– Anti gay laws are bad for business.
– The sequester is gross because it’s suspending housing vouchers in King County.
– And the sequester is gross because of what it does to women.
– The Daily Caller is gross.
– Having concubines may be gross, but they’re Biblical.
– Dan Sytman’s wingnut welfare job.
– Legislators who play music are pretty much awesome, (PS, if someone has video, I’ll post it).
Apparently WA State’s pension system is grossly underfunded, leaving the younger generation, including Lib Sci’s children, to make good on the debt caused by overspending of Gregoire and her colleagues.
PERS 1 was a pretty good deal. Current pension enrollees get far less.
It’s probably a desire to avoid WA’s plight that is behind Boeing’s decision to stand firm on pensions.
Your move, SPEEA technicians.
Is the Daily Caller as gross as Menendez?
After all, when you’ve fucked so many prostitutes that WaPo can’t keep them straight
Washington Post report confuses one prostitute with another in bid to debunk Menendez allegations
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/03.....z2MgMe3rRt
should the focus really be on the publishers of the news piece?
And, HA libbies, is it really about the sex? Or is it about what a huge whore Menendez, a Democrat, has been for his rich contributors?
The Daily Caller is not a credible source after they put out a fake story five days before the election that a Democratic politician was visiting prostitutes during a vacation to the Dominican Republic. When you cite it, you sound like cheap lying shill.
But go ahead, keep doubling down. Lie after deeper lie. Show you have no integrity. You have not paid your bet, so why would lying bother you.
Kim Jung Um: A petty tin-pot dictator of what is probably the poorest country on earth, who wants to be considered a world power. He hosts a whacko ex-NBA player as his guest, and askes Rodman to get Pres. Obama to call him so he won’t “make war”, which would leave the Korean peninsula in flames.
Republican Congressional leadership: the purported leaders of a heard of cats, which hold a majority in the House despite receiving a million votes less than their opponants in the last election, but like to pretend that they are more important than the President. They insist that he should come to them on bended knee, or they will wreck the economy of the country by allowing ruinous across-the-board spending cuts.
@ 3
What was fake about it, NTfF? If it’s fake, why is the FBI still investigating it?
Report: FBI probing possible Menendez link to prostitutes in Dominican Republic
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....z2MgQhMQ9N
Escort says Menendez prostitution claims were made up
FBI agents conducting interviews in the Dominican Republic have found no evidence to back up the tipster’s allegations, according to two people briefed on their work.
An escort who appeared on a video claiming that Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) paid her for sex has told Dominican authorities that she was instead paid to make up the claims and has never met or seen the senator, according to court documents and two people briefed on her claim.
Dang, Serial “Don’t pay his debts” Conn, your link was from last month, this link was current. You are usually so up on your links, if they slam liberals.
@ 6
See @ 2.
Again, when there are multiple prostitutes, it’s perhaps a little easier to confuse them.
Don’t forget the denials by Clinton because Gennifer Flowers got one of the hotel tryst dates wrong.
@ 7
Leave it to you to accuse me of recycling a discredited allegation in the same spew as you recycle a discredited allegation against me, hypocrite.
Have a good day, all. Even you, NTfF.
Run! Bob! Run!
Just messin’ with you dude. At least you apologized for your last reading comprehension screwup..
I’m sure the Senator will receive a letter of apology from you for repeating right wing lies in public forums..
Known liars should be acknowledged yes Bob.
@8. You were one of those who didn’t believe in Obama birth certificate, regardless of how much documentation he provided, weren’t you.
You remind me of that great line from Absolutely Fabulous.
“I’m taking false memory therapy. Ill get something on you yet.”
@ 10
‘morning, YLB. As long as you’re taking publishers to task, don’t neglect the editorial board of the NYT:
Mr. Menendez’s Ethics Problem
Published: February 8, 2013
Senator Robert Menendez was never a distinguished choice for chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the position he ascended to this month by virtue of seniority. Concerns about that quality gap have sharply escalated amid new disclosures about Mr. Menendez’s use of his position to advance the financial interests of a friend and big donor. Instead of trying to protect Mr. Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, needs to remove his gavel, at least pending credible resolution by the Senate Ethics Committee of the swirling accusations of misconduct.
I’ll admit this NYT piece isn’t about prostitution. You might consider acknowledging that it’s about something far worse.
