you motherfuckers….when the fucking goddam liberals want to protest its patriotic, but when tea partiers or health care people do it its mobs. you are all tools of rahm emanuel .go fuckyourself
Dead Fish Rahmspews:
Right on, #2. Damn straight. That’s exactly how they play the game.
Meanwhile, the countdown continues: When is Goldy Mombasa Goldstein gonna give it up? We want your birth certificate — the real deal, not the tissue of toilet tissue we’e seen so far — and we want it now.
(And speaking of ‘We want it … NOW’ via Jim Morrison, Morrison’s death certificate is way flaky. You guys need to find better wetback document designers.)
# 1: That reminds me of the so-called “spontanious outporing of outraged citizens” storming the vote counting offices in 2000 in Florida, bringing a halt to the re-counts so that Katherine Harris could then certify the election as a victory for George Bush even though the re-count hand’t been completed. Turns out that photos of the leading “outraged citizens” were employees of the Republican Party, who were all bused there for the event.
Goldy, in your opinion, were the WTO protests a mob? And were the anti-Iraq war marches a mob?
@4: Yeah, check out the link. Rachel M. takes some video from Florida in 2000 and names each person and which Republican congressional office they worked for at the time.
Democrats for Dummiesspews:
Oh, please. The recount wasn’t completed because Gore thought he could win by calling his shots and cherrypicking his precincts. The recount wasn’t intended to be ‘complete.’
Democrats for Dummiesspews:
Rachel M = Rachel MadCow? (thanx 2 F. Lee Levin … and please alert manoftruth to the Semitic provenance of ‘Levin’)
The right is quick to point to George Soros as though he were the sole underwriter of all progressive causes, but it seems to me that no one can beat the right itself in the faux populism department.
I don’t give a rat’s ass if the protesters are real citizens or bused in political operatives.
Bottom line: America has throughly rejected Reagan Republicanism. Period.
These people, birthers, teabaggers, anti-health care mobs, only serve to demonstrate to moderate Republicans and independents that the GOP has NO ideas, No moral compass, No plans, and No sound alternative solutions.
This seedy tactic worked in the past, i.e. the 2000 elections, but it only gives reason to those who want progress again why they need not vote Republican.
I say, keep them on the evening news front and center, the majority of the electorate and mainstream Americans reject them.
Republicans will pay at the polls — again — in 2010.
Maybe, just maybe, they’ll get it and move far to the left for the 2012 elections to try and save their party.
If not . . . Republicans will go the way of the 8-track.
headless lucyspews:
re 1 & 2: Would it be OK with you if we shut up about their protesting and stuck their silly asses in ‘free-speech zones’ about 2 mi. from the meetings?
And YOU’RE talking about OUR hypocrisy. Shame on you.
I think it would be cool to bring colored nerf ball to these townhalls and every Democrat pelt these shrieking morons as they disrupt. It would be very visual and TV worthy.
I can only pray that I am at one of these things and one of these hodads decides he wants to fight. I would do my absolute best to take them down.
4 – LOL! I remember that well – the “Dockers” Rebellion.
Democrats for Dummiesspews:
Give us a break, GBS. We’re tryng to find our way in the wilderness.
Help us by separating in your prose the rancid birthers from the Godly teabaggers, patriots every one.
And please, please: Republicans don’t do “mobs.” We do the First Amendment. Crypto-commie Democrats do mobs. Just as #2 said while going #2.
headless lucyspews:
re 10: ‘Moderate’ (i.e., manipulative) Republicans have been courting these psychological horrors they call their ‘base’ for at least 2 generations. They are not going to drop them now. They’ll just keep unleashing these crazies until we put a stop to it.
Do you think they tolerate this sort of crap in modern Germany? No. They don’t. They’ve learned what you get coddling these vicious retards — like Troll.
Democrats for Dummiesspews:
PS to GBS: Will refute your spaz assertions about the death of the Reagan Revolution. Stay tuned.
Headlice Lucy is a Vuscious Retardspews:
until we put a stop to it. … coddling these vuscious retards …
So what final solutiion do you liberal fascists have in mind?
@10 “Bottom line: America has throughly rejected Reagan Republicanism. Period.”
Not just the public–reality has rejected Reaganism/neoconservatism/whatever you want to call it. It failed, miserably and spectacularly.
@7 Boy, someone’s been taking some really potent drugs.
The Dockers Rebellionspews:
YLB thought they said the Slackers Rebellion, so he got off the couch at noon, changed to a less smelly set of PJs, flew to Florida and joined in.
How’s the job search goin’, bro? Better slow down. You’ve been working too hard at not working. Don’t want to get a repetitive rest injury.
The Dockers Rebellionspews:
Fucking false, Art. As usual. But we admire your unerring consistency of error.
The Dockers Rebellionspews:
Some really potency drugs, you mean, and you really need some.
Regarding that fitness club murderer, it looks like he had issues quite similar to Puddy, Marvin and Mr. Klynical. Hmm, I wonder if they’ll flip out soon?
If “Manoftruth” were in Germany, he’d have been thrown in jail by now.
We don’t do that to people here, for just burdening their neighbors with their hateful spew, and hopefully we never will.
Of course, unlike the Germans, we’ve not had our own haters hijack our government and murder six million people. Seems that the Germans are just a little sensitive about that.
Well, if we wanted to act like Republicans between 2001 and 2008:
We would schedule town-hall events with security officials instructed to escort out anyone who was pointed out by a party official.
We would watch the parking lot for cars with bumper stickers indicating opposition to our party’s politics, and bar them from entrance to the event.
We would bar anyone carrying a sign from the event, unless the sign was provided by us.
