with Huey Long, Father Coughlin, the Panthers, Goebbels, Stalin, David Duke, George Wallace ….
I actually think Goldy s moderate in his criticism of Blethen. If the times is really an element in our democratic society, then gifting its editorial leadership to an immature family member is a pale reflection of North Korean democracy.
@25 Puddy …
Go, please!
I will even give you one of my Free Faux Guns.
BTW, if you do go, I would call first. I think the EFF is offering a discount for people woth darkish skin and tyhey may well wanyt to place you near the Leader to enhance the vidseo.
We could all get together afterward so you can enjoy a last dinner with good friends before you join Beck in his Yom Kippur fast. Remember erev Yom Kippur begins at Sundown on Sunday!
24 – Heh heh heh… It’s in your empty skull Stupes… It’s boring deeper…
What you fear the most…
rest all you want.. You’ve been asleep to that soma drug called right wing bullshit for many, many years….
Yes, SeattleJew.
BTW did you observe teshuvah last weekend?
Once again ylb arschloch is truly delusional. You who daily admitted to running to Kooks and drinking the kook-aid is the dumb brick of HA fool.
Keep being the dumbest brick of Goldy’s house!
30 – LMAO!!!!
The poor schmuck can’t handle it… Keep bringin’ that same feckless shit different day.
Don’t worry fool I’ll be back..
Oh no, ylb arschloch is coming back. Are your going to to look for a job now?
Hey Stupes,
A moron who works for Tom Coburn, Mike Schwartz said at the “values voters” confab that porn make you gay.
Well who’d a thunk it?
Sorry wingies – turn off that Murdoch swill lest you go flamin’.
@6 Nice imagery there, pal. Problem is, Steve is a research pathologist at the University of Washington who has all the academic credentials required to become a practicing M.D. if he chose to sit for the medical boards. That shows him to be a brighter and better educated person than most of us.
And you? Do you have credentials to be anything more edified than a bacteria-slurping toadstool?
@8 If you associate with Beckies, you’re anything but sane. That identifies you as a member of the ignorant, UFO-believing, anti-rationality, pro-civil war, teabagging birther redneck set. I wouldn’t brag about that if I were you. If I were a Beckie, which thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I’m not, I sure as hell wouldn’t want my mother to know.
@10 Steve, I think you’re getting close with your Son of Sasquatch theory. Empty Suit, whoever he is, clearly was raised in a cave by something non-human.
I respect those who do, however.
Is your point hypocrisy? If I may banter with you, do you lay Tefillin or eschew the misuse of the yod heh vov heh? Jesus did both of those. Am I wrong to imagine that you DO pronounce the word forbidden to all who follow the ten commandments?
FWIW, I also eat lobster and have had some great pork ribs. ? Ever have cheese on a burger? How about you?
FWIW, I also do not sacrifice animals, own slaves, or believe there is anything wrong with worshiping Baal, Mithra, or Jesus. Nor do I destroy other’s idols .. I even own statues of Ganesh, Buddha, Mao, Raven, Asherah and Marx. Do you have any pictures or statues of your God that I can destroy for you?
If I can be serious, part of why I value you as a friend is that I think we share that sort of respect.
Soloveitchik, a favorite Rabbi of mine, was also a theoretical physicist. he wrote about how he could use his intellectual skills in the two domanins.
For may part, all forms of human experience should be respected as long as those experiences do not include imposing one’s beliefs on others.
That line can be a hard one for those who think their beliefs .. e.g. pro or anti abortion .. are based in fundamental human rights.
Anyhow .. you can have your choice of orange tipped weaponry … except for the flintlock and a new automatic I really like. They are MINE and I will fight you to the pellet gun simulated death for my rights to bear faux arms!
@11 “counter free speech”
Nope, you’ve got it backwards; standing outside with a sign is exercising free speech and countering free speech is keeping the press out of Beck’s Mount Vernon appearance.
Beck and his handlers, like cockroaches everywhere, can’t stand exposure to the antiseptic light of media coverage they don’t control.
Roger Rabbit,
Just admit it. Deep down you are another of those 9/11 Truthers, mindlessly walking arm-in-arm with Van Jones.
@12 Well, part of it anyway, specifically 6, 8, and 11.
@14 Bush didn’t so why are you bitching?
Roger on ESO
Perhaps ESO will identify himself at the beckopollsa so I can get a DNA sample? What a discovery if Mr. nESO turns out to be part Yeti!
