People that are perpetuating this birth certificate nonsense are truly immune to reason. Nothing could ever persuade them, not even God himself speaking to them, that they are wrong. I cannot believe such insanity persists, even in the wingnut world. Among our trolls, I’d like to know who thinks our president is not a native-born citizen. I could guess, but I’ll wait and see if any pipe up.
I have an invention I’ve thought-up, but don’t know how to get the ball rolling on this. Maybe someone who knows something about inventions or patents can help me?
It’s basically vitamin-fortified edible cigarette butts. The purpose is three-fold. 1), To greatly reduce the number of cigarette butts littering our world. 2), To prevent the homeless and hungry from starving and malnutrition. 3), To reduce the amount of money governments would have to spend on food-related programs. The hungry could basically feed and nourish themselves by picking up cigarette butts along the roads, and then eat them.
Okay … can someone tell me what’s my next step with this idea?
@1 “I cannot believe such insanity persists, even in the wingnut world.”
When that woman went birther the crowd went nuts. Pitchforks and torches would be next. All in all, very disturbing. We knew they were going to take the November loss badly, but this is getting out of control. The Republican leadership couldn’t stop it now even if they wanted to, and they don’t. I wonder just how ugly it’s going to get?
proud leftistspews:
How about it, care to weigh in on whether our president is a native-born citizen? C’mon, we all appreciate your opinion on such weighty matters.
@2 Clever. Get to work on the formula and also check this out.
All amusement aside, this sort of phenomenon is truly frightening. These crazies get to vote, and their votes count as much as yours and mine. And, we have Republican political leaders–to wit, that smarmy Republican Congressman from California who appears in the clip–throwing them red meat. How irresponsible is that? He is in effect telling whackjobs to keep up the good work and they’ll be rewarded legislatively. Crazy shit.
I believe he was born in Hawaii. How could something like a U.S. President being born in Kenya be kept a secret for this long? If it were true, someone would have the proof by now.
“Crazy shit.”
And dangerous. The direction this is headed is indeed frightening. Did you see the freeper link on the other thread where they are planning on taking over the country and imposing their will? Isn’t that the stuff of treason? If not, then it’s damned close.
Gettin’ free bus rides. Seems the ORCA readers are having problems. Some drivers are just waving me on.
Interesting how many Democrats were arresting in New Jersey for corruption!
North Korea “Palinizes” Hillary!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yep, that Dummocrapt corruption keeps going and going and going. Well there were three Republicans which the Libtardo press identified among the 40+ people. What is interesting is when you look at the pictures from Yahoo and how they identify the people you have picture 68 identifying Anthony Suarez (R), mayor of Ridgefield, N.J, yet they don’t identify Peter Cammarano (C), newly elected mayor of Hoboken, N.J. as a Dummocrapt, or Mariano Vega, Jr. (C), the city council president of Jersey City, N.J. as a Dummocrapt, Louis Manzo, former state Assemblyman as a Dummocrapt, Leona Beldini (C), Deputy Mayor of Jersey City, N.J. as a Dummocrapt, but they identified Dennis Elwell (L), mayor of Secaucus, N.J. as a Libtardo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So Puddy wondered does C stand for Communist Dummocrapt?
For those who think Puddy skipped Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt, he was identified here but the other identification were “missed” in the article’s top paragraphs. They were identified way below… see “Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt (R-Ocean), Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell and Jersey City Council President Mariano Vega are among those already brought to the FBI building in Newark. Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini has also been arrested.”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
When you guys get to picture #101, there is some black history here with this “person”. Puddy wonders if the Libatrdos are up to the task. Puddy bets most HA Libtardos have to look it up!
ROTCODDAM, Puddy especially hopes you remember.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Looks like the ACORN group is finally getting investigated.
@3 Wasn’t that the same woman who stood up and tried to tell McCain that Obama was “an A-rab”?
(Hmm…maybe she’s an old Ray Stevens fan. Whoooooah, Clyde!)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Notice how Kommodore Steve of Kountry Klub fame never shares any facts or news…just attacks the commentor.
Shows how shallow ignorant Kommodore Steve is.
After a handful of Martini’s, he gets reaaaaal bold on-line!
How about this steve-o
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).
Just 25% believe that the economic stimulus package has helped the economy.
The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates also available on Twitter.
Overall, 49% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. Today marks the first time his overall approval rating has ever fallen below 50% among Likely Voters nationwide. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.
Eighty-three percent (83%) of Democrats continue to approve of the President’s performance while 80% of Republicans disapprove. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 37% offer a positive assessment. The President earns approval from 51% of women and 47% of men.