12 – Nice try at deflection from your constant citing of misinformation from right wing smear sites.
Keep it up Bob! You’re doing fantastic!
@ 13
Speaking of ‘deflection’, YLB:
You have a sleazy Democrat senator who peddles influence and is now in the crosshairs. NYT editors want his chairmanship taken away from him until the allegations are resolved.
Meanwhile, the point of the item in this thread is, apparently, that one of the prostitutes he has alleged to have fucked, he may not have fucked, and HA libbies are rallying around that for some silly reason.
‘Yeah, he’s a crook and he’s a sleaze, but he might not have done each and every thing he has been accused of doing.”
YLB, that’s deflection.
“Or is it about what a huge whore Menendez, a Democrat, has been for his rich contributors?”
A politician is found to be a whore. I do hope this isn’t a revelation for you.
Please try to understand that the whole point of this blog is to argue that our damned whores are better than your damned whores, Bob, which they are. Our pimps are better than your pimps. Your problem is that our whores and pimps, disgusting as they might be, actually have a redeeming quality or two. Alas, your’s don’t.
I bet Bob is a big time fan of Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch fame, i.e. the world record holder for filer of frivolous, witch-hunting, right wing lawsuits against the Clinton Administration..
A guy who hated Bill Clinton with such intensity, he even sued the Bushies for letting bygone be bygones..
Klayman since 2008 had a new hate object.. yawwwwn.. Barack Obama..
Let’s see:
Obama and his “white slaves” are inciting race war…
AIPAC acting like “Hitler’s Jews” for not criticizing Obama
Revolution needed to bring down “Black Muslim” Obama
Muslim in Chief…
What a freaking loon! Bob, this is your kind of guy!
In which the Senate Majority Leader forgets the name Miguel Estrada:
Reid warns GOP not to filibuster Halligan nomination to DC court
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/floor.....z2MgjBYxTA
@ 15
All well and good, Steve. Your pigs do a better job with lipstick than our pigs.
I’m fine with that.
Can we dispense with the fawning glorification of the pigs and whores on both sides, then?
’cause every time I see words like ‘brave’ and ‘courageous’ around here, I’m pretty sure the author was on his or her knees at the time they were typed.
WRONG… The point is that she WAS PAID TO LIE..
And you are only TOO EAGER to swallow and run with this.
@ 19
Speaking of HA libbies typing @18 while on their knees…
It’s a big day for YLB when he can argue that a Democrat senator might not have tapped every prostitute ass he was accused of tapping. He only tapped nearly every one of them.
Banner day for you, YLB. Go polish your kneepads.
LOL!! In the bushie days it was “resolute”..
Just did a search for “brave”.. Used in 895 comments. Out of 550,000 comments?? Not looking good..
I see it describing Texas confederate soldiers, the teachers who died at Newtown, House Republicans (sarcastically), Daniel Inouye..
Oh I see a quote of Ephraim Halevy, former Mossad head, describing Obama as “brave” (or his policy towards Iran anyway)…
And I see this whining..
Now for courageous.. 220 comments. Wow!
Again Daniel Inouye, Gabby Giffords, Timothy Snyder…
Oh and we see this..
LMAO!!!! Can anyone else point out to Bob how stupid this is??
Serial “Don’t pay his debts” Conn, your repressed homosexual fantasies are in full force today.
@1 Anyone can manipulate pension figures to get any result they want. In this case, all the Seattle Times writers had to do was assume interest rates will stay at their present level for half a century. When has a newspaper ever been right about calling future interest rates?
@18 “every time I see words like ‘brave’ and ‘courageous’ around here”
When I’ve used those words, it’s usually been in reference to veterans, which needless to say includes no one from the party of draft dodgers.
@19 What weak-minded Bob doesn’t get is that if someone out there is paying prostitutes to lie about having sex with a certain politician, chances are they’re all lying, not just the one who admits taking money to lie.
@22 “Can anyone else point out to Bob how stupid this is??”
Some things are impossible, and this looks like one of them.
I suppose it hasn’t occurred to Bob that the FBI may be continuing to investigate this to find out who paid the prostitute to lie.
Speaking from experience?
Prostitutes and Politicians.
Remember the GOP convention in Florida?
