Hmm. And all this time I thought people like Zell Miller were angrily opposed to abortion because they thought it was morally wrong.
“How could this great land of plenty produce too few people in the last 30 years?” Miller asked. “Here is the brutal truth that no one dares to mention: We’re too few because too many of our babies have been killed.”
Miller claimed that 45 million babies have been ‘killed’ since the Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade in 1973.
“If those 45 million children had lived, today they would be defending our country, they would be filling our jobs, they would be paying into Social Security,” he asserted.
Zell Miller is a Democrat. Republicans who oppose abortion do so because they feel it is morally wrong.
You know, I thought that the notion of people existing to serve the state collapsed with the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union.
And now I find it’s a central tenet of conservatism. Huh. I learn something new every day.
Democrats and there hypocrisy on Iraq.;search=
Zell Miller: Acting Batshit Insane So You Don’t Have To!
Zell Miller is a Democrat In Name Only
Someone please swat that mosquito @3. Its buzzing is annoying.
@5 He’s not even that. Miller is a Republican infringing our trademark.
They’d have no homes, no jobs, no health insurance, no financial security.
They’d be forced to scramble for a Republican “Providers” buck.
Maybe Miller should contemplate the fact that their parent felt that their lives would not be worth living in this benighted land of prejudice and ignorance.
re 2: You need intelligence and the ability to think for yourself to come up with that statement.
What the hell you doing in America?
And, if a frog had wings………..
Thanks for the compliment. I just got called a right-wing troll on the comments over at the latest viaduct post. I like thinking for myself and I have a contrarian streak. Good traits, IMHO.
300 million is too few? I guess Zell isn’t into trees or farms or any surface not covered in concrete.
There’s long been a nasty, elitist aspect of (the mostly male) stance against a woman’s right to choose. Prior to legalization of abortion, rich women would go abroad for the procedure, and well-connected middle-class women could get safe, illegal abortions. It was poor women whose bodies and lives had to bear the cost of the luxurious anti-choice “morality” enjoyed by the leaders of society. Legalization of abortion really meant nothing more than poor women could now have abortions, and that the class-ridden hypocrisy was gone.
“Republicans who oppose abortion do so because they feel it is morally wrong.”
That’s just too sick even to qualify as a failed joke. Newt Gingrich just admitted to having an extra-marital affair, with a paid employee of the Congress he supervised, all the while screaming about Clinton’s “immorality”. Then-Rep. Henry Hyde, longtime windbag against freedom, who loved harrassing young women about their choices, destroyed another man’s marriage via callous adultery with the fellow’s wife. Neither the very Catholic Hyde nor his married honey ever revealed why their affair produced no children. (He claimed that his time screwing her did not overlap with his time as an anti-choice Member of Congress, but the wronged husband called Hyde a liar.) Strangely, while opponents of choice claim that medical privacy does not apply to abortion, they never reveal their own medical histories on this point.
Please pardon my lengthy post; I’m coming down off of a chocolate high!
Ha, check this out . . . a place to bitch and moan about your co-workers. I can’t stand the people who take the elevator ONE FLOOR when they are totally physically able to walk it!
Umm….Zell, what jobs and what Social Security? We are already spreading too few jobs out by hiring a lot of part-time workers. Of course the benefit of that is that the employers don’t have to pay benefits, and the workers rack up much less in Social Security.
Zell Miller?? Ohhhh, Daddy loved that speech he made at some convention sometime! “As long as Zell is around, I’m not the stupidest piece of batshit on the ranch!,” Daddy says.
Clueless@14: Yes, Clueless, you would know who is in your Deliverance family. Yo daddy was the one without the teefs right? Your uncle was the one who made Ned Beatty squeal like a pig right?
Zell must be spending too much time with John (more white babies!) Gibson.