I saw a woman in a full head to toe black burka in Bellevue Square yesterday. Only her eyes were showing. It scared the hell out of me. But it got me to thinking, why would a woman who is a fundamentalist Muslim want to move to America? She obviously doesn’t like our culture. I’m sure she would rather be living in a country that had Sharia law. So then I thought, what if this is all part of their long-range plan to bring jihad to America; to realize their ultimate goal of the destruction of American, and replace it with a Caliphate.
To be cont.
Don’t be scared, poor silly troll. It’s a big world and not everyone is as shallow as you.
@1 I saw a woman in a full head to toe black burka in Bellevue Square yesterday.
Must have been hot as hell.
Only her eyes were showing. It scared the hell out of me.
You scare easily.
But it got me to thinking
This won’t end well.
why would a woman who is a fundamentalist Muslim want to move to America?
Because we still have freedom of religion here.
She obviously doesn’t like our culture.
Why? She was at the mall. What’s more American than that?
I’m sure she would rather be living in a country that had Sharia law.
Don’t be so sure.
So then I thought, what if this is all part of their long-range plan to bring jihad to America
Or maybe she’s just a woman who wears a burka because she’s from a culture where that’s normal and she would feel uncomfortable dressing the way American women do. Just because someone’s different doesn’t automatically mean that they’re trying to make everyone do what they do. I can’t believe I have to explain this to an adult.
to realize their ultimate goal of the destruction of American, and replace it with a Caliphate.
Isn’t your tinfoil hat getting too warm to wear this week?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Once again, the odious troll attempts to “play” the reasonable people on this blog by posting deliberately provocative offensive comments to see if he can get a rise, much like little boys with ADHD who seek attention by throwing rocks through windows. Solution: Troll’s mommy needs to dump more Ritalin tablets into him.
Meanwhile, this is the cool dark pre-dawn time of day when small, cute, furry creatures graze the lettuce greens and carrot tops in neighborhood p-patches …
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Over & over & over again..
Obama has blown all his political capital.
From +32….to -11 today.
Perhaps his beer with a cop and elitist Professor will raise him from the doldrums??
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Havre, MT had a record low yesterday of 40 degrees.
Tonite @ West Yellowstone it’s going to be 38
Global Warming…right?
Everything that happens, the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS bleet Global Warming…or is it Climate Change??
You KLOWNS need to get it straight!
Great news for Mr. Klynical and friends this morning:
A recent study has revealed that 78.4% of liberals want to ban the Blue Angels and hydroplanes from future Seafairs. The same study found that only 0.2% of conservatives want them banned.
One liberal woman in the Wallingford neighborhood who was polled, said “I can’t even imagine what type of person could enjoy an event that glorifies war, wastes fuel, scares animals, and produces pollution. None of my friends or I enjoy Seafair, so I think the entire event should be banned.” The white woman, who was wearing Crocs, a Free Mumia T-shirt, and had dredlocks, added with a sneer, “I suppose most of the people who enjoy this kind of loud and disgusting American spectacle are Sarah Palin-types.”
So wow, that really surprised me. 78% of liberals want to ban the Blue Angels and hydroplanes from Seafair.
Yes, global warming is supposed to lead to more extreme shifts in temperature. That means both highs and lows. It also means that different areas will start to see more uncharacteristic weather.
Now I’m sure I’m not the first person to explain this to you, so I wonder if you’re capable of processing and learning from the information. Are you? Are you capable of basic cognitive abilities? Are you capable of analyzing data? Do you have an understanding of the scientific method and scientists arrive at conclusions?
If not, it should explain why everyone is laughing at you right now.
I’m making things up, as my colleague Art Buchwald used to do, as a literary device in order to get people to think.
Why exactly would what some woman wore be important to a story about the Blue Angels? Sounds like one of those times when they needed to make up a liberal so they said “What would a Wallingford liberal look like?”. They should have contacted the cast of “Almost Live” or at least watched the “Cops in Wallingford” skit. They would have gotten better advice on how people dress there.
Exactly, if I saw a woman like that in Wallingford, I’d assume she was lost.