The prostitutes remember it well…
Tampa Bay Gay Prostitutes Gearing Up For Flood Of Closeted Republicans
Adult Industry Prepares For 2012 GOP Convention
Tampa prostitutes, sex shops and strip joints lust for arrival of GOP convention
Tampa’s gay hookers ready for Republican Convention (NSFW video)
This Week in Florida – Tampa Police Pretty Sure Republicans Like Prostitutes
Q: What is the difference between a GOP Politician and a Street Whore?
A: The are more expensive and they are much less honest.
@ 30
That’s your defense?
It’s OK for a sitting US senator to peddle influence because at the national conventions some delegates find stuff to do other than argue the party plank?
Weak. But then I never argued that you were principled. Not at all surprising.
From 1 and 24,
Defined benefit plans are slowly fading away. Younger workers are finding this out and hopefully they are doing the 401, 403, 457 along with an IRA, especially a Roth IRA.
The government will eventually have to switch to defined contribution plans, too. It’s only a matter of time. We simply can’t afford them.
No Boner Bob, I never claimed it was a defense nor do I claim your taste for goats is a defense either.
In fact it has not been established other than in your own mind that Menendez needs a “defense”.
And even if it turns our he did visit a prostitute I would treat it no more seriously than I would your *God Fearing* GOP Politician’s taste for hookers in massive numbers.
There’s a woman named Teresa Ghilarducci who believes the government should take over 401k plans. I’d rather not have the government managing any of my retirement funds. I think I can take care of that my self, thanks!
“Legislators who play music are pretty much awesome”
I had no idea that Kathy Haigh played guitar. Just one more reason why she should replace Sheldon in the state senate.
You’re right in one respect. As long as the rich keep taking a larger and larger piece of the pie and keep shifting the tax burden downward to middle class and poor, we as a country are going to keep getting worse.
Vulture Graph
We are on our way to becoming a 3rd world country where the rich are extremely rich and the rest of us will be mostly poor.
So what happens if you have some unforeseen and expensive emergency that completely drains your 401k?
Or you have some Bernie Madoff type character run off and spend your money. (That, by the way, happened to my neighbor. Instead of retiring well off as he had planned a couple of years ago he now figures he has to work at least another 10 years.)
From 37,
Well, I’ve been managing my wealth for over 40 years. I think I am doing OK. Thanks for the government help, Theresa Ghilarducci, but I’ll manage my own retirement. You and Ekim can do what you like.
From 36,
Then why don’t we all just kill these people and seize all of their wealth?
Among Theresa Ghilarducci’s criticisms of 401ks:
>>401ks are voluntary and not enough people actually participate.
>>Levels of savings for those who do participate are completely inadequate.
>>Mutual fund management fees are excessive and eat away at the savings of 401k participants.
>>Not enough employers make matching contributions to 401ks.
>>401k plans are highly regressive. In other words, those who benefit most from the system and the tax advantages are higher income earners. Those at the lower end of the income spectrum benefit least.
That in a nut shell is what happened during the French Revolution.
“I would treat it no more seriously than I would your *God Fearing* GOP Politician’s taste for hookers in massive numbers.”
Actually, it’s kind of gives me hope to hear that a Republican got caught with an adult hooker. Better that than hearing about yet more children, pandas, goats, horses, dogs, chickens, water melons and washing machines being sexually abused by America’s wingnut freaks.
Maybe take a break in the blanket exoneration of Menendez and look at the changes WaPo is making in its story.
Washington Post quietly makes major change to Menendez story
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/03.....z2MhlQb5Rk
Apparently the story is now that two women are saying they didn’t have sex with Menendez. What’s missing is the allegation that they are the same two women interviewed by Daily Caller.
It’s probably not that hard to find women in the Dominican Republic willing to accept money to say they didn’t have sex wtih Menendez. Doesn’t negate the accuracy of the initial accusations against him.
Nice try, HA libbies. Dan Rather would be proud of youse.
@2 etc, etc,etcetcetc…At this point, it appears the WaPo is sticking to its version of the story.
Burn in hell, motherfucker.
Venezuelan Leader Chávez Dies
Not a good day for you libbies, is it?
Lawyer: State’s most important witness in George Zimmerman murder case lied
SANFORD – Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend, the state’s most important witness in the George Zimmerman murder case, was caught in a lie Tuesday.
It was not her first, but it was the most damaging to date and left prosecutors in a very awkward position.
