Hey Kommodore & Kountry Klubber steve..
From the Poll you so often quote!
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 33% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -1. Today is the second straight day the President’s rating has been below zero
From +32 to below zero in 5 months.
Failed administration.
Just wait until Biden’s prediction of us getting hit comes true….and the cost of Socialist Health Care (Obamunism) is publicly vetted.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Paul Krugman: “Centrist” Dem Senators Pose Real Danger To Successful Health Care Reform – HuffPo Headline
Daddy Love reminds me that “this is a local blog,” in a post where a non-local video is featured.
Marvin Stamnspews:
3. Mr. Cynical spews:
Hey Kommodore & Kountry Klubber steve..
From the Poll you so often quote!
Thanks for the link.
steve forgot to post the link yesterday.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Daddy Love spews:
Yes, it is clearly insane to support health care proposals that over 70% of Americans and 50% of Republicans favor.
Yet a democrat senator doesn’t believe there are enough votes from even the democrats, which are in control of the white house, senate & congress to support it.
But of course you know better than a senator that used her position on the senate military construction appropriations subcommittee to benefit perini corp. and urs corp which benefited her hubby and herself.
Does anyone here remember me telling Goldy to get out and do some in-person, interview-style journalism?
Has he done so yet? I don’t think so. He’s still just sitting at home, commenting on what he reads in the Seattle Times.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin@13, you forgot to add that specific senator tried to hide her involvement until the San Jose Mercury News wrote the expose which caused that specific senator to resign from MILCOM and her party made sure she wouldn’t face ethics charges from her play for husband’s additional pay scam.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Daddy Love, People slavishly want something that they don’t have to pay for out of pocket. Anything that smells free from the guvmint, they say “count me in”. Like the plan for trading in your clunker and get some large from the guvmint. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/0.....gislation/ Who wouldn’t want that?
Puddy was on the road yesterday and Senator Countrywide Mortgage Dodd said “We’re going to develop a U.S. plan, not a Canadian or a U.K. plan, one that meets our needs in our country. It’s designed for Americans, by Americans, that isn’t socialized medicine.”
Well that’s refreshing to hear. All we’ve heard from the HA swineflu weasel crew are comments otherwise on how those U.K. and Canadian plans are “the bomb”.
@16 Puddykitten
A Challenge
Somehow I have not seen the posts you describe where anyone here has said that (Canada (which has several programs) or the UK is “the bomb.” Most folks I have spiokjen with support something more like the French or Israeli systems.
What I have also never seen is your proposal or, except for the vilified (by his own party) a rational repub proposal.
I have even thought of a movie! Eddie Murphy, playing an elderly cracker in a now middle class Black southern town, is sitting in his grandson Tariq’s autoshop making nasty comments while Tariq repairs all the Hybrids and Beamers. (“In MY DAY …).
No sane person can believe that we do not need a fix in our healthcare. Since I know you are sane, then you must have some plan you support?
Poor Puddy – thfacts are that the Canadian and the British and the French and on and on…all are better than our sorry system.
Maybe you can continue to ignore the fcts and cite your stupid anectdotes – but that just reflects on your inability to actaully analyze data.
The bottom line is that our health care is the most expensive in the world, the most wasteful, the most beaurocratic and is about 35th in effectiveness.
We are not getting our moneys worth.
In addition, even if you have health care, the insurance companies can rescind your coverage if you get an expensive illness.
Our health insurance plans stink, they cost out businesses millions and make them less competitive and they don’t cover what they say they should cover.
Overall, it is an expensive mess and getting worse as the number of unisured and underinsured are growing. The health care costs are ruining our economy and increasing our budget deficits.
Why do we pay much more for the same drugs than Canadians?
Very simple, republicans wrote the health care plan in collaboration with the drug companines. This is the “plan” that Puddy supports. The drug “ripoff” plan.
Oh my fucking God!! The daily wingnut tracking poll has our beloved president at 54% approval! He’s falling, plummeting, nosediving!!! Do you realize that he’s a full fucking point lower than that same wingnut poll had him at three months ago? Fuck, man!! One point! What are we gonna fucking do??
Marvin Stamnspews:
15. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews: Marvin@13, you forgot to add that specific senator tried to hide her involvement
You forgot to add that none of the ha left wingnuts mentioned her involvement.
A google search on site:horsesass.org show lots and lots of hits for ha;lliburton, yet the only hits for urs are from us trolls.
