the Blue Dogs are basically following in Mr. Tauzin’s footsteps: if their position is incoherent, it’s because they’re nothing but corporate tools, defending special interests.
yes, as are the “progressives” in WA
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 It’s fascinating how short-sighted and self-destructive corporate “special interests” have become. Long-term, the cheap labor conservatives who oppose health care reform are cutting their own economic throats.
Paying lower wages and fewer benefits, outsourcing jobs, and saddling families with escalating health costs can lead to only one result: Consumers with less disposable income will buy less from these corporations.
Hey everyone, ever notice how really big crimes in the Seattle area often don’t get mentioned on HA? I was wondering why this is, and maybe it’s that Goldy & Co don’t like to publicize the fact that all this crime is going on in a city run by a Democrat, within a district run by a Democrat, within a county run by a Democrat, within state run by a Democrat.
Maybe that’s why other, lesser crimes, but not in this area, get their own post.
Something to think about.
Daddy Lovespews:
The truth is that Obama is very, very popular, although his popularity has slipped a bit from its high of 63-65% at inauguration o 55-59% this month (
In addition, health care reform is very popular, with 56% answering “It is more important than ever to take on health care reform now” and only 39% answering “we cannot afford to take on health care reform right now” when given that choice of statements. Even further, 58% would favor “Having a national health plan in which all Americans would get their insurance through an expanded, universal form of Medicare-for-all” (
Daddy Lovespews:
Crime happens.
But when we have more jobs, we have less crime.
Marvin Stamnspews:
When left-leaning CNN starts talking about the freedoms we will lose under the free government healthcare program you know things are going bad for the democrats.
I’m accusing HA of purposely avoiding writing about local major crime because it … I don’t know … may hurt Goldy’s chances for running for office someday? … He doesn’t want to tarnish the reputation of political friends, the Democratic party … you tell me. It’s a fact. Posts go up about some bag of pot left in some office in Alabama, or some spray paint on a garage door in Vancouver, but a lesbian couple who were both raped, then one stabbed to death by a black man in Seattle: Silence.
In a way, it’s understandable. Goldy & Co’s mission is the sell the Democratic party, telling is vote Democrat, and things will be wonderful. But when things aren’t so wonderful, I guess you wouldn’t want to draw attention to that fact.
BTW, 9 out of the top 10 US cities with the highest homicide rates have Democrats as mayors.
That’s another thing you won’t see Goldy post about.
But yeah, vote Democrat, and everything will be wonderful!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Poll after poll show the country is not happy with the direction the obama is pushing the country in…
Jesus fuck I’m smart. I was Jesuit-educated. I was taught to think outside the box; ask questions; look for patterns.
You sheep just unquestioningly gulp-up whatever shit is posted on this site.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Troll spews:
I’m accusing HA of purposely avoiding writing about local major crime because
Good democrats had to choose between which voting block to stand up for. In this case, the lesbian group lost. If only it was a white republican doing the killing of the lesbian. I would say it’s strange steve hasn’t opined on this but his views on gays is well documented.
How is me calling Roger Rabbit “boy,” racist? Is he African American? I assume he is white. Calling a white man boy isn’t racist.
6 – CNN is so “left-wing” Lou Dobbs can be found every night entertaining birther bilge or some crackpot scheme to deal with the undocumented.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. YLB spews:
17 – Way to excuse Troll’s racism.
I’ve contributed to HA before, so in way, you’re here on my dime, boy. You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
Do you see racism in that? Please explain.
Daddy Lovespews:
6 MS
I hate to burst your bubble, but that article was reprinted from conservative, pro-plutocrat Fortune magazine, and was reprinted in Money (or CNN/Money), which has a separate editorial policy. Not so “left-leaning,” eh comrade?
11 – The harassment of the lesbian couple was due to Safeco Field policy NOT from Seattle. Nice way to lie and show your ignorance.
Safeco Field has also hassled people who are bit too boisterous or maybe a bit vulgar like baseball fans in the East Coast.
It’s just their kind of fascist obsession with keeping the park clean family fun for both families and the Japanese tourist for whom Ichiro is a big draw. The Mariners are majority owned by Nintendo by the way.
22 – Yep I do. Given trolls past racist blasts (and your silence about them), it’s plainly obvious.
And if someone on my side of the fence said that? Heh. You’d be all over them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. YLB spews:
22 – Yep I do. Given trolls past racist blasts (and your silence about them), it’s plainly obvious.
And if someone on my side of the fence said that? Heh. You’d be all over them.
Please explain what is racist about I’ve contributed to HA before, so in way, you’re here on my dime, boy. You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
What is “that?”
If using “boy” is racist, your next comment better be calling out everyone that refers to me as “boy” on this blog, starting with gbs and steve.
All I’m asking is for you to explain what is racist in that statement.
Daddy Lovespews:
9 MS
Again, don’t be willfully obtuse.
First, had you been paying attention, which apparently you have not, across all pollsters the “right track/wrong track” numbers were absolutely horrendous after Bush, and have been improving steadily to the current point. THey could look better, but we are, after all deep within the worst downturn since the Great Depression. The fact that these numbers have improved steadily since Obama came into office (which again, you wither don’t know or willfully neglected to mention) speaks rather well of the president. Hint: in January, the numbers were
Right track/Wrong track
26%/ 63% (Research 2000)
35%/ 54% (AP)
31%/ 52% (Diageo)
I would also take issue with Zogby (and you) interpreting a rating of Fair as “negative.” That’s an awfully squishy concept–how do YOU know what people think that means? (Hint: you don’t).
You should really look at polls that ask clearly and simply if the respondent approves or disapproves of the president’s job performance. Otherwise you’re just blowing smoke. But of course you won’t do that because if you look at them, he is (as I said and posted the link @4) ruinning between 55% and 59% favorable. You can read, right, Mr. Smarter-than-90%?
Daddy Lovespews:
Did anyone notice that when a black man commits a crime anywhre in the country, suddently these comment threads are overrun with trolls asking us why they’re being “avoided?”
When I’ve used the n-word, I’ve only used it in the way that Cris Rock used it. Remember his “Niggas vs. Black People” routine?
Unlike racists who use the n-word to describe all blacks, I used it in the Chris Rock sense.
Marvin Stamnspews:
28. Daddy Love spews:
Did anyone notice that when a black man commits a crime anywhre in the country, suddently these comment threads are overrun with trolls asking us why they’re being “avoided?”
Are they being avoided?
And I believe the case troll was talking about actually happened in seattle. Unlike my posts where I drag stuff in from democrat controlled cities across the country.
Racial graffiti on a garage door in Vancouver gets multiple posts on HA. A lesbian woman who was raped and stabbed to death by a black man in Seattle gets zero posts.
And it’s not just those two crimes. There’s a pattern to the silence on HA. It may anger some that I’m pointing it out, but somebody has to do it. Goldy certainly won’t draw your attention to it.