They had to publicly acknowledge that their star witness had lied under oath and had to answer questions about what they intend to do about it.
Hey, “Doctor” Bob…
As a cancer survivor myself, and having lost friends and loved ones (including my father) to its various ravages, all I have to say is may God spare you such a fate…but if you shuffle off before I do I’ll be happy to supply nitrogen-rich irrigation to the weeds surrounding your grave.
From 40,
I see you know how to cut and paste with skill. Those bullets are from Ms. Gharaducci’s website. Look, Ekim, if you want someone like Ghilarducci to manage your money, no one is going to get in your way. Please feel free to do whatever you choose to do with YOUR money. Just leave my money alone.
From 41,
So are you advocating murdering the wealthy or not?
@ 47
Yawn. As soon as you’re done criticizing those cheering on Cheney’s heart disease progression and Breitbart’s sudden massive heart attack, let me know.
Until then, spare me your hypocritical indignation. Guy was scum, VZ went to hell under his leadership. If they can extricate themselves from his policies they might have a chance.
@1 How is PERS 1 a good deal? State and teacher salaries are very low compared to the private sector, and PERS1 and TRS 1 retirees paid for their own pensions through payroll deductions. The rest came from investment returns. There is no taxpayer subsidy of those pensions, and never has been. They are earned compensation.
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: State workers, teachers, etc., don’t live in mansions or drive Porsches. If you want to get rich, work in the private sector, because that’s where the big money is. People who go into public service do so out of a desire to serve/help others, and they give up a lot in terms of lifestyle and standard of living in order to pursue that goal. Which, of course, doesn’t stop jackasses like you from whining about how “well off” public servants are.
It’s like this: If you’re jealous of public sector pay and benefits, you must not be doing very well in your private sector career. Whose fault is that?
From 45,
The Venezuelan government says the US gave Chavez cancer. My first thought was to laugh at that statement, but given the way our government constantly lies to us, the people of Venezuela may be right. We’ll probably never know for sure whether or not Chavez was killed by us or a naturally-occurring but deadly disease. I’ve given up on trusting our government.
@ 53
And Israel gave Arafat AIDS. It wasn’t one of those big, blond, Viking body guards Arafat seemed to favor. It was Israel. That’s assuming the 210-Po accusation falls flat.
“Doesn’t negate the accuracy of the initial accusations against him.”
It’d help your cause, whatever that is, if there was a shred of evidence actually supporting the accusations. Sorry, but you have none.
The video clips were obviously cropped in video editing software – the aspect ratio is wrong – as though to remove something from view. The script that was being read, perhaps? That’s my accusation. It’s now up to you to disprove it, of course. That, and the accusation that you have an affair going with a made-in-Mexico Whirlpool washing machine. Good luck debunking that one too. See how it works?
Got an explanation as to why it was necessary the Daily Caller to go through the effort to crop the video, Bob? If not a script that was being read, what do you think it was that the producer didn’t want anybody to see?
And what about you and the washing machine? True until debunked, Bob. Good luck.
@51 I remember some article I read back when I worked at the UW Medical Center about driving through the staff parking garage past “doctors’ Volvos and administrators’ Sevilles”. This was back when Volvos were comparatively inexpensive. As for me…I worked as a reasearch engineer and drove a beat-up Volkswagen.
@45 Venezuela’s oligarchs are stamping and cheering. That oil-rich nation’s legions of poor are shedding tears. I’m not endorsing the guy, but since you’re a person who can’t see past labels, I’m helping you out here. If you don’t want people like Chavez running South American countries, then try to learn something about the social and economic conditions that make leaders like him popular, and strive to do something about them. Socialist governments don’t rise in a vacuum; they’re produced by social injustice and extreme economic inequality.
News Corp is launching a sports channel to be called “Fox Sports 1.” Maybe Keith Olbermann will look for a job there? I hear he’s interested in returning to sports broadcasting.
Just pointing out that a given society becomes increasingly more unstable as the disparity of wealth between the haves and the have-nots increases. And that a large enough disparity can lead to violence. Not that this is necessarily a good thing for the society in general.
@ 54
I deny all allegations of consorting with a washing machine.
It was a Shop-Vac.
