– Saving the PI Globe.
– Employer Authorization for Contraception
– A view from the deck.
– Rush Limbaugh’s non-apology.
– What’s the matter with white people? is obviously a provocative title, but well worth the read.
– Freewayblogger is looking for slogans about climate change for the next tour.(h/t)
– Yes, this is mostly an excuse for the Democrats to get you on their email list, but you can commit to the Democratic caucuses here.
Derek Kilmer’s in.
I understand Breitbart went out with a whimper..
Fitting. I won’t link to it.
May Obama win in November and may the relentlessly turning demographic make rageaholic Andy spin eternally in his grave.
Gingrich did incredibly badly in Saturday’s Washington State caucuses, coming in dead last – even after Ron Paul.
I guess he might as well stay in through Super Tuesday, given that it’s only one day away and the money is already spent.
But if he can’t make a respectible showing (winning at least three states outright, and coming in a close second in most of the remaining states), any rational politician would conclude that he should just bow out before he wastes any more money, and get the best deal he can in return in exchange for his endorsement and pledging his delegates to someone else.
But then, Gingrich has never been a rational politician. He’s egotistical, super-ambitious, and a narcisist. As one definition of the latter term indicates:
Narcissism is self-love combined with an artificially inflated ego (self-image). It includes “grandiosity” and dominance, and is correlated with an often hostile disregard for others
A review of Newt Gingrich’s attack on the journalist during a debate asking him about one of his weak points pretty much shows that Newt fits within this category.
It looks like the complaints to Rush’s advertisers is working. Rush is now being forced to apologize for his non-apology, and make clear that he did something more than accidently choose inappropriate words in what was clearly a long-thought out campaign.
Rush could probably get by in losing advertisers like a couple of bed companies, etc. He’s still getting advertising from these, and other advertisers, who buy into “serial” or “network” advertising where they advertise across a broad spectrum of radio shows and networks, without the individual advertisor having much control.
But reports this morning says that Clear Channel had a discussion with Rush over the weakend, letting him know that there was a significant departure of quite a few other advertisors pending. They encouraged him to publish a new apology. At risk was Rush’s multi-million dollar radio contracts.
Just a reminder: Clear Channel owns a significant amount of the radio stations in most major cities, and is owned by Baine Capital, Mitt Romney’s old outfit. At stake might be more than a few advertisors, Clear Channel may see Rush’s antics as endangering any chances the Republicans have for winning the next election.
I bet some old time grey haired right wingers just loved Tricky Dick Nixon. Nixon understood the “silent majority”.. Just take a gander at Tricky Dick’s “compassionate conservatism”:
Nixon was born in 1913, so his thoughts fit right in line with a lot those born at the time. He didn’t fit so well with running the country at the time he was president and we sure as hell don’t need someone who holds those views today in any form of elected office.
What caught my attention was the statement personally authored by the CEO of one of Limbaugh’s now-former sponsors, speaking as a father of two daughters and stating that his company was pulling the plug after RushBo’s lame-ass “apology”, because in spite of that it was so apparent that his attitude towards women in general is unforgivably horrible.
I’m going to have to get caught up on Clear Channel’s history since Bain took them over. Maybe it’s an improvement. Prior to that, Clear Channel was easily the worst thing that’s ever happened to the radio industry.
Cool to see an OlyBlog link. If you live down south like me, it often has useful stuff posted.
AOL has announced it it is “suspending” advertise on Limbaugh’s show. Other advertisers which have dropped him include Quicken Loans, Sleep Train, Sleep Number, Citrix Systems Inc., Legal Zoom, and Carbonite.
As one liberal radio host pointed out, however, a threatened boycott of Limbaugh’s advertisers hit liberal advertisers, as well, since many of the same folks advertise in all radio talk shows. But I think that’s a price worth paying if it makes advertisors see that they have to be careful not to support people like Limbaugh.
