In the spirit of this post at EffU, I’d like to see who can come up with the funniest set of hypocritical statements from a wingnut blogger when it comes to the “George Bush is our President and we should respect him and everyone should shut up” and “Barack Obama should not be telling our schoolchildren to work hard” brain malfunction.
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As has been pointed out numerous times, that all doesn’t matter as long as Republicans are a joke. I’d love to have an alternative to Obama right now, but the Republicans can’t provide it.
@1 A one-termer? Really. This assertion implies there’s another political party which has (a) a candidate and (b) an agenda that voters will actually vote for. Who would that be, goatard?
Chairman Maobama will certainly be a one-termer with Mitt Romney getting the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania and evicting that free loading Mrs. Robinson in 2012.
Can’t wait.
Lee & Rog–
I agree the Republican Party is disorganized.
However, there is no faster way to get organized than having an arrogant Socialist ineptly moving his agenda forward.
The door is wide open for the Republicans or some 3rd Party. Will they take advantage of the golden opportunity??
Time will tell.
I do know Conservatives haven’t been more energized since 1994…and before that by Reagan. Let’s put it this way…they are due.
Looks like TOTUS will be really busy this week.
Hmmm Lee, were you too young to remember this?
“When Bush spoke to students, Democrats investigated, held hearings”
“With the Post article in hand, Democrats pounced. “The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students,” said Richard Gephardt, then the House Majority Leader. “And the president should be doing more about education than saying, ‘Lights, camera, action.'””
And now the libtardos are in a tizzy going apoplectic.
Hey Lee, this is too funny…
Mandatory participation in Broward County even though Education Department head Arne Duncan said it was NOT mandatory.
You tards are a laugh a minute. How high are those booted steps today?
Some “body” asked Puddy about the Czars. Here’s a great video clip!!! Puddy delivered the names and the czar title. Now where will be the next Potemkin Village planted?
Even if he does remember it…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
I wonder when the democrats are going to change their logo to the ostrich.
Read this Bloomberg article about the Health Care crisis and politics surrounding it.
Fair assessment.
Puddy waiting for spongebob wondermoron to call the Washington Examiner “right-wing bullshit”.
He’s so monomaniacal!
Wow, a retard convention broke out here.
Dance, monkeys, dance!
Run to your blog and write about it.
Facts always hurt Lee’s mind.
Let’s see, according to Ann Coulter, Puddybud is a traitor! We’re “at war”(tm). Iraq, Aghanistan and the “war on terror”(tm) are still going! Our TROOPS ARE IN HARMS WAY!
Puddypud, why do you hate America and it’s troops! Why are you giving comfort to our enemies by attacking our Commander in Chief while we’re at war!
Surely you’re NOT going to admit to be a partisan hack and saying that only applied to a Republican President. I’m SURE you’ll tell all your fellow Republicans to shut up and stop hurting our troops!
(looking at stop watch, waiting for this to happen…hey my watch doesn’t have a “when hell freezes over” setting)
Easy answer.
Democrats told us that dissent was patriotic.
So people are being patriotic.
Why are you against people being patriotic? Or do you simply want to change the rules when a democrat is in the white house.
@17 LOL. Not getting the point (again) are you. I’ll spell it out again. The point is do you agree with a Republican position?
I agree with the Democrats. Dissent is patriotic. I’m for you saying what you believe. I’m not telling you to STOP, I’m not saying you want our troops to die. I’m just disagreeing with what you’re saying.
The point is do YOU disagree with Ann Coulter and fellow Republicans? Are YOU saying she was wrong and that criticizing the Commander in Chief while at war is ok?
Well, you’re certainly getting the cooperation of the principal wingnuts here this morning. As usual Puddy seeks to prove the generally acknowledged observation that this is really his personal blog, overwhelming all other commentaries with sheer volume. He evidently hires pissy little marvy to make sure there is way too much crap,(if he ever had an original thought shock would set in) and of course Cynical provides the comic relief.
