A few updates from around the area:
– As the extradition date for Canadian seed-seller Marc Emery approaches (he’s expected to be sentenced here in Seattle on Monday, September 28), a rally to protest his looming incarceration is being organized for this Saturday, September 19 at 10am, starting at the Space Needle.
– Medical marijuana patients protested the raids on Spokane’s dispensaries.
– The Tri-City Herald investigates an incident that shows that storylines from The Wire can happen even out in rural Eastern Washington as well. Wherever you go, the drug war inevitably leads to corruption.
– What’s wrong with Tom Carr? If you care about making sure he’s no longer our City Attorney after this year, his opponent in November, Pete Holmes, is having a fundraiser tomorrow (Wednesday) in downtown Seattle.
Another Update:
Undercover video team: ACORN is willing to help us run underage, illegal immigrants in a brothel. Here’s the video.
ACORN: No we’re not. It was two bad apples in the Baltimore office. Isolated incident. Abnormal. Smear campaign. Trilateral commission. Black Helicopters.
Liberal Media: Two bad apples. Isolated incident. These are not the droids you’re looking for. Nothing see here. Move along.
Undercover video team: BTW, here’s the Washington DC office offering the same help. Here’s the video.
ACORN: This recent scam, which was attempted in San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia to name a few places, had failed for months before the results we’ve all recently seen.
-Bertha Lewis, Chief Organizer, ACORN
Undercover video team: Uh, better scratch New York off that list. Here’s the video.
ACORN: Uhhh. Racism! Violated our privacy. crap, crap, crap. mutter, mutter, mumble…
Undercover video team: Oh and the other coast is just as bad. Here’s video #4.
More ACORN Videos to come!!
Can’t Wait.
And Lee, your updates seem to always start with a POT update. Why are you so obsessed with pot?? I thought you gave it up for the children??
Yep, I haven’t smoked pot in 6 months.
I’m not sure how that’s relevant to fighting for drug law reform though. I also don’t own a gun, but I feel very strongly that we should all have the right to own one and would fight to restore that right if it were taken away. That’s what protecting our freedom to choose is all about. Maybe one day you’ll figure that out.
@1 & @2
I’ve been impressed by this investigation of ACORN so far. It can be very easy for an organization like that to become too lax with its oversight and fall into corruption like this. In the end, they’ll be forced to clean up shop and that’s a good thing.
On a related note, Kop Busters is back!
Let’s see: we have a bankrupt gub’mint, foreign creditors are pulling back in horror at the inflation of the currency and what it’s doing to their investments, we’re letting out non-violent offenders in droves because we can’t afford to pay for the upkeep of prisons, millions are out of work and need unemployment insurance, two wars that are economic black holes…and we’re gonna blow more taxpayer’s money on locking up someone for doing something that isn’t a crime in his own country? WTF?
Given all the above, it’s not the pot-heads who seem to be suffering from brain damage…
Too bad the MSM isn’t as interested. It’s almost like they don’t want to cover this story. Hmm, wonder why?
I don’t wonder. They’re just covering for the president that’s too big to fail. This is why any criticism of the unqualified president is being met with the charge of “racism” by the MSM, Congressman and even the mental midget ex president Jimmy ‘the nut’ Carter. Crying wolf in attempt to innoculate a weak president from criticism is actually the highest form of ignorance as it lessens the impact of the word and desensitizes a population who’ve heard it all before.
Anyone ever see what church anti semite Jimmy Carter came from back in GA? Playing with snakes and drinking strychnine…kind of makes sense in a way.
Regarding ACORN, some news organization are very silent.
Where is 60 Minutes?
Where is Dateline?
Where is Anderson 360?
Where is Nightline?
Where is 20-20?
All missing in action, continually renewing their Slobbering Love Affair with “the messiah“.
Can it be called racism if black people complain about “the messiah’s” policies?
Remember Joe Wilson you lie? Hmmm…? As more and more time passes we saw on Friday the preznit and his “disciples” close some loopholes previously identified by Republicans in admendments shot down by the Democrats.
Now we see Latino lawmakers screaming. “Latino Lawmaker Rips Obama for Making It Harder for Illegals to Buy Private Insurance“. But we were told Joe Wilson lied. Wonders never cease. So why does George Step-on-all-of-us call them undocumented workers? They are illegal aliens.
“Gutierrez, who made his remarks in Washington, D.C., while participating in a panel discussion on immigration reform sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, was incensed by the Obama administration’s announcement over the weekend that it was going to bar undocumented workers from participating in the health insurance exchange.” PuddyEmphasis. Isn’t that what Joe Wilson was talking about?