BTW, I actually have practiced medicine, in the US navy. I also passed all the exams. I chose not to practice because I found thge pain of hurting people, even when helping others, to be overwhelming. I admire my colleagues who can handle that pain. Losing a patient because a therapy can be dangerous is terrible.
OTOH, I am VERY proud of a number of my students who have gone on to be fine physicians.
@15 Yep, we’re angry. You thieving lying Republican incompetents got stomped twice by the voters but still think you’ve got a right to run the country and walk over the majority. That’s understandably pissing off the millions of hardworking Americans who thought they were rid of you leeches when they voted you out of power.
Absolutely not. Knowing how you celebrate the festivals, Puddy just inquiring. Still on that other kick Puddy sees.
This is September 2009. We’re discussing “the messiah’s” fools now.
@42 “I found thge pain of hurting people”
You’re too sensitive to properly deal with Beckies, SJ. Some of them oughta be dissected with an AK-47.*
* Just kidding! Glenn Beck joke.
@16 “I can picture it.”
That comes from spending too much time with goats and not enough with people.
@19 “Boehner: GOP leaders haven’t met Obama for health talks since April”
Yep, they’re waiting for Hell to freeze over while medical costs bankrupt millions of American families and businesses every year.
@20 They should do more than overrule him. As mayor, he’s supposed to serve all the citizens of Mount Vernon. Instead, he’s misusing his public office, and misappropriating the city’s good name, to promote a rabidly partisan party agenda. Someone should start a recall petition to let the city’s voters decide whether this is the kind of mayor they want.
What happens First Monday of October ..
The Nobel in decisne will be awarded. Traditionally SJ receives the news as it is announced in Stockholm and we will pst that at SJ.
My bet for this year is a man named Shinya Yamanaka. Just three years ago he and his colleagues discovered four genes that can reprogram adult cells into stem cells!
@25 Yeah, we know what you asswipes do to anyone you suspect of not toeing the fascist line.
@49 RR on a serious note…
When does a network become a party?
Taux news is a much a political party as it is anything else. Are n’t the laws for partisan organizations different from those of news media?
If Murdoch, Inc anc own media why shouldn’t the DNC have its own media? Could the DNC own a news channel?
With Carol Browner history always repeats itself.
@28 I kinda suspect that Puddlehead is a detention alumnus who suffered permanent brain damage from waterboarding. Has anyone checked on when he first showed up at this blog?
Roger Roger Roger,
Have you missed your oxygen treatments again?
Let’s repeat it again…
The occupiers of the whitey house aren’t interested in working together dumb bunny!
@39 Neither; and the mere fact you suggest it certifies you as Gitmo-insane. You’re an example of what happens to people subjected to prolonged confinement with nothing to read except used toilet paper.
SeattleJew… so if post#50 is right then there won’t be a need to cull and destroys all those embryos for stem cells and the stem cell argument from HA Libtardos flies out the window!
Roger Puddy likes watching NewsMax TV.
They don’t serve the kook-aid with their productions.
@45 Not me. I’m discussing your hypocrisy.
Gitmo-insane? Well why not invite one of dem terraists to your hole in the earth?
You can make friends with him. You can break bread with him. Sign up for one since you wanna shut it down. Puddy suggest Khalid Sheik Mohammad.
Go for it.
While covering up your own.
“We like our crooks better than your crooks” – Roger Rabbit.
@55 Talk is cheap, pussy. As far as actions go, all I’ve seen from Republicans is fearmongering, gun-waving, disruption, stonewalling, and “no” votes. Sorry pal, but your party is uncompromisingly for maintaining a status quo that enriches drug and insurance execs, and bankrupts everyone else. Fuck you and your party, since you don’t want health care reform, we’re going to reform health care without you.
By the way, puddy, the GOP had 28 years to reform health care and didn’t do a damn thing except create a huge welfare program for drug companies. That speaks louder than Boehner’s empty words.
@58 You’re right, kook-aid isn’t a side dish, it’s their main course.
@61 I admit we have crooks. I criticize them, and I’m for prosecuting them. Where’s the hypocrisy in that, pussy?
Poor delusional pussy thinks Democrats are the same as Republicans. He can’t see past his mirror.
Really Roger?
From 1954 to 1994 your party controlled the action. From 2001 mid year through 2002 your party controlled the senate. Your party controlled everything since 2006 again. So where does your “28 year accounting” happen?