If anyone still happened to get withing speaking range of a microphone who hadn’t had their comments pre-approved in advance, we would shut off the sound to the microphone.
Party officials would be watching the door to exclude anyone who “looked like” they might not agree with the party line, and exclude them from the event – even if that accidently included those who agreed with the party line.
We would have police (paid off-duty officers) instruct anyone videotaping or recording a party politician speaking in a public place to leave the area, under threat of arrest.
If anyone objected to any of the above, we would place them under arrest until the event was over, at which point we would tell them charges had been dropped and they were free to go – thereby avoiding a trial which would show that such exclusion from a public event was illegal.
All of which the Republicans did on numerous occassions, reaching a crescendo in the 2008 election contests.
And the trolls here have the nerve to complain when all we do is point out that their “outraged crowds” are actually paid party operatives?
Anybody remember that during the first Gulf War, when the bombing of Iraq began the media would be bused in by the Iraqis to photograph bomb damage of “collateral damage”. At several stops the western media was accosted by this outraged Iraqi peasant woman, who happened to speak passable English, who cried and shouted about the horros being committed upon the Iraqi people by the American bombing of her “village”. But CNN put together a tape of several different sites, where the same woman showed up each time to claim that her sons/daughters/husband was killed by the bombing in that location – obviously she was planted by Saddam’s propoganda machine.
This Republican tactic reminds me a lot of that. I guess Cheney’s lessons are still practiced by the Republican Party: “…sometimes you have to go over to the ‘dark side’, if you will….”
headless lucyspews:
re 16: “coddling these vuscious retards …”
That’s not my misspelling. It’s yours.
I’m like the ‘Gatemouth’ as far as mistakes go.
You will never as long as you live get my Gatemouth reference. You know why? Because you are weak and stupid.
I think the wingers are busing MOT, Sinical, Puddy and Piper around to try to disrupt real people. Unlike Puddy,the majority of them actually DO speak English. Puddy’s just hebephrenic and can’t help it.
they could probably train him not to drool so much, but it IS entertaining.
Did anyone see Piper Scott’s post about how he was going to the “Americans for Prosperity”-funded RightOnline conference?
I just think you should all know about these non-political, real middle-class Americans who are in part behind the anti-life health care shoutdown being perpetrated by Republicans these days.
The director of Americans for Prosperity?
Director: Art Pope
Yes, Art Pope, the multi-millionaire who gave so much to the North Carolina Republican party that they named their headquarters building after him. You know, just like any other plain old middle-class American who really understands your problems.
Oh, and their National Chairman? David Koch, the 19th richest man in the world.
He and his brother run Koch Industries, the largest privately-held oil company in the US, and hey are among the most prolific funders of right-wing causes. Hey, just another typical middle-class American. He CARES about YOU.
Another Americans for Prosperity Foundation board member is Richard Fink, a Koch executive who serves as a director of the refining subsidiary. Fink helps control AFP’s purse strings. He is president of the Koch-affiliated Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, which gave AFP’s foundation $2.2 million from 2005-06, according to the Foundation Center.
These are just regular guys, the kind you could have a beer with, if you could afford to get into their clubs (which you can’t), and are white.
WOW!!! Piper really DOES blow goats. And rich ones at that! I thought it was just snark.
Daddy Lovespews:
30 x
Nope. Real goats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Awwww, pooooor pooooor baaaaby!!!! You lame-asses can’t even stage a protest without the Yellow Pages. Where would Republicans be without a Rent-A-Mob?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Oh please, you’re full of shit like all the other wingnut liars. The only way you racist pigs could “win” in 2000 was by kicking 70,000 law-abiding blacks off the Florida voter rolls under the fake pretense they were “felons.” Jeb and Katherine made Florida’s election look like Iran’s.
Daddy Lovespews:
It is SO fucking funny watching the Right fall all over themselves to be outraged about Bill Clinton going to NK to get those two Current TV reporters out of prison.
What’s funny is that we GOT them out. Success, as opposed to Bush-era “we fucked up and called it success.”
Gee, I kinda wonder what the Bush administration did for journalist Daniel Pearl? Oh, that’s right, nothing. I mean, it was too bad that he was beheaded and all, but to the Bushes, wasn’t he just a Jew? Not really worth angering Musharraf over.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Say, are you a new troll here? As the ex officio HA greeter, it’s my duty to inform you of the HA ad hoc posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, it’s our patriotic duty to verbally kick the living shit out of you America-hating fascist pigs.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. Flaky klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 The right is the best recruiting tool we liberals have.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Let’s all go to a Democratic congressman’s open house and beat up some of these protestors just for fun,* like the Republicans do to our demonstrators.
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke.
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Steve wrote
Regarding that fitness club murderer, it looks like he had issues quite similar to Puddy, Marvin and Mr. Klynical. Hmm, I wonder if they’ll flip out soon?
And you want to be Puddy’s BBF?
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Diddled Luvr? Tell us how GWB would have gotten Daniel Pearl out? Is the NK leader crazy or a crazy terrorist? Tell us.
A poor and worthless comparison
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
There goes Pelletizer again with revisionist history and slander.
If Al Gorebasm won his home state of Tennessee he’d be preznit and we’d all have large homes using approximately $1350 a month in electricity.
Always trust Pelletizer to screw up historical facts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Let’s not forget that Republicans also manhandled other people’s daughters.
(This photo was taken at a Republican National Convention, and if that had been MY daughter, I would’ve kicked that white-haired gent in the crotch so hard he’d still be picking his balls out of his teeth, I’m not joking.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 This isn’t even worth the effort of arguing about. You’re a fucking traitor to your own race.
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
X’ad – wow suffering from a form of schizophrenia characterized by foolish mannerisms and senseless laughter along with delusions and regressive behavior.
Did you think that up after your Koro disease diagnosis?
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
So Steve, you are just like Diane Schuler, drunk and on marijuana and driving?
192. Rujax! spews:
colsandersfavoritechicken STILL won’t answer any questions from Lee or Darryl…
….hmmmmm, won-der whyyyyyy?????…hmmmmm…
08/05/2009 at 7:32 pm
When’s the big black ass (His words, not mine!) gonna “man up”?
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Ahhhh Puddy sees Pelletizer at his finest.
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop black donkoinfanticide?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support Big Brothers and Sisters?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop killing each other?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support inner city after school projects.
Now tell us Pelletizer WTF does your dumb ass do for my people? Wait a minute… WTF does your dumb ass do for any body moron?
Notice Pelletizer can’t change Al Gorebasm losing Tennessee in 2000. What did they know about Ol Al?
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Once again rudeASS is the dumbest ASS on the block. And just think this fool worked in the insurance industry? Hmmm… cleaning toilets at insurance companies?
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
You see SeattleJew, Puddy has much fun here.
47. Puddybud is traveling TRAVELING spews:
Once again rudeASS is the dumbest ASS on the block. And just think this fool worked in the insurance industry? Hmmm… cleaning toilets at insurance companies?
08/05/2009 at 7:42 pm
Gee, and all I said was the moron ought to answer the fucking questions.
48. Puddybud is traveling TRAVELING spews:
You see SeattleJew, Puddy has much fun here.
08/05/2009 at 7:42 pm
Nahhhhhh…WE have the fun at his expense.
Real Manspews:
Seems like the only real man here is the guy named Puddy.
The rest of you limp-wristed freaks can kiss my ass. Wait, you’d like that, wouldn’t you.
What kind of “real man” has a handle like “puddy”??
Real Manspews:
Anybody here know this loser. Just read it on Associated Press:
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia — A former U.S. congressman was convicted Wednesday of taking bribes in a case in which agents found $90,000 in his freezer.
Former Rep. William Jefferson, a Democrat who had represented parts of New Orleans, was accused of accepting more than $400,000 in bribes and seeking millions more in exchange for brokering business deals in Africa. A federal jury convicted him on 11 of 16 counts, including bribery, racketeering and money laundering.
Jefferson was stoic as the verdict was read and had little to say afterward, deferring most questions to his lawyer. Asked how he was doing, he said, “I’m holding up.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “And please, please: Republicans don’t do “mobs.””
And please, please, you must be joking … who the fuck do you think you’re kidding? Certainly no sentient and literate organism, so you must think you’re talking to a bunch of bananas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “vuscious”
Cripes, these wingnut retards can’t spell common words even when you lay a cheat sheet in front of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 And Bush would have actually won if he had actually won Florida, which he didn’t. But hey, the GOP’s election-stealing tactics worked out OK in the end — a black guy is in the White House (you should be veryZ happy about that, puddlehead), Democrats have supermajorities in both houses of Congress, a Hispanic woman is about to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, and we’re finally going to get health care reform in this country. And good stocks are very very cheap, thanks to Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics economic policies!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 “If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop black donkoinfanticide?”
I’ll concede that you and your ilk haven’t attacked any African countries lately. Maybe because you can’t find Africa on a fucking map? At any rate, it appears that for the present, at least, you only want to kill Muslim women and children. I would guess that Latinos are next on your list. On the other hand, you and your ilk stood by and watched and did nothing while a tinpot thug slaughtered hundreds of thousands of black people in Darfur — why is that, puddlehead?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 If you think getting your ass kicked is fun, yes, you do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 I have a better idea: You can suck a rabbit dick! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. This is a toll call; all proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 Yup, a corrupt congressman is headed for jail. Which is where he belongs. If he was a Republican, Dick Armey would be trying to sweep it under the rug and Doc Hastings would be scheduling an ethics hearing for sometime in the 22nd century.
You see, that’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans. When Jefferson got caught with his pinkies in the freezer, the Democratic leadership stripped him of his committee assignments, which was all they could do because Republicans controlled Congress at the time. You see, Democrats don’t tolerate corruption or unethical behavior in their own ranks. Republicans, on the other hand, lie and cover up to protect their thieving buddies. All their efforts didn’t do them much go, though, because over a dozen GOP congressmen went to jail anyway.
Puddy, who likes to refer to himself in the third person says:
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop killing each other?
I did not know puddy was for gun control!
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support Big Brothers and Sisters?
As if Big Brothers and Sisters has some racial purpose….it is for all kids. Puddy must be for S-chip (going to support poor kids and their health) and for health care reform (so all kids will be covered).
Puddy must also support Planned parenthood – because they help teach parents how to bring up kids.
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support inner city after school projects.
Puddy must also support inner city schools and the funding for inner city schools….right?
And he must support equal acess to college and increased federal funding for college aid so that needy but qualified minorities can go to college.
since Puddy is also opposed to the deficit, he must support taxes on people making over 350K for health care and to balance the budget too….right?
What I see is a bunch of lame excuses and “support” for easy things but not the deep commitment for change and for making the government work better to help poor people.
Rabbit, you dumb fuck, if you were my neighbor I’d pee on your carrots.
artie, you’re right, in our country we havent killed 6 millions jews. what we’ve done is ride a tank over 90 women and children and the msm just shut their disgusting mouths.
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Pelletizer farts:
I’ll concede that you and your ilk haven’t attacked any African countries lately.
Dumb bunny moron, GWB gave more to Africa for AIDS than Bill Clinton. Even Bush hater Randall Robinson gave him props. Puddy wonders what is “the messiah” doing for AIDS in Africa?
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
I did not know puddy was for gun control!
There he goes again… His NutsRSoTight he’s tasting his prostate again.
NutsTooTight: Do guns kill people or do people kill people? It’s a simple question even clueless wondermoron and rudeASS can answer. It’s at the 5th grade level so headless can answer. How bout you?
As if Big Brothers and Sisters has some racial purpose….it is for all kids. Puddy must be for S-chip (going to support poor kids and their health) and for health care reform (so all kids will be covered).
Now everyone can see this mofo NutsTooTight has 24 hour libtardo disease. Puddy told SeattleJew yesterday he’s for SCHIP except for the $82,500 upper end which covers clueless wondermoron and Puddy doesn’t support a level that covers that fool. $82,500 are not poor peeps. So what does NutsTooTight do? He tries to make hay out of nuthin.
Puddy must also support inner city schools and the funding for inner city schools….right?
Wrong again NutsTooTight. Churches have inna city afta skool projects. What a atheistic non-church going fool this NutsTooTight is!
since Puddy is also opposed to the deficit, he must support taxes on people making over 350K for health care and to balance the budget too….right?
Personally Puddy likes the fair tax proposals. They remove many of the Dummocraptic tax controls for wasteful spending.
The rest of NutsTooTight post above is just drivel.
Real Manspews:
AARP means Armed And Really Pissed.
Get used to it pansyasses.
Politically Incorrectspews:
What’s the big deal? This kind of stuff is exactly what ACORN and other Neo-socialist groups do. If ACORN can act like assholes in public, so can other groups that don’t adhere to their agenda.
Daddy Lovespews:
30 Pud
Tell us how GWB would have gotten Daniel Pearl out?
By doing something instead of nothing.
Is the NK leader crazy or a crazy terrorist?
Neither. He’s just another hereditary head of state. Like Assad, soon-to-be Mubarak, the Saudis, the Kuwaitis, and so on. Not particularly unique.
Daddy Lovespews:
68 PI
This kind of stuff is exactly what ACORN and other Neo-socialist groups do.
If by “this kind of stuff” you mean busing in people from outside of a Congressional district to shout down Congressmen in their town halls, hanging Congresspeople in effigy, and even physically assaulting a Congressman, with all the while their actions being applauded and even tacitly endorsed by opposition Congressmen, then I believe that you are severely mistaken. Well, or a liar. While I don’t discount the abysmal ignorance of most Republicans, I have my own opinion.
Plus, you do not even seem to know what ACORN does, apparently.
@51 “limp-wristed freaks”
Oh my!! Marvin the Goatfucker will be soooo disappointed that he has to ignore your bigotry as he does Puddy’s and Mr. Klynical’s.
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Diddled Luvr, what would you suggested GWB do to get Daniel Pearl out of harms way?
Cum on spill it!
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Wow looks like the Dummocrapts in Congress are at the same “Do as I say, not as I do” act again. Gotta luv how the writer refers back to 2004 since the article makes Dummocrapts look weally weally bad.
Yep, they take power and then do their standard power plays.
LMFAO!! “Real Man” was outed as Mr. Klynical on the Superheroes thread!! No wonder he sucked Puddy off to get started with his new screen name! What a sick fuck he is.
Oh, and bye the bye, Puddy, as a white guy I can’t be your BBF. Sorry about that. But if you want to be my BBF I’ve got an opening and I’m accepting applications.
Daddy Lovespews:
Cn I just say, I can’t wait until we get to start killing grandparents! I mean, mine are already dead, but I just hope we all get to kill a couple of them.*
* Full disclosure: I am not a licensed end-of-life counselor.
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
Gotta love Fox News profits are up again. What is curious to Puddy is when GWB and his administration was in power Fox was doing steady business as was the upcoming Official Mouthpiece of “the messiah” and the Clinton News Network. The peeps watched other news and cable venues. Now that “the messiah” and his “disciples” are in power, people are running away from ultra-biased reporting and Fox is doing gang buster bidness. It gotta pizz off the HA Libtardos who keep calling it Faux like their favrit kook-aid sites. Money talks and HA BULLSHITTIUM stinks.
Wait for it… the stupid comment of November 2008 will appear shortly.
The Official Mouthpiece of “the messiah” is down in the ratings. The two official blowhards aren’t doing to well in their own ratings.
The old Clinton News Network is down in the ratings.
49. Rujax! spews:
47. Puddybud is traveling TRAVELING spews:
Once again rudeASS is the dumbest ASS on the block. And just think this fool worked in the insurance industry? Hmmm… cleaning toilets at insurance companies?
08/05/2009 at 7:42 pm
Gee, and all I said was the moron ought to answer the fucking questions.
08/05/2009 at 7:45 pm
Hey Dim Bulb…man up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
46. Puddybud is traveling TRAVELING spews:
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop black donkoinfanticide?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support Big Brothers and Sisters?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop killing each other?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support inner city after school projects.
Easy answer…
You’re not a democrat.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. headless lucy spews:
re 1 & 2: Would it be OK with you if we shut up about their protesting and stuck their silly asses in ‘free-speech zones’ about 2 mi. from the meetings?
Are you talking about what the democrats did at the DNC?
ACORN is a bunch of Neo-socialist assholes who use the same techniques you ascribe to the tea-baggers. The tea-baggers didn’t invent confrontational behavior. That sort of monkey business was the brainchild of “progressives” like Saul Alinsky.
Either you don’t know what you’re talking about, or you’re a liar.
actually, of all the retarded things that have been said on this blog, and i’ll include myself just to make it fair, daddy saying that acorn are not oragannized protesters takes the all time prize.
I love how these wingnuts sprinkle a little “Alinksy” every time folks on the left or right get a little uppity.
The Alinsky tactics were used to deal with and correct obvious social wrongs like blatant racism and egregious economic injustice.
These ignorant right wing tea baggers and birthers want to PRESERVE the ugly status quo and privileges of the greed fueled insurance executives.
The “Screamers” are PRO-ABORTION – abortion of the sick and ailing OUTSIDE THE WOMB! All so insurance executives can make millions in compensation and stock options and live high on the hog in mansions and fly private jets, etc.
Every time an insurance claim is denied for a seriously ill person – the tea bagger is supporting a death sentence for that person.
What a bunch of ugly, death-loving ghouls!
Blue Johnspews:
I found this fascinating. Compare and contrast. We are in a recession, but it’s not a depression…this bad. BECAUSE we set up a safety net and have economic regulations, that the conservatives seem hell bent on repealing.
Glenn Beck loses advertisers for calling our president a “racist”.
What’s interesting is that in many cases they’re not even real mobs, just Republican party operatives and lobbyists:
you motherfuckers….when the fucking goddam liberals want to protest its patriotic, but when tea partiers or health care people do it its mobs. you are all tools of rahm emanuel .go fuckyourself
Right on, #2. Damn straight. That’s exactly how they play the game.
Meanwhile, the countdown continues: When is Goldy Mombasa Goldstein gonna give it up? We want your birth certificate — the real deal, not the tissue of toilet tissue we’e seen so far — and we want it now.
(And speaking of ‘We want it … NOW’ via Jim Morrison, Morrison’s death certificate is way flaky. You guys need to find better wetback document designers.)
# 1: That reminds me of the so-called “spontanious outporing of outraged citizens” storming the vote counting offices in 2000 in Florida, bringing a halt to the re-counts so that Katherine Harris could then certify the election as a victory for George Bush even though the re-count hand’t been completed. Turns out that photos of the leading “outraged citizens” were employees of the Republican Party, who were all bused there for the event.
Goldy, in your opinion, were the WTO protests a mob? And were the anti-Iraq war marches a mob?
@4: Yeah, check out the link. Rachel M. takes some video from Florida in 2000 and names each person and which Republican congressional office they worked for at the time.
Oh, please. The recount wasn’t completed because Gore thought he could win by calling his shots and cherrypicking his precincts. The recount wasn’t intended to be ‘complete.’
Rachel M = Rachel MadCow? (thanx 2 F. Lee Levin … and please alert manoftruth to the Semitic provenance of ‘Levin’)
The right is quick to point to George Soros as though he were the sole underwriter of all progressive causes, but it seems to me that no one can beat the right itself in the faux populism department.
I don’t give a rat’s ass if the protesters are real citizens or bused in political operatives.
Bottom line: America has throughly rejected Reagan Republicanism. Period.
These people, birthers, teabaggers, anti-health care mobs, only serve to demonstrate to moderate Republicans and independents that the GOP has NO ideas, No moral compass, No plans, and No sound alternative solutions.
This seedy tactic worked in the past, i.e. the 2000 elections, but it only gives reason to those who want progress again why they need not vote Republican.
I say, keep them on the evening news front and center, the majority of the electorate and mainstream Americans reject them.
Republicans will pay at the polls — again — in 2010.
Maybe, just maybe, they’ll get it and move far to the left for the 2012 elections to try and save their party.
If not . . . Republicans will go the way of the 8-track.
re 1 & 2: Would it be OK with you if we shut up about their protesting and stuck their silly asses in ‘free-speech zones’ about 2 mi. from the meetings?
And YOU’RE talking about OUR hypocrisy. Shame on you.
I think it would be cool to bring colored nerf ball to these townhalls and every Democrat pelt these shrieking morons as they disrupt. It would be very visual and TV worthy.
I can only pray that I am at one of these things and one of these hodads decides he wants to fight. I would do my absolute best to take them down.
4 – LOL! I remember that well – the “Dockers” Rebellion.
Give us a break, GBS. We’re tryng to find our way in the wilderness.
Help us by separating in your prose the rancid birthers from the Godly teabaggers, patriots every one.
And please, please: Republicans don’t do “mobs.” We do the First Amendment. Crypto-commie Democrats do mobs. Just as #2 said while going #2.
re 10: ‘Moderate’ (i.e., manipulative) Republicans have been courting these psychological horrors they call their ‘base’ for at least 2 generations. They are not going to drop them now. They’ll just keep unleashing these crazies until we put a stop to it.
Do you think they tolerate this sort of crap in modern Germany? No. They don’t. They’ve learned what you get coddling these vicious retards — like Troll.
PS to GBS: Will refute your spaz assertions about the death of the Reagan Revolution. Stay tuned.
So what final solutiion do you liberal fascists have in mind?
@10 “Bottom line: America has throughly rejected Reagan Republicanism. Period.”
Not just the public–reality has rejected Reaganism/neoconservatism/whatever you want to call it. It failed, miserably and spectacularly.
@7 Boy, someone’s been taking some really potent drugs.
YLB thought they said the Slackers Rebellion, so he got off the couch at noon, changed to a less smelly set of PJs, flew to Florida and joined in.
How’s the job search goin’, bro? Better slow down. You’ve been working too hard at not working. Don’t want to get a repetitive rest injury.
Fucking false, Art. As usual. But we admire your unerring consistency of error.
Some really potency drugs, you mean, and you really need some.
Regarding that fitness club murderer, it looks like he had issues quite similar to Puddy, Marvin and Mr. Klynical. Hmm, I wonder if they’ll flip out soon?
If “Manoftruth” were in Germany, he’d have been thrown in jail by now.
We don’t do that to people here, for just burdening their neighbors with their hateful spew, and hopefully we never will.
Of course, unlike the Germans, we’ve not had our own haters hijack our government and murder six million people. Seems that the Germans are just a little sensitive about that.
Well, if we wanted to act like Republicans between 2001 and 2008:
We would schedule town-hall events with security officials instructed to escort out anyone who was pointed out by a party official.
We would watch the parking lot for cars with bumper stickers indicating opposition to our party’s politics, and bar them from entrance to the event.
We would bar anyone carrying a sign from the event, unless the sign was provided by us.
If anyone still happened to get withing speaking range of a microphone who hadn’t had their comments pre-approved in advance, we would shut off the sound to the microphone.
Party officials would be watching the door to exclude anyone who “looked like” they might not agree with the party line, and exclude them from the event – even if that accidently included those who agreed with the party line.
We would have police (paid off-duty officers) instruct anyone videotaping or recording a party politician speaking in a public place to leave the area, under threat of arrest.
If anyone objected to any of the above, we would place them under arrest until the event was over, at which point we would tell them charges had been dropped and they were free to go – thereby avoiding a trial which would show that such exclusion from a public event was illegal.
All of which the Republicans did on numerous occassions, reaching a crescendo in the 2008 election contests.
And the trolls here have the nerve to complain when all we do is point out that their “outraged crowds” are actually paid party operatives?
Anybody remember that during the first Gulf War, when the bombing of Iraq began the media would be bused in by the Iraqis to photograph bomb damage of “collateral damage”. At several stops the western media was accosted by this outraged Iraqi peasant woman, who happened to speak passable English, who cried and shouted about the horros being committed upon the Iraqi people by the American bombing of her “village”. But CNN put together a tape of several different sites, where the same woman showed up each time to claim that her sons/daughters/husband was killed by the bombing in that location – obviously she was planted by Saddam’s propoganda machine.
This Republican tactic reminds me a lot of that. I guess Cheney’s lessons are still practiced by the Republican Party: “…sometimes you have to go over to the ‘dark side’, if you will….”
re 16: “coddling these vuscious retards …”
That’s not my misspelling. It’s yours.
I’m like the ‘Gatemouth’ as far as mistakes go.
You will never as long as you live get my Gatemouth reference. You know why? Because you are weak and stupid.
I think the wingers are busing MOT, Sinical, Puddy and Piper around to try to disrupt real people. Unlike Puddy,the majority of them actually DO speak English. Puddy’s just hebephrenic and can’t help it.
they could probably train him not to drool so much, but it IS entertaining.
Check it out — the Gatemouth, that is.
Did anyone see Piper Scott’s post about how he was going to the “Americans for Prosperity”-funded RightOnline conference?
I just think you should all know about these non-political, real middle-class Americans who are in part behind the anti-life health care shoutdown being perpetrated by Republicans these days.
The director of Americans for Prosperity?
Director: Art Pope
Yes, Art Pope, the multi-millionaire who gave so much to the North Carolina Republican party that they named their headquarters building after him. You know, just like any other plain old middle-class American who really understands your problems.
Oh, and their National Chairman?
David Koch, the 19th richest man in the world.
He and his brother run Koch Industries, the largest privately-held oil company in the US, and hey are among the most prolific funders of right-wing causes. Hey, just another typical middle-class American. He CARES about YOU.
Another Americans for Prosperity Foundation board member is Richard Fink, a Koch executive who serves as a director of the refining subsidiary. Fink helps control AFP’s purse strings. He is president of the Koch-affiliated Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, which gave AFP’s foundation $2.2 million from 2005-06, according to the Foundation Center.
These are just regular guys, the kind you could have a beer with, if you could afford to get into their clubs (which you can’t), and are white.
WOW!!! Piper really DOES blow goats. And rich ones at that! I thought it was just snark.
30 x
Nope. Real goats.
@2 Awwww, pooooor pooooor baaaaby!!!! You lame-asses can’t even stage a protest without the Yellow Pages. Where would Republicans be without a Rent-A-Mob?
@7 Oh please, you’re full of shit like all the other wingnut liars. The only way you racist pigs could “win” in 2000 was by kicking 70,000 law-abiding blacks off the Florida voter rolls under the fake pretense they were “felons.” Jeb and Katherine made Florida’s election look like Iran’s.
It is SO fucking funny watching the Right fall all over themselves to be outraged about Bill Clinton going to NK to get those two Current TV reporters out of prison.
What’s funny is that we GOT them out. Success, as opposed to Bush-era “we fucked up and called it success.”
Gee, I kinda wonder what the Bush administration did for journalist Daniel Pearl? Oh, that’s right, nothing. I mean, it was too bad that he was beheaded and all, but to the Bushes, wasn’t he just a Jew? Not really worth angering Musharraf over.
@8 Say, are you a new troll here? As the ex officio HA greeter, it’s my duty to inform you of the HA ad hoc posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, it’s our patriotic duty to verbally kick the living shit out of you America-hating fascist pigs.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. Flaky klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
@9 The right is the best recruiting tool we liberals have.
@10 Let’s all go to a Democratic congressman’s open house and beat up some of these protestors just for fun,* like the Republicans do to our demonstrators.
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke.
Steve wrote
And you want to be Puddy’s BBF?
