Heh. Marvelous Marv the idiot couldn’t carry this guy’s guitar pick.
Well done!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I think you are on to something…something that can end your chronic unemployment.
Heretofore, you will be
YLB, Professional Guitar Pick Carrier
I think with adequate training and oversight, you may be able to do this.
See YLB…ideas spawn from your simple-minded thoughts and musing.
Does Gregoire require PGPC’s to be licensed and bonded?? I think you have to pay B&O Tax too…and get Professional Liability Insurance of course.
Wow…probably not much left for you after Gregoire and Obama pick most of the meat off your useless bones.
Marvin Stamnspews:
1. YLB spews:
Heh. Marvelous Marv the idiot couldn’t carry this guy’s guitar pick.
Let me see if I understand this…
I’m making a living doing what I want, music.
You’re unemployed.
And yet you in all your wisdom know what I can and can’t do. If you’re so smart, why can’t you get a job? Maybe Puddy or Cynical can jump in and teach me approximately how long someone as smart and insightful as you have been unemployed.
Damn, you earned that clueless monicker.
Hey Goldy: Just reminding you of your appointment with ACORN tomorrow. They say they can resolve your girlfriend’s unclaimed street earnings. She can now be called a “performance artist”.
who could have predicted that the richest man in the world lives in a police town?
3 – LOL! Let’s see you compose and arrange a right wing idiot video.
It’d be a hilarious flop like the teabagger group delusion and townhall scream fests.
heh. Go ahead Marv, make our day.
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. YLB spews:
3 – LOL! Let’s see you compose and arrange a right wing idiot video.
Since I’m not unemployable like you, I do expect to be paid for my work. Can your wife (the breadwinner in the family) afford it?
It’d be a hilarious flop like the teabagger group delusion and townhall scream fests.
And you know this because you have seen/heard my work (which I know for a fact you have but don’t even know it) or because in your mind you have such hate for me you can’t believe I can do anything well enough to earn a living at it. Say, what can you do well enough to earn a living at? oops, being unemployed doesn’t reflect well on your skillset.
heh. Go ahead Marv, make our day.
Of course, I will want your wife to sign a contract and provide a deposit up front before I start work for you.
I’m sure even you can understand why I can’t take a job order from someone unemployed.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Can you imagine if ylb arschloch put the effort into job hunting he did into creating his tctmgr based database of Marvin, Cynical and Puddy comments he’d be employed today. Instead he sits on his fat ASS collecting unemployment, wailing how bad things are.
What an arschloch loon!
Marvin Stamnspews:
When democrat tax cheats are speaking out against the superman obama you know things are going bad. Maybe the obama should sue those superspeaking skills of his.
Nothing wrong with slashing subsidies to the poor as long as the obama gets what he wants. As long as the poor old people die without a death panel it’s all good for the democrats.
Hi Hi Hi Goldy, it’s me todd.
I have a super-duper idea.
Why not move Drinking Liberally from that dreadful Montlake AleHouse to a Gay Bar like Neighbours or Purr from now until the November election. It would be totally symbolic of your dedication to Gay Rights issues.
Like the wingnutty’s deal with that one.
You know you would be welcomed as usual at any of these hot bars.
Think about it Goldy.
Fun Fun Fun@!
Your l’il SPF..todd
@1,2,7, and 8:
Right on the money! I suspect poor little insecure YLB with his extreme inferiority complex, simply doesn’t want to get a job, even if someone was dumb enough to hire him. You see, living in his Momma’s basement, and getting gov’t cheese, handouts, and mooching off society is working out quite nicely for him. There’s no incentive to work; and since he obviously had a poor upbringing and has no work ethic, pride, self confidence or morals, his current situation is hardly shocking. It is fun to kick him around like a beach ball at a concert though, no? I always laugh when he thinks his non-taxpaying opinions matter to anyone. Good luck YLB, you sure need it!
Now, I’m getting back to WORK myself. :)
7 – Marv why hit my family up for money? We’re not right wing.
Give Sam Wyly a call. He’s got loads of money (hundreds of millions) he’s avoided paying the federal Government to support torture, recreational wars for play on Faux News and all the rest. (Only the little people do that.)
He’d gladly fund your music for a right wing idiot video for teabagger and townhall screamer consumption and other morons “gone Galt”. That is, if he’s not too tight wad.
United States Ranks 37th in overall Health Care – According to a report by the World Health Organization which measured five indicators:
– overall level of health
– health inequalities
– level of health-system responsiveness
– patient satisfaction throughout society
– who bears the financial burden of the health system
The WHO ranked France first overall, followed by Italy. The United States, which spends 13.7 percent of its gross domestic product on health expenditures, was ranked 37th out of a 191 countries listed. Canada, which spends 8.6 percent of its GDP on health expenditures, was 30th, while Singapore, which spends only 3.1 percent of its GDP, was sixth.
Then there’s this (same source):
The United States ranked first in responsiveness.
Yes, you can get sub-par care faster here than you can anywhere else. We’re the McDonald’s of health care. Kinda makes sense, right?
And hey, how fucking bad must we be in the other categories (you know, like, say, INEQUALITY?) to come in 37th when we got one first place out of five categories?
Daddy Lovespews:
Didja hear that Orly Taitz’s “birther” lawsuit was thrown out of court? Not only that, she was warned that she would suffer sanctions if she brought further frivolous actions to his court.
There’s lots of good stuff in the order, including:
[The Plaintiff] has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as President of the United States.
Plaintiff’s counsel…seeks to use the power of the judiciary to compel a citizen, albeit the President of the United States, to “prove his innocence” to “charges” that are based upon conjecture and speculation. Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony…
So for those of you who think that people bring unfounded lawsuits against, oh, I don’t know, perhaps doctors? Here’s the bottom line:
There is no need to legislate against frivolous lawsuits. As you can tell, THEY GET THROWN OUT!
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. YLB spews:
7 – Marv why hit my family up for money?
I am not hitting you up for money, it’s because you gave the impression you wanted me to work for you. Why should I work for you for free?
I’m guessing the whole concept of employment is kinda foreign to you.
In life outside of free government programs, employers trade a paycheck for services.
20 – Marv I thought you said you’d be happy to compose and arrange music for a right wing idiot video.
The right wing is loaded with money to support foolishness like that: Sam Wyly, Boone Pickens, Phil Anshutz, Richard Mellon Scaife, Phil Ahmanson Jr., Syung Myung Moon, the Koch Industry brothers, Sheldon Adelson.. Go there.
19 – If only all right wing noise could be thrown out in the garbage where it belongs.
Then perhaps it could be ground under into a landfill to make methane to be burned for electricity.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Same shit different thread. ylb arschloch! Monomaniacal moron!
The BBC reported a week or so ago that the United States is number two in the world in “economic output” (whatever exactly that means)…behind Switzerland.
Think about that for a minute (you too, trolls, if you’re capable of engaging your brains for that long)…and consider the quality and security of life the Swiss enjoy, compared to that of the mass of Americans who aren’t among the Hoitiest of the Toity.
All the rest of our massive “generation of wealth” is being siphoned off by the criminal cartel we call “business” and the ineffective government that’s now completely beholden to it.
The truly cynical among us might predict that no way is this going to change as long as the majority of us are still able to earn or borrow enough for our overlords to steal, and still leave us greasy shitburgers to eat and a few meager but flashy “amenities” (cable TV, Facebook, etc) to keep us all hypnotized.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh lookie here. ylb arschloch’s “wife’s” union had a good man at the California helm…
Of course ylb arschloch is very comfortable with these peeps.
Wait for it…
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. YLB spews:
20 – Marv I thought you said you’d be happy to compose and arrange music for a right wing idiot video.
Once again, your lack of employable skills are causing you to live in an unemployable bubble of confusion.
I would be happy to work for anyone, as should you. I would work for you if you could afford it or even air america if they paid in advance (a friend of mine is involved in a lawsuit for non-payment for services rendered). If goldy wanted me to compose some original music for his radio show theme song, if we could agree on the work and price, I would be happy to.
There are people I wouldn’t work for. Manocrap, headless, Ku KluX’ad Klan, steve, byebyegoober and a few others that I would rather not be associated with.
26 – Well, well, Marv. You got a head for business! Survey the market – plenty of dittoheads out there. Michelle Malkin claimed two million were on the the “Million Moron March”.
You get some financing from the rich right wingers with more money than sense that I mentioned and you’ve got a winner.
However count me out of the financing. I’m here to laugh at whatever you put out.
@15 If I was going to move, it would be Spain or Italy, and that’s been my list long before seeing this.
Could we add Antarctica to your list, Daddy?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey ylb arschloch,
Remember when you tried to ridicule Puddy over my claim of SEIU and ACORN sharing orifices in N’awlins? You challenged Puddy to produce and Puddy not only produced but gave your arschloch the actual Google street view. Now it seems the shared connection gets deeeeeeeeper fool.
Shits are a explodin now!!!! Read it on firedoglake ylb arschloch!
25 – O lookee here. I smell a right wing smear around the corner. Just like with ACLU..
Yaaawwnn.. Next comes the lame “Pavlov’s Dog” bullshit.
31 – So? You’re a Republican so does that make you affiliated with perverts like Vitter and restroom stalkers like Craig?
According to your insane bullshit logic – maybe so!
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. ArtFart spews:
the quality and security of life the Swiss enjoy, compared to that of the mass of Americans who aren’t among the Hoitiest of the Toity.
How can you compare switzerland to america..
Switzerland – 7,581,520
Massachusetts – 6,497,967
Los Angeles – 9,862,049
The less people, the easier a socialist program will work fairly. Unless you don’t consider jim jones (the friend of harvey milk, willie brown, etc.) and his socialist jonestown utopia successful.
The swiss are nothing like us greedy spoiled americans. Poor people in other countries don’t have cars, cellphones, teevs, cable, wii, microwaves, air conditioning, etc.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. YLB spews:
26 – Well, well, Marv. You got a head for business! Survey the market – plenty of dittoheads out there. Michelle Malkin claimed two million were on the the “Million Moron March”.
I have no problem with trading barbs about government officials, liberal policies, other commenters on this blog, etc with you.
But please, don’t be so damn scatterbrained.
How you went from lamely trying to insult my career to michelle malkin reporting 2 million is waaaay too doofus even for you.
p.s. if you feel I have a head for business, wouldn’t it be to your advantage to ask me about how best for you to join the job market?
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. YLB spews:
31 – So? You’re a Republican so does that make you affiliated with perverts like Vitter and restroom stalkers like Craig
You have been insisting it does for months.Your point?
Restroom stalkers like craig, does that mean gay men? Correct me if I’m wrong, I believe the cop was there for a sting on gay men hitting on men in a public bathroom, not a sting on a politician.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch…
Back in post #25 Puddy wrote:
Wait for it…09/16/2009 at 3:52 pm
And of course you delivered right on time in post #32. So of course you are Pavlov’s Doggie. A victim of his own stupidity!
37 – right on cue. Thanks for playing.
36 – No that means desperate, repressed, lonely, self-hating, right wing hypocrites who seek anonymous sexual release in a place that the general society used to allow for homosexuals as long as the word didn’t get out which explains the sting activity of the cop.
Craig could have been out but I can’t think of an out right wing homosexual male congressman right now. Can you?
35 – Not only did Malkin claim 2 million but another guy you should be familiar with claimed the same number for the “2 million moron march” as well:
Rush Limbaugh – heard of him? Lots of fools listen to his show. Big market. Big money.
Go for it Marv. There’s gold in them thar’ dittoheads.
23. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Same shit different thread. ylb arschloch! Monomaniacal moron!
Puddy-Be careful about throwing stones in the monomaniacal house. If you were any more self-centered you’d implode.
Wait. Let me guess. Heterosexual Murder, Rapist. Gosh Heterosexuals do so much wonderful stuff in this world, they are the greatest, my heroes.
Carter is a real dumbass….always has been inept and a gasbag.
Screaming Racism at every turn is good for America Jimmy-baby???
Glad Gibbs spoke up.
Tell the old Leftist Pinheaded KLOWN to STFU!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Marv @ 34–
How can you compare switzerland to america..
Switzerland – 7,581,520
Massachusetts – 6,497,967
Los Angeles – 9,862,049
Excellent point sir.
There are several huge differences the KLOWNS ignore:
1) Our Tort System is Ambulance-chaser heaven…Switzerland is about ZERO!
2) Switzerland has almost no ILLEGAL ALIENS and they do not get services.
It’s like comparing night and day.
These KLOWNS are soooooo dense.
They look at the bottom-line WITHOUT looking at all the underlying facts.
I’ll bet if we cut out the Lawyers and Illegals, our ranking would skyrocket despite our massive volume.
Probably because Switzerland doesn’t have a bunch of murdering heterosexuals; better people make a better nation, not politicians, clearly the Swiss know how to be human beings that don’t lust for everything they can’t have, like American Pigs. I bet you would chase an ambulance even after hitting because you are a fucking drunk.
Here is what she said about the idiot, senile old bastard Jimmy Carter–
“I don’t see race as an issue. It’s all about the policies that are coming out of the current administration,” said Deneen Borelli, a black conservative who spoke at the protest rally held in Washington Saturday. Much of the condemnation of Obama’s critics has come as a response to that protest, where tens of thousands demonstrated against big government and over-spending.
“I just see this as the race card being used once again to distract the American people from the core issues,” Borelli said.
She was probably the best speaker at the Tea Party too.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
14. Mark1 spews:
@13 Mr. Cyn:
LOL!! Applicable to Goldy and some of the other tens of regular posters here as well:
Apparently Goldy or Mr. Sensitive didn’t find my comment at 13 as funny as you did Mark1.
Humorless. It’s their Achilles Heel!
Can you believe it??