Hmmm… Where/When did that “criticizing” happen?
Puddy glad you agree NewsMax don’t serve the kook-aid like HuffPoTV or TPMTV or KosTV.
See we can agree on a thing or two.
Man Roger you are definitely off your meds today…
Better Check HuffPo again… Puddy helped the old feral dumb bunny with HuffPo facts. Big Pharma Meeting took place in July at the whitey house dumb bunny. This was ylb arschloch can’t cumplain it’s right-wing bullshit.
“Beck grew up in the NW”
So did Ted Bundy.
This is how the republicans deal with the Obama administration now. And I a sure they plan to expand this approach the longer they’re out of power:
Why did my link disappear???
Seems a certain has-been “action” actor has managed to get his face in front of a camera or two by advocating flag desecration in the name of his brand of “patriotism”. Chuck Norris is telling conservatives to fly American flags that they’ve covered with tea stains.
Would that be something like your bed sheets, Chuck?
Wow, this guy is my new favorite Columnist
Anyone here read him? (I know the conservatives won’t, but the rest of you?)
17. correctnotright spews:
CNR has gulped an overdose of “the messiah’s Stupid Solution”.
Nothing is ever Obama’s fault.
If you disagree with Obama on anything, you are a racist.
The poll shows America ain’t buyin’ Obama’s BS CNR. Obama and his minions trying to minimize and demonize protestors is what other dictators tried. Obama has shown ZERO leadership and is out of touch with mainstream America. It has nothing to do with race. Race is Obama’s weapon of choice…because his ideas are not good enough to be accepted on their own. Use Guilt…sounds like an Alinsky Rule to me. In fact, the entire Obama idea of government is a mirror of Alinsky as Puddy has repeatedly pointed out with specific examples.
Puddy is a great American.
He takes all the “Uncle Tom” nonsense you KLOWNS dish out and doesn’t back down.
Puddy didn’t buy the Jesse Jackson BS…and he doesn’t buy the Obama BS.
Does that make Puddy……a RACIST!!.??
20. sarge spews:
Let me get this straight…you lived NEAR Mt. Vernon, so you signed a Petition telling Mt. Vernon officials what do??
I’m sure the Mt. Vernon officials quickly huddled when they saw your name on the petition sarge.
They are scared to death that “sarge”, who posts hateful, stupid drivel on HorsesAss.org,
thinks we should rescind the key to the City for the most successful TV personality in America today…except for Rush.
26. SeattleJew on Trollpatrol spews:
SJ, that’s quite a diverse list there.
You have lost it.
You forgot Lenin, Mussolini, pol Pot et al.
Get a grip SJ…we’re worried about you.
Perhaps when the men in white come for you, you will not resist. The arm & leg restraints are for your own good.
@76: Being called stoopid by an ingnorant fool like Klynical is actually a compliment – thanks, maroon!
what party said they wanted to “bring Obama down”
What party gave 0 votes to health care reform?
What party encouraged protesters and gun carriers?
What party has hacks that shout out and interrupt the President during a speech to congress?
contrast this with Obama…who has tried to get bipartisan support and even included a tort reform proposal…..
Bottom line…you can’t negotiate with recalcitrant little children (republicans) who have no plan and just want to wreck anything that will benefit people for their own short-sighted political purposes.
Bottom line: Klynical is a fool and a liar and lacks the ability to put together a logical argument….gee, just like his fellow naysaying republicans.
Now here is some real morning wake-up!
Talk about your Java Jive!
These ladies are real entrepeneurs…. basketball is now a salacious sport…who would have thunk?
@80 correctnotright
Speaking of plans, what is your thinking with regard to Afghanistan?
Hi Reba,
Afghanistan….you mean the country we left hanging for 6 years while we went into Iraq unnecessarily?
Well, we need to fix it. The Taliban are still there and in Pakistan and if they have a base they can attack. Unfortunately, the “elected” government is corrupt and ineffective..reminds me some of Vietnam.
But….we still need to fix it and it may require more troops to fix the Bush problems – at least in the short run.
I like the idea of more trainers…they will have to fight their own battles eventually.
This is why we laugh at correctnotright. Every time we who think right show correctnotright facts “they’re anecdotes”.
Here is a partial transcript.
BLITZER: “The cooperative option, a series of health insurance cooperatives that wouldn’t be the public option, but would be something in between? Is he going to get into a detail like that and say he likes that idea?”