I’m not sure if Troll thought that would be funny or provocative, but at this point, I just hope he/she gets some help.
@6 Must not be from around here.
I’ll use your own arguement.
Seattle WA, Wednesday, June 29 it hit the highest temperature ever recorded at SEATAC airport (103) and also reached the highest daily low temperature ever recorded at SEATAC (71).
Global Warming…RIGHT!
Everything that happens, the RIGHTEST SCIENCE DENYING KLOWNS bleet about God’s plan and the impossibility of lowly humans affecting their environment.
Of course, I have deductive reasoning which you lack so I know that existance of higher or lower than normal temperatures IN ONE SPECIFIC LOCATION is scientific evidence of nothing. But compiling all obsevable data might lead one to think. (Oh shit, I used that word again. Think. Try it. It only hurts for the first minute then it’s fun.)
Yup, I’m against the Blue Angels and proud of it. Face it, Jet Fighter Aircraft are the single least fuel efficient mode of transportation. Using such technology for purely advertising or entertainment purposes is a pretty irresponsible use of fossil fuel.
That’s not to say my inner child doesn’t get a certain tingly feeling when I see the Blue Angels (or a C-5 Galaxy) but if they were to go away I’m ready to admit it is probably for the best.
Military aircraft should be used for military purposes, not for entertianment.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Of course, it’s those racist right-wingers with the name calling…
But since roseanne hates bush and republicans she won’t be subject to the same criticism that those on the right side of the dial would be.
No need for the HA regulars to feint outrage.
Gee the Republicans had their chance and blew it totally. Even if the amendment had no chance on the floor, they could have been able to go home to their constituents to tell them they at least tried to put a dagger through the heart of “socialism”.
Now I see why left-wingnuts put so much faith in the obama administration and their healthcare plans.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey, It only took 3 weeks for this RISING STAR of the Democrap Party to get nailed for being a corrupt BASTARD!
I’m sure you KLOWNS will somehow find a way to defend him and his head cheerleader, Jon Corzine!
Do y’all think this will help Corzine’s re-erection bid??
Too Damn Funny!!!!!
By BETH DeFALCO and SAMANTHA HENRY, Associated Press Writers Beth Defalco And Samantha Henry, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 4 mins ago
HOBOKEN, N.J. – Mayor Peter Cammarano III resigned on Friday, a week after vowing to stay in office and fight federal corruption charges against him.
Cammarano, who took office just three weeks ago following a runoff election, was snared last week in a sweeping federal corruption probe that resulted in the arrests of 44 people, including rabbis and dozens of public officials.
The 32-year-old — Hoboken’s youngest mayor — sent a letter to the city clerk on Friday saying his resignation was effective at noon.
“I apologize to the residents of Hoboken for the disruption and disappointment this case has caused,” he said in the letter.
Cammarano, an election-law attorney, is accused of accepting $25,000 in bribes in exchange for help on a purported high-rise building project in the city. He is the second elected official to resign in the wake of the arrests.
In his letter and through his attorney, he reiterated his innocence and said he still intends to fight the charges.
Gov. Jon Corzine had praised Cammarano as a rising star in the Democratic Party. But that turned to disgust after Cammarano’s arrest and Corzine announced on Thursday that the mayor would resign.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is a link to a wonderful Public Comment from a typical Leftist airhead.
Please, Please watch this for yourselves and tell me where the future of the Progressive Movement lies—
I’m guessing to capt robert nelson pepper spray is a food condiment.
You gotta love those tolerant democrats/liberals for showing how to respect those that don’t share their views.
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. Mr. Cynical spews: Mayor Peter Cammarano III resigned on Friday, a week after vowing to stay in office and fight federal corruption charges against him.
What a quitter.
Why vow to stay in office if you are going to quit a week later.
Isn’t the wife of democrat conyers also involved in some federal crimes. Didn’t she plead guilty? I can see an obama pardon in her future.
I wonder if it’s going to come out cammarano is the father of trig.
tell me where the future of the Progressive Movement lies—
You can return return to your feckless tea-party now.
24: “…What a quitter. Why vow to stay in office if you are going to quit a week later.”