I love that “investigation” by batshit insane wingnut Issa – sources such winners as John Fund, WSJ Editorial Page and Breitbart!
teh stupid! It burns!!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ahhh yes the same monomaniacal fool who is a chronological idiot and dismissed the Dummocraptic Pension Fund scandal becuz it was first reported in the WA Times.
Keep up the worthless mantra clueless wondermoron!
19 – The same idiot whose “bubble memory” couldn’t recall if his socket puppet MWS DENIED he was Puddy.
and was SHAMED into leaving HA.
The same idiot whose wingnut bullshit just the other day couldn’t hold up to a learned scientist’s argument. SHAMED again!
The same idiot whose ugly party is so filled with horrid bigotry and racism and can’t understand why it’s DOOMED to wander the wilderness for many years to come.
Amongst other idiocies too numerous to detail..
Carry on willful fool!
Got anymore of those racist jokes of yours to share with us, Mr. Klynical?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ahhh yes, that’s all clueless wondermoron has going back to 2007, while Puddy gets fresh clueless wondermoronism every month in 2009.
Regarding horrid bigotry in the Dummocraptic party did you miss yesterday’s Puddy comments clueless wondermoron? Ohhh, that’s right yous a 24 hour memory libtardo!
Keep being retro clueless wondermoron. That’s why Puddy called you re-run for a while!
Thanks for the Daily Show clip. That was a well spent 8 minutes.
proud leftistspews:
Do you know how childish your use of terms like “Dummocrat” and “libtard” appears? BTW, where do you believe our president was born? I’m curious.
Mr. Rcguyspews:
I find it funny that people are going after this birth certificate thing.
Pretty soon there will be people making things up about Obama and faxing them to reputable news organizations to be put on the national news instead of just blowing it off as fringe lunatic conspiracy theories.
…..oh wait.
There is just as much of this crap on both sides of the spectrum.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
50. Mr. Cynical spews:
43. GBS spews:
Want a trade tip?
1 week from today options expire. See where WFC finished compared to today. If it’s above today’s close price buy 100 shares and sell a call option on the first “out of the money” option for the front month (July) or the following month.
Good tip.
I wrote 40 covered July 26’s for my Wells Fargo holdings @ $3.75. Looking ok…but if they are exercised, I pay ST Capital Gain
Excellent tip!
I made $15,000 and the options weren’t exercised preserving my long-term capital gain on the underlying 4,000 shares.
You are a good CAPITALIST GBS.
I think you wear Marxist clothing out of some sort of guilt complex you are afflicted with.
Must suck to feel guilty about scoring a nice profit.
Where is Roger Rabbit??
I kind of miss the ol’ Pelletizer.
Hope he ain’t dead.
52 Blue Dog Dems saying NO!! on Obamacare.
Waxman threatens to STEAMROLL them!!
Could be 52 new Republicans or a 3rd Party out of this one.
Too Damn Funny!!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud leftist complaining about Puddy calling Democrats Dummocrapts and liberals libtardos when he was fondling his “golden goat”.
Now where was “the messiah” born? Hawaii. And Puddy thinks we landed on the moon and there were no internal explosives used on the WTC Towers and it wasn’t a Jewish plot.
What do you think happened with the “moon landing” and 9/11? Are you one of those 9/11 Truthers? Puddy can go back and see what Proud Leftist said when headless lucy was delivering that BULLSHITTIUM!
Man you are
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama’s next self-created TURD to deal with…Unemployment Funds.
It’s probably as bad or worse than the Mortgage and Porkulous Bailouts!
How is the Obama “Hope & Change” working out for the Americans who foolishly elected the Private Sector Job Killer as President??
The facts speak for themselves.
Obama is in free-fall.
He waaaaaaaaay oversold himself.
His lack of experience and Marxist ideology is killing the Country.
I’d suggest he resign…but that would put loose-lipped, insane Joe Biden at the helm!
Dumb and Dumber!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I think you and Star Parker ought to reform the Republican Party. Folks that are well-grounded in Conservative principals and don’t waver when the KLOWNS personal destruction attacks.
The KLOWNS, in 6 months, have spent ALL their political capital and are fighting amongst each other. 2010 is going to be 1994 all over again.
Hawaii’s Universal Health Care is collapsing after 7 months. 23 out of 26 State Senators are Dummocrats.
Despite their “good intentions”, their plan to cover Uninsureds ending up with 85% of those in the plan cancelling existing insurance and joining the “handout” krowd!
Massa2shits has also collapsed in “good intentions”.
Time for you KLOWNS too get your collective heads out of the klouds…
The collapse of you Utopian Marxists was inevitable.
