I Love these folks! Keep it up! Being tin foil hate crazy doesn’t win you national elections. Hey! We should start a rumor that Obama is really from one of those flying saucers the drunk red necks always see and he’s coming here to anally rape good Christians from “real America”! I read it on the internet, it must be true! Someone tell Glen Beck so he can get the message out there! Black commie’s from outer space are here to rape us! RUUUUUNNNNNNN!
As I always say, if Republicans weren’t so angry and violent it would be just sort of cute. You’d just pat them on the head like some adorable retarded child. But Republicans are like angry retarded children with guns who “know” everyone is out out get them. That’s not adorable, it’s f**king scary.
I hope the rational sane people win in the end. I really do.
Now you see itspews:
I wish William F. Buckley and the old “smart” Republicans where still alive. He drove me nuts, but you COULD argue with him. He was a smart guy.
THAT used to be the standard of the party. Now it’s Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck. Wow. Just wow.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. Mr. Baker spews:
What the Hell does Laura Bush know about politic or school children?
What did you find offensive in that article, that she thought obama was doing a good job under the circumstances? Or maybe the way she defended obama for his school speech? Or maybe the way she didn’t think it was fair obama was labeled a socialist?
What a wingnut that lady is!!!
And she knows nothing about school children- After graduating from SMU, she began her career as a school teacher of the second grade at Longfellow Elementary School in the Dallas Independent School District.[7] She then taught for three years at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, a Houston Independent School District school in Houston, until 1972.
How do her qualifications measure up to your knowledge of school children?
Marvin Stamnspews:
5. Now you see it spews:
You’d just pat them on the head like some adorable retarded child. But Republicans are like angry retarded children
I hope you think god that your children aren’t angry and retarded. I can only imagine the way you would treat them.
Now you see itspews:
@7 I agree (and I’m a flaming liberal). I thought Laura Bush’s remarks were refreshingly non-political. She didn’t follow Republican “talking points” but just spoke her mind. Even if you officially hate the Democratic party and want to see Obama fail for political reasons, you have to admit this school speech is totally innocuous. Thanks to Laura for just being honest.
@8 It’s a joke boy…I say a joke. I hope you could tell, I didn’t REALLY think Obama is a space alien. It’s obviously silly. I didn’t say you should beat or be mean to retarded children with guns, just be scared of them. LOL. I’m just saying modern Republicans remind me of an angry bi-polar retarded child with a loaded gun. The POINT was that you’d WANT to find the child lovable in normal circumstances, but the angry/gun thing would counter that and make you scared instead. If you have to explain a joke to someone it’s not funny anymore. ;-)
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow, the leftist pinheads are running amok again today.
You all forget what the brouhaha was over regarding “the messiah’s” Department of Edcation so let Puddy remind you again…
Some of the words in a letter from Education Secretary to nationwide school principals before they were excised from the document.
“We’re clarifying that language,” White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said.
“This is the first time an American president has spoken directly to the nation’s school children about persisting and succeeding in school.”
*What is the President trying to tell me?
*What is the President asking me to do?
*What new ideas and actions is the President challenging me to think about?
• Students can record important parts of the speech where the President is asking them to do something. Students might think about: What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?
After the speech, teachers will ask students:
*What do you think the President wants us to do?
*Does the speech make you want to do anything?
*Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?
You see half of you leftists are ignorant and the other half of you leftists are idiots. You don’t read and you get your “news” from the left-wing kook-aid sites and you think it’s “real news”.
Puddy don’t buy that. It’s common knowledge you and your ilk say stupid things like this every day here.
Now you see itspews:
@11 Thanks for making clear why 99% of all comedians are liberal. Republicans have NO sense of humor. There is that ‘red neck’ sub-genre, but other than that, there is no ‘republican’ equivalent of SNL, Daily Show, Bill Maher. Can’t blame the liberal media now crazy man. Fox can show whatever they want…and even they can’t find funny conservatives.
@10 Thanks for proving that Republicans are retarded. Obama is not a magic space alien out to mind control our children. LOL. Just get over it. This is just about racists angry that a black man is talking to their children like he’s a real person. I’ve read the speech. It’s online folks. It’s the most BORING innocuous generic speech possible. If you’re ANGERED by this, you’re a flaming tin foil hat Republican crazy.
Anti-science, anti-reality, anti-common sense. The new Republican party.
OH MY GOD!!! “..former first lady Laura Bush on Monday when she said she supported Obama’s decision to address the nation’s schoolchildren. ” Laura Bush is NOW PART OF THE LIBERAL CONSPIRACY!!! She must have drunk the commie fluoridated water and she’s now part of the “left-wing kooks”. Poor poor Laura!
10 – Oooooohhh! Stupes! All that’s missing from that is !GaSP! ahhhaaak. the.. guiding..
handd.. offfff:
S O R O S !!!!!!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. Now you see it spews:
officially hate the Democratic party and want to see Obama fail for political reasons, you have to admit this school speech is totally innocuous.
Yes, the latest draft of the speech is innocuous.
Lets not forget that the latest draft wasn’t released until 24 hours before the speech on a national holiday.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Now you see it spews:
@10 Thanks for proving that Republicans are retarded. Obama is not a magic space alien out to mind control our children.
But he is a magic space alien?
This is just about racists angry that a black man is talking to their children like he’s a real person.
So the parents whose children are listening to hip-hop/rap, imitating gangsters with their style of dress and all that stuff are upset a black president is talking to their children?
It’s the most BORING innocuous generic speech possible.
Why should he change his style now, he already won the election.
Since you read the speech…
Does it talk about how different cultures view education? How damaging it is for the black community to believe that getting an education or speaking in proper english is being white?
Speaking of culture and education… In atlanta, 4 children scored a perfect 2400 on their SATs. Want to guess the race of all 4 children? Do you believe that those four earned those perfect scores because of some genetic inherent superiority or because in their homes education was valued and encouraged by their parents.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. Now you see it spews:
If you have to explain a joke to someone it’s not funny anymore. ;-)
If you have to explain a joke, the joke wasn’t funny.
And considering some of the other stuff you’ve written, why should anyone assume that was a joke?
Now you see itspews:
@16 I assumed because most people can tell parody from reality. The Onion for example is not real. Just FYI. You just demonstrate the inability to see the difference. ;-)
@14 Yes the secret made up speech that you and the Republicans just “made up” is full of communist indoctrination!
LOL. That would be the “anti-reality”. So did Glen Beck tell you there was a magic commie speech or can you give me the actual text?
A speech changed! NO. That has simply NEVER happened before! Ever! It must be a commie conspiriacy!
PROVE me wrong. Show you’re not insane. Do you REALLY think Obama was actually going to deliver a communist party speech, while simultaneously trying to convert our children to Islam, and you angry Republicans CAUGHT him at it and made him change his speech! Idiot. You should have LET him go ahead and give the commie pro-Islam speech then you’d have actual proof. But since you “saved” us we’ll never know.
And one of you wing nut crazies answer the question! DO YOU BELIEVE Laura Bush is a left wing nut? Or has she falling under the magic communist Obama spell? Hmmm?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
BTW Puddy didn’t get that from Glenn Beck. If you were paying attention Now you see it (when have you ever paid attention) Glenn was on vacation. Those phrases are from direct the Education Department. Why did the whitey house spokesman have to reply “We’re clarifying that language.”? Apparently it was TRUE!
Notice spongebob wondermoron brings up Soros because it’s a typical daily deflection from the actual document. When the left-wing is exposed the gutter dweller spongebob wondermoron is stressed out…
LMBBAO. What a tard!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama once again blew a Golden Opportunity by “misstating” his intention with this address as how kids can HELP him, the President, with his agenda. Huge mistake.
Now he has re-written his speech so it is more acceptable. Telling kids to stay in school and study hard is one thing.
Asking for their help is waaaaaaaay over the line.