At least he quit. He probably caved in to pressure from Democratic leadership. That’s a damn site better than “wide stance” Larry Craig, the Republican senator from Idaho, who promised to resign but then went ahead to serve out his term.
As for Jefferson of Louisianna, he was quickly removed from leadership positions and committee assignmetns, although he refused Democratic leadership pressure that he resign.
Come to think of it, how come it’s Democratic politicians who resign when they get into trouble, and Republicans who insist on sticking around (Vitter, Engign, Sanford, etc.)??? Could it be that the Republican leadership quietly tells it’s errant politicians to “hang in there, you’re not running for office this year anyway, perhaps in a couple of years everyone will have forgotten about it”?
@11 It sure is easy to drop names of dead people, isn’t it?
When are the guys in the white coats picking you up, anyway?
@20 It’s not just that Uncle Sam handed another undeserved $ billion to the auto industry (the lion’s share of which, it seems, has been going to Ford, which doesn’t really need it). This has also encouraged a quarter of a million ordinary folks to sign up for anybody-with-a-pulse car loans and lease contracts. These in turn will be aggregated into a new batch of derivatives with a total face value of maybe $20 billion, which the big crooked banks will trade back and forth like Monopoly money.
“11. Troll spews:
I’m making things up, as my colleague Art Buchwald used to do, as a literary device in order to get people to think.”
I’m not surprised that you make things up.
I am surprised that you admit it.
And you don’t use your lies to get people to think. You use them to try to get people to think like you do (i.e., stop thinking).
And to paraphrase Lloyd Benson: I know Art Buchwald’s writings. I consider Art Buchwald’s writings a friend of mine. And you, Sir, are no Art Buchwald.
i reccomend all you liberals go to cars.gov and continue thru all pages.
An insurance company that initially refused to pay for a liver transplant for a 17-year-old Northridge girl who died in a hospital should face criminal charges and pay civil damages, an attorney for the girl’s family said Friday.
Daddy Lovespews:
18 MS
What the fuck are you talking about? Roseanne Barr is Jewish. She can make fun of Hitler all she wants. Sorry if no one is defending Hitler to your liking.
Followed the link. What does Blossom have to do with Rosanne Barr? I did think the Final Solution German Chocolate cake is definitely tacky so I didn’t go to the recipe.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
President “Feelgood’s” Top 10 for his plan!!
(10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters.
(9) Directions to your doctor’s office include “Take a left when you
enter the trailer park.”
(8) The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles.
(7) The only proctologist in the plan is “Gus” from Roto-Rooter.
(6) The only item listed under Preventative Care Coverage is “An apple a day.”
(5) Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you donated to Goodwill last month.
(4) “The patient is responsible for 200 percent of out-of-network charges “is not a typographical error.
(3) The only expense covered 100 percent is “embalming.”
(2) Your Prozac comes in different colors with little M’s on them
(1) You ask for Viagra, and they give you a Popsicle stick and duct tape.
35: Funny, but I suspect that the list comes from a “Top 10 Countdown (you really should give credit to your sources).
The list DOES come uncomfortably close to my own employer-provide health care plan, which this week H.R. announced would be changing again: deductables and co-pays are being doubled in mid-year, and details of coverage and new insurance cards to be provided “at some later date”, even though the plan goes into effect tommow.
I guess I’d better not need to go to the hospital until I get the details, I couldn’t even tell the hospital how to bill the charges if I got sick over the weekend. I know we are changing networks, I just don’t know which network we are changing to, and what providers would be covered.
Yep, the current system is working GRRRREEEEEAAATTTT!
Daddy Lovespews:
How about if instead if Cynical’s sick propaganda, we look at what each House bill REALLY contains:
THE SECURITY YOU GET from health insurance reform:
No Discrimination for Pre-Existing Conditions
Insurance companies will be prohibited from refusing you coverage because of your medical history.
No Exorbitant Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Deductibles or Co-Pays
Insurance companies will have to abide by yearly caps on how much they can charge for out-of-pocket expenses.
No Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care
Insurance companies must fully cover, without charge, regular checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
No Dropping of Coverage for Seriously Ill
Insurance companies will be prohibited from dropping or watering down insurance coverage for those who become seriously ill.
