The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11.
Over the past month, public opinion of the town hall protesters improved. Most voters believe that the primary purpose of the town hall meetings should be for Members of Congress to listen rather than speak. Sixty percent (60%) of voters believe tax hikes are bad for the economy.
I told you KLOWNS years ago that when 49.3% of the VOTERS feel overtaxed…a COnservative Revolution will follow.
Get ready!
“a COnservative Revolution will follow.
Get ready!”
Sure thing, Mr. Klynical.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Check this out–
A whopping 2 Dozen Lunatic Progressive Congressfolks gave Obama a shout-out!!
I’ll bet Obama is quivering…from laughter.
These Socialist Loons have nowhere to go!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
From Zogby September 1:
President Barack Obama’s job approval rating is down to 42%, with a decline in approval from Democrats the leading factor.
The latest Zogby Interactive poll of 4,518 likely voters conducted from August 28-31 found 48% disapprove and 42% approve of the job Obama is doing. The poll found 75% of Democrats approve of Obama’s performance, a drop of 13 points among Democrats from an interactive poll done July 21-24 of this year. That same poll found 48% of all likely voters approving of Obama’s job performance, and 49% disapproving.
I guess Zogby & Rasmussen are way off…but the DailyKos is right on??
You KLOWNS are in denial.
@4 “I guess Zogby & Rasmussen are way off”
Well, I’ll be damned if you didn’t finally get one right, Mr. Klynical.
The topic of discussion at is usually always or eventually gets around to:
Soo… It’s all over the media that there are 2,000 cases of the swine flu at WSU. But, as of yesterday the New England Journal of Medicine put the number at 7 confirmed cases and 158 suspected cases and the CDC has been reporting 500-800 new cases of H1N1 a week for the entire country.
They’re over taxed because they’re paying off the credit card bill rung up by conservatives.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Cynical saw it. Barbara Lee is sweeeeeeeeeeet!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
A clinic on “astro-turfing” for the libtards that can’t distinguish the difference between genuine and manufactured (quite literally) outrage.
Note the signs? Real honest Americans protesting the government option take over of their healthcare decisions make their own signs, phony astro-turfers arrive on a union arranged bus and due to their lack of intelligence in making their own signs, they’re handed a professionally manufactured one provided by said union. Any questions?
Yeah, ESO, when they arrive to the protess in theis insurance company shirts, there is no manufacturing involved.
When they are fed straight out lies (death panels) its also real.
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. YLB spews:
The topic of discussion at is usually always or eventually gets around to:
That’s only because there’s not much good to say about the democrats.
Change, hope. That’s about it.
Back to bashing the right wing.
The good goes without saying.
We bash bad right wing behavior to remind our selves to avoid becoming complacent.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. YLB spews:
The good goes without saying.
That’s kind of sad.
So you don’t talk about anything good, only bad?
Are you depressed? Maybe it’s time to change your meds.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Only 60% dislike tax hikes? That sounds like a 40% decline from the normal polls showing 100% of taxpayers dislike taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Look at the bright side, righties. With your last president’s approval rating at 20% and your last vice president’s rating in single digits and your party’s popularity about 10 percentage points below cigarette smoke, you’ve probably bottomed, because it’s hard to see how things could get worse for you.
Then again, I’ve occasionally thought that way about stocks that kept going down all the way into bankruptcy and liquidation.
So what would the right say if NBC refused to air a Bush speech?
Please don’t challenge our trolls with facts. As you know, facts have a liberal bias.
14 – You must have been kind of sad…
After Obama won last November..
So sad after all the silly things you said about the Dems having “blown their lead”.. So sad the Ayers thing didn’t pan out.. So sad the Wright thing didn’t pan out.. So sad all the piles of bullshit ladled out by Sean Inanity and the rest of the Faux News crowd didn’t pan out…
so sad.. so sad..
Heterosexuals continue to kill, rape, and pillage. You Neanderthals think you have all the answers, how about acting like civilized human beings, you pig fucks.
Perhaps one of our trolls can explain to me how this demonstrates the incompetance of the Obama Administration:
“The huge government bailout could have cost taxpayers $700 billion. Now it looks like it might break even”
“The Troubled Asset Repurchase Program, the controversial $700 billion package passed in the heat of last fall’s presidential election campaign, wasn’t presented as a bailout of a failed system.”
Golly K, it was passed in October 2008. Puddy remembered all the HA Libtardo fools who claimed TARP needs to be an added to the Bush’s last FY2009 budget? Remember the Don Joe and Another TJ argued claims “K”? Come on K, your Cornell educated mind must have something left in it. Or does the “K” stand for Keith?
Remember your cousin spongebob wondermoron was the most vocal, telling the world Bush and Paulson wrote the bill so it’s their problem?
“Uh… A certain Republican monkey of a treasury secretary lobbied for the bill and then a idiot Republican chimpanzee signed it. The buck stops with him does it not.
One monkey as I call him is for shoving dollars at dumbass bankers who screwed the pooch on their businesses.”
Golly what will spongebob wondermoron, Don Joe, Another TJ and other HA libtardos say now “K”?
Oh… they’ll go mute.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey K remember the All Barack Channel wouldn’t air this commercial during the last health care debate?
You see K, Puddy REMEMBERS!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey K,
If you searched further you would have seen your cousin spongebob wondermoron claimed your side voted for the TARP because
“The Dems couldn’t risk tanking the election.”
You and others didn’t refute this from spongebob wondermoron. He posts almost as often as Pelletizer, and yet Puddy couldn’t find anywhere on HA Libtardos where K ever refuted a postulation promoted by spongebob wondermoron.