Like everything else in politics and life, Chavez’ “revolution” was a mixed bag: “The ‘Chavistas’ praised El Comandante for reducing extreme poverty and expanding access to health care and education. Critics blamed him for high inflation, food shortages, escalating crime and mismanagement of the country’s oil industry. Human rights groups lambasted him for politicizing the judicial branch, and undermining the democratic system of checks and balances.”
Mexico’s former foreign minister offered this assessment: “I think he’ll be remembered for having tried to make a life of poor people in Venezuela better but in the end of the day, having made it worse. When the consequences of his economic policies become apparent, it will end up that he spent an enormous amount of money to make people a little better off for a short period of time.”
Before being elected president of Venezuela in peaceful elections, Hugo tried to seize power through a bloody failed coup.
“A 2009 report by the progressive think tank Center for Economic and Policy Research found poverty was cut in half during the first decade of Chavez’s rule; child mortality fell by a third; malnutrition deaths were down by 50%; and college enrollment almost doubled. At the same time, one non-government report estimated Venezuela’s murder rate quadrupled while Chavez was in power. In 2012, inflation hit 18%. Accusations of corruption and nepotism dogged his administration. … He often lavished praise on Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, but his staunchest ally was Cuba.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, there’s a lot to dislike about Chavez and his regime. This should not obscure the fact that Venezuela, like other South American countries, suffers from profound social and economic problems. The status quo in these countries isn’t acceptable to most of their citizens and shouldn’t be accepted by us either. The impoverished masses of Venezuela and other South American nations deserve better leaders than Chavez, but he was hardly worse than the rightwing military dictators who drenched the continent in blood and repression. One more thing: For all his bellicose rhetoric against America, he attacked no country, started no wars, and did not go into foreign lands and kill their people as our government has done.
Damn! Bob is angry!
No freaking wonder… This kind of thing is intolerable to any right wing bullshit addled brain..
!!ACORN!! on steroids!
@ 60
From what I recall, there was the official inflation figure and there was the actual inflation figure. The actual inflation figure was more like 30%.
Economists weren’t willing to go public with what was really happening there.
@ 60, 62
Maybe higher than 30%.
The IMF forecast that average inflation in Latin America will stand at 7.4%, while in Venezuela it would reach 31.6% and 28.8% in 2013.
@ 61
Well, he did, but at what cost? He nationalized the oil industry and everyone who knew how to produce oil left. Now their oil production is in serious decline.
He nationalized certain industries and set prices below cost to produce. So, production ceased or slowed and now there are shortages.
Cuba much, amigo?
Do we really need Boner Bob?
Putting Tests to the Test: Many Medical Procedures Prove Unnecessary—and Risky
From 58,
At the other extreme we have a communist state, where everybody is equally miserable.
I actually want everyone to be wealthy, but I realize this is not a realistic goal. The poor will always be with us. Perhaps the thing we can do most is to encourage the production of individual wealth. This not only enriches the individual, it provides the wealth necessary to have a free state.
@ 65
Do we really need Boner Bob?
Why, yes, yes you do, Ekim.
You need me to point out that the SciAm article didn’t mention (I skimmed so maybe I missed it) defensive medicine practice due to malpratice litigation fear, which can be as high as 7% of all health care costs.
Decrease punitive maximums to $250,000 or so and that defensive practice will decrease significantly.
You need to sell it to the trial lawyers, though. They won’t like their paydays going bye-bye.
So, yes, you do need me, Ekim. Otherwise you tend to believe your own bullshit.
And without me you’re stuck listening to Roger Rabbit.
@62 Why do lizards like Bob hate humanity so much? Are they resentful of the human species’ planetary dominance? Or nostalgic for an earlier time when scaly creatures where the highest order of life on earth? It’s hard to fathom.
@67 The purpose of punitive damages is to deter future bad behavior. Do you really believe $250,000 is enough to deter a hospital that routinely kills people?
@67 “And without me you’re stuck listening to Roger Rabbit.”
There are worse fates. If you like, you can ask for a vote by HA readers on whether, if they had to choose, they’d rather be stuck with you or stuck with me.
@ 68
My wife’s bunny chewed holes in the collar of one of my favorite wool sweaters this morning. Watch your ass, wabbit.
Conservatives think the solution to every problem is taking away your right to sue people who harm you.
@71 Pudnutz never answered my question about why he writes in Elmer Fudd phonetics. As you do the same thing, would you be kind enough to explain it? I’m just curious, that’s all.