Now you see it,
Puddy criticizes “the messiah” for his domestic policies. You haven’t seen Puddy pull a Jim McDimwitt, a John I Hate Marines Murtha, a Dick Turban Durbin or a Nancy Pelosi as they did on GWB during wartime. So once again you are wrong as always.
@20, @22
Would one Republican the question. Was Ann Coulter wrong? Is criticizing the Commander in Chief while at war wrong or not? Yes or no? Stop deflecting.
Saying “na na the Democrats do it too” is not the answer. They may or may not being doing that too. But I’m asking what YOU believe, not what you think the Democrats believe.
Poor poor X’ad. Too many facts and his single celled femtometer brain short circuited. Puddy provided linked facts and your leetle tiny tin-foil coated mind was bombarded with too many transmissions which overwhelmed those left-wing “emissions”.
Don’t let the door slap your ass on the way “out”.
Puddy says See Ya in advance!
Would one Republican the question. Was Ann Coulter wrong? Is criticizing the Commander in Chief while at war wrong or not? Yes or no?
Now You See it,
That depends on what Ann criticized “the messiah” on. You seem to forget every day for eight years the libtardo MSM criticized GWB continuously. Since Puddy has no idea what Ann said why not link it.
Puddy’s life doesn’t revolve around Ann Coulter sayings like most libtardos here when they run to Daily Kooks, The Plastic Morons, Michael Moron, Moron.Org, Calling Altered Progressives, etc. for their daily dose of kook-aid.
Please answer the question, again you deflect.
Do YOU believe Ann Coulter was wrong? Is criticizing the Commander in Chief while at war wrong or not? Yes or no? She wasn’t talking about Obama, just “all critics” of the war, and Bush in general. This wasn’t about Obama, this was years before he was even RUNNING for President.
Did YOU ever criticize the Democrats for attacking Bush “while we’re at war”?
Don’t just give me a list of things you don’t like about Democrats…I’m asking what YOU believe.
Obama has come up with yet another way to Kill us. Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma to develop a new drug called:
It is being manufactured by a far-left Pharma company called MESSIANIC PHARMACEUTICALS
I just read the label. Appalling. It says:
*Kills Capitalism on contact
*Kills Jobs on Contact
*Stimulates Marxist tendencies
*Endorsed by Unions.
It goes on to say:
For the General Destruction of Wealth. Use if you catch a nasty case of Free Market Capitalism. It will kill all your money issues.
Warning: Keep away from Wallet when Opening.
Very safe for little children!
Obama is a laughing stock BY HIS ACTIONS!
I went surfing through the search engines for conserative voices arguing that we must support bush and comparing their words about President Obama now. It’s not pretty, they live in Oppositeland.
I have tried and tried but I cannot write a funny before and after that doesn’t come across as bigoted, small minded, selfish, greedy, hypocritical, mean spirited or just plain stupid.
There is very little that is humorous about the fear and anger and ignorance the conservatives are manifesting.
@26 Anti-reality, anti-science tin foil hat crazy again.
Obama is not a magical evil space alien. Just a politician, and a middle of the road Wall Street whore (taking public tax money and giving it to private companies).
Republicans need to be reminded what Nazi’s and socialist stand for. Socialist don’t GIVE money to private corporations to keep them running. Nazi’s don’t like gays, Jews and blacks. Might want to read some books sometimes instead of burning or banning them.
Now You See It,
Puddy doesn’t answer blank checks. What did Ann say? You brought it up so stop playing games. Then you’ll get an eyeful of PuddyBeliefs.
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@29 Please answer the question, stop deflecting.
What do YOU believe? Forget Ann Coulter. Do YOU BELIEVE that criticizing the Commander in Chief (Bush or Obama) while at war is wrong…does it give comfort to our enemies, hurt our troops and make us weak?