“You and others didn’t refute this from spongebob wondermoron. He posts almost as often as Pelletizer, and yet Puddy couldn’t find anywhere on HA Libtardos where K ever refuted a postulation promoted by spongebob wondermoron.”
Totally fallacious argument, Pud.
For example, chances are few if anyone will respond to your comment @ 24. That doesn’t mean they agree with you.
There are numerous alternatives for a lack of response to any particular comment:
1. Uninterested
2. Didn’t read (on vacation, offline, etc.)
3. Don’t comprehend the point
4. Disagree but unwilling to say so
5. Disagree but have to time to comment
10. Still collecting information about topic
11. Too angry to write about it
…and so on.
Generally, in honest intellectual discourse, lack of participation by potential parties is taken as no evidence either way.
(Note: I am not commenting on the point you make in 24. I fall into category 1: completely uninterested in the topic. My point is about your egregiously fallacious argument.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Haditha Murderer Gets 5 Life Sentences
Steven Dale Green, 24, the principal perpetrator of the Al-Mahmudiyah (Iraq) atrocity, received 5 consecutive life sentences from a federal judge yesterday, after a jury was unable to agree on imposing the death penalty. Barring a successful appeal or presidential pardon, Green will spend the rest of his life in prison. Three other individuals convicted in the case are serving lesser sentences in military prisons.
This case is notable because soldiers who commit atrocities often receive little or no punishment. Our government pays much lip service to human rights, but too often has looked the other way when our troops committed crimes against foreigners in their own countries. The William Calley case is a notable example of this.
Green’s crime was especially horrific — he raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, then blew her brains out at point-blank range, and murdered her entire family. He is a psychopath who belongs in a cage, and he deserves the life sentence he’s now going to serve.
The Bush administration is partly responsible for this crime by lowering recruiting standards to allow people with criminal histories and other disqualifiers to join the military services. They put expediency above the need to enforce minimum moral and mental requirements for the people we arm and send into other people’s villages and homes. And that’s a moral wrong in and of itself.
24. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Hey K,
If you searched further you would have seen your cousin spongebob wondermoron claimed your side voted for the TARP because
“The Dems couldn’t risk tanking the election.”
You and others didn’t refute this from spongebob wondermoron. He posts almost as often as Pelletizer, and yet Puddy couldn’t find anywhere on HA Libtardos where K ever refuted a postulation promoted by spongebob wondermoron.
09/05/2009 at 8:24 am
What’s the moron bleating about now…I can’t figure it out. It’s allways something with this asshole anyway. Apparantly he’s got nothing better to do than to make a complete fool of himself in front of the 10-15 people who bother to read the comments. It gets pretty entertaining sometimes…
Go puddybitch GO…(and take the cyniklown with you!)
RUjax, you still trying to put your little sausage into fat chicks?
maybe you would have better luck with buttslammin’ danny savage
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s a flap over a decision by the Associated Press to publish a journalist’s photo of a Marine in Afghanistan who was wounded by enemy fire and died a few minutes after the photo was taken.
The photo is not gory as war photos go. It shows the Marine laying on the ground after being injured by a grenade blast. His trouser leg is torn open, and you can see some blood. However, this isn’t a photo of a dismembered, disemboweled, or charred body. The Marine is still alive in the photo.
During World War II, the press generally didn’t take or publish pictures of American casualties. Up until about the time of the First World War, even literature eschewed graphic descriptions of the horrors of war. Because of this, war was romanticized in a way that made it easier for armchair warmongers to ply their grisly and evil trade.
There were some exceptions. The Spanish painter Goya memorialized the brutality of the Peninsular War — Napoleon’s campaign of terror against Spain’s guerrilla resistance — in his sketches and paintings. In the American Civil War, Mathew Brady in his photographs and Stephen Crane in his novel “The Red Badge of Courage” realistically portrayed what war does to human beings. And the Great War poets — Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, and others — earned their reputations and a permanent niche in world literature by giving the world a realistic look at what war really is.
Jingoists and chest beaters have always hated those who portray war in its awful realism. They don’t want the gullible public to see the torn bodies and burnt flesh. They don’t want the homefront to know about the privations and hardships of ordinary soldiers’ lives, the terror of battle, the stench of explosives and rotting flesh, the ugliness of vultures and wild pigs eating soldier carrion.
The dead Marine’s family objected to the publication of the photo. That’s understandable. The notion that death should be a private matter appeals to our deepest emotions. No one wants their son or husband’s dead body to become an icon or poster, or to be used for any kind of political statement.
Yet, we have an overwhelming social need for the public to know about and understand the realities of war, so the citizenry will make responsible decisions about choosing their leaders and national decisions involving questions of war and peace. It’s hard to do that without the actual images of what war is. War must not remain an abstraction in the minds of those who hold the ultimate power of war or peace in their hands, which in our country is the electorate. What happens on battlefields is news, and should be reported factually and accurately. Realistic images are a necessary part of that reporting.
So, some sort of balance needs to be struck between the privacy rights of soldiers and their families, and the public’s right and need to know. In considering this issue, it should be remembered that soldiers are public servants, and people give up a considerable amount of personal privacy when they volunteer for public service. For example, if you work for government, all of your correspondence, notes, records, and e-mails are public records to which the public as a right to access. To what extent should a soldier’s wounds, or death, also be a public record? Should this depend on whether the soldier’s name is attached to the image? Is it acceptable to display an anonymous fallen body, but not one whose name is made known?
People will answer these questions differently, depending on who you talk to. There’s a head-in-the-sand group who will bristle at any realistic depiction of war, because they think it hinders the ability of our government to wage war, and they want the option of using war as an instrument of national goals or policy. There’s an equally vehement group who argue that few wars achieve their intended aims, that wars hardly ever solve the problems or issues for which they were fought, that war is not a legitimate policy tool, that war is an unmitigated evil and those who foment and promote it are also evil. These views are irreconcilable, and there is no middle ground between them on which everyone can agree.
So, this is one of those subjects on which we’ll probably have to agree to disagree. President Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, castigated the Associated Press for publishing the photo. My own view is that the AP is a private organization whose journalists are not required to, and should not, take orders from the government but rather should fulfill the journalism profession’s watchdog role and its duty to report factually and accurately. With heartfelt sympathy for the Marine’s family, I personally do not think this particular photo crossed a line. But then, I’m prejudiced, because I was a professional journalist before I became a lawyer, and I’m also a war veteran who believes we serve our past, present, and future soldiers better by replacing jingoism with realistic knowledge of what war really is.
Even Ed Beckel, a TOP Democrat Strategist is calling for Jones to resign NOW!!
Obama may have been a charasmatic candidate and opportunist…but he is no leader. No experience and zero skills.
Obama could not and still has not made the important shift from political BS to leadership.
He has failed America.
Now our troops are in jeopary in Afghanistan.
We need more troops and Obama sits there with his thumb up his ass. Now Dem Senators are telling him no!
What a friggin’ mess.
Watch more and more qualifies Military professionals get out of the Military because of zero respect for the Kommander-in-Chief.
Only the talented mr cyniklown can take real facts and twist them around so that they make about as much sense to the average person as say…an argument for shoving their own arm into a wood chipper.
Louisiana’s Republican Governor Bobby Jindal is receiving heavy criticism after local media revealed he has been using taxpayer money to make helicopter visits to churches in the state.
According to one Louisiana newspaper, the governor’s chopper-travel habits have cost the taxpayers over $180,000.
Here’s Bobby (The REAL Exorcist) Jindal taking Republican fiscal responsibility to an ENTIRELY new level. Well…at least it was to churches and not an Argentine girlfriend (uuhhhhh, aren’t the republicans AT WAR with Argentina? I get confused).
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. Roger Rabbit spews:
My own view is that the AP is a private organization whose journalists are not required to, and should not, take orders from the government but rather should fulfill the journalism profession’s watchdog role and its duty to report factually and accurately.
I agree, the press should not take orders from the government.
The family objected to the photo being published. The “press” should have respected their wishes.
Why didn’t the press give the family of a dead soldier the same respect they give to rich hollywood limousine liberals?
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. k spews:
Perhaps one of our trolls can explain to me how this demonstrates the incompetance of the Obama Administration:
“The huge government bailout could have cost taxpayers $700 billion. Now it looks like it might break even”
Wasn’t TARP a program under the bush administration.
So it looks like bush got this one right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “Wasn’t TARP a program under the bush administration.”
That’s not quite accurate. Bush committed $700 billion and Obama committed another $700 billion, so the blame (credit) is about equally distributed.
“So it looks like bush got this one right.”
I’m inclined to think so. Which is awkward, considering how unpopular TARP is with the lemmings of the Noisy Right. This creates quite a dilemma for them. I even saw one rightwinger assert that Bush’s $700 billion was a good decision, but Obama’s $700 billion was a bad decision. I guess the argument is that Obama threw bad money after good money, or something like that. To me, it simply proves the right is totally and nakedly partisan; that no thought goes into formulating their positions; that they’re incapable of any reasoning beyond “Republican good, Democrat bad.” Which is all the reason any thinking voter needs to dismiss them out of hand.
Remember Bush proposed a blank check bill which stalled in the Congress? Obama advocated for a modified program (and McCain too, remember the campaign suspension?) A Democratic Senate rewrote and passed it. The Obama administration has been implementing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
So democrat baron hill didn’t want to be videotaped because “films that are done end up on YouTube in a compromising position.”
And Pud, come on, man, even you should see the difference between not airing a paid commercial and not airing a Presidential Address. Of course the party you support is bought and paid for by corporate interests so maybe you don’t see the difference.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 (continued) It’s a popular misconception that the ’80s S & L disaster cost taxpayers $500 billion. That money was loaned, not gifted, and the government got all but about $100 billion of it back. TARP, likewise, probably will be about 80% repaid so the ultimate cost to taxpayers will probably be in the range of about $200 to $300 billion, which may be reduced by profits from taking a stock position in some of the banks and insurance companies that were bailed out by TARP.
Government ultimately controls, and is responsible for, the national currency. It’s appropriate for the government to intervene in the financial system to prevent its collapse. Whether it does so wisely is a separate question, which does not go to the issue of what the governmental responsibility is when the private sector melts down.
And it is a continuing question, because capitalism and free markets are not self-sustaining. They always, without exception, are self-destroying. Thus, in a capitalist system like ours, government has to intervene from time to time to keep the private banking system alive and private markets functioning. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in the repetitious banking collapses and financial panics between the Civil War and the First World War.
So, TARP really was a no-brainer. Even Bush didn’t have any trouble deciding this govermental intervention in the privately owned banking system was both necessary and appropriate. Too bad Bush had so much trouble understanding that the banking system, like car traffic, needs a cop; and that policing is necessarily a public, not private, job. We wouldn’t have needed TARP if he hadn’t been so stupid about that.
Marv- I have had the experience of being taped for TV news and I can tell you they do edit to make the point they intend, not to inform.