@71 Well I’m not your wife’s pet, but if you want to take it out on me, look for my hole six paces to the left of the big tree on the east side of Green Lake Park, and make sure you bring a gun so I can claim self-defense. I don’t want to end up like George Zimmerman.
@ 72
And liberals think every instance in which the medical plan does not go perfectly is a reason to sue. As liberal mantra holds that life is always someone else’s fault.
67. Boner Bob spews:
Big on yourself, aren’t you?
But sorry, I don’t need *you* and never will. If I really need a doctor, I’ll seek out a competent one. So far all I’ve seen from you is wingnut drivel and that does not give me confidence in your skills in other areas.
Chavez and his cronies did pretty well for themselves.
“We believe that organized bolivarian criminal groups within the Chávez administration have subtracted around $100 billion out of the nearly $1 trillion in oil income made by PDVSA since 1999.”
It’s the liberal way. The Chicago way, too. Although that’s redundant.
75. Serial stupidity spews:
Prove it.
77. Serial mediocrity spews:
And I believe that Serial mediocrity has his head firmly planted up his ass.
Same quality of proof, don’t you know…
Bob’s really funny today.
To him, a prostitute is credible when she accuses a Democrat, but not credible when she recants her accusation.
And when a prostitute says she was paid money by a lawyer to read a script accusing the Democrat, he claims that there must be others who weren’t paid to lie.
And even if all the evidence about prostitution is thrown out as tainted, he then claims that there must be other evidence of other things which we must presume to be true, with or without any evidence to support them.
Bob really knows how to turn the presumption of “innocent until proven guilty” on it’s ear! Good thing you never tried to become a lawyer.
John Housman, speaking to first-year law students: “We take a mind full of mush, and make you think like a lawyer.”
It’s the liberal way. The Chicago way, too. Although that’s redundant.
Remember how President Cheney (and Vice president Bush) bailed out Halliburton impending bankruptcy by giving it that oh so lucrative no bid contract (and no accountability) to steal with both hands. How much did that one cost us?
Remember the 11 Billion that disappeared at the start of the Cheney’s Iraqi oil war?
Perhaps the thing we can do most is to encourage the production of individual wealth.
Do you have time to define that?
Are you saying the current system where the the uber rich are getting richer but everyone else is getting poor is good and should be encouraged?
Is there difference, for you, between being poor and living in poverty?
@ 76
Hey, you were the one alleging waste and fraud. I just pointed out that fear of malpractice was a big part of unnecessary medical procedures being ordered as well. Had you pointed it out, I would have had nothing to say.
Bob really knows how to turn the presumption of “innocent until proven guilty” on it’s ear! Good thing you never tried to become a lawyer.
But it would have been better for us if he had become a questionable lawyer. Those usually end up unemployed.
Unfortunately questionable doctors stay in practice for many years. And the only defense we have against them is a good trial lawyer that successfully sues them out of practice.
A good doctor should have no issues with trial lawyers removing bad doctors from practice. But Boner Bob seems to not like trial lawyers. Could it be he is bad doctor? All we really know about him is that he is an incompetent right wing wack-a-doodle.
All we really know about him is that he is an incompetent right wing wack-a-doodle.
Don’t forget I renege on my wagers.
I wonder if Boner Bob likes being presumed guilty until proven innocent? :-)
I stand corrected by Boner Bob:
“All we really know about him is that he is an incompetent right wing wack-a-doodle who reneges on his wagers.”
Thank you Bob for that one little bit of honesty.
“Decrease punitive maximums to $250,000 or so and that defensive practice will decrease significantly.”
I’d rather you just fucked up less often.
Capping punitive maximums, victimizing the victim, is hardly incentive to do that. Or maybe we architects and engineers should just jump on the bandwagon and cap what can happen to us when we fuck up. “Geez, Bob, you realized zero owner betterment because of that $5M change order we issued because we fucked up your new radiology clinic by constructing it on the wrong site and now you want us to pay? Sorry, capped at $250K, fucktard.”
Sweet. Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from. Now I just have to pull some specious argument from my ass about how this will somehow contain construction change order costs and maybe even create American jobs.
Or would you rather that architects and engineers just fucked up less often, especially when it comes to your project?
Alert! Alert! Alert!
