Arnold Schwarzenegger on Rush: “I think that they say that Rush Limbaugh is the 800 lb. gorilla in the Republican Party, but I think that’s mean spirited to say that because I think he’s down to 650 lbs., so I think one should be fair to him about this whole thing.”
Why don’t they impeach the Governator?
I mean CA is way worse off now than it was under Davis.
Been there done that I guess. A little Hollyweird in the Gov’s mansion goes a ways down there.
With this and what Colin Powell’s been saying are we starting to see some push-back from the moderates?
I like it when voices like drug-adding, impotent draft-dodger and multiple divorce Lush Flimbaugh are the best the GOP has to offer.
I love it when Democrats have an easy, cheap target like Limbaugh. It exposes all their worst tendencies: mean, profane, vicious, childish, and base.
I mean how many times are left-wingers going to bring up Limbaugh’s weight and the pill addiction? I suppose it will keep going until they have actual ideas to convey. In other words, no end in sight….
The go-to exemplar of the right wing in this country.
Ideas? Like more tax cuts for the rich? Oh yeah those ideas..
Tried it. Didn’t trickle down too well. We got trickled on instead.
Um… There’s people fleeing from a political party like rats from a sinking ship, but it isn’t the Democratic party.
I love it when Democrats have an easy, cheap target like Limbaugh. It exposes all their worst tendencies: mean, profane, vicious, childish, and base.
I don’t think Schwarzenegger’s a Democrat.
I mean how many times are left-wingers going to bring up Limbaugh’s weight and the pill addiction?
I don’t think Schwarzenegger’s a left-winger.
I suppose it will keep going until they have actual ideas to convey.
No, it will keep going as long as Limbaugh remains an overweight, chickenhawk, drug addict who somehow manages to maintain a listening audience of morons who confuse paranoid authoritarianism with conservatism.
@4 – It is sad that Limbaugh is the best the Republicans have to offer, isn’t it?
re 4: If it were up to me, it would be questions about what he was doing in Haiti (a place known for child prostitution) with a suitcase full of illegal viagra and rubbers?
If Rush pushes back, we can go even lower — but guess what — Rush has already been there.
The only thing liberals can do to counter Rush Limbaugh is call him names because you certainly cannot match him politically. NOBODY in the liberal party can match his genius. NOBODY CAN COME CLOSE, NOBODY.HAHAHHAHAHAHA and it kills you fucktards.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Thank GOD for RUSH.
Thank GOD for RUSH.
Every Democrat wakes up these days saying this.
Coming from a conservative, yes the Republican Party is dead as we know it. This is old news.
Let me tell you what, you can still be conservative and despise Rush Limbaugh. There are plenty of us.
Socialism will reign supreme in the here-and-now as people look to point fingers and blame for their financial hardship. The sheeple love Capitalism when it is good to them, and despise it when it brings misfortune. We are a country of overspending and consumption and then want the insurance to keep the ball rolling even when we are broke.
When Red China and other nation’s stop buying up our debt, the currency begins to devalue and the inevitable inflation skyrockets, people will be singing a different tune and Comrade Obama will be a thing of the past.
@7, yes I’m aware that the CA gov is not a Democrat, however, I was responding to the post above by someone who calls him/herself ‘byebyeGOP.’
As for ‘paranoid authoritarianism’ that is not Limbaugh’s bag. Sure are some authoritarian blind spots, mainly the war on drugs which I disagree with.
But what is more ‘authoritarian’ than a party that wants to confiscate 40% (and rising) of peoples’ income? With Democrats we don’t even get the social liberalism we’re promised. I don’t think a Gov. Rush Limbaugh would enact gun bans, smoking bans, cell phone bans, on-line gambling bans, strip club bans, etc.
If Democrats would stop with that stuff, I would pay my 40% taxes happily (well not really) and vote Democrat every time.
Taxes are high? Oppose Republican wars and war-making.
Go to pay for all these fiascos somehow.
If we stiff our bankers – Saudi Arabia, Japan, China – we’re in a world of hurt.
Fuck them bitches. Niggers get their debt forgived. Every heard of African debt forgiveness? Why not us? Them ragheads and chinks who are our creditors should forgive OUR debt to them. Yeah. White people forgive minority county debt. Time minorities forgive white country debt. What’s fair is fair.
Which “white country” are you referring to? Ours is not one of those.
There have been and always will be war, whether under Democrats or Republicans. Last I checked, Democrat presidents took us into WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. R’s took us into Iraq, for a 1 in 5 ratio.
Anyway the Iraq war is a relatively small part of our spending problem. It’s about 2 or 3 percent of total federal spending. The ‘stimulus’ package alone cost more tax dollars than 6 years of war.
Mr ZDP, you have to realize that the liberals on this site are sort of like arguing with a guest from Jerry Springers show, but you make some really good points.
ZDP, thanks for reminding all the HA swineflu weasels about a Puddy point from yesteryear Dummocraptics and going to war. And think of all those atrocities in those Dummocraptic wars. Wow would the NY Slimes print the pictures today? BTW you know the Slimes is losing an average of 2500 subscriptions a month due to their slanted reportage? All that will be left reading the Slimes will be the rabid leftists like many of the swineflu weasels here.
Imagine the Leahy Commission on why US Soldiers used flame throwers to burn the Japanese from their foxholes. Or using hand grenades to flush Germans from their foxholes. Or the torture inflicted later on Japanese soldiers for their “comrades” actions in the Burma Death March. Yes I can see Patrick Leahy running his “truth commission” asking all those soldiers why they did that.
Now to the spending we had Don Joe and Another Total Jerk claimed the additional spending by Obama in Feb and March should be claimed as GWB spending. Yet when you visit the Thomas Register (Puddy supplied the links), the allocated spending from the Dummocraptics in Congress had laid out the budget. Yet when you look up the “extra” spending these are “supplementals” which are “NEW” spending identified in the 111 Congress not extensions to the 110 Congress. Yep all that extra Billions and Billions or is that Trillions. Carl Sagan would have been proud!