And don’t EVER repeat words they use, they will be taken out of context.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The most important rule of investing is to sell all your stocks if a Republican gets elected president.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The most important rule of being interviewed is the less you say, the less opportunity they have to distort what you said.
The trick is to decide on one simple point you want to make, then give the same answer to every question, making only slight changes to the wording. That way, they’ll have to let you make your point.
If you watch how professionals — i.e., politicians and celebrities — do it, you’ll notice they don’t answer the question that was asked, they answer the question they wanted the interviewer to ask, regardless of whether the interviewer asked it. For example, if the interviewer asks, “When did you know your chief of staff was embezzling from the city?,” you say, “You’re right, the new sewer project is going to provide great benefits for the residents of that neighborhood!”
Daddy Lovespews:
This just came to me. Republicans call Democrats racist. You see, we’re the party who nominated and elected a black man to be president, which proves it.
It’s got its own beauty, if you can just see it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. Daddy Love spews:
This just came to me. Republicans call Democrats racist. You see, we’re the party who nominated and elected a black man to be president, which proves it.
White liberal guilt.
Hell, even steve admits the democrats have done nothing to help inner city blacks.
Daddy Lovespews:
31 Cyn
Van Jones is “proof of Obama’s far-left beliefs?’ How so? That’s almost certainly the most ridiculous in a long, long line of really ridiculous statements you have made here.
But aparently Jone’s big sin is that he signed onto a petition calling for an investigation into whether Bush administration officials “may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war,”
I have never seen any evidence at all that the administraiotn did such a thing. But I can easily imagine that sort of action from that gang of cheap hoods, cowards, torturers, and chiselers.
Daddy Lovespews:
45 MS
You mean like passing the Voting Rigths Act, the Civil Rights Act, integrating the US Armed Forces, and banning discrimination from all federally-funded activities?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Marvin states:
Hell, even steve admits the democrats have done nothing to help inner city blacks.
Daddy lover retorts:
You mean like passing the Voting Rigths Act, the Civil Rights Act…
History shows that it was the Republican’s that assured the passage of the civil rights act of 1964. While racists like current Democrat party leader Robert Byrd (D- WV) voted against it.
Facts are inconvenient things to some.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ESO@48, Puddy been saying this for years. Revisionists such as Daddy Love, keep trying to change facts.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Totally fallacious argument, Pud.
WTF? Are you nuts? Seems so. When wrong bullshit is posted you and others need to call the lower life forms such as clusterfucked cinderblock and spongebob wondermoron on it. This HA Libtardo postulated many stupid things over the years and was recently named monomaniacal by another HA Libtardo. So when readers look at his crap it proves why he and others are considered left-wing whack-a-mole jobs.
Notice the freakshow spongebob wondermoron hasn’t posted anything since Puddy placed some of his past diarrhea on this thread.
So K, once again REFUTED!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
K actually wrote this…
Remember Bush proposed a blank check bill which stalled in the Congress? Obama advocated for a modified program (and McCain too, remember the campaign suspension?) A Democratic Senate rewrote and passed it. The Obama administration has been implementing.
It stalled in congress because the Republicans were upset on it. The Dummocrapts were pleased as punch. Also since your memory is faulty, The last weekend of September on Fox News Sunday John Effin Kerry told the world Senator Obama supported GWB’s push for a TARP bail-out as proposed by the administration.
Puddy placed all these facts on HA Libtardos. Contact your small-brained cousin spongebob wondermoron cuz he claims to have all the PuddyMissives. Remember K the commentary from spongebob wondermoron above. He called them chimps and monkeys.
“When wrong bullshit is posted you and others need to call the lower life forms such as clusterfucked cinderblock and spongebob wondermoron on it.”
Here is the rule.
RULE: If I don’t SPECIFICALLY take a position on someone’s comment (your comments, “clusterfucked cinderblock” [whoever the fuck that is], or spongebob wondermoron [I think I remember who that is], or ANYONE else) DO NOT ASSUME I EITHER ENDORSE OR REJECT THAT PERSON’S POSITION.
In fact, DON’T ASSUME I HAVE EVEN READ THE COMMENT (I don’t read the vast majority of comments here).
CONSEQUENCE OF RULE: If you claim that I endorse somebody’s statement because of the lack of a contrary response, you are wrong and YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Great Darryl, You set Puddy up perfectly. Puddy can live by that rule. Since clusterfucked cinderblock (rujax) continues to pester Puddy about some pastors comments, clusterfucked cinderblock can see the CONSEQUENCE OF RULE.
Puddy will remember this like Lee’s comment of just because one person does something doesn’t mean others condone it.
Thanks Darryl. Made Puddy’s day.
Get it clusterfucked cinderblock? No, you are tooooooooooooooooooo stupid to comprehend it.
Absolutely! An absence of comment on an issue is NOT an implicit acceptance. I fully support that for you and everyone else.
I agree that you have, at times, been unfairly accused of supporting something simply by absence of a comment against it. That’s wrong, in a way that transcends ideology. I’d happily support you against such charges.
It’s easy enough to ask someone to comment on an issue:
“Hey Darryl, you haven’t said anything—do you think it is right to bite off your opponent’s finger?”
To which I could respond, “Of course, I support that…what else did you think Obama meant by wanting “digital medical records?”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Watch soon for clusterfucked cinderblock to make another insipid comment on those pastors against Puddy.
He’s another of Pavlov’s Leetle Doggies.
God, Darryl, that pun was awful even for THIS place.