Good intentions eventually lose out to friggin’ REALITY!
Grow up and wise up you lazy bastards!!
proud leftistspews:
Puddy and Cyn,
Gentlemen, you are making a helluva pitch for a resurrection of the Golden Goat Award. I may have to summon the members of the Academy for a conference. Of course, they are probably spread to the Four Winds by now, drunk and incoherent. Still, when confronted with the major level of trollism you gents have recently generated, the Academy members’ sense of responsibility might just kick in yet again.
I’m sure the bigoted Mr. Klynical will claim that liberals have no sense of humor.
And the Stupes the dupe will be silent as usual.
Daddy Lovespews:
15 Pud. That’s not an investigation, it’s a report by Darrell Issa. Considering the source, I think it’s worth what you paid for it. But Republicans don’t have the authority to blow their own noses in committee these days, so don’t go looking for Congressional inquiry into this silly matter.
Daddy Lovespews:
30 Cynical
And Republicans keep thinking that the future will be just like the past. You guys had like a thirty-year run, and now it’s over. I understand why that’s hard to swallow, but get over it.
How is it not like 1994?
So now Republicans in Congress have EXTREMELY LOW job approval ratings.
And both the president and the Democrats in Congress are trusted much more than Republicans on the issues.
And Republicans have record low favorabilty and/or approval ratings from Latinos.
Beleive me, brother, 2010 is going to look a hell of a lot more like 2008 than it will like 1994.
Overall, the new poll found that 53 percent of Americans view Palin negatively and 40 percent see her in positive terms, her lowest level in Post-ABC polling since she first appeared on the national stage last summer as Sen. John McCain’s running mate.
Perhaps more vexing for Palin’s national political aspirations, however, is that 57 percent of Americans say she does not understand complex issues, while 37 percent think she does, a nine-percentage-point drop from a poll conducted in September just before her debate with now-Vice President Biden. The biggest decline on the question came among Republicans, nearly four in 10 of whom now say she does not understand complex issues. That figure is 70 percent among Democrats and 58 percent among independents.
Fifty-four percent say Palin is not a strong leader; 40 percent say she is. Obama, meanwhile, is viewed as a strong leader by 71 percent in the poll. GOP women are more apt than GOP men to see Palin as a strong leader, and a slim majority of Americans consider her honest and trustworthy.
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, re: Henry Louis Gates…
Once he identified himself as the resident to the officer, that should have been the end of it. Absolutely and completely.
Daddy Lovespews:
27 Cyn
52 Blue Dog Dems saying NO!! on Obamacare.
Waxman threatens to STEAMROLL them!!
Are you really as dumb as you sound? You’re as dumb as Fox News. Really:
Nearly all 52 Blue Dogs are expected to vote against the health bill if it hits the House floor in its current form.
There IS no “health bill.” There are three bills, two of which passed out of committee easily, and one that is hung up in the House Energy and Commerce Committe by a half-dozen so-called “Blue Dogs.”
At some later point, these three bills will be reconciled and then the reconciled bill will come up for a vote in the full House. So you and Fox News seem to “expect” that 52 Democrats will vote against a bill that has not even been written? How fucking stupid is that?
has going back to 2007,
LOL! This is the same fool still barking orders on HL going back to 2005. The same fool keeping a silly tally.
How “retro” is getting your ass handed to you the other day by Darryl?
How “retro” is you expecting anyone to take seriously the latest feckless leavings from batshit insane fools from your ugly party like Issa?
Sorry MWS is still on the table, always will be on the table. He’s YOUR legacy.
He COMPLETES you! Fiend!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
My Oh My!
Daddy Love is taking the downfall of Obamunism mighty hard. Are you as dumb as you sound Daddy Love??
Obama wanted to ram thru the Health Care Bill.
The Blue Dog Democrats and Max Baucus stopped the Obamunism travesty.
Now, everday Americans look at the details of this Obamacare, the worse it gets and the more Obama plummets.
Didn’t Obama’s “typical white woman Granny” teach l’il Barrack these simple words?? “I’M SORRY!!”
Obama has given us a number of half-assed, close to but not quite apologies.
How hard is it to say “I’M SORRY”
Obviously Obama is not sorry…pandering to Gates his arrogant buddy who helped create the situation. Obama should have never gotten involved…especially without all the facts.
Let’s see–
Obama had zero experience making meaningful decisions when elected President.
Obama had a legacy of poor choices in folks he surrounded himself with (Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Flager, Ayers et al)
His worldwide APOLOGY TOUR was a disaster.
Porkulous is a disaster.