Goldy, YLB and the entire Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats are actually SERIOUS about the nonsense they post.
Hell, I used to think they were just kiddin’ us.
Love how this incestuous bunch of morons who come in here publicly suck each others’ dicks because they know the rest of us regard them as subhuman. They decide they’ll prove it. They couldn’t survive without trading body fluids in front of the rest of us. I guess they think we find it impressive.
Can we rent them out to a circus? Barnum and Bailey is always looking for disgusting species, and they DO constitute a sideshow.
Or to Rush? He’s their god, after all. They have no existence without someone to give them their talking points.
Maybe it’s better to just ignore them, the scroll button is really easy, but I’m wearing mine out.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch was identified as monomaniacal by another lefty months ago. Puddy identified him as chronologically challenged in July.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
HA Liberals,
Look at ylb arschloch’s response in #32. And he says thanks for playing in #38.
That’s why you are a buffoon bozo ylb arschloch. You posted your favrit site right on Puddy’s queue. What a ruptured mind.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy knows of Deneen’s writings. Excellent mind. Was part of CORE, Roy Innes & son Nigel Innes.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
That old gas bag Jimmae Cahhhrter is anti-Zionist. Here is what Dr Martin Luther King Jr said about anti-Zionists.
HA Libtardos forget these small items of historical reference. Puddy doesn’t forget. Another reason Puddy left the reservation long ago.
Puddy tries to educate the black leftists here, but it seems history falls on deaf ears when you continually drink the kook-aid!
Trolltalk by SeattleJewspews:
4. John425 spews:
Calls Goldy’s grilfriend a whore
8. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
concerned that others sit on fat asses.
23. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
same shit
27. Troll spews:
They (black guys) have rape in their genes
9. Marvin Stamn spews:
death panels!!!!!!
45. Mr. Cynical spews:
Mr C thinks Puddy– should know Deneen Borelli cuz ahe is black and hot?? SJ comments: I don;t think Puddy would pimp for you mr. C. Puddy falls for Mr C’s trap. I hesitate to ask but I do wonder if Puddy knows any of the black Dudes and Dudettes I met in Detroit last week? I will post pc at SJ so he can tell us?
(with apologies to any sense of good taste our trolls may stuill have and to a lovely real lady I have met who lives of Puddy’s arm ….)
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
X’ad thought this
Love how this incestuous bunch of morons who come in here publicly suck each others’ dicks because they know the rest of us regard them as subhuman.
Puddy don’t suck dicks. You must be mistaking Puddy for Blue John or Gman. Puddy don’t use the Hershey Highway. Maybe X’ad is projecting again? Hmmm…?
Regarding your subhuman remark, we know who on your side are useless masses of protoplasm and the ones who are useless human biomasses. Puddy thinks you are part of the protoplasm gang now. You’ll be treated as such in the future arschloch! And no Puddy ain’t gonna retroactively take back Puddy’s apology accepted – yet!
Too bad SeattleJew has a burr in his saddle. Did someone blow some MJ your way SJ?
Puddy didn’t fall for any trap. Deneen is very intelligent and doesn’t get involved in the race politics game.
Puddy concerned that ylb arschloch could have been a contenda if he put to use his mind creating the tctmgr to getting a job. Instead he wastes away creating useless materials. And ylb arschloch comes with the same shit each day.
Open your eyes SJ for just one day and you can play with new knowledge, ok?
Love how this incestuous bunch of morons who come in here publicly suck each others’ dicks because they know the rest of us regard them as subhuman.
Puddy don’t suck dicks. You must be mistaking Puddy for Blue John or Gman. Puddy don’t use the Hershey Highway. Maybe X’ad is projecting again? Hmmm…?
Regarding your subhuman remark, we know who on your side are useless masses of protoplasm and the ones who are useless human biomasses. Puddy thinks you are part of the protoplasm gang now. You’ll be treated as such in the future arschloch! And no Puddy ain’t gonna retroactively take back Puddy’s apology accepted – yet!
Was referring to marvy, cynIcal,mark…..so why do you think that you were included? Feelings of guilt?
@53 I caught the KLOWN’S comment too – Puddy might know Deneen Borelli because of, um, because of what? WTF?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 55. Much like Detroit itself, that hole looks to be dirty, destitute and likely has a history of being overrun by high crime areas.
Not to breakup the overly aggressive handjobs you are giving each other, but I have a serious question:
Are all of the cyclists in Seattle crybabies?
Somebody has to say that they are a cyclist, or knows one, that is not a whiny baby.
I’ll accept friend, of a friend accounts of non-whiny testimony.
Ok, thanks, now back to whatever it is you are doing to each other.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Where is anyone’s name mentioned in your previous comment? Can’t read what’s not there.
Love how this incestuous bunch of morons who come in here publicly suck each others’ dicks because they know the rest of us regard them as subhuman. They decide they’ll prove it. They couldn’t survive without trading body fluids in front of the rest of us. I guess they think we find it impressive.
Can we rent them out to a circus? Barnum and Bailey is always looking for disgusting species, and they DO constitute a sideshow.
Or to Rush? He’s their god, after all. They have no existence without someone to give them their talking points.
Maybe it’s better to just ignore them, the scroll button is really easy, but I’m wearing mine out.
Please show the peeps you mentioned this message for X’ad.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, Deneen Borelli is one of a bunch of conservative blacks. Need to see the Rick Sanchez video again? Here ya go Steve, as you need remedial training…
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
continuation of comment @ 60 re: SJ @ 55.
…oh and last but[t] no least, SJ, excessive graffiti.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Ku KluX’ad Klan spews:
This might be one of your best thought out and articulated comments.
It’s going to be hard for you to top this one.
Subhuman? Well, that deviant perv Marvin fucks goats but I wouldn’t go so far as to call the poor sap “subhuman”. Words such as “subhuman” can be the gateway leading to eliminationist rhetoric. Leave that shit for wingnuts and their sixshooter fantasies of offing everybody to the left of their freaky, flying monkey selves.
50 – I post that site because it shows you for the holier than thou freak you are.
I called that lame Pavlov Dog tactic of yours and you responded right on my cue. I owned your stupid ass! Oh and what happened to Sue? You don’t want her anymore now that I said you could have her?
Stupes, keep on playing the holier than thou, right wing hypocrite act. Anyone with any brains can see right through you and can only conclude that you and your crowd are nothing but a bunch of braindead right wing degenerates.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
47. X’ad spews:
@ 65 Marvin.
Don’t be so hard on KlulessKluX’adKlown, isn’t it obvious from his comment that he’s having his period…? It’s apparent from the comments that he and YLB are cycling together…and yet neither own a bike.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Try again moron. Wait for it… and you walked right through the door moron. That’s you ylb arschloch, can’t figger out when you are being set up. Try #27, it’s chronologically earlier.
Fool! And to think you actually think you own Puddy’s ASS. Well maybe in your dreams Pavlov’s Doggie.
You are the hypocrite moron. All of a sudden Afghanistan is worth US Troops now that “the messiah” is CiC. What a progressive tool!
69 – Now you’re for cuttin’ and runnin’ huh?
You right wing idiots are a laugh a minute.
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. YLB spews:
36 – No that means desperate, repressed, lonely, self-hating, right wing hypocrites who seek anonymous sexual release in a place that the general society used to allow for homosexuals as long as the word didn’t get out which explains the sting activity of the cop.
What’s going on today? You are more scatterbrained than usual.
Not enough sleep? Out of meds?
Are you really saying that “general society” allowed gay men to seek anonymous sexual release in public bathrooms.
Marvin Stamnspews:
54. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
X’ad thought this
Puddy don’t suck dicks. You must be mistaking Puddy for Blue John or Gman. Puddy don’t use the Hershey Highway. Maybe X’ad is projecting again? Hmmm…?
My guess is that Ku KluX’ad Klan doesn’t suck dick.
Not her thing.
@63 “bunch”
Bunch? What’s that, three? I kid you. There really are a few hot black conservative women out there. But what’s up with the dorkification of black conservative males?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
But what’s up with the dorkification of black conservative males?
Um, this dumbass isn’t a conservative, but he’s got DORK covered pretty well.
…I won’t even go into the Mom Jeans vid from the MLB all-star game…
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. X’ad spews:
Was referring to marvy
Regarding your thinking of me honeybunch… Please stop, you are one of those creepy women you read about that drive cross-country wearing diapers.
You know what I would really like from you?
A one way ticket to the philippines on 09/17/09 with your name on it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. Trolltalk by SeattleJew spews:
Here is the image from Detroit … maybe I should post it like one of Lee’s contests???
Are you still stalking lee?
Or have you moved on to impersonating him?
71 – What’s going on? Just the usual skewering of right wing idiocy.
What else?
I’ll let Dan Savage back me up on the sex in restrooms issue:
66. Steve spews:
Subhuman? Well, that deviant perv Marvin
And you consider yourself well-adjusted?
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
You sure have a way with words.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Delusional#70. Cutting and running now is your latest try. Let’s review #27
Wait for it… and ylb arschloch walked right in.
What a moron!
@74 The chart is more than a little misleading. The economy started to tank in the middle of the second Bush term. There’s a great article in GQ by a Bush insider describing the gross ineptitude of the last administration as it all came down like a house of cards.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 77 YLB I’ll let Dan Savage back me up on the sex in restrooms issue
haha…wanna rephrase that pervy eye? “Let Dan Savage back me up?” , “Skewered?”
Seems YLB is preoccupied with occupied public bathrooms for some reason tonight…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, the carpetbagger tried tried to twist what Puddy wrote..
Bunch? What’s that, three? I kid you. There really are a few hot black conservative women out there. But what’s up with the dorkification of black conservative males?
Puddy said
Deneen Borelli is one of a bunch of conservative blacks.
Where did Puddy separate the sexes in his comment? You’re acting like ylb arschloch!
79 – What’s your position idiot? Should we do what we can to keep that country from falling back into the hands of the Taliban or what?
Here it comes….
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
lease stop, you are one of those creepy women you read about that drive cross-country wearing diapers.
81 – Nope, you’re the one making the association fool. Your kind always does. Speaks volumes about y’all.
Thanks for playing.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Moron @83,
you cummin again?
On Afghanistan, Puddy was for us to in there kicking Taliban ASS from the beginning fool. Puddy hasn’t changed his position just because the CiC changed.
That’s you fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ESO, Puddy agrees, that’s why he’s an arschloch. He likes it. He’s pathetic!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
He’s certainly that Puddy, but that’s no secret here at HA.
Speaking of that part of the anatomy, Dave Ross on his radio show this morning was blaming Conservatives for the ACORNholers aiding and abetting human traficking and child molestation/exploitation. He’s gone full on batshit crazy now that he’s protecting the president too big to fail… Ol’ dancing Queen davey Ross instead vented his frustration with Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh…Just a wee bit jealous soap box Davey??
you cummin again?
86 – Ahhhhahahahahahaha!!!!! There he goes again with allusions to semen. Just as I predicted!!! What a losing fool!
I’ve always supported Afghanistan BECAUSE of the Taliban and bin Ladin. Your chimp short-changed it for the oil in Iraq.
Now Obama’s job is much, much harder. Thanks Chimp! Thanks losing chimp crowd who voted for the disaster twice!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Leaving the arschloch…
Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year
Please show us the money Nancy and Harry!!!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschlot said
Here it comes….
Yes he did.
Pfffffffffffffffffftt.. Lame as usual…
G’night right wing tools..
Keep on practicing your losing ways..
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Sometimes its best to ignore YLB. No one with that much pent up hatred is worth spending too much font on and merely feeds into his deranged psyche.
He could be out doing volunteer work, helping out in the community, god forbid “get a job”, etc. that Obama called on his supporters to do- as “progressives” claim is their goal-, but YLB just chooses to be locked up in his parents basement 18/7 commenting on hates sites Daily KOS…HuffPo…HA.
Not exactly Hope and Change now is it? As I recall, this has been his M.O. for years now.
Marvin Stamnspews:
90. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year
That is not a new tax. The obama promised us that he wouldn’t raise taxes on 95% of the population.
The $1,761 will be a service charge.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
…and let us not forget who said ACORN would not only have a seat at the table, but would help “shape his agenda” (about 2:00 in)
…the great Community organizer in chief Bahhhrack Obamaahhhh.
Unless Fraud, Deceit, aiding and abetting underage human traficking for the purposes of child sexual slavery and lying to the American people is worthy of shaping ones “agenda”, not sure if his agenda is worth pursuing for the next 3+ years regardless. He’s already covered most of Acorns philosophy already anyway.
This just in:
Wingnutz fave right wing bullshit source, Faux News getz punk’d:
Something about the wingnut mind when it starts getting paranoid – the object of fear just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It freaking expands in size. Saddam’s balsa wood planes could fly to the U.S., mobile bio-weapons labs could zip on train tracks to who knows where and why, the evil MSM conspiracy expands, envelopes, swallows and foils the heroic efforts of the Bushies. Obama and ACORN are agents of the evil Soros, his church the OSI and his vast financial empire.
Now ACORN is getting eight TRILLION dollars of stimulus:
Those ACORNholer reps were’nt intelligent enough to know they were getting had, so some batshit crazy website claiming otherwise a week later isn’t much proof.
Nice try at damage control kiddies, but the fact remains that the light is shined on the sugar-coated turd that is ACORN and that which the president has a sweet tooth for…and the rats are jumping ship left and right trying to escape the high beam.
100 – AAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You morons got had by an ACORN lady and James and Hannah and your favorite right wing idiots on the tube (Hannity, Beck, the Faux and Friends fools) fell for it – hook, line and sinker!
They’re such crappy (fake) “journalists” they couldn’t think of having one of their flunkys fact check the lady’s story.