Daddy Lovespews:
30 MS
My point is made yet again, with the depressing regularity for which you are all justly famous.
Daddy Lovespews:
By the way, when one looks at the right track/wrong track numbers from late October, they are even MORE horrendous (when people still feared a potential McCain presidency).
Right track/Wrong track
17%/ 78% (AP)
12%/ 78% (Diageo)
I mean, REALLY bad. But after the election they started to change. I wonder what happened?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Diddled Luvr, growing up in a Dummocrapt controlled city you’d think the Dummocrapts would have the recipe for financial, crime and school success since they’ve had the power all these decades. Butt, they only implement enough programs to keep themselves in power for the next election. Hence inna cities are a’crumblin down crumblin down. Inna city schools are a’crumblin down crumblin down. Look at WA DC. They spend ~$25,000 per child (ask clueless wondermoron for the PuddyLink to the data) and their test scores still suck rabbit pellets. They have none of the latest technology the ‘burb boys experienced. The text books are usually an older edition. Well that could be a good thing since many of my family see the revisionist history rewrites happening from Scholastic, Macmillan / McGraw-Hill, Houghton-Mifflin, Harcourt and Prentice-Hall publishers.
You guys have all the questions and supposedly all the answers butt nuthin is ever answered and the situation gets worse and worse. Why is that Diddled Luvr?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
My point is made yet again
Diddled Luvr, dude you don’t have a point. When a Republican or a conservative does something wrong you jump on it like stink on shit. Yet, when crime occurs in your own back yard like the black man who killed a lesbian, Troll asks why isn’t a thread created to discuss the situation. Was it a hate crime? Did he hate those two white wimens? Did he catch them in de act? Was he pizzed cuz he wasn’t there? Dd he first case their house? It’s your tribe who love to love lesbians and support their acts and give them aid and comfort here. So why the stance?
Puddy hates crime. Puddy thinks the killer should be incarcerated for a long time. Yet you are wery wery qwiet on dis!
29 – It’s Chris’ business how he wants to advance his stand-up routine just like it was Richard Pryor’s and Dick Gregory’s but in my opinion overusing the N word was at best crossing a bit over the line into probable negative consequences.
Negative consequences like providing weak cover for racists like you Troll.
But comedians take risks for their art and being “edgy” is one of those risks. I understand that.
Troll asks why isn’t a thread created to discuss the situation.
WTF? A crime was committed. The perp should be put away for life.
End of story.
Can we talk about health care now?
OH I get it – the right wing wants to talk about people of color committing crimes so fair-skinned people can get scared and vote right wing shitheads into office.
AND of course there’s no discussion of PROGRESS on health care..
Nice try right wing idiots.. Now do you understand why we should NEVER take orders from you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
32. Daddy Love spews:
30 MS
My point is made yet again, with the depressing regularity for which you are all justly famous.
Your point is avoiding answering the question.
Why are certain crimes not talked about?
Is it really as simple as partisan politics?
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
When a Republican or a conservative does something wrong you jump on it like stink on shit.
The point being that right wingers think their shit don’t stink.
For the millionth time: it does and the toilet was cleaned out last November.
All I’m asking is for you to explain what is racist in that statement.
The two relevant words in Troll’s statement was “superiors” and “boy”..
What if somebody on my side of the fence said that? Like Stupes just said – you’d be all over it like stink on shit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. YLB spews:
Troll asks why isn’t a thread created to discuss the situation.
I believe he was pointing out the difference between posts about graffiti at the hands of a supposed republican voter and the killing of a lesbian by a supposed democrat voter.
WTF? A crime was committed. The perp should be put away for life.
Correct. Just like the racists that graffiti stuff.
Yet the graffiti situation was deemed more deserving by the blog owners/moderators.
OH I get it – the right wing wants to talk about people of color committing crimes so fair-skinned people can get scared and vote right wing shitheads into office.
Thanks for the compliment.
I didn’t know my points were so persuasive that I could get the fair-skinned liberals on this blog to become scared of blacks and vote for republicans.
Now if only I could persuade you into getting a job.
the killing of a lesbian by a supposed democrat voter.
LOL! How do you know the perp votes at all? Most of the time, a majority of eligible people DON’T BOTHER to vote in this country.
Funny that it was proved in the election contest trial here in 2005 that felons will vote for Republicans. The proof was so convincing that the Republican judge altered the final voting counts in the Democrat’s favor.
I’ve heard that in the pedophilia community, young girls are referred to as LG’s, for little girls. So I would imagine LB stands for little boys.
I didn’t know my points were so persuasive that I could get the fair-skinned liberals on this blog to become scared of blacks and vote for republicans.
Feel free to join Troll’s cause. I’m sure Stupes will approve as well.
It’s all good for a few yucks from people on my side of aisle. You gotta laugh once in a while to keep from crying.
43 – A little meltdown here..
Can any of the old timers on the right wing side tell this fool what YLB stands for?
Troll – let it stand for whatever you please. It says more about you than it can ever say about me.
Yeah right. Your creepy eye peering through a glory hole. The initials YLB … and I’m the perverted one.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. YLB spews:
The two relevant words in Troll’s statement was “superiors” and “boy”..
Is the rabbit black? If so, the troll wrote something (boy) that was racist, no ands ifs or buts.
Since you find “boy” as a racist word…
Do you remember my posts asking gbs why he assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare?
229. GBS spews:
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
What if somebody on my side of the fence said that? Like Stupes just said – you’d be all over it like stink on shit.
I guess someone on your side of the fence said something like that, well, exactly like that. Considering gbs added the “EEE” to it maybe even worse.
Are you going to call gbs out like you are Troll or are you going to be exactly like what you point out about us other trolls looking the other way when it’s from our side of the fence.
You might as well answer here and now, this question isn’t going away anytime soon. I’m saving the link should you forget to answer.
46 – LOL! The eye really brings out the fantasies from you doesn’t it?
Oh and by your comment in 43 you seem to be up on the lingo used in the “pedophilia community”. I wonder why.
I’m glad my comments in this thread seem to have struck a nerve with you.
Again the eye stays. It’s focused on your ugly right wing agenda. It never wavers and I don’t take orders from right wing whackjobs.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. YLB spews:
The two relevant words in Troll’s statement was “superiors” and “boy”..
Is the rabbit black? If so, the troll wrote something (boy) that was racist, no ands ifs or buts.
Since you find “boy” as a racist word…
Do you remember my posts asking gbs why he assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare?
229. GBS spews:
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
What if somebody on my side of the fence said that? Like Stupes just said – you’d be all over it like stink on shit.
I guess someone on your side of the fence said something like that, well, exactly like that. Considering gbs added the “EEE” to it maybe even worse.
Are you going to call gbs out like you are Troll or are you going to be exactly like what you point out about us other trolls looking the other way when it’s from our side of the fence.