No Gender Discrimination
Insurance companies will be prohibited from charging you more because of your gender.
No Annual or Lifetime Caps on Coverage
Insurance companies will be prevented from placing annual or lifetime caps on the coverage you receive.
Extended Coverage for Young Adults
Children would continue to be eligible for family coverage through the age of 26.
Guaranteed Insurance Renewal
Insurance companies will be required to renew any policy as long as the policyholder pays their premium in full. Insurance companies won’t be allowed to refuse renewal because someone became sick.
And in contrast to Cynical’s claims, these are the truth.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Despite the woes of the current system, aren’t you concerned a government system would eventually cost more and provide worse service?
I would love to have someone else pay for my coverage too…but eventually some one pays.
We have 3 docs and 2 RN’s to be in our family.
The docs will retire.
They have all said one of the biggest problems is lawyers…a desperate need for tort reform. Where is it in the proposed Health Care Bill?? It isn’t there. Why? Because the American BAR supports the Democratic Party.
No doubt about that, is there?
rhp…you are actually one of the more intelligent & reasonable Lefty’s at HA.
Please tell me you haven’t fallen for the attorney’s tired old bullshit that judgments are a relatively small $$ amount.
Please tell me you can recognize that it isn’t the actual judgment & legal fees…but all the unnecessary costly tests & procedures docs & labs must perform to cover their asses.
One of my brother-in-laws has been a Pathologist for over 30 years. He told me tests that used to be done now often have 5 or more additional procedures that virtually never result in any significant findings.
It has quadrupled the cost of tests.
Why? Attorneys and the legal system.
Also, Sen Baucus successfully negotiated with Drug Companies on pricing.
I think this approach with Hospitals, Insurance Companies PLUS Tort Reform will allow us quality care at reasonable prices.
Government run Health Care is not the answer…just as it isn’t the answer for the Auto Industry.
All we are doing is running up massive debt on “experiments” that young folks who voted in Obama by over 2-1 will ultimately pay for.
Kind of ironic, isn’t it rhp??
The cruel costly joke is on THEM!
Blue Johnspews:
#38. How about you give me single payer and I’ll give you tort reform? Then we are both happy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Blue John–
It’s tempting…but I just don’t think single payer is fair or will improve service. After all, this is about cost and quality of service, isn’t it?
Our system simply cannot absorb 49 million more insureds. Not enough docs, nurses & facilities. Plus I believe a lot of people over the years have chosen other non-necessities over paying Health Care premiums. Not all people, but a substantial portion.
It’s about priorities and choices.
I want limited, cost-effective government…not more bureaucracies.
You obviously disagree.
I’m a few years away from Medicare…but have paid Health Insurance Premiums for family including 4 kids BEFORE lots of things I’d like to have. I felt it was the responsible thing to do. I recognize that people who lose their jobs are put in a real conundrum. But you can’t expect others to pay for them forever…especially employers who are struggling.
No easy answer.
The current system has problems.
Baucus has tweeked the drug industry.
If we tweek the ravenous lawyer vultures with tort reform and put some additional employer requirements with lay-offs…it’s far better than a government run “experiment” in America.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
One other thing—
No one in need is denied health care.,,unless you count the patient dumping happening in places like Michelle Obama’s former gig at the Chicago Hospital.
Also, absolutely no coverage or health care for illegals. Burden of proof on them to prove citizenship and some real teeth in the law. California and other border states have waiting rooms filled with illegals. pandering to illegals has bankrupt California.
Perhaps we should have a seperate, VOLUNTARY fund for bleeding heart leftists to donate to for medical care in America for illegals.
It’s nice to have compassion…but it’s easy to be compassionate WITH OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!.
The Left have become OPM addicts.
The problem is their is a severe shortage of OPM and the so-called rich people are fewer in number…and those that remain are too smart to trap with higher taxes. There are too many negative consequences to massive tax increases….even on the “rich folks”.
Frankly, I believe the $784 BILLION Porkulous Package will ultimately cause a massive recession after the “feelgood” time period runs out. It is obvious Democrats are holding off spending the Porkulous until next year’s Election Cycle as only about 8% has been spent to date.