Obama is an arrogant, inept leader who is charismatic and has a nice family. You can only fool Americans with your Alinsky Leftist Strategy for so long. They ain’t folled no mo’! Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11 (see trends).
Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans believe that labor unions weaken America while 26% hold the opposite view.
Now you see itspews:
@18 LOL
You’re STILL not getting it. Good GOD pay attention boy. I KNOW the speech changed. It ALWAYS changes. But the thing that makes you (Republicans) tin foil hat crazy is that you IMAGINED the original speech was something evil or naughty. You just pulled that out of your ass…totally made up. Not “TRUE”! LOL
Prove me wrong. SHOW me the text where Obama tells us we have to convert to Islam…or that the government will tell me where to work next week…or whatnot.
So far, the liberals are angry and disappointed with Obama because he HASN’T done anything substantially different than Bush. But the tin foil hat crazies (Republicans) are convinced by Rush and Beck that he’s the exact opposite. The bail outs of Wall Street? Started under Bush. Afghanistan and Iraq…Bush. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…still there. DOMA…still there.
Not only is Obama not a crazy “most leftist” guy ever…he’s disappointingly done virtually nothing DIFFERENT than Bush. He’s just black is all.
Republicans. Anti-reality. Point at the moon and tell me it’s the sun.
18 – LMAO!! I’m laughing at your stupid paranoid ass!
Your so funny Stupes!
Your tin foil hat! Your idiocy!
I’m laughing at YOU Stupes!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama WAS going to push his Socialist Agenda on the kids. THEY ADMITTED IT!!
Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s department has taken heat for proposed lesson plans distributed to accompany Tuesday’s speech. He acknowledged that a section about writing to the president on how students can “help” him meet education goals was poorly worded. It has since been changed.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Why is the White House writing “lesson plans” for our kids about how to HELP him???
Waaaaaaay over the line…again.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
What an ASS farts
Prove me wrong. SHOW me the text where Obama tells us we have to convert to Islam…or that the government will tell me where to work next week…or whatnot.
Puddy provided the actual wording from the Education Department document and your response it that! LMBBAO! Where did that come from? Where the sun don’t shine? Where spongebob wondermoron places his head daily? Of course it did.
What a real loon this Now you see it.
Alki Postingsspews:
Ok…regardless of the funny and silly back and forth, it’s a boring simple good ‘stay in school speech’.
Where is the “controversy” coming from? I’ve read the speech. Laura Bush said it was a good thing. I realize Democrats and Republicans just try to sabotage each other for political gain, that’s normal. But can’t both parties get behind these generic ‘feel good’ speeches for the kids. How is telling kids to stay in school and study now a bad thing?
Speaking of indoctrination…
How many students will be forced to recite “The Pledge of Allegiance” at the start of school today?
While you may be laughing at me, everyone laughs at you. Both sides of the aisle monomaniacal chronological idiot laugh at you daily.
LMBBAO fool!
Now you see itspews:
You’re STILL proving my point! LOL. That ‘text’ did NOT contain any evil pro-commie Islam controversial text.
Laura Bush is NOT a crazy lefty commie you idiot. You’re still anti-reality. Anti-science. Anti-common sense.
This was the MOST generic non-controversial speech (EVEN the original text) and you still make up this silly “anger” at the evil commie black guy. You’re nuts! LOL
There’s simply nothing Obama could theoretically do that you wouldn’t find an evil commie Islam plan. You are the modern version of the “fluoride is a commie plot” nuts.
As we see it, Now you see it can’t see it on leftist pinhead web sites so it can’t be true because he didn’t see it there.
LMBBAO over the incontinent fool. Just shitting and pizzing all over saying nothing coherent!
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. Now you see it spews:
@16 I assumed because most people can tell parody from reality. The Onion for example is not real. Just FYI. You just demonstrate the inability to see the difference. ;-)
Incorrect. How can one distinguish from reality and parody when so much of what you write is garbage. For example, the way you keep writing that republicans view obama as being a magic space alien.
So did Glen Beck tell you there was a magic commie speech or can you give me the actual text?
No but he did say the person that obama appointed as czar of green jobs was a communist truther and damn if he wasn’t proven right.
PROVE me wrong. Show you’re not insane. Do you REALLY think Obama was actually going to deliver a communist party speech, while simultaneously trying to convert our children to Islam
Since he changed it we will never know will we.
you angry Republicans CAUGHT him at it and made him change his speech! Idiot.
Maybe you can explain why the speech was changed AFTER the outrage from republicans.
You should have LET him go ahead and give the commie pro-Islam speech then you’d have actual proof. But since you “saved” us we’ll never know.
If I see someone trying to rob you or rape your wife, I’ll let them just so I will have the proof. See, I can play your game.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Dipstick@28, who’s discussing Laura Bush’s speech fool. We’re discussing “the messiah” and his original Education Department document which was modified when they were caught.
LMBBAO at the inbred stupidity of this fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy calls him “the messiah” because we were led to believe it from the left-wing media. Let Puddy show the evidence again… This has all the embedded links for proof.
Donna Brazile – “First of all, I don’t think they understand the role of a community organizer, often to help people who are in distress, they’ve lost their jobs, they’ve lost their homes, they’ve lost their health care. And for many of us, it’s a time honored tradition to give back, especially those who have been rewarded with so much.
The Bible says to whom much is given much is required and it comes out of that tradition. So it was insulting to see both, you know, the governor as well as Mayor Giuliani criticize people. There’s some on the Internet now that Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps they should understand the role of a community organizer, do help people in distress.”
Evan Thomas, grandson of Norman Thomas that six-time ol socialist candidate for president. – “Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He’s sort of GOD.”
Chris Matthews – “This is the New Testament.”
Lawrence Carter, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel Dean – “No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don’t expect, like Jesus being born in a manger.”
Bill Jonas – Songwriter – “Prepare your heart to fill with hope; Prepare your mind to embrace the change!”
See Obama be thy name on YouTube!
Marvin Stamnspews:
28. Now you see it spews:
That ‘text’ did NOT contain any evil pro-commie Islam controversial text.
Prove it.
Give us a link to the copy of the speech before the republicans complained.
If you never saw the original speech, how do you know what was in it?
See, that’s why I am asking you to prove it.
Now you see itspews:
HOLY S**T! You are NUTS! You must have an IQ of 50. This is crazy.
“Incorrect. How can one distinguish from reality and parody when so much of what you write is garbage. For example, the way you keep writing that republicans view obama as being a magic space alien.”
You REALLY think I’m saying I “LITERALLY” truly think Republicans believe Obama is an alien…and you pointing out that Obama isn’t an alien shows my points are moot and I’m crazy? Really?
IDIOT!!!! It’s a parody. An OBVIOUS extension of an existing belief (Republicans thinking Obama is a secretly from Kenya and was sworn in on a Koran and is a secret Muslim). Those are REAL Republican beliefs. I’m “extending” those to an illogical degree (space alien). That’s what parody and comedy does. Take a crazy point and exaggerate it to make a point.
Since you’re SO STUPID as to not understand the most simple ideas, I’ll spell this out so EVEN a Republican can understand it: I do not LITERALLY think Republicans believe Obama is an alien. They just know he’s from Kenya and a secret Muslim.
You are nuts. This was a nice simple “stay in school speech”. If you see this as a paranoid commie Muslim attack you’re just beyond logic and reason.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews: Dipstick@28, who’s discussing Laura Bush’s speech foo
nowyouseeit can’t prove what he’s saying so he has to deflect and change the subject.
Once nowyouseeit posts the link to the original speech we will all know the truth.
Do you think nowyouseeit believes in the truth or his obama is a magic space alien theory?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama WAS going to push his Socialist Agenda on the kids. THEY ADMITTED IT!! The issue isn’t about the speech (which was likely changed after the furor)..
That is totally inappropriate and something Bush didn’t do…tell the teachers what to teach.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s department has taken heat for proposed lesson plans distributed to accompany Tuesday’s speech. He acknowledged that a section about writing to the president on how students can “help” him meet education goals was poorly worded. It has since been changed.