You might as well answer here and now, this question isn’t going away anytime soon. I’m saving the link should you forget to answer.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
Did anyone see the Goebbels-Hannity show last night? This smarmy hate monger ran an infomercial bad mouthing Canadian and British medicine. The facts were grossly misrepresented, including issues that have been widely addressed before.
What worries me is that we are seeing the usual rad right/Nazi tactic of big lies while the other side, committed to rational discussion, is hampered by its own commitment to honesty.
It seems to me that the usual media, what Goebbels calls the far left, ought to respond NOT by dissing the American docs or the Insurance companies .. all that will do is heighten the cacophony, but by adopting Fauxista tactics to go after Hannity-Oreilly-Beck.
Here are some ideas:
1. Paranoia on the Air Prominent Psychiatrist discusses paranoia among victims of Fauxism.
2. Glen Beck and the traditions of yellow journalism … play Beck episodes across from Jo McCarthy, Father Coughlin, LePen, Hamas, pointing out the similarities.
3. Flags and Heroes … Is there any major rad righter who ever served in the military?
4. Faux and the Rednecks. A documentary o n birthers and racist fans of Faux.
5. The United States if Healthcare A documentary on the effects of the USA of explosive corporate paid health care … featuring GM built alluding to Boeing.
6. The Radical Right Hereafter .. what did happen to Mr. Chaney and Mr. Quayle? Did Ollie-the-felon North ever pay his debt? … what did Libby know?
7. Crusaders The Religious Right infiltration of the Special Forces and the AF Academy.
8. The Grand Friendship Close relations between the Bush family and the Saudis.
9. Honoris Causa Academic quality of Bob Jones, Liberty University, Oral Roberts.
10. Plight of the Gay Republican. This is a fave, an actor impersonates a gay republican and infiltrates the Texas Repub. Party Org.
OR … we can play THEIR game and focus on misuses of radical religious penises, nightly “worst persons of the world,:” etc.
cross posted at SJ
Marvin Stamnspews:
50. SeattleJew’s Sockpuppet spews:
Is there any major rad righter who ever served in the military?
Simply using the words you posted, what about ollie north?
Is the rabbit black? If so, the troll wrote something (boy) that was racist, no ands ifs or buts.
What if he was Irish? The N word has been applied to the Irish as well. Troll’s use of “superiors” and “boy” is consistent with a pattern of racist attitudes expressed here.
Since you find “boy” as a racist word…
An idiot who used to comment here who called himself “The Truth” (now deceased I think) used to call Obama “loser boy”. Glad to know you agree that he was racist.
Do you remember my posts asking gbs why he assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare?
LOL! GBS has actually gone out of his way to BREAK BREAD with my old sparring partner Stupes. GBS calls Stupes his friend and Stupes doesn’t go off on GBS like he does with me even though GBS in my view is more ANTI-CONSERVATIVE than me… Sometimes I read GBS and wonder if I’m being too soft on right wingers.
Is that how a racist behaves?
That being said I think there’s better ways of putting dumbass right wingers in their place than using old putdowns that only give fuel to trolls like you.
You know I’m on the record as not being OK with that. In my view, stuff like that should be left to the right wingers. You know right wingers like mark, manoftruth, “The Truth” and the odious Troll.
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. YLB spews:
Oh and by your comment in 43 you seem to be up on the lingo used in the “pedophilia community”. I wonder why.
I hope troll doesn’t mind me stepping in the middle of his conversation.
Do you know the words racists use to describe blacks?
Do you know the words racists use to describe hispanics?
Do you know the words racistsuse to describe jews?
You seem to be up on the lingo used by racists.
I wonder why.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 You must be joking.
52 – I learned it all from the right wingers in these comments threads…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “Puddy hates crime. Puddy thinks the killer should be incarcerated for a long time. Yet you are wery wery qwiet on dis!”
So? Why is it necessary to say anything? Some things are so obvious they don’t need any repetition. People shouldn’t run red lights, and just because we don’t post comments against running red lights, doesn’t mean we’re for running red lights! I mean, who in hell is for letting killers out of jail? Besides wingnuts who want to force deep budget cuts that will force the state to release robbers, rapists, and killers, that is?
53 – Nope, he’s dead serious ESPECIALLY about the “superiors” and “boy” stuff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Maybe because the people on the getting end of racist epithets are, for the most part, on our side. There isn’t anyone left on your side except a few angry white males who dropped out of junior high.
How about that Sonya Sotomayor? Republican Senators are climbing all over themselves to vote for her as opposed to say a public option for health care.
Why? Well it helps that she’s basically a judicial conservative probably more than Souter and contrary to myth Souter was no liberal.
I’m hoping she turns out more in the Sandra Day O’Connor vein bless her for stating that the President does NOT get a blank check. One good thing that came out of Raygun… Thought I’d never say that.
You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
LOL! I missed that “bess”. He’s aping a southern racist.
I rest my case.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. YLB spews:
GBS has actually gone out of his way to BREAK BREAD with my old sparring partner Stupes.
Ping Troll.
To pacify ylb, break bread with Puddy and ylb will overlook your use of “boy.”
60 – LOL! That’ll be the day! I can’t wait for him to rise to that challenge and then go back to using the N word (in the Chris Rock sense) here in the comment threads.
LOL! How do you know the perp votes at all? Most of the time, a majority of eligible people DON’T BOTHER to vote in this country.
We know there is a better than 9/10’s chance he would have voted Dummocraptic fool.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yelling Loser Boy
Yellow Leftist Boob
Yucky Loser Bozo
Yippee Loser Boy
Yipping Loser Boy
emphasis on the boy. Where were you yesterday Yelling Loser Boy? Puddy was in Seattle looking for you infagnito with your SEIU wife and yer two kiddies at the Hispanic Seafair Festival.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wondermoron farts
The N word has been applied to the Irish as well.
By whom? Robert 3K Sheets Byrd?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS has actually gone out of his way to BREAK BREAD with my old sparring partner Stupes.
Delusional fool. He met Puddy and PacMan fool. He didn’t go out of his way for nuthin.
What a tacky clueless wondermoron!
LMAO!! My favorite moron has appeared.
Gotta go. I’ll be back to deal with your latest idiocies!
It’s too much fun..
I couldn’t find Puddy at this year’s Bon Odori. The only possible explanation is that Puddy didn’t go because he hates Japanese-Americans.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, when was the Bon Odori? Puddy would have checked it out. Puddy likes all cuisines!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
If you all noticed, Puddy skipped the sophomoric attack that Puddy hates Japanese-Americans. Steve is just a moron, but everyone knew this from his goat abusing.
It was the weekend before last. Have you been before? It’s really a wonderful festival.
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
If you all noticed, Puddy skipped the sophomoric attack that Puddy hates Japanese-Americans. Steve is just a moron, but everyone knew this from his goat abusing.
It’s just steve and his projection thing again.
He assumes that everyone views life as he does.
Geez, Puddy, I thought that you, of all people, would appreciate a sophomoric attack. Perhaps I should have just used,
The moron shows. What has he left for us?