Obamacare is a disaster.
Now the Democratic Party is ready to split over Obama’s arrogant effort to ram thru an ill-advised bill.
You Progressive KLOWNS certainly have the NEGATIVE MIDAS TOUCH, don’t you.
In 6 short months, you burn all your political capital taking the GOLDEN RING and turning it into stinky, steaming fecal matter dripping thru your KLOWN hands.
Hey, go get those rich folks you KLOWNS.
Go get ’em and make ’em pay!!
You KLOWNS have the inate inability to not see consequences to your goofy Utopian Marxist dogma.
Lifestyle underemployed whining KLOWNS.
Thanks for the entertainment.
Oh and steve…
PULLEASE keep posting your vulgar nonsense so people will not read this Blog.
You are doing a great job of trolling HorsesAss.
On most Conservative Blog’s, people show great restraint in not engaging the trolls.
You are a schmuck steve.
Really, keep up the self-destruction.
You have done a fine job with your fellow KLOWNmates YLB and ByeByeGoober.
proud leftistspews:
It really hurts my feelings that you did not include me in your list of leftist KLOWNs. Please don’t overlook me again.
40 – Pfffft.. Batshit insane…
EVERYTHING you’ve brought to this blog has turned out WRONG!
Your track record is pathetic..
Keep fantasizing fiend.. It’s just too damn entertaining.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
If you HA Libtardos listened to “the messiah” earlier today he threw Professer Gates under the bus. Said “Professor Gates probably overreacted as well.”
“Oh and steve…
PULLEASE keep posting your vulgar nonsense so people will not read this Blog.”
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
Let’s repeat that one line again:
“In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living”
I’m sure we will all give due consideration to what a racist concern troll has to say about this blog.
Oh, and I’m truly sorry -heh- for making your visits here so unpleasant for you.
@39 “The same fool keeping a silly tally.”
Oh, you must be talking about that “Mr. 50% +1” guy who not only refuses to stand up to racists, he goes as far as to coddle them.
53. Troll spews:
Are you talking about the niggers beat Tubaman to death, and only going to be sentenced to weeks in jail?
04/03/2009 at 6:09 pm
55. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews: Troll@53, there are white ones too.
04/03/2009 at 6:21 pm
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yes, Steve who said they’re white ones too? Cum on Steve without looking it up in any search engines who told the world there are white niggers too?
And you called Marvin a faggot and a cunt. Shame on you Steve.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wondermoron living vicariously through others actions cuz his mind is homeless let alone hopeless. Proves two things
1) He’s an idiot
2) He’s a moron
Any questions?
Why did that cop arrest Skip Gates for disorderly conduct?
A simple ID check should have been enough.
I got a ticket one time when I was living in CA and got it off my record by attending drivers school. The class was conducted by an off-duty latino policeman. He told us one time he was pulled by over by a nutjob cop who approached his car with a weapon drawn.
Of course he was being racially profiled and wanted nothing more than to have that nutball write him a ticket which he would then use to humiliate him in open court. The fiend woke up just in time and let him go.
LOL @ 47
Nice try fiend. Falls flat.
Your worthless record speaks for itself.
That’s a pretty sick joke.
Equating being black with being full of bullshit.
Bad, bad, bad.
Marvin Stamnspews:
46. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
… who told the world there are white niggers too?
I’m guessing a democrat. Probably a racist democrat. Probably a democrat that was in the klan. Probably a democrat that worked his way up from a simple racist to a grand kleagle. Am I getting close?
And you called Marvin a faggot and a cunt. Shame on you Steve.
And steve was shamed by me. He even had the decency to thank me for it.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
05/08/2009 AT 9:34 AM
That was back before steve went off the deep end. I’m sure he’s not thankful anymore for my help.
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. Mr. Cynical spews:
Where is Roger Rabbit??
I kind of miss the ol’ Pelletizer.
Hope he ain’t dead.
I was thinking the same thing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. Steve spews:
“Oh and steve…
PULLEASE keep posting your vulgar nonsense so people will not read this Blog.”
Let’s repeat that one line again:
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
I wasn’t belittled.
Epic fail on your part.
51. Marvin Stamn spews:
46. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
… who told the world there are white niggers too?
I’m guessing a democrat. Probably a racist democrat.
Actually, Marvin, that “racist”, as you call him, was Puddy.
55. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews: Troll@53, there are white ones too.
04/03/2009 at 6:21 pm
You’re such a fucking chump, Marvin.
Did you know that your friend and fellow traveler, Mr. Klynical, writes poetry?