Diddled Luvr? Tell us how GWB would have gotten Daniel Pearl out? Is the NK leader crazy or a crazy terrorist? Tell us.
A poor and worthless comparison
There goes Pelletizer again with revisionist history and slander.
If Al Gorebasm won his home state of Tennessee he’d be preznit and we’d all have large homes using approximately $1350 a month in electricity.
Always trust Pelletizer to screw up historical facts.
@24 Let’s not forget that Republicans also manhandled other people’s daughters.
(This photo was taken at a Republican National Convention, and if that had been MY daughter, I would’ve kicked that white-haired gent in the crotch so hard he’d still be picking his balls out of his teeth, I’m not joking.)
@40 This isn’t even worth the effort of arguing about. You’re a fucking traitor to your own race.
X’ad – wow suffering from a form of schizophrenia characterized by foolish mannerisms and senseless laughter along with delusions and regressive behavior.
Did you think that up after your Koro disease diagnosis?
So Steve, you are just like Diane Schuler, drunk and on marijuana and driving?
When’s the big black ass (His words, not mine!) gonna “man up”?
Ahhhh Puddy sees Pelletizer at his finest.
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop black donkoinfanticide?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support Big Brothers and Sisters?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop killing each other?
If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy support inner city after school projects.
Now tell us Pelletizer WTF does your dumb ass do for my people? Wait a minute… WTF does your dumb ass do for any body moron?
Notice Pelletizer can’t change Al Gorebasm losing Tennessee in 2000. What did they know about Ol Al?
Once again rudeASS is the dumbest ASS on the block. And just think this fool worked in the insurance industry? Hmmm… cleaning toilets at insurance companies?
You see SeattleJew, Puddy has much fun here.
Gee, and all I said was the moron ought to answer the fucking questions.
Nahhhhhh…WE have the fun at his expense.
Seems like the only real man here is the guy named Puddy.
The rest of you limp-wristed freaks can kiss my ass. Wait, you’d like that, wouldn’t you.
What kind of “real man” has a handle like “puddy”??
Anybody here know this loser. Just read it on Associated Press:
@13 “And please, please: Republicans don’t do “mobs.””
And please, please, you must be joking … who the fuck do you think you’re kidding? Certainly no sentient and literate organism, so you must think you’re talking to a bunch of bananas.
@16 “vuscious”
Cripes, these wingnut retards can’t spell common words even when you lay a cheat sheet in front of them.
@40 And Bush would have actually won if he had actually won Florida, which he didn’t. But hey, the GOP’s election-stealing tactics worked out OK in the end — a black guy is in the White House (you should be veryZ happy about that, puddlehead), Democrats have supermajorities in both houses of Congress, a Hispanic woman is about to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, and we’re finally going to get health care reform in this country. And good stocks are very very cheap, thanks to Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics economic policies!
@46 “If Puddy is a traitor to his own race, why does Puddy want his people to stop black donkoinfanticide?”
I’ll concede that you and your ilk haven’t attacked any African countries lately. Maybe because you can’t find Africa on a fucking map? At any rate, it appears that for the present, at least, you only want to kill Muslim women and children. I would guess that Latinos are next on your list. On the other hand, you and your ilk stood by and watched and did nothing while a tinpot thug slaughtered hundreds of thousands of black people in Darfur — why is that, puddlehead?
@48 If you think getting your ass kicked is fun, yes, you do.
@51 I have a better idea: You can suck a rabbit dick! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. This is a toll call; all proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@53 Yup, a corrupt congressman is headed for jail. Which is where he belongs. If he was a Republican, Dick Armey would be trying to sweep it under the rug and Doc Hastings would be scheduling an ethics hearing for sometime in the 22nd century.
You see, that’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans. When Jefferson got caught with his pinkies in the freezer, the Democratic leadership stripped him of his committee assignments, which was all they could do because Republicans controlled Congress at the time. You see, Democrats don’t tolerate corruption or unethical behavior in their own ranks. Republicans, on the other hand, lie and cover up to protect their thieving buddies. All their efforts didn’t do them much go, though, because over a dozen GOP congressmen went to jail anyway.
Puddy, who likes to refer to himself in the third person says:
I did not know puddy was for gun control!
As if Big Brothers and Sisters has some racial purpose….it is for all kids. Puddy must be for S-chip (going to support poor kids and their health) and for health care reform (so all kids will be covered).
Puddy must also support Planned parenthood – because they help teach parents how to bring up kids.
Puddy must also support inner city schools and the funding for inner city schools….right?
And he must support equal acess to college and increased federal funding for college aid so that needy but qualified minorities can go to college.
since Puddy is also opposed to the deficit, he must support taxes on people making over 350K for health care and to balance the budget too….right?
What I see is a bunch of lame excuses and “support” for easy things but not the deep commitment for change and for making the government work better to help poor people.
Rabbit, you dumb fuck, if you were my neighbor I’d pee on your carrots.
artie, you’re right, in our country we havent killed 6 millions jews. what we’ve done is ride a tank over 90 women and children and the msm just shut their disgusting mouths.
Pelletizer farts:
Dumb bunny moron, GWB gave more to Africa for AIDS than Bill Clinton. Even Bush hater Randall Robinson gave him props. Puddy wonders what is “the messiah” doing for AIDS in Africa?
There he goes again… His NutsRSoTight he’s tasting his prostate again.
NutsTooTight: Do guns kill people or do people kill people? It’s a simple question even clueless wondermoron and rudeASS can answer. It’s at the 5th grade level so headless can answer. How bout you?