Why is the White House writing “lesson plans” for our kids about how to HELP him???
Waaaaaaay over the line…again.
Now you see itspews:
@33 What? “See, that’s why I am asking you to prove it.”
You’re saying it was a commie plot speech unless I can prove a negative? There’s no such thing as proving a negative. You can’t make up a fantasy speech and say it’s true unless I can prove it DOESN’T exist. You can’t do that.
@36 Laura Bush is not a commie leftist nut. It’s NOT changing the subject it IS the subject. The subject is…is this speech appropriate to be given to school kids. The former first lady, a school teacher, a Republican…said yes. You say no. Fair enough. You two Republicans disagree. She did not criticize the imaginary ‘first’ draft either.
Again Puddy, if you want to declare what the topic of the day is, get a blog.
“Open Thread” = Talk about whatever you want.
Overinflated sense of slef-importance = Puddy wanting everyone to stay on his topic.
I guess I have to go personal on you since you don’t get the difference.
Puddy, you are a whiny, quick to complain, slow to offer solutions, asshat. BTW, read the whole House Resolution yet?
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Now you see it spews: @30
HOLY S**T! You are NUTS! I bet you think the Bible is LITERALLY true!
Have I ever mentioned the bible? What was the point of bringing it up if not to show that you are intolerant of others that don’t share your beliefs.
(Republicans thinking Obama is a secretly from Kenya and was sworn in on the a Koran and is a secret Muslim). Those are REAL Republican beliefs.
Using your logic… Democrats think bush planned 9/11. Those are REAL democrat beliefs. Hell, the green czar that just resigned believed it.
I do not LITERALLY think Republicans believe Obama is an alien.
Glad to see you are not as delusional as you come across in your words.
By the way, I’m still waiting for you to prove what was and wasn’t in the speech before republicans complained. Oh wait, I get it. You saying nothing communist was in that speech was more of your parody jokes. hahaha
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Now you see it spews: @33 What? “See, that’s why I am asking you to prove it.”
You’re saying it was a commie plot speech unless I can prove a negative? There’s no such thing as proving a negative
Of course you can. It’s not like I’m asking you to prove you’re not a child rapist.
A link to the original speech will prove it.
If I said there is nothing in the constitution about the right to free speech could you prove that? If I said the word gullible wasn’t in the dictionary could you prove otherwise?
The original speech will prove what you are saying.
Now you see itspews:
1. The ‘literal’ Bible is believed by the majority of Republicans. Sorry if I incorrectly included you.
2. I agree, if any Democrats think George W. Bush was behind 9/11, I will call THEM nuts too! I’m not a party hack (like most on here). 9/11 was not a government conspiracy.
3. The fact that you had to wait till I pointed OUT that I don’t REALLY think Obama is a space alien here to rape everyone scares the shit out of me. Did you REALLY not get that? Seriously? Again, why 99% of comedians are liberal. Right wing folks just can NOT tell what is a joke and what is reality. It should have gone WITHOUT saying that Obama isn’t really a robot alien. If I had to state that clearly, you’re SCARY!
4. You CAN’T prove a negative. You can wait all you want, it’s not theoretically possible. I can’t PROVE there are not polka dotted pink elephants. All you can say is you haven’t found one yet. You can only prove a positive (I’ve FOUND a polka doted pink elephant). You’re the one claiming YOU KNOW it’s a commie speech. I’m not. So YOU have to prove YOUR theory. Why do YOU believe it’s a commie speech? That means YOU’VE seen the secret text. So provide the hypertext link. You’re making the claim, provide the proof. If you have no proof, what is the basis of your claim? God told you? It came to you in a dream?
Left-wing mothersspews:
Comrade Dave Ross, KIRO:
Why do you and Sirota try to hide behind the “progressive” smokescreen? In occasional spasms of honesty, Sirota admits that he’s a Bernie Sanders socialist, but you stay in the closet. Be out. Be proud and loud. We’re all socialists now; Newsweek said so.
Of course some of us are more socialist than others. Truther Jones is a self-defined revolutionary communist, a czar who didn’t face Senate confirmation and who apparently didn’t submit or submit to Obama’s 64-page procto exam for executive branch appointments.
And of course none of that stops Sirota from saying that Jones was picked on only because he’s (whisper) black. Why, Sirota asks, didn’t Beck and the rest of us howl about plain white TurboTax Tim Geithner? Why didn’t we howl about white Bush deficits?
Answers: We did and we did. We howled in 2002 about Bush’s too-obvious attempt to buy Florida with entitlement drugs. We denounced Republicans who spent like drunken Demcrats. And inconveniently for Sirota, our first takedown of the current black administration was of a crooked corrupt white boy, Tom Daschle.
So: Occasionally honest Sirota either needs to get more honest or more informed. And you need to come out of the closet and start calling Sirota on his dishonesty and disinformation.
We live under a system of capitalism-imperialism … a system in which U.S. imperialism is the most monstrous, most oppressive superpower … a system driven by a relentless chase after profit, which brings horror upon horror, a nightmare seemingly without end, for the vast majority of humanity.
… And it is through revolution to get rid of this system that we ourselves can bring a much better system into being. The ultimate goal of this revolution is communism.
That’s part of a message from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Not quite Czar Jones’s action faction, but close. The RCPUSA hangs out at Revolution Books, 89 South Washington Street, in Pioneer Square.
Here’s a revolutionary call to action, Dave. Tell your listeners to stop at Revolution Books, pick up a big pile of books, and walk out without paying. It’s what anti-capitalist revolution is all about.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow Now You see it agrees with Puddy
2. I agree, if any Democrats think George W. Bush was behind 9/11, I will call THEM nuts too! I’m not a party hack (like most on here). 9/11 was not a government conspiracy.
Van Jones the Green Czar thought so, so let’s see you call Van nuts!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Looks like Checksaid is having a Mike Rogers flashback.
Too bad your liberal baggage slows you down intellectually. You missed the point fool. Go back and try try again. Call Puddy if you need remedial help.
Now you see itspews:
@43 Van Jones is nuts.
I’m not a party hack. This isn’t crips vs bloods to me. I’m for reality and common sense, where ever it comes from. And taking all this with a sense of humor. ;-)
Here’s my favorite quote: “Everything is possible, but most things are highly unlikely”. It’s a quantum mechanics joke. Point is virtually everything has a CHANCE of being true, but 99.9999% of possible realities are highly unlikely. 9/11 could have been a government conspiracy. I’m open to someone proving it. So far they haven’t so I’m putting that as 99% unlikely to be true. Just like Obama could be a secret Kenyan Muslim plant here to convert us and destroy the Christian nation. 99% probability it’s not true. But keep digging.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Congratulations Now you see it. Yep Van Jones is nuts. We agree on something. So where is the original speech Marvin has been nicely asking you about?
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. Now you see it spews: @39
1. The ‘literal’ Bible is believed by the majority of Republicans. Sorry if I incorrectly included you.
Did you forget the obama is against gay marriage because of his religious beliefs? How right-wingnut of him to not have tolerance for others that don’t share his faith.
Here’s a little tidbit from the original speech-
One of these included a sentence in which Obama stated that, “… many people support you [the students] succeeding in a healthy life. But worse, many people want to take away your doctors and tell your mother and father that they can’t visit the hospital if they are sick.”
Take away their doctors? Huh? If they already have a doctor, who is going to take their doctor away if not the obama healthcare plan?
Did you see that link Puddy provided where the democrats had investigations when bush gave a speech to schoolchildren?
Now you see itspews:
1. Yes, I and disagree with Obama on his gay marriage stance. I’m not a party hack like the wing nuts on here. I often disagree with things the Democrats do.
2. I’m sorry, I missed that link to the “Bush speech investigation”. I don’t see it. Can you provide it again?
3. Provide a link to the article. Just typing some text on a blog isn’t trust worthy. And don’t trust ‘junk’ on the internet from birthers and ‘secret Muslims’ folks. Provide a link please. If the “doctor” bit was in the original speech, I OFFICIALLY object to that. See, I’m not a party hack like you. I disagree with my own party occasionally. I don’t just read “talking points”. There should be no health care debate stuck in the speech. It should JUST be about staying in school and working hard. But please provide a link to a web site where you got that portion of the speech. Thank you!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama has come up with yet another way to Kill us. Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma to develop a new drug called:
It is being manufactured by a far-left Pharma company called MESSIANIC PHARMACEUTICALS
I just read the label. Appalling. It says:
*Kills Capitalism on contact
*Kills Jobs on Contact
*Stimulates Marxist tendencies
*Endorsed by Unions.
It goes on to say:
For the General Destruction of Wealth. Use if you catch a nasty case of Free Market Capitalism. It will kill all your money issues.
Warning: Keep away from Wallet when Opening.
Very safe for little children!
Obama is a laughing stock BY HIS ACTIONS!
Now you see itspews:
Oh no!!! Republicans found the secret truth! Obama wants to kill children, is secret from Kenya, was sworn in on a Koran, and wants to turn us communist by giving billions of tax pay money directly to Wall Street with no strings attached (scratches head on that last one).
Republicans, anti-reality, anti-science, anti-common sense. The tin foil hats ride again!
Anti-reality SO much that they think BUSH helped the economy! F**K…I remember my 401K before and after Bush. Dropped by half. Since Obama took over, stock markets gone from 6,500 to 9,500. Does reality NEVER intrude on your lives?
sarge is a chickenshit remf dot comspews:
Come on down to Fx McRory’s tonight and call Jill a prick to her face. I won’t bite off your finger, but I will break your nose.
@51 You called some woman a prick and their male friend wants to punch you? That’s not being a Nazi (brownshirt), that’s being normal.
Nazi’s wanted to kill ALL Jews, blacks and fags. Not just people who personally insulted their female friends.
JESUS do you people ever read books before burning them. YOU’RE the ones who hate Jews, blacks, gays, labor unions and socialists…that’s who the Nazi’s hated. Idiot. Nazi’s were fascists not socialists. The German government had socialist policies, but so did every European country, whether fascist leaning or not. Nazi’s aren’t KNOWN for being evil because of national health care, but for trying to kill millions of “dirty” people (gays, blacks, Jews, gypsies, etc).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Now you see it spews:
Anti-reality SO much that they think BUSH helped the economy! F**K…I remember my 401K before and after Bush. Dropped by half. Since Obama took over, stock markets gone from 6,500 to 9,500. Does reality NEVER intrude on your lives?
You criticize Conservatives for being Tin Foil Hats??
The market looks ahead.
When it was apparent Obama was going to win at the end of September, the DOW was at 11,143.
When he took office it was at 8426.
Where did you get 6500??
And you call others “tinfoil hats”??
@10 is an example of why it’s not a mistake to govern boldly, but it is a mistake to try to accommodate the fringe right afterwards, when they get bent out of shape.
You would think the WH would have learned this with bigger issues, like the economic stimulus.
Now you see itspews:
@53 Facts. The Wall Street Journal.
6,500 was the market point a few weeks after Obama took office…before he made a single law, a single market reform, anything. Once Obama started acting, the market went up.
The market is foward looking. You obviously don’t get macro economics, but the market WAS looking forward at the economic damage FROM the Bush era, the home losses and Wall Street collapse, and how long a recovery would take and judging the market value from that perspective.
And if Obama is so anti-capitalist, and the market is forward looking, shouldn’t be be STILL going down? WTF! Why has it gone up from since he started making policy?
@58 I will! I MOCK Obama’s religion. Publicly. There. I mock ALL religions, they’re stupid silly superstitions, and embarrassing. Obama is just being a political kiss ass like all politicians. Just like McCain “becoming” a Baptist a year before he runs for President. Or Bush “finding Jesus” when he runs for Gov in Texas. Duh.
I’m of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (google it).
You know the difference between a DEVOUT believer in god and an atheist? A devout believer thinks 38 world religions are silly made up wrong headed superstitions, and one religion is true. And atheist thinks there are 39 silly wrong headed superstition based religions.
@58 THANKS for the link. Yes that sounds bad too. Does anyone have a link to the actual speech so I can see what was said then? WAS it a political commercial or also just a generic “stay in school” speech? If the later, the Democrats were wrong then! (see, not a party hack)
Now you still see itspews:
@58 I will! I MOCK Obama’s religion. Publicly. There. I mock ALL religions, they’re stupid silly superstitions, and embarrassing. Obama is just being a political kiss ass like all politicians. Just like McCain “becoming” a Baptist a year before he runs for President. Or Bush “finding Jesus” when he runs for Gov in Texas. Duh.
I’m of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (google it).
You know the difference between a DEVOUT believer in god and an atheist? A devout believer thinks 38 world religions are silly made up wrong headed superstitions, and one religion is true. And atheist thinks there are 39 silly wrong headed superstition based religions.
@58 THANKS for the link. Yes that sounds bad too. Does anyone have a link to the actual speech so I can see what was said then? WAS it a political commercial or also just a generic “stay in school” speech? If the later, the Democrats were wrong then! (see, not a party hack).
Did George H.W. Bush REALLY say: ” write me a letter about ways you can help us achieve our goals. ” That would invalidate EVERYTHING the Republicans have said, especially on here today. If Bush asked students to “help him achieve our goals”….that’s “why over the line” at @56 said!!!
Now you still see itspews:
(odd, didn’t mean that to repeat)
Now you still see itspews:
Gotta get to work…just had the morning off.
Everyone keep arguing! It’s what makes America great! We’re the land of the Amish and Las Veags…it’s why we rule and Saudi Arabia sucks! Live how you want, reject music and bright clothes and build barns all day, or gamble and whore around…freedom.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Don@56, doesn’t tell the whole story so Puddy will. Hmmm Don@56, were you too young to remember this?
“With the Post article in hand, Democrats pounced. “The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students,” said Richard Gephardt, then the House Majority Leader. “And the president should be doing more about education than saying, ‘Lights, camera, action.’””
And now the libtardos are in a tizzy going apoplectic. Puddy knows where Dem skeletons are!!!!
My comment had nothing to do with investigations, it had everything to do with the previous poster’s comments that the President asking children to write him letters was over the top. My response was specifically related to the comment that I quoted, nothing more, nothing less. That you read something into my comments is not my problem, it is yours.
The investigation in 1991 did not deal with children writing letters to the President, it was a question of whether the expenditure of $26,000 of Department of Education funds was appropriate for what Democrats deemed a political stunt. Some Democrats were concerned that Bush was spending money on propaganda in advance of an election while cutting the Dept of Education budget. That’s how it works, Congress has constitutional oversight over the funds spent by the government. The GAO investigated, found no wrongdoing, case closed. If the Republicans want to investigate and make sure Obama spent government funds appropriately for this speech, I have no problem with that. But this right wing hysteria (as shown on tape of this crying woman) is just sheer stupidity.
No parents pulled their children from school, or thought that Bush was indoctrinating their children. That is my point!
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. Now you still see it spews:
reject music
Now that’s just plain sick and evil.
Marvin Stamnspews:
64. don spews:
No parents pulled their children from school, or thought that Bush was indoctrinating their children. That is my point!
Back then people were much less informed.
How many people knew that fdr was in a wheelchair? Do you think a current president could get away with that? Look at the clinton sex thing, kenndy did the same thing with marilyn monroe with the addition of monroe “committing” suicide. Do you think a democrat could drive off a bridge, let someone die and get away with it. Today, regular people (like you and me) can google and watch any obama/bush speech on youtube anytime we want. We have access to newspapers.
surged sargespews:
Let’s review, 52: A pro-Bama Soros goon crossed the street to get literally in the face of an old man (about Rabbit’s age) peacefully protesting liberal fascism. The goon invaded a space where he didn’t belong. Twice in self-defense he got hit. Then he bit. The liberal goon was the aggressor. The old man was the victim.
Then Jill Richardson called the old man an asshole because, while protesting Obamacare, he’s old enough for Medicare.
* The old man was the victim of an attack from a fascist bully;
* Jill Richardson, who blames the victim, is a fascist bully and a prick;
* So is sarge;
* So are you.
Amazing how quickly you leftists start belching about Nazis. Must be your inner brownshirt coming out for a rinse cycle and a run.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Don Don Don,
My comment had nothing to do with investigations, it had everything to do with the previous poster’s comments that the President asking children to write him letters was over the top.
Did the 1991 Education Department directive have the commentary of the 2009 Education Department?
Nope! And that’s the beef here and why the whitey house changed the document!
Kamper Van Jonesspews:
Via Dori, Sunday:
I wonder: at what point did Barack Obama decide that Van Jones was too much of a political liability?
– Communist? No problem…
– Self-described radical? Par for the course…
– Called Republicans a**holes? Well, aren’t they?
– 9/11 Truth nut? Of course George Bush blew up the Trade Centers
– “Only white kids do school shootings”? Not quite as funny
– His support of cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal? Hey, what’s another dead white cop?
All we know is that somewhere along the line, a radical president decided that Van Jones was too radical – even for him.
The scariest part about this story isn’t that the White House failed to vett Van Jones… it’s that he got hired as the Green Jobs Czar despite their vetting. This president saw nothing wrong with having someone so completely out of touch with most Americans’ values in the White House. …
Good riddance to Van Jones – he’s another example of why President Obama’s approval ratings have fallen faster and farther in his first eight months than any president ever.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama sending a script for a lesson plan was way over the top. That, combined with asking for help, was the problem I had with Obama’s intended approach.
Fortunately, the White House admitted their error and corrected it.
Obama’s milquetoast speech probably put most kids to sleep!
Perhaps Kindergarten Teachers ought to replay the Obama speech right before nap time.
Too beautiful. That captures the wingnuts perfectly. Sadly enough.
I think I just saw her on KIRO and they did not label it as parody.
I’m sure everyone on the set and in the production booth at KIRO were applauding and wiping a tear from the corners of their eyes.
What the Hell does Laura Bush know about politic or school children?
The wingnuts are going to find a way to agree while being disagreeable.
I Love these folks! Keep it up! Being tin foil hate crazy doesn’t win you national elections. Hey! We should start a rumor that Obama is really from one of those flying saucers the drunk red necks always see and he’s coming here to anally rape good Christians from “real America”! I read it on the internet, it must be true! Someone tell Glen Beck so he can get the message out there! Black commie’s from outer space are here to rape us! RUUUUUNNNNNNN!
As I always say, if Republicans weren’t so angry and violent it would be just sort of cute. You’d just pat them on the head like some adorable retarded child. But Republicans are like angry retarded children with guns who “know” everyone is out out get them. That’s not adorable, it’s f**king scary.
I hope the rational sane people win in the end. I really do.
I wish William F. Buckley and the old “smart” Republicans where still alive. He drove me nuts, but you COULD argue with him. He was a smart guy.
THAT used to be the standard of the party. Now it’s Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck. Wow. Just wow.
What did you find offensive in that article, that she thought obama was doing a good job under the circumstances? Or maybe the way she defended obama for his school speech? Or maybe the way she didn’t think it was fair obama was labeled a socialist?
What a wingnut that lady is!!!
And she knows nothing about school children-
After graduating from SMU, she began her career as a school teacher of the second grade at Longfellow Elementary School in the Dallas Independent School District.[7] She then taught for three years at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, a Houston Independent School District school in Houston, until 1972.
How do her qualifications measure up to your knowledge of school children?
I hope you think god that your children aren’t angry and retarded. I can only imagine the way you would treat them.
@7 I agree (and I’m a flaming liberal). I thought Laura Bush’s remarks were refreshingly non-political. She didn’t follow Republican “talking points” but just spoke her mind. Even if you officially hate the Democratic party and want to see Obama fail for political reasons, you have to admit this school speech is totally innocuous. Thanks to Laura for just being honest.
@8 It’s a joke boy…I say a joke. I hope you could tell, I didn’t REALLY think Obama is a space alien. It’s obviously silly. I didn’t say you should beat or be mean to retarded children with guns, just be scared of them. LOL. I’m just saying modern Republicans remind me of an angry bi-polar retarded child with a loaded gun. The POINT was that you’d WANT to find the child lovable in normal circumstances, but the angry/gun thing would counter that and make you scared instead. If you have to explain a joke to someone it’s not funny anymore. ;-)
Wow, the leftist pinheads are running amok again today.
You all forget what the brouhaha was over regarding “the messiah’s” Department of Edcation so let Puddy remind you again…
Some of the words in a letter from Education Secretary to nationwide school principals before they were excised from the document.
“We’re clarifying that language,” White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said.
“This is the first time an American president has spoken directly to the nation’s school children about persisting and succeeding in school.”
*What is the President trying to tell me?
*What is the President asking me to do?
*What new ideas and actions is the President challenging me to think about?
• Students can record important parts of the speech where the President is asking them to do something. Students might think about: What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?
After the speech, teachers will ask students:
*What do you think the President wants us to do?
*Does the speech make you want to do anything?
*Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?
You see half of you leftists are ignorant and the other half of you leftists are idiots. You don’t read and you get your “news” from the left-wing kook-aid sites and you think it’s “real news”.
Now you see it@9
Puddy don’t buy that. It’s common knowledge you and your ilk say stupid things like this every day here.
@11 Thanks for making clear why 99% of all comedians are liberal. Republicans have NO sense of humor. There is that ‘red neck’ sub-genre, but other than that, there is no ‘republican’ equivalent of SNL, Daily Show, Bill Maher. Can’t blame the liberal media now crazy man. Fox can show whatever they want…and even they can’t find funny conservatives.
@10 Thanks for proving that Republicans are retarded. Obama is not a magic space alien out to mind control our children. LOL. Just get over it. This is just about racists angry that a black man is talking to their children like he’s a real person. I’ve read the speech. It’s online folks. It’s the most BORING innocuous generic speech possible. If you’re ANGERED by this, you’re a flaming tin foil hat Republican crazy.
Anti-science, anti-reality, anti-common sense. The new Republican party.
OH MY GOD!!! “..former first lady Laura Bush on Monday when she said she supported Obama’s decision to address the nation’s schoolchildren. ” Laura Bush is NOW PART OF THE LIBERAL CONSPIRACY!!! She must have drunk the commie fluoridated water and she’s now part of the “left-wing kooks”. Poor poor Laura!
10 – Oooooohhh! Stupes! All that’s missing from that is !GaSP! ahhhaaak. the.. guiding..
handd.. offfff:
S O R O S !!!!!!!!
Yes, the latest draft of the speech is innocuous.
Lets not forget that the latest draft wasn’t released until 24 hours before the speech on a national holiday.
But he is a magic space alien?
So the parents whose children are listening to hip-hop/rap, imitating gangsters with their style of dress and all that stuff are upset a black president is talking to their children?
Why should he change his style now, he already won the election.
Since you read the speech…
Does it talk about how different cultures view education? How damaging it is for the black community to believe that getting an education or speaking in proper english is being white?
Speaking of culture and education… In atlanta, 4 children scored a perfect 2400 on their SATs. Want to guess the race of all 4 children? Do you believe that those four earned those perfect scores because of some genetic inherent superiority or because in their homes education was valued and encouraged by their parents.
If you have to explain a joke, the joke wasn’t funny.
And considering some of the other stuff you’ve written, why should anyone assume that was a joke?