At XMas when I have taken permanent leave of disgusting conservative monoclusters like ESO, and am basking in SE Asian sun and diving amongst the colorful and friendly fish, you’ll still be swimming through Puddy’s pointless excrement where he thinks he’s ever so clever and amusing, and you’ll be still subject to Obviously Unemployed Marvin’s incessant drivel and Cynical’s Hyper capitalist rants.
So let me wish you early season’s greetings….and my profound sympathy. Try not to herniate yourself laughing at Puddy’s self-inflicted stupidity and 8th grade literacy.
Do you whine about all the democrats living off welfare?
Why the double standard?
No double standard for me asswipe. I know of NO democrats on welfare. I DO know a bunch of shrieking conservatives on welfare. People that are, not surprisingly, a lot brighter than you seem to be. They ARE strangely absent when the topic turns to Public Assistance. They also known as “hypocrites”.
Most them are on welfare for mental disabilities.
Like you, they are hopeless as candidates for rehabilitation. Not that you would understand that.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
X’ad farts
I know of NO democrats on welfare.
Wow, we see the crowd you hang with. Thanks for the “information”.
Puddy usually writes in 5th grade prose so fools like spongebob wondermoron and clusterfucked cinderblock can comprehend da facts.
Friday, September 04, 2009
I told you KLOWNS years ago that when 49.3% of the VOTERS feel overtaxed…a COnservative Revolution will follow.
Get ready!
“a COnservative Revolution will follow.
Get ready!”
Sure thing, Mr. Klynical.
Check this out–
A whopping 2 Dozen Lunatic Progressive Congressfolks gave Obama a shout-out!!
I’ll bet Obama is quivering…from laughter.
These Socialist Loons have nowhere to go!!
From Zogby September 1:
I guess Zogby & Rasmussen are way off…but the DailyKos is right on??
You KLOWNS are in denial.
@4 “I guess Zogby & Rasmussen are way off”
Well, I’ll be damned if you didn’t finally get one right, Mr. Klynical.
The topic of discussion at is usually always or eventually gets around to:
Soo… It’s all over the media that there are 2,000 cases of the swine flu at WSU. But, as of yesterday the New England Journal of Medicine put the number at 7 confirmed cases and 158 suspected cases and the CDC has been reporting 500-800 new cases of H1N1 a week for the entire country.
They’re over taxed because they’re paying off the credit card bill rung up by conservatives.
Cynical saw it. Barbara Lee is sweeeeeeeeeeet!
A clinic on “astro-turfing” for the libtards that can’t distinguish the difference between genuine and manufactured (quite literally) outrage.
Note the signs? Real honest Americans protesting the government
optiontake over of their healthcare decisions make their own signs, phony astro-turfers arrive on a union arranged bus and due to their lack of intelligence in making their own signs, they’re handed a professionally manufactured one provided by said union. Any questions?Yeah, ESO, when they arrive to the protess in theis insurance company shirts, there is no manufacturing involved.
When they are fed straight out lies (death panels) its also real.
That’s only because there’s not much good to say about the democrats.
Change, hope. That’s about it.
Back to bashing the right wing.
The good goes without saying.
We bash bad right wing behavior to remind our selves to avoid becoming complacent.
That’s kind of sad.
So you don’t talk about anything good, only bad?
Are you depressed? Maybe it’s time to change your meds.
@1 Only 60% dislike tax hikes? That sounds like a 40% decline from the normal polls showing 100% of taxpayers dislike taxes.
Look at the bright side, righties. With your last president’s approval rating at 20% and your last vice president’s rating in single digits and your party’s popularity about 10 percentage points below cigarette smoke, you’ve probably bottomed, because it’s hard to see how things could get worse for you.
Then again, I’ve occasionally thought that way about stocks that kept going down all the way into bankruptcy and liquidation.
So what would the right say if NBC refused to air a Bush speech?
Fox Unlikely to Air Obama’s Health Care Speech
Perhaps one of our trolls can explain to me how this demonstrates the incompetance of the Obama Administration:
“The huge government bailout could have cost taxpayers $700 billion. Now it looks like it might break even”
Please don’t challenge our trolls with facts. As you know, facts have a liberal bias.
14 – You must have been kind of sad…
After Obama won last November..
So sad after all the silly things you said about the Dems having “blown their lead”.. So sad the Ayers thing didn’t pan out.. So sad the Wright thing didn’t pan out.. So sad all the piles of bullshit ladled out by Sean Inanity and the rest of the Faux News crowd didn’t pan out…
so sad.. so sad..
Heterosexuals continue to kill, rape, and pillage. You Neanderthals think you have all the answers, how about acting like civilized human beings, you pig fucks.
K always the fool here on HA farted
“The Troubled Asset Repurchase Program, the controversial $700 billion package passed in the heat of last fall’s presidential election campaign, wasn’t presented as a bailout of a failed system.”
Golly K, it was passed in October 2008. Puddy remembered all the HA Libtardo fools who claimed TARP needs to be an added to the Bush’s last FY2009 budget? Remember the Don Joe and Another TJ argued claims “K”? Come on K, your Cornell educated mind must have something left in it. Or does the “K” stand for Keith?
Remember your cousin spongebob wondermoron was the most vocal, telling the world Bush and Paulson wrote the bill so it’s their problem?
“Uh… A certain Republican monkey of a treasury secretary lobbied for the bill and then a idiot Republican chimpanzee signed it. The buck stops with him does it not.
One monkey as I call him is for shoving dollars at dumbass bankers who screwed the pooch on their businesses.”
Golly what will spongebob wondermoron, Don Joe, Another TJ and other HA libtardos say now “K”?
Oh… they’ll go mute.
Hey K remember the All Barack Channel wouldn’t air this commercial during the last health care debate?