Do YOU believe that or not? I’m asking YOU an explicit question, not a “blank check”. Can ONE political party attack the other, who happens to have the Commander in Chief, while we’re at war?
I agree the ‘wording’ on the supposed original speech is awkward. But unlike the tin foil “space aliens gonna get me” nuts, I don’t REALLY think it was a secret plot to mind control our youth. Just a poorly worded attempt to get teachers to ask students how they can help make America better by working to stay in school, and ways to accomplish that.
Yes it’s THEORETICALLY possible it was a secret communist plot to take over the nation, but likely not.
@31 review @29. Otherwise you’re talking to the hand…
31. Now you see it spews:
Obama has allowed Iraq to begin to collapse and has failed to put enough troops in Afghanistan. Obama has created a Middle East disaster. Of course that is subject to criticism. Telling Obama to put more troops & effort into Afghanistan is a POSITIVE for our troops bonehead.
Telling Bush to GET OUT while they are fighting is a negative.
Can you possibly muster an extra braincell to understand the difference??
You call it a WAR. It is a WAR.
If you are in a WAR, you fight to win.
Hey, I was no fan of Bush’s….he made a lot of mistakes.
But Bush is not the President now…NEWS FLASH!
Let’s focus on TODAY…what should Obama do?
What he has been doing isn’t working.
Record # of US Deaths in Afghanistan last month and things are deterirating.
What should Obama do “now you see it”??
Straight question….please answer.
What do YOU want Obama to do??
Ever heard of roger rabbit?
When will you speak up about his number of posts?
Hey Puddy, if you hired me where’s my check? And I want benefits too, none of that crappy free government healthcare for me.
@34 Coward again. I asked the original question. Please answer it. Stop deflecting by giving a random list of things Democrats are doing you don’t like and insisting I respond.
The QUESTION is what do YOU believe? Do YOU BELIEVE that criticizing the Commander in Chief (Bush or Obama) while at war is wrong…does it give comfort to our enemies, hurt our troops and make us weak? Does disagreeing with the way the war is being managed and saying it publicly make you a traitor?
Do YOU believe that or not? I’m asking YOU an explicit question (for the 7th time). Answer it. I know you think Obama sucks. Answer the question.
Then why are you whining when republicans dissent.
Why do you have a double standard?
She did the same as olbermann, madcow and all the other lefty “journalists.”
You didn’t have a problem with them doing so unless you’re a hypocrite you shouldn’t have a problem now.
@37 @38 Cowards. Still deflecting and refusing to answer one question. Just providing a list of things you don’t like and saying “the democrats do it too”.
IF Oberman tells you that you can’t criticize Obama or it gives comfort to our enemy and hurts our troops…I would disagree with him. I’m not a party hack like most folks on here.
Now do YOU BELIEVE that criticizing the Commander in Chief (Bush or Obama) while at war is wrong…does it give comfort to our enemies, hurt our troops and make us weak? Does disagreeing with the way the war is being managed and saying it publicly make you a traitor?
I am not whining about your dissent. I agree you can say it without harming the country. I’m just disagreeing with (some) of your points.
But I’m asking YOU a question. Was Ann Coulter wrong? Yes or no. I say yes. You can dissent without being a traitor. What’s YOUR answer? Why is this so hard for you guys? SIMPLE question! I’ve answered it…why can’t you?
Pinhead @ 36–
I answered your question lunatic…
It is fair to criticize a President about not not doing enough to win a war.
Please read and answer my question.
Obama has allowed Iraq to begin to collapse and has failed to put enough troops in Afghanistan. Obama has created a Middle East disaster. Of course that is subject to criticism. Telling Obama to put more troops & effort into Afghanistan is a POSITIVE for our troops bonehead.
Telling Bush to GET OUT while they are fighting is a negative.
Can you possibly muster an extra braincell to understand the difference??
You call it a WAR. It is a WAR.