I want to apologize for my @15 comment. I wrote it last night in anger and haste. I should have said majority white countries, like the US and Europe, forgives the debt of non-white countries, like many African nations, so why can’t non-white countries, like China and Saudi Arabia, forgive the debt of majority white countries, like the US? What’s fair is fair.
Puddy will be shocked, SHOCKED to learn that the Rasmussen Presidential Daily Tracking Poll shows the Presidential Approval Index at +10, higher than it’s been in months and up 900% just this week alone!
In other Rasmussen Poll results, in the Generic Congression Ballot the Democrats are at +3, forcasting doom for the Republican’s chances in 2010. Hmm, some say there won’t even be a Republican Party in 2010, believing that it will instead splinter into two, maybe three, regional parties. Time will tell.
Can’t say I like all of Arnold, still a nice hit, worth a giggle.
As far as Limbic &Co goes, their actions are much like a pack of attack dogs whose master/leash holder has died, and they’ve brokenfree to have some fun.
Let’s see:
Alito (the republican Supreme Court hero) belonged to a racist organization at Princeton that was formed to prevent women and minorities from going to Princeton.
Limbaugh – the putative head of the republican party is spouting racist stuff about Sotomayor (after spouting racist material for years).
Even Cornyn is repudiating the idiot Limbaugh.
And Mark – we have never questioned your lack of intellect. Thanks for proving how ignorant you are:
We don’t have to match Limbaugh. He is so stupid that he is doing our work for us. His racist rants and pathetic rightwingnut ideas are helping to destroy the sad remnants of the republican party.
I say that we can’t thank Rush enough (and Dick Cheney). For a guy (Rush) who flunked out of college, he sure knows how to destroy a political party (his own).
Puddy @ 19 spews:
Now to the spending we had Don Joe and Another Total Jerk claimed the additional spending by Obama in Feb and March should be claimed as GWB spending.
If Puddy can point to a specific comment where either TJ or I said that any additional spending called for by President Obama should be attributed to George Bush’s budget, he’s quite welcome to post the link here. The problem is, Puddy can’t possibly find any such comment, because neither TJ nor I advocated the position that Puddy says we did.
Why does Puddy throw up these straw men? Because Puddy can’t counter the actual arguments that TJ and I raised. In particular, Puddy has yet to explain how we managed to blow through more than the original estimated annual FY09 deficit in just the first quarter of FY09. Puddy has also failed to distinguish between off-budget spending and spending that was already part of the original Bush FY09 budget, and Puddy has completely failed to account for revenue shortfalls due to differences between projected and actual revenues.
This is, yet again, the famous Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. Puddy cites only some of the relevant facts, yet repeatedly ignores other relevant facts. But, of course, according to Puddy, we’re all fools for pointing this out.
It’s worth noting that this is the same Puddy who has argued that Alan Greenspan is a liberal, and, more recently, has managed to not understand the difference between a question that begins with “why” and a question that begins with “how many.”
Haven’t spanked Puddy’s debate skills in a while…
“BTW you know the Slimes is losing an average of 2500 subscriptions a month due to their slanted reportage?”
Classic Post Hoc fallacy. (event A precedes event b, THEREFORE event A must be the cause of event b.)
Meanwhile, according to public SEC filings, the “liberal” Times lost 7% of subscribers in Q1 2009, the “conservative” N.Y. Post lost 20.6% and industry wide, circulation dropped a hair over 7%. Do you Google any of your “facts” before you post them or are you content to be ignorant?
Stop! Think about it Pud. You can wish it to be true and that is all.
Yes, that sound you hear is the Mt. Si Jr. High debate squad laughing at you…
A must read. Good article on what’s happened to Hillary Clinton.
@19: Is that all you have?
Still going back to Vietnam and WWII to try and point out democratic involvement in wars?
How incredibly juvenile. The difference between WWII (justified war) and Iraq (unjustified, not necessary war) is apparently lost on you.
Keep trying to defend the Bush record of unnecessary war, lies, torture, breaking the law, record budget deficits, worst economic performance in history and losing foreign allies and respect.
I love it when the moral relativists of the republican party try to excuse torture but claim that they are the party of “religion”.
Hypocrites. Who would Jesus torture?
Don Joe, go back and look at the Riechert Thread. You readily agreed with Another Total Jerk when he claimed the supplementals were part of the GWB FY2009 deficit as they were already accounted for. He was trumpeting $1 Trillion deficit. Puddy asked how. You and him tried to ridicule Puddy.
Yet in the same thread Puddy placed three links where the FY2009 budget agreed to in June 2008 by Scary and Stretch was all inclusive. In another link was the new supplementals. Since the 110 Congress ended, how could they be linked to Bush by the 111 Congress? Another Total Jerk spewed about the 9 appropriations being filled by the supplemental and how Puddy couldn’t figger it out. You readily agreed. That’s when Puddy placed the FY2009 record with the proposed GWB budget deficit of 407 Billion and the Congressional added Pork to make it 535 Billion.
You claim to pay attention, only when you want to fool! See ya moron!
Re: #15
Why apologize? It’s been obvious from the start that you are a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic son-of-a-bitch…
…and a blithering idiot to boot.
We get it.
Again all can see NutRight@27 misses the point. That’s why the veterans are now involved.
Regarding foreign allies respect, yes “the messiah” is doing a bangup yeomans job on North Korea. That Tin Horn Dictator is wiping the floor with “the messiah’s” sorry ASS right now!
Tsk, tsk…the puddybiotch is never wrong…especially when the puddybiotch is wrong.
Dammit Troll@26, I was gonna place that article up too, but Puddy had to answer the illegitimate charges by Don Joe and NutRight.
I especially liked the comment of Bill being in charge of Haiti!
The chicken voting for Col. Sanders.