Now everyone can see this mofo NutsTooTight has 24 hour libtardo disease. Puddy told SeattleJew yesterday he’s for SCHIP except for the $82,500 upper end which covers clueless wondermoron and Puddy doesn’t support a level that covers that fool. $82,500 are not poor peeps. So what does NutsTooTight do? He tries to make hay out of nuthin.
Wrong again NutsTooTight. Churches have inna city afta skool projects. What a atheistic non-church going fool this NutsTooTight is!
Personally Puddy likes the fair tax proposals. They remove many of the Dummocraptic tax controls for wasteful spending.
The rest of NutsTooTight post above is just drivel.
AARP means Armed And Really Pissed.
Get used to it pansyasses.
What’s the big deal? This kind of stuff is exactly what ACORN and other Neo-socialist groups do. If ACORN can act like assholes in public, so can other groups that don’t adhere to their agenda.
30 Pud
By doing something instead of nothing.
Neither. He’s just another hereditary head of state. Like Assad, soon-to-be Mubarak, the Saudis, the Kuwaitis, and so on. Not particularly unique.
68 PI
If by “this kind of stuff” you mean busing in people from outside of a Congressional district to shout down Congressmen in their town halls, hanging Congresspeople in effigy, and even physically assaulting a Congressman, with all the while their actions being applauded and even tacitly endorsed by opposition Congressmen, then I believe that you are severely mistaken. Well, or a liar. While I don’t discount the abysmal ignorance of most Republicans, I have my own opinion.
Plus, you do not even seem to know what ACORN does, apparently.
@51 “limp-wristed freaks”
Oh my!! Marvin the Goatfucker will be soooo disappointed that he has to ignore your bigotry as he does Puddy’s and Mr. Klynical’s.
Diddled Luvr, what would you suggested GWB do to get Daniel Pearl out of harms way?
Cum on spill it!
Wow looks like the Dummocrapts in Congress are at the same “Do as I say, not as I do” act again. Gotta luv how the writer refers back to 2004 since the article makes Dummocrapts look weally weally bad.
Yep, they take power and then do their standard power plays.
LMFAO!! “Real Man” was outed as Mr. Klynical on the Superheroes thread!! No wonder he sucked Puddy off to get started with his new screen name! What a sick fuck he is.
Oh, and bye the bye, Puddy, as a white guy I can’t be your BBF. Sorry about that. But if you want to be my BBF I’ve got an opening and I’m accepting applications.
Cn I just say, I can’t wait until we get to start killing grandparents! I mean, mine are already dead, but I just hope we all get to kill a couple of them.*
* Full disclosure: I am not a licensed end-of-life counselor.
Gotta love Fox News profits are up again. What is curious to Puddy is when GWB and his administration was in power Fox was doing steady business as was the upcoming Official Mouthpiece of “the messiah” and the Clinton News Network. The peeps watched other news and cable venues. Now that “the messiah” and his “disciples” are in power, people are running away from ultra-biased reporting and Fox is doing gang buster bidness. It gotta pizz off the HA Libtardos who keep calling it Faux like their favrit kook-aid sites. Money talks and HA BULLSHITTIUM stinks.
Wait for it… the stupid comment of November 2008 will appear shortly.
The Official Mouthpiece of “the messiah” is down in the ratings. The two official blowhards aren’t doing to well in their own ratings.
The old Clinton News Network is down in the ratings.
Hey Dim Bulb…man up.
Easy answer…
You’re not a democrat.
Are you talking about what the democrats did at the DNC?
Thus, it seems, some in the city of Denver and DNCC seem to think the protesters ought be marginalized– a word usually anathema to Dems– and instead be kept to outlying portions of Denver…. out of sight of the old stadium where Obama will formally ‘accept’ the nomination, and away from conventioneers…. and away from the Capitol building (which is in downtown Denver) and away from the Convention building. Just generally, away from , instead of “fish-eye lens” up close.
Included in the link are the names of those wacko right wing groups they wanted to keep out of sight, Code Pink and Recreate 68
Say, have you met any black people you can tolerate to be around 24/7 yet?
I don’t think so, little sister. Better show me.
You gotta love it.
.02 of an inch may cost seattle taxpayers 1 million $$.
At least for the majority of democrat voters.
Daddy @70,
ACORN is a bunch of Neo-socialist assholes who use the same techniques you ascribe to the tea-baggers. The tea-baggers didn’t invent confrontational behavior. That sort of monkey business was the brainchild of “progressives” like Saul Alinsky.
Either you don’t know what you’re talking about, or you’re a liar.
actually, of all the retarded things that have been said on this blog, and i’ll include myself just to make it fair, daddy saying that acorn are not oragannized protesters takes the all time prize.
I love how these wingnuts sprinkle a little “Alinksy” every time folks on the left or right get a little uppity.
The Alinsky tactics were used to deal with and correct obvious social wrongs like blatant racism and egregious economic injustice.
These ignorant right wing tea baggers and birthers want to PRESERVE the ugly status quo and privileges of the greed fueled insurance executives.
The “Screamers” are PRO-ABORTION – abortion of the sick and ailing OUTSIDE THE WOMB! All so insurance executives can make millions in compensation and stock options and live high on the hog in mansions and fly private jets, etc.
Every time an insurance claim is denied for a seriously ill person – the tea bagger is supporting a death sentence for that person.
What a bunch of ugly, death-loving ghouls!
I found this fascinating. Compare and contrast. We are in a recession, but it’s not a depression…this bad. BECAUSE we set up a safety net and have economic regulations, that the conservatives seem hell bent on repealing.
Glenn Beck loses advertisers for calling our president a “racist”.
Sucks for you America-hating racist trolls, huh? Good!