“This, in turn, could lead the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants to rely more heavily than ever on expensive emergency room care whose costs are then shifted to the government as well as to individuals who have private insurance.” PuddyEmphasis. Wait a minute… HA standby correctnotright told us this 12 million illegal aliens was an untrue value.
Gotta love Gutierrez’ comment on the Blue Dogs!
Wow, the Democratic rich are now being protected… Why hasn’t the Goldy Crew covered this?
Cameras? Hmmm…?
Oh no the HA Libtardos will be up in arms over this too. Sure is amazing when the messiah comes into office how protecting America takes precedent over libtardo campaign promises for leftist whackamole support.
Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions
“Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law’s authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called “lone wolf” terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.”
Did the preznit use a teleprompter to deliver this commentary?
Lets see…
Lee is impressed by the investigation, which sounds kinda like he supports them being exposed for helping pimp very young girls.
ylb defended acorn.
Which one is on the path to being a better parent.
AND Lee gave up the 3rd most important thing in life when he had his kid. I think maybe some right-winger took Lee aside and taught him the importance of being a dad, and to his credit, Lee listened.
See ylb arschloch, standard media sources, not whackamole kook-aid sites.
I think Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats needs to mobilize in Nevada…QUICKLY!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sounds like Tommy Daschle deja vu all over again!
Maybe ylb arschloch needs some of this every day instead of his daily dose of kook-aid…
Now this is interesting. How does ylb arschloch feel about this?
Lets see ….
He is thrilled, just thrilled that Fucks News has hired some folks as ingenious as the 60 minitues crew to unveil a scandal! I am thrilled by this .. next thing you know Puddy will want Fucks to hire Dan Rather and Mike Waqllace to add a bit of class to their efforts!
Oh .. by the way I wonder if this corruption at Acorn unveils a deeper form of cesspool? Lets think .. which news corporation specializes in tabloid terrorist sheets …… could that be Fucks News?
SJnews has just learned that tonignt’s Beckcast will challenge President Obama to rove that Hiowdy Doody was not his real dad … just look at the ears!
The evil “I killed my hubby” actor from the FuckNews documdrama turns out to have nee ACTING!!! her hubby is alive!
SJnews has learned that Michael Moore is going to reveal that the Fucksnews secret agents were double agents, workihng for him as part of his new epic documentary “Slime, the Saga of Murdoch.”
And things are only getting worse for acorn.
According to the following documents, ACORN, Inc.–the parent organization of all things ACORN–forfeited its corporate charter in Maryland in 2006. ACORN Housing forfeited its corporate charter in 2008. Any ACORN office in the state of Maryland is potentially operating illegally.
What is that saying, something about judging a person by the company they keep.
My guess, around 6pm pacific time friday the obama will release a small press statement throwing acorn under the bus.
The videos are much better evidence than the fake memo dan rather tried to pass off.
Maybe he will say that clinton has been holding a grudge for decades and now gets his revenge.
Most likely he will say it’s because right-wingers are racist and don’t believe in moonbeams.
Probably he will once again drift off to his personal fantasyland and post his fav link.
Jimmy “the worst President since Hoover” Carter is telling us that any criticism of Obama policy is blatant RACISM!
Thanks Jimmy for putting yet another stake in the evil heart of Kommie Progressivism!
Poor Obama. This is the last thing he wanted!
Now he is clearly pegged as the Black vs. Whitey President. A divider…not a uniter as promised.
Jimmy Carter…what a KLOWN!@
The Local – Sweden’s news in English: “Photo: Török Gábor, Richkidsunite
Sweden wants EU ‘snus’ tobacco ban to go up in smoke
As countries across the EU curb smoking in public, Sweden is fighting to get a European-wide ban lifted moist tobacco, AFP’s Marc Preel reports.”
Since Lee and Sunnil want to argue that carcionogens are safe when they come from the leaves of hemp, I suspect this might solve all their problems.
Actually since the stuff is not burned, it may not be very carconogenic … here is the Swedish argument:
Ongoing discussion and debates among primary scientific researchers of the effects of snus use on life expectancy appears to indicate that there is a significant increase in life expectancy among persons who previously smoked tobacco and switch to Swedish snus, depending on the age of the persons who switch, even when it is assumed that 100% of the risk of cardiovascular diseases among smokers transfers to snus users. [5] It is also noted, in the correspondence seen in the previous citation[6][7] that concerns about the effect of marketing by the tobacco industry, as influenced by the results of these scientific studies, is of primary concern to many researchers in the field, including the risk of emboldening the industry to attempt to increase snus sales among young people and promote dual-use of snus and smoked tobacco, and that the use of medical nicotine, rather than snus, can better target at-risk populations, given better access and pricing. Opponents of snus sales maintain that, nevertheless, even the low nitrosamine levels in snus cannot be completely risk free, but snus proponents point out that inasmuch as snus is used as a substitute for smoking or a means to quit smoking, the net overall effect is positive, similar to the effect of nicotine patches, for instance[8].
cross posted at SJ
They have had years to work out the details and be prepared…but alas, they fail AGAIN.