You see K, Puddy REMEMBERS!
Hey K,
If you searched further you would have seen your cousin spongebob wondermoron claimed your side voted for the TARP because
You and others didn’t refute this from spongebob wondermoron. He posts almost as often as Pelletizer, and yet Puddy couldn’t find anywhere on HA Libtardos where K ever refuted a postulation promoted by spongebob wondermoron.
Puddybud @ 24,
“You and others didn’t refute this from spongebob wondermoron. He posts almost as often as Pelletizer, and yet Puddy couldn’t find anywhere on HA Libtardos where K ever refuted a postulation promoted by spongebob wondermoron.”
Totally fallacious argument, Pud.
For example, chances are few if anyone will respond to your comment @ 24. That doesn’t mean they agree with you.
There are numerous alternatives for a lack of response to any particular comment:
1. Uninterested
2. Didn’t read (on vacation, offline, etc.)
3. Don’t comprehend the point
4. Disagree but unwilling to say so
5. Disagree but have to time to comment
10. Still collecting information about topic
11. Too angry to write about it
…and so on.
Generally, in honest intellectual discourse, lack of participation by potential parties is taken as no evidence either way.
(Note: I am not commenting on the point you make in 24. I fall into category 1: completely uninterested in the topic. My point is about your egregiously fallacious argument.)
Haditha Murderer Gets 5 Life Sentences
Steven Dale Green, 24, the principal perpetrator of the Al-Mahmudiyah (Iraq) atrocity, received 5 consecutive life sentences from a federal judge yesterday, after a jury was unable to agree on imposing the death penalty. Barring a successful appeal or presidential pardon, Green will spend the rest of his life in prison. Three other individuals convicted in the case are serving lesser sentences in military prisons.
This case is notable because soldiers who commit atrocities often receive little or no punishment. Our government pays much lip service to human rights, but too often has looked the other way when our troops committed crimes against foreigners in their own countries. The William Calley case is a notable example of this.
Green’s crime was especially horrific — he raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, then blew her brains out at point-blank range, and murdered her entire family. He is a psychopath who belongs in a cage, and he deserves the life sentence he’s now going to serve.
The Bush administration is partly responsible for this crime by lowering recruiting standards to allow people with criminal histories and other disqualifiers to join the military services. They put expediency above the need to enforce minimum moral and mental requirements for the people we arm and send into other people’s villages and homes. And that’s a moral wrong in and of itself.
What’s the moron bleating about now…I can’t figure it out. It’s allways something with this asshole anyway. Apparantly he’s got nothing better to do than to make a complete fool of himself in front of the 10-15 people who bother to read the comments. It gets pretty entertaining sometimes…
Go puddybitch GO…(and take the cyniklown with you!)
RUjax, you still trying to put your little sausage into fat chicks?
maybe you would have better luck with buttslammin’ danny savage
There’s a flap over a decision by the Associated Press to publish a journalist’s photo of a Marine in Afghanistan who was wounded by enemy fire and died a few minutes after the photo was taken.
The photo is not gory as war photos go. It shows the Marine laying on the ground after being injured by a grenade blast. His trouser leg is torn open, and you can see some blood. However, this isn’t a photo of a dismembered, disemboweled, or charred body. The Marine is still alive in the photo.
During World War II, the press generally didn’t take or publish pictures of American casualties. Up until about the time of the First World War, even literature eschewed graphic descriptions of the horrors of war. Because of this, war was romanticized in a way that made it easier for armchair warmongers to ply their grisly and evil trade.
There were some exceptions. The Spanish painter Goya memorialized the brutality of the Peninsular War — Napoleon’s campaign of terror against Spain’s guerrilla resistance — in his sketches and paintings. In the American Civil War, Mathew Brady in his photographs and Stephen Crane in his novel “The Red Badge of Courage” realistically portrayed what war does to human beings. And the Great War poets — Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, and others — earned their reputations and a permanent niche in world literature by giving the world a realistic look at what war really is.
Jingoists and chest beaters have always hated those who portray war in its awful realism. They don’t want the gullible public to see the torn bodies and burnt flesh. They don’t want the homefront to know about the privations and hardships of ordinary soldiers’ lives, the terror of battle, the stench of explosives and rotting flesh, the ugliness of vultures and wild pigs eating soldier carrion.
The dead Marine’s family objected to the publication of the photo. That’s understandable. The notion that death should be a private matter appeals to our deepest emotions. No one wants their son or husband’s dead body to become an icon or poster, or to be used for any kind of political statement.
Yet, we have an overwhelming social need for the public to know about and understand the realities of war, so the citizenry will make responsible decisions about choosing their leaders and national decisions involving questions of war and peace. It’s hard to do that without the actual images of what war is. War must not remain an abstraction in the minds of those who hold the ultimate power of war or peace in their hands, which in our country is the electorate. What happens on battlefields is news, and should be reported factually and accurately. Realistic images are a necessary part of that reporting.
So, some sort of balance needs to be struck between the privacy rights of soldiers and their families, and the public’s right and need to know. In considering this issue, it should be remembered that soldiers are public servants, and people give up a considerable amount of personal privacy when they volunteer for public service. For example, if you work for government, all of your correspondence, notes, records, and e-mails are public records to which the public as a right to access. To what extent should a soldier’s wounds, or death, also be a public record? Should this depend on whether the soldier’s name is attached to the image? Is it acceptable to display an anonymous fallen body, but not one whose name is made known?