31. Mr. Cynical spews:
So let’s hitch up the wagons and head out west
To the land of the fags and the sun
Goldy will be real world homo jackass millionaire
Hey hey, Ron Sims, here Goldy comes!!
06/04/2006 at 4:26 pm
Daddy Lovespews:
FIrst, we’re gonna skullfuck some Blue Dogs. Then, we’re going to roll over the Refucklicans and pass universal health care.
Then, you’ll post the same thing over and over and over and over again.
It’ll be a hoot.
Hey Steve @ 55,
I bet Marvelous Marv didn’t know Ron Sims was black.
That Mr. Klynical is one sick fiend! All these years I just thought he was just another feckless right wing blowhard bozo.
54. Steve spews:
Actually, Marvin, that “racist”, as you call him, was Puddy.
The correct answer is robert “sheets” byrd.
A google search for “white nigger” results in the grand kleagle being the second result. And the guy even said it on national teev.
Thanks for playing, better luck next time. Pick up your consolation prize on the way out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
56. Daddy Love spews:
FIrst, we’re gonna skullfuck some Blue Dogs.
Isn’t the democrats “big tent” big enough for differing opinion?
@57 YLB, I found in the archives something Mr. Klynical would do that you might recall. Here’s today’s spin on it:
@58 heh- Oh, and cool screen name.
I’ll sign off with an old favorite.
38. Steve spews:
@37 Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
06/09/2009 at 2:25 pm
39. Marvin Stamn spews:
Yup, dumbed me down.
06/09/2009 at 3:11 pm
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. Steve spews:
I’ll sign off with an old favorite.
And another old favorite.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Not just a favorite, words like this are a classic.
People that are perpetuating this birth certificate nonsense are truly immune to reason. Nothing could ever persuade them, not even God himself speaking to them, that they are wrong. I cannot believe such insanity persists, even in the wingnut world. Among our trolls, I’d like to know who thinks our president is not a native-born citizen. I could guess, but I’ll wait and see if any pipe up.
I have an invention I’ve thought-up, but don’t know how to get the ball rolling on this. Maybe someone who knows something about inventions or patents can help me?
It’s basically vitamin-fortified edible cigarette butts. The purpose is three-fold. 1), To greatly reduce the number of cigarette butts littering our world. 2), To prevent the homeless and hungry from starving and malnutrition. 3), To reduce the amount of money governments would have to spend on food-related programs. The hungry could basically feed and nourish themselves by picking up cigarette butts along the roads, and then eat them.
Worldwide hunger: Solved. Cigarette butt litter: Solved.
Okay … can someone tell me what’s my next step with this idea?
@1 “I cannot believe such insanity persists, even in the wingnut world.”
When that woman went birther the crowd went nuts. Pitchforks and torches would be next. All in all, very disturbing. We knew they were going to take the November loss badly, but this is getting out of control. The Republican leadership couldn’t stop it now even if they wanted to, and they don’t. I wonder just how ugly it’s going to get?
How about it, care to weigh in on whether our president is a native-born citizen? C’mon, we all appreciate your opinion on such weighty matters.
@2 Clever. Get to work on the formula and also check this out.
All amusement aside, this sort of phenomenon is truly frightening. These crazies get to vote, and their votes count as much as yours and mine. And, we have Republican political leaders–to wit, that smarmy Republican Congressman from California who appears in the clip–throwing them red meat. How irresponsible is that? He is in effect telling whackjobs to keep up the good work and they’ll be rewarded legislatively. Crazy shit.
Please don’t feed the trolls.
I believe he was born in Hawaii. How could something like a U.S. President being born in Kenya be kept a secret for this long? If it were true, someone would have the proof by now.
“Crazy shit.”
And dangerous. The direction this is headed is indeed frightening. Did you see the freeper link on the other thread where they are planning on taking over the country and imposing their will? Isn’t that the stuff of treason? If not, then it’s damned close.
Gettin’ free bus rides. Seems the ORCA readers are having problems. Some drivers are just waving me on.
Interesting how many Democrats were arresting in New Jersey for corruption!
North Korea “Palinizes” Hillary!
Yep, that Dummocrapt corruption keeps going and going and going. Well there were three Republicans which the Libtardo press identified among the 40+ people. What is interesting is when you look at the pictures from Yahoo and how they identify the people you have picture 68 identifying Anthony Suarez (R), mayor of Ridgefield, N.J, yet they don’t identify Peter Cammarano (C), newly elected mayor of Hoboken, N.J. as a Dummocrapt, or Mariano Vega, Jr. (C), the city council president of Jersey City, N.J. as a Dummocrapt, Louis Manzo, former state Assemblyman as a Dummocrapt, Leona Beldini (C), Deputy Mayor of Jersey City, N.J. as a Dummocrapt, but they identified Dennis Elwell (L), mayor of Secaucus, N.J. as a Libtardo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So Puddy wondered does C stand for Communist Dummocrapt?