@16 I assumed because most people can tell parody from reality. The Onion for example is not real. Just FYI. You just demonstrate the inability to see the difference. ;-)
@14 Yes the secret made up speech that you and the Republicans just “made up” is full of communist indoctrination!
LOL. That would be the “anti-reality”. So did Glen Beck tell you there was a magic commie speech or can you give me the actual text?
A speech changed! NO. That has simply NEVER happened before! Ever! It must be a commie conspiriacy!
PROVE me wrong. Show you’re not insane. Do you REALLY think Obama was actually going to deliver a communist party speech, while simultaneously trying to convert our children to Islam, and you angry Republicans CAUGHT him at it and made him change his speech! Idiot. You should have LET him go ahead and give the commie pro-Islam speech then you’d have actual proof. But since you “saved” us we’ll never know.
And one of you wing nut crazies answer the question! DO YOU BELIEVE Laura Bush is a left wing nut? Or has she falling under the magic communist Obama spell? Hmmm?
BTW Puddy didn’t get that from Glenn Beck. If you were paying attention Now you see it (when have you ever paid attention) Glenn was on vacation. Those phrases are from direct the Education Department. Why did the whitey house spokesman have to reply “We’re clarifying that language.”? Apparently it was TRUE!
Notice spongebob wondermoron brings up Soros because it’s a typical daily deflection from the actual document. When the left-wing is exposed the gutter dweller spongebob wondermoron is stressed out…
LMBBAO. What a tard!
Obama once again blew a Golden Opportunity by “misstating” his intention with this address as how kids can HELP him, the President, with his agenda. Huge mistake.
Now he has re-written his speech so it is more acceptable. Telling kids to stay in school and study hard is one thing.
Asking for their help is waaaaaaaay over the line.
Obama is an arrogant, inept leader who is charismatic and has a nice family. You can only fool Americans with your Alinsky Leftist Strategy for so long. They ain’t folled no mo’!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
@18 LOL
You’re STILL not getting it. Good GOD pay attention boy. I KNOW the speech changed. It ALWAYS changes. But the thing that makes you (Republicans) tin foil hat crazy is that you IMAGINED the original speech was something evil or naughty. You just pulled that out of your ass…totally made up. Not “TRUE”! LOL
Prove me wrong. SHOW me the text where Obama tells us we have to convert to Islam…or that the government will tell me where to work next week…or whatnot.
So far, the liberals are angry and disappointed with Obama because he HASN’T done anything substantially different than Bush. But the tin foil hat crazies (Republicans) are convinced by Rush and Beck that he’s the exact opposite. The bail outs of Wall Street? Started under Bush. Afghanistan and Iraq…Bush. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…still there. DOMA…still there.
Not only is Obama not a crazy “most leftist” guy ever…he’s disappointingly done virtually nothing DIFFERENT than Bush. He’s just black is all.
Republicans. Anti-reality. Point at the moon and tell me it’s the sun.
18 – LMAO!! I’m laughing at your stupid paranoid ass!
Your so funny Stupes!
Your tin foil hat! Your idiocy!
I’m laughing at YOU Stupes!
Obama WAS going to push his Socialist Agenda on the kids. THEY ADMITTED IT!!
Why is the White House writing “lesson plans” for our kids about how to HELP him???
Waaaaaaay over the line…again.
What an ASS farts
Puddy provided the actual wording from the Education Department document and your response it that! LMBBAO! Where did that come from? Where the sun don’t shine? Where spongebob wondermoron places his head daily? Of course it did.
What a real loon this Now you see it.
Ok…regardless of the funny and silly back and forth, it’s a boring simple good ‘stay in school speech’.
Where is the “controversy” coming from? I’ve read the speech. Laura Bush said it was a good thing. I realize Democrats and Republicans just try to sabotage each other for political gain, that’s normal. But can’t both parties get behind these generic ‘feel good’ speeches for the kids. How is telling kids to stay in school and study now a bad thing?
Speaking of indoctrination…
How many students will be forced to recite “The Pledge of Allegiance” at the start of school today?
Written by a socialist that pledge, funny no?
spongebob wondermoron@21:
While you may be laughing at me, everyone laughs at you. Both sides of the aisle monomaniacal chronological idiot laugh at you daily.
LMBBAO fool!
You’re STILL proving my point! LOL. That ‘text’ did NOT contain any evil pro-commie Islam controversial text.
Laura Bush is NOT a crazy lefty commie you idiot. You’re still anti-reality. Anti-science. Anti-common sense.
This was the MOST generic non-controversial speech (EVEN the original text) and you still make up this silly “anger” at the evil commie black guy. You’re nuts! LOL
There’s simply nothing Obama could theoretically do that you wouldn’t find an evil commie Islam plan. You are the modern version of the “fluoride is a commie plot” nuts.
As we see it, Now you see it can’t see it on leftist pinhead web sites so it can’t be true because he didn’t see it there.
LMBBAO over the incontinent fool. Just shitting and pizzing all over saying nothing coherent!
Incorrect. How can one distinguish from reality and parody when so much of what you write is garbage. For example, the way you keep writing that republicans view obama as being a magic space alien.
No but he did say the person that obama appointed as czar of green jobs was a communist truther and damn if he wasn’t proven right.
Since he changed it we will never know will we.
Maybe you can explain why the speech was changed AFTER the outrage from republicans.
If I see someone trying to rob you or rape your wife, I’ll let them just so I will have the proof. See, I can play your game.
Dipstick@28, who’s discussing Laura Bush’s speech fool. We’re discussing “the messiah” and his original Education Department document which was modified when they were caught.
LMBBAO at the inbred stupidity of this fool!
Puddy calls him “the messiah” because we were led to believe it from the left-wing media. Let Puddy show the evidence again… This has all the embedded links for proof.
Donna Brazile – “First of all, I don’t think they understand the role of a community organizer, often to help people who are in distress, they’ve lost their jobs, they’ve lost their homes, they’ve lost their health care. And for many of us, it’s a time honored tradition to give back, especially those who have been rewarded with so much.
The Bible says to whom much is given much is required and it comes out of that tradition. So it was insulting to see both, you know, the governor as well as Mayor Giuliani criticize people. There’s some on the Internet now that Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps they should understand the role of a community organizer, do help people in distress.”
Evan Thomas, grandson of Norman Thomas that six-time ol socialist candidate for president. – “Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He’s sort of GOD.”
Chris Matthews – “This is the New Testament.”
Lawrence Carter, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel Dean – “No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don’t expect, like Jesus being born in a manger.”
Bill Jonas – Songwriter – “Prepare your heart to fill with hope; Prepare your mind to embrace the change!”
See Obama be thy name on YouTube!
Prove it.
Give us a link to the copy of the speech before the republicans complained.
If you never saw the original speech, how do you know what was in it?
See, that’s why I am asking you to prove it.
HOLY S**T! You are NUTS! You must have an IQ of 50. This is crazy.
“Incorrect. How can one distinguish from reality and parody when so much of what you write is garbage. For example, the way you keep writing that republicans view obama as being a magic space alien.”
You REALLY think I’m saying I “LITERALLY” truly think Republicans believe Obama is an alien…and you pointing out that Obama isn’t an alien shows my points are moot and I’m crazy? Really?
IDIOT!!!! It’s a parody. An OBVIOUS extension of an existing belief (Republicans thinking Obama is a secretly from Kenya and was sworn in on a Koran and is a secret Muslim). Those are REAL Republican beliefs. I’m “extending” those to an illogical degree (space alien). That’s what parody and comedy does. Take a crazy point and exaggerate it to make a point.
Since you’re SO STUPID as to not understand the most simple ideas, I’ll spell this out so EVEN a Republican can understand it: I do not LITERALLY think Republicans believe Obama is an alien. They just know he’s from Kenya and a secret Muslim.
You are nuts. This was a nice simple “stay in school speech”. If you see this as a paranoid commie Muslim attack you’re just beyond logic and reason.
nowyouseeit can’t prove what he’s saying so he has to deflect and change the subject.