People will answer these questions differently, depending on who you talk to. There’s a head-in-the-sand group who will bristle at any realistic depiction of war, because they think it hinders the ability of our government to wage war, and they want the option of using war as an instrument of national goals or policy. There’s an equally vehement group who argue that few wars achieve their intended aims, that wars hardly ever solve the problems or issues for which they were fought, that war is not a legitimate policy tool, that war is an unmitigated evil and those who foment and promote it are also evil. These views are irreconcilable, and there is no middle ground between them on which everyone can agree.
So, this is one of those subjects on which we’ll probably have to agree to disagree. President Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, castigated the Associated Press for publishing the photo. My own view is that the AP is a private organization whose journalists are not required to, and should not, take orders from the government but rather should fulfill the journalism profession’s watchdog role and its duty to report factually and accurately. With heartfelt sympathy for the Marine’s family, I personally do not think this particular photo crossed a line. But then, I’m prejudiced, because I was a professional journalist before I became a lawyer, and I’m also a war veteran who believes we serve our past, present, and future soldiers better by replacing jingoism with realistic knowledge of what war really is.
Van Jones is proof of Obama’s far-left beliefs.
Even Ed Beckel, a TOP Democrat Strategist is calling for Jones to resign NOW!!
Obama may have been a charasmatic candidate and opportunist…but he is no leader. No experience and zero skills.
Obama could not and still has not made the important shift from political BS to leadership.
He has failed America.
Now our troops are in jeopary in Afghanistan.
We need more troops and Obama sits there with his thumb up his ass. Now Dem Senators are telling him no!
What a friggin’ mess.
Watch more and more qualifies Military professionals get out of the Military because of zero respect for the Kommander-in-Chief.
Only the talented mr cyniklown can take real facts and twist them around so that they make about as much sense to the average person as say…an argument for shoving their own arm into a wood chipper.
Nice try. You may get there next time.
Oh…and turn that wood chipper off first.
Here’s Bobby (The REAL Exorcist) Jindal taking Republican fiscal responsibility to an ENTIRELY new level. Well…at least it was to churches and not an Argentine girlfriend (uuhhhhh, aren’t the republicans AT WAR with Argentina? I get confused).
I agree, the press should not take orders from the government.
The family objected to the photo being published. The “press” should have respected their wishes.
Why didn’t the press give the family of a dead soldier the same respect they give to rich hollywood limousine liberals?
Wasn’t TARP a program under the bush administration.
So it looks like bush got this one right.
@35 “Wasn’t TARP a program under the bush administration.”
That’s not quite accurate. Bush committed $700 billion and Obama committed another $700 billion, so the blame (credit) is about equally distributed.
“So it looks like bush got this one right.”
I’m inclined to think so. Which is awkward, considering how unpopular TARP is with the lemmings of the Noisy Right. This creates quite a dilemma for them. I even saw one rightwinger assert that Bush’s $700 billion was a good decision, but Obama’s $700 billion was a bad decision. I guess the argument is that Obama threw bad money after good money, or something like that. To me, it simply proves the right is totally and nakedly partisan; that no thought goes into formulating their positions; that they’re incapable of any reasoning beyond “Republican good, Democrat bad.” Which is all the reason any thinking voter needs to dismiss them out of hand.
Remember Bush proposed a blank check bill which stalled in the Congress? Obama advocated for a modified program (and McCain too, remember the campaign suspension?) A Democratic Senate rewrote and passed it. The Obama administration has been implementing.
So democrat baron hill didn’t want to be videotaped because “films that are done end up on YouTube in a compromising position.”
The video has made youtube.
He was right.
The video made him look bad.
And Pud, come on, man, even you should see the difference between not airing a paid commercial and not airing a Presidential Address. Of course the party you support is bought and paid for by corporate interests so maybe you don’t see the difference.
@35 (continued) It’s a popular misconception that the ’80s S & L disaster cost taxpayers $500 billion. That money was loaned, not gifted, and the government got all but about $100 billion of it back. TARP, likewise, probably will be about 80% repaid so the ultimate cost to taxpayers will probably be in the range of about $200 to $300 billion, which may be reduced by profits from taking a stock position in some of the banks and insurance companies that were bailed out by TARP.
Government ultimately controls, and is responsible for, the national currency. It’s appropriate for the government to intervene in the financial system to prevent its collapse. Whether it does so wisely is a separate question, which does not go to the issue of what the governmental responsibility is when the private sector melts down.
And it is a continuing question, because capitalism and free markets are not self-sustaining. They always, without exception, are self-destroying. Thus, in a capitalist system like ours, government has to intervene from time to time to keep the private banking system alive and private markets functioning. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in the repetitious banking collapses and financial panics between the Civil War and the First World War.
So, TARP really was a no-brainer. Even Bush didn’t have any trouble deciding this govermental intervention in the privately owned banking system was both necessary and appropriate. Too bad Bush had so much trouble understanding that the banking system, like car traffic, needs a cop; and that policing is necessarily a public, not private, job. We wouldn’t have needed TARP if he hadn’t been so stupid about that.
Marv- I have had the experience of being taped for TV news and I can tell you they do edit to make the point they intend, not to inform.
And don’t EVER repeat words they use, they will be taken out of context.
The most important rule of investing is to sell all your stocks if a Republican gets elected president.
The most important rule of being interviewed is the less you say, the less opportunity they have to distort what you said.
The trick is to decide on one simple point you want to make, then give the same answer to every question, making only slight changes to the wording. That way, they’ll have to let you make your point.
If you watch how professionals — i.e., politicians and celebrities — do it, you’ll notice they don’t answer the question that was asked, they answer the question they wanted the interviewer to ask, regardless of whether the interviewer asked it. For example, if the interviewer asks, “When did you know your chief of staff was embezzling from the city?,” you say, “You’re right, the new sewer project is going to provide great benefits for the residents of that neighborhood!”