Lucky she’s a democrat, otherwise the left would have to protest in the streets with devil horns sticking out of her head and the word satan imprinted across her face.
A little trouble getting out of SeaTac last week. Quite a bit of trouble getting out of LAX. The nice woman at Virgin America confirmed that I am indeed on the watch list so no online or kiosk check-in for me and a high likelyhood of getting hand searched at security every time I fly. I’m actually quite proud.
BTW, Marvie was a no-show for my invitation to beers and a chance to pick up a check for the anti-violence charity of his choosing. ERGO, Marvin is not only a pathetic sack who would rather complain about a social problem than lift a finger to alleviate said problem, but he’s also chickenshit.
Father’s Office, Blue Palms, Dodger Stadium, Father’s Office 2, Lost Abbey, Petco Park, Pizza Port Carlsbad. Pretty good couple of days.
Politically Incorrectspews:
One problem with health care is that the AMA isn’t exactly interested in reducing doctors’ fees and salaries. What we need is about three or four times as many doctors so we can get some competition going. Heck healthcare is a cartel as it exists now.
It’s easy to lay the blame entirely on the insurance companies (and they deserve some, for sure), but you have to ask yourself why insurance companies are involved in the first place: because the health care folks have been over-pricing themselves for decades and they’ve got a nice little cottage industry going for themselves. The general public had to resort to the insurance principal to pay for health care because it was over-priced from the get-go.
Triple the amount of docs, and you’ll see costs drop.
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. czechsaaz spews:
BTW, Marvie was a no-show for my invitation to beers and a chance to pick up a check for the anti-violence charity of his choosing
I didn’t realize you couldn’t make a contribution without my help.
You should have told me you were inept.
On the other hand, would I want to meet with someone that the obama administration has on the watch list?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey SeattleJew@17, looks like NutsTooTight@18 beat Puddy to the punch. He told all of us how their systems are better than ours. He’s a genius in his own one celled mind.
But to answer you SeattleJew, Puddy is a networks guy. Puddy sees data bits and they are meant to travel at .7C. Puddy ain’t a health care guy. But having a sister who lived in France with her family for four years and in London for five years does give me some knowledge on their medical systems. Mrs Puddy has a sister and cousins in Quebec, Ontario and Alberta give us the Canadian view.
chechzass@21: Did you thank “the messiah” for your new status? This has to be a first for an HA swineflu weasel!
@24 Puddey can do better
Aw come off it. Poah Puudy is too dumb to have ideas, he is just a network nern.
By that standard you ought not to comment on much of anything.
Take the challenge!
@28: You can’t expect Puddy to give anything more than platitudes and anecdoctal information of the health care crisis.
He ignores the actual data and concentrates on “how he feels” about healthcare or “what his relatives” say.
I already put out the data that over 90% of Canadians would not trade their health care system for the mess in the US – even if it meant lower taxes. Puddy doesn’t want to deal with data and facts, though. It is much easier for him to call people names and to whine about socialism than to actually engage in a real debate that he is certain to lose.
Prediction: Your challenge will go unanswered or Puddy will lazily copy a few rightwingnut talking points and consider himself the victor in any argument over the “dummocrats”.
Remember: Puddy has “never lost an argument” – the facts be damned.
SeattleJew: I have a few ideas. I can send them to you on your blog. We can discuss.
BTW since “the adults” are in charge, Puddy has the buckshot ready.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
NutsTooTight, when Puddy gives you actual data from libtardo MSM sources you immediately attack it as from Fox News.
Of course 90% of Canadians wouldn’t want to give something basically free to them. That’s what is so hard for you Nuts because they are Too Tight.
So foolish one why should Puddy engage with someone so torqued too tight?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Kommodore & Kountry-Klubber Steve spews:
Oh my fucking God!! The daily wingnut tracking poll has our beloved president at 54% approval! He’s falling, plummeting, nosediving!!! Do you realize that he’s a full fucking point lower than that same wingnut poll had him at three months ago? Fuck, man!! One point! What are we gonna fucking do??
Nice try at spinning steverino.
The point is Obama’s strong support and strong pro-American support are now equal.
The soft middle is filled with uninformed folks that just cannot formulate an opinion…but will eventually see that Obama over-promised and has sold an undeliverable bill of goods and more debt than the idiot Bush.