Heh. Sean Inanity actually shows a bit of journo knowledge and asks Hannah and Breitbart if they checked out the ACORN lady’s murder story.
uh.. uh… Oh we’re so inundated splutters Breitbart.
uh…. We’re working on that. says Hannah..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama’s Speech Bounce is GONE BYE-BYE!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends). Thirty-five percent (35%) believe the U.S. is generally heading in the right direction and investor confidence today reached the highest level of 2009.
Forty-four percent (44%) now favor the President’s health care plan. That’s unchanged from before the speech…and from July. Public opinion on the issue appears to be hardening. A Rasmussen video report notes that 53% of those with insurance believe they would be forced to change coverage if the proposed health care reform is approved.
With this ACORN debacle and Obama’s indecisiveness on Afghanistan…look out.
Also, if this Stock Market bounce turns out to be the preverbial DEAD KAT bounce and we see a big drop………..OUCH!
Hey, Gold is up to $1020/oz and Silver over $17. The stock market and precious metals cannot continue to BOTH rise like they have. Somethings gotta give…soon.
Marvin Stamnspews:
96. YLB spews:
This just in:
Wingnutz fave right wing bullshit source, Faux News getz punk’d:
Exactly when did the lady that lied about killing her husband inform people, ala laughing with a fellow employee about the incident or put it in writing that she was approached?
[A] before the tape surfaced
[B] after the tape surfaced
Here’s a test for you…
If a right-winger said stuff about obama at a tea party while being secretly taped and after the tape surfaced said they were just “playing along,” would you believe it?
Why the double standard?
Is it as simple as one supports your belief system and one doesn’t? Kinda like birthers believe the story because they want to believe.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Now Obama is going to scrap the European Missle Shield??!
That is absolutely short-sighted and NUTS!.
Pandering to Russia and Iran….to what end?
What did we get in return.
Obama is horrible for our Allies.
You’re telling me that two kids from the cast of “High School Musical III” can break this story with a video camera and their grandmother’s chinchilla coat? And you got nothing? They did it for $3,000, and that’s Blitzer’s monthly beard Wetvac budget. It probably cost CNN that much to turn on their hologram machine.
I’m a fake journalist, and I’m embarrassed these guys scooped me. Let’s get to work people.
104 – Heh. Your stupid buddy Stupes is always dribbling that he’s SHOCKED! SHOCKED!!!
The Faux and Friends fools where SHOCKED! SHOCKED! at the Acorn lady “murdering” her hubby.
Glenn Beck was SHOCKED! SHOCKED! at the the Acorn lady offing the husband.
Sean Inanity was SHOCKED! SHOCKED! as well but to his credit asked a pertinent question. (Believe me I’m SHOCKED! I’m saying this about the inane one.)
Hannah the right wing whore replied… We’re working on it..
Right wing males are truly disappointed. Who the ‘F” cares about being credible. Hannah! Strut your stuff!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Sure is amazing how ylb arschloch is yapping about these so called Media Moron exposes. He is the dumbest brick at HA.
First arschloch moron Puddy placed the call by Glenn Beck to his staff to see if the lady “actually killed” her ex-husband. Need to see the transcript again. Of course you forgot that having 24 hour libtardo disease. You live on the kook-aid sites and everyone on HA knows that monomaniacal one.
Second off arschloch moron why did Robert Gibbs in the daily presser say “You know, Jake, as it relates to ACORN, obviously the conduct that you see on those tapes is completely unacceptable. I think everyone would agree with that. The administration takes accountability extremely seriously. I think the Census Bureau evaluated and determined that this group could not meet the bureau’s goal of achieving a fair and accurate count in 2010. And I assume others are evaluating to ensure, as we always are, that any grantee, whether that grant was let in this administration or in previous administrations — there’s housing counseling grants that were let in previous administrations; FEMA grants that were let in previous administrations — that we constantly evaluate to ensure that any grantee is living up to what has to happen in order to fulfill that grant application.” PuddyEmphasis.
Keep drinking the kook-aid and staying the dumbest brick on HA.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy watched Ol Wolfie interview the ACORN CEO. Unfortunately Ol Wolfie forgot to ask her why was the Maryland ACORN offices decertified. Puddy was wondering why Ol Wolfie didn’t aks her why was ACORN running an illegal operation in Maryland. Puddy was wondering why Ol Wolfie didn’t ask that question. Then Puddy realized from the questions being asked by Ol Wolfie they were softballs.
Of course that fact is lost on ylb arschloch because his head is up his arschloch!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You see ylb arschloch,
Staying on those kook-aid web sites you miss da big picture about Tresa Kaelke. Here let Puddy help you fool…
108 – Yeah I get it. James and Hannah were too occupied with their pimp and ‘ho get ups to check it out themselves..
Just run wid it…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Here’s more for you ylb arschloch being the dumbest brick and the biggest arschloch around…
Take your time, read the information then run to your kook-aid sites and see if they have reBUTTals arschloch moron…
“Now this is amazing police work. The San Bernardino sting tape was not released until around 4:00 p.m. Eastern time and miraculously a police report of an “initial investigation” was released within a few hours. Anyone with any familiarity with police investigations — initial or otherwise — knows you can’t even get a police accident report in less than 24 hours. Something’s fishy here.”
Yes there is something fishy here. ylb arschloch farted earlier. Enjoy.
The Prosecution Rests!
110 – Dan Riehl – yeah he’s credible..
You guys are so freaking tedious. Dream on fools.
112 – There he goes resting again.
Been sleepwalking since 1994 at least – or braindead.
Nope you don’t get it. You cruise the whackamole kook-aid sites like a hooker in Seattle. You don’t venture from there because the truth could blow your silly ASS apart.
Hey Stupes – Tresa is AGRESSIVE!
She may be a !gasp! radical feminist!
Hide under the bed Stupes! LOL!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
HA arschloch cried
110 – Dan Riehl – yeah he’s credible..
Sure is since he has made the court documents available on Tresa Kaelke.
Did you find that stuff on Media Morons ylb arschloch? How about dkookapedia? Is there a Tresa Kaelke entry now?
Hey Stupes – didya catch the part where Hannah said she was hooking since she was 14?
I liked it when Tresa (scary radical feminist) asked Hannah, “what do you do? EXOTIC DANCING???”.
The freak show you wingnuts put on…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy heard one it was painful to be that stupid but ylb arschloch does it effortlessly and painlessly. Of course he’s a pain for his HA buds being the dumbest brick around.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy wonders if ylb arschloch will look up all those legislators and politicians Tresa Kaelke claimed she knew and verify her commentary there.
Naaaaaah, he won’t because ylb arschloch like other HA liberals here have to visit one of the major kook-aid sites for their morning marching orders. ACORNs’ own veracity and validity are not current topics.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
See #115.
Hey Stupes didya hear the news on Faux that an ACORN lady admitted that she murdered her husband?
I believe Faux more than that MSM yes sir. It’s fair and balanced – Insanity and Colmes. That MSM is controlled by Soros..
Puddy already placed the audio of Charlie Gibson saying he hadn’t heard about the ACORN scandal. Tells you so much about the liberal MSM!
Marvin Stamnspews:
117. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews: HA arschloch cried
110 – Dan Riehl – yeah he’s credible..
Sure is since he has made the court documents available on Tresa Kaelke.
{ylb impersonation mode on}
Those documents were filed while bush was president which proves they are not real because michelle malkin said 2 million people while rightwingnuts are hating because rush told them a black man is in their white house all the while fuck news is mouthpiece for cheney and his death squads which we all know is true because bush planned 9/11 to kill black people at the exact same time hannity was lying about rev wright because coulter didn’t want someone someone to be the green czar tat had the proof bush personally pulled the switch on the planted bombs in the world trade center.
{ylb impersonation mode off}
Did I miss anything or did I sum up the arguments of ylb into one big long run on sentence.
Marvin Stamnspews:
122. YLB spews:
I believe Faux more than that MSM yes sir. It’s fair and balanced
Should be easy for someone like you to prove…
Name the conservatives that have shows on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc, npr
I’ll make it easy on you, you do not have to list them alphabetically.
It’s too weird that I’ve borderline complemented Sean Insanity that he asked if Dandy Andy Breitbart and Hannah checked out the ACORN lady’s murder story.
But in the same interview he says ACORN is getting 8.5 BILLION of stimulus money…
And then he ENDS the interview by saying ACORN is getting 8.5 TRILLION of stimulus money.
Sean’s insanity indeed! No wonder so many on my side prefer to ignore this crap. After a while, keeping tabs on what these idiots say gets so boring.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Again ylb arschloch,
That’s the best you got in #127? Indeed what a moron!
Marvin Stamnspews:
118. YLB spews:
I liked it when Tresa (scary radical feminist
Why not prove she’s not scary and let her babysit your kids?
Of course, a court order like that wouldn’t disqualify someone from babysitting your kids. That’s good liberal family values.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Seattle Jews vomits–
Mr C thinks Puddy– should know Deneen Borelli cuz ahe is black and hot?? SJ comments: I don;t think Puddy would pimp for you mr. C. Puddy falls for Mr C’s trap. I hesitate to ask but I do wonder if Puddy knows any of the black Dudes and Dudettes I met in Detroit last week? I will post pc at SJ so he can tell us?
Wow, SJ has severe psychological and bigoted/sexist attitudes toward Black Conservative Women. Where is you sense of decency sir!! You lack tolerance, true diversity and forget we are a RAINBOW!
Why are all the beautiful women of all colors CONSERVATIVE??
A some of the Single Payer rallies, all you saw was fat, hideously ugly, unbathed Lunatic Leftists. I guess that’s what turns portly SJ on!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
YLB’s kids are all in jail…or crackhouses.
Marvin Stamnspews:
131. Mr. Cynical spews:
YLB’s kids are all in jail…or crackhouses.
Or worse…
Acorn found them employment.
Hhmm, why can’t acorn find ylb employment?
Drop the dime and call them ylb, earn money and pay your taxes. Like biden said, paying higher taxes is patriotic. The stereotype is that those on the left don’t love their country, prove it wrong. Get a job and pay higher taxes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Too Damn Funny!
Yup, when ylb cannot even find a job with ACORN, you’d have to say he is officially declared UNEMPLOYABLE!
131 & 132 – Hmmmmm. Jail or crackhouses? Interesting. Could these right wing fantasies have a racist element to them?
Stamn, congrats. When you first came here, you were just a fool.
But it wasn’t too long before it became apparent that you were an aspiring right wing tool.
Now under the tutelage of Stupes and Klyn, after raising the “question” of me taking indecent liberties with my kids and other knee jerk right wing babble like you’ve keyed in 125, you’ve graduated to the big time:
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch couldn’t get a job at ACORN…
OMG my sides are splitting. LMBBAO ROTFLMBBAO JUADLMBBAO That was funny!
Marvin Stamnspews:
134. YLB spews:
131 & 132 – Hmmmmm. Jail or crackhouses? Interesting. Could these right wing fantasies have a racist element to them?
It’s only racist because you believe that only black people are in jail and only black people use crack. Just like when a republican talks about welfare reform the liberal media makes it all about race. The fact that there are more whites on welfare is an inconvenient fact to your belief system.
But it wasn’t too long before it became apparent that you were an aspiring right wing tool.
You could learn a lesson from me. Aspire to do something, word hard and accomplish it.
Maybe you should aspire to become employed. Figure out what career would bring you personal satisfaction, then figure out how to make $$ doing it. I know CHANGE is hard, and that you don’t have much HOPE. You have to do it to set a good example for your kids, that’s what good parents do.
after raising the “question” of me taking indecent liberties with my kids
You don’t have to answer, this question is just to expose your hypocrisy and double standards.
*IF* when you post your fav link, I was to defend the actions of the republican child molesters, would you question my moral compass to raise children. Well, you defended acorn. What’s the difference besides the political party affiliation?
knee jerk right wing babble like you’ve keyed in 125,
What part of that don’t you agree with? If you didn’t notice, those are your words I collected and threw together. Just yesterday you used the malkin 2 million in response to my comment about acorn. Not sure how you made that connection.
you’ve graduated to the big time:
Thank you ylb for acknowledging I’m big-time. Your words mean so much to me. After all, one can’t get a better endorsement then when some unemployed guy living off his wife calls you big-time.
(note to ylb. If that /sarcasm is confusing to you, in html lexicon that would be a closing tag. Meaning I am turning off the sarcasm.)
Marvin Stamnspews:
135. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
ylb arschloch couldn’t get a job at ACORN…
I’m guessing he couldn’t pass the morals test.
And when you consider the “morals” of that san bernadino employee, acorn must have pretty low standards to say nothing about the lack of background criminal checks.
eel dr-Ospews:
re 137: What, specifically, do you have against ACORN?
Is it they way they rig elections by caging voters, programming the voting machines and delivering few and defective voting machines to minority precincts?
eel dr-Ospews:
Marvin: Another lie that you are propounding is that you are a health, jogging musician who still makes his living as a working musician.
Yet, a few years ago, you were the disabled, gay Marvin who lived off government funds and was too sick to work.
What gives?
eel dr-Ospews:
re 137: By your standards, Ollie North and G. Gordon Liddy are not moral enough to work for ACORN.
Neither is ‘Scooter’ Libby — the green bean heiress.
Marvin Stamnspews:
138. eel dr-O spews:
re 137:
Is it they way they rig elections by caging voters, programming the voting machines and delivering few and defective voting machines to minority precincts?
That explains why obama won. Oops, that’s not what you meant. If the republicans do all that, how did the obama win?
139. eel dr-O spews:
Marvin: Another lie that you are propounding is that you are a health, jogging musician who still makes his living as a working musician.
Yet, a few years ago, you were the disabled, gay Marvin who lived off government funds and was too sick to work.