Blue Johnspews:
Also, absolutely no coverage or health care for illegals. Burden of proof on them to prove citizenship and some real teeth in the law.
I can half way agree with that. Treat them for infection disease that would effect the community, but other than that, no. Unless they pay out of pocket for everything.
It’s cruel, but they are here illegally. They are stealing jobs from legit Americans. If the employers couldn’t find workers at the illegals wages rate, they would have to pay more, or go out of business because their biz model was flawed. If they get hurt on the job, turn in the employer too.
Goldy, how hard do you have to work to dredge up people like Puddy, Cyn, and Marvy to fill an otherwise interesting blog with juvenile tripe?
You just trying to get a lot of voyeurs in here to see the stupidity?
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. Daddy Love spews:
18 MS
What the fuck are you talking about? Roseanne Barr is Jewish. She can make fun of Hitler all she wants.
I saw a woman in a full head to toe black burka in Bellevue Square yesterday. Only her eyes were showing. It scared the hell out of me. But it got me to thinking, why would a woman who is a fundamentalist Muslim want to move to America? She obviously doesn’t like our culture. I’m sure she would rather be living in a country that had Sharia law. So then I thought, what if this is all part of their long-range plan to bring jihad to America; to realize their ultimate goal of the destruction of American, and replace it with a Caliphate.
To be cont.
Don’t be scared, poor silly troll. It’s a big world and not everyone is as shallow as you.
I saw a woman in a full head to toe black burka in Bellevue Square yesterday.
Must have been hot as hell.
Only her eyes were showing. It scared the hell out of me.
You scare easily.
But it got me to thinking
This won’t end well.
why would a woman who is a fundamentalist Muslim want to move to America?
Because we still have freedom of religion here.
She obviously doesn’t like our culture.
Why? She was at the mall. What’s more American than that?
I’m sure she would rather be living in a country that had Sharia law.
Don’t be so sure.
So then I thought, what if this is all part of their long-range plan to bring jihad to America
Or maybe she’s just a woman who wears a burka because she’s from a culture where that’s normal and she would feel uncomfortable dressing the way American women do. Just because someone’s different doesn’t automatically mean that they’re trying to make everyone do what they do. I can’t believe I have to explain this to an adult.
to realize their ultimate goal of the destruction of American, and replace it with a Caliphate.
Isn’t your tinfoil hat getting too warm to wear this week?
Once again, the odious troll attempts to “play” the reasonable people on this blog by posting deliberately provocative offensive comments to see if he can get a rise, much like little boys with ADHD who seek attention by throwing rocks through windows. Solution: Troll’s mommy needs to dump more Ritalin tablets into him.
Meanwhile, this is the cool dark pre-dawn time of day when small, cute, furry creatures graze the lettuce greens and carrot tops in neighborhood p-patches …
Over & over & over again..
Obama has blown all his political capital.
From +32….to -11 today.
Perhaps his beer with a cop and elitist Professor will raise him from the doldrums??
Friday, July 31, 2009
Havre, MT had a record low yesterday of 40 degrees.
Tonite @ West Yellowstone it’s going to be 38
Global Warming…right?
Everything that happens, the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS bleet Global Warming…or is it Climate Change??
You KLOWNS need to get it straight!
Great news for Mr. Klynical and friends this morning:
I especially liked the part about the pencils.
A recent study has revealed that 78.4% of liberals want to ban the Blue Angels and hydroplanes from future Seafairs. The same study found that only 0.2% of conservatives want them banned.
One liberal woman in the Wallingford neighborhood who was polled, said “I can’t even imagine what type of person could enjoy an event that glorifies war, wastes fuel, scares animals, and produces pollution. None of my friends or I enjoy Seafair, so I think the entire event should be banned.” The white woman, who was wearing Crocs, a Free Mumia T-shirt, and had dredlocks, added with a sneer, “I suppose most of the people who enjoy this kind of loud and disgusting American spectacle are Sarah Palin-types.”
So wow, that really surprised me. 78% of liberals want to ban the Blue Angels and hydroplanes from Seafair.