Once nowyouseeit posts the link to the original speech we will all know the truth.
Do you think nowyouseeit believes in the truth or his obama is a magic space alien theory?
Obama WAS going to push his Socialist Agenda on the kids. THEY ADMITTED IT!! The issue isn’t about the speech (which was likely changed after the furor)..
That is totally inappropriate and something Bush didn’t do…tell the teachers what to teach.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s department has taken heat for proposed lesson plans distributed to accompany Tuesday’s speech. He acknowledged that a section about writing to the president on how students can “help” him meet education goals was poorly worded. It has since been changed.
Why is the White House writing “lesson plans” for our kids about how to HELP him???
Waaaaaaay over the line…again.
@33 What? “See, that’s why I am asking you to prove it.”
You’re saying it was a commie plot speech unless I can prove a negative? There’s no such thing as proving a negative. You can’t make up a fantasy speech and say it’s true unless I can prove it DOESN’T exist. You can’t do that.
@36 Laura Bush is not a commie leftist nut. It’s NOT changing the subject it IS the subject. The subject is…is this speech appropriate to be given to school kids. The former first lady, a school teacher, a Republican…said yes. You say no. Fair enough. You two Republicans disagree. She did not criticize the imaginary ‘first’ draft either.
Again Puddy, if you want to declare what the topic of the day is, get a blog.
“Open Thread” = Talk about whatever you want.
Overinflated sense of slef-importance = Puddy wanting everyone to stay on his topic.
I guess I have to go personal on you since you don’t get the difference.
Puddy, you are a whiny, quick to complain, slow to offer solutions, asshat. BTW, read the whole House Resolution yet?
Have I ever mentioned the bible? What was the point of bringing it up if not to show that you are intolerant of others that don’t share your beliefs.
Using your logic… Democrats think bush planned 9/11. Those are REAL democrat beliefs. Hell, the green czar that just resigned believed it.
Glad to see you are not as delusional as you come across in your words.
By the way, I’m still waiting for you to prove what was and wasn’t in the speech before republicans complained. Oh wait, I get it. You saying nothing communist was in that speech was more of your parody jokes. hahaha
Of course you can. It’s not like I’m asking you to prove you’re not a child rapist.
A link to the original speech will prove it.
If I said there is nothing in the constitution about the right to free speech could you prove that? If I said the word gullible wasn’t in the dictionary could you prove otherwise?
The original speech will prove what you are saying.
1. The ‘literal’ Bible is believed by the majority of Republicans. Sorry if I incorrectly included you.
2. I agree, if any Democrats think George W. Bush was behind 9/11, I will call THEM nuts too! I’m not a party hack (like most on here). 9/11 was not a government conspiracy.
3. The fact that you had to wait till I pointed OUT that I don’t REALLY think Obama is a space alien here to rape everyone scares the shit out of me. Did you REALLY not get that? Seriously? Again, why 99% of comedians are liberal. Right wing folks just can NOT tell what is a joke and what is reality. It should have gone WITHOUT saying that Obama isn’t really a robot alien. If I had to state that clearly, you’re SCARY!
4. You CAN’T prove a negative. You can wait all you want, it’s not theoretically possible. I can’t PROVE there are not polka dotted pink elephants. All you can say is you haven’t found one yet. You can only prove a positive (I’ve FOUND a polka doted pink elephant). You’re the one claiming YOU KNOW it’s a commie speech. I’m not. So YOU have to prove YOUR theory. Why do YOU believe it’s a commie speech? That means YOU’VE seen the secret text. So provide the hypertext link. You’re making the claim, provide the proof. If you have no proof, what is the basis of your claim? God told you? It came to you in a dream?
Comrade Dave Ross, KIRO:
Why do you and Sirota try to hide behind the “progressive” smokescreen? In occasional spasms of honesty, Sirota admits that he’s a Bernie Sanders socialist, but you stay in the closet. Be out. Be proud and loud. We’re all socialists now; Newsweek said so.
Of course some of us are more socialist than others. Truther Jones is a self-defined revolutionary communist, a czar who didn’t face Senate confirmation and who apparently didn’t submit or submit to Obama’s 64-page procto exam for executive branch appointments.
And of course none of that stops Sirota from saying that Jones was picked on only because he’s (whisper) black. Why, Sirota asks, didn’t Beck and the rest of us howl about plain white TurboTax Tim Geithner? Why didn’t we howl about white Bush deficits?
Answers: We did and we did. We howled in 2002 about Bush’s too-obvious attempt to buy Florida with entitlement drugs. We denounced Republicans who spent like drunken Demcrats. And inconveniently for Sirota, our first takedown of the current black administration was of a crooked corrupt white boy, Tom Daschle.
So: Occasionally honest Sirota either needs to get more honest or more informed. And you need to come out of the closet and start calling Sirota on his dishonesty and disinformation.
That’s part of a message from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Not quite Czar Jones’s action faction, but close. The RCPUSA hangs out at Revolution Books, 89 South Washington Street, in Pioneer Square.
Here’s a revolutionary call to action, Dave. Tell your listeners to stop at Revolution Books, pick up a big pile of books, and walk out without paying. It’s what anti-capitalist revolution is all about.
Wow Now You see it agrees with Puddy
Van Jones the Green Czar thought so, so let’s see you call Van nuts!
Looks like Checksaid is having a Mike Rogers flashback.
Too bad your liberal baggage slows you down intellectually. You missed the point fool. Go back and try try again. Call Puddy if you need remedial help.
@43 Van Jones is nuts.
I’m not a party hack. This isn’t crips vs bloods to me. I’m for reality and common sense, where ever it comes from. And taking all this with a sense of humor. ;-)
Here’s my favorite quote: “Everything is possible, but most things are highly unlikely”. It’s a quantum mechanics joke. Point is virtually everything has a CHANCE of being true, but 99.9999% of possible realities are highly unlikely. 9/11 could have been a government conspiracy. I’m open to someone proving it. So far they haven’t so I’m putting that as 99% unlikely to be true. Just like Obama could be a secret Kenyan Muslim plant here to convert us and destroy the Christian nation. 99% probability it’s not true. But keep digging.
Congratulations Now you see it. Yep Van Jones is nuts. We agree on something. So where is the original speech Marvin has been nicely asking you about?
Did you forget the obama is against gay marriage because of his religious beliefs? How right-wingnut of him to not have tolerance for others that don’t share his faith.
Here’s a little tidbit from the original speech-
Take away their doctors? Huh? If they already have a doctor, who is going to take their doctor away if not the obama healthcare plan?
Did you see that link Puddy provided where the democrats had investigations when bush gave a speech to schoolchildren?
1. Yes, I and disagree with Obama on his gay marriage stance. I’m not a party hack like the wing nuts on here. I often disagree with things the Democrats do.
2. I’m sorry, I missed that link to the “Bush speech investigation”. I don’t see it. Can you provide it again?
3. Provide a link to the article. Just typing some text on a blog isn’t trust worthy. And don’t trust ‘junk’ on the internet from birthers and ‘secret Muslims’ folks. Provide a link please. If the “doctor” bit was in the original speech, I OFFICIALLY object to that. See, I’m not a party hack like you. I disagree with my own party occasionally. I don’t just read “talking points”. There should be no health care debate stuck in the speech. It should JUST be about staying in school and working hard. But please provide a link to a web site where you got that portion of the speech. Thank you!
Obama has come up with yet another way to Kill us. Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma to develop a new drug called:
It is being manufactured by a far-left Pharma company called MESSIANIC PHARMACEUTICALS
I just read the label. Appalling. It says:
*Kills Capitalism on contact
*Kills Jobs on Contact
*Stimulates Marxist tendencies
*Endorsed by Unions.
It goes on to say:
For the General Destruction of Wealth. Use if you catch a nasty case of Free Market Capitalism. It will kill all your money issues.
Warning: Keep away from Wallet when Opening.
Very safe for little children!