Because your fellow lefties take pleasure in the misfortune of those they disagree with. So I made a bunch of left-wingnuts happy by saying exactly what they wanted to believe.
And of course some of what I said was to expose people. Just like when I told gbs I was on welfare, which prompted his reply- 229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=16792&.....ent-923438
I admit to the “acorning” of the truth regarding being on welfare, as for-
you were the disabled, gay Marvin
Got link?
Marvin Stamnspews:
There’s a whole bunch of conservatives in training…
Republicans are racist. They cannot STAND the idea of a Black Man in the White House.
Clearly, the party of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage wants to incite some poor unhinged person (or persons) to violence.
They want to get this President killed.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Clearly rujax is reading the latest from the kook-aid sites. Sure there are some who say stupid things, butt Puddy will remind Rujax of some stupid things… and these are whitey!
Funny, how a couple of Acorn employees are used to tar the entire organization, hell, the entire progressive movement, not to mention the ugly underlying racist bullshit, but it’s somehow sooo inappropriate for YLB to post a link to a site that documents rampant Republican moral deviancy, depravity and degradation. If you dumbfucks insist that Acorn is corrupt, then you can just STFU with the wingnut whining when we talk about how you degenerate asswipes like to fuck goats.
Last week, a video of a school bus beating showing two African American children assaulting a white student began circulating the internet. Despite claims by authorities that the attack was not necessarily racially motivated, hate radio host Rush Limbaugh jumped on the story and claimed that in “Obama’s America the white kids now get beat up.” Yesterday, Limbaugh proposed a solution to this problem — a return to segregated busing:
LIMBAUGH: I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.
144. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Clearly rujax is reading the latest from the kook-aid sites. Sure there are some who say stupid things, butt Puddy will remind Rujax of some stupid things… and these are whitey!
09/17/2009 at 12:25 pm
Listen to Beck, Limbaugh, Savage et. al.; watch Fox News; monitor RedState, Little Green Fottballs, ect.
This is serious. Someone is really going to get hurt.
Those signs are made by real people who really think that way.
This is wrong, and the Republican Party has a responsibility to put a stop to it.
And they won’t. Blood will be on YOUR hands guys.
145. Steve spews:
Funny, how a couple of Acorn employees are used to tar the entire organization, hell, the entire progressive movement, not to mention the ugly underlying racist bullshit, but it’s somehow sooo inappropriate for YLB to post a link to a site that documents rampant Republican moral deviancy, depravity and degradation.
09/17/2009 at 12:27 pm
Standard Operating Procedure.
Marvin Stamnspews:
143. Rujax! spews:
Republicans are racist. They cannot STAND the idea of a Black Man in the White House.
Are you so ignorant of politics to believe that if a white male democrat was in the white house that republicans would support cap&trade, free government health care, higgher minimum wage, card check and the whole rest of the democrat planks?
I have a very very low opinion of you, but I think even YOU are not that stupid.
Want to prove me wrong?
Simply reply and say, “yes, republicans would support them IF ONLY a white male democrat was in the white house.”
The FIEND! trio..
Stupes, Stamn and Klyn
otherwise known as The Three Moronic Right Wing Stooges..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SO rujax, you have no problem with the black kids whippin on the whitey kid? You can’t even see hyperbole when it slaps you in the face. You ran to Think Progress. Where are the comments for this was a wrong act to do against the whitey kid? They weren’t the first ones on the thread you “went” to rujax.
Marvin Stamnspews:
145. Steve spews:
Funny, how a couple of Acorn employees are used to tar the entire organization
sooo inappropriate for YLB to post a link to a site that documents rampant Republican moral deviancy, depravity and degradation.
So you want to whine when the same alinsky tactic is used against you?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch,
Sunken down to a class by himself, even below rujax and he was at the Mariana’s Trench for a long long time.
Gotta love the arschloch who flips on Afghanistan because the CiC changed. How’s the hope and change working for ya? Did it find you a job?
What sick filth from the bloated right wing idiot on the AM dial:
Limbaugh: “[I]n Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering”
153 – Flipped? That’s describes your sick mind sicko.
I’ve always supported preventing Afghanistan from returning to the likes of the Taliban.
Let’s see you prove otherwise with those mythical “google skillz”.
151. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
SO rujax, you have no problem with the black kids whippin on the whitey kid? You can’t even see hyperbole when it slaps you in the face. You ran to Think Progress. Where are the comments for this was a wrong act to do against the whitey kid? They weren’t the first ones on the thread you “went” to rujax.
09/17/2009 at 12:39 pm
Mr. Puddybud does not take into consideration that bullies are bullies regardless of color. The confrontation allegedly involved the enforcement of “seat assignments”. The “seat assignments” were allegedly made by the assailants who were doubly wrong if that was indeed the case.
I stand by original statement. The Republican Party is a racist organization that cleary advocates and encourages violence as a politcal solution.
Good link to Americablog Rujax..
Lots of pictures for the unhinged right wing idiots to gaze approvingly upon.
If there was a white Democrat in office the Republican talking heads wouldn’t be playing the race card. It’s so fucking obvious, even a stupid goatfucker should be able to see it. Just listen to them. Everybody’s a racist. Blacks are racists. Latinos are racists. Progressives are racists. It’s like an alternate universe where everybody but white southern strategizing wingnuts are fucking racists.
To you, Mr. Stamn I say that Democrats disagreed with many if not all of the policies of the Rebulican controled Congress and the Bush Adminstration.
I have no recollection…NONE…of the kind of sustained super-heated rhetoric against that President, that Congress and those policies.
We can agree to disagree about policy and governance, but our elected representatives are OUR elected Representatives. We have the opportunity and responsibility to remove them from office if they do not represent us as we want them to.
Democrats had to endure eight years of wrong-headed policy and failed governance. We did not advocate or incite violence or violent overthrow of ANYTHING during those long and frustrating eight years. You’re telling me your side doesn’t have the stones to wait this out?
Further, Mr. Obama was elected legally by a clear majority. Try that one again in four years.
Our President is OUR President.
Marvin Stamnspews:
147. Rujax! spews:
Little Green Fottballs
Got some links to what charles has written that you find so offensive. He’s pretty rude to birthers, racists and those that don’t believe in evolution.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
134. YLB spews:
131 & 132 – Hmmmmm. Jail or crackhouses? Interesting. Could these right wing fantasies have a racist element to them?
Hardly…you are a white idiot, you idiot.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
159. Rujax! spews:
To you, Mr. Stamn I say that Democrats disagreed with many if not all of the policies of the Rebulican controled Congress and the Bush Adminstration.
I have no recollection…NONE…of the kind of sustained super-heated rhetoric against that President, that Congress and those policies.
I cannot stop laughing.
No sustained, vulgar attack on Bush??
You got it right, you can’t remember crackhead.
That is the single most ridiculous statement in the history of this cesspool.
You are officially the HA Village Idiot for Life Rujax.
I think you and ylb are tweakers.
Just say NO to crack KLOWN
Earlier this week, I wrote about how the Fox-News/Glenn-Beck/Rush-Limbaugh leadership trains its protesting followers to focus the vast bulk of their resentment and anxieties on largely powerless and downtrodden factions, while ignoring, and even revering, the outright pillaging by virtually omnipotent corporate interests that own and control their Government (and, not coincidentally, Fox News). It’s hard to imagine a more perfectly illustrative example of all of that than the hysterical furor over ACORN.
ACORN has received a grand total of $53 million in federal funds over the last 15 years — an average of $3.5 million per year. Meanwhile, not millions, not billions, but trillions of dollars of public funds have been, in the last year alone, transferred to or otherwise used for the benefit of Wall Street. Billions of dollars in American taxpayer money vanished into thin air, eaten by private contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, led by Halliburton subsidiary KBR. All of those corporate interests employ armies of lobbyists and bottomless donor activities that ensure they dominate our legislative and regulatory processes, and to be extra certain, the revolving door between industry and government is more prolific than ever, with key corporate officials constantly ending up occupying the government positions with the most influence over those industries.
I guess they did nothing wrong, huh KLOWNS.
Poor ylb…this pretty much eliminates his 1st job dreams as Obama’s Ball-Scratcher.
From his ridiculous posts, you can tell he was excited about serving the President in the only way he is qualified to do so.
“Mr. President…care for an afternoon scratch?”
Hey, how about this!
ylb==The BallScratching CZAR!!!!!!!!!!
Heh. The politicians got all bent out of shape by Hannah and James’ sleazy, discredited smear campaign. Not the first something like that’s happened and it won’t be the last.
So ACORN loses 3.5 million dollars?
Poor ACORN.. I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
Rujax – reasoned, well argued analysis like that just bounces off the thick skulls of these right wing degenerates.
They don’t even learn from defeat.
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. YLB spews:
Poor ACORN.. I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
heh, or those 57 state obama campaigned in.
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. YLB spews:
I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
heh, at least acorn didn’t forget the “website number”
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. YLB spews:
I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
heh, like when obama said it was 10,000 dead in the kansas hurricane.
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. YLB spews:
I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
heh, I wonder if acorn knows the difference between sioux city and sioux falls
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. YLB spews:
I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
heh, I wonder if acorn knows that the parents of obama “united” because of the selma march… 4 years AFTER he was born.
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. YLB spews:
I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
heh, I wonder if acorn knows that obama is the FIRST mainstream black man that is clean and articulate
Marvin Stamnspews:
165. YLB spews:
I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
heh, I wonder if acorn knows that the story of the black man bleaching his skin obama wrote about could never be found in life or ebony
166 – 172
Whoa Marv! FIEND! indeed…
You’re too funny.
Klyn – Moe
Stupes – Larry
Stamn – Curly (Stupes had it down until Stamn’s eruption in 166 – 172)
You got the top stooge there Stamno!
You could use “Shemp” and/or “Curly Joe” if you need more characters.
ACORN has received a grand total of $53 million in federal funds over the last 15 years — an average of $3.5 million per year. Meanwhile, not millions, not billions, but trillions of dollars of public funds have been, in the last year alone, transferred to or otherwise used for the benefit of Wall Street. Billions of dollars in American taxpayer money vanished into thin air, eaten by private contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, led by Halliburton subsidiary KBR. All of those corporate interests employ armies of lobbyists and bottomless donor activities that ensure they dominate our legislative and regulatory processes, and to be extra certain, the revolving door between industry and government is more prolific than ever, with key corporate officials constantly ending up occupying the government positions with the most influence over those industries.
So much for fiscal conservatism.
Gee…was that NINE BILLION dollars of taxpayer money “lost” in Iraq ever found?
Why hasn’t the public’s watchdog Mr. Cynical been in a snit about THAT for the last couple years?
Why won’t Glenn Beck deny these allegations? We’re not accusing Glenn Beck of raping and murdering a young girl in 1990 – in fact, we think he didn’t! But we can’t help but wonder, since he has failed to deny these horrible allegations. Why won’t he deny that he raped and killed a young girl in 1990?
This evidence is at least as substantial as what the Birthers have on Obama.
Hmmmmm…$9 BILLION divided by $53 million equals 169.81.
The Bush Administration “lost” one hundred sixty-nine times MORE of US Taxpayer dollars over three or four years than ACORN recieved over the course of FIFTEEN years. And ACORN is the waste of public funds.
When will the Bush Administration be held to account?
Is there nothing odd about any of that to anyone but me?
Can you, especially you ylb, imagine the outrage if hannity/rush said if the democrats didn’t pass bushs social security reform that the terrorists would be embolden?
So the new democrat talking-point is, “pass healthcare to defeat the terrorists.”
If the war on terror is so important, shouldn’t that be his “signature issue?”
George W. Bush’s policies immeasurably strengthened Iran, and now we all must deal with the consequences. Isn’t it time for some grown-up behavior on Capitol Hill?
Mr. Stamn must not have read THIS part of THAT moronic commentators column.
Why hasn’t the public’s watchdog Mr. Cynical been in a snit about THAT for the last couple years?
Heh. Klyn claims never to have liked Shrub although I can’t imagine Klyn not voting for a guy twice who cut taxes like Shrub did.
These guys, who say they are “watching out” for waste, fraud, influence peddling and corrution are all over a neighborhood Community Service Organization and strangely silent about war profiteering and corporate fraud, influence peddling and corrution.
Double standard much? Throw in a couple cups of hypocrisy?
shortened Stamn:
Stamn is unhinged and is projecting. Rightwingnuts shout out insults to the President, compare him to Hitler, shout down people at public meetings and throw around death threats…..Stamn blames liberals.
Stamn is a documented fool
Where is Stamn health care plan?
Oh yeah, there is none. Nothing of consequence. tort reform!
Oh yeah, that doesn’t accomplish anything.
Whine and complain some more and support the current broken system with over 20% overhead and profits by the health insurance industry.
whine some more. cite no facts. Don’t mention the huge waste of money in the current system, where we pay almost twice anyone else for 37th place on the health care list.
The measure, offered as part of a motion on a student loan bill, passed by a vote of 345-75, with all “no” votes coming from Democrats.
The Senate voted earlier this week to withdraw housing and urban development funding. Last week, the Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN, which on Wednesday said it is suspending accepting new clients and launching an investigation.
Guess those 172 democrats that voted to defund acorn are all racist teabaggers.
$9 Billion….
Chirp, chirp, chirp….
Marvin Stamnspews:
185. correctnotright spews:
shortened Stamn:
Stamn is unhinged and is projecting. Rightwingnuts shout out insults to the President, compare him to Hitler, shout down people at public meetings and throw around death threats…..Stamn blames liberals.
Just to make sure I understand you, are you saying that-
1. No leftwingers shouted out insults to bush?
2. No leftwingers compared bush to hitler
3. No leftwingers shouted down people at public meetings
4. No leftwingers made death threats to bush
Marvin Stamnspews:
187. Rujax! spews:
$9 Billion….