We know there is a better than 9/10’s chance he would have voted Dummocraptic fool.
And probably close to 50 percent chance he’s never voted in his lifetime. Who cares how he voted if he ever voted at all? He’s going to the joint where he belongs for the rest of his miserable life if justice is to be served. Why did he murder that woman? Was it a hate crime? If so, that would most probably indicate leaning to the right.
64 – LOL. Five tries and he get its wrong each time! The “bubble memory” is just more bullshit to go with the right wing kind he brings here.
Where was I yesterday? NONE OF YOUR ‘EFFIN BUSINESS FOOL! And like I could care what the F you were doing. Probably taking pictures of people showing mexican flags so you could brag to your idiot peeps. What’s next?
Byrd? I don’t know maybe that’s true but I was thinking of British racists way, way back in day – late 1800’s. You shitheads will mourn the passing of Byrd and Kennedy (not publicly of course). Nothing but boring Dems after that with not so nearly a colorful legacy for you to make right wing bullshit about.
Never said GBS did somethin’ for nuthin’. There you go again putting words in my mouth. GBS’ reasons are his own business. Going out of his way is just a turn of phrase for Marvin’s benefit. By the way Marv is implying your friend is racist. Do you agree?
Yawwn… Got others things to do. Been real…
Marvin Stamnspews:
74. YLB spews:
By the way Marv is implying your friend is racist. Do you agree?
Like I said…
Is the rabbit black? If so, the troll wrote something (boy) that was racist, no ands ifs or buts.
Is the rabbit blaack?
If not, calling him boy isn’t racist.
“Is the rabbit blaack?”
Are you gay?
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. Steve spews:
“Is the rabbit blaack?”
Are you gay?
Why, do you believe that would excuse you from calling me a “faggot?”
She called police but didn’t learn what had shattered the double-paned window in her 4-year-old son’s room until after police arrived. Officers showed her a brick with a note attached: “Keep Eastside Black. Keep Eastside Strong.
Linder [Nelson Linder, president of the Austin chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] said this incident is linked to an undercurrent of racism that city leaders have yet to address in East Austin.
html hnmtspews:
You’re new here, @2, so please allow me to introduce myself. I’m left-liberal HA’s official greeter.
After giving you a hearty greeting, just as we do in DeMolay, I kick you back into the hole you hopped out of.
Have a nice day.
html hnmtspews:
To repeat, #2, left-liberal HA’s official greeter plays HA the Cassius Clay way: Float like a butterfly, sting like a Stinger.
If the Stingers don’t get you, and if you survive the RPGs and IEDs and IUDs, I’ll joke you into submission.
Any questions? Still going #2?
If not, calling him boy isn’t racist.
It takes a few times for you to get it doesn’t it?
You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
That’s Troll aping a southern racist.
“I’ll joke you into submission”
To think that the libs here don’t appreciate you. I don’t get it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Troll, clueless wondermoron AKA yellow loser bozo lives for the republican perv link. You can’t see the neon Vacancy light stuck on in his eye?
Marvin Stamnspews:
81. YLB spews: If not, calling him boy isn’t racist.
It takes a few times for you to get it doesn’t it?
If the rabbit isn’t black, it isn’t racist. Simple.
You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
That’s Troll aping a southern racist.
Are you implying a southern accent = racist?
I’m guessing since you haven’t answered that the rabbit isn’t black. So, Troll calling the Rabbit boy is no more racist than you calling me asshole.
83 – Here’s the ultimate test.
What if headless lucy, gbs, steve or anyone else on my side of the aisle said that?
You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
Would you consider them racist?
lives for the republican perv link.
Sorry. REPUBLICANS live out their perverted fantasies as described on the website you’re thinking of.
Which is NOT what I’ve linked to in 39. That link is more about Republican corruption in general.
Why do you get everything so damn wrong?
Marvin Stamnspews:
85. YLB spews:
83 – Here’s the ultimate test.
What if headless lucy, gbs, steve or anyone else on my side of the aisle said that?
You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
Would you consider them racist?
Considering the 3 you mentioned, of course.
If you said it… it would depend if you were replying to a white or black person. Is there a double standard on how whites can talk to blacks, of course. They call it white liberal guilt.
What about the word uppity? Can a white person refer to other whites as uppity? Can a white person refer to a black person(s) as uppity?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Can you believe it, another friend of the obama has tax issues.
The way it’s going, obama is going to get the federal debt paid off with just the taxes his friends haven’t paid.
Questions about Inkwell Foundation emerged over the weekend, part of a tsunami of attention Gates has received since July 16
ProPublica inquired about Inkwell after receiving an e-mail from Joseph Culligan, a private investigator who makes public on his Web site documents about prominent people, from Ann Coulter to Sonia Sotomayor. The e-mail spotlighted a $10,000 grant made to Joanne Kendall, the foundation’s treasurer, pointing out that she is also Gates’ assistant at Harvard.
Gates, a member of ProPublica’s board of directors, said Monday that the award to Kendall was actually payment for doing administrative work for Inkwell and not, as Inkwell’s IRS 990 form states, a research grant.
Stamn sure talks a lot like Puddy….has the same theories on racism, used the same 16% slogan…..but Puddy is real and Stamn…..never been seen.
Sigh! I can see that Marvin’s going to go back to calling me a racist again.
Considering the 3 you mentioned, of course.
LOL! What an idiot. Double standard. One for the right wing another for lefties…
it would depend if you were replying to a white or black person.
Again that makes no sense. What about a British racist in the late 1800’s referring to an Irishman with the N word? It’s still racism. If a Brit carries the attitude that he’s superior to anyone because of his British blood, it’s still racism. You’re showing a pretty pathetic lack of knowledge here that betrays the sterility of your anti-racist pose here.
What about the word uppity? Can a white person refer to other whites as uppity? Can a white person refer to a black person(s) as uppity?
You bet. Hillary has long been regarded by uptight white right wing males as an uppity woman.
Stick with the horn dude.
Marvin Stamnspews:
89. correctnotright spews:
Stamn sure talks a lot like Puddy….has the same theories on racism, used the same 16% slogan…..but Puddy is real and Stamn…..never been seen.
You caught me.
I’m Puddy’s sockpuppet.
Marvin Stamnspews:
It seemed like just yesterday when the AP couldn’t find anything bad to say about the obama.
I’ll field this one, being Irish Catholic myself, although a lapsed Catholic.
In Northern Ireland, especially around Derry (Londonderry to those who are on the wrong side of the struggle) the “Prods” commonly refer to us “The Niggers of Europe.”
I have family that lives there and I’ve visited twice. I’ll just say that life there is hard and very much like the African-American experience in many ways.
You’ve heard of “hard niggas”? Let me just say the ones “on the wall” and the one’s “fighting for the cause” are some bad ass, “hard Micks” and you don’t want to fuck with them. Even a little bit.