Someone let Puddy know when rudeASS brings sumtin to the table…
checksaaz, another headless moron… You need to check the subscription tracking sites fool. Due your own DD cuz Puddy ain’t gonna help ya now.
My comment was on the NY Slimes. I could care less of the NY Post because the Slimes is the “newspaper of record” fool. Too back your rigid ideology can’t see the forest the trees or the sagebrush!
And Don Joe, relevant facts? Where have you produced anything except from your favrit site Talking Points Memo? Puddy delivered the Thomas Registry of Congressional bills for 110 and 111 Congresses.
Back to my previously scheduled activity!
Okay, let me say it without all the racial stuff. First world nations forgive the debt of third world nations all the time. What I’m saying is, how about some debt forgiveness for us from our creditors like China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia? Our debt service is becoming so great that it’s hindering our abili … hold please … international business call. brb.
Puddy @ 28 spews:
Don Joe, go back and look at the Riechert Thread. You readily agreed with Another Total Jerk when he claimed the supplementals were part of the GWB FY2009 deficit as they were already accounted for.
Again, Puddy gets it wrong. It’s quite amazing. At no point did TJ or I make that claim. We merely pointed out that Puddy failed to distinguish between off-budget spending and spending that was already budgeted.
Puddy @ 36 spews:
Where have you produced anything except from your favrit site Talking Points Memo?
And Puddy has the temerity to claim that I’m not paying attention. I will, once again, refer to my comment 182 in the Richert thread where I posted a link to the CBO’s monthly budget reports and the as-yet-unaccounted-for point that, by the end of the first quarter of FY09, the Federal government had already blown past the $407 billions deficit mark in the original OMB estimate.
As for Talking Points Memo, Puddy wants to, again, trumpet his willful ignorance?! Josh Marshall was one of the folks originally saying that Cardozo could be considered Hispanic. Does Puddy care about this? No. Puddy’s willful ignorance isn’t my, or anyone else’s, problem, and the more Puddy tries to blame other people for his choices, the more foolish Puddy will appear to everyone else.
You know what’s so cute about you? When I hand you your ASS, you get colloquel with your language and say things like, “I could care less about the NY Post.” (BTW, the expression you’re searching for is “I Couldn’t care less” because what you spewed implies that you could care, and you could care a little bit less than you do.)
Thick-brain, if the Times is losing subscribers due to it’s “bias” is the Post not also losing subscribers at a rate almost three times higher because of “bias?” Not at all. The logic isn’t supported in either case.
But yes, you can check circulation counts again and they will tell you that the times is losing circulation at a rate just under the industry average. To keep your “theory” valid, the Times would need to be shrinking at a much more substantial rate than competitors. Otherwise, the even slightly logical arguement is that the Times is suffering from the same factors as all competitors, not due to “bias.”
I hear Bellevue Preparatory chuckling…
Hey Don Joe? Willful Ignorance?
Hardly. Puddy already told you yet you can’t seem to comprehend facts.
Talking Points Memo produced very phony Phony Soldiers and Barack the Magic Negro and Trig was Bristol Palin’s baby attacks. When caught with their pants down, there was no public apology. Nuthin. So why should Puddy even read anything from Talking Points Memo when they trumpet three lying stories fool?
chechwhatever, you didn’t hand me my ASS fool. The evidence is there if you find it. The Slimes is losing on average 2500 a month. You can find it fool. From the NY Times itself they claim a 3% drop in subscriptions.
Well from their latest 3% loss figgers that’s 32,135 lost subscriptions over the last year. Now checkASS divide by 12 and you get 2677 subscriptions per month + change. Puddy dropped it to 2500 per month for round numbers. So checkmate fool! The use of simple math destroys another leftist HA swineflu weasel pinhead.
You brought up the NY Post cuz your Slimes argument is weak sauce, like your debate skillz. Puddy delivers a known fact and you can’t refute it so lets deflect and add the Post. The Post is not know as the “newspaper of record” moron. But keep that thought.
Hey “smarty pants” is the Post in bankruptcy? Did some rich Mexican have to bail out the Post?
@1 If Washington was run like this the wingers would be circulating recall petitions. Hypocrites.
Don Joe,
Definitely check out the links Lambchop put up in the Reichert thread. You’ll immediately see that they don’t say what he thinks they do.
As usual.
@4 Why shouldn’t we be “mean, profane, vicious, childish, and base”? You guys are. If you can do it, why can’t we?
@10 “you certainly cannot match him politically”
You’re right. We couldn’t stoop as low as that hypocritical, lying, bloviating, pill-popping hypocrite even if we tried.
A few years ago, when Congress was debating Bush’s prescription drug bill, I spent about 90 minutes listening to Lush FlimFlam while hopping across Wyoming because it was the only radio station I could get. For 1 1/2 hours, Lush ranted about how Bill Gates would be eligible for benefits under this bill. I thought, what’s the problem with that? Doesn’t Gates pay enough taxes to get Medicare in his old age? Apparently FlimFlam didn’t think so. Never once did he mention the millions of old people who every month have to choose between buying food or medicines. All he talked about was Bill Gates, Bill Gates, Bill Gates. This blowhard is the most dishonest piece of shit on the planet.
Puddy @ 40 spews:
Willful Ignorance?
Talking Points Memo produced very phony Phony Soldiers and Barack the Magic Negro and Trig was Bristol Palin’s baby attacks.
Puddy can’t point to a single TPM piece on any of those subjects that wasn’t factual. Puddy has Talking Points Memo confused with a variety of other websites that I have never cited here.
@17 For your information, I blame the stimulus package (and bank bailouts, and corporate bailouts) on YOUR party because it was REPUBLICAN politicians whose fucked-up economic policies created this mess. And so do the vast majority of Americans, if recent polls are any indication. GOP popularity is down to, what, 20 percent the last I heard. And it looks like you asswipes are trying for 10 percent. Keep going, don’t change a thing, you’re doing great!