Obama is a failure.
Actually Puddy, the first time I had an inkling something was up was November 2008. It took a few more trips for me to recognize the pattern. So whatever got me on the list was pre election.
I had chocked it up to a different ailrine’s crappy reservation system. Once it happened on multiple carriers it ceased to be just my dumb (bad) luck.
But yes, if Chimpy McSmirk thought I was a threat to his reign, I wear that as a badge of honor.
I guess voter fraud does ruin the image for non-left-wingnuts.
Good thing for the democrats… thanks to their educational policies the majority of their voters won’t even notice the name change.
President Obama’s poll numbers start to wilt
“Eroding confidence in President Barack Obama’s handling of the economy and ability to control spending have caused his approval ratings to wilt to their lowest levels since taking office, according to a spate of recent polls, a sign of political weakness that comes just as he most needs leverage on Capitol Hill.”
A bit of a strange story in today’s Times (posted online this afternoon).
It seems the Republican governor of South Carolina has been “missing” for several days. Gov. Mark Sanford, chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association,hasn’t passed power to the Lt. Governor, but many close to him, including the Lt. Governor, his closest friends and political confidents, and his wife an children, don’t know where he is – even during Father’s Day.
“‘He was writing something and wanted some space to get away from the kids,’ Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press while vacationing with the couple’s four sons at their Sullivans Island beach house. She said she didn’t know where he was, but wasn’t concerned.”
His staff claims that someone on his staff (a person unidentified) can get in contact with him if necessary.
But a father missing father’s day so he can “get away from the kids”?????? Something’s not right. I imagine we will be hearing more about this in the coming days.
Interesting. First politician I’ve ever heard of leaving to spend less time with his kids.
Oh man, that’s precious. A few days ago, you said that all Muslims are pigs, and now you’re trying to claim that I don’t have sufficient sympathy for a young Muslim woman?
Well played, Troll. I can only guess that your comments are made in jest, as it’s humanly impossible for someone to actually be so dumb.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
How cum the HA swineflu weasels have nothing to say about two left-leaning, anti-American, pro-Castro spies who were selling our nation’s secrets to Castro?
How cum when libtardo swine put our nation at risk, it’s bidness as usual for the HA swineflu weasels?
BTW, where is the libtardo MSM on this? Oh yeah the “not-conservative” WA Post commended them and said they hated Bush policies just like their neighbors.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Looks like Job Biden was prescient for a change. He said “the messiah” would be tested within his first six months and two thirds of the “axis of evil” are definitely testing his testicles.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Looks like oil is around $67/barrel. Good enough to help Chavez but not enough for Iran to send money to Hizbollah and Hamas. Nothing from the libtardo MSM on the oil price doubling from lows of $30 four months ago since “the messiah” came into the whitey house.
Hey Puddy.
If you’d like to talk about every topic you find interesting, perhaps you should get a blog?
Use the Google: NY Times – story covered, CNN – Story covered, MSNBC – story covered
It’s so easy to prove you’re a moron I don’t know why I bother…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Steve, you can only call someone a faggot if you are one. Mario Lavandeira is one ugly sucka!
@43 I’m kind of glad that I’m in a space where I have no idea who those people are or what they’ve done to become celebrities.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. Steve spews:
@43 I’m kind of glad
Be honest…
You’re glad you don’t have to be around gay people.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
Bigot is as bigot says.
I admit that I’m really, really glad that I don’t have to be around deviant, goatfucking Republicans like Marvin. And no, I will not be apologizing to deviant goatfuckers.
Do you know the difference between your link and my link?
Not only have I never met or voted for the people on your link, I find their behavior extremely offensive and deserving of a severe punishment from the fathers of those kids.
My link is the words of a small-minded bigot that keeps pointing the fingers at others to justify his own hateful behavior. I would ask if you find your words offensive but how can someone that used the words over and over and over find himself offensive.
(That small minded bigot would be you steve.)
Christ, it looks like I’m being stalked by a wingnut goatfucker. Hey, do I look like I have four legs, asswipe? Get a grip, Marvin. You’re acting like you’re about to lose it again.
Well played, John Hodgman.
This has some really funny moments.
Hey Kommodore & Kountry Klubber steve..
From the Poll you so often quote!
Monday, June 22, 2009
From +32 to below zero in 5 months.
Failed administration.