Chirp, chirp, chirp….
Are you waiting for me to answer?
In case you don’t know, not once have I voted in congress on any bill by either a dem or rep.
If you have a problem with what both parties in congress voted to do, contact your local congresscritter and ASK HIM why.
Once again Puddy isn’t shocked over the commentary of the leftist pinheads on this blog… The Politico proves these pinheads get their marching orders from the leftist blogs which gets their marching orders from the white house morning meeting between Big Forehead Begala, Step-on-all-of-us and Rhambo.
“The president does not believe that criticism comes based on the color of his skin,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters in his Wednesday briefing. “We understand that people have disagreements with some of the decisions that we’ve made and some of the extraordinary actions that had to be taken by both this administration and the previous administration.”
During a caucus meeting just hours before the start of the debate, Democratic leadership aides said that Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, an African-American from Wilson’s South Carolina, pleaded with his fellow Democrats to keep the debate far from the racial issue.” PuddyEmphasis
Butt, Reps. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) and David Scott (D-Ga.) are leading the racism charge. The left-wing whackamole blabbering idiot sites these HA leftist pinheads enjoy running to and the liberal MSM keep harping like cry babies. Now you all should remember good old Lacy Clay… come on guys/gals… from the Fannie Mae debacle of 2004 with Maxine calling it a racist witchhunt on Franklin Manes who was later found GUILTY! Of course you all are 24 hour memory libtardos. Well Ol Puddy will be here to remind you of history…
You see leftist pinheads, the congressional democrats are afraid the independent swing voters will get tired of all this natural democratic race baiting and send many of the congressional democrats packing.
Atlantic Magazine claims Paul Krugman is more influential than any other columnist/commentator… If it wasn’t so laughable Puddy would laugh anyway!
Remember HA Liberals with 24 hour memory disease, it was Krugman who was found by his own New York Times editor to actually make up economic data when it fits his agenda. It was the New York Times Ombudsman who took Krugman to task over his hanging chads arguments. Yep, more liberal biases!
Don’t worry Puddy won’t take snippets. It’s better to read them in context!
Oh Puddy forgot. The Atlantic has Rachel Maddow ahead of Bill O’Reilly. Wow; a show that barely blips the Nielsens vs a show that blows apart the Nielsens respectively.
What a bunch of liberal biases.
Hey HA liberals remember this flip-flop? Of course not. 24 hour HA Libtardo disease!
“President Obama on April 5, 2009: “So let me be clear: Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile activity poses a real threat, not just to the United States, but to Iran’s neighbors and our allies. The Czech Republic and Poland have been courageous in agreeing to host a defense against these missiles. As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defense system that is cost-effective and proven. (Applause.) If the Iranian threat is eliminated, we will have a stronger basis for security, and the driving force for missile defense construction in Europe will be removed.””
“So let me be clear: I just waffled again and broke a promise”.
” WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said yesterday she is clueless about an amendment to prohibit government funds for embattled ACORN, although it overwhelmingly passed the Senate Monday and the White House is calling for the group to be held accountable.
“I don’t even know what they passed,” Pelosi told The Post yesterday. “What did they do? They defunded it?” ”
Mr. Puddybud can’t possibly think his propensity for twisting quotes, stretching the truth and jumping to ridiculous conclusions is amusing of entetaining to anyone but but himself and Mr. Stamn.
Hey you pathetic pig fuckers here is one of your murdering, raping, thieving friends. Why, nooooooo, he’s not a heterosexual….oh gee, he is. You pigs are a disgrace. You think life exists before coming out of a vagina, but after that life is treated like dog shit. You fuckers are moronic assholes that like to bicker like old ladies…think about it, are you going to do this for the rest of your lives….get a life, and stop killing, and raping, you pig fuckers.
1. Leftwingers shouted out insults to bush
2. Leftwingers compared bush to hitler
3. Leftwingers shouted down people at public meetings
4. Leftwingers made death threats to bush
Heh. Marvelous Marv the idiot couldn’t carry this guy’s guitar pick.
Well done!
I think you are on to something…something that can end your chronic unemployment.
Heretofore, you will be
YLB, Professional Guitar Pick Carrier
I think with adequate training and oversight, you may be able to do this.
See YLB…ideas spawn from your simple-minded thoughts and musing.
Does Gregoire require PGPC’s to be licensed and bonded?? I think you have to pay B&O Tax too…and get Professional Liability Insurance of course.
Wow…probably not much left for you after Gregoire and Obama pick most of the meat off your useless bones.
Let me see if I understand this…
I’m making a living doing what I want, music.
You’re unemployed.
And yet you in all your wisdom know what I can and can’t do. If you’re so smart, why can’t you get a job? Maybe Puddy or Cynical can jump in and teach me approximately how long someone as smart and insightful as you have been unemployed.
Damn, you earned that clueless monicker.
Hey Goldy: Just reminding you of your appointment with ACORN tomorrow. They say they can resolve your girlfriend’s unclaimed street earnings. She can now be called a “performance artist”.
who could have predicted that the richest man in the world lives in a police town?
3 – LOL! Let’s see you compose and arrange a right wing idiot video.
It’d be a hilarious flop like the teabagger group delusion and townhall scream fests.
heh. Go ahead Marv, make our day.
Since I’m not unemployable like you, I do expect to be paid for my work. Can your wife (the breadwinner in the family) afford it?
And you know this because you have seen/heard my work (which I know for a fact you have but don’t even know it) or because in your mind you have such hate for me you can’t believe I can do anything well enough to earn a living at it. Say, what can you do well enough to earn a living at? oops, being unemployed doesn’t reflect well on your skillset.
Of course, I will want your wife to sign a contract and provide a deposit up front before I start work for you.
I’m sure even you can understand why I can’t take a job order from someone unemployed.
Can you imagine if ylb arschloch put the effort into job hunting he did into creating his tctmgr based database of Marvin, Cynical and Puddy comments he’d be employed today. Instead he sits on his fat ASS collecting unemployment, wailing how bad things are.
What an arschloch loon!
When democrat tax cheats are speaking out against the superman obama you know things are going bad. Maybe the obama should sue those superspeaking skills of his.
Rangel: Health bill harder after Obama speech
Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel of New York says House Democrats would have to slash subsidies to the poor to get their bill to the $900 billion, 10-year price tag Obama specified.
The congressman said “the restrictions that the president has given in his speech as well as the proposed discussions in the Senate has caused us more problems.
Nothing wrong with slashing subsidies to the poor as long as the obama gets what he wants. As long as the poor old people die without a death panel it’s all good for the democrats.
Hi Hi Hi Goldy, it’s me todd.
I have a super-duper idea.
Why not move Drinking Liberally from that dreadful Montlake AleHouse to a Gay Bar like Neighbours or Purr from now until the November election. It would be totally symbolic of your dedication to Gay Rights issues.
Like the wingnutty’s deal with that one.
You know you would be welcomed as usual at any of these hot bars.
Think about it Goldy.
Fun Fun Fun@!
Your l’il SPF..todd
@1,2,7, and 8:
Right on the money! I suspect poor little insecure YLB with his extreme inferiority complex, simply doesn’t want to get a job, even if someone was dumb enough to hire him. You see, living in his Momma’s basement, and getting gov’t cheese, handouts, and mooching off society is working out quite nicely for him. There’s no incentive to work; and since he obviously had a poor upbringing and has no work ethic, pride, self confidence or morals, his current situation is hardly shocking. It is fun to kick him around like a beach ball at a concert though, no? I always laugh when he thinks his non-taxpaying opinions matter to anyone. Good luck YLB, you sure need it!
Now, I’m getting back to WORK myself. :)
7 – Marv why hit my family up for money? We’re not right wing.
Give Sam Wyly a call. He’s got loads of money (hundreds of millions) he’s avoided paying the federal Government to support torture, recreational wars for play on Faux News and all the rest. (Only the little people do that.)
He’d gladly fund your music for a right wing idiot video for teabagger and townhall screamer consumption and other morons “gone Galt”. That is, if he’s not too tight wad.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@13 Mr. Cyn:
LOL!! Applicable to Goldy and some of the other tens of regular posters here as well:
How the heck did Italy get to be #2?
Pretty cool, though. If I was going to move, it would be Spain or Italy, and that’s been my list long before seeing this.
9 MS
Like we’re going to pass a $900 billion bill.
But get real anyway. It’s not like the CBO scored Obama’s speech. However, Rangel is arguing that we need to spend morem and he’s right.
LMAO!!! I’ve never read such a pathetic volume of repetitive, moronic, right wing trash..
All inspired by those Hannah Giles “moves”.
Keep stroking yourselves guys..
He may be a guitar player, but he’s right.
Then there’s this (same source):
Yes, you can get sub-par care faster here than you can anywhere else. We’re the McDonald’s of health care. Kinda makes sense, right?
And hey, how fucking bad must we be in the other categories (you know, like, say, INEQUALITY?) to come in 37th when we got one first place out of five categories?
Didja hear that Orly Taitz’s “birther” lawsuit was thrown out of court? Not only that, she was warned that she would suffer sanctions if she brought further frivolous actions to his court.
There’s lots of good stuff in the order, including:
So for those of you who think that people bring unfounded lawsuits against, oh, I don’t know, perhaps doctors? Here’s the bottom line:
There is no need to legislate against frivolous lawsuits. As you can tell, THEY GET THROWN OUT!
I am not hitting you up for money, it’s because you gave the impression you wanted me to work for you. Why should I work for you for free?
I’m guessing the whole concept of employment is kinda foreign to you.
In life outside of free government programs, employers trade a paycheck for services.
20 – Marv I thought you said you’d be happy to compose and arrange music for a right wing idiot video.
The right wing is loaded with money to support foolishness like that: Sam Wyly, Boone Pickens, Phil Anshutz, Richard Mellon Scaife, Phil Ahmanson Jr., Syung Myung Moon, the Koch Industry brothers, Sheldon Adelson.. Go there.
19 – If only all right wing noise could be thrown out in the garbage where it belongs.
Then perhaps it could be ground under into a landfill to make methane to be burned for electricity.
Same shit different thread. ylb arschloch! Monomaniacal moron!
The BBC reported a week or so ago that the United States is number two in the world in “economic output” (whatever exactly that means)…behind Switzerland.
Think about that for a minute (you too, trolls, if you’re capable of engaging your brains for that long)…and consider the quality and security of life the Swiss enjoy, compared to that of the mass of Americans who aren’t among the Hoitiest of the Toity.
All the rest of our massive “generation of wealth” is being siphoned off by the criminal cartel we call “business” and the ineffective government that’s now completely beholden to it.
The truly cynical among us might predict that no way is this going to change as long as the majority of us are still able to earn or borrow enough for our overlords to steal, and still leave us greasy shitburgers to eat and a few meager but flashy “amenities” (cable TV, Facebook, etc) to keep us all hypnotized.
Oh lookie here. ylb arschloch’s “wife’s” union had a good man at the California helm…
“Jaime Enrique Feliciano, who served as president of Service Employees International Union Local 1000 representing thousands of Sacramento-area state workers, had previous convictions for child molestation and failure to register as a sex offender.”
Of course ylb arschloch is very comfortable with these peeps.
Wait for it…
Once again, your lack of employable skills are causing you to live in an unemployable bubble of confusion.
I would be happy to work for anyone, as should you. I would work for you if you could afford it or even air america if they paid in advance (a friend of mine is involved in a lawsuit for non-payment for services rendered). If goldy wanted me to compose some original music for his radio show theme song, if we could agree on the work and price, I would be happy to.
There are people I wouldn’t work for. Manocrap, headless, Ku KluX’ad Klan, steve, byebyegoober and a few others that I would rather not be associated with.
They have crime, rape, and violence in their genes.
24 – That was a measure of “global competitiveness”. So we dropped behind the Swiss..
Who was behind us?
Singapore, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Canada and the Netherlands.
Oh countries most idiot trolls would consider “socialist” that have such awful things as affordable health care.
26 – Well, well, Marv. You got a head for business! Survey the market – plenty of dittoheads out there. Michelle Malkin claimed two million were on the the “Million Moron March”.
You get some financing from the rich right wingers with more money than sense that I mentioned and you’ve got a winner.
However count me out of the financing. I’m here to laugh at whatever you put out.
@15 If I was going to move, it would be Spain or Italy, and that’s been my list long before seeing this.
Could we add Antarctica to your list, Daddy?
Hey ylb arschloch,
Remember when you tried to ridicule Puddy over my claim of SEIU and ACORN sharing orifices in N’awlins? You challenged Puddy to produce and Puddy not only produced but gave your arschloch the actual Google street view. Now it seems the shared connection gets deeeeeeeeper fool.
Shits are a explodin now!!!! Read it on firedoglake ylb arschloch!
25 – O lookee here. I smell a right wing smear around the corner. Just like with ACLU..
Some morons never learn:
Yaaawwnn.. Next comes the lame “Pavlov’s Dog” bullshit.
31 – So? You’re a Republican so does that make you affiliated with perverts like Vitter and restroom stalkers like Craig?
According to your insane bullshit logic – maybe so!
How can you compare switzerland to america..
Switzerland – 7,581,520
Massachusetts – 6,497,967
Los Angeles – 9,862,049
How did that government healthcare program in massachusetts work out?
MASSACHUSETTS HAS been lauded for its healthcare reform, but the program is a failure. Created solely to achieve universal insurance coverage, the plan does not even begin to address the other essential components of a successful healthcare system.
The less people, the easier a socialist program will work fairly. Unless you don’t consider jim jones (the friend of harvey milk, willie brown, etc.) and his socialist jonestown utopia successful.