Yes, global warming is supposed to lead to more extreme shifts in temperature. That means both highs and lows. It also means that different areas will start to see more uncharacteristic weather.
Now I’m sure I’m not the first person to explain this to you, so I wonder if you’re capable of processing and learning from the information. Are you? Are you capable of basic cognitive abilities? Are you capable of analyzing data? Do you have an understanding of the scientific method and scientists arrive at conclusions?
If not, it should explain why everyone is laughing at you right now.
Just making shit up now, huh?
What percentage of unicorn owners want the Blue Angels banned?
I’m making things up, as my colleague Art Buchwald used to do, as a literary device in order to get people to think.
Why exactly would what some woman wore be important to a story about the Blue Angels? Sounds like one of those times when they needed to make up a liberal so they said “What would a Wallingford liberal look like?”. They should have contacted the cast of “Almost Live” or at least watched the “Cops in Wallingford” skit. They would have gotten better advice on how people dress there.
It didn’t work.
Oh, and I don’t think you know what the word colleague means.
Exactly, if I saw a woman like that in Wallingford, I’d assume she was lost.
I’m not sure if Troll thought that would be funny or provocative, but at this point, I just hope he/she gets some help.
@6 Must not be from around here.
I’ll use your own arguement.
Seattle WA, Wednesday, June 29 it hit the highest temperature ever recorded at SEATAC airport (103) and also reached the highest daily low temperature ever recorded at SEATAC (71).
Global Warming…RIGHT!
Everything that happens, the RIGHTEST SCIENCE DENYING KLOWNS bleet about God’s plan and the impossibility of lowly humans affecting their environment.
Of course, I have deductive reasoning which you lack so I know that existance of higher or lower than normal temperatures IN ONE SPECIFIC LOCATION is scientific evidence of nothing. But compiling all obsevable data might lead one to think. (Oh shit, I used that word again. Think. Try it. It only hurts for the first minute then it’s fun.)
Yup, I’m against the Blue Angels and proud of it. Face it, Jet Fighter Aircraft are the single least fuel efficient mode of transportation. Using such technology for purely advertising or entertainment purposes is a pretty irresponsible use of fossil fuel.
That’s not to say my inner child doesn’t get a certain tingly feeling when I see the Blue Angels (or a C-5 Galaxy) but if they were to go away I’m ready to admit it is probably for the best.
Military aircraft should be used for military purposes, not for entertianment.
Of course, it’s those racist right-wingers with the name calling…
A black sergeant who was at the home of Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. when he was arrested says he’s been maligned as an “Uncle Tom” for supporting the actions of the white arresting officer.
Lashley says he has become known as a traitor to his heritage by some because he “spoke the truth” about the arrest.
Can you imagine the outrage from the left if a right wing radio host posed for pictures as hitler and charred gingerbread men.
But since roseanne hates bush and republicans she won’t be subject to the same criticism that those on the right side of the dial would be.
No need for the HA regulars to feint outrage.
Gee the Republicans had their chance and blew it totally. Even if the amendment had no chance on the floor, they could have been able to go home to their constituents to tell them they at least tried to put a dagger through the heart of “socialism”.
How’s that cash for clunkers program working out.
What, the program is already out of money in only a week?
There’s apparently too many clunkers and not enough cash. Less than a week after the Department of Transportation kicked off the Car Allowance Rebate System (C.A.R.S.), the federal program that’s better known as “cash for clunkers” could be out of money.
Now I see why left-wingnuts put so much faith in the obama administration and their healthcare plans.
Hey, It only took 3 weeks for this RISING STAR of the Democrap Party to get nailed for being a corrupt BASTARD!
I’m sure you KLOWNS will somehow find a way to defend him and his head cheerleader, Jon Corzine!
Do y’all think this will help Corzine’s re-erection bid??
Too Damn Funny!!!!!
By BETH DeFALCO and SAMANTHA HENRY, Associated Press Writers Beth Defalco And Samantha Henry, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 4 mins ago
Here is a link to a wonderful Public Comment from a typical Leftist airhead.