KIROV-TV just had a bit on the anti-marijuana folks having the US AG go after WA and CO for their legalization initiatives. Those bastards in the DEA and other outback nazi organizations are seething about the “temerity” of our state and Colorado to challenge the Holy Federal Government!
Get active – contact Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell and your Congress-person and tell them it’s time for them to earn their pay and support the people of WA!!
In that horrible case where the “nurse” called 911 to tell about the woman dying of a heart attack but wouldn’t do anything to help her, if the woman had a do not resuscitate directive, why was the “nurse” calling 911 in the first place? Seems that woman and her boss coaching her in the background to do nothing, should be charged with some sort of crime, neglegant homicide, or something.
You asked this moronic question in another way some time ago. Ask Pluto boy to revisit the crazed databaze DUMB Wabbit…
Here’s Puddy’s answer.. -> Becuz Puddy can DUMB Wabbit!
Sux 2 B U!
Seems the source for the revised WA Post story is a Melgen relative. Curious the WA Post left this out of their original attack piece on the Daily Caller and were caught so they quietly added it later in their revision.
So where did the money go?
Now after the Daily Caller aired this prostitute story, the editor of the site was on CNN today.
So that is how the Daily Caller runs their “news” organization? Throw out the shit, then decide to see if it’s true?
@75 You don’t know a damn thing about medical malpractice lawsuits.
@71 Puddy never answered my question about why he writes in Elmer Fudd phonetics.
It’s because of Mad Goat Disease.
That and too much Glen Beck.
And it isn’t just doctors that Republicans want to protect from lawsuits. Texas laws protecting homebuilders from shoddy construction claims are so one-sided that buying a new home in Texas is almost like sending your life savings to some guy in Nigeria.
@91 Impressive. What else can you do?
@88 How about fucking up a war? Should there be immunity for that? It happens quite often,.
Since Puddy never heard of mgd, Puddy looked it up. Caprine spongiform encephalopathy, is ekim’s disease. Zhang treatment for lyme disease is goat colostrum.
Just a little investigation proves ekim is a goat lover!
Puddy shook your hand and didn’t barf!
Sounds like the Bill Burkett – Dan Rather CBS News method of news reporting against Republican presidents.
102 – Thanks for playing stupid:
% b l -t puddymoron -D –summary | grep dailycaller
| 26932*16 | 2010-05-11T20:05 | dailycaller | 54 |
You’ve only used a right wing bullshit outfit inspired (in your silly “mind”) by Burkett/Rather 54 times!
@100 Sorry ButtPutty the GOATBOY.
We all know about your well documented love affair with goats and your pathetic attempts to deflect attention away from it.
At that they do a better job than Faux News which has never let truth get in the way of wingnut spin.
Right on time with the crazed databaze.
One again played perfectly by Puddy.
Thanks for playing Pluto boy. All Puddy needs to do is mention it and it happens. Pavlov strikes again!
Heh… Thanks for playing again…
% tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq puddy | cut -f1,4,5
puddy count 11687
You playing again with that slim jim you talk about all the time?
to your own sockpuppet?
Heh. Typical tool – never touches anything outside of watered down InBev swill..
Must be on account of the brainwashing from the commercials on hate talk right wing radio.
One of the issues not mentioned much in the news about Amtrak, is that it’s operating subsidies are going down, only covering 12%. (By the way, the current CEO is a Republican.) 13 years ago, there was a drive to self-sufficiency that fizzled, it included mail and express revenues, and new routes, which the host railroads fought.
I would like to see one of the routes of the Network Growth Strategy be revived, the Aztec Eagle, at least as a branch of the Texas Eagle, at least fro San Antonio to Laredo.
…GoatBoy should really consider being tested and then treated.
Heh. Typical tool – never touches anything outside of watered down InBev swill..
Unless it comes from a goat. There is a reason he is known as GOATBOY.
Moron been projecting since the day it arrived.
In other news DUMMOCRAPTS don’t give a rats ASS if you are being raped. Better not have a gun to defend yourself!
Identifying yourself as a moron now?
So the self proclaimed moron thinks more guns fix everything. A woman with a gun in her purse is safe from rape. Right. The wingnut answer to everything.
And where were the REPUGNUTs when it was time to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act? Oh yeah, a year and a half late to the party. I guess that is why women turned out to support REPUGNUTs in the last election.
If REPUGNUTs really want to stop rapists then lets find the money to process all those thousands of rape kits that, you know, would identify a whole bunch of rapists. Removing rapists from society, you know, would be a good thing.
But REPUGNUTs prefer women be left to defend themselves. If they fail at self defense, well then they deserve it because they weren’t properly prepared.
I’ve sometimes wondered – in how many instances of rape would a handgun in a purse made any difference at all? I’m thinking very few. In the first place, it takes my wife about five minutes to fish her keys out of her purse – and that’s not when she’s under duress. Secondly, the attacker needs to be several feet away for a handgun to be used without danger that it’s going to be taken away by the attacker. Third, a handgun needs a holster, even if it’s being carried in a purse – you don’t want the car keys switching the safety off an pulling the trigger as she’s rummaging around for her makeup.
So unless a woman is carrying her handgun in a holster on her hip, without wearing a jacket or other clothing to impede drawing the weapon, and assuming that you aren’t talking about her being drugged with roofies at dinner or a bar, or date-rape, or being attacked by the next-door neighbor in the hallway as she’s carrying her groceries into her apartment, or being attacked from behind while jogging….
Never mind. It’s not worth trying to reduce it to a math problem, the answer approaches “zero”.
@ 117
‘Lie back and enjoy it.’, then. Good plan, rhp.
Oh, and about this statement:
Secondly, the attacker needs to be several feet away for a handgun to be used without danger that it’s going to be taken away by the attacker.
How’d that work out for Trayvon?
@ 117
Apparently, rhp, yours is not a popular opinion when told to a woman who has already been raped.
DENVER (AP) – Colorado state Sen. Evie Hudak is apologizing for comments she made to a rape victim who testified against a bill banning concealed-carry weapons on college campuses.
Hudak, a Democrat from Westminster, told Amanda Collins, 27, of Reno, Nev., the rapist could have used the gun against her. Hudak said after the meeting her job is to keep the safety of all college campus students in mind.
Ah, but what does that rape victim know, rhp? Women need men to approve their personal protection in advance, so society as a whole doesn’t have to take the same chances women individually are expected to take simply by being, you know, women.
But women must remember that they can only shoot a rapist before he does the dirty deed.
Because, you know, the way female parts down there work, if she gets pregnant, then she wanted it and so it isn’t rape, and if she murders the rapist then she should be tried for murder.
So let’s say the REPUGNANT model of rape prevention is put into place on campus and other such spots where rapes occur by making all women purchase and carry appropriate guns for self defense.
Let’s also say our REPUGNANT rapist then takes to incapacitating his victims by hitting said victims over the head with some sort of blunt object. Our REPUGNANT rapist’s victims (assuming they survive the blow to the head) now wake up without clothes or gun.
This is an improvement, how?
My scoutmaster and a police officer both told me the same thing, when I was a teenager:
“If you are going to carry a gun, be prepared to draw it. If you draw a gun, you should shoot it (don’t use it as a bargaining chip or a warning device). If you shoot a gun, shoot to kill. If you aren’t willing to do that, you’ve got no business carrying a gun”.
Serial @ # 118: “‘Lie back and enjoy it.’, then. Good plan, rhp.”
You said that, not me.
By the way, I tought my daughter a handy tip to use if she was attacked, and it doesn’t involve a gun. Simply press your thumbs deep within his eye socket, and then pull his eyes out. We practiced it until I got worried about losing my own eyes. That, combined with the fact that she was an NCAA Div. I athlete, protected her better than a handgun.
If REPUGNANTs really wanted to do something about protecting women from rape they would be all for, you know, tracking down rapists rather than forcing women to have to rely only on themselves.
There are rape kits everywhere sitting on shelves just waiting to be processed. But that would be a waste of money. REPUGNANTs can’t have that.
Busting pot smokers, well that is OK.
I remember a news report on the radio some years back.
A woman woke up to find a REPUGNANT rapist in her bed. She didn’t reach for a gun because she didn’t have one. Instead she reached for his nuts and held on for dear life.
She eventually got him to her front door and tossed him out. The REPUGNANT rapist fell to the floor several times but she managed to drag him back to his feet. She was of course still holding him by his nuts.
The cops had no problem finding the REPUGNANT rapist since he for some reason left his clothes and ID behind when he left. He was at home in considerable pain.
One nut was badly damaged and the other had to be removed.