If Limpblows didn’t exist they’d have to invent him.
As long as he can wheeze into a microphone and there’s a right winger to sign the checks, he’ll find some place to blather…
Even if it’s only to a handful of former HA trolls.
I just read that Limbaugh’s audience numbers are a total myth. The 20 million number was made up in the early nineties and has stayed the same ever since. Radio ratings numbers using diary methods are a total joke. Better methods using monitoring devices tell the real story.
The true numbers have been shrinking for years along with the rest of talk radio. IMHO, Limbaugh has been really freaking crazy since Obama won in 2008 not only because he’s nuts to begin with – it’s the best way to cling to his shrinking and increasingly batshit insane audience.
They demand nothing but the crazy from him.
Hey, this should go over well in Alabama and Kentucky.
Pat Robertson says the residents got what they desearved because they didn’t pray enough.
And Ron Paul says they shouldn’t get any FEMA aid, because he just doesn’t like FEMA in general.
RE: @ # 11:
If they didn’t have something to complain about, they would simply make stuff up. Because if they told the truth, everyone would see that it’s the Democrats who are the rational ones among the two major parties, and the Republicans deserve to be a minor third-ranked party, at best.
So they don’t attack President Obama on what he actually does – they attack him by saying what he “wants” to do, which, of course, is a total fabrication.
KPUA cancels Rush Limbaugh radio show in Hilo
By 670AM KPUA News
Hilo, Hawaii March 5, 2012: New West Broadcasting announced today that it is discontinuing the Rush Limbaugh program on KPUA AM 670 in Hilo, Hawaii effective immediately.
Chris Leonard, President and General Manager of New West released the following statement this morning:
“We have always encouraged spirited discussion about national and local issues on KPUA and from time to time those discussions may be deemed by some to be objectionable. We are strong believers in the first amendment and have recognized Mr. Limbaugh’s right to express opinions that often times differ from our own, but
it has never been our goal to allow our station to be used for personal attacks and intolerance. The most recent incident has crossed a line of decency and a standard that we expect of programming on KPUA whether it is locally produced or a syndicated program like the Rush Limbaugh show.
While much of the national debate regarding this issue is now being framed in political terms, the decision for us is one of decency and responsibility. Regardless of one’s political views on the issue being discussed, we feel the delivery was degrading and the continued comments over several days to be egregious. As a result, we are discontinuing the Rush Limbaugh program on KPUA effective immediately.”
Is there any country that McCain doesn’t want a war with?
A group of female veterans have started a campaign to have Rush Limaugh pulled from the American Forces Radio. They pointed out that it’s innapropriate for a government-paid service to allow a person such as Limbaugh to broadcast such degrading personal attacks.
Rush may have really stepped in it this time. The fat fuck may actually experience some consequences for his hate.
Rush appears to be already into “damage recovery mode”, which for him means “screw the advertisers who left me, it’s their loss. The new ones that will replace them will make a huge amount of money”.
I think we should continue to consider boycots against slected advertisers on Rush’s programs. As for the American Forces Network, I can’t think of any reason why the American Taxpayer should subsidize his vile comments, and a little political pressure is appropriate here. After all, Rush is all about “personal responsibility”, so he should be forced to accept a little responsibility for what comes out of his own mouth.
Or we could just make him a pariah to his own party, by re-playing his vile comments right after every Republican TV add this summer, along with the tag line: “This is the guy Republican candidates kow tow to before they can run for office. If you want to give Rush more power, vote for a Republican. If you think he’s a lunatic, vote for a Democrat instead.”
Well, we pretty much expected as much, but in 2010 just about all of the economic recovery went to the wealthiest 1%:
Richest 1% Account for Recovery Gains
Time to step back a bit, and realize that today’s Republican Party isn’t any different than it was fify years ago. Here’s a speech by Harry Truman in September of 1948:
“…The Wall Street reactionaries are not satisfied with being rich. They want to increase their power and their privileges, regardless of what happens to the other fellow. They are gluttons of privilege.
These gluttons of privilege are now putting up fabulous sums of money to elect a Republican administration.
Why do you think they are doing that? For the love of the Republican candidate? Or do you think it is because they expect a Republican administration to carry out their will, as it did in the days of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover?
I think we know the answer. I think we know that Wall Street expects its money this year to elect a Republican administration that will listen to the gluttons of privilege first, and to the people not at all.
Republican reactionaries want an administration that will assure privilege for big business, regardless of what may happen to the rest of the Nation.
The Republican strategy is to divide the farmer and the industrial worker–to get them to squabbling with each other–so that big business can grasp the balance of power and take the country over, lock, stock, and barrel.
To gain this end, they will stop at nothing. On the one hand, the Republicans are telling industrial workers that the high cost of food in the cities is due to this Government’s farm policy. On the other hand, the Republicans are telling the farmers that the high cost of manufactured goods on the farm is due to this Government’s labor policy.
That’s plain hokum. It’s an old political trick. “If you can’t convince ’em, confuse ‘era.” But this time it won’t work….
I wonder how many times you have to be hit on the head before you find out who’s hitting you? It’s about time that the people of America realized what the Republicans have been doing to them.
Why is it that the farmer and the worker and the small businessman suffer under Republican administrations and gain under Democratic administrations?
I’ll tell you why. It is the result of a basic difference in the attitude between the Democratic and the Republican parties.
The Democratic Party represents the people. It is pledged to work for agriculture. It is pledged to work for labor. It is pledged to work for the small businessman and the white-collar worker.
The Democratic Party puts human rights and human welfare first.
But the attitude of the Republican gluttons of privilege is very different. The bigmoney Republican looks on agriculture and labor merely as expense items in a business venture. He tries to push their share of the national income down as low as possible and increase his own profits. And he looks upon the Government as a tool to accomplish this purpose….”
195. Address at Dexter, Iowa, on the Occasion of the National Plowing Match, September 18, 1948
@21 Give ’em Hell Harry!
Anyone seen the yd(iot) lately?
Newsflash: Sheriff Joe is a dumbass..
Outsourced the “investigation” to a couple of right wing conspiracy nuts with a profit motive. Wow!
@5 Tricky Dick can tell that to Thomas Jefferson, if he ever meets him.
@17 He sure did. I filed a formal complaint with the FCC against Clear Channel. I told the FCC that CC should lose all their broadcast licenses.
Okay, so if CBS got fined $500,000 because Janet Jackson flashed a nipple, why shouldn’t Clear Channel pay at least that much for Rush’s fat mouth?
Maybe Clear Channel should have shown Rush’s nipples instead of allowing him to shoot his mouth off???
15. Michael spews:
Is there any country that McCain doesn’t want a war with?
I don’t think so, Michael. The guy seems to be pretty trigger-happy to me. That’s the problem with the Republican wing of the Big Government Party – they want to have wars at every turn of events. We simply can’t afford their empire any longer. I feel sure that Obama will win re-election. He just needs to get on the stick when it comes to ending the empire and the wars. We’ve wasted too much blood and treasure for the saber-rattlers and their buddies over at the military-industrial complex.
George Will: “The Republican leaders want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.” ‘Nuff said?
# 28: You have to wonder if McCain even stops to connect the dots. Iran undoubtedly has defenses in place against air strikes, it’s unlikely that we could strike against 38 locations (and counting) with 100% success rate and no pilot/aircrew losses. If Iran shoots down one airplane and captures one pilot, then they can hold him hostage indefinately. You would think that McCain, who got shot down and was held prisoner by the Vietnamese, would understand those risks. Apparantly not.
From 30:
“You would think that McCain, who got shot down and was held prisoner by the Vietnamese, would understand those risks. Apparantly not.”
Man, ain’t THAT the truth!!
Then there’s this: