Sixty-six percent (66%) of voters nationwide say they’re at least somewhat angry about the current policies of the federal government. That figure includes 36% who are Very Angry.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 30% are not angry about the government’s policies, including 10% who are Not at All Angry.
Adding to the voter frustration is the fact that 60% believe neither Republican nor Democratic political leaders have an understanding of what is needed today.
OUCH! THE DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE of the White House, House and Senate.
How will this play out in the 2010 elections?
Some of you KLOWNS believe your beloved Dems will gain more seats.
Damn the facts, damn the feelings of voters.
Wake up. The is the dawning of a new revolution.
Another recent Rasmussen poll asking about the popularity of the Republican Party showed that a large majority of the American people viewed it negatively, even among Republicans.
That is understandable with it being the party of “No”, keeping the status quo benefiting the wealthy and hurting the vast majority of Americans. Also, with its followers of nut jobs like birthers, Tea-baggers, traitors who want to secede from the Nation, and a large percentage of its office holders who have commented criminal and improper sexual acts, the American people are tired of them. So, yes, this upcoming election cycle will be interesting.
@1: Klynical
Wow, this prediction from the same guy who told us that the republicans would win last November….like you have any credibility cretin….
2 Those criminal comments are something to watch out for. You must be referring to Acorn workers?
The republicans want to talk about “government takeover” when it is a government option that competes with the private options for health care insurance…let the best option win!
the republicans want to talk about waiting lists….but they don’t want to talk about the uninsured or those with preexisting conditions.
Idiots like Klynical claim that there are people making over 75K who are uninsured…but Klynical forgets that many people cannot get health care at ANY cost becuase of preexisting conditions.
The health insurance companies have overheads for paperwork and profits of 20% or more….medicare is at 3%.
‘Nuff said.
@4: Poor Mark:
I guess you have not been paying attention to the republican criminals, perverts and infidelity that has been rampant in the republican party.
Oh, and we have The Word from Mallahan on transit: NO.
I expect when the dust settles it will turn out he is another BIAW floozy. Shaping up to be a shitty election: BIAW candidate for mayor, anti-gay referendum, anti-tax referendum. All with a good chance of winning, & how do progressives fight all three?
This is how we could down the drain with California: spend huge amounts of money on useless road-building projects. We could cut mass transit, build an extra-large bridge across Lake Washington, tunnel under the Sound. Oh, wait…
Shaping up to be a shitty election: BIAW candidate for mayor, anti-gay referendum, anti-tax referendum. All with a good chance of winning, & how do progressives fight all three?
People get hyperconservative when threatened by such things as economic collapse. They will start voting conservative again and so the Republicans, who brought about the catastrophe, will exploit it and benefit from it, and be back in control.
People don’t think, they react. vomitous people like Cynical will be running this country again soon. Who would have thought GW Bush would win….twice? The bad guys usually win in life.
I refuse to be in the same country as assholes like Cynical and Marvin, so I choose to leave. You have no hope of changing them, or anything about them, or their ascendancy by their use of fear-mongering and lies.
You might consider relocating to where there are next to NO people like Cynical… good guys finish last in this country. Remember that. It is REAL.
@7 Don’t forget Dino Rossi in a dress running for county executive…
@9 I have to agree with you. It’s quite possible that the election of Roosevelt after 1929 was a fluke, or the result of the fact that a large segment of the “moneyed class” went broke along with everyone else. Certainly the actions he took were unusual, and required him to go against his own political and economic philosophy.
We’re truly at something of a crossroads. There may be a less than 50% chance of a positive outcome. If too many people are driven by fear or jealousy to line up behind the snake oil salesmen, we’re headed for either fascism or anarchy.
@10. Oh, I thought she was Sarah Palin’s Mini-Me. Sigh. You’re right.
Awesome, Art.
Hey guys-
Did you know that fixation with ACORN is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction in Republican/Libertarian men that comment on the “HorsesAss” blog?
True fact! Look it up.
You mean there’s something there to BE dysfunctional?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
3. correctnotright spews:
@1: Klynical
Wow, this prediction from the same guy who told us that the republicans would win last November
Show me where I said R’s would win last November..
Glad to see your head is still in the sand…or some dark dank place!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ArtFart spews:
If too many people are driven by fear or jealousy to line up behind the snake oil salesmen, we’re headed for either fascism or anarchy.
You are right about Obama..he is a lying snakeoil salesman.
I hear Obama has a gig lined up for after he loses (like Jimmy Carter) in 2012…
Obama will be the new Made For TV infomercial guy hawking ShamWow’s!!
Obama is just as smarmy as the current dude doing it.
Obama–ShamWow Salesman.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
X’ad spews:
People get hyperconservative when threatened by such things as economic collapse. They will start voting conservative again and so the Republicans, who brought about the catastrophe, will exploit it and benefit from it, and be back in control.
People don’t think, they react. vomitous people like Cynical will be running this country again soon. Who would have thought GW Bush would win….twice? The bad guys usually win in life.
I refuse to be in the same country as assholes like Cynical and Marvin, so I choose to leave. You have no hope of changing them, or anything about them, or their ascendancy by their use of fear-mongering and lies.
Gee X’ad…kind of over-reacting a bit, aren’t you?? Get your dobber up son. At least you understand what is coming at the Progressive movement. Most of these KLOWNS really think Leftist Politics will dominate America.
I have told you KLOWNS repeatedly that when 49.3% of Americans feel overtaxed, Conservatives will take over. That is the number you should be looking at…overtaxed.
It’s SOOOOOOOOOO Damn Funny to hear Obama and his goons running around trying to convince people taxing Health Care products isn’t a tax increase when everyone knows company’s will pass these taxes on to consumers.
proud leftistspews:
Compelling video. It made me weep. We need to be sending daily thank you cards to the insurance industry for its role in upholding our economic well-being, not threatening its hard-earned profits. We have to fight back against the shortsightedness of those who advocate for healthcare “reform” at the expense of the insurance industry.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey PL, welcome back.
You certainly picked a perfect time to vist MT.
How was the fishing?
It was so beautiful out, that actually catching fish is somewhat secondary to just being out in the fresh, open air in God’s Country.
How is your Dad?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Associated Press reports that U.S. gun owners buy about 9 billion bullets a year. That’s roughly 30 shots for every man, woman, and child in the country. There are way more bullets than deer in this country. But there are way more rabbits than bullets, and that’s why we rabbits will become the dominant species after you humans have blown away yourselves and every other species.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 8 years of Republican rule didn’t make my taxes go down. All we got under Bush was a massive shift of the federal tax burden from the rich to middle class workers, a tripling of the growth rate in federal spending compared to Clinton, gargantuan deficits that will turn into inflation (and inflation is nothing but a TAX INCREASE on people who spend most of their income on necessities), and a gut-wrenching depression that has cost millions of families their jobs and savings.
For the average American family, there’s a very simple way to figure out who they should vote for: ARE YOU BETTER OFF THAN YOU WERE IN 2000? Millions of voters answered that question resoundingly and decisively in the 2006 and 2008 elections. Never in history has a dominant party fallen so far and so quickly.
Whatever dissatisfactions may develop against Obama and the congressioal Democrats, you are deluding yourself if you think those voters will see voting Republican as a solution to anything. Your party is finished, Cynical. Like you, it’s old, worn-out, past its prime, irrelevant, useless, and nothing but a conversation piece on the dusty shelf of a low-traffic antiques shop.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Timing was impeccable. Muammar follows Barack in the UN Speech order.
P R I C E L E S S!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Roger, that’s too bad for you. Our taxes went down for the same income. So Puddy made more income and Puddy paid more taxes.
proud leftistspews:
I actually have to agree with you on something (ouch!)–it was a perfect time for a visit to MT. Hot days, cool nights, and outstanding fishing. I did have an interesting chat with a couple of your companions on the right (from Cascade County) about the wolf hunt that just started. According to them, wolves pose the greatest threat to civilization other than that which liberals pose. The conversation ended (well, not quite) when one of them referred to “that nigger in the White House.” I wasn’t sure what the relation to a wolf hunt was, but the reference was indicative to me of how current conservatives think.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Cynical! Why aren’t you railing against the system that collects hefty taxes from airline passengers — who are treated like cattle by the airlines, and like cows to be milked by the government — to subsidize general aviation airports that serve corporate jets and private pilots?
@15: I already posted where you said McCain was going to win in August…you are just too stoopid to remember. You changed your tune later when McCain self-destructed.
Meanwhile, the facts that Puddy and Klynical ignore:
Medical problems caused 62% of all personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. in 2007, according to a study by Harvard researchers. And in a finding that surprised even the researchers, 78% of those filers had medical insurance at the start of their illnesses, including 60.3% who had private coverage, not Medicare or Medicaid.
Medically related bankruptcies have been rising steadily for decades. In 1981, only 8% of families filing for bankruptcy cited a serious medical problem as the reason, while a 2001 study of bankruptcies in five states by the same researchers found that illness or medical bills contributed to 50% of all filings.
This newest, nationwide study, conducted before the start of the current recession by Drs. David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler of Harvard Medical School, Elizabeth Warren of Harvard Law School and Deborah Thorne, a sociology professor at Ohio University, found that the filers were for the most part solidly middle class before medical disaster hit. Two-thirds owned their homes, and three-fifths had gone to college.
But medically bankrupt families with private insurance reported average out-of-pocket medical bills of $17,749, while the uninsured’s bills averaged $26,971. Of the families that started out with insurance but lost it during the course of illnesses, medical bills averaged $22,658.
Yes, this is the “system” that Puddy and Klynical and the other trogolodyte republicans are defending as “great”.
… airline passengers — who are treated like cattle by the airlines, and like cows to be milked by the government —
or like rabbits at an energizer bunny breeding farm.
So shut up, take the shoes off your furry little feet, and fly united.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Perk For The Rich: Airports For Private Planes, Paid For By You
“WILLIAMSBURG, Ky. — One of the USA’s newest airports has a 5,500-foot lighted runway, a Colonial-style terminal with white columns, and hundreds of acres for growth. …
“Built using $11 million in federal money, the airport is used only by private airplanes. … On a typical day, the airport has just two or three flights …. Some days, there are none.
“The Williamsburg airport is the result of an obscure federal program that raises billions of dollars a year through taxes on every airplane ticket sold in the United States. The taxes can add up to 15% to the cost of a flight — or about $29 to a $200 round-trip ticket. …
“Critics say the number of subsidized airports with no commercial flights is excessive … and … benefits only a few private pilots. …
“General-aviation airports handle mostly recreational planes and corporate jets — usually just a few each hour. …
“The funding for such airports soared from $470 million in 1999 to $1 billion in 2007 — even as private flying declined by 19% during that period. … This year, the small airports are receiving a record $1.2 billion. …
“The little-used airports are often in residential areas, drawing fire from neighbors who say they create noise and pollution while benefiting a small group of airplane owners. …
“A USA TODAY analysis … indicates that more than half of … general-aviation airports operate at less than 10% capacity. Nearly 90% operate at less than one-third of their capacity ….
“Three-quarters of general-aviation airports lose money every year and stay solvent only with cash from local taxpayers ….
“Nearly 2,400 airports have received $10 billion combined in federal dollars while handling fewer than 80 flights a day, according to FAA flight estimates. …
“The Airport Improvement Program is funded mostly by the nation’s airline passengers, who pay a 7.5% sales tax on each ticket and a $3.60 fee for each flight. … Private pilots pay taxes on airplane fuel that cost about $2.87 for a one-hour flight in the average piston-engine plane. The result: Commercial travelers subsidize many airports they never use …. Meanwhile, local subsidies help private airplane owners avoid costs that commercial airports routinely charge airlines, such as landing fees and passenger taxes. Only 2% to 3% of general-aviation airports charge planes to land ….
“FAA records show that 66% of the nation’s private airplanes are flown primarily for ‘personal/recreational’ use. An additional 6% are used for flight instruction. Just 16% are flown primarily for business purposes. …
“General-aviation airports sit idle for hours each day across the country. Some are in remote areas, such as H.A. Clark Memorial Field in northern Arizona. The airport has received $12.6 million in federal cash since 1982 and has averaged eight flights a day, FAA estimates show. That’s a subsidy of $151 for a flight that usually carries two or three people. …
“The Midwest National Air Center outside Kansas City has received $14.5 million and handles 33 flights a day. That’s 7% of the number it could handle ….
“For private pilots, the airport network is a world of ease and tranquility unknown to airline passengers who endure long trips to airports, costly parking, slow security screening, packed airplanes and delayed flights. Private fliers often have a choice of nearby airfields that typically offer free parking, have no security screening, no delays and little congestion. …
“Airplane owners in Stafford County, Va., got a huge break in April. The county eliminated its tax on airplanes. … The 29 people with small airplanes at the Stafford Regional Airport will see an average tax break of $655 a year, airport manager Ed Wallis says. The main beneficiaries, Wallis says, will be owners of expensive jets that he hopes to draw by exempting them from taxes of $180,000 a year in the case of a Gulfstream V. … Stafford Economic Development Authority member David Beiler calls the tax break ‘a wealthy, powerful special-interest group getting what it wants.’ Stafford County this year increased the tax rate on automobiles by 25%. ‘It’s ridiculous that someone with a car that’s 10 or 20 years old should be paying more tax than someone with a $1 million airplane,’ says Stafford Supervisor Joe Brito, who opposed the tax cut.”
(Quoted from USA today under fair use; for complete article, see link posted above.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So why don’t our tax-hating trolls say anything about this outrageous taxing of airline passengers to give huge subsidies private plane owners? Because they don’t hate all taxes, and this is exactly the kind of tax they like, that’s why! The tax is paid by mostly working-class citizens. Private plane ownership is sort of beyond the reach of these people. Virtually all recreational aircraft are owned by affluent Republican-voting people, and all private jets are owned by businesses or superwealthy individuals. By the way, you can’t buy a Gulfstream V, not even a used one, for $1 million. Hell, you can’t even buy the wet bar on a G-5 for that! In fact, you can’t buy any new jet for $1 million. A new G-5, typically configured, quotes for about $50 million. Midsize jets such as the Citation X or Bombardier 300 start around $20 million, before options. That’s a lot of the money, and one of the ways you afford a toy like that is by not paying any taxes — no income taxes, no inheritance taxes, no sales taxes, no personal property taxes, and no airport taxes. You make work shmoes pay all the taxes! If this is the kind of tax system you like, then vote Republican. If you think the owner of a 10-year-old Rustmobile should pay more excise taxes than the owner of a shiny new Gulfstream V, then vote Republican! If you think airline passengers should pay taxes so owners of Beechcrafts or Citations or King Airs can enjoy free airports and free parking, vote Republican! If you don’t like this tax system, and would like it changed, it’s probably not enough to just vote Democratic, you also need to bitch like hell to your congressman.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You see, Republicans aren’t against all taxes. They’re only against taxes that pay for things like schools, roads, and libraries. They’re not against taxes you pay for free airports for their fancy flying playthings.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Woger Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Virtually all recreational aircraft are owned by affluent Republican-voting people, and all private jets are owned by businesses or superwealthy individuals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Instead of telling me to shut up, you should get on your knees and kiss my feet for defending your free speech rights in Vietnam, you ungrateful asswipe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why do Republicans hate veterans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Whatever, Silly Puddy.
@31: Right-o, Rambo Rabbit.
… to give huge subsidies private plane owners [sic! sic! sic!]?
Will have plenty to ‘say’ about it when I get to my copy of Green Hell by Milloy. Watch this space.
… and kiss my feet …
Does that mean we also have to kiss your ….. ring?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Regular readers of HA know Silly Puddy is always full of shit, 100% of the time, but today he’s being silly even measured against his own incredibly low standards.