Obama is a laughing stock BY HIS ACTIONS!
Oh no!!! Republicans found the secret truth! Obama wants to kill children, is secret from Kenya, was sworn in on a Koran, and wants to turn us communist by giving billions of tax pay money directly to Wall Street with no strings attached (scratches head on that last one).
Republicans, anti-reality, anti-science, anti-common sense. The tin foil hats ride again!
Anti-reality SO much that they think BUSH helped the economy! F**K…I remember my 401K before and after Bush. Dropped by half. Since Obama took over, stock markets gone from 6,500 to 9,500. Does reality NEVER intrude on your lives?
Typical batshit left-wing brownshirt thuglife thug.
@51 You called some woman a prick and their male friend wants to punch you? That’s not being a Nazi (brownshirt), that’s being normal.
Nazi’s wanted to kill ALL Jews, blacks and fags. Not just people who personally insulted their female friends.
JESUS do you people ever read books before burning them. YOU’RE the ones who hate Jews, blacks, gays, labor unions and socialists…that’s who the Nazi’s hated. Idiot. Nazi’s were fascists not socialists. The German government had socialist policies, but so did every European country, whether fascist leaning or not. Nazi’s aren’t KNOWN for being evil because of national health care, but for trying to kill millions of “dirty” people (gays, blacks, Jews, gypsies, etc).
Now you see it spews:
You criticize Conservatives for being Tin Foil Hats??
The market looks ahead.
When it was apparent Obama was going to win at the end of September, the DOW was at 11,143.
When he took office it was at 8426.
Where did you get 6500??
And you call others “tinfoil hats”??
@10 is an example of why it’s not a mistake to govern boldly, but it is a mistake to try to accommodate the fringe right afterwards, when they get bent out of shape.
You would think the WH would have learned this with bigger issues, like the economic stimulus.
@53 Facts. The Wall Street Journal.
6,500 was the market point a few weeks after Obama took office…before he made a single law, a single market reform, anything. Once Obama started acting, the market went up.
The market is foward looking. You obviously don’t get macro economics, but the market WAS looking forward at the economic damage FROM the Bush era, the home losses and Wall Street collapse, and how long a recovery would take and judging the market value from that perspective.
And if Obama is so anti-capitalist, and the market is forward looking, shouldn’t be be STILL going down? WTF! Why has it gone up from since he started making policy?
Republicans, anti-science, anti-reality, anti-common sense….proved again.
@19″Telling kids to stay in school and study hard is one thing. Asking for their help is waaaaaaaay over the line.”
George H. W. Bush, Oct 1, 1991 speech to school children at Alice Deal Junior High:
Write me a letter — and I’m serious about this one — write me a letter about ways you can help us achieve our goals. I think you know the address.
That woman ought to be sterilized.
Then mock his religion like you tried to do with me.
@58 I will! I MOCK Obama’s religion. Publicly. There. I mock ALL religions, they’re stupid silly superstitions, and embarrassing. Obama is just being a political kiss ass like all politicians. Just like McCain “becoming” a Baptist a year before he runs for President. Or Bush “finding Jesus” when he runs for Gov in Texas. Duh.
I’m of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (google it).
You know the difference between a DEVOUT believer in god and an atheist? A devout believer thinks 38 world religions are silly made up wrong headed superstitions, and one religion is true. And atheist thinks there are 39 silly wrong headed superstition based religions.
@58 THANKS for the link. Yes that sounds bad too. Does anyone have a link to the actual speech so I can see what was said then? WAS it a political commercial or also just a generic “stay in school” speech? If the later, the Democrats were wrong then! (see, not a party hack)
@58 I will! I MOCK Obama’s religion. Publicly. There. I mock ALL religions, they’re stupid silly superstitions, and embarrassing. Obama is just being a political kiss ass like all politicians. Just like McCain “becoming” a Baptist a year before he runs for President. Or Bush “finding Jesus” when he runs for Gov in Texas. Duh.
I’m of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (google it).
You know the difference between a DEVOUT believer in god and an atheist? A devout believer thinks 38 world religions are silly made up wrong headed superstitions, and one religion is true. And atheist thinks there are 39 silly wrong headed superstition based religions.
@58 THANKS for the link. Yes that sounds bad too. Does anyone have a link to the actual speech so I can see what was said then? WAS it a political commercial or also just a generic “stay in school” speech? If the later, the Democrats were wrong then! (see, not a party hack).
Did George H.W. Bush REALLY say: ” write me a letter about ways you can help us achieve our goals. ” That would invalidate EVERYTHING the Republicans have said, especially on here today. If Bush asked students to “help him achieve our goals”….that’s “why over the line” at @56 said!!!
(odd, didn’t mean that to repeat)
Gotta get to work…just had the morning off.
Everyone keep arguing! It’s what makes America great! We’re the land of the Amish and Las Veags…it’s why we rule and Saudi Arabia sucks! Live how you want, reject music and bright clothes and build barns all day, or gamble and whore around…freedom.
Don@56, doesn’t tell the whole story so Puddy will. Hmmm Don@56, were you too young to remember this?
“When Bush spoke to students, Democrats investigated, held hearings”
“With the Post article in hand, Democrats pounced. “The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students,” said Richard Gephardt, then the House Majority Leader. “And the president should be doing more about education than saying, ‘Lights, camera, action.’””
And now the libtardos are in a tizzy going apoplectic. Puddy knows where Dem skeletons are!!!!
My comment had nothing to do with investigations, it had everything to do with the previous poster’s comments that the President asking children to write him letters was over the top. My response was specifically related to the comment that I quoted, nothing more, nothing less. That you read something into my comments is not my problem, it is yours.
The investigation in 1991 did not deal with children writing letters to the President, it was a question of whether the expenditure of $26,000 of Department of Education funds was appropriate for what Democrats deemed a political stunt. Some Democrats were concerned that Bush was spending money on propaganda in advance of an election while cutting the Dept of Education budget. That’s how it works, Congress has constitutional oversight over the funds spent by the government. The GAO investigated, found no wrongdoing, case closed. If the Republicans want to investigate and make sure Obama spent government funds appropriately for this speech, I have no problem with that. But this right wing hysteria (as shown on tape of this crying woman) is just sheer stupidity.
No parents pulled their children from school, or thought that Bush was indoctrinating their children. That is my point!
Now that’s just plain sick and evil.
Back then people were much less informed.
How many people knew that fdr was in a wheelchair? Do you think a current president could get away with that? Look at the clinton sex thing, kenndy did the same thing with marilyn monroe with the addition of monroe “committing” suicide. Do you think a democrat could drive off a bridge, let someone die and get away with it. Today, regular people (like you and me) can google and watch any obama/bush speech on youtube anytime we want. We have access to newspapers.
Let’s review, 52: A pro-Bama Soros goon crossed the street to get literally in the face of an old man (about Rabbit’s age) peacefully protesting liberal fascism. The goon invaded a space where he didn’t belong. Twice in self-defense he got hit. Then he bit. The liberal goon was the aggressor. The old man was the victim.
Then Jill Richardson called the old man an asshole because, while protesting Obamacare, he’s old enough for Medicare.
* The old man was the victim of an attack from a fascist bully;
* Jill Richardson, who blames the victim, is a fascist bully and a prick;
* So is sarge;
* So are you.
Amazing how quickly you leftists start belching about Nazis. Must be your inner brownshirt coming out for a rinse cycle and a run.
Don Don Don,
Did the 1991 Education Department directive have the commentary of the 2009 Education Department?
Nope! And that’s the beef here and why the whitey house changed the document!
Via Dori, Sunday:
Obama sending a script for a lesson plan was way over the top. That, combined with asking for help, was the problem I had with Obama’s intended approach.
Fortunately, the White House admitted their error and corrected it.
Obama’s milquetoast speech probably put most kids to sleep!
Perhaps Kindergarten Teachers ought to replay the Obama speech right before nap time.
It was pretty ridiculous.