Just wait until Biden’s prediction of us getting hit comes true….and the cost of Socialist Health Care (Obamunism) is publicly vetted.
Paul Krugman: “Centrist” Dem Senators Pose Real Danger To Successful Health Care Reform – HuffPo Headline
Oh no they ain’t whack-job progressive enough!
Amazing. With what’s going on in Iran, Lee decides to post that video. Here is what he should have put up:
16 year old Iranian girl shot by Basij sniper. She was peacefully marching with her father.
Horses Ass is becoming a parody of itself.
Goldy bitches about the Seattle Times. John bitches about the party that is no longer in power. Lee …
International business call. brb.
5 T
Have you ever advocated air strikes against Iran?
4 Pud
Yes, it is clearly insane to support health care proposals that over 70% of Americans and 50% of Republicans favor.
6 T
This is a local blog. If you don’t like the content, feel free to look elsewhere.
I posted that already.
Daddy Love reminds me that “this is a local blog,” in a post where a non-local video is featured.
Thanks for the link.
steve forgot to post the link yesterday.
Yet a democrat senator doesn’t believe there are enough votes from even the democrats, which are in control of the white house, senate & congress to support it.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said she wasn’t certain there are enough votes in the president’s own party to support the proposal.
“I think there’s a lot of concern in the Democratic caucus,” she said.
But of course you know better than a senator that used her position on the senate military construction appropriations subcommittee to benefit perini corp. and urs corp which benefited her hubby and herself.
Does anyone here remember me telling Goldy to get out and do some in-person, interview-style journalism?
Has he done so yet? I don’t think so. He’s still just sitting at home, commenting on what he reads in the Seattle Times.
Marvin@13, you forgot to add that specific senator tried to hide her involvement until the San Jose Mercury News wrote the expose which caused that specific senator to resign from MILCOM and her party made sure she wouldn’t face ethics charges from her play for husband’s additional pay scam.
Daddy Love, People slavishly want something that they don’t have to pay for out of pocket. Anything that smells free from the guvmint, they say “count me in”. Like the plan for trading in your clunker and get some large from the guvmint. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/0.....gislation/ Who wouldn’t want that?
Puddy was on the road yesterday and Senator Countrywide Mortgage Dodd said “We’re going to develop a U.S. plan, not a Canadian or a U.K. plan, one that meets our needs in our country. It’s designed for Americans, by Americans, that isn’t socialized medicine.”
Well that’s refreshing to hear. All we’ve heard from the HA swineflu weasel crew are comments otherwise on how those U.K. and Canadian plans are “the bomb”.
@16 Puddykitten
A Challenge
Somehow I have not seen the posts you describe where anyone here has said that (Canada (which has several programs) or the UK is “the bomb.” Most folks I have spiokjen with support something more like the French or Israeli systems.
What I have also never seen is your proposal or, except for the vilified (by his own party) a rational repub proposal.
I have even thought of a movie! Eddie Murphy, playing an elderly cracker in a now middle class Black southern town, is sitting in his grandson Tariq’s autoshop making nasty comments while Tariq repairs all the Hybrids and Beamers. (“In MY DAY …).
No sane person can believe that we do not need a fix in our healthcare. Since I know you are sane, then you must have some plan you support?
Poor Puddy – thfacts are that the Canadian and the British and the French and on and on…all are better than our sorry system.
Maybe you can continue to ignore the fcts and cite your stupid anectdotes – but that just reflects on your inability to actaully analyze data.
The bottom line is that our health care is the most expensive in the world, the most wasteful, the most beaurocratic and is about 35th in effectiveness.
We are not getting our moneys worth.
In addition, even if you have health care, the insurance companies can rescind your coverage if you get an expensive illness.
Our health insurance plans stink, they cost out businesses millions and make them less competitive and they don’t cover what they say they should cover.
Overall, it is an expensive mess and getting worse as the number of unisured and underinsured are growing. The health care costs are ruining our economy and increasing our budget deficits.
Why do we pay much more for the same drugs than Canadians?
Very simple, republicans wrote the health care plan in collaboration with the drug companines. This is the “plan” that Puddy supports. The drug “ripoff” plan.
Oh my fucking God!! The daily wingnut tracking poll has our beloved president at 54% approval! He’s falling, plummeting, nosediving!!! Do you realize that he’s a full fucking point lower than that same wingnut poll had him at three months ago? Fuck, man!! One point! What are we gonna fucking do??