The swiss are nothing like us greedy spoiled americans. Poor people in other countries don’t have cars, cellphones, teevs, cable, wii, microwaves, air conditioning, etc.
I have no problem with trading barbs about government officials, liberal policies, other commenters on this blog, etc with you.
But please, don’t be so damn scatterbrained.
How you went from lamely trying to insult my career to michelle malkin reporting 2 million is waaaay too doofus even for you.
p.s. if you feel I have a head for business, wouldn’t it be to your advantage to ask me about how best for you to join the job market?
You have been insisting it does for months.Your point?
Restroom stalkers like craig, does that mean gay men? Correct me if I’m wrong, I believe the cop was there for a sting on gay men hitting on men in a public bathroom, not a sting on a politician.
ylb arschloch…
Back in post #25 Puddy wrote:
And of course you delivered right on time in post #32. So of course you are Pavlov’s Doggie. A victim of his own stupidity!
37 – right on cue. Thanks for playing.
36 – No that means desperate, repressed, lonely, self-hating, right wing hypocrites who seek anonymous sexual release in a place that the general society used to allow for homosexuals as long as the word didn’t get out which explains the sting activity of the cop.
Craig could have been out but I can’t think of an out right wing homosexual male congressman right now. Can you?
35 – Not only did Malkin claim 2 million but another guy you should be familiar with claimed the same number for the “2 million moron march” as well:
Rush Limbaugh – heard of him? Lots of fools listen to his show. Big market. Big money.
Go for it Marv. There’s gold in them thar’ dittoheads.
Puddy-Be careful about throwing stones in the monomaniacal house. If you were any more self-centered you’d implode.
Wait. Let me guess. Heterosexual Murder, Rapist. Gosh Heterosexuals do so much wonderful stuff in this world, they are the greatest, my heroes.
WHITE HOUSE BITCH-SLAPS CARTER for his ridiculous Race War comments!!
Carter is a real dumbass….always has been inept and a gasbag.
Screaming Racism at every turn is good for America Jimmy-baby???
Glad Gibbs spoke up.
Tell the old Leftist Pinheaded KLOWN to STFU!
Marv @ 34–
Excellent point sir.
There are several huge differences the KLOWNS ignore:
1) Our Tort System is Ambulance-chaser heaven…Switzerland is about ZERO!
2) Switzerland has almost no ILLEGAL ALIENS and they do not get services.
It’s like comparing night and day.
These KLOWNS are soooooo dense.
They look at the bottom-line WITHOUT looking at all the underlying facts.
I’ll bet if we cut out the Lawyers and Illegals, our ranking would skyrocket despite our massive volume.
Probably because Switzerland doesn’t have a bunch of murdering heterosexuals; better people make a better nation, not politicians, clearly the Swiss know how to be human beings that don’t lust for everything they can’t have, like American Pigs. I bet you would chase an ambulance even after hitting because you are a fucking drunk.
Do you know Deneen Borelli??
She is incredibly brilliant…and smokin’ hot!
Here is what she said about the idiot, senile old bastard Jimmy Carter–
She was probably the best speaker at the Tea Party too.
14. Mark1 spews:
Apparently Goldy or Mr. Sensitive didn’t find my comment at 13 as funny as you did Mark1.
Humorless. It’s their Achilles Heel!
Can you believe it??
Goldy, YLB and the entire Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats are actually SERIOUS about the nonsense they post.
Hell, I used to think they were just kiddin’ us.
Love how this incestuous bunch of morons who come in here publicly suck each others’ dicks because they know the rest of us regard them as subhuman. They decide they’ll prove it. They couldn’t survive without trading body fluids in front of the rest of us. I guess they think we find it impressive.
Can we rent them out to a circus? Barnum and Bailey is always looking for disgusting species, and they DO constitute a sideshow.
Or to Rush? He’s their god, after all. They have no existence without someone to give them their talking points.
Maybe it’s better to just ignore them, the scroll button is really easy, but I’m wearing mine out.
ylb arschloch was identified as monomaniacal by another lefty months ago. Puddy identified him as chronologically challenged in July.
HA Liberals,
Look at ylb arschloch’s response in #32. And he says thanks for playing in #38.
That’s why you are a buffoon bozo ylb arschloch. You posted your favrit site right on Puddy’s queue. What a ruptured mind.
Puddy knows of Deneen’s writings. Excellent mind. Was part of CORE, Roy Innes & son Nigel Innes.
That old gas bag Jimmae Cahhhrter is anti-Zionist. Here is what Dr Martin Luther King Jr said about anti-Zionists.
HA Libtardos forget these small items of historical reference. Puddy doesn’t forget. Another reason Puddy left the reservation long ago.
Puddy tries to educate the black leftists here, but it seems history falls on deaf ears when you continually drink the kook-aid!
4. John425 spews:
Calls Goldy’s grilfriend a whore
8. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
concerned that others sit on fat asses.
23. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
same shit
27. Troll spews:
They (black guys) have rape in their genes
9. Marvin Stamn spews:
death panels!!!!!!
45. Mr. Cynical spews:
Mr C thinks Puddy– should know Deneen Borelli cuz ahe is black and hot?? SJ comments: I don;t think Puddy would pimp for you mr. C. Puddy falls for Mr C’s trap. I hesitate to ask but I do wonder if Puddy knows any of the black Dudes and Dudettes I met in Detroit last week? I will post pc at SJ so he can tell us?
(with apologies to any sense of good taste our trolls may stuill have and to a lovely real lady I have met who lives of Puddy’s arm ….)
X’ad thought this
Puddy don’t suck dicks. You must be mistaking Puddy for Blue John or Gman. Puddy don’t use the Hershey Highway. Maybe X’ad is projecting again? Hmmm…?
Regarding your subhuman remark, we know who on your side are useless masses of protoplasm and the ones who are useless human biomasses. Puddy thinks you are part of the protoplasm gang now. You’ll be treated as such in the future arschloch! And no Puddy ain’t gonna retroactively take back Puddy’s apology accepted – yet!
Here is the image from Detroit … maybe I should post it like one of Lee’s contests???
Too bad SeattleJew has a burr in his saddle. Did someone blow some MJ your way SJ?
Puddy didn’t fall for any trap. Deneen is very intelligent and doesn’t get involved in the race politics game.
Puddy concerned that ylb arschloch could have been a contenda if he put to use his mind creating the tctmgr to getting a job. Instead he wastes away creating useless materials. And ylb arschloch comes with the same shit each day.
Open your eyes SJ for just one day and you can play with new knowledge, ok?
not interested.
Was referring to marvy, cynIcal,mark…..so why do you think that you were included? Feelings of guilt?
@53 I caught the KLOWN’S comment too – Puddy might know Deneen Borelli because of, um, because of what? WTF?
@ 55. Much like Detroit itself, that hole looks to be dirty, destitute and likely has a history of being overrun by high crime areas.
Not to breakup the overly aggressive handjobs you are giving each other, but I have a serious question:
Are all of the cyclists in Seattle crybabies?
Somebody has to say that they are a cyclist, or knows one, that is not a whiny baby.
I’ll accept friend, of a friend accounts of non-whiny testimony.
Ok, thanks, now back to whatever it is you are doing to each other.
Where is anyone’s name mentioned in your previous comment? Can’t read what’s not there.
Please show the peeps you mentioned this message for X’ad.
Steve, Deneen Borelli is one of a bunch of conservative blacks. Need to see the Rick Sanchez video again? Here ya go Steve, as you need remedial training…
continuation of comment @ 60 re: SJ @ 55.
…oh and last but[t] no least, SJ, excessive graffiti.
This might be one of your best thought out and articulated comments.
It’s going to be hard for you to top this one.
Subhuman? Well, that deviant perv Marvin fucks goats but I wouldn’t go so far as to call the poor sap “subhuman”. Words such as “subhuman” can be the gateway leading to eliminationist rhetoric. Leave that shit for wingnuts and their sixshooter fantasies of offing everybody to the left of their freaky, flying monkey selves.
50 – I post that site because it shows you for the holier than thou freak you are.
I called that lame Pavlov Dog tactic of yours and you responded right on my cue. I owned your stupid ass! Oh and what happened to Sue? You don’t want her anymore now that I said you could have her?
Stupes, keep on playing the holier than thou, right wing hypocrite act. Anyone with any brains can see right through you and can only conclude that you and your crowd are nothing but a bunch of braindead right wing degenerates.
@ 65 Marvin.
Don’t be so hard on KlulessKluX’adKlown, isn’t it obvious from his comment that he’s having his period…? It’s apparent from the comments that he and YLB are cycling together…and yet neither own a bike.
Try again moron. Wait for it… and you walked right through the door moron. That’s you ylb arschloch, can’t figger out when you are being set up. Try #27, it’s chronologically earlier.
Fool! And to think you actually think you own Puddy’s ASS. Well maybe in your dreams Pavlov’s Doggie.
You are the hypocrite moron. All of a sudden Afghanistan is worth US Troops now that “the messiah” is CiC. What a progressive tool!
69 – Now you’re for cuttin’ and runnin’ huh?
You right wing idiots are a laugh a minute.
What’s going on today? You are more scatterbrained than usual.
Not enough sleep? Out of meds?
Are you really saying that “general society” allowed gay men to seek anonymous sexual release in public bathrooms.
My guess is that Ku KluX’ad Klan doesn’t suck dick.
Not her thing.
@63 “bunch”
Bunch? What’s that, three? I kid you. There really are a few hot black conservative women out there. But what’s up with the dorkification of black conservative males?
Um, this dumbass isn’t a conservative, but he’s got DORK covered pretty well.
…I won’t even go into the Mom Jeans vid from the MLB all-star game…
Regarding your thinking of me honeybunch… Please stop, you are one of those creepy women you read about that drive cross-country wearing diapers.
You know what I would really like from you?
A one way ticket to the philippines on 09/17/09 with your name on it.
Are you still stalking lee?
Or have you moved on to impersonating him?
71 – What’s going on? Just the usual skewering of right wing idiocy.
What else?
I’ll let Dan Savage back me up on the sex in restrooms issue:
And you consider yourself well-adjusted?
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
You sure have a way with words.
Delusional#70. Cutting and running now is your latest try. Let’s review #27
Wait for it… and ylb arschloch walked right in.
What a moron!
@74 The chart is more than a little misleading. The economy started to tank in the middle of the second Bush term. There’s a great article in GQ by a Bush insider describing the gross ineptitude of the last administration as it all came down like a house of cards.
haha…wanna rephrase that pervy eye? “Let Dan Savage back me up?” , “Skewered?”
Seems YLB is preoccupied with occupied public bathrooms for some reason tonight…
Steve, the carpetbagger tried tried to twist what Puddy wrote..
Puddy said
Where did Puddy separate the sexes in his comment? You’re acting like ylb arschloch!
79 – What’s your position idiot? Should we do what we can to keep that country from falling back into the hands of the Taliban or what?
Here it comes….
81 – Nope, you’re the one making the association fool. Your kind always does. Speaks volumes about y’all.
Thanks for playing.
Moron @83,
you cummin again?
On Afghanistan, Puddy was for us to in there kicking Taliban ASS from the beginning fool. Puddy hasn’t changed his position just because the CiC changed.
That’s you fool!
ESO, Puddy agrees, that’s why he’s an arschloch. He likes it. He’s pathetic!
He’s certainly that Puddy, but that’s no secret here at HA.
Speaking of that part of the anatomy, Dave Ross on his radio show this morning was blaming Conservatives for the ACORNholers aiding and abetting human traficking and child molestation/exploitation. He’s gone full on batshit crazy now that he’s protecting the president too big to fail… Ol’ dancing Queen davey Ross instead vented his frustration with Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh…Just a wee bit jealous soap box Davey??
86 – Ahhhhahahahahahaha!!!!! There he goes again with allusions to semen. Just as I predicted!!! What a losing fool!
I’ve always supported Afghanistan BECAUSE of the Taliban and bin Ladin. Your chimp short-changed it for the oil in Iraq.
Now Obama’s job is much, much harder. Thanks Chimp! Thanks losing chimp crowd who voted for the disaster twice!
Leaving the arschloch…
Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year
Please show us the money Nancy and Harry!!!
ylb arschlot said
Yes he did.
Pfffffffffffffffffftt.. Lame as usual…
G’night right wing tools..
Keep on practicing your losing ways..
Sometimes its best to ignore YLB. No one with that much pent up hatred is worth spending too much font on and merely feeds into his deranged psyche.
He could be out doing volunteer work, helping out in the community, god forbid “get a job”, etc. that Obama called on his supporters to do- as “progressives” claim is their goal-, but YLB just chooses to be locked up in his parents basement 18/7 commenting on hates sites Daily KOS…HuffPo…HA.
Not exactly Hope and Change now is it? As I recall, this has been his M.O. for years now.
That is not a new tax. The obama promised us that he wouldn’t raise taxes on 95% of the population.
The $1,761 will be a service charge.
…and let us not forget who said ACORN would not only have a seat at the table, but would help “shape his agenda” (about 2:00 in)
…the great Community organizer in chief Bahhhrack Obamaahhhh.
Unless Fraud, Deceit, aiding and abetting underage human traficking for the purposes of child sexual slavery and lying to the American people is worthy of shaping ones “agenda”, not sure if his agenda is worth pursuing for the next 3+ years regardless. He’s already covered most of Acorns philosophy already anyway.
This just in:
Wingnutz fave right wing bullshit source, Faux News getz punk’d:
Those goes the air outa the James the pimp/Hannah the whore ACORN balloon!!!
Wooo hooo!
More tape:
Bunch of losers!