According to Flying Adventures magazine (and they should know), the average household income of aircraft owners
is $593,800, and $9.2 million for jet owners.
95% of private aircraft owners own $1 million of investments, more than half $5 million; 76% own a second home and 88% own “additional real estate”; 19% own more than 10 additional properties.
I wonder how many working stiffs can pony up $150,000 to $175,000 for a 30-year-old used airplane, or $498,000 for a 5-year-old model? But hey, if you can swing the payments on an $85,000 loan, you can get one that’s 40 years old. (Although I’m not sure I’d want to fly in something with 40 years of metal fatigue in its wing spars.)
… that’s why rabbits will become the dominant species …
The horror. Sure as well hope global warming gets kicked into overdrive so the extinctions can begin, beginning with Rabbits.
Recently read Worst Hard Time by Seattle’s Timothy Egan. Dust-Bowl exodusters on the southern plains were hard up for entertainment, so they massacred rabbits by the thousands or millions. Stomped them or beat them to death with big sticks.
Sounds like a perfect and perfectly enchanted evening at Green Lake, where You Know Who lives. Fun for the whole family.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now try Silly Puddy’s bullshit on someone trying to make the payments on a $5,000 used car and see how loud a horse laugh you get.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 et seq.: Like I said, get on your knees and kiss my feet, asswipe. Without veterans like me, you’d be somebody’s serf.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 You obviously didn’t read the book, which says they entertained themselves by staging rattlesnake roundups, at which they beat the snakes to death with sticks.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The LUNATIC terrorist/crazy man Qaddafi LOVES Obama! Isn’t that wonderful. I wonder why??
Egan’s The Worst Hard Time is instructive reading because the Dust Bowl was a purely man-made phenomenon. It was a tragedy that ignorant people inflicted on themselves. We feel sorry for them, because in those days people didn’t know any better. Can’t say the same of today’s global warming deniers and anti-environment crowd. If you like air and water pollution, clearcutting, ruined streams, PCBs, flood disasters, seal and dolphin clubbings, and species extinctions … vote Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 He loves you, too, Cynical.
@37 You don’t hear Bonanzas called “forked-tail doctor-killers” much anymore. That’s because there are hardly any physicians who can afford one.
Maybe “health-insurance company vice president killer” or “big-city hospital administrator killer” would be more fitting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 You have to catch a rabbit before you can stomp it, asswipe. Try it sometime, see if it’s fun! P.S., bring a gun so I can claim self defense.
In fact, in this day and age Skyler King, as an independent rancher in Arizona, wouldn’t be able to afford anything like a Cessna 310. The “Songbird” would have to be an ultralight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 Yes, it’s amazing how many doctors believed doing surgery qualified them to fly through clouds with rocks in them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 I suppose it’s all done with timeshares these days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 (continued) What Silly Puddy doesn’t seem to grasp is that even mundane things like rent and food are getting out of reach for today’s average worker.
As a USA Today article I linked to yesterday points out, U.S. wages are falling off a cliff. The only people who have prospered in recent years are those who manipulate money for a living or own a hell of a lot of property. Work has become almost worthless. So, people shouldn’t work. Why spend your time doing something the market doesn’t value that produces little return? There’s no money in producing anything, there’s money only in owning things.
Daddy Lovespews:
In the latest Pew Research poll (conducted 9/10-15/2009), 83 percent of Americans describe president Barack Obama as a good communicator, 78 percent describe him as warm and friendly, 70 percent describe him as well informed, 69 percent describe him as well organized, 68 percent describe him as “someone who cares about people like me,” 65 percent say he is a strong leader, 64 percent say he is trustworthy, and 58 percent say he is able to get things done.
It’s like the guy fell off a cliff, isn’t it? Right, Cynical?
Bullets 4 Bunniesspews:
Not enough ammo to take care of our rabbit problem? No problem.
Am pretty sure we have more than enough big sticks, and I have my big manly proletarian working man’s boots. Kind of messy, maybe, but I’ll wash Roger off my bootheels with a garden hose.
Rambo Rabbitspews:
Check Rabbit’s DD-214. Got a medical discharge for terminal batshit poisoning.
Unfortunately he’s still alive, and unfortunately he’s still toxic.
Ronbo Rabbitspews:
You just don’t get it.
We don’t hate verterans. We hate rabbits. And is it true you were hangin’ with John Kerry when Nixon sent him on that secret mission to Cambodia in December 1968?
And what’s with that secret mission you did with John Kerry? When Nixon sent you upriver to Cambodia in December 1968?
Killa Rabbitspews:
Machine’s as flaky as you-know-who with the attitude and the big ears.
That would be Roger. When he checked in to the fat farm, he thought they were going to make him even fatter. Which, of course, they did. Which brings us back to Piper’s recipe for rabbit stew, (serves multitudes):
– Steal and stomp one rabbit.
– Discard excrement.
– Poach with 2-buck Chuck.
– Throw away the rabbit.
– Drink the Chuck.
Bon appetit.
The Great Communicatorspews:
He’s communicable, for sure.
Agree totally that he’s young, gifted, and black, the same color he was before the election. Limbaugh’s bs about teleprompters barely made sense months ago, and now seems utterly unhinged from reality.
The reality is that President Obama is the most formidable politician of at least the last century. If Republicans think they can beat him with nothing, or with nothing more substantial than Limbaugh, they are dead-right dead.
Barry Goldwater told conservatives at the Nixon convention of 1960 to grow up. Too bad we/they grew old before we grew up, and that we’re now pulling down last rites on Medicare.
Figures. The right’s on last rites, and LBJ’s Medicare is paying for it.
Bowling 4 Dust Bowlsspews:
I read the book. Rabbit massacrees. Herded the little fuckers into barbed wire corrals and fucking thrashed ’em.
The price of the aircraft is just a small piece of the puzzle. The big cost is the ongoing maintenance. It costs a lot of money to keep aircraft in the air, and you can’t cut corners doing it. (After all, if that budget tune-up turns out to not have been such a good deal, you can’t exactly pull over to the side of the rode and call AAA).
A lot of neuvo-rich get all excited about buying their first plane, expecially when they find that some of them seem “reasonably priced”, apparantly needing only some cosmetic work. Then reality sets in. That’s when they wished they had bought a boat – same problem, but for less money.
Of course, you can pick up a BBJ (Boeing Business Jet, a special-version 737) for less than a hundred million, depending upon how much you want to put into the interior. Of course, you also need a crew to be on standby, a hanger to store it in, maintenance contracts, fueling arrangements at airports, etc. It’s a lot of money.
Dead Right Ritesspews:
Like dreams of the father
Like schemes of the son
Insert fork and deflate
One term and he’s done.
That just popped out a few weeks ago, like intestinal gas. Unfortunately I don’t believe it for a minute. Beat something with nothing? Hell, trying to beat the greatest politician of the Age with less than nothing is closer to it.
Check out Paul Weyrich’s ‘last testament’ to see how bad it is. There was Mr. Conservative, a few weeks before he died, writing about ending the American empire, about not seeking monsters to destroy, about going green, about buying local and giving up on global …
Bowling 4 Dust Bowlsspews:
Egan’s The Worst Hard Time is instructive reading because the Dust Bowl was a purely man-made phenomenon. It was a tragedy that ignorant people inflicted on themselves. We feel sorry for them, because in those days people didn’t know any better. Can’t say the same of today’s global warming deniers and anti-environment crowd.
About this we could maybe have a useful and rational discussion if you were, you know, rational. Instead of discussion with the insane, I prefer mutually assured destruction. Will bring my gat for sure.
@58 Fucking Adolescent Loon:
Which should certainly happen to you, had you the balls to ever go out in daylight, but as long as you just jack off on your keyboard all day there’s not much chance of that. How DO you do that without balls, anyway????
How is it spending your nights sucking Cynical’s dick? Kind of hard to find, isn’t it? But I guess you must have a talent for SOMETHING.
Bowling 4 Dust Bowlsspews:
But start with this: The 1930s, not the 1990s, were the hottest years on record, a record that goes back only until the end of the Little Ice Age, c. 1850. The proxy record before 1850 shows sudden catastrophic recurrent shifts in global climate in a preindustrial world. Further, the proxy record shows that CO2 levels were consequences, not causes, of climate shifts.
Before and after the Great Plains drought of the 1930s, there were Great Plains droughts. What turned situation-normal into abnormal 1930s dust bowls was mostly a matter of government policy. The wheat boom/bubble was encouraged by Woodrow Wilson’s war economy: Grow wheat fencerow to fencerow, they said. Food will win the war. And cultivated wheat, not grazing cattle, was the biggest bang for the buck.
So. On an area that Stephen Long correctly called desert, and that Powell correctly said was too arid for cultivation, grazing bison were displaced by grazing cattle and cattle were displaced by mechanized wheat farming. Then the bubble burst and the rain stopped and the wind came. No native grasses to hold anything down except rabbits, bugs, and snakes.
And isn’t it droll that Farmer Franklin thought the solution to manic recession was to send city people back to the farm. Just what you’d expect from a Hyde Park hayseed.
Whachoo talkin’ ’bout, boy? Rabbit’s balls, or somebody else’s?
Sorry about your PMS, fuckwad. You got a real bad case of extrogen poisoning. Probably too late for a hysterectomy, so just go straight to the rectumrectomy. Asshole.
You been too long attached to somebody else’s dick, juvenile psychopath. Come up for air. If you love the smell so much you can go back down.
Sticky Keyboardspews:
Oh well. Another left-wing-nut nut goes even nuttier. My work here is done.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Show up at my hole after dark tonight. You’ll find it 7 paces from the big tree on the east side of the lake. Bring a gun or stick, your choice. Bring your Living Will, too, because I’m not a pacifist.
Sticky Keyboardspews:
… you can go back down …
Is that a proposition? A proposal? We conservatives are verrrrry conservative about who we go down on.
You’re not on the short list. You’re not on the long list. You’re just on the shit list, which is where all pieces of shit belong.
Sticky Keyboardspews:
Boots. Got a problem with that? (Am pretty sure I can find your hole in the dark. Hole’s that big are hard not to find.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 “We hate rabbits.”
Since rabbits are judged by who their enemies are, I’m proud to be hated by you and your ilk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 That’s good — much too good to be thought up by an eggplant like you. Where did you plagiarize it from? Just curious.
Hmmm, who warned us that if Obama was President, a huge number of stockholders would pull their money out of the market, causing it to tank? It might not have been Cynical, it might have been someone else – but it does seem like something he would say. I should have bookmarked the comment when I had the chance.
So the DJIA was 8,281.22 before opening on the day of Obama’s inaugeration. Now it’s 9,748.55, a 17.72% increase in just nine months. In comparison, the DJIA dropped 21.78% during the eight years of the Bush administration (losing ground during BOTH terms).
Of course, it’s silly to use the DJIA as a benchmark to compare presidential economic perforance when Obama has only been in office for less than a year. It usually takes a couple of years, at least, before we can start making such comparisons. But it does go to show that the threat that the stock market would crash just due to fear of an Obama administration was utter nonsense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 No problem, there’s more rabbits where those came from.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 The even bigger cost is the airport, but not to worry, they’ve shoved that expense onto airline passengers. I’m sure John Travolta didn’t pay a dime for the airport his 7 planes are parked at.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Don’t worry, when the cheap oil runs out, you’ll all be eating like rabbits — and you’ll be healthier for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Who said anything about the destruction being mutual? As Tonto said in the old Lone Ranger joke, “What you mean we, white man?”
Back 2 Barackspews:
Barack Attack: He’s totally a media ho, not that there’s anything wrong with that, not when he’s that good at it.
Poem: Just popped out, just as I said. Like intestinal gas. Am rather proud of it.
Eggplant? Comin’ right back at ya, from me and my ilk.
You assholes proud of yourselves now…clearly this is what you want.
May you ALL burn in hell.
78. Back 2 Barack spews:
Barack Attack: He’s totally a media ho, not that there’s anything wrong with that, not when he’s that good at it.
Poem: Just popped out, just as I said. Like intestinal gas. Am rather proud of it.
Eggplant? Comin’ right back at ya, from me and my ilk.
09/23/2009 at 3:51 pm
You think you’re just a motherfucking riot, don’t you shithead.
Nope. Don’t think I’m a motherfucking riot. But I think you’re all wee-wee’d up, shithead.
Jay Silverheelsspews:
As Tonto said in the old Lone Ranger joke, “What you mean we, white man?”
Third iteration. Reminds me of a Bill Murray movie, one that wasn’t very good. Let’s just MoveOn.
Was ahead of the rhp curve. Put a post on HA in March about Limbaugh’s ‘Obama Bear Market’ riff. Wrote that whenever Rush tries a stunt like that, the Market almost invariably does a 180.
If Rush bellows about an up market to make a point, the market promptly goes down. If he hammers a down market, it goes up.
Is this how you treat me, after I paid you the supreme compliments yesterday of calling you an asshole and a bitch?
I was being Ann-Coulterish (sardonic, sarcastic, snide) in offering a UN definition, but its the only quasi-authoritative definition we’ve got. Without it, you and I would be going back and forth endlessly and uselessly with dueling footnotes and unacceptable citations and more-or-less broken links. (Google has 4400 links to ‘genocide sandinista miskito’, so there’s lots of room for breakage. Maybe that’s why, when I skimmed off the first two, you had your 19th breakdown.)
HNMT doesn’t like definitions so expansive that an elastic UN definition of genocide, for example, can take in James Buchanan’s war against Mormons and the Mormons’ 1858 war against gentiles at Mountain Meadows. But that’s just me, the hnmt who also hates Darryl’s ACLU definition of “torture.”
09/22/2009 at 4:59 pm
147. Where the YLB Wild Things Are spews:
Right here. That’s YLB (aka Happy Feet) doing the down low dirty dancing that gives me the hots.
09/22/2009 at 5:51 pm
148. Trolltalk by SJ spews:
137 ESO …..
Duhhh …
so tell me, if you have a gun outside of Safeco, you needa take it in??? I didn’t realize that! WOW!
Tes I will be ther, but now that Herr Beck has unveiled his book cover .. Beck in an EAST German uniform against the flag of Germany???
WTF is that about?
Today his website has the book for sale with the Hebrew word “Schema” written on its face …. or perhaps he is using a wired font where “NOW” is spelled Heh Mem Shin?????
Of course following his bizarre idea that all Americans should do as Jefferson did and fast on yom kippur /// what comes next?
I will be there, after receiving a number of threats from you guys I will only be armed with an orange tipped faux gun. I do paln on bringing some spare guns of the same ilk, come by and I will gift you one .. see if they will let you through with a toy?
09/22/2009 at 6:36 pm
149. YLB is a racist spews:
@148…could you look like a bigger douchebag?
is this what passes nowdays for a prof at the UW? LMFAO, fuck, what a joke.
@13..fixated on cocks eh? maybe you should hook up with gman the crazed fag…..just sayin…
Roger Rabbitspews:
79, 80 — Looks like the work of rightwing terrorists.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 Hey, thanks! I’ve been searching for years for a reliable market direction indicator. I knew there had to be one somewhere.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wascally Wabbit…
22 of the 30 richest counties are Democratic. Puddy already placed their names on HA. Contact your nephew ylb arschloch Wascally Wabbit. He’ll listen to you. He’ll run his tctmgr and reproduce the exact PuddyCitation.
Stafford County, VA Board of Supervisors has a Democratic Majority. They even have a black Democrat on the BoS Woger. Butt don’t let facts stand in the way of a useless pellet or a useless group of pellets Woger!
So once again PUDDY calls BULLSHITTIUM!
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of the recent additions to our troll inventory appears slightly more erudite than our run-of-the-mill trolls but without any improvement in substance.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
How is it spending your nights sucking Cynical’s dick?
First Marvin now Cynical. You really have a fixation with conservative cock.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 Yeah, the GOP is so bad even the rich are abandoning it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wascally Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Post #94
End of Wascally Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy gonna save this one like your Cuyahoga County, Ohio screech of years ago where the Board of Commissioners were Democratics and you were wrong there too, fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
rhp6033, NYSE 14164 all time high under Bush.
Dow drops 332.13 when “the messiah” took office. Let’s see if “the messiah’s” policies beat 14164.
What is worse? Having to live with National Health Care or Raping, Murdering and Thieving Heterosexuals?
28 Is there anything that you’re not jealous of? Anybody that does well you seem to have issue. Maybe if you had got off your lazy ass and not sucked off the government trough you could have enjoyed some perks of success. But alas, all you want to do is tear down anyone who is successful. I did notice in your rant about airports you failed to mention John Murthas(D) 200 million dollar beauty in PA that NOBODY USES. Oh yeah, Rush Limbaugh has a G-5 and it’s a beauty, I’ve seen it. The smartest man in the world should have one for golf outings. Bet you are jealous. HAHAHAHAHAHa. LOSER.
51 Did you get a tingle in your leg? Obama suck ass as a speaker without his teleprompter. Um, uhhhh,uhhhh, ummmmm,uhhhhhhh drives me fucking nuts. Enjoy your tingle, tard.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
98 Only thing that could be worse would be getting a blood transfusion from your faggot ass. EWWWWWWWWWW. RUN FORREST, RUN!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
OUCH! THE DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE of the White House, House and Senate.
How will this play out in the 2010 elections?
Some of you KLOWNS believe your beloved Dems will gain more seats.
Damn the facts, damn the feelings of voters.
Wake up. The is the dawning of a new revolution.
Another recent Rasmussen poll asking about the popularity of the Republican Party showed that a large majority of the American people viewed it negatively, even among Republicans.
That is understandable with it being the party of “No”, keeping the status quo benefiting the wealthy and hurting the vast majority of Americans. Also, with its followers of nut jobs like birthers, Tea-baggers, traitors who want to secede from the Nation, and a large percentage of its office holders who have commented criminal and improper sexual acts, the American people are tired of them. So, yes, this upcoming election cycle will be interesting.
@1: Klynical
Wow, this prediction from the same guy who told us that the republicans would win last November….like you have any credibility cretin….
2 Those criminal comments are something to watch out for. You must be referring to Acorn workers?
The republicans want to talk about “government takeover” when it is a government option that competes with the private options for health care insurance…let the best option win!
the republicans want to talk about waiting lists….but they don’t want to talk about the uninsured or those with preexisting conditions.
Idiots like Klynical claim that there are people making over 75K who are uninsured…but Klynical forgets that many people cannot get health care at ANY cost becuase of preexisting conditions.
The health insurance companies have overheads for paperwork and profits of 20% or more….medicare is at 3%.
‘Nuff said.
@4: Poor Mark:
I guess you have not been paying attention to the republican criminals, perverts and infidelity that has been rampant in the republican party.
Maybe you should learn to read, midget.
Oh, and we have The Word from Mallahan on transit: NO.
I expect when the dust settles it will turn out he is another BIAW floozy. Shaping up to be a shitty election: BIAW candidate for mayor, anti-gay referendum, anti-tax referendum. All with a good chance of winning, & how do progressives fight all three?
Hey, more food for corvids. Croak!
This is how we could down the drain with California: spend huge amounts of money on useless road-building projects. We could cut mass transit, build an extra-large bridge across Lake Washington, tunnel under the Sound. Oh, wait…
People get hyperconservative when threatened by such things as economic collapse. They will start voting conservative again and so the Republicans, who brought about the catastrophe, will exploit it and benefit from it, and be back in control.
People don’t think, they react. vomitous people like Cynical will be running this country again soon. Who would have thought GW Bush would win….twice? The bad guys usually win in life.
I refuse to be in the same country as assholes like Cynical and Marvin, so I choose to leave. You have no hope of changing them, or anything about them, or their ascendancy by their use of fear-mongering and lies.
You might consider relocating to where there are next to NO people like Cynical… good guys finish last in this country. Remember that. It is REAL.
@7 Don’t forget Dino Rossi in a dress running for county executive…
@9 I have to agree with you. It’s quite possible that the election of Roosevelt after 1929 was a fluke, or the result of the fact that a large segment of the “moneyed class” went broke along with everyone else. Certainly the actions he took were unusual, and required him to go against his own political and economic philosophy.
We’re truly at something of a crossroads. There may be a less than 50% chance of a positive outcome. If too many people are driven by fear or jealousy to line up behind the snake oil salesmen, we’re headed for either fascism or anarchy.
@10. Oh, I thought she was Sarah Palin’s Mini-Me. Sigh. You’re right.
Awesome, Art.
Hey guys-
Did you know that fixation with ACORN is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction in Republican/Libertarian men that comment on the “HorsesAss” blog?
True fact! Look it up.
You mean there’s something there to BE dysfunctional?
3. correctnotright spews:
Show me where I said R’s would win last November..
Glad to see your head is still in the sand…or some dark dank place!
ArtFart spews:
You are right about Obama..he is a lying snakeoil salesman.
I hear Obama has a gig lined up for after he loses (like Jimmy Carter) in 2012…
Obama will be the new Made For TV infomercial guy hawking ShamWow’s!!
Obama is just as smarmy as the current dude doing it.
Obama–ShamWow Salesman.
X’ad spews:
Gee X’ad…kind of over-reacting a bit, aren’t you?? Get your dobber up son. At least you understand what is coming at the Progressive movement. Most of these KLOWNS really think Leftist Politics will dominate America.
I have told you KLOWNS repeatedly that when 49.3% of Americans feel overtaxed, Conservatives will take over. That is the number you should be looking at…overtaxed.
It’s SOOOOOOOOOO Damn Funny to hear Obama and his goons running around trying to convince people taxing Health Care products isn’t a tax increase when everyone knows company’s will pass these taxes on to consumers.
Compelling video. It made me weep. We need to be sending daily thank you cards to the insurance industry for its role in upholding our economic well-being, not threatening its hard-earned profits. We have to fight back against the shortsightedness of those who advocate for healthcare “reform” at the expense of the insurance industry.
Hey PL, welcome back.
You certainly picked a perfect time to vist MT.
How was the fishing?
It was so beautiful out, that actually catching fish is somewhat secondary to just being out in the fresh, open air in God’s Country.
How is your Dad?
The Associated Press reports that U.S. gun owners buy about 9 billion bullets a year. That’s roughly 30 shots for every man, woman, and child in the country. There are way more bullets than deer in this country. But there are way more rabbits than bullets, and that’s why we rabbits will become the dominant species after you humans have blown away yourselves and every other species.
@17 8 years of Republican rule didn’t make my taxes go down. All we got under Bush was a massive shift of the federal tax burden from the rich to middle class workers, a tripling of the growth rate in federal spending compared to Clinton, gargantuan deficits that will turn into inflation (and inflation is nothing but a TAX INCREASE on people who spend most of their income on necessities), and a gut-wrenching depression that has cost millions of families their jobs and savings.
For the average American family, there’s a very simple way to figure out who they should vote for: ARE YOU BETTER OFF THAN YOU WERE IN 2000? Millions of voters answered that question resoundingly and decisively in the 2006 and 2008 elections. Never in history has a dominant party fallen so far and so quickly.
Whatever dissatisfactions may develop against Obama and the congressioal Democrats, you are deluding yourself if you think those voters will see voting Republican as a solution to anything. Your party is finished, Cynical. Like you, it’s old, worn-out, past its prime, irrelevant, useless, and nothing but a conversation piece on the dusty shelf of a low-traffic antiques shop.
Timing was impeccable. Muammar follows Barack in the UN Speech order.
P R I C E L E S S!
Roger, that’s too bad for you. Our taxes went down for the same income. So Puddy made more income and Puddy paid more taxes.