If you value your life or your knee caps, that is. No fucking around, no bravado, no trash talk, just getting down to the nasty business of doing what ya gotta do! Without remorse, without prejudice and certainly without compunction.
the Blue Dogs are basically following in Mr. Tauzin’s footsteps: if their position is incoherent, it’s because they’re nothing but corporate tools, defending special interests.
yes, as are the “progressives” in WA
@1 It’s fascinating how short-sighted and self-destructive corporate “special interests” have become. Long-term, the cheap labor conservatives who oppose health care reform are cutting their own economic throats.
Paying lower wages and fewer benefits, outsourcing jobs, and saddling families with escalating health costs can lead to only one result: Consumers with less disposable income will buy less from these corporations.
Hey everyone, ever notice how really big crimes in the Seattle area often don’t get mentioned on HA? I was wondering why this is, and maybe it’s that Goldy & Co don’t like to publicize the fact that all this crime is going on in a city run by a Democrat, within a district run by a Democrat, within a county run by a Democrat, within state run by a Democrat.
Maybe that’s why other, lesser crimes, but not in this area, get their own post.
Something to think about.
The truth is that Obama is very, very popular, although his popularity has slipped a bit from its high of 63-65% at inauguration o 55-59% this month (
In addition, health care reform is very popular, with 56% answering “It is more important than ever to take on health care reform now” and only 39% answering “we cannot afford to take on health care reform right now” when given that choice of statements. Even further, 58% would favor “Having a national health plan in which all Americans would get their insurance through an expanded, universal form of Medicare-for-all” (
Crime happens.
But when we have more jobs, we have less crime.
When left-leaning CNN starts talking about the freedoms we will lose under the free government healthcare program you know things are going bad for the democrats.
5 freedoms you’d lose in health care reform
If you read the fine print in the Congressional plans, you’ll find that a lot of cherished aspects of the current system would disappear.
1. Freedom to choose what’s in your plan
2. Freedom to be rewarded for healthy living, or pay your real costs
3. Freedom to choose high-deductible coverage
4. Freedom to keep your existing plan
5. Freedom to choose your doctors
Thankfully for the democrats, the government run education system has dumbed the country down.
Want proof? Take the test and compare your results. For you haters, even I’m smarter than 90% of the country.
You missed the point. HA posts about lesser crimes elsewhere.
I’m accusing HA of purposely avoiding writing about local major crime because it … I don’t know … may hurt Goldy’s chances for running for office someday? … He doesn’t want to tarnish the reputation of political friends, the Democratic party … you tell me. It’s a fact. Posts go up about some bag of pot left in some office in Alabama, or some spray paint on a garage door in Vancouver, but a lesbian couple who were both raped, then one stabbed to death by a black man in Seattle: Silence.
In a way, it’s understandable. Goldy & Co’s mission is the sell the Democratic party, telling is vote Democrat, and things will be wonderful. But when things aren’t so wonderful, I guess you wouldn’t want to draw attention to that fact.
BTW, 9 out of the top 10 US cities with the highest homicide rates have Democrats as mayors.
That’s another thing you won’t see Goldy post about.
But yeah, vote Democrat, and everything will be wonderful!
Poll after poll show the country is not happy with the direction the obama is pushing the country in…
Survey finds 51% believe U.S. on wrong track, while 41% say the nation is headed in right direction
But slightly more than half (53%) give the president a negative job performance rating
30% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10.
Jesus fuck I’m smart. I was Jesuit-educated. I was taught to think outside the box; ask questions; look for patterns.
You sheep just unquestioningly gulp-up whatever shit is posted on this site.
Good democrats had to choose between which voting block to stand up for. In this case, the lesbian group lost. If only it was a white republican doing the killing of the lesbian. I would say it’s strange steve hasn’t opined on this but his views on gays is well documented.
I remember the outrage in the liberal utopia known as seattle when that lesbian couple kissed at the baseball game.
@3 The best way to ensure more violent crime on our streets is to cut taxes that support law enforcement, courts, and jails.
@10 “Jesus fuck I’m smart.” Brake pads can squeal, too, so don’t get too carried away with yourself just because you’re good at making noise.
I’ve contributed to HA before, so in way, you’re here on my dime, boy. You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez twittered-
if i didn’t believe in doing right thing, i’d be rich anchoring at fox news
At least he’s admitting he doesn’t get paid as much as his white counterparts at cnn.
CNN stars like Lou Dobbs and Wolf Blitzer make millions each year.
do u know how much money i’d make if i’d sold out as hispanic and worked at fox news, r u kidding, one problem, looking in mirror
And faux news spokesman said-
he doesn’t have to worry about working at FOX because we only hire talent who have the ability to generate ratings.”
NPR is reporting…
A new study finds many waiters and waitresses feel that black Americans generally tip less than restaurant diners who are white. The study, by a researcher at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration, found that blacks tip on average 20 percent less than whites. In addition, restaurant workers of all races dislike waiting on black people because they assume the tips will be less no matter how good the service.
I had to ping the website to make sure it wasn’t a redirect from since it parrots what white racists have been saying for years.
And there’s “white ones” too I guess… What a fiend…
I believe that these days dimes are made of cupronickel. Before that, silver and copper.
I’ve never heard of dimes being made by “white” before.
Taking economics out of the equation, any thoughts as to why that might be? Is it a cultural thing? Political thing? I’d like to hear some theories.
17 – Way to excuse Troll’s racism.
But I’m sure another blast from you about HL is just around the corner.
How is me calling Roger Rabbit “boy,” racist? Is he African American? I assume he is white. Calling a white man boy isn’t racist.
6 – CNN is so “left-wing” Lou Dobbs can be found every night entertaining birther bilge or some crackpot scheme to deal with the undocumented.
I’ve contributed to HA before, so in way, you’re here on my dime, boy. You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
Do you see racism in that? Please explain.
6 MS
I hate to burst your bubble, but that article was reprinted from conservative, pro-plutocrat Fortune magazine, and was reprinted in Money (or CNN/Money), which has a separate editorial policy. Not so “left-leaning,” eh comrade?
11 – The harassment of the lesbian couple was due to Safeco Field policy NOT from Seattle. Nice way to lie and show your ignorance.
Safeco Field has also hassled people who are bit too boisterous or maybe a bit vulgar like baseball fans in the East Coast.
It’s just their kind of fascist obsession with keeping the park clean family fun for both families and the Japanese tourist for whom Ichiro is a big draw. The Mariners are majority owned by Nintendo by the way.
22 – Yep I do. Given trolls past racist blasts (and your silence about them), it’s plainly obvious.
And if someone on my side of the fence said that? Heh. You’d be all over them.
Please explain what is racist about
I’ve contributed to HA before, so in way, you’re here on my dime, boy. You bess be careful how you talk to your superiors.
What is “that?”
If using “boy” is racist, your next comment better be calling out everyone that refers to me as “boy” on this blog, starting with gbs and steve.