Please, Please watch this for yourselves and tell me where the future of the Progressive Movement lies—
Good democrats/liberal threw food at a group of people peacefully supporting traditional marriage.
They threw salsa, eggs, soda bottles… “Your basic garden variety of food condiments,” Capt. Robert Nelson said Wednesday.
But look what was buried in the second to last sentence…
One of the women swashed a protester with pepper spray.
I’m guessing to capt robert nelson pepper spray is a food condiment.
You gotta love those tolerant democrats/liberals for showing how to respect those that don’t share their views.
What a quitter.
Why vow to stay in office if you are going to quit a week later.
Isn’t the wife of democrat conyers also involved in some federal crimes. Didn’t she plead guilty? I can see an obama pardon in her future.
I wonder if it’s going to come out cammarano is the father of trig.
Getting the people’s business done.
You can return return to your feckless tea-party now.
24: “…What a quitter. Why vow to stay in office if you are going to quit a week later.”
At least he quit. He probably caved in to pressure from Democratic leadership. That’s a damn site better than “wide stance” Larry Craig, the Republican senator from Idaho, who promised to resign but then went ahead to serve out his term.
As for Jefferson of Louisianna, he was quickly removed from leadership positions and committee assignmetns, although he refused Democratic leadership pressure that he resign.
Come to think of it, how come it’s Democratic politicians who resign when they get into trouble, and Republicans who insist on sticking around (Vitter, Engign, Sanford, etc.)??? Could it be that the Republican leadership quietly tells it’s errant politicians to “hang in there, you’re not running for office this year anyway, perhaps in a couple of years everyone will have forgotten about it”?
@11 It sure is easy to drop names of dead people, isn’t it?
When are the guys in the white coats picking you up, anyway?
@20 It’s not just that Uncle Sam handed another undeserved $ billion to the auto industry (the lion’s share of which, it seems, has been going to Ford, which doesn’t really need it). This has also encouraged a quarter of a million ordinary folks to sign up for anybody-with-a-pulse car loans and lease contracts. These in turn will be aggregated into a new batch of derivatives with a total face value of maybe $20 billion, which the big crooked banks will trade back and forth like Monopoly money.
“11. Troll spews:
I’m making things up, as my colleague Art Buchwald used to do, as a literary device in order to get people to think.”
I’m not surprised that you make things up.
I am surprised that you admit it.
And you don’t use your lies to get people to think. You use them to try to get people to think like you do (i.e., stop thinking).
And to paraphrase Lloyd Benson: I know Art Buchwald’s writings. I consider Art Buchwald’s writings a friend of mine. And you, Sir, are no Art Buchwald.
i reccomend all you liberals go to cars.gov and continue thru all pages.
6 CYn
is it weather…or is it climate change?
Hell, how would YOU know?
I am shocked, shocked to discover that insurance companies ration health care:
18 MS
What the fuck are you talking about? Roseanne Barr is Jewish. She can make fun of Hitler all she wants. Sorry if no one is defending Hitler to your liking.
Followed the link. What does Blossom have to do with Rosanne Barr? I did think the Final Solution German Chocolate cake is definitely tacky so I didn’t go to the recipe.
President “Feelgood’s” Top 10 for his plan!!
35: Funny, but I suspect that the list comes from a “Top 10 Countdown (you really should give credit to your sources).
The list DOES come uncomfortably close to my own employer-provide health care plan, which this week H.R. announced would be changing again: deductables and co-pays are being doubled in mid-year, and details of coverage and new insurance cards to be provided “at some later date”, even though the plan goes into effect tommow.
I guess I’d better not need to go to the hospital until I get the details, I couldn’t even tell the hospital how to bill the charges if I got sick over the weekend. I know we are changing networks, I just don’t know which network we are changing to, and what providers would be covered.
Yep, the current system is working GRRRREEEEEAAATTTT!
How about if instead if Cynical’s sick propaganda, we look at what each House bill REALLY contains:
And in contrast to Cynical’s claims, these are the truth.
Despite the woes of the current system, aren’t you concerned a government system would eventually cost more and provide worse service?
I would love to have someone else pay for my coverage too…but eventually some one pays.