I actually have to agree with you on something (ouch!)–it was a perfect time for a visit to MT. Hot days, cool nights, and outstanding fishing. I did have an interesting chat with a couple of your companions on the right (from Cascade County) about the wolf hunt that just started. According to them, wolves pose the greatest threat to civilization other than that which liberals pose. The conversation ended (well, not quite) when one of them referred to “that nigger in the White House.” I wasn’t sure what the relation to a wolf hunt was, but the reference was indicative to me of how current conservatives think.
Hey Cynical! Why aren’t you railing against the system that collects hefty taxes from airline passengers — who are treated like cattle by the airlines, and like cows to be milked by the government — to subsidize general aviation airports that serve corporate jets and private pilots?
More socialism for the rich!
@15: I already posted where you said McCain was going to win in August…you are just too stoopid to remember. You changed your tune later when McCain self-destructed.
Meanwhile, the facts that Puddy and Klynical ignore:
Yes, this is the “system” that Puddy and Klynical and the other trogolodyte republicans are defending as “great”.
or like rabbits at an energizer bunny breeding farm.
So shut up, take the shoes off your furry little feet, and fly united.
Perk For The Rich: Airports For Private Planes, Paid For By You
“WILLIAMSBURG, Ky. — One of the USA’s newest airports has a 5,500-foot lighted runway, a Colonial-style terminal with white columns, and hundreds of acres for growth. …
“Built using $11 million in federal money, the airport is used only by private airplanes. … On a typical day, the airport has just two or three flights …. Some days, there are none.
“The Williamsburg airport is the result of an obscure federal program that raises billions of dollars a year through taxes on every airplane ticket sold in the United States. The taxes can add up to 15% to the cost of a flight — or about $29 to a $200 round-trip ticket. …
“Critics say the number of subsidized airports with no commercial flights is excessive … and … benefits only a few private pilots. …
“General-aviation airports handle mostly recreational planes and corporate jets — usually just a few each hour. …
“The funding for such airports soared from $470 million in 1999 to $1 billion in 2007 — even as private flying declined by 19% during that period. … This year, the small airports are receiving a record $1.2 billion. …
“The little-used airports are often in residential areas, drawing fire from neighbors who say they create noise and pollution while benefiting a small group of airplane owners. …
“A USA TODAY analysis … indicates that more than half of … general-aviation airports operate at less than 10% capacity. Nearly 90% operate at less than one-third of their capacity ….
“Three-quarters of general-aviation airports lose money every year and stay solvent only with cash from local taxpayers ….
“Nearly 2,400 airports have received $10 billion combined in federal dollars while handling fewer than 80 flights a day, according to FAA flight estimates. …
“The Airport Improvement Program is funded mostly by the nation’s airline passengers, who pay a 7.5% sales tax on each ticket and a $3.60 fee for each flight. … Private pilots pay taxes on airplane fuel that cost about $2.87 for a one-hour flight in the average piston-engine plane. The result: Commercial travelers subsidize many airports they never use …. Meanwhile, local subsidies help private airplane owners avoid costs that commercial airports routinely charge airlines, such as landing fees and passenger taxes. Only 2% to 3% of general-aviation airports charge planes to land ….
“FAA records show that 66% of the nation’s private airplanes are flown primarily for ‘personal/recreational’ use. An additional 6% are used for flight instruction. Just 16% are flown primarily for business purposes. …
“General-aviation airports sit idle for hours each day across the country. Some are in remote areas, such as H.A. Clark Memorial Field in northern Arizona. The airport has received $12.6 million in federal cash since 1982 and has averaged eight flights a day, FAA estimates show. That’s a subsidy of $151 for a flight that usually carries two or three people. …
“The Midwest National Air Center outside Kansas City has received $14.5 million and handles 33 flights a day. That’s 7% of the number it could handle ….
“For private pilots, the airport network is a world of ease and tranquility unknown to airline passengers who endure long trips to airports, costly parking, slow security screening, packed airplanes and delayed flights. Private fliers often have a choice of nearby airfields that typically offer free parking, have no security screening, no delays and little congestion. …
“Airplane owners in Stafford County, Va., got a huge break in April. The county eliminated its tax on airplanes. … The 29 people with small airplanes at the Stafford Regional Airport will see an average tax break of $655 a year, airport manager Ed Wallis says. The main beneficiaries, Wallis says, will be owners of expensive jets that he hopes to draw by exempting them from taxes of $180,000 a year in the case of a Gulfstream V. … Stafford Economic Development Authority member David Beiler calls the tax break ‘a wealthy, powerful special-interest group getting what it wants.’ Stafford County this year increased the tax rate on automobiles by 25%. ‘It’s ridiculous that someone with a car that’s 10 or 20 years old should be paying more tax than someone with a $1 million airplane,’ says Stafford Supervisor Joe Brito, who opposed the tax cut.”
(Quoted from USA today under fair use; for complete article, see link posted above.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So why don’t our tax-hating trolls say anything about this outrageous taxing of airline passengers to give huge subsidies private plane owners? Because they don’t hate all taxes, and this is exactly the kind of tax they like, that’s why! The tax is paid by mostly working-class citizens. Private plane ownership is sort of beyond the reach of these people. Virtually all recreational aircraft are owned by affluent Republican-voting people, and all private jets are owned by businesses or superwealthy individuals. By the way, you can’t buy a Gulfstream V, not even a used one, for $1 million. Hell, you can’t even buy the wet bar on a G-5 for that! In fact, you can’t buy any new jet for $1 million. A new G-5, typically configured, quotes for about $50 million. Midsize jets such as the Citation X or Bombardier 300 start around $20 million, before options. That’s a lot of the money, and one of the ways you afford a toy like that is by not paying any taxes — no income taxes, no inheritance taxes, no sales taxes, no personal property taxes, and no airport taxes. You make work shmoes pay all the taxes! If this is the kind of tax system you like, then vote Republican. If you think the owner of a 10-year-old Rustmobile should pay more excise taxes than the owner of a shiny new Gulfstream V, then vote Republican! If you think airline passengers should pay taxes so owners of Beechcrafts or Citations or King Airs can enjoy free airports and free parking, vote Republican! If you don’t like this tax system, and would like it changed, it’s probably not enough to just vote Democratic, you also need to bitch like hell to your congressman.
You see, Republicans aren’t against all taxes. They’re only against taxes that pay for things like schools, roads, and libraries. They’re not against taxes you pay for free airports for their fancy flying playthings.
Woger Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM Alert
@27 Instead of telling me to shut up, you should get on your knees and kiss my feet for defending your free speech rights in Vietnam, you ungrateful asswipe.
Why do Republicans hate veterans?
@30 Whatever, Silly Puddy.
@31: Right-o, Rambo Rabbit.
Will have plenty to ‘say’ about it when I get to my copy of Green Hell by Milloy. Watch this space.
Does that mean we also have to kiss your ….. ring?
Regular readers of HA know Silly Puddy is always full of shit, 100% of the time, but today he’s being silly even measured against his own incredibly low standards.
According to Flying Adventures magazine (and they should know), the average household income of aircraft owners
is $593,800, and $9.2 million for jet owners.
95% of private aircraft owners own $1 million of investments, more than half $5 million; 76% own a second home and 88% own “additional real estate”; 19% own more than 10 additional properties.;id=224335
Here’s what recession-pricing of Beech Bonanzas, a popular 4-place single-engine piston plane, looks like:
I wonder how many working stiffs can pony up $150,000 to $175,000 for a 30-year-old used airplane, or $498,000 for a 5-year-old model? But hey, if you can swing the payments on an $85,000 loan, you can get one that’s 40 years old. (Although I’m not sure I’d want to fly in something with 40 years of metal fatigue in its wing spars.)
The horror. Sure as well hope global warming gets kicked into overdrive so the extinctions can begin, beginning with Rabbits.
Recently read Worst Hard Time by Seattle’s Timothy Egan. Dust-Bowl exodusters on the southern plains were hard up for entertainment, so they massacred rabbits by the thousands or millions. Stomped them or beat them to death with big sticks.