All I’m asking is for you to explain what is racist in that statement.
9 MS
Again, don’t be willfully obtuse.
First, had you been paying attention, which apparently you have not, across all pollsters the “right track/wrong track” numbers were absolutely horrendous after Bush, and have been improving steadily to the current point. THey could look better, but we are, after all deep within the worst downturn since the Great Depression. The fact that these numbers have improved steadily since Obama came into office (which again, you wither don’t know or willfully neglected to mention) speaks rather well of the president. Hint: in January, the numbers were
Right track/Wrong track
26%/ 63% (Research 2000)
35%/ 54% (AP)
31%/ 52% (Diageo)
I would also take issue with Zogby (and you) interpreting a rating of Fair as “negative.” That’s an awfully squishy concept–how do YOU know what people think that means? (Hint: you don’t).
You should really look at polls that ask clearly and simply if the respondent approves or disapproves of the president’s job performance. Otherwise you’re just blowing smoke. But of course you won’t do that because if you look at them, he is (as I said and posted the link @4) ruinning between 55% and 59% favorable. You can read, right, Mr. Smarter-than-90%?
Did anyone notice that when a black man commits a crime anywhre in the country, suddently these comment threads are overrun with trolls asking us why they’re being “avoided?”
When I’ve used the n-word, I’ve only used it in the way that Cris Rock used it. Remember his “Niggas vs. Black People” routine?
Unlike racists who use the n-word to describe all blacks, I used it in the Chris Rock sense.
Are they being avoided?
And I believe the case troll was talking about actually happened in seattle. Unlike my posts where I drag stuff in from democrat controlled cities across the country.
Racial graffiti on a garage door in Vancouver gets multiple posts on HA. A lesbian woman who was raped and stabbed to death by a black man in Seattle gets zero posts.
And it’s not just those two crimes. There’s a pattern to the silence on HA. It may anger some that I’m pointing it out, but somebody has to do it. Goldy certainly won’t draw your attention to it.
30 MS
My point is made yet again, with the depressing regularity for which you are all justly famous.
By the way, when one looks at the right track/wrong track numbers from late October, they are even MORE horrendous (when people still feared a potential McCain presidency).
Right track/Wrong track
17%/ 78% (AP)
12%/ 78% (Diageo)
I mean, REALLY bad. But after the election they started to change. I wonder what happened?
Hey Diddled Luvr, growing up in a Dummocrapt controlled city you’d think the Dummocrapts would have the recipe for financial, crime and school success since they’ve had the power all these decades. Butt, they only implement enough programs to keep themselves in power for the next election. Hence inna cities are a’crumblin down crumblin down. Inna city schools are a’crumblin down crumblin down. Look at WA DC. They spend ~$25,000 per child (ask clueless wondermoron for the PuddyLink to the data) and their test scores still suck rabbit pellets. They have none of the latest technology the ‘burb boys experienced. The text books are usually an older edition. Well that could be a good thing since many of my family see the revisionist history rewrites happening from Scholastic, Macmillan / McGraw-Hill, Houghton-Mifflin, Harcourt and Prentice-Hall publishers.
You guys have all the questions and supposedly all the answers butt nuthin is ever answered and the situation gets worse and worse. Why is that Diddled Luvr?
Diddled Luvr, dude you don’t have a point. When a Republican or a conservative does something wrong you jump on it like stink on shit. Yet, when crime occurs in your own back yard like the black man who killed a lesbian, Troll asks why isn’t a thread created to discuss the situation. Was it a hate crime? Did he hate those two white wimens? Did he catch them in de act? Was he pizzed cuz he wasn’t there? Dd he first case their house? It’s your tribe who love to love lesbians and support their acts and give them aid and comfort here. So why the stance?
Puddy hates crime. Puddy thinks the killer should be incarcerated for a long time. Yet you are wery wery qwiet on dis!
29 – It’s Chris’ business how he wants to advance his stand-up routine just like it was Richard Pryor’s and Dick Gregory’s but in my opinion overusing the N word was at best crossing a bit over the line into probable negative consequences.
Negative consequences like providing weak cover for racists like you Troll.
But comedians take risks for their art and being “edgy” is one of those risks. I understand that.
WTF? A crime was committed. The perp should be put away for life.
End of story.
Can we talk about health care now?
OH I get it – the right wing wants to talk about people of color committing crimes so fair-skinned people can get scared and vote right wing shitheads into office.
AND of course there’s no discussion of PROGRESS on health care..
Nice try right wing idiots.. Now do you understand why we should NEVER take orders from you?
Your point is avoiding answering the question.
Why are certain crimes not talked about?
Is it really as simple as partisan politics?
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
The point being that right wingers think their shit don’t stink.
For the millionth time: it does and the toilet was cleaned out last November.
The two relevant words in Troll’s statement was “superiors” and “boy”..
What if somebody on my side of the fence said that? Like Stupes just said – you’d be all over it like stink on shit.
I believe he was pointing out the difference between posts about graffiti at the hands of a supposed republican voter and the killing of a lesbian by a supposed democrat voter.
Correct. Just like the racists that graffiti stuff.
Yet the graffiti situation was deemed more deserving by the blog owners/moderators.
Thanks for the compliment.
I didn’t know my points were so persuasive that I could get the fair-skinned liberals on this blog to become scared of blacks and vote for republicans.
Now if only I could persuade you into getting a job.
LOL! How do you know the perp votes at all? Most of the time, a majority of eligible people DON’T BOTHER to vote in this country.
Funny that it was proved in the election contest trial here in 2005 that felons will vote for Republicans. The proof was so convincing that the Republican judge altered the final voting counts in the Democrat’s favor.
I’ve heard that in the pedophilia community, young girls are referred to as LG’s, for little girls. So I would imagine LB stands for little boys.
Feel free to join Troll’s cause. I’m sure Stupes will approve as well.
It’s all good for a few yucks from people on my side of aisle. You gotta laugh once in a while to keep from crying.
43 – A little meltdown here..
Can any of the old timers on the right wing side tell this fool what YLB stands for?
Troll – let it stand for whatever you please. It says more about you than it can ever say about me.
Yeah right. Your creepy eye peering through a glory hole. The initials YLB … and I’m the perverted one.
Is the rabbit black? If so, the troll wrote something (boy) that was racist, no ands ifs or buts.
Since you find “boy” as a racist word…
Do you remember my posts asking gbs why he assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare?
229. GBS spews:
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
Do you remember his answer from last week?
76. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin;
You’re the one who said you were black. How else would I know that?
What about him calling me “boy” since he claims he believed I was black from my own words.
37. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin:
I guess someone on your side of the fence said something like that, well, exactly like that. Considering gbs added the “EEE” to it maybe even worse.
Are you going to call gbs out like you are Troll or are you going to be exactly like what you point out about us other trolls looking the other way when it’s from our side of the fence.
You might as well answer here and now, this question isn’t going away anytime soon. I’m saving the link should you forget to answer.
