– The Safe Speed Bill becomes another casualty of the budget debacle.
– The C line.
– Snow in West Seattle (Downtown was snow free)
– Also – should add, Utah does NOT have a 72-hr waiting period for purchasing a firearm.
– The Laurens County Republican Party has some new requirements for office.
– Washington is the 11th most popular state.
Bout an inch of wet crusty shit here. Snowed on and off all night, the temperature never got below 28 degrees here and as of this post it’s about 36 degrees. The cat had some fun with it.
There was about an inch of snow on the ground in Everett when I left home. Here in Bellevue it’s been snowing off and on for the past couple of hours, leaving a dusting on the grass. Streets are clear and wet.
Carl, I hear you wear a beard, this is fitting as beards go well with this whole fifth column subversive act you’ve got going on.
The Atlantic Wire has a list of Limbaugh’s ad breaks from DC’s WMAL show yesterday. Worth noting is the number of updates from companies that are pulling their ads after being identified, in some cases they weren’t aware their ads were playing during the show. Goes to show that speaking your mind as a consumer works.
Will the last person leaving Uniopolis Ohio please turn out the lights?
Also here:
Centrist polemicist Michael Lind on unrealistic tax proposals of the left, right AND center:
I’m on the left – the wealthier pays more in line with other oecd countries (to prevent capital flight) while we minimize regressivity as much as possible. Lind talks about a VAT – I say why not a carbon tax? It’s easily avoidable – just burn less/substitute out carbon and you can tamp down the regressiveness with a credit on the payroll tax.
@3, Carl is the worst kind of socialist – a bicycle-peddling, enviro-nazi-eco-socialist. In fact, I wrote a song about that. Anyways, for those of you who don’t understand the constitution as well as I do, which is, well, all of you, this means Carl is a scum-bag liar.
Go ahead and take your best polemical shot at me. If it’s my un-SP post, I’ll just erase it anyway if I can’t answer it.
You’re a liar!
@9 You are banned for lying.
The natives are getting restless.
Anybody tracking how Native Americans feel about Keystone and everything else going on in America today?
# 1: Gee, I would guess that the tribal governments could ban trucks passing through them any time they wished to do so. They are, after all, considered to be sovereign nations.
(Or maybe they could just require drivers to carry proof that they were born on the reservation, thereby taking a shot at Arizona and Alabama in the process).
There really isn’t such a thing as a “Native” American. No humans sprang up out of anywhere except Africa. We’re all immigrants in one way or another to all of the other continents.
@12 “They are, after all, considered to be sovereign nations.”
Not really. Tribes exist in and of themselves, but their status in federal law is a creation of federal law. (It’s important to note this status and appurtenant statutory rights are conferred on tribes, not individual tribal members.) Even the treaties are effectively federal statutes that can be changed or rescinded by Congress. The federal government has, by its choice, granted broad autonomy to the tribes but that can be taken away at the whim or will of Congress. And the federal government maintains a certain supervisory authority over the tribes.
@13 By your reasoning we should ignore 2 million years of human history and there are no Mongols, Turks, Uzbeks, Chinese, Japanese, Polynesians, Inuit, etc., because all of you humans are simply modified monkeys.
Humans have been on this continent for thousands of years. It’s customary to refer to the first inhabitants of a territory and their descendants as “natives.” North America’s natives were, and still are, ethnically and culturally distinct from the Europeans who began settling this continent in the 16th century. To say there is no difference between these groups is nonsense.
Native Americans are all U.S. citizens today, so they’re certainly “Americans.” How can you argue that a U.S. citizen is not an “American”? That’s silly.
# 14: And yet, the tribes signed the treaties as sovereign entities (albeit at gunpoint in many cases). Congress can recognize those treaties as they are bound to do under the Constitution. Implementation is another matter – whether they fairly implement the treaties is another issue.
But I’ll concede that the concept of Native American sovereignty, as practiced in the United States, is a difficult thing for me to get my head around. They have some territorial sovereignty, but it’s tolerated only as long as it’s convenient to the federal government. The ideology and legal doctrines don’t square with the fact that, in practice, the federal government has enough military and economic power to render the issue moot, by de-certifying a tribe and parcelling off the reservations to homesteaders. (On the other hand, I wonder what would happen if the Tulalips cordoned off I-5 just north of Marysville and required visas for all those passing through?)