If you are in a WAR, you fight to win.
Hey, I was no fan of Bush’s….he made a lot of mistakes.
But Bush is not the President now…NEWS FLASH!
Let’s focus on TODAY…what should Obama do?
What he has been doing isn’t working.
Record # of US Deaths in Afghanistan last month and things are deterirating.
What should Obama do “now you see it”??
Straight question….please answer.
What do YOU want Obama to do??
You can’t even tell us what Obama should do “now you see it”??
Why do conservatives think is was UnAmerican for anyone, liberal or conservative to, in any way, show dissent for bush’s policies out of respect for the office of the President, but now it’s perfectly accept able to fight President Obama’s policies tooth and nail?
I had discussions with hard core conservatives then who were adamant that it was OUR duty, to support the President, right or wrong. They are strangely silent now.
Why was it unacceptable then, but acceptable now? Why the double standard? I thought you conservatives followed principles, and you thought liberals were the ones with situational morals.
dont make me laugh. how about the democratic advisor on fox today, i didnt catch his name. the question was, is it a right for people to have healthcare. his response? “what would jesus do?” !!!!!!!!oh my god!! hypocritical??? do you liberals ask that when you are sticking a metal rod in the brain of a baby in his mothers womb? on that example alone, liberals should never say another word till the day they die.
Of course if this were Susan Hutchison, Goldy would be all over it….Guilty Guilty Guilty…
However, since it’s a Dow…crickets…
As far as I know, *YOU* are the only person to have claimed obama is a magic space alien. I know it’s useless to ask you, but by any chance do you have a link to republicans calling obama a magic space alien.
And what was the last book banned by a republican. And don’t forget, that supposed list of books palin wanted banned was debunked months ago.
So once again I am asking you to back up your claim.
@44 The space alien thing is a parody of the “Obama is a secret Muslim” thing. You have no humor or intelligence.
The last book burned? Silly but…Forbes, 10/30/2006 – Harry Potter books burned by right wing religious nuts. That took 15 seconds to Google. You want to have a debate over who’s banning books too? Happy to get into that debate if you want!
And NO Republican has yet to answer my question. Just still saying “Obama sucks.”
Do YOU BELIEVE that criticizing the Commander in Chief (Bush or Obama) while at war is wrong…does it give comfort to our enemies, hurt our troops and make us weak? Does disagreeing with the way the war is being managed and saying it publicly make you a traitor? I say no.
Here’s a list.
There you go.
Interesting – a discussion about “dissent”.
Birthers, deathers, tenthers, teabaggers – the “dissent” is a freaking joke.
Nobody who leans left is “whining” – we’re laughing our asses off and just a bit appalled at the weak-kneed Dems who are worried about this dumbassery.
The right wing was dumbass stupid when things were going their way and they’re even more jackass dumb now.
Healthcare reform, one 1932 Caddy at a time.
No Republican will break of their “party hack” position and answer my question (for the 11th time).
Do you Republicans believe that criticizing the Commander in Chief (Bush or Obama) while at war is wrong…does it give comfort to our enemies, hurt our troops and make us weak? Does disagreeing with the way the war is being managed and saying it publicly make you a traitor?
I AM answer it for me. No, it doesn’t make you a traitor and Ann Coulter or anyone who said so was wrong. If a Democrat calls a Republican a “traitor” for harming our troops while at war by criticizing Obama, that Democrat is WRONG too!
So will any Republican answer this?
Oh lookie here the 9/11 Truther arrived@46. Did that Vacant Eye find the 9/11 Truth yet fool? IS that the latest attack method from the left-wing kook-sites spongebob wondermoron?
47 – Nice find. Richard Scrushy – a man of the “free market” (eyes of Saint Raygun pointed at the shining light on a hill) –
the “free market” in health care.
Fancy houses, expensive antique cars – in jail for fraud.
When o when, will these fools ever learn?