46 – LOL! The eye really brings out the fantasies from you doesn’t it?
Oh and by your comment in 43 you seem to be up on the lingo used in the “pedophilia community”. I wonder why.
I’m glad my comments in this thread seem to have struck a nerve with you.
Again the eye stays. It’s focused on your ugly right wing agenda. It never wavers and I don’t take orders from right wing whackjobs.
Is the rabbit black? If so, the troll wrote something (boy) that was racist, no ands ifs or buts.
Since you find “boy” as a racist word…
Do you remember my posts asking gbs why he assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare?
229. GBS spews:
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
Do you remember his answer from last week?
76. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin;
You’re the one who said you were black. How else would I know that?
What about him calling me “boy” since he claims he believed I was black from my own words.
37. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin:
I guess someone on your side of the fence said something like that, well, exactly like that. Considering gbs added the “EEE” to it maybe even worse.
Are you going to call gbs out like you are Troll or are you going to be exactly like what you point out about us other trolls looking the other way when it’s from our side of the fence.
You might as well answer here and now, this question isn’t going away anytime soon. I’m saving the link should you forget to answer.
Did anyone see the Goebbels-Hannity show last night? This smarmy hate monger ran an infomercial bad mouthing Canadian and British medicine. The facts were grossly misrepresented, including issues that have been widely addressed before.
What worries me is that we are seeing the usual rad right/Nazi tactic of big lies while the other side, committed to rational discussion, is hampered by its own commitment to honesty.
It seems to me that the usual media, what Goebbels calls the far left, ought to respond NOT by dissing the American docs or the Insurance companies .. all that will do is heighten the cacophony, but by adopting Fauxista tactics to go after Hannity-Oreilly-Beck.
Here are some ideas:
1. Paranoia on the Air Prominent Psychiatrist discusses paranoia among victims of Fauxism.
2. Glen Beck and the traditions of yellow journalism … play Beck episodes across from Jo McCarthy, Father Coughlin, LePen, Hamas, pointing out the similarities.
3. Flags and Heroes … Is there any major rad righter who ever served in the military?
4. Faux and the Rednecks. A documentary o n birthers and racist fans of Faux.
5. The United States if Healthcare A documentary on the effects of the USA of explosive corporate paid health care … featuring GM built alluding to Boeing.
6. The Radical Right Hereafter .. what did happen to Mr. Chaney and Mr. Quayle? Did Ollie-the-felon North ever pay his debt? … what did Libby know?
7. Crusaders The Religious Right infiltration of the Special Forces and the AF Academy.
8. The Grand Friendship Close relations between the Bush family and the Saudis.
9. Honoris Causa Academic quality of Bob Jones, Liberty University, Oral Roberts.
10. Plight of the Gay Republican. This is a fave, an actor impersonates a gay republican and infiltrates the Texas Repub. Party Org.
OR … we can play THEIR game and focus on misuses of radical religious penises, nightly “worst persons of the world,:” etc.
cross posted at SJ
Simply using the words you posted, what about ollie north?
What if he was Irish? The N word has been applied to the Irish as well. Troll’s use of “superiors” and “boy” is consistent with a pattern of racist attitudes expressed here.
An idiot who used to comment here who called himself “The Truth” (now deceased I think) used to call Obama “loser boy”. Glad to know you agree that he was racist.
LOL! GBS has actually gone out of his way to BREAK BREAD with my old sparring partner Stupes. GBS calls Stupes his friend and Stupes doesn’t go off on GBS like he does with me even though GBS in my view is more ANTI-CONSERVATIVE than me… Sometimes I read GBS and wonder if I’m being too soft on right wingers.
Is that how a racist behaves?
That being said I think there’s better ways of putting dumbass right wingers in their place than using old putdowns that only give fuel to trolls like you.
You know I’m on the record as not being OK with that. In my view, stuff like that should be left to the right wingers. You know right wingers like mark, manoftruth, “The Truth” and the odious Troll.
I hope troll doesn’t mind me stepping in the middle of his conversation.
Do you know the words racists use to describe blacks?
Do you know the words racists use to describe hispanics?
Do you know the words racistsuse to describe jews?
You seem to be up on the lingo used by racists.
I wonder why.
@13 You must be joking.
52 – I learned it all from the right wingers in these comments threads…
@35 “Puddy hates crime. Puddy thinks the killer should be incarcerated for a long time. Yet you are wery wery qwiet on dis!”
So? Why is it necessary to say anything? Some things are so obvious they don’t need any repetition. People shouldn’t run red lights, and just because we don’t post comments against running red lights, doesn’t mean we’re for running red lights! I mean, who in hell is for letting killers out of jail? Besides wingnuts who want to force deep budget cuts that will force the state to release robbers, rapists, and killers, that is?
53 – Nope, he’s dead serious ESPECIALLY about the “superiors” and “boy” stuff.
@52 Maybe because the people on the getting end of racist epithets are, for the most part, on our side. There isn’t anyone left on your side except a few angry white males who dropped out of junior high.
How about that Sonya Sotomayor? Republican Senators are climbing all over themselves to vote for her as opposed to say a public option for health care.
Why? Well it helps that she’s basically a judicial conservative probably more than Souter and contrary to myth Souter was no liberal.
I’m hoping she turns out more in the Sandra Day O’Connor vein bless her for stating that the President does NOT get a blank check. One good thing that came out of Raygun… Thought I’d never say that.
LOL! I missed that “bess”. He’s aping a southern racist.
I rest my case.
Ping Troll.
To pacify ylb, break bread with Puddy and ylb will overlook your use of “boy.”
60 – LOL! That’ll be the day! I can’t wait for him to rise to that challenge and then go back to using the N word (in the Chris Rock sense) here in the comment threads.
clueless wondermoron@42:
We know there is a better than 9/10’s chance he would have voted Dummocraptic fool.
Yelling Loser Boy
Yellow Leftist Boob
Yucky Loser Bozo
Yippee Loser Boy
Yipping Loser Boy
emphasis on the boy. Where were you yesterday Yelling Loser Boy? Puddy was in Seattle looking for you infagnito with your SEIU wife and yer two kiddies at the Hispanic Seafair Festival.
clueless wondermoron farts
By whom? Robert 3K Sheets Byrd?
Delusional fool. He met Puddy and PacMan fool. He didn’t go out of his way for nuthin.
What a tacky clueless wondermoron!
LMAO!! My favorite moron has appeared.
Gotta go. I’ll be back to deal with your latest idiocies!
It’s too much fun..
I couldn’t find Puddy at this year’s Bon Odori. The only possible explanation is that Puddy didn’t go because he hates Japanese-Americans.
Steve, when was the Bon Odori? Puddy would have checked it out. Puddy likes all cuisines!
If you all noticed, Puddy skipped the sophomoric attack that Puddy hates Japanese-Americans. Steve is just a moron, but everyone knew this from his goat abusing.