@18 Only a moron like you could think he makes good points. He’s as full of shit as you are. In fact, you two mental midgets could be Siamese twins joined at the head.
TJ @ 43
Definitely check out the links Lambchop put up in the Reichert thread. You’ll immediately see that they don’t say what he thinks they do.
Oh, I did at the time. When it comes to figuring out the various factors affecting current deficit and the projected deficit, it’s not possible to be more clueless than Puddy is.
I’ve long pointed out Puddy’s near complete inability to take a mutually-agreed-upon set of relevant facts and construct a coherent argument. The Reichert thread is yet another example in a very long list.
@24 Do you think we should tell pudstupes that Obama is spending Bush’s budget? That’s right, puddinghead, you see the federal budget year begins Oct. 1 so Obama’s first budget won’t kick in until this fall and meanwhile the federal government is operating on Bush’s 2008 budget. Idiot.
Don Joe you are truly a moron
Phony Soldiers was about Democrats using people who weren’t soldiers to trumpet their cause.
Barack the Magic Negro was a David Ehrenstein of the LA Times Invention
Trig is Sarah Palin’s baby.
You can search the web and see Josh’s web site in action.
bwaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaaaaaah
Another Total Jerk.
Oh yes they are. Good try fool. You and Don Joe can preen all you want but the 111 Congress is a distinct body from the 110 Congress.
Plain and simple fool!
17 – I seem to recall the last Dem President before this one didn’t start a war. and Jimmy Carter? I recall no war under him.
The last fool had such a hard on for war it was just a matter of time, 911 or no 911.
And the “stimulus” – 40 percent tax cuts – since when did right wingers have a problem with tax cuts?
@53 Right wingers do have a problem with tax cuts. They think only the rich should get tax cuts. They are adamantly opposed to tax cuts for the working class. You see, they don’t want workers to be able to get their bills paid off or get ahead financially — because then they won’t have to work, and the cheap labor conservatives will have to do the work themselves.
I don’t work! All my bills are paid, and I own my sources of income! So I don’t have to work on the cheap labor conservatives’ terms. I quit! Now I get big tax breaks for doing nothing productive, just like they do.
LMAO!!! Stupes is still defendin’ the conservative women folk like Sarah (miniskirt on Memorial Day) and Bristol (it’s not realistic to wait).
What a moronic fool!!!
Clueless wonder appears…
Oh clueless, so clueless you ferget about Iranian Hostage Crisis for 444 dayz and that failed rescue operation of April 24, 1980 called Operation Eagle Claw. Two crashed helos and eight dead American servicemen. That was the “highlight” of his presidency.
You too young to remember Walter Cronkite on TV with the latest Day XXX of the Crisis on the screen fool? That was Carter’s “war” fool! Ineffective preznit and nuclear arms negotiator with Madeline Halfbright.
Goodness what a clueless wonder@56. Boy just can’t read.
The attack is against the Talking Points Memo moron and their worthless blogging and reportage.
What a clueless wonder@56. Boy just can’t read.
Puddy @ 51 spews:
You can search the web and see Josh’s web site in action.
If that’s true, then Puddy should post the links. If Puddy can’t find anything but reader comments, then Puddy needs to do some ‘splainin’.
Freaking idiot @ 57
Those were wars? I gotta go. Thanks for the laugh!
Puddy @ 52 spews:
You and Don Joe can preen all you want but the 111 Congress is a distinct body from the 110 Congress.
I don’t know that it’s possible to adequately capture the inanity of Puddy’s argument. Let’s see, the 111th Congress’ expenditures were off-budget, because they were passed by, well, the 111th Congress and not the 110th Congress. Really, it almost speaks for itself.
Apparently in Puddy’s pea-sized brain, President Bush’s FY 09 budget only covered the first 3 months of FY 09.
One last jab at the fool of fools (STUPES):
I guess Raygun fought a war too over hostages.
The weapons were weapons HE SOLD to our enemies and then used the proceeds to FLAUT THE LAW!
Go ahead – tell me that was a WAR!
Don Joe,
Sorry about this, but you’re going to have to go it alone on this one for the most part. As I said in another thread, Lambchop’s willful ignorance of basic facts and his unwillingness to think before typing are taking the fun out of all this. There’s no sport in watching someone embarrass himself repeatedly.
I’m impressed by your patient attempts to educate him, but I’ve given up on him. He’s hopeless in my view.
Good luck.
Proving the head of the GOP is STILL a big fat idiot –
Let’s see,
NutRight supports a SCOTUS candidate who is a proud member of La Raza, an organization which dislikes people of NutRight’s color. “Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada”. clueless wonder can translate this becuz we all know his heritage.
NutRight supports a SCOTUS candidate who is a proud member of La Raza, an organization which calls for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan.
NutRight supports a SCOTUS candidate who is a proud member of La Raza, an organization which calls for driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, amnesty programs, and no immigration law enforcement by local and state police.
NutRight supports a SCOTUS candidate who claims she being a woman of color makes her a better person than a person of NutRight’s color. “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
If NutRight said anything like that he’d be forced to withdraw his nomination.
Again Don Joe and Another Total Jerk miss the point AS ALWAYS!
Once GWB left the presidency, it’s all in Obama’s hands. This is the same libtard argument used when GWB had to deal with Clinton’s Dot Com bubble burst and the recession he received. This is the same argument your side used when we told everyone Clinton left a mess. You all cried nope Clinton left 1/20/2001 so it’s all on Bush now.
Yet now, these two morons want to revisit history and saw hey the 111 Congress is spending money not authorized by Bush’s budget signed by Stretch and Scary in the 110 Congress and signed by Obama so let’s call it budget supplementals because it really should have been spent by Bush.
Does not compute.
#65 is a perfect example of what I’m talking about.
Don Joe, why should Puddy post links on Talking Points Memo? Puddy doesn’t agree with his politics fool!
You found them eh Don Joe? Nasty critters the cached web sites are. Everyone can see that crap in all it’s glory.
See ya moron!
And where does Another Total Jerk run to when Puddy brings up Talking Points Memo?
Talking Points Memo. Typical so typical
Dismissed with Prejudice.
Poor Puddy – you missed my point completely, you know, the one that negated your sorry old “point”.
Poor Puddy can’t list as references any “liberal” journals – ‘cept when he does list them to try and “prove” his points.
Hypocrite. Dismissed. Prejudice – that is the republican party and your buddies.
And yes, I know the legal term.
Maybe you should quit calling people stupid, since it is obvious that you use insults to make up for your lack of a cogent argument.
If you really had a case to make, you would let your facts make the case. But since you don’t, you resort to third grade level insults.
Just like when you cited the “global warming” experts who favored your anti-science view, that I showed were either not experts or actaully disagreed with your position.
Puddy @ 66 spews:
Once GWB left the presidency, it’s all in Obama’s hands.
So, now, Puddy admits that his argument is completely bogus. He justifies this by saying that people other than TJ or myself made similar arguments about the causes of the 2001 recession–different people and different subject matter.
I guess the only real question is, why would Puddy justify his argument by saying that he’s only emulating people who he thinks are complete fools?
Puddy @ 68 spews:
Don Joe, why should Puddy post links on Talking Points Memo?
Well, because Puddy has accused Talking Points Memo of spreading nasty rumors about people. If Puddy can’t produce the evidence that would support this accusation, then Puddy is merely spreading nasty rumors about Talking Points Memo.
Let’s remember Puddy’s Manichean world view. In Puddy’s mind, it’s OK for Puddy to spread nasty rumors about liberals, because, well, liberals are evil. In that Manichean mindset, “Thou shalt not bear false witness” is a completely empty letter.
hey leeberg, who’s worse, rush limbaugh, or that black democratic congressman who had 90 thousand in his freezer?
Damn Don Joe, standard deflection again@71. Nope you Dope. Puddy stands by what he said earlier. 111th Congress bills are not GWBs.
Of course this is part of GWB FY2009 budget per Another Total Jerk and Don Joe.
Here is another reason Don Joe is a real moron. Last year (2008 for clueless) Bush signed a $168 billion economic-stimulus package, consisting mostly of tax rebates. Nancy Pelosi said last fall she wanted another $300 billion stimulus. But she knew Bush wouldn’t sign them into law. So what did she do, “I’ll wait until Obama becomes President”. Well that became over $400 Billion in March after the $750+ Billion “the messiah” spent in Feb 2009.
@63 “I’m impressed by your patient attempts to educate him, but I’ve given up on him. He’s hopeless in my view.”
Don Joe really does have the patience of a saint. But it seems to me that Puddy’s a waste of his time. Puddy’s head blew up long ago. I agree with you – he’s hopeless. I gave up on Mr. 50%. Conversing with him is pointless as he doesn’t appear to share with us a common perception of reality. Worse, he’s become just too fucked up in the head to be much fun anymore. I reckon that’s the hazard of believing in a failed ideology that’s been so utterly rejected by truly patriotic Americans. It’s gotta suck.
@70 “Maybe you should quit calling people stupid, since it is obvious that you use insults to make up for your lack of a cogent argument.”
He’s just batshit crazy. Before the era of the internet he would have been reduced to holding up signs and ranting at passerby on street corners. If we met him on the street we’d just ignore him, give him a wide berth. Here, we actually find ourselves conversing with the silly SOB. Nobody to blame for that but ourselves.
Don Joe, Anyone can create a cogent search for Talking Points Memo, even you can Don Joe. That’s how Puddy has those three memorized. So no, Don Joe, you can screech all you want but Puddy ain’t gonna give the links to their trash again.
NutRight, quit calling you stupid? Not using facts? Ohhhhhhh… not using facts from leftwing nutcake sites!
Stop identifying Steve’s Stupid Solution?
Shall Puddy call NutRight clueless instead?
Let’s see… NutRight forgot about overseas 13 countries including Putin’s Russia whom all thought Saddam had WMD.
Let’s see… NutRight forgot Madeline Halfbright and Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhhrter negotiatied the NK nuclear deal for Clinton which The Il One broke
Let’s see… NutRight forgot about the 2000 lawsuit from Gore to stop counting the Florida military vote because the ballots were mailed late
Let’s see… NutRight forgot about the NY Ombudsman chastising Paul Krugman over the hanging chads
There are many more let’s see for NutRight…
hmmmmmmm…? Maybe he’s right. He’s not only stupid but another clueless wonder.
Hey, Republicans, win any elections lately?
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt!
@79 no Steve BUT – they did come in second in the run off for dog catcher in Rapid City SD so there’s always next year!
Magic Negro Fact ignored by Don Joe.
Phony Soldier Fact ignored by Don Joe. Visit Don Joe, since he’s phony like you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha
Everyone knows Bristol had her own baby so Puddy don’t need to post nuthin for that.
Hey Don Joe a phony soldier for you…
Jesse MacBeth interviewed at
In his 20-minute Internet video interview at, which promises that watching the video “will change your life,” MacBeth (who also claims to have served in Special Forces) says:
Superiors told him “our job over there is to strike fear in the hearts of the Iraqis . . . to be brutal and to not feel” and that “the Geneva Convention doesn’t mean crap.”
He would “do night raids, pull people out, on their knees and zip-tied,” and if a man didn’t answer the way he wanted him to, he “would shoot his youngest kid and keep going.”
“By my hand alone . . . almost 200 people were taken out by me. That’s just a rough estimate. A lot of them at close range . . . they would actually feel the hot muzzle of my rifle on their forehead . . . we’d do stuff that would scare them first . . . beat ’em up or kick ’em or hit the wife . . . slaughtering 30-40 people a night sometimes, women and children . . . I was trained, you know, in all the Ranger school, 18 months of that crap . . . I got disappointed in my country . . . but I didn’t say anything because I would have been locked up.”