This just came to me. Republicans call Democrats racist. You see, we’re the party who nominated and elected a black man to be president, which proves it.
It’s got its own beauty, if you can just see it.
White liberal guilt.
Hell, even steve admits the democrats have done nothing to help inner city blacks.
31 Cyn
Van Jones is “proof of Obama’s far-left beliefs?’ How so? That’s almost certainly the most ridiculous in a long, long line of really ridiculous statements you have made here.
But aparently Jone’s big sin is that he signed onto a petition calling for an investigation into whether Bush administration officials “may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war,”
I have never seen any evidence at all that the administraiotn did such a thing. But I can easily imagine that sort of action from that gang of cheap hoods, cowards, torturers, and chiselers.
45 MS
You mean like passing the Voting Rigths Act, the Civil Rights Act, integrating the US Armed Forces, and banning discrimination from all federally-funded activities?
History shows that it was the Republican’s that assured the passage of the civil rights act of 1964. While racists like current Democrat party leader Robert Byrd (D- WV) voted against it.
Facts are inconvenient things to some.
ESO@48, Puddy been saying this for years. Revisionists such as Daddy Love, keep trying to change facts.
WTF? Are you nuts? Seems so. When wrong bullshit is posted you and others need to call the lower life forms such as clusterfucked cinderblock and spongebob wondermoron on it. This HA Libtardo postulated many stupid things over the years and was recently named monomaniacal by another HA Libtardo. So when readers look at his crap it proves why he and others are considered left-wing whack-a-mole jobs.
Notice the freakshow spongebob wondermoron hasn’t posted anything since Puddy placed some of his past diarrhea on this thread.
So K, once again REFUTED!
K actually wrote this…
It stalled in congress because the Republicans were upset on it. The Dummocrapts were pleased as punch. Also since your memory is faulty, The last weekend of September on Fox News Sunday John Effin Kerry told the world Senator Obama supported GWB’s push for a TARP bail-out as proposed by the administration.
Puddy placed all these facts on HA Libtardos. Contact your small-brained cousin spongebob wondermoron cuz he claims to have all the PuddyMissives. Remember K the commentary from spongebob wondermoron above. He called them chimps and monkeys.
Puddybud @ 50,
“When wrong bullshit is posted you and others need to call the lower life forms such as clusterfucked cinderblock and spongebob wondermoron on it.”
Here is the rule.
RULE: If I don’t SPECIFICALLY take a position on someone’s comment (your comments, “clusterfucked cinderblock” [whoever the fuck that is], or spongebob wondermoron [I think I remember who that is], or ANYONE else) DO NOT ASSUME I EITHER ENDORSE OR REJECT THAT PERSON’S POSITION.
In fact, DON’T ASSUME I HAVE EVEN READ THE COMMENT (I don’t read the vast majority of comments here).
CONSEQUENCE OF RULE: If you claim that I endorse somebody’s statement because of the lack of a contrary response, you are wrong and YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS.
Great Darryl, You set Puddy up perfectly. Puddy can live by that rule. Since clusterfucked cinderblock (rujax) continues to pester Puddy about some pastors comments, clusterfucked cinderblock can see the CONSEQUENCE OF RULE.
Puddy will remember this like Lee’s comment of just because one person does something doesn’t mean others condone it.
Thanks Darryl. Made Puddy’s day.
Get it clusterfucked cinderblock? No, you are tooooooooooooooooooo stupid to comprehend it.
Puddybud @ 53,
Absolutely! An absence of comment on an issue is NOT an implicit acceptance. I fully support that for you and everyone else.
I agree that you have, at times, been unfairly accused of supporting something simply by absence of a comment against it. That’s wrong, in a way that transcends ideology. I’d happily support you against such charges.
It’s easy enough to ask someone to comment on an issue:
“Hey Darryl, you haven’t said anything—do you think it is right to bite off your opponent’s finger?”
To which I could respond, “Of course, I support that…what else did you think Obama meant by wanting “digital medical records?”
Watch soon for clusterfucked cinderblock to make another insipid comment on those pastors against Puddy.
He’s another of Pavlov’s Leetle Doggies.
God, Darryl, that pun was awful even for THIS place.
At XMas when I have taken permanent leave of disgusting conservative monoclusters like ESO, and am basking in SE Asian sun and diving amongst the colorful and friendly fish, you’ll still be swimming through Puddy’s pointless excrement where he thinks he’s ever so clever and amusing, and you’ll be still subject to Obviously Unemployed Marvin’s incessant drivel and Cynical’s Hyper capitalist rants.
So let me wish you early season’s greetings….and my profound sympathy. Try not to herniate yourself laughing at Puddy’s self-inflicted stupidity and 8th grade literacy.
Why does my living off welfare bother you?
Do you whine about all the democrats living off welfare?
Why the double standard?
No double standard for me asswipe. I know of NO democrats on welfare. I DO know a bunch of shrieking conservatives on welfare. People that are, not surprisingly, a lot brighter than you seem to be. They ARE strangely absent when the topic turns to Public Assistance. They also known as “hypocrites”.
Most them are on welfare for mental disabilities.
Like you, they are hopeless as candidates for rehabilitation. Not that you would understand that.
X’ad farts
Wow, we see the crowd you hang with. Thanks for the “information”.
Puddy usually writes in 5th grade prose so fools like spongebob wondermoron and clusterfucked cinderblock can comprehend da facts.
Test test