We have 3 docs and 2 RN’s to be in our family.
The docs will retire.
They have all said one of the biggest problems is lawyers…a desperate need for tort reform. Where is it in the proposed Health Care Bill?? It isn’t there. Why? Because the American BAR supports the Democratic Party.
No doubt about that, is there?
rhp…you are actually one of the more intelligent & reasonable Lefty’s at HA.
Please tell me you haven’t fallen for the attorney’s tired old bullshit that judgments are a relatively small $$ amount.
Please tell me you can recognize that it isn’t the actual judgment & legal fees…but all the unnecessary costly tests & procedures docs & labs must perform to cover their asses.
One of my brother-in-laws has been a Pathologist for over 30 years. He told me tests that used to be done now often have 5 or more additional procedures that virtually never result in any significant findings.
It has quadrupled the cost of tests.
Why? Attorneys and the legal system.
Also, Sen Baucus successfully negotiated with Drug Companies on pricing.
I think this approach with Hospitals, Insurance Companies PLUS Tort Reform will allow us quality care at reasonable prices.
Government run Health Care is not the answer…just as it isn’t the answer for the Auto Industry.
All we are doing is running up massive debt on “experiments” that young folks who voted in Obama by over 2-1 will ultimately pay for.
Kind of ironic, isn’t it rhp??
The cruel costly joke is on THEM!
#38. How about you give me single payer and I’ll give you tort reform? Then we are both happy.
Blue John–
It’s tempting…but I just don’t think single payer is fair or will improve service. After all, this is about cost and quality of service, isn’t it?
Our system simply cannot absorb 49 million more insureds. Not enough docs, nurses & facilities. Plus I believe a lot of people over the years have chosen other non-necessities over paying Health Care premiums. Not all people, but a substantial portion.
It’s about priorities and choices.
I want limited, cost-effective government…not more bureaucracies.
You obviously disagree.
I’m a few years away from Medicare…but have paid Health Insurance Premiums for family including 4 kids BEFORE lots of things I’d like to have. I felt it was the responsible thing to do. I recognize that people who lose their jobs are put in a real conundrum. But you can’t expect others to pay for them forever…especially employers who are struggling.
No easy answer.
The current system has problems.
Baucus has tweeked the drug industry.
If we tweek the ravenous lawyer vultures with tort reform and put some additional employer requirements with lay-offs…it’s far better than a government run “experiment” in America.
One other thing—
No one in need is denied health care.,,unless you count the patient dumping happening in places like Michelle Obama’s former gig at the Chicago Hospital.
Also, absolutely no coverage or health care for illegals. Burden of proof on them to prove citizenship and some real teeth in the law. California and other border states have waiting rooms filled with illegals. pandering to illegals has bankrupt California.
Perhaps we should have a seperate, VOLUNTARY fund for bleeding heart leftists to donate to for medical care in America for illegals.
It’s nice to have compassion…but it’s easy to be compassionate WITH OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!.
The Left have become OPM addicts.
The problem is their is a severe shortage of OPM and the so-called rich people are fewer in number…and those that remain are too smart to trap with higher taxes. There are too many negative consequences to massive tax increases….even on the “rich folks”.
Frankly, I believe the $784 BILLION Porkulous Package will ultimately cause a massive recession after the “feelgood” time period runs out. It is obvious Democrats are holding off spending the Porkulous until next year’s Election Cycle as only about 8% has been spent to date.
Also, absolutely no coverage or health care for illegals. Burden of proof on them to prove citizenship and some real teeth in the law.
I can half way agree with that. Treat them for infection disease that would effect the community, but other than that, no. Unless they pay out of pocket for everything.
It’s cruel, but they are here illegally. They are stealing jobs from legit Americans. If the employers couldn’t find workers at the illegals wages rate, they would have to pay more, or go out of business because their biz model was flawed. If they get hurt on the job, turn in the employer too.
Goldy, how hard do you have to work to dredge up people like Puddy, Cyn, and Marvy to fill an otherwise interesting blog with juvenile tripe?
You just trying to get a lot of voyeurs in here to see the stupidity?
I forgot, liberals believe in double standards.