For those who think Puddy skipped Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt, he was identified here but the other identification were “missed” in the article’s top paragraphs. They were identified way below… see “Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt (R-Ocean), Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell and Jersey City Council President Mariano Vega are among those already brought to the FBI building in Newark. Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini has also been arrested.”
When you guys get to picture #101, there is some black history here with this “person”. Puddy wonders if the Libatrdos are up to the task. Puddy bets most HA Libtardos have to look it up!
ROTCODDAM, Puddy especially hopes you remember.
Looks like the ACORN group is finally getting investigated.
@3 Wasn’t that the same woman who stood up and tried to tell McCain that Obama was “an A-rab”?
(Hmm…maybe she’s an old Ray Stevens fan. Whoooooah, Clyde!)
Notice how Kommodore Steve of Kountry Klub fame never shares any facts or news…just attacks the commentor.
Shows how shallow ignorant Kommodore Steve is.
After a handful of Martini’s, he gets reaaaaal bold on-line!
How about this steve-o
Friday, July 24, 2009
I love that “investigation” by batshit insane wingnut Issa – sources such winners as John Fund, WSJ Editorial Page and Breitbart!
teh stupid! It burns!!
Ahhh yes the same monomaniacal fool who is a chronological idiot and dismissed the Dummocraptic Pension Fund scandal becuz it was first reported in the WA Times.
Keep up the worthless mantra clueless wondermoron!
19 – The same idiot whose “bubble memory” couldn’t recall if his socket puppet MWS DENIED he was Puddy.
and was SHAMED into leaving HA.
The same idiot whose wingnut bullshit just the other day couldn’t hold up to a learned scientist’s argument. SHAMED again!
The same idiot whose ugly party is so filled with horrid bigotry and racism and can’t understand why it’s DOOMED to wander the wilderness for many years to come.
Amongst other idiocies too numerous to detail..
Carry on willful fool!
Got anymore of those racist jokes of yours to share with us, Mr. Klynical?
Ahhh yes, that’s all clueless wondermoron has going back to 2007, while Puddy gets fresh clueless wondermoronism every month in 2009.
Regarding horrid bigotry in the Dummocraptic party did you miss yesterday’s Puddy comments clueless wondermoron? Ohhh, that’s right yous a 24 hour memory libtardo!
Keep being retro clueless wondermoron. That’s why Puddy called you re-run for a while!
Thanks for the Daily Show clip. That was a well spent 8 minutes.
Do you know how childish your use of terms like “Dummocrat” and “libtard” appears? BTW, where do you believe our president was born? I’m curious.
I find it funny that people are going after this birth certificate thing.
Pretty soon there will be people making things up about Obama and faxing them to reputable news organizations to be put on the national news instead of just blowing it off as fringe lunatic conspiracy theories.
…..oh wait.
There is just as much of this crap on both sides of the spectrum.
Excellent tip!
I made $15,000 and the options weren’t exercised preserving my long-term capital gain on the underlying 4,000 shares.
You are a good CAPITALIST GBS.
I think you wear Marxist clothing out of some sort of guilt complex you are afflicted with.
Must suck to feel guilty about scoring a nice profit.
Where is Roger Rabbit??
I kind of miss the ol’ Pelletizer.
Hope he ain’t dead.
Huge Trouble in Leftist Wonderland!!!
52 Blue Dog Dems saying NO!! on Obamacare.
Waxman threatens to STEAMROLL them!!
Could be 52 new Republicans or a 3rd Party out of this one.
Too Damn Funny!!
Proud leftist complaining about Puddy calling Democrats Dummocrapts and liberals libtardos when he was fondling his “golden goat”.
Now where was “the messiah” born? Hawaii. And Puddy thinks we landed on the moon and there were no internal explosives used on the WTC Towers and it wasn’t a Jewish plot.
What do you think happened with the “moon landing” and 9/11? Are you one of those 9/11 Truthers? Puddy can go back and see what Proud Leftist said when headless lucy was delivering that BULLSHITTIUM!
Man you are
Obama’s next self-created TURD to deal with…Unemployment Funds.
It’s probably as bad or worse than the Mortgage and Porkulous Bailouts!
How is the Obama “Hope & Change” working out for the Americans who foolishly elected the Private Sector Job Killer as President??
The facts speak for themselves.
Obama is in free-fall.
He waaaaaaaaay oversold himself.
His lack of experience and Marxist ideology is killing the Country.
I’d suggest he resign…but that would put loose-lipped, insane Joe Biden at the helm!
Dumb and Dumber!!
I think you and Star Parker ought to reform the Republican Party. Folks that are well-grounded in Conservative principals and don’t waver when the KLOWNS personal destruction attacks.
The KLOWNS, in 6 months, have spent ALL their political capital and are fighting amongst each other. 2010 is going to be 1994 all over again.
Where was Obama born??
Next question??
Hawaii’s Universal Health Care is collapsing after 7 months. 23 out of 26 State Senators are Dummocrats.
Despite their “good intentions”, their plan to cover Uninsureds ending up with 85% of those in the plan cancelling existing insurance and joining the “handout” krowd!
Massa2shits has also collapsed in “good intentions”.
Time for you KLOWNS too get your collective heads out of the klouds…
The collapse of you Utopian Marxists was inevitable.
Good intentions eventually lose out to friggin’ REALITY!
Grow up and wise up you lazy bastards!!
Puddy and Cyn,
Gentlemen, you are making a helluva pitch for a resurrection of the Golden Goat Award. I may have to summon the members of the Academy for a conference. Of course, they are probably spread to the Four Winds by now, drunk and incoherent. Still, when confronted with the major level of trollism you gents have recently generated, the Academy members’ sense of responsibility might just kick in yet again.
Finally a right wing bigot gets a comeuppance!
I’m sure the bigoted Mr. Klynical will claim that liberals have no sense of humor.
And the Stupes the dupe will be silent as usual.
15 Pud. That’s not an investigation, it’s a report by Darrell Issa. Considering the source, I think it’s worth what you paid for it. But Republicans don’t have the authority to blow their own noses in committee these days, so don’t go looking for Congressional inquiry into this silly matter.
30 Cynical
And Republicans keep thinking that the future will be just like the past. You guys had like a thirty-year run, and now it’s over. I understand why that’s hard to swallow, but get over it.
How is it not like 1994?
So now Republicans in Congress have EXTREMELY LOW job approval ratings.
And both the president and the Democrats in Congress are trusted much more than Republicans on the issues.
And Republicans have record low favorabilty and/or approval ratings from Latinos.
Beleive me, brother, 2010 is going to look a hell of a lot more like 2008 than it will like 1994.
Speaking of too damn funny:
…in the latest Washington Post-ABC News polling…
BTW, re: Henry Louis Gates…
Once he identified himself as the resident to the officer, that should have been the end of it. Absolutely and completely.
27 Cyn
52 Blue Dog Dems saying NO!! on Obamacare.
Waxman threatens to STEAMROLL them!!
Are you really as dumb as you sound? You’re as dumb as Fox News. Really:
There IS no “health bill.” There are three bills, two of which passed out of committee easily, and one that is hung up in the House Energy and Commerce Committe by a half-dozen so-called “Blue Dogs.”
At some later point, these three bills will be reconciled and then the reconciled bill will come up for a vote in the full House. So you and Fox News seem to “expect” that 52 Democrats will vote against a bill that has not even been written? How fucking stupid is that?
LOL! This is the same fool still barking orders on HL going back to 2005. The same fool keeping a silly tally.
How “retro” is getting your ass handed to you the other day by Darryl?
How “retro” is you expecting anyone to take seriously the latest feckless leavings from batshit insane fools from your ugly party like Issa?
Sorry MWS is still on the table, always will be on the table. He’s YOUR legacy.
He COMPLETES you! Fiend!
My Oh My!
Daddy Love is taking the downfall of Obamunism mighty hard. Are you as dumb as you sound Daddy Love??
Obama wanted to ram thru the Health Care Bill.
The Blue Dog Democrats and Max Baucus stopped the Obamunism travesty.
Now, everday Americans look at the details of this Obamacare, the worse it gets and the more Obama plummets.
Now Obama has the cops livid at him!
Didn’t Obama’s “typical white woman Granny” teach l’il Barrack these simple words??
Obama has given us a number of half-assed, close to but not quite apologies.
How hard is it to say “I’M SORRY”
Obviously Obama is not sorry…pandering to Gates his arrogant buddy who helped create the situation. Obama should have never gotten involved…especially without all the facts.
Let’s see–
Obama had zero experience making meaningful decisions when elected President.
Obama had a legacy of poor choices in folks he surrounded himself with (Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Flager, Ayers et al)
His worldwide APOLOGY TOUR was a disaster.
Porkulous is a disaster.