“Other things they told us to do, man, we were ordered to go into a mosque. This really hurts me a lot. My nightmares come mostly from this . . . we infiltrated the mosque . . . a couple hundred of people of all ages were praying . . . we started slaughtering them, we started shooting them, started taking them out . . . we would burn their bodies, hang the bodies from the rafters . . . after a while, it’s just sickening to think that I took part in that . . . ”
“Kids threw rocks at us before and the guard command officer told us to take them out . . . Our job was just kill, kill, kill.”
“I’m so disappointed in my country. I’m ashamed to have actually served in Iraq.”
Wait a minute… that never happened…
But Don Joe there’s more which Talking Points Memo left out…
More BAAAAAAD news for the traitors on the right. Stocks finish best 3 month run since 2007 – WAY TO GO PRESIDENT OBAMA and THANK YOU for saving us from the Publican-caused depression of 2008!
Looks like Sen Levin is calling out WHATADICK Cheney on his lie about the CIA. WHATADICK Cheney was hoping nobody would call his bluff, and like all cowardly Publicans, will cut and run.
Puddy, I’ll type this really slowly for your benefit.
“BTW you know the Slimes is losing an average of 2500 subscriptions a month due to their slanted reportage?”
Statement A, loss of 2500 subscriptions is fact. Statement B – Due to their slanted reportage, NOT FACT (Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc)
The fact that the NYT is NOT losing readership at a greater rate than so called balanced newspapers (Q.E.D.) is telling but not necessarily germane to the issue at hand.
That you keep trying to defend your quoted point is pretty funny. (Several uppercase HAs not really necessary.) But thanks for playing anyway.
Shop’s closed, Rougue Brewery in 15. Enjoy your weekend folks!
Puddy @ 74 spews:
Puddy stands by what he said earlier. 111th Congress bills are not GWBs.
OK, so now Puddy’s back to claiming that Bush’s budget only accounted for the first three months of FY09. It’d be good if Puddy were to make up his mind, but I do acknowledge how difficult it is to do that when one is caught in the midst of the incoherent babble that Puddy keeps spitting out at us.
Of course this is part of GWB FY2009 budget per Another Total Jerk and Don Joe.
The word “this” in Puddy’s version of that sentence linked to a press release from Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Not a single bit of information there about budget authority, appropriations and actual expenditures. Perhaps Puddy thinks this explains what he means:
Bush signed a $168 billion economic-stimulus package, consisting mostly of tax rebates. Nancy Pelosi said last fall she wanted another $300 billion stimulus. But she knew Bush wouldn’t sign them into law. So what did she do, “I’ll wait until Obama becomes President”. Well that became over $400 Billion in March after the $750+ Billion “the messiah” spent in Feb 2009.
To be sure, it’s not entirely clear what Puddy’s trying to say, but that last sentence is curious. It would seem that Puddy think that all of the funds appropriated in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are to be spent this year.
If that’s the case, then perhaps Puddy can explain why his estimated deficit impact “this year” differs so greatly from the CBO’s (PDF) estimated impact of $185 billion on the FY09 deficit.
Poor Stupes. Truly lost in a wilderness of right wing idiocy…
Holding up a legacy of failure with tired, dog-eared, fallacious right wing canards..
I’m so enjoying the decline of this ugly name-caller.
Frankly, I have no idea what Puddy is trying to prove with his spews at 81, 82 and 83. I suspect that Puddy’s deflecting, but I’ll give him opportunity to explain himself.
Much of it seems quite beside the point. Puddy has alleged that Talking Points Memo has been responsible for spreading vicious rumors and false information. Why two links to web pages (the link at 83 is a dupe of one of the links @ 81–Puddy can’t even keep straight what links he’s posted) that make no mention whatsoever of Talking Points Memo should prove that the reporting on Talking Points Memo was, in any way, inaccurate.
Puddy has completely, and utterly, failed to prove his claim.
Somebody let me know when thee puddybiotch stops that infernal screeching…
I hear Sotomayor voted with Republican Judges on those panels 95 percent of the time.
She’s so controversial 7 Republicans broke ranks to support her elevation to the appellate court. Those seven included such liberals as Orrin Hatch.
She was a former corporate law attorney. Her judgements highly favor corporations.
John Cornyn, a greedhead tool if there ever was one, disdains the ugly talk of racism from the right wing. Given Sotomayor’s record on corporate judgements, it’s little wonder. Can you sense the ranks breaking already?
Again the right wing is limping along on this one like a jalopy with a flat tire. They’re pulling their hair out because Obama is a slick operator and they can’t gain any traction against him. I like the ugly right wing losing but I personally see only a modest gain for progressives over Souter.
California’s current problems aren’t the result of the governor. He simply cannot overcome the entrenched legislature that can’t stop spending. California has spent far more than it takes in, and those that pay taxes aren’t too keen on paying more so the legislature can reward its cronies.
I think it’s safe to predict that Puddy won’t stop screeching until he passes on to the afterlife.
ylb, you’re right, sotomayor is cool, she’s right that ethic groups think differently. we are genetically different, just lioke hitler said, imagine, hitler and sotomayor on the same page
Oh! Now I know why 7 Republicans supported her nomination to the appellate court.
They’re all dumbasses like you!
Woman of Lies – do cum-drunk retarded, inbred hillbillies like you count as an ethnic group?
i dont know byebye, since jews only married jews for thousands of years, does that make them inbred also?
by the way byebye, you shouldnt call me woman of lies, because what you’re saying is , truth is opposite of lies and woman are opposite of men. well, women are not opposite of men, they are equal right? you dont even understand your own degenerate political correctnesss
Woman of Lies I honestly wonder if you aren’t posting from an institution for the mentally infirm. Most the time I have no idea whatsoever what you’re trying to say. Do you?