This time it is on collecting tolls on the Floating Bridge–
Finally, the Seattle Times exposes the real unemployment numbers. Take the 9.2% and add 6.3% for Underemployed.
Read the article–
15.5%! But the recession is over.
Lying Bastards…finally the truth about the numbers.
Ahhh yes SeattleJew isn’t paying attention to the details.
SeattleJew, now you are getting as stupid as other HA Libtardos here. Fox News didn’t “hire” these two. They spent their own savings doing this. James the “pimp” said yesterday he’ll go to jail if Maryland wants to prosecute. He told the world he has saved every receipt for this adventure to prove he is no one’s lackey.
But you keep that thought regarding James and Hannah were hired by Fox for this ACORN expose. You have to SeattleJew, otherwise your Fox (Faux, Fucks, whatever) News house of cards argument would collapse and all the two cards (clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades) would be on top.
Lots of interesting news today.
Joe Mallahan lost the endorsement of the 43rd District Dems BECAUSE HE DRIVES HIS PRIUS 6 BLOCKS TO HIS CAMPAIGN OFFICE and McGinn rides his bike!
Holy Sh*t!!
This pretty much sums up the empty-mindedness of the Progressive Bowel Movement, doesn’t it?!
Sj is so distaught that FoxNews is skyrocketing in viewership, that he is now LYING at every turn. SJ is soooooo angry with Glen Beck, O’Reilly et al that he hurls what little integrity he has out the window and launches into speculative CONSPIRACY THEORY ranting and raving.
Hey SJ, aren’t doctors required to see psychiatrists and be mentally stable in order to practice?
Appears you have a serious problem.
Take a vacations, anti-depressants and most importantly DIET PILLS!
Puddy plays FuckNews Rather card
Puddyy caught me … I dinnaknow that the catcha news team invested its own money in doing this. I am shocked, shocked …. concervtives investing money to make a buck? I thought all conservatives took an oath .. in blood? .. to work for their cause for free!!!!!!
Hay Puddybud, the MYSTEROIUSLY NOT MURDERED hubby .. wassup with that? Dif Fuckseveryine News fail to check their sources? Shades of Rathergate!
BTW, you comin to Beckfest? I am thinking of buying a ticket to go in after the overture and may do so if they do nto block me from bringing a camera. We coukld find some cat food afterwards.
Mr C
Accuses SJ of klyihng but can not figger ut what exactly is a lie. Hmmmmmm … SJ suggests he talk with Lee. Lee keeps accusing SJ of lieing too.
I would suggest that Mr C is a Lee Sockpuppet except that Lee is pretty bright.
A lot of “idiot wind” from the right wing today.
Yawwwwwnnnn.. They’ll run out of gas soon enough…
Is there a liberal bias in the media or is it simple incompetence, lack of thought, refusal to leave the liberal bubble, etc.?
abc news anchor john gibson hasn’t heard anything about the acorn videos.
Hell, even ylb has heard of the story. What does that say about john gibson.
A pattern emerges.
Just think, you being a liar might be the only thing the left & right on this blog have in common.
At least you can call yourself an uniter and not a divider.
Mrvin Stamm
I will make you the same offer I have made many tmes to Lee … show me the meat. I may use irony or satire, but hopefully that is always pretty unsubtle.
I can also be wrong, but I do not lie. You find me out in a lie and I will acknowledge my error adn apologize.
BTW, it is true that Howdy Doody was an African American. The skin was bleached, the frackees a result of the bleach, the hair a wig, and the strings controlled by the evil libruls. Noticeably. Mr. Doody, if you restore his skin to natural, looks amazingly like our president.
Barak’s original name, before the libruls hired Mr. Obama, senior, to be his dad of record, was Barey Howdy O’Doody.
How can we prove this? Is Obama willing to undeego DNA testing?
As I was out on my daily 1 hour run I realized another way to expose the soft underbelly of democrat racism.
We hear all the time from the liberal media and the left-wingnuts on this blog that the opposition to the socialist ideas of the obama are because a black man is in the white house.
To believe that opposition is based on race, that means that the liberal media and the left-wingnuts on this blog in their heart of hearts actually believe that if a white male democrat (john edwards, john kerry, etc.) was the current president that the republicans/conservatives would-
• support free government healthcare
• support cap & trade
• support higher minimum wage
• support card check
• support acorn
• support higher taxes
• support bigger government
• support higher national debt
• etc. etc.