You forgot to add that none of the ha left wingnuts mentioned her involvement.
A google search on site:horsesass.org show lots and lots of hits for ha;lliburton, yet the only hits for urs are from us trolls.
Lucky she’s a democrat, otherwise the left would have to protest in the streets with devil horns sticking out of her head and the word satan imprinted across her face.
A little trouble getting out of SeaTac last week. Quite a bit of trouble getting out of LAX. The nice woman at Virgin America confirmed that I am indeed on the watch list so no online or kiosk check-in for me and a high likelyhood of getting hand searched at security every time I fly. I’m actually quite proud.
BTW, Marvie was a no-show for my invitation to beers and a chance to pick up a check for the anti-violence charity of his choosing. ERGO, Marvin is not only a pathetic sack who would rather complain about a social problem than lift a finger to alleviate said problem, but he’s also chickenshit.
Father’s Office, Blue Palms, Dodger Stadium, Father’s Office 2, Lost Abbey, Petco Park, Pizza Port Carlsbad. Pretty good couple of days.
One problem with health care is that the AMA isn’t exactly interested in reducing doctors’ fees and salaries. What we need is about three or four times as many doctors so we can get some competition going. Heck healthcare is a cartel as it exists now.
It’s easy to lay the blame entirely on the insurance companies (and they deserve some, for sure), but you have to ask yourself why insurance companies are involved in the first place: because the health care folks have been over-pricing themselves for decades and they’ve got a nice little cottage industry going for themselves. The general public had to resort to the insurance principal to pay for health care because it was over-priced from the get-go.
Triple the amount of docs, and you’ll see costs drop.
I didn’t realize you couldn’t make a contribution without my help.
You should have told me you were inept.
On the other hand, would I want to meet with someone that the obama administration has on the watch list?
Hey SeattleJew@17, looks like NutsTooTight@18 beat Puddy to the punch. He told all of us how their systems are better than ours. He’s a genius in his own one celled mind.
But to answer you SeattleJew, Puddy is a networks guy. Puddy sees data bits and they are meant to travel at .7C. Puddy ain’t a health care guy. But having a sister who lived in France with her family for four years and in London for five years does give me some knowledge on their medical systems. Mrs Puddy has a sister and cousins in Quebec, Ontario and Alberta give us the Canadian view.
He’s ranting about the Seattle Times again.
McDermitt Earmarks Funds for Rainier Club?
Smiling Jim needs to move on!
chechzass@21: Did you thank “the messiah” for your new status? This has to be a first for an HA swineflu weasel!
@24 Puddey can do better
Aw come off it. Poah Puudy is too dumb to have ideas, he is just a network nern.
By that standard you ought not to comment on much of anything.
Take the challenge!
@28: You can’t expect Puddy to give anything more than platitudes and anecdoctal information of the health care crisis.
He ignores the actual data and concentrates on “how he feels” about healthcare or “what his relatives” say.
I already put out the data that over 90% of Canadians would not trade their health care system for the mess in the US – even if it meant lower taxes. Puddy doesn’t want to deal with data and facts, though. It is much easier for him to call people names and to whine about socialism than to actually engage in a real debate that he is certain to lose.
Prediction: Your challenge will go unanswered or Puddy will lazily copy a few rightwingnut talking points and consider himself the victor in any argument over the “dummocrats”.
Remember: Puddy has “never lost an argument” – the facts be damned.
Very nice. Perez Hilton punched in the face. This makes my day.
SeattleJew: I have a few ideas. I can send them to you on your blog. We can discuss.
BTW since “the adults” are in charge, Puddy has the buckshot ready.
NutsTooTight, when Puddy gives you actual data from libtardo MSM sources you immediately attack it as from Fox News.
Of course 90% of Canadians wouldn’t want to give something basically free to them. That’s what is so hard for you Nuts because they are Too Tight.
So foolish one why should Puddy engage with someone so torqued too tight?
Kommodore & Kountry-Klubber Steve spews:
Nice try at spinning steverino.
The point is Obama’s strong support and strong pro-American support are now equal.
The soft middle is filled with uninformed folks that just cannot formulate an opinion…but will eventually see that Obama over-promised and has sold an undeliverable bill of goods and more debt than the idiot Bush.
Obama is a failure.
Actually Puddy, the first time I had an inkling something was up was November 2008. It took a few more trips for me to recognize the pattern. So whatever got me on the list was pre election.