By the way glad to see you didn’t deny being a cum-drunk, inbred, retarded hillbilly. At least you know your place.
thats funny byebye, sometimes i think you’re posting from the offices of the world jewish congress
Again – Woman of Lies doesn’t deny being a cum-drunk, inbred, retarded hillbilly. You have to admire his honesty.
hey byebye, i hope you like the fact that your tax dollars are being skimed by the privately owned federal reserve and being deposited in banks in switzerland and israel.
55 You have nothing. Had you accomplished anything in your miserable life you wouldn’t end up being a jealous, bitter old man with no money. Face it LOSER IS FOREVER.
The Jews! Its all the Jews’ fault!
manoftruth’s entire world view
And Puddy likes to tell people what they said and then tell them they’re wrong.
And he often loses the arguement with himself!
hey k,
are u refering to my 102 post? i never said jew in that post. i said banks in switzerland and israel. so that must mean i’m anti swiss too.
so using your logic, we cant disagree with the country of israel like we would do with any other country or else we hate jews. that in itself is bigoted.
I’m referring to nearly every post you’ve ever made. Your an anti-semite, and not a very bright one either.
i might not be bright, but i know the only hope for this country is to abolish the federal reserve, because it all starts right there.
And I know that your incessant referances to Jews and Israel deny you any credibility
Oh Don Joe wrong again.
If you took time to read and removed your head from your own butt, Puddy wrote above he’s NOT gonna post links from Talking Points Memo. But as always Don Joe just doesn’t comprehend facts.
So, Puddy delivers a link for the Phony Soldier and a link for the Barack the Magic Negro. Since both attacks were character smears by Talking Points Memo Don Joe has nothing to say except some worthless diatribe discussing the links. The third link is Jesse the Phony Soldier’s own words. Funny Puddy remembers them as a thread heading on HA swineflu weasels. So Don Joe, now you have the facts why the posted crap above in multiple entries. Can’t you succinctly write a cogent response in ONE entry?
Nope you Dope!
The Prosecution Rests.
Now for the other whopper Don Joe has been discussing for days but Puddy thought one of is how swineflu libtard weasels would correct.
Don Joe try real hard to understand. If the FY2009 budget approved by Stretch in th House and Scary in the Senate is around 2.7+ Trillion dollars, which you claim above is only for 3 months, how is 412 Billion dollars more gonna cover 9 more months?
Not only is that stupid, but that’s entering stillbentover territory for stupid.
A fool and his brain are soon departed. Yours left long ago.
The Prosecution Rests.
Yep, here is the HA Swineflu Weasel Thread Head.
BTW Don Joe here are more phony soldiers
You must mean: Tom Harkin boasted that he had flown F-4s and F-8s on combat air patrols and photo-reconnaissance support missions in Vietnam.
You must mean: Robert Sorensen was a Connecticut state representative running for reelection in 1984 boasted he served in Vietnam.
You must mean: Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Joseph Ellis apologized (sort of) for his imaginary service in Vietnam
You must mean: Major Gary Probst, a popular chaplain with the 1st Special Forces Group at Fort Lewis in Tacoma, Washington, claimed he’d served in Vietnam as a Green Beret and an Army Ranger
You must mean: Californian William Gehris became known as America’s most decorated war hero after telling the San Bernardino Sun that he’d been awarded 54 decorations for his heroics as an Army sergeant, including the Distinguished Service Cross, six Silver Stars, four Bronze Stars, a Legion of Merit, a Soldier’s Medal, and the Distinguished Service Medal.
You must mean: Dan Rather has been known to brag about his “career” in the Marines. Rather signed up with the Marines only once, and never got through Marine recruit training because he couldn’t do the physical activity.
You must mean: Sgt. Andrew Isbell
You must mean: Sgt. Thomas Larez
You must mean: Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey
You must mean: Jesse MacBeth
Those are your phony soldiers not covered by Talking Points Memo.
Keep the thought as it seems to echo in that echo chamber/hat rack on your neck.
The Prosecution Rests.
Ask GBS how many phony soldiers claim they are Seals and how the Seals go after those phony soldiers. Ask that of your Talking Points Memo Don Joe.
Stupes is a phony debater.
He seems to believe name-calling and a never-ending stream of neither here nor there crap is “debating”.
This country had a debate and the moron style of “phony debating” practiced by Stupes lost last November.
So let’s celebrate Stupes’ phony debating style with a TPM piece about another losing phony, Newt Gingrich.
Calls Sotomayor “un-american”. I had had enough of this fiend back in the nineties when even his fellow batshit insane Republicans booted him out of the Speaker’s chair.
Wow. Puddy’s Saturday morning effluvia has reached new heights of inane stupidity.
I’ve not challenged Puddy’s claim that there was some kind of smear campaign involving “phony soldiers,” though I could, because Puddy’s logic is horribly flawed. I’ve not challenged Puddy’s claims regarding “Barak the Magic Negro,” though I could, because Puddy’s logic is flawed there as well. If a person chased down every inane claim that Puddy makes here, said person would have no life left to lead outside posting comments here.
So, while not conceding a single point regarding any of these “attacks”, I have challenged one simple claim that Puddy has made:
Puddy @ 110 spews:
Since both attacks were character smears by Talking Points Memo…
How can Puddy possibly believe that anything he’s posted in this thread so far serves to prove that Talking Points Memo had anything whatsoever to do with those stories?
Puddy bemoaned:
Puddy wrote above he’s NOT gonna post links from Talking Points Memo.
I think we all got it the first time Puddy made that pledge. That’s not the issue. How, exactly, does Puddy think he can prove that Talking Points Memo had anything to do with these stories without posting any links to Talking Points Memo? That’s the question. And, so far, Puddy’s attempts to do so have failed. Miserably.
Puddy @ 111 spews:
If the FY2009 budget approved by Stretch in th House and Scary in the Senate is around 2.7+ Trillion dollars, which you claim above is only for 3 months, how is 412 Billion dollars more gonna cover 9 more months?