Is there a single left-winger on this blog that believes the right would support those policies IF ONLY it was a white man in the white house.
Of course not.
So why is the liberal media pushing this crap?
To once again use race to divide the country and to keep the black population on the democrat plantation.
If the shoe was on the other foot, I have no reason to believe that the right-wing talking heads would do any different.
You stalk me like you do lee and I won’t be as nice as lee. He was forced to call the authorities on you, I’m more of a guy that takes self-responsibility for my life.
It’s reassuring to know that at least you’re not a liar.
Did you know that on obamas birth certificate there was no dot on the second letter “i” in the word hawaii exactly like the missing dot on the “i” in ohio on the birth certificate of buffalo bob? And cheneys birth certificate has 2 extra dots on the word lincoln nebraska.
What do you make of that?
Have you gotten over your dillusion about some vast RightWing Conspiracy outing ACORN??
Man, you were really tweakin’ there for awhile.
Nice to know you support ACORN 100% SJ.
Says a lot about your Integrity in Government agenda!
Sort of like an HA troll we know that quit looking for gainful employment years ago. Who needs one of those when Mommy and Daddy just put him in the basement, feed him and pay his internet service bill.
YLB= Troglodyte
What a
patheticsorry life, eh?One of the best parts about the video (approx 4:30) is when the pimp is complaining about not being able to get a bank loan and the acorn employee called them right wingers and explained it as that liberals would be liberal in their thinking and not being so uptight about things. Sure, set up the business as a school so it wouldn’t look out of place for young girls to be there. How liberal is that.
Since it was the first time the tape was publicly shown Glenn Beck didn’t know what was on it. Yesterday on Glenn Beck’s TV show he asked his researchers to check to determine if the lady shot her husband or was she making it up. Somewhere on the ‘nets are the transcripts for the show. You should watch the show sometime vs taking a lefty kook-aid blog’s word.
Butt SeattleJew don’t let facts get in the way of a good passionate argument. Puddy feels for you dude.
@37: More empty threats by the idiot Stamn
As if anyone is afraid of you ever showing your face stamn….maybe at the idiots convention where you will have people of your own low IQ to associate with.
@36: Stamn, the fool who we laugh at:
And the right wing racists fools would certainly not shout you lie at a white President….you mean one like Bush who lied constantly (WMDs, “we don’t torture”, “I will fire anyone who outs a CIA agent” and on and on…) yet no one ever shouted out at Bush and the right wing hypocrites would have gone apoplectic over the lack of respect to the Presdient…but they are rallying around the racists, the fools, the blowhards who have no idea about civil discourse and who blatantly lie (death panels).
What is missed by SeattleJew over this latest ACORN tape is the lady naming names of politicians she is buds with. When you watch the tape she names names of politicians she talks to each day. Pause for effect. She tells everyone what bills using taxpayer money they are lobbying heavily for. No problem with that right SeattleJew? Then the ACORN employee told everyone she’s a former hooker.
Puddy hopes they subpoena the tapes. Let the chips fall without force.
Hey correctnotright,
Peeps on your side laugh at you fool!
Hey correctnotright
Yes Bush lied. He should have fired that old lefty Richard Armitage, the one who admittedly outed Valerie Plame. Flame on fool!
Damn he missed his chance!
Hey correct not right
Still flushing that correctnotright Turdball eh? Need to see the 13 nations who agreed with Bush Saddam had WMD? Most of them are your European friends you love to use in your insipid health care debate.
Did you know that lee called the police on sj?
Of course you tried to insult me while dodging the question and of course the prerequisite bush references that you can’t seem to moveon from.
Would the right support those policies if a white democrat was in the white house.
Is the question that tough for you to answer or will your answer prove me correctandright?
No doubt the youtube link has been sent around.
I wonder what barbara boxer is thinking about acorn now.
Not looking good for the obama and his transparent administration.
You know when cbs is reporting that the FOIA was used to get government documents it is obvious the administration didn’t want them released.
A previously unreleased analysis prepared by the U.S. Department of Treasury says the total in new taxes would be between $100 billion to $200 billion a year. At the upper end of the administration’s estimate, the cost per American household would be an extra $1,761 a year.
The good news about that $1,761 cost per american household is that it won’t be a tax, it will be a service fee.
Thus keeping the promise obama made regarding not raising taxes on 95% of americans.
A patrol ….
Stamm and Mr C ….
Holy Sh*t!!
Obamas birth certificate there was no dot on the second letter “i” in the word hawaii exactly like the missing dot on the “i” in ohio on the birth certificate of buffalo bob? And cheneys birth certificate has 2 extra dots on the word lincoln nebraska.
lady naming names of politicians
Dis is the lady whose murdered Hubby is alive and well?
Bush lied.