No Republican will break of their “party hack” position and answer my question (for the 11th time).
Do you Republicans believe that criticizing the Commander in Chief (Bush or Obama) while at war is wrong…does it give comfort to our enemies, hurt our troops and make us weak? Does disagreeing with the way the war is being managed and saying it publicly make you a traitor?
I AM answer it for me. No, it doesn’t make you a traitor and Ann Coulter or anyone who said so was wrong. If a Democrat calls a Republican a “traitor” for harming our troops while at war by criticizing Obama, that Democrat is WRONG too!
So will any Republican answer this?
48 – Huh?
The truth about 9/11 is that that the chimpanzee you voted for twice ignored the August PBD, rudely dismissed a briefing in person on his “personal me time” of which he took about 5 weeks or so before 9/11 happened ON HIS WATCH.
His lackeys all but ignored the advice of the White House terrorism expert Clarke.
3000 people are now dead!
Fuck you about 9/11 truth.
Holy Smoking Robocall Rightstuff@43, what will all the libtardos think now? Will the local news cover it?
Dummocrapts… Shaky individuals.
spongebob wondermoron
Tell it to these fools. Keep parroting the standard Kook-aid line when those fools were in America before GWB came into office moron!
@40 Mr. Klynical spews: “Obama has created a Middle East disaster.”
LMFAO!! Delusional, but funny.
@53 You’re rather tenacious but you’re trying to wring an answer from wingnut America-haters who have no moral compass whatsofuckingever.
PudPuller and Marvin
(a poem by Zotz)
PudPuller and Marvin sittin’ in a tree,
Reachin’ around, gettin’ all chinee’
Squirming and squirtin’, teabaggin’ ’til three!
Man-o’-lies, was that something to see!
Have a nice trollie day!
@40 “Hey, I was no fan of Bush’s….”
Yeah, as evidenced by all the Mr. Klynical posts during the Bush presidency reading,
I’m sure you used all CAPS to let us know that you were no “fan”.
And tell us why we are required to answer your question.
41. Blue John spews:
Are you retarded Blue John??
It’s because our nation had committed to a war under Bush and you KLOWNS were squealing it was an unjust war. That demoralizes troops and gives comfort to our enemies.
Under OBAMA, folks are saying Obama is not fighting the war to win…demanding more troops and a plan for victory. That is encouraging to the troops…that the folks back home want them to WIN!
Normal people can understand the difference.
I guess your tiny little PINHEADS and Marxist Ideology leave zero room for rational reasoning.
Obama’s incompetence costs 4 more American lives.
Attack Kills 4 U.S. Troops in Eastern Afghanistan
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
What is the KLOWN doing??
The troops must be very discouraged watching this KLOWN fumbling around with troop numbers and how to fight the Taliban.
Wait and you will receive
This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow
This time, With a link
Hey Zotz,
Not funny dull and stupid. If that’s you best attempt at poetry you should become a priest.
Zots thought he full of some sASS
His thumb always stuck up his ASS
His comedy was lame
Every day still the same
His entries we’ll skip right on pASS.
spongebob wondermoron@57,
If the perps were checked before they were admitted it may have had a different ending. Yet you focus on the result skipping over the causes.
Typical libtardo!
Spare me.
I’ve fucking enough…actually way too much of this asshole and his empty bloviating.
Shorter (way shorter…) Puddybitch:
..denial, deflection, delusion…denial, deflection, delusion…denial, deflection, delusion…denial, deflection, delusion…denial, deflection, delusion…denial, deflection, delusion…denial, deflection, delusion…denial, deflection, delusion…ad nauseum.
Puddy, you have a wonderfully high opinion of yourself despite ample evidence that you are beneath contempt.
You are clearly a bag of hammers
in denial
A bag of hammers are used to hit many nails. Puddy is the hammer you are the nail. Bang bang bang, you disappear into the wood never to be heard from again. The hammer patiently waits for the next nail. No contempt there, just the truth!
Watch for the door as you leave America. Don’t be caught running after little Asian boys.
See ya!
clusterfucked cinderblock@69 & @70.
Did you fart again/ Sure got smelly real quick. Another brainless comment from the brainless one full of air holes – a cinderblock. You’ve moved from a dense as spent uranium and stuck on stupid to a cinderblock. Pretty soon you’ll be compared to dirt. Wait a minute… you are a dumb as dirt!
Please tell Puddy what
means. Who would want to do that with someone as dumb as dirt?
They break out all the time here, but mostly on Tuesday nights at the Ale house.
Pudpuller and Klynical
(a poem by Zotz)
Pudpuller, pudpuller, pullin’ his pud
Gots ol’ Klynical deep in his bud
Sumpin’ goin on now — ain’t just pee…
Oh MY! Pudpuller got off Klynically!
Trickle Down!
Not too envious are you.
Say, shouldn’t you be packing your bags so you can run away?
Don’t quit your day job.
I can’t afford to pay higher taxes for unemployable poets.
Here is the link to the whole story.
Out UN at work!!!
Unbelievable waste of $$$ and time.,2933,547983,00.html
Fact: worst economic downturn sinvce teh great depression
Fact: most private health insurance is employer-paid
Fact: In August 2009, the number of unemployed persons increased by 466,000 to 14.9 million.
Fact: In August 2009, the number of persons working part time for economic reasons was at 9.1 million.
Reasonable assumption: Some quite large percentage of those 24 million unemployed and underemployed people do not have health insurance.
Good thing the Democrats will pass a bill to help them. 24 million additional people will have NO reason to vote Republican in 2010. Gonna be a good year.
ALl figures courtesy Bureau of Labor Statistics
You know what the only good thing about Kash for Klunkers was??
It took thousands of OBAMA stickers off the road!
Oh Marvin, Marvin, Marvin…
It’s a labor of luv!
And BTW: I’m retired so I can fuck with wingnuts like you anytime I feel like it — and there’s so much material to work with!
@78 cyn, try to stay on topic. I realize your corporate masters want you to confuse the issues as much as you can, but please try.
@79. Oh no! not facts! the conservative heads will explode, when exposed to reality.
I am really surprised that you think that our troops are as stupid as it is apparent that you think they are. You think our troops are too stupid to understand that the guy who took the bulk of their resources away to wage war in Iraq was in Afghanistan “fighting to win.” You think they they are so stupid that they think that the guy who has committed thousands more troops to the effort in Afghanistan is not “fighting to win.” You think they are too stupid to know that if by “win” you mean “kill or subjugate all of the Taliban,” that we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 300,000 too few troops in place to do so. You think they are too stupid to understand that Bush’s agreement with the Iraqi government was merely declaring vitory and leaving. You think they are too stupid to understand that we installed a puppet president for whom few Afghans are willing to fight and die, and that Afghan outcomes do and will have little or nothing to do with our troops there or what they do.
Your low opinion of our troops amazes me.
Of course, Admiral Mullen says, “We all need to be patient. As we have seen in Iraq, counterinsurgency warfare takes time and it takes a certain level of commitment.” But you think he’s not doing what it takes, right?
For today’s “open thread”:
Today at 2:21pm
Agents Find Ecstacy, Cocaine Near Canadian Border
KGMI News Reporting
SUMAS, Wash. — Law enforcement officers located a bunch of ecstasy and cocaine near Sumas.
U.S. Border Patrol agents discovered footprints and drag marks near the Canadian border in the Sumas area Wednesday night.
They followed the tracks and found about $3-million worth of drugs.
In all, nearly 100,000 ecstasy pills and 32 pounds of cocaine were seized.
No one has been arrested yet.
Agents say if the owners want to step forward and claim the drugs, they should contact the U.S. Border Patrol.