First, I didn’t claim that President Bush’s FY09 budget only covered the first three months of FY09. Puddy essentially made that claim in his comment @ 66, when he said:
Once GWB left the presidency, it’s all in Obama’s hands.
It’d sure be nice if Puddy could make up his mind on this, because he keeps vacillating back and forth. Apparently it’s clear to everyone but Puddy that, if President Bush’s FY09 budget covers the entire 2009 Fiscal Year, than at least some of Congress’ appropriations after President Bush left office are appropriations out of that budget.
Second, Puddy has completely side-stepped my question @ 87. Puddy had claimed that President Obama spent more than $750 billion dollars last February, and I pointed out, with a link, that the CBO estimated the ARRA would only contribute $185 billion to the FY09 deficit. Puddy’s made no attempt whatsoever to explain this discrepancy between his claim and the CBO’s estimates.
Clearly, Puddy’s been caught with his intellectual pants down around his ankles, and is now trying to run without even trying to pull them back up again.
Oh yes you did Don Joe. You claimed
But you did Don Joe.
There is only one word for the convoluted logic of Don Joe – BULLSHITTIUM!
Here is another of the Don Joe whoppers:
But Puddy didn’t make that claim Don Joe. It’s more of your convoluted logic. Puddy has consistently claimed FY2009 was already agreed to in June 2008. You and Another Total Jerk claimed otherwise. Then, you try and claim Puddy said this, Puddy said that when the written record is fully visible saying otherwise.
When Clinton left in 2001, the FY2001 budget was for what Bush worked with. When Bush left in 2009, the FY2009 budget is what Obama works with. If Nancy claims more money is needed then she had to prove why and why then did she approve the original FY2009 budget?
Of course they need to put the 1.87 Trillion debt for FY2009 on Bush’s head.
Puddy @ 118 spews:
But Puddy didn’t make that claim Don Joe. It’s more of your convoluted logic.
Of course Puddy doesn’t explicitly make that claim, but it is an inherent part of Puddy’s convoluted reasoning. And, it is, indeed, Puddy’s argument that’s convoluted.
I’ve spelled these points out before with links to the CBO web site where Puddy can find all the information he needs in order to fix the problems with his argument. So, I’ll merely restate the facts that Puddy’s argument doesn’t account for:
1) Puddy does not account for differences between projected and actual revenue. Puddy assumes, despite what we know to be quite to the contrary, that the original revenue projections back in Feb. 2008 were accurate and precise. Revenue shortfalls, however, have been huge, and it’s only getting worse (thanks, of course, to Bush’s recession).
2) Puddy could resolve the revenue question by looking at what the government has actually spent vis-á-vis the budget for FY09, but Puddy hasn’t bothered to look at actual expenditures. As part of this error, Puddy attributes the entire budgeted expenditures of the ARRA as counting against this year’s budget when, in fact, most of the ARRA expenditures are scheduled to be actually spent in FY 2010. I’ve provided the link that proves this. Why Puddy would not bother to read the CBO’s report is a question only Puddy can answer.
3) Puddy has failed to account for any off-budget actual expenditures that occurred in the first three months of FY 09, but we know that quite a lot of money was spent off-budget during those last three months of George Bush’s Presidency. Had Puddy bothered to read the CBO monthly budget reports, they would have reminded Puddy of exactly what those expenditures were for and on whom those monies were spent.
With all that, Puddy shifts gears:
Of course they need to put the 1.87 Trillion debt for FY2009 on Bush’s head.
Puddy cannot find a single statement TJ or I have made that would even hint at this claim. Puddy wants to put the entire deficit for FY 09 over and above the original OMB estimate of $407 billion on Obama’s shoulders, and TJ and I have merely shown how and why Puddy’s attempt fails.
Don Joe, you are making confetti out of this moronic right wing fiend.
Don Joe again farts:
Where Don Joe? Only in your puny mind is that “clear”! Puddy made no claim whatsoever. You imagined it.
It’s easy for the 111 CBO to make claims to cover their profligate spending by saying this and that on the 110 CBO and it should be included in the FY2009. Of course the Dummocraps in the 111 want to put all the extra spending on the 110, and claim it was needed, even though that Congress was disbanded.
Puddy did say in another thread with GBS the TARP1 bailout needs to be credited to FY2009. But as we see not all of it has been spent either, approximately $350 Billion or so.
Now to Don Joe’s claim of the revenue shortfall. Yes Puddy agrees there is a shortfall. The shortfall through May was $-246 Billion.
Sorry I had a deck issue. Okay further checking shows Congress is already spent over $350 Billion this year more than was budgeted. This was 2009 expenditures not October-December 2008. No wonder they wanted that $412 Billion more.
So 407+246 is not 1 Trillion as Another Total Jerk tried to claim. The other $350 is 2009 expenditures above the FY2009 claim.
Puddy @ 122 spews:
Puddy made no claim whatsoever. You imagined it.
I didn’t imagine Puddy’s statement at comment 66:
Once GWB left the presidency, it’s all in Obama’s hands.
I’ve merely pointed out the logical extension of that claim. It’s entirely up to Puddy whether or not he wants to disavow that claim.
I suppose it’s appropriate to acknowledge that Puddy’s argument has now changed. Originally, Puddy was attempting to lay blame for over-budget expenditures based on changes in projected deficits. Puddy is, at least, now accounting for revenue shortfalls.
But that still doesn’t help Puddy’s argument. At present, Puddy is now simply pulling numbers out of his ass with no attribution whatsoever. They might be correct, but no one here has any way to verify those numbers, because Puddy doesn’t even name a source.
Even if we accept Puddy’s numbers, his reasoning is still flawed. Puddy claims that Congress spent $350 billion dollars this year over budget, but he neglects to show how much of that is off-budget and how much is on budget. Puddy has, finally, acknowledged TARP expenditures, but, again