It was the weekend before last. Have you been before? It’s really a wonderful festival.
It’s just steve and his projection thing again.
He assumes that everyone views life as he does.
Geez, Puddy, I thought that you, of all people, would appreciate a sophomoric attack. Perhaps I should have just used,
The moron shows. What has he left for us?
And probably close to 50 percent chance he’s never voted in his lifetime. Who cares how he voted if he ever voted at all? He’s going to the joint where he belongs for the rest of his miserable life if justice is to be served. Why did he murder that woman? Was it a hate crime? If so, that would most probably indicate leaning to the right.
64 – LOL. Five tries and he get its wrong each time! The “bubble memory” is just more bullshit to go with the right wing kind he brings here.
Where was I yesterday? NONE OF YOUR ‘EFFIN BUSINESS FOOL! And like I could care what the F you were doing. Probably taking pictures of people showing mexican flags so you could brag to your idiot peeps. What’s next?
Byrd? I don’t know maybe that’s true but I was thinking of British racists way, way back in day – late 1800’s. You shitheads will mourn the passing of Byrd and Kennedy (not publicly of course). Nothing but boring Dems after that with not so nearly a colorful legacy for you to make right wing bullshit about.
Never said GBS did somethin’ for nuthin’. There you go again putting words in my mouth. GBS’ reasons are his own business. Going out of his way is just a turn of phrase for Marvin’s benefit. By the way Marv is implying your friend is racist. Do you agree?
Yawwn… Got others things to do. Been real…
Like I said…
Is the rabbit blaack?
If not, calling him boy isn’t racist.
“Is the rabbit blaack?”
Are you gay?
Why, do you believe that would excuse you from calling me a “faggot?”
When is a hate crime not a hate crime??
Police: Brick thrown through window not hate crime
She called police but didn’t learn what had shattered the double-paned window in her 4-year-old son’s room until after police arrived. Officers showed her a brick with a note attached: “Keep Eastside Black. Keep Eastside Strong.
Linder [Nelson Linder, president of the Austin chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] said this incident is linked to an undercurrent of racism that city leaders have yet to address in East Austin.
You’re new here, @2, so please allow me to introduce myself. I’m left-liberal HA’s official greeter.
After giving you a hearty greeting, just as we do in DeMolay, I kick you back into the hole you hopped out of.
Have a nice day.
To repeat, #2, left-liberal HA’s official greeter plays HA the Cassius Clay way: Float like a butterfly, sting like a Stinger.
If the Stingers don’t get you, and if you survive the RPGs and IEDs and IUDs, I’ll joke you into submission.
Any questions? Still going #2?
It takes a few times for you to get it doesn’t it?
That’s Troll aping a southern racist.
“I’ll joke you into submission”
To think that the libs here don’t appreciate you. I don’t get it.
Troll, clueless wondermoron AKA yellow loser bozo lives for the republican perv link. You can’t see the neon Vacancy light stuck on in his eye?
If the rabbit isn’t black, it isn’t racist. Simple.
Are you implying a southern accent = racist?
I’m guessing since you haven’t answered that the rabbit isn’t black. So, Troll calling the Rabbit boy is no more racist than you calling me asshole.
83 – Here’s the ultimate test.
What if headless lucy, gbs, steve or anyone else on my side of the aisle said that?
Would you consider them racist?
Sorry. REPUBLICANS live out their perverted fantasies as described on the website you’re thinking of.
Which is NOT what I’ve linked to in 39. That link is more about Republican corruption in general.
Why do you get everything so damn wrong?
Considering the 3 you mentioned, of course.
If you said it… it would depend if you were replying to a white or black person. Is there a double standard on how whites can talk to blacks, of course. They call it white liberal guilt.
What about the word uppity? Can a white person refer to other whites as uppity? Can a white person refer to a black person(s) as uppity?
Can you believe it, another friend of the obama has tax issues.
The way it’s going, obama is going to get the federal debt paid off with just the taxes his friends haven’t paid.
A charity headed by star Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. is filing an amended 2007 report to the Internal Revenue Service because $11,000 it paid to foundation officers as compensation was mischaracterized as being for research grants.
Questions about Inkwell Foundation emerged over the weekend, part of a tsunami of attention Gates has received since July 16
ProPublica inquired about Inkwell after receiving an e-mail from Joseph Culligan, a private investigator who makes public on his Web site documents about prominent people, from Ann Coulter to Sonia Sotomayor. The e-mail spotlighted a $10,000 grant made to Joanne Kendall, the foundation’s treasurer, pointing out that she is also Gates’ assistant at Harvard.
Gates, a member of ProPublica’s board of directors, said Monday that the award to Kendall was actually payment for doing administrative work for Inkwell and not, as Inkwell’s IRS 990 form states, a research grant.
Stamn sure talks a lot like Puddy….has the same theories on racism, used the same 16% slogan…..but Puddy is real and Stamn…..never been seen.
Sigh! I can see that Marvin’s going to go back to calling me a racist again.
LOL! What an idiot. Double standard. One for the right wing another for lefties…
Again that makes no sense. What about a British racist in the late 1800’s referring to an Irishman with the N word? It’s still racism. If a Brit carries the attitude that he’s superior to anyone because of his British blood, it’s still racism. You’re showing a pretty pathetic lack of knowledge here that betrays the sterility of your anti-racist pose here.
You bet. Hillary has long been regarded by uptight white right wing males as an uppity woman.
Stick with the horn dude.
You caught me.
I’m Puddy’s sockpuppet.
It seemed like just yesterday when the AP couldn’t find anything bad to say about the obama.
How much are politicians straining to convince people that the government is stimulating the economy? In Oregon, where lawmakers are spending $176 million to supplement the federal stimulus, Democrats are taking credit for a remarkable feat: creating 3,236 new jobs in the program’s first three months.
But those jobs lasted on average only 35 hours, or about one work week. After that, those workers were effectively back unemployed, according to an Associated Press analysis of state spending and hiring data. By the state’s accounting, a job is a job, whether it lasts three hours, three days, three months, or a lifetime.
At the federal level, President Barack Obama has said the federal stimulus has created 150,000 jobs, a number based on a misused formula and which is so murky it can’t be verified.
I’ll field this one, being Irish Catholic myself, although a lapsed Catholic.
In Northern Ireland, especially around Derry (Londonderry to those who are on the wrong side of the struggle) the “Prods” commonly refer to us “The Niggers of Europe.”
I have family that lives there and I’ve visited twice. I’ll just say that life there is hard and very much like the African-American experience in many ways.
You’ve heard of “hard niggas”? Let me just say the ones “on the wall” and the one’s “fighting for the cause” are some bad ass, “hard Micks” and you don’t want to fuck with them. Even a little bit.
If you value your life or your knee caps, that is. No fucking around, no bravado, no trash talk, just getting down to the nasty business of doing what ya gotta do! Without remorse, without prejudice and certainly without compunction.
“We Oursleves” Erin go braugh!