Are you or your stoner pals missing something Lee? Feel free to call and claim it asshole, I dare ya! :) Then pay taxes on it.
Hey Blue John,
It’s an open thread you anvil! Can you tell what the “topic” is?
In that case, fuck with me. Let’s see what you got.
The topic was nominally
But it was titled Open Thread, I stand corrected.
Oh my, now why would “the messiah’s” buds be doing this? Puddy was under the impression “the messiah” wanted to be buds with Whackamoleminojob
Well, Marvypoo. I won’t be stuck in Los Angeles with nothing to do with my life except echo Puddy’s puerile scatology.
You BOTH need a change of diapers if you’re going to be around the adults.
My, Puddy, what a brilliant and witty rejoinder.
It clearly establishes your level of intellect.
You’re stuck right where you are whining about me and Puddy.
Why are you so obsessed with Puddy and I that you feel the need to whine about us in almost every post. If you don’t agree or like us, use some self-control and ignore us.
There’s no percentage in beating up dead Kennedys, so let’s proceed. Goldy, after all, insisted that Obamalot would be an awful lot like Kennedy Camelot.
* Boze reports that Teddy had a sick affinity for Kopechne jokes. Anybody heard a good one lately?
* A 2006 book about Reagan reports that Teddy (Lion of the Senate! Master of bipartisan cooperation! Friend of Ronnie!) was running his own foreign policy with the KGB in 1983. Kennedy was trying to pump up Andropov and to tear Reagan and his country down. Sort of like Carter in 1990 and 1991, who tried to destroy the Gulf War coalition.
* And then there’s The Real Making of the President, a 2009 book about the 1960 election. Written by UW’s W.J. Rorabaugh. The Teddy White he talks about is the partisan liberal hack who confected the Camelot nonsense:
Today, the popular image is that the election was about John Fitzgerald Kennedy as a dashing liberal knight …
Although he had a fine wit, much of what passed for intellect came from his ability to utilize excellent speeches crafted by others, his liberalism was more cautious than robust, and his commitment to social justice was ambiguous. …
(H)e also manipulated politicians and the media and ruthlessly attacked opponents, including the use of dirty tricks. …
If Eisenhower had been eligible to run for a third term, polls showed that he would have won in a landslide. …
Without television Kennedy would neither have been nominated nor elected. …
(T)he senator’s wealthy father … understood the mechanics of manufacturing a star. …
His successful manipulation of the press would be one of the hallmarks of the 1960 campaign. As is turned out, no one played a more important tole in creating the Kennedy myth than the journalist Teddy White … Kennedy’s staff passed on anecdotes that promoted Kennedy while withholding material that showed the candidate in a bad light. Somewhat naively, White did not seem to realize that he was being used to further Kennedy’s image. … Even on election night the Kennedy campaign continued to manipulate White (who) presented the story of the election … as the triumph of the virtuous Kennedy over the morally ambiguous Nixon. … White told the story as a liberal triumph …
White and other originators of the Kennedy muth largely ignored the elction returns. [JFK either lost or barely won, not gaining a majority; JFK won fewer states and districts; Dems lost seats in the Senate and House] …
(F)amily wealth, political organization, television, good looks, charm, and a quick wit could go far in politics … The darker side of the story is how money was used to prod, buy, or intimidate, how the media was charmed and shamelessly manipulated, how opponents were ruthlessly bulldozed, and how charisma, money, organization, and manipulation could be used to gain power.
Because I like to point out the absurdity of you disgusting gasbags posing as credible posters.
And you certainly use no self control in vomiting out a continual stream of bullshit.
You dealing in your grandchild’s shit again? Puddy sees Koro disease struck and that’s why you are heading to Asia where American women won’t tease you?
When the message can’t be attacked, attack the messenger. Typical progressive playbook used by X’ad.
@1 Goatfucker has set a new world record by getting deleted from an open thread! Now that takes work!
Looks like political correctness has struck Yale University Press.