I had chocked it up to a different ailrine’s crappy reservation system. Once it happened on multiple carriers it ceased to be just my dumb (bad) luck.
But yes, if Chimpy McSmirk thought I was a threat to his reign, I wear that as a badge of honor.
If it wasn’t for those pesky investigations…
ACORN executives have also changed their organization’s name, which was tarnished by investigations in at least 14 states of allegations of voter registration fraud during the 2008 presidential campaign, and charges by current and former members of financial mismanagement and misrepresentation.
I guess voter fraud does ruin the image for non-left-wingnuts.
Good thing for the democrats… thanks to their educational policies the majority of their voters won’t even notice the name change.
President Obama’s poll numbers start to wilt
“Eroding confidence in President Barack Obama’s handling of the economy and ability to control spending have caused his approval ratings to wilt to their lowest levels since taking office, according to a spate of recent polls, a sign of political weakness that comes just as he most needs leverage on Capitol Hill.”
A bit of a strange story in today’s Times (posted online this afternoon).
It seems the Republican governor of South Carolina has been “missing” for several days. Gov. Mark Sanford, chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association,hasn’t passed power to the Lt. Governor, but many close to him, including the Lt. Governor, his closest friends and political confidents, and his wife an children, don’t know where he is – even during Father’s Day.
“‘He was writing something and wanted some space to get away from the kids,’ Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press while vacationing with the couple’s four sons at their Sullivans Island beach house. She said she didn’t know where he was, but wasn’t concerned.”
His staff claims that someone on his staff (a person unidentified) can get in contact with him if necessary.
But a father missing father’s day so he can “get away from the kids”?????? Something’s not right. I imagine we will be hearing more about this in the coming days.
Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....where.html
Interesting. First politician I’ve ever heard of leaving to spend less time with his kids.
Oh man, that’s precious. A few days ago, you said that all Muslims are pigs, and now you’re trying to claim that I don’t have sufficient sympathy for a young Muslim woman?
Well played, Troll. I can only guess that your comments are made in jest, as it’s humanly impossible for someone to actually be so dumb.
How cum the HA swineflu weasels have nothing to say about two left-leaning, anti-American, pro-Castro spies who were selling our nation’s secrets to Castro?
How cum when libtardo swine put our nation at risk, it’s bidness as usual for the HA swineflu weasels?
BTW, where is the libtardo MSM on this? Oh yeah the “not-conservative” WA Post commended them and said they hated Bush policies just like their neighbors.
Looks like Job Biden was prescient for a change. He said “the messiah” would be tested within his first six months and two thirds of the “axis of evil” are definitely testing his testicles.
Looks like oil is around $67/barrel. Good enough to help Chavez but not enough for Iran to send money to Hizbollah and Hamas. Nothing from the libtardo MSM on the oil price doubling from lows of $30 four months ago since “the messiah” came into the whitey house.
Hey Puddy.
If you’d like to talk about every topic you find interesting, perhaps you should get a blog?
But as to your MSM not covering stories:
That would be ABC News.
Miami Herald
Holy Crap! Even your sacred whipping boy PBS is on it…
Bill-O’s favorite
Use the Google: NY Times – story covered, CNN – Story covered, MSNBC – story covered
It’s so easy to prove you’re a moron I don’t know why I bother…
Hey Steve, you can only call someone a faggot if you are one. Mario Lavandeira is one ugly sucka!
@43 I’m kind of glad that I’m in a space where I have no idea who those people are or what they’ve done to become celebrities.
Be honest…
You’re glad you don’t have to be around gay people.
Bigot is as bigot says.
I admit that I’m really, really glad that I don’t have to be around deviant, goatfucking Republicans like Marvin. And no, I will not be apologizing to deviant goatfuckers.
Do you know the difference between your link and my link?
Not only have I never met or voted for the people on your link, I find their behavior extremely offensive and deserving of a severe punishment from the fathers of those kids.
My link is the words of a small-minded bigot that keeps pointing the fingers at others to justify his own hateful behavior. I would ask if you find your words offensive but how can someone that used the words over and over and over find himself offensive.
(That small minded bigot would be you steve.)
Christ, it looks like I’m being stalked by a wingnut goatfucker. Hey, do I look like I have four legs, asswipe? Get a grip, Marvin. You’re acting like you’re about to lose it again.