AXELROD: He will acknowledge the fact that there is that idea. There’s the idea of putting a trigger on the public option so it goes into effect at some date when it’s clear that the — that a market is uncompetitive. There are a number of ideas, but what is very important is that we have the kind of competition and choice that will help consumers.
AXELROD: Because we are trying to do this in a way that advances the interests of consumers without creating such disruption that it makes it difficult to —
BLITZER: Why would that be disruptive if Blue Cross and Blue Shield or United Health Care or all these big insurance companies, they don’t have to worry about just working in a state, they could just have the opportunity to compete in all 50 states.
AXELROD: But insurance is regulated at this time —
BLITZER: But you could change that —
AXELROD: State by state.
BLITZER: The president could propose a law changing that.
AXELROD: That is not endemic to the kind of reforms that we are proposing or that —
BLITZER: Why not, why not?
AXELROD: We’re proposing a package that we believe will bring that stability and security to people, will help people get insurance, and will lower the cost impact and pass the Congress. And that has to be the test. We’re not into symbolic expedition here.
There you se it correctnotright… Axelrod and his gang don’t want to play nice AT ALL. So much for your reaching across the “aisle”.
Beck considers himself to be an entertainer. I guess that’s true if you find hate-speech entertaining.
16,000 locals (can they sign it if they did not grow up there) have signed a petition saying that they do NOT want Glenn Baeck being given the keys to the city.
#79 Mr
glad to hear you are worried about me. Contributions are welcome.
I certainlt can add to this list and yes I would incldue Lenin. AFIK POl POT was simply a blood thrist dictator, not a Beck/Goebbels clone.
Am I overly concerned about Herr Beck? Perhaps but don’t yu think that the defense of free speech is worth over concern? Isn’t that part of YOUR reasonb for being here? O
r is this just what happened to you after masturbation ceased to be fun?
@83 Afghanistan…
Well, we need to fix it. The Taliban are still there
Are you saying our goal is to drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan?
re 84: ‘Reaching across the aisle’ is just a sop to the uninformed middle of the road voters to show them what obdurate obstructionist assholes Republicans are.
In countries like Germany, they keep a lid on asswipes like you. They’ve seen the ultimate results of your right wing antics — and it’s no laughing matter you namecalling label flinging freak.
Hilarious proposal to “defund” David Vitter. The revenge of ACORN?
Chuck Grassley just finished telling us this week that he and the other Gang of Six Republicans had their proposals adopted by Baucus’ bill in committee.
Sonds like there’s been some aisle-reaching that Puddy has conveniently ignored.
Oh, and David Axelrod is not a legislator, nor does he have a executive policy position in the administration. He’s an advisor to the president (his official title is Senior Advisor).
Lenin was not himself the propagandist .. he heired a scuz, a banrobber and poet to do that for him. That man was Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili. Later named man of steel, Stalin.
Does that make you feel better?
BTW, we once came close to losing this republic because of Beckism. You know the stories about Hemmings and Jefferson? They began as smear campaign against Mr. Jefferson by a Beck-like muckraker, verbal terrorist named James T. Callender. Apologists for Mr. Callendar clim to this day that he just did this “for the money.”
Sound familiar?
SJ to da Trolls uber Ganistan and da Taliban ,,
Hmmm ..
if all you Bush era Replicns want is for the President to finish up the Taliban issues Bush neglected, why not just offer all the Talis free tickets to Bghdad where the wonderful Bushite Army can deal easily with a few roughed up dark folks?
Daddy Love stepped in de poopie again
Puddy not ignoring what Iowa’s Grassley said. Puddy reacting to the others on the hill who said the bill was DOA. Senator Grassley said “It’s a much better bill because of my involvement and what we’ve done to get it to this point. If you compare what a partisan bill that came out — a partisan bill that is reflecting a lot of what the bipartisan group did — compare that to what came out of the House and Senate committees during July,”
Senator Ron Wyden “Additional steps are going to have to be taken to make coverage more affordable. That’s a real hit on middle-class families.” Senator John D Rockefeller said there was “no way” he could vote for the Bill in its present form because of the absence of a public option.
“I’m not very happy about that obviously. I think it was predictable that the bipartisan thing was not going to work. And we spent virtually an entire year with most of the Finance Committee being excluded, and a lot of us have a long history in health care and have very strong ideas and good ideas.” Senator Jay Rockefeller.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., complained that he and others were never part of the deal with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and were under no obligation to protect drug makers from further costs.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, responded angrily that the deal would stand, noting that the White House helped adopt it.
That’s okay Daddy Love you can crawl back into your hole now…
China played it’s hand now that “the messiah” and others like Madeline Half-bright said the United States will no longer lead or be the world’s super power.
That’s from the X-Man, yesterday, when he apparently had nothing better to do and no place better to be. Anybody seen him today? Is it possible he actually, like, left Cynical Marvin country and went away?
That would be a first, if he did. Remember November 2004? When every liberal whiner and bedwetter in America whimpered that they were going to round themselves up like Ward Bond or Robert Horton and move to Canada? Either they were lying liars, or they really moved to Canada and reluctantly came back for Granny Pelosi in 2006.
May the Schwartz be with you: Pigs fly, SJ & I agree. Having the Seattle Times roll its OpEd downhill to Ryan Blethan is sort of like North Korea rolling itself downhill to Kim Jong the Third and Hans Brix. Ryan Blethan is final proof that evolution works, but in reverse.
sarge is a prick, and Glenn Beck is way better than Fr. Coughlin, David Duke, or Stalin. The Panthers, though … that’s a closer call. Doesn’t every liberal liberal-arts Bennington grad in America know that the Panthers were social workers in a hurry? Nourishing tiny tots with wholesome breakfasts between drive-bys and drug wars? What’s Beck done to compare with that, besides deposing a red green czar and taking down an ACORN criminal enterprise?
SeattleJew owns statues of Mao and Marx. Cool. Sort of like filling an inside straight in Fremont: Their Lenin and SJ’s M&M, a holy trinity for postmodern Obamunist secular Seattle.
(I have two Red Guard alarm clocks that almost keep time … perhaps we can do a deal.)
The early partisan divide was more Jefferson/Hamilton than Jefferson/Adams, but Mr. SJ needs to dial in more attentitively to Mr. Beck. Beck is post-partisan. He is without prejudice. He dislikes both parties, both partisan factions.
Beck is not the Caligula or the unWashington of modern politics. He’s the W.C. Fields of modern politics. Love him madly.
@95 AWN =======
May the Schwartz be with you: Pigs fly,
The sad thing about rrolls is that they waste stem here rather than engaging in any sort of real discussion.
Yeh the fish wrapper is a pretty useless toy now. BUT, given Goldy’s opne mind, why don’t you and other non lefties here use the effin site to raise some real, patriotic, practical issues?
Funny thing for SJ, I get told all the time that I am NOT a librul. Well what ever I am not, I am a believer that we need real debate, Doctrinaire lefties are irrational too, but today’s “left” is non very sinister.
In contrast the typical rightie troll is either a fanatic or a ideologue.
Come down to earth and see what sensible people can do to make it better!
@97 Beck on some stage might be as funny as Mort Sahl of Richard Pryor were in their days.
Beck is not, however, some comedian in a right wing version of a hippy club.
FWIW, I never laughed at Sahl either … Fuck this, Fuck that .. pretty soon it is all fucked up.
@96 .. yep,
I also own action figures for Bush and Obama. The Bush figure is in a G-suit with a huge crotch piece and .. of course .. the figure salutes with its left hand. … you know the one Arabs use for personal hygeine?
@94 China’s been planning to do this for a long time, Einstein. Your erstwhile heros of the Bush Reich brought the era of American fiscal hegemony to a pathetic end by plundering the till for eight years. The trigger was the market price of gold passing $1,000 an ounce.
Great job, guys. The party that so worships capitalism sold the United States lock, stock and barrel to the only remaining communist superpower.
“Bipartisanship” is dead and buried. There’s really only one political party left. What was the other one is now a cult.
As Darryl the Wonder Dog often writes, let’s review: “(W)hat sensible people can do to make it better” apparently refers to your stalking of Lee. That was a selfless service that served the public good. If you had followed through and taken him all the way down, we sensible partisans might have been persuaded to indulge your Safeco posturing and your Glann Beck gangsta publicity stunt.
As it is, your posturing and your stupid stunt (rather like Codpiece Bush and Mission Accomplished) are all you have, that and about twenty minutes of prime time on Dori’s show.
Monson seldom suffers fools gladly. He’s quick to put fools in the septic tank where they belong. But you, SeattleJew, you were so far beyond the usual parameters that you almost made Monson speechless, a bad place to be for someone who talks for a living. So maybe you can add that to the “making things better” part of your CV.
Hope an ESL coach helped you build your CV, because your time on HA shows you’re not on speaking terms with any language we know. Perhaps you’ve used HA to improve the human condition in ways we don’t know and can’t understand. But probably not. If you’d done anything useful here, Lee would have been airlifted to a trauma center.
But enough about you. When you were taking point on troll patrol you surely noticed that we trolls have failed to immolate HA, but we’re still trying. We flame you one day at a time. We twist your little pink tails. We fumigate what George Orwell called “the smelly orthodoxies of the left.”
We don’t hang around stately Goldstein Manor with spud guns in our pants but we work hard to detoxify America from the Goldy disease.
We stand tall for God, truth, justice, and equal librium in Glenn Beck’s America, the Real America. We do it for the children.
And while we work hard day by day to make America better, you waste time, yours and ours. Meanwhile, my brother (and I say this in a nice way), time is wasting you. Stop wasting your life, Mr. J. Grow up and get a clue before it’s too late.
Stalking the wild etiology …
First guess, lysdexia.
Second, TIA
Third, Full-frontal full-bore CVA
Fourth, Pre-frontal labotomy
Fifth, Recent arrival in our strange land
Sixth, Chronic Brain Syndrome secondary to prolonged substance abuse
So … listened to you on Monson closely. You seemed almost … normal, from a purely clinical POV, aside from your batshit Beck fixation.
Anyway, here’s the bottom line: Glenn Beck is a great American who is making America better, most of the time. You aren’t, and you aren’t.
Learned the truth from Lenny Bruce, thanks. How to talk dirty and influence people.
Sorry you’re offended by our naughty words, but that’s what you’re gwine to get when you gets to that big ribberboat in hebbin. Gaw-damn.
Did ya see all those progressive Dummocrapt rioters in Pittsburgh?
Yep, another wing of the Democrat party. Butt, which part of the “Rainbow Coalition”? The real whackamoles appeared today, cousins of many HA Libtardos.
More hypocrisy of the left.
“The documentary is quite clear that flying in aeroplanes is disastrous for the planet. “Apart from setting fire to a forest flying is the single worst thing an individual can do to cause climate change,” we are told.
So after applying for and being given press accreditation by their publicists I decided to find out whether the film makers and their celebrity supporters have stopped or even reduced their flying hours.
Or is it only the people of the developing world who must fly less while environmentalists continue with their luxuries because their campaigning is so important it has to continue.”
Democrat Environmentalists will only tell others to stop doing that which destroys the planet. They always give themselves a pass. Just axk Al Gorebasm. His gas and electric bills are still ASTRONOMICAL!
106, 107…
@84: Dear Puddy
The conversation you quoted does in no way support your point of view that Obama is no playing “nice” ….in fact, appears to not even be relevant to your argument.
Co-ops created out of thin air…pie in the sky republican ideas. State regulations…yup, necessary to prevent out-of-state insurance companies from ripping people off further.
compition in the current market…next to none.
Your point is what? that republican plans that won’t lower costs or deliver better health care are being ignored?
Well, that is because the republican ideas are stoopid….just like your pathetic arguement.
Thanks for demonstrating, once again, that you don’t have the ability to actually formulate a logical argument or even understand what you are quoting or linking to.
Oh, and if that is a quote…then you should blockquote or attribute it…that is the proper academic protocal. I assume they taught you that in school?
correctnotright, we’re laughing at you again. Regarding “the messiah” playing mean That was post #19. Jay Rockefeller said what he said later in #84. Not even 24 hours and the libtardo mind fails again and again and again!
How do you know what the Republican plans are since they are not being debated? Oh wait… Puddy already delivered the Republican health care plan. Roger Rabbit asked for it two weeks ago. When Puddy gave it Roger was shocked cuz he didn’t read it on the whackamole kook-aid sites he and others like you visit every morning.
You bring us hearty laughter. Please continue to post from that large vacuous space called “your mind”.
Heterosexuals are the downfall to Society.
SJ beaver …
103 .. SJ Beaver
The only stalking that I know of was a fanatsy on his part.
Anyhow, since you seem to care, other than puking on others, what do you see in how you can help us ‘mericans?
Well, first, let’s do you-know-what to all the lawyers (except the very few lawyers I agree with).