@5 So now the Savior Of Wall Street And The Banks is an “arrogant socialist”? Being ingrates is one of the few things Republicans are good at.
Intelligent discussion is smothered.
What is it about you Puddy that everything has to be about imagined sexual shortcomings or perversions of people you demean. Projection? That’s what Marvypoo would say.
I keep asking her to back up even one of her accusations.
Why won’t she?
I know she’s a coward and leaving the country, is that why she won’t back anything up? Cowardice or incompetence, you make the call.
Looks like “the messiah” is going half way on the DC Voucher Program. Puddy still wonders why Dummocraptic Senators hate black inna city children. Puddy still wonders where is ROTCODDAM’s voice on this issue.
X’ad is truly losing it…
Demeaning Perversions? Ummm you used puerile scatology fool! Kiddie shit? Is that due to your shitty disposition? Or is it your love of pedophilia? Must be true.
@92 Geez, what moon did you get all that rancid cheese from?
Oh, so you have appointed yourself the person that determines who is credible and who is not. How democrat of you.
Typical liberal. Blaming their own lack of self-control on others.
@101 “Puddy still wonders why Dummocraptic Senators hate black inna city children.”
Because they’re like you?
Puddy, did you notice that x’ad never complained about bibigoober and his words. Never complained about all the goatsex fantasies of the ha hooligans? Never complained about all the “faggot” insults.
I wonder why.
Do you think x’ad is a hypocrite or she enjoys the goatsex talk when it’s coming from her left-wingnut friends.
Those inna city black children are the same color as Puddy.
Where was Bush and what was he doing on 9/11? Let me give you a clue. Reading (poorly) “My Pet Goat” to a bunch of grade school kids.
96. Roger Rabbit spews:
Actually Rog, it shows what a STONER Lee is.
He sets up an Open Thread and then Deletes the Rasmussen Poll numbers.
Perhaps that drug bust in Sumas will help him withdraw.
Your comment #96 should also be eliminated Rog!
Lee deletes only what he dislikes…typical KLOWN. But hey, it’s Goldy’s Blog!
However, it seems like Lee is a bit tired of seeing Obama go down the tank and step on his dick repeatedly….while the Progressive Agenda goes NOWHERE!
Obama has already deficit spent so much, he has no $$ left over for the KLOWN Agenda!
Pelletizer is the ever ready dumb bunny!
Even the Lefty Gallup Poll shows Obamacare in deep trouble…and how Elected votes will impact 2010 voters.
Obama loves floggin’ a deadhorse!
Puddy doesn’t guess the motivations of a libtardo anymore. They are what they are… Maybe she likes those gray butts and floppy ears.
Marvin Stupes @107: You’re confused. It’s your party that color-codes people.
@110 I’m more huggable than you, neener neener.
Mr. Cynical @ 109
“Actually Rog, it shows what a STONER Lee is. He sets up an Open Thread and then Deletes the Rasmussen Poll numbers.”
Lee had nothing to do with it. I deleted this post because you had already posted the Rasmussen numbers elsewhere. Details can be found here.
Of course.
(chuckle chuckle)
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama disagrees with you regarding color coding. But then again that’s nothing new for the feral dumb bunny.
@83 and that Afghan outcomes do and will have little or nothing to do with our troops there or what they do.
Really? Then why will Obama have nearly 70,000 there by year’s end, with many more probably to follow based on recommendations from McChrystal, Obama’s pick for the Afghan command? Perhaps Obama didn’t receive your assessment, Daddy?
I’ve deleted nothing from this thread. Removing your brainless blather would just be doing you a favor.
Sorry Lee–
It’s Darryl who is the fragile one.
Some things bear repeating dontchaknow.
re 120 — “Some things bear repeating dontchaknow.”
Exactly! Like the time that Cynical had a flash of clarity and called himself ‘Mr. Irrelevant’ for several months.