Obamacare is a disaster.
Now the Democratic Party is ready to split over Obama’s arrogant effort to ram thru an ill-advised bill.
You Progressive KLOWNS certainly have the NEGATIVE MIDAS TOUCH, don’t you.
In 6 short months, you burn all your political capital taking the GOLDEN RING and turning it into stinky, steaming fecal matter dripping thru your KLOWN hands.
Hey, go get those rich folks you KLOWNS.
Go get ’em and make ’em pay!!
You KLOWNS have the inate inability to not see consequences to your goofy Utopian Marxist dogma.
Lifestyle underemployed whining KLOWNS.
Thanks for the entertainment.
Oh and steve…
PULLEASE keep posting your vulgar nonsense so people will not read this Blog.
You are doing a great job of trolling HorsesAss.
On most Conservative Blog’s, people show great restraint in not engaging the trolls.
You are a schmuck steve.
Really, keep up the self-destruction.
You have done a fine job with your fellow KLOWNmates YLB and ByeByeGoober.
It really hurts my feelings that you did not include me in your list of leftist KLOWNs. Please don’t overlook me again.
40 – Pfffft.. Batshit insane…
EVERYTHING you’ve brought to this blog has turned out WRONG!
Your track record is pathetic..
Keep fantasizing fiend.. It’s just too damn entertaining.
If you HA Libtardos listened to “the messiah” earlier today he threw Professer Gates under the bus. Said “Professor Gates probably overreacted as well.”
“Oh and steve…
PULLEASE keep posting your vulgar nonsense so people will not read this Blog.”
Let’s repeat that one line again:
“In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living”
I’m sure we will all give due consideration to what a racist concern troll has to say about this blog.
Oh, and I’m truly sorry -heh- for making your visits here so unpleasant for you.
@39 “The same fool keeping a silly tally.”
Oh, you must be talking about that “Mr. 50% +1” guy who not only refuses to stand up to racists, he goes as far as to coddle them.
Yes, Steve who said they’re white ones too? Cum on Steve without looking it up in any search engines who told the world there are white niggers too?
And you called Marvin a faggot and a cunt. Shame on you Steve.
clueless wondermoron living vicariously through others actions cuz his mind is homeless let alone hopeless. Proves two things
1) He’s an idiot
2) He’s a moron
Any questions?
Why did that cop arrest Skip Gates for disorderly conduct?
A simple ID check should have been enough.
I got a ticket one time when I was living in CA and got it off my record by attending drivers school. The class was conducted by an off-duty latino policeman. He told us one time he was pulled by over by a nutjob cop who approached his car with a weapon drawn.
Of course he was being racially profiled and wanted nothing more than to have that nutball write him a ticket which he would then use to humiliate him in open court. The fiend woke up just in time and let him go.
LOL @ 47
Nice try fiend. Falls flat.
Your worthless record speaks for itself.
That’s a pretty sick joke.
Equating being black with being full of bullshit.
Bad, bad, bad.
I’m guessing a democrat. Probably a racist democrat. Probably a democrat that was in the klan. Probably a democrat that worked his way up from a simple racist to a grand kleagle. Am I getting close?
And steve was shamed by me. He even had the decency to thank me for it.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
05/08/2009 AT 9:34 AM
That was back before steve went off the deep end. I’m sure he’s not thankful anymore for my help.
I was thinking the same thing.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
I wasn’t belittled.
Epic fail on your part.
Actually, Marvin, that “racist”, as you call him, was Puddy.
You’re such a fucking chump, Marvin.
Did you know that your friend and fellow traveler, Mr. Klynical, writes poetry?
FIrst, we’re gonna skullfuck some Blue Dogs. Then, we’re going to roll over the Refucklicans and pass universal health care.
Then, you’ll post the same thing over and over and over and over again.
It’ll be a hoot.
Hey Steve @ 55,
I bet Marvelous Marv didn’t know Ron Sims was black.
That Mr. Klynical is one sick fiend! All these years I just thought he was just another feckless right wing blowhard bozo.
Steve check it out!
Some true Klowns for our resident trolls.
The correct answer is robert “sheets” byrd.
A google search for “white nigger” results in the grand kleagle being the second result. And the guy even said it on national teev.
Thanks for playing, better luck next time. Pick up your consolation prize on the way out.
Isn’t the democrats “big tent” big enough for differing opinion?
@57 YLB, I found in the archives something Mr. Klynical would do that you might recall. Here’s today’s spin on it:
@58 heh- Oh, and cool screen name.
I’ll sign off with an old favorite.
And another old favorite.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Not just a favorite, words like this are a classic.