Sounds like a perfect and perfectly enchanted evening at Green Lake, where You Know Who lives. Fun for the whole family.
Now try Silly Puddy’s bullshit on someone trying to make the payments on a $5,000 used car and see how loud a horse laugh you get.
@31 et seq.: Like I said, get on your knees and kiss my feet, asswipe. Without veterans like me, you’d be somebody’s serf.
@38 You obviously didn’t read the book, which says they entertained themselves by staging rattlesnake roundups, at which they beat the snakes to death with sticks.
The LUNATIC terrorist/crazy man Qaddafi LOVES Obama! Isn’t that wonderful. I wonder why??,2933,554327,00.html
Egan’s The Worst Hard Time is instructive reading because the Dust Bowl was a purely man-made phenomenon. It was a tragedy that ignorant people inflicted on themselves. We feel sorry for them, because in those days people didn’t know any better. Can’t say the same of today’s global warming deniers and anti-environment crowd. If you like air and water pollution, clearcutting, ruined streams, PCBs, flood disasters, seal and dolphin clubbings, and species extinctions … vote Republican.
@42 He loves you, too, Cynical.
@37 You don’t hear Bonanzas called “forked-tail doctor-killers” much anymore. That’s because there are hardly any physicians who can afford one.
Maybe “health-insurance company vice president killer” or “big-city hospital administrator killer” would be more fitting.
@38 You have to catch a rabbit before you can stomp it, asswipe. Try it sometime, see if it’s fun! P.S., bring a gun so I can claim self defense.
In fact, in this day and age Skyler King, as an independent rancher in Arizona, wouldn’t be able to afford anything like a Cessna 310. The “Songbird” would have to be an ultralight.
@45 Yes, it’s amazing how many doctors believed doing surgery qualified them to fly through clouds with rocks in them.
@47 I suppose it’s all done with timeshares these days.
@47 (continued) What Silly Puddy doesn’t seem to grasp is that even mundane things like rent and food are getting out of reach for today’s average worker.
As a USA Today article I linked to yesterday points out, U.S. wages are falling off a cliff. The only people who have prospered in recent years are those who manipulate money for a living or own a hell of a lot of property. Work has become almost worthless. So, people shouldn’t work. Why spend your time doing something the market doesn’t value that produces little return? There’s no money in producing anything, there’s money only in owning things.
In the latest Pew Research poll (conducted 9/10-15/2009), 83 percent of Americans describe president Barack Obama as a good communicator, 78 percent describe him as warm and friendly, 70 percent describe him as well informed, 69 percent describe him as well organized, 68 percent describe him as “someone who cares about people like me,” 65 percent say he is a strong leader, 64 percent say he is trustworthy, and 58 percent say he is able to get things done.
It’s like the guy fell off a cliff, isn’t it? Right, Cynical?
Not enough ammo to take care of our rabbit problem? No problem.
Am pretty sure we have more than enough big sticks, and I have my big manly proletarian working man’s boots. Kind of messy, maybe, but I’ll wash Roger off my bootheels with a garden hose.
Check Rabbit’s DD-214. Got a medical discharge for terminal batshit poisoning.
Unfortunately he’s still alive, and unfortunately he’s still toxic.
You just don’t get it.
We don’t hate verterans. We hate rabbits. And is it true you were hangin’ with John Kerry when Nixon sent him on that secret mission to Cambodia in December 1968?
(Of course you could win your way back into our hearts and into the hutch it you’d just finish the job you started on Carter.)
We don’t hate veterans. We hate rabbits.
And what’s with that secret mission you did with John Kerry? When Nixon sent you upriver to Cambodia in December 1968?
Machine’s as flaky as you-know-who with the attitude and the big ears.
That would be Roger. When he checked in to the fat farm, he thought they were going to make him even fatter. Which, of course, they did. Which brings us back to Piper’s recipe for rabbit stew, (serves multitudes):
– Steal and stomp one rabbit.
– Discard excrement.
– Poach with 2-buck Chuck.
– Throw away the rabbit.
– Drink the Chuck.
Bon appetit.
He’s communicable, for sure.
Agree totally that he’s young, gifted, and black, the same color he was before the election. Limbaugh’s bs about teleprompters barely made sense months ago, and now seems utterly unhinged from reality.
The reality is that President Obama is the most formidable politician of at least the last century. If Republicans think they can beat him with nothing, or with nothing more substantial than Limbaugh, they are dead-right dead.
Barry Goldwater told conservatives at the Nixon convention of 1960 to grow up. Too bad we/they grew old before we grew up, and that we’re now pulling down last rites on Medicare.
Figures. The right’s on last rites, and LBJ’s Medicare is paying for it.
I read the book. Rabbit massacrees. Herded the little fuckers into barbed wire corrals and fucking thrashed ’em.
The price of the aircraft is just a small piece of the puzzle. The big cost is the ongoing maintenance. It costs a lot of money to keep aircraft in the air, and you can’t cut corners doing it. (After all, if that budget tune-up turns out to not have been such a good deal, you can’t exactly pull over to the side of the rode and call AAA).
A lot of neuvo-rich get all excited about buying their first plane, expecially when they find that some of them seem “reasonably priced”, apparantly needing only some cosmetic work. Then reality sets in. That’s when they wished they had bought a boat – same problem, but for less money.
Of course, you can pick up a BBJ (Boeing Business Jet, a special-version 737) for less than a hundred million, depending upon how much you want to put into the interior. Of course, you also need a crew to be on standby, a hanger to store it in, maintenance contracts, fueling arrangements at airports, etc. It’s a lot of money.
Like dreams of the father
Like schemes of the son
Insert fork and deflate
One term and he’s done.
That just popped out a few weeks ago, like intestinal gas. Unfortunately I don’t believe it for a minute. Beat something with nothing? Hell, trying to beat the greatest politician of the Age with less than nothing is closer to it.
Check out Paul Weyrich’s ‘last testament’ to see how bad it is. There was Mr. Conservative, a few weeks before he died, writing about ending the American empire, about not seeking monsters to destroy, about going green, about buying local and giving up on global …
About this we could maybe have a useful and rational discussion if you were, you know, rational. Instead of discussion with the insane, I prefer mutually assured destruction. Will bring my gat for sure.
@58 Fucking Adolescent Loon:
Which should certainly happen to you, had you the balls to ever go out in daylight, but as long as you just jack off on your keyboard all day there’s not much chance of that. How DO you do that without balls, anyway????
How is it spending your nights sucking Cynical’s dick? Kind of hard to find, isn’t it? But I guess you must have a talent for SOMETHING.
But start with this: The 1930s, not the 1990s, were the hottest years on record, a record that goes back only until the end of the Little Ice Age, c. 1850. The proxy record before 1850 shows sudden catastrophic recurrent shifts in global climate in a preindustrial world. Further, the proxy record shows that CO2 levels were consequences, not causes, of climate shifts.
Before and after the Great Plains drought of the 1930s, there were Great Plains droughts. What turned situation-normal into abnormal 1930s dust bowls was mostly a matter of government policy. The wheat boom/bubble was encouraged by Woodrow Wilson’s war economy: Grow wheat fencerow to fencerow, they said. Food will win the war. And cultivated wheat, not grazing cattle, was the biggest bang for the buck.
So. On an area that Stephen Long correctly called desert, and that Powell correctly said was too arid for cultivation, grazing bison were displaced by grazing cattle and cattle were displaced by mechanized wheat farming. Then the bubble burst and the rain stopped and the wind came. No native grasses to hold anything down except rabbits, bugs, and snakes.
And isn’t it droll that Farmer Franklin thought the solution to manic recession was to send city people back to the farm. Just what you’d expect from a Hyde Park hayseed.
Whachoo talkin’ ’bout, boy? Rabbit’s balls, or somebody else’s?
Sorry about your PMS, fuckwad. You got a real bad case of extrogen poisoning. Probably too late for a hysterectomy, so just go straight to the rectumrectomy. Asshole.
You been too long attached to somebody else’s dick, juvenile psychopath. Come up for air. If you love the smell so much you can go back down.
Oh well. Another left-wing-nut nut goes even nuttier. My work here is done.
@52 Show up at my hole after dark tonight. You’ll find it 7 paces from the big tree on the east side of the lake. Bring a gun or stick, your choice. Bring your Living Will, too, because I’m not a pacifist.
Is that a proposition? A proposal? We conservatives are verrrrry conservative about who we go down on.
You’re not on the short list. You’re not on the long list. You’re just on the shit list, which is where all pieces of shit belong.
Boots. Got a problem with that? (Am pretty sure I can find your hole in the dark. Hole’s that big are hard not to find.)
@54 “We hate rabbits.”
Since rabbits are judged by who their enemies are, I’m proud to be hated by you and your ilk.
@56 That’s good — much too good to be thought up by an eggplant like you. Where did you plagiarize it from? Just curious.
Hmmm, who warned us that if Obama was President, a huge number of stockholders would pull their money out of the market, causing it to tank? It might not have been Cynical, it might have been someone else – but it does seem like something he would say. I should have bookmarked the comment when I had the chance.
So the DJIA was 8,281.22 before opening on the day of Obama’s inaugeration. Now it’s 9,748.55, a 17.72% increase in just nine months. In comparison, the DJIA dropped 21.78% during the eight years of the Bush administration (losing ground during BOTH terms).
Of course, it’s silly to use the DJIA as a benchmark to compare presidential economic perforance when Obama has only been in office for less than a year. It usually takes a couple of years, at least, before we can start making such comparisons. But it does go to show that the threat that the stock market would crash just due to fear of an Obama administration was utter nonsense.
@58 No problem, there’s more rabbits where those came from.
@59 The even bigger cost is the airport, but not to worry, they’ve shoved that expense onto airline passengers. I’m sure John Travolta didn’t pay a dime for the airport his 7 planes are parked at.
@60 Don’t worry, when the cheap oil runs out, you’ll all be eating like rabbits — and you’ll be healthier for it.
@61 Who said anything about the destruction being mutual? As Tonto said in the old Lone Ranger joke, “What you mean we, white man?”
Barack Attack: He’s totally a media ho, not that there’s anything wrong with that, not when he’s that good at it.
Poem: Just popped out, just as I said. Like intestinal gas. Am rather proud of it.
Eggplant? Comin’ right back at ya, from me and my ilk.
So a Census worker was murdered in Kentucky.
The blood is on your hands troll-fucks.
You assholes proud of yourselves now…clearly this is what you want.
May you ALL burn in hell.
You think you’re just a motherfucking riot, don’t you shithead.
Nope. Don’t think I’m a motherfucking riot. But I think you’re all wee-wee’d up, shithead.
Third iteration. Reminds me of a Bill Murray movie, one that wasn’t very good. Let’s just MoveOn.
Was ahead of the rhp curve. Put a post on HA in March about Limbaugh’s ‘Obama Bear Market’ riff. Wrote that whenever Rush tries a stunt like that, the Market almost invariably does a 180.
If Rush bellows about an up market to make a point, the market promptly goes down. If he hammers a down market, it goes up.
Almost never fails. Dow 36,000. Bet money on it.
In case you were wondering what trollfuck Rujax! looks like when he slithers out of the Sticky Seat Theatre …
HNMT (hearts) YLB spews:
Is this how you treat me, after I paid you the supreme compliments yesterday of calling you an asshole and a bitch?
I was being Ann-Coulterish (sardonic, sarcastic, snide) in offering a UN definition, but its the only quasi-authoritative definition we’ve got. Without it, you and I would be going back and forth endlessly and uselessly with dueling footnotes and unacceptable citations and more-or-less broken links. (Google has 4400 links to ‘genocide sandinista miskito’, so there’s lots of room for breakage. Maybe that’s why, when I skimmed off the first two, you had your 19th breakdown.)
HNMT doesn’t like definitions so expansive that an elastic UN definition of genocide, for example, can take in James Buchanan’s war against Mormons and the Mormons’ 1858 war against gentiles at Mountain Meadows. But that’s just me, the hnmt who also hates Darryl’s ACLU definition of “torture.”
09/22/2009 at 4:59 pm
147. Where the YLB Wild Things Are spews:
Right here. That’s YLB (aka Happy Feet) doing the down low dirty dancing that gives me the hots.
09/22/2009 at 5:51 pm
148. Trolltalk by SJ spews:
137 ESO …..
Duhhh …
so tell me, if you have a gun outside of Safeco, you needa take it in??? I didn’t realize that! WOW!
Tes I will be ther, but now that Herr Beck has unveiled his book cover .. Beck in an EAST German uniform against the flag of Germany???
WTF is that about?
Today his website has the book for sale with the Hebrew word “Schema” written on its face …. or perhaps he is using a wired font where “NOW” is spelled Heh Mem Shin?????
Of course following his bizarre idea that all Americans should do as Jefferson did and fast on yom kippur /// what comes next?
I will be there, after receiving a number of threats from you guys I will only be armed with an orange tipped faux gun. I do paln on bringing some spare guns of the same ilk, come by and I will gift you one .. see if they will let you through with a toy?
09/22/2009 at 6:36 pm
149. YLB is a racist spews:
@148…could you look like a bigger douchebag?
is this what passes nowdays for a prof at the UW? LMFAO, fuck, what a joke.
09/22/2009 at 9:15 pm
150. Warm Gun spews:
Is that an orange tipped spud gun in your pants, SJ, or are you just happy to see us?
Ah, wingnut hypocrisy, what would we do without it?
@13..fixated on cocks eh? maybe you should hook up with gman the crazed fag…..just sayin…
79, 80 — Looks like the work of rightwing terrorists.
@84 Hey, thanks! I’ve been searching for years for a reliable market direction indicator. I knew there had to be one somewhere.
Wascally Wabbit…
22 of the 30 richest counties are Democratic. Puddy already placed their names on HA. Contact your nephew ylb arschloch Wascally Wabbit. He’ll listen to you. He’ll run his tctmgr and reproduce the exact PuddyCitation.
Stafford County, VA Board of Supervisors has a Democratic Majority. They even have a black Democrat on the BoS Woger. Butt don’t let facts stand in the way of a useless pellet or a useless group of pellets Woger!
So once again PUDDY calls BULLSHITTIUM!
One of the recent additions to our troll inventory appears slightly more erudite than our run-of-the-mill trolls but without any improvement in substance.
First Marvin now Cynical. You really have a fixation with conservative cock.
@91 Yeah, the GOP is so bad even the rich are abandoning it.
Wascally Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Post #94
End of Wascally Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM Alert
Puddy gonna save this one like your Cuyahoga County, Ohio screech of years ago where the Board of Commissioners were Democratics and you were wrong there too, fool!
rhp6033, NYSE 14164 all time high under Bush.
Dow drops 332.13 when “the messiah” took office. Let’s see if “the messiah’s” policies beat 14164.
What is worse? Having to live with National Health Care or Raping, Murdering and Thieving Heterosexuals?
28 Is there anything that you’re not jealous of? Anybody that does well you seem to have issue. Maybe if you had got off your lazy ass and not sucked off the government trough you could have enjoyed some perks of success. But alas, all you want to do is tear down anyone who is successful. I did notice in your rant about airports you failed to mention John Murthas(D) 200 million dollar beauty in PA that NOBODY USES. Oh yeah, Rush Limbaugh has a G-5 and it’s a beauty, I’ve seen it. The smartest man in the world should have one for golf outings. Bet you are jealous. HAHAHAHAHAHa. LOSER.
51 Did you get a tingle in your leg? Obama suck ass as a speaker without his teleprompter. Um, uhhhh,uhhhh, ummmmm,uhhhhhhh drives me fucking nuts. Enjoy your tingle, tard.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
98 Only thing that could be worse would be getting a blood transfusion from your faggot ass. EWWWWWWWWWW. RUN FORREST, RUN!