Something about the wingnut mind when it starts getting paranoid – the object of fear just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It freaking expands in size. Saddam’s balsa wood planes could fly to the U.S., mobile bio-weapons labs could zip on train tracks to who knows where and why, the evil MSM conspiracy expands, envelopes, swallows and foils the heroic efforts of the Bushies. Obama and ACORN are agents of the evil Soros, his church the OSI and his vast financial empire.
Now ACORN is getting eight TRILLION dollars of stimulus:
It’s too freaking weird.
The other shoe has dropped. As I knew it would.
Stupes what did I say to you recently?
You’re your own worst enemy.
Thank you all for playing.
Those ACORNholer reps were’nt intelligent enough to know they were getting had, so some batshit crazy website claiming otherwise a week later isn’t much proof.
Nice try at damage control kiddies, but the fact remains that the light is shined on the sugar-coated turd that is ACORN and that which the president has a sweet tooth for…and the rats are jumping ship left and right trying to escape the high beam.
100 – AAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You morons got had by an ACORN lady and James and Hannah and your favorite right wing idiots on the tube (Hannity, Beck, the Faux and Friends fools) fell for it – hook, line and sinker!
They’re such crappy (fake) “journalists” they couldn’t think of having one of their flunkys fact check the lady’s story.
Heh. Sean Inanity actually shows a bit of journo knowledge and asks Hannah and Breitbart if they checked out the ACORN lady’s murder story.
uh.. uh… Oh we’re so inundated splutters Breitbart.
uh…. We’re working on that. says Hannah..
Obama’s Speech Bounce is GONE BYE-BYE!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
With this ACORN debacle and Obama’s indecisiveness on Afghanistan…look out.
Also, if this Stock Market bounce turns out to be the preverbial DEAD KAT bounce and we see a big drop………..OUCH!
Hey, Gold is up to $1020/oz and Silver over $17. The stock market and precious metals cannot continue to BOTH rise like they have. Somethings gotta give…soon.
Exactly when did the lady that lied about killing her husband inform people, ala laughing with a fellow employee about the incident or put it in writing that she was approached?
[A] before the tape surfaced
[B] after the tape surfaced
Here’s a test for you…
If a right-winger said stuff about obama at a tea party while being secretly taped and after the tape surfaced said they were just “playing along,” would you believe it?
Why the double standard?
Is it as simple as one supports your belief system and one doesn’t? Kinda like birthers believe the story because they want to believe.
Now Obama is going to scrap the European Missle Shield??!
That is absolutely short-sighted and NUTS!.
Pandering to Russia and Iran….to what end?
What did we get in return.
Obama is horrible for our Allies.
Even jon stewart is punking acorn and the liberal media for not covering it.
That;s not good for democrats.
All those young people get their “news” from him.
Like jon stewart said…
You’re telling me that two kids from the cast of “High School Musical III” can break this story with a video camera and their grandmother’s chinchilla coat? And you got nothing? They did it for $3,000, and that’s Blitzer’s monthly beard Wetvac budget. It probably cost CNN that much to turn on their hologram machine.
I’m a fake journalist, and I’m embarrassed these guys scooped me. Let’s get to work people.
104 – Heh. Your stupid buddy Stupes is always dribbling that he’s SHOCKED! SHOCKED!!!
The Faux and Friends fools where SHOCKED! SHOCKED! at the Acorn lady “murdering” her hubby.
Glenn Beck was SHOCKED! SHOCKED! at the the Acorn lady offing the husband.
Sean Inanity was SHOCKED! SHOCKED! as well but to his credit asked a pertinent question. (Believe me I’m SHOCKED! I’m saying this about the inane one.)
Hannah the right wing whore replied… We’re working on it..
Right wing males are truly disappointed. Who the ‘F” cares about being credible. Hannah! Strut your stuff!
Sure is amazing how ylb arschloch is yapping about these so called Media Moron exposes. He is the dumbest brick at HA.
First arschloch moron Puddy placed the call by Glenn Beck to his staff to see if the lady “actually killed” her ex-husband. Need to see the transcript again. Of course you forgot that having 24 hour libtardo disease. You live on the kook-aid sites and everyone on HA knows that monomaniacal one.
Second off arschloch moron why did Robert Gibbs in the daily presser say “You know, Jake, as it relates to ACORN, obviously the conduct that you see on those tapes is completely unacceptable. I think everyone would agree with that. The administration takes accountability extremely seriously. I think the Census Bureau evaluated and determined that this group could not meet the bureau’s goal of achieving a fair and accurate count in 2010. And I assume others are evaluating to ensure, as we always are, that any grantee, whether that grant was let in this administration or in previous administrations — there’s housing counseling grants that were let in previous administrations; FEMA grants that were let in previous administrations — that we constantly evaluate to ensure that any grantee is living up to what has to happen in order to fulfill that grant application.” PuddyEmphasis.
Keep drinking the kook-aid and staying the dumbest brick on HA.
Puddy watched Ol Wolfie interview the ACORN CEO. Unfortunately Ol Wolfie forgot to ask her why was the Maryland ACORN offices decertified. Puddy was wondering why Ol Wolfie didn’t aks her why was ACORN running an illegal operation in Maryland. Puddy was wondering why Ol Wolfie didn’t ask that question. Then Puddy realized from the questions being asked by Ol Wolfie they were softballs.
Of course that fact is lost on ylb arschloch because his head is up his arschloch!
You see ylb arschloch,
Staying on those kook-aid web sites you miss da big picture about Tresa Kaelke. Here let Puddy help you fool…
PROCEEDINGS: Document here.
See ya ylb arschloch moron!
108 – Yeah I get it. James and Hannah were too occupied with their pimp and ‘ho get ups to check it out themselves..
Just run wid it…
Here’s more for you ylb arschloch being the dumbest brick and the biggest arschloch around…
Take your time, read the information then run to your kook-aid sites and see if they have reBUTTals arschloch moron…
“Now this is amazing police work. The San Bernardino sting tape was not released until around 4:00 p.m. Eastern time and miraculously a police report of an “initial investigation” was released within a few hours. Anyone with any familiarity with police investigations — initial or otherwise — knows you can’t even get a police accident report in less than 24 hours. Something’s fishy here.”
Yes there is something fishy here. ylb arschloch farted earlier. Enjoy.
The Prosecution Rests!
110 – Dan Riehl – yeah he’s credible..
You guys are so freaking tedious. Dream on fools.
112 – There he goes resting again.
Been sleepwalking since 1994 at least – or braindead.
ylb arschloch@111.
Nope you don’t get it. You cruise the whackamole kook-aid sites like a hooker in Seattle. You don’t venture from there because the truth could blow your silly ASS apart.
Hey Stupes – Tresa is AGRESSIVE!
She may be a !gasp! radical feminist!
Hide under the bed Stupes! LOL!
HA arschloch cried
Sure is since he has made the court documents available on Tresa Kaelke.
Did you find that stuff on Media Morons ylb arschloch? How about dkookapedia? Is there a Tresa Kaelke entry now?
Hey Stupes – didya catch the part where Hannah said she was hooking since she was 14?
I liked it when Tresa (scary radical feminist) asked Hannah, “what do you do? EXOTIC DANCING???”.
The freak show you wingnuts put on…
Puddy heard one it was painful to be that stupid but ylb arschloch does it effortlessly and painlessly. Of course he’s a pain for his HA buds being the dumbest brick around.
Puddy wonders if ylb arschloch will look up all those legislators and politicians Tresa Kaelke claimed she knew and verify her commentary there.
Naaaaaah, he won’t because ylb arschloch like other HA liberals here have to visit one of the major kook-aid sites for their morning marching orders. ACORNs’ own veracity and validity are not current topics.
See #115.
Hey Stupes didya hear the news on Faux that an ACORN lady admitted that she murdered her husband?
I believe Faux more than that MSM yes sir. It’s fair and balanced – Insanity and Colmes. That MSM is controlled by Soros..
Heh. heh..
unlike acorn that has been stripped of census duties by a democrat administration.
ylb arschloch@122,
That’s the best you got?
Puddy already placed the audio of Charlie Gibson saying he hadn’t heard about the ACORN scandal. Tells you so much about the liberal MSM!
{ylb impersonation mode on}
Those documents were filed while bush was president which proves they are not real because michelle malkin said 2 million people while rightwingnuts are hating because rush told them a black man is in their white house all the while fuck news is mouthpiece for cheney and his death squads which we all know is true because bush planned 9/11 to kill black people at the exact same time hannity was lying about rev wright because coulter didn’t want someone someone to be the green czar tat had the proof bush personally pulled the switch on the planted bombs in the world trade center.
{ylb impersonation mode off}
Did I miss anything or did I sum up the arguments of ylb into one big long run on sentence.
Should be easy for someone like you to prove…
Name the conservatives that have shows on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc, npr
I’ll make it easy on you, you do not have to list them alphabetically.
It’s too weird that I’ve borderline complemented Sean Insanity that he asked if Dandy Andy Breitbart and Hannah checked out the ACORN lady’s murder story.
But in the same interview he says ACORN is getting 8.5 BILLION of stimulus money…
And then he ENDS the interview by saying ACORN is getting 8.5 TRILLION of stimulus money.
Sean’s insanity indeed! No wonder so many on my side prefer to ignore this crap. After a while, keeping tabs on what these idiots say gets so boring.
Again ylb arschloch,
That’s the best you got in #127? Indeed what a moron!
Why not prove she’s not scary and let her babysit your kids?
Of course, a court order like that wouldn’t disqualify someone from babysitting your kids. That’s good liberal family values.
Seattle Jews vomits–
Wow, SJ has severe psychological and bigoted/sexist attitudes toward Black Conservative Women. Where is you sense of decency sir!! You lack tolerance, true diversity and forget we are a RAINBOW!
Why are all the beautiful women of all colors CONSERVATIVE??
A some of the Single Payer rallies, all you saw was fat, hideously ugly, unbathed Lunatic Leftists. I guess that’s what turns portly SJ on!
YLB’s kids are all in jail…or crackhouses.
Or worse…
Acorn found them employment.
Hhmm, why can’t acorn find ylb employment?
Drop the dime and call them ylb, earn money and pay your taxes. Like biden said, paying higher taxes is patriotic. The stereotype is that those on the left don’t love their country, prove it wrong. Get a job and pay higher taxes.
Too Damn Funny!
Yup, when ylb cannot even find a job with ACORN, you’d have to say he is officially declared UNEMPLOYABLE!
131 & 132 – Hmmmmm. Jail or crackhouses? Interesting. Could these right wing fantasies have a racist element to them?
Stamn, congrats. When you first came here, you were just a fool.
But it wasn’t too long before it became apparent that you were an aspiring right wing tool.
Now under the tutelage of Stupes and Klyn, after raising the “question” of me taking indecent liberties with my kids and other knee jerk right wing babble like you’ve keyed in 125, you’ve graduated to the big time:
ylb arschloch couldn’t get a job at ACORN…
OMG my sides are splitting. LMBBAO ROTFLMBBAO JUADLMBBAO That was funny!
It’s only racist because you believe that only black people are in jail and only black people use crack. Just like when a republican talks about welfare reform the liberal media makes it all about race. The fact that there are more whites on welfare is an inconvenient fact to your belief system.
You could learn a lesson from me. Aspire to do something, word hard and accomplish it.
Maybe you should aspire to become employed. Figure out what career would bring you personal satisfaction, then figure out how to make $$ doing it. I know CHANGE is hard, and that you don’t have much HOPE. You have to do it to set a good example for your kids, that’s what good parents do.
You don’t have to answer, this question is just to expose your hypocrisy and double standards.
*IF* when you post your fav link, I was to defend the actions of the republican child molesters, would you question my moral compass to raise children. Well, you defended acorn. What’s the difference besides the political party affiliation?
What part of that don’t you agree with? If you didn’t notice, those are your words I collected and threw together. Just yesterday you used the malkin 2 million in response to my comment about acorn. Not sure how you made that connection.
Thank you ylb for acknowledging I’m big-time. Your words mean so much to me. After all, one can’t get a better endorsement then when some unemployed guy living off his wife calls you big-time.
(note to ylb. If that /sarcasm is confusing to you, in html lexicon that would be a closing tag. Meaning I am turning off the sarcasm.)
I’m guessing he couldn’t pass the morals test.
And when you consider the “morals” of that san bernadino employee, acorn must have pretty low standards to say nothing about the lack of background criminal checks.
re 137: What, specifically, do you have against ACORN?
Is it they way they rig elections by caging voters, programming the voting machines and delivering few and defective voting machines to minority precincts?
Marvin: Another lie that you are propounding is that you are a health, jogging musician who still makes his living as a working musician.
Yet, a few years ago, you were the disabled, gay Marvin who lived off government funds and was too sick to work.
What gives?
re 137: By your standards, Ollie North and G. Gordon Liddy are not moral enough to work for ACORN.
Neither is ‘Scooter’ Libby — the green bean heiress.
That explains why obama won. Oops, that’s not what you meant. If the republicans do all that, how did the obama win?
Because your fellow lefties take pleasure in the misfortune of those they disagree with. So I made a bunch of left-wingnuts happy by saying exactly what they wanted to believe.
And of course some of what I said was to expose people. Just like when I told gbs I was on welfare, which prompted his reply-
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
I admit to the “acorning” of the truth regarding being on welfare, as for-
Got link?
There’s a whole bunch of conservatives in training…
Today, a large majority of Republicans view Fox News positively (72%), compared with just 43% of Democrats.
Republicans view The New York Times negatively by a margin of nearly two-to-one (31% to 16%), while Democrats view it positively by an almost five-to-one margin (39% to 8%)
To recap-
43% of democrats view faux/fuck news positively.
39% of democrats view the ny slimes positively
From AmericaBlog…
Republicans are racist. They cannot STAND the idea of a Black Man in the White House.
Clearly, the party of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage wants to incite some poor unhinged person (or persons) to violence.
They want to get this President killed.
Clearly rujax is reading the latest from the kook-aid sites. Sure there are some who say stupid things, butt Puddy will remind Rujax of some stupid things… and these are whitey!
Funny, how a couple of Acorn employees are used to tar the entire organization, hell, the entire progressive movement, not to mention the ugly underlying racist bullshit, but it’s somehow sooo inappropriate for YLB to post a link to a site that documents rampant Republican moral deviancy, depravity and degradation. If you dumbfucks insist that Acorn is corrupt, then you can just STFU with the wingnut whining when we talk about how you degenerate asswipes like to fuck goats.
Listen to Beck, Limbaugh, Savage et. al.; watch Fox News; monitor RedState, Little Green Fottballs, ect.
This is serious. Someone is really going to get hurt.
Those signs are made by real people who really think that way.
This is wrong, and the Republican Party has a responsibility to put a stop to it.
And they won’t. Blood will be on YOUR hands guys.
Standard Operating Procedure.
Are you so ignorant of politics to believe that if a white male democrat was in the white house that republicans would support cap&trade, free government health care, higgher minimum wage, card check and the whole rest of the democrat planks?
I have a very very low opinion of you, but I think even YOU are not that stupid.
Want to prove me wrong?
Simply reply and say, “yes, republicans would support them IF ONLY a white male democrat was in the white house.”
The FIEND! trio..
Stupes, Stamn and Klyn
otherwise known as The Three Moronic Right Wing Stooges..
SO rujax, you have no problem with the black kids whippin on the whitey kid? You can’t even see hyperbole when it slaps you in the face. You ran to Think Progress. Where are the comments for this was a wrong act to do against the whitey kid? They weren’t the first ones on the thread you “went” to rujax.
So you want to whine when the same alinsky tactic is used against you?
ylb arschloch,
Sunken down to a class by himself, even below rujax and he was at the Mariana’s Trench for a long long time.
Gotta love the arschloch who flips on Afghanistan because the CiC changed. How’s the hope and change working for ya? Did it find you a job?
What sick filth from the bloated right wing idiot on the AM dial:
Limbaugh: “[I]n Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering”
153 – Flipped? That’s describes your sick mind sicko.
I’ve always supported preventing Afghanistan from returning to the likes of the Taliban.
Let’s see you prove otherwise with those mythical “google skillz”.
151. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Mr. Puddybud does not take into consideration that bullies are bullies regardless of color. The confrontation allegedly involved the enforcement of “seat assignments”. The “seat assignments” were allegedly made by the assailants who were doubly wrong if that was indeed the case.
I stand by original statement. The Republican Party is a racist organization that cleary advocates and encourages violence as a politcal solution.
Good link to Americablog Rujax..
Lots of pictures for the unhinged right wing idiots to gaze approvingly upon.
If there was a white Democrat in office the Republican talking heads wouldn’t be playing the race card. It’s so fucking obvious, even a stupid goatfucker should be able to see it. Just listen to them. Everybody’s a racist. Blacks are racists. Latinos are racists. Progressives are racists. It’s like an alternate universe where everybody but white southern strategizing wingnuts are fucking racists.
To you, Mr. Stamn I say that Democrats disagreed with many if not all of the policies of the Rebulican controled Congress and the Bush Adminstration.
I have no recollection…NONE…of the kind of sustained super-heated rhetoric against that President, that Congress and those policies.
We can agree to disagree about policy and governance, but our elected representatives are OUR elected Representatives. We have the opportunity and responsibility to remove them from office if they do not represent us as we want them to.
Democrats had to endure eight years of wrong-headed policy and failed governance. We did not advocate or incite violence or violent overthrow of ANYTHING during those long and frustrating eight years. You’re telling me your side doesn’t have the stones to wait this out?
Further, Mr. Obama was elected legally by a clear majority. Try that one again in four years.
Our President is OUR President.
Got some links to what charles has written that you find so offensive. He’s pretty rude to birthers, racists and those that don’t believe in evolution.
134. YLB spews:
Hardly…you are a white idiot, you idiot.
159. Rujax! spews:
I cannot stop laughing.
No sustained, vulgar attack on Bush??
You got it right, you can’t remember crackhead.
That is the single most ridiculous statement in the history of this cesspool.
You are officially the HA Village Idiot for Life Rujax.
I think you and ylb are tweakers.
Just say NO to crack KLOWN
House Votes Overwhelmingly to strip ACORN of funding!
I guess they did nothing wrong, huh KLOWNS.
Poor ylb…this pretty much eliminates his 1st job dreams as Obama’s Ball-Scratcher.
From his ridiculous posts, you can tell he was excited about serving the President in the only way he is qualified to do so.
“Mr. President…care for an afternoon scratch?”
Hey, how about this!
ylb==The BallScratching CZAR!!!!!!!!!!
Heh. The politicians got all bent out of shape by Hannah and James’ sleazy, discredited smear campaign. Not the first something like that’s happened and it won’t be the last.
So ACORN loses 3.5 million dollars?
Poor ACORN.. I guess they’re not get that fantasy 8.5 BILLION or is it TRILLION?
Rujax – reasoned, well argued analysis like that just bounces off the thick skulls of these right wing degenerates.
They don’t even learn from defeat.
heh, or those 57 state obama campaigned in.
heh, at least acorn didn’t forget the “website number”
heh, like when obama said it was 10,000 dead in the kansas hurricane.
heh, I wonder if acorn knows the difference between sioux city and sioux falls
heh, I wonder if acorn knows that the parents of obama “united” because of the selma march… 4 years AFTER he was born.
heh, I wonder if acorn knows that obama is the FIRST mainstream black man that is clean and articulate
heh, I wonder if acorn knows that the story of the black man bleaching his skin obama wrote about could never be found in life or ebony
166 – 172
Whoa Marv! FIEND! indeed…
You’re too funny.
Klyn – Moe
Stupes – Larry
Stamn – Curly (Stupes had it down until Stamn’s eruption in 166 – 172)
You got the top stooge there Stamno!
You could use “Shemp” and/or “Curly Joe” if you need more characters.
So much for fiscal conservatism.
Gee…was that NINE BILLION dollars of taxpayer money “lost” in Iraq ever found?
Why hasn’t the public’s watchdog Mr. Cynical been in a snit about THAT for the last couple years?
Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a young girl in 1990?
This evidence is at least as substantial as what the Birthers have on Obama.
Hmmmmm…$9 BILLION divided by $53 million equals 169.81.
The Bush Administration “lost” one hundred sixty-nine times MORE of US Taxpayer dollars over three or four years than ACORN recieved over the course of FIFTEEN years. And ACORN is the waste of public funds.
When will the Bush Administration be held to account?
Is there nothing odd about any of that to anyone but me?
Since you enjoyed verbal gaffes from private citizens I thought verbal gaffes from the president and the veep would also be funny.
You seem to have lost your humor once it was a democrat with a slip of the tongue.
“Beebs” says it’s even more!
The left is becoming so unhinged that common sense has left the building…
Are some Democratic legislators who are squabbling over health care secret supporters of the Taliban? Are some Republican legislators in cahoots with Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
A U.S. president who fails on his signature issue – health care – won’t have the strength and public support to deal with new challenges by Islamists. He will be seen at home and abroad as seriously weakened. Yet neither party seems much bothered by this threat.
Can you, especially you ylb, imagine the outrage if hannity/rush said if the democrats didn’t pass bushs social security reform that the terrorists would be embolden?
So the new democrat talking-point is, “pass healthcare to defeat the terrorists.”
If the war on terror is so important, shouldn’t that be his “signature issue?”
Mr. Stamn must not have read THIS part of THAT moronic commentators column.
Heh. Klyn claims never to have liked Shrub although I can’t imagine Klyn not voting for a guy twice who cut taxes like Shrub did.
These guys, who say they are “watching out” for waste, fraud, influence peddling and corrution are all over a neighborhood Community Service Organization and strangely silent about war profiteering and corporate fraud, influence peddling and corrution.
Double standard much? Throw in a couple cups of hypocrisy?
shortened Stamn:
Stamn is unhinged and is projecting. Rightwingnuts shout out insults to the President, compare him to Hitler, shout down people at public meetings and throw around death threats…..Stamn blames liberals.
Stamn is a documented fool
Where is Stamn health care plan?
Oh yeah, there is none. Nothing of consequence. tort reform!
Oh yeah, that doesn’t accomplish anything.
Whine and complain some more and support the current broken system with over 20% overhead and profits by the health insurance industry.
whine some more. cite no facts. Don’t mention the huge waste of money in the current system, where we pay almost twice anyone else for 37th place on the health care list.
yup, ignore the facts and bleat like a sheep.
More bad news for acorn…
The US House today joined the Senate in voting to defund ACORN, the community advocacy group beset by allegations of voter registration fraud and videotapes apparently showing employees advising conservative activists posing as a prostitute and pimp how to break the law.
The measure, offered as part of a motion on a student loan bill, passed by a vote of 345-75, with all “no” votes coming from Democrats.
The Senate voted earlier this week to withdraw housing and urban development funding. Last week, the Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN, which on Wednesday said it is suspending accepting new clients and launching an investigation.
Guess those 172 democrats that voted to defund acorn are all racist teabaggers.
$9 Billion….
Chirp, chirp, chirp….
Just to make sure I understand you, are you saying that-
1. No leftwingers shouted out insults to bush?
2. No leftwingers compared bush to hitler
3. No leftwingers shouted down people at public meetings
4. No leftwingers made death threats to bush
Are you waiting for me to answer?
In case you don’t know, not once have I voted in congress on any bill by either a dem or rep.
If you have a problem with what both parties in congress voted to do, contact your local congresscritter and ASK HIM why.
Once again Puddy isn’t shocked over the commentary of the leftist pinheads on this blog… The Politico proves these pinheads get their marching orders from the leftist blogs which gets their marching orders from the white house morning meeting between Big Forehead Begala, Step-on-all-of-us and Rhambo.
“The president does not believe that criticism comes based on the color of his skin,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters in his Wednesday briefing. “We understand that people have disagreements with some of the decisions that we’ve made and some of the extraordinary actions that had to be taken by both this administration and the previous administration.”
During a caucus meeting just hours before the start of the debate, Democratic leadership aides said that Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, an African-American from Wilson’s South Carolina, pleaded with his fellow Democrats to keep the debate far from the racial issue.” PuddyEmphasis
Butt, Reps. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) and David Scott (D-Ga.) are leading the racism charge. The left-wing whackamole blabbering idiot sites these HA leftist pinheads enjoy running to and the liberal MSM keep harping like cry babies. Now you all should remember good old Lacy Clay… come on guys/gals… from the Fannie Mae debacle of 2004 with Maxine calling it a racist witchhunt on Franklin Manes who was later found GUILTY! Of course you all are 24 hour memory libtardos. Well Ol Puddy will be here to remind you of history…
You see leftist pinheads, the congressional democrats are afraid the independent swing voters will get tired of all this natural democratic race baiting and send many of the congressional democrats packing.
Now here’s something truly hilarious…
Atlantic Magazine claims Paul Krugman is more influential than any other columnist/commentator… If it wasn’t so laughable Puddy would laugh anyway!
Remember HA Liberals with 24 hour memory disease, it was Krugman who was found by his own New York Times editor to actually make up economic data when it fits his agenda. It was the New York Times Ombudsman who took Krugman to task over his hanging chads arguments. Yep, more liberal biases!
Oh look what will happen to Gman when Sha’ria law comes to America.
Don’t worry Puddy won’t take snippets. It’s better to read them in context!
Oh Puddy forgot. The Atlantic has Rachel Maddow ahead of Bill O’Reilly. Wow; a show that barely blips the Nielsens vs a show that blows apart the Nielsens respectively.
What a bunch of liberal biases.
Hey HA liberals remember this flip-flop? Of course not. 24 hour HA Libtardo disease!
“President Obama on April 5, 2009: “So let me be clear: Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile activity poses a real threat, not just to the United States, but to Iran’s neighbors and our allies. The Czech Republic and Poland have been courageous in agreeing to host a defense against these missiles. As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defense system that is cost-effective and proven. (Applause.) If the Iranian threat is eliminated, we will have a stronger basis for security, and the driving force for missile defense construction in Europe will be removed.””
“So let me be clear: I just waffled again and broke a promise”.
And, of course, there is nothing new here…
Pelosi: I’m clueless about cash cut-off
” WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said yesterday she is clueless about an amendment to prohibit government funds for embattled ACORN, although it overwhelmingly passed the Senate Monday and the White House is calling for the group to be held accountable.
“I don’t even know what they passed,” Pelosi told The Post yesterday. “What did they do? They defunded it?” ”
Typical so typical!
And there is the American Criminal Liars Union hard at work stifling free speech…
Mr. Puddybud can’t possibly think his propensity for twisting quotes, stretching the truth and jumping to ridiculous conclusions is amusing of entetaining to anyone but but himself and Mr. Stamn.
Hey you pathetic pig fuckers here is one of your murdering, raping, thieving friends. Why, nooooooo, he’s not a heterosexual….oh gee, he is. You pigs are a disgrace. You think life exists before coming out of a vagina, but after that life is treated like dog shit. You fuckers are moronic assholes that like to bicker like old ladies…think about it, are you going to do this for the rest of your lives….get a life, and stop killing, and raping, you pig fuckers.
rujax, Puddy places historical and present truths here. Twisting is what ylb arschloch does!
Hey correctnotright:
Here you go. Just for you. Fourth or fifth time here.
1. Leftwingers shouted out insults to bush
2. Leftwingers compared bush to hitler
3. Leftwingers shouted down people at public meetings
4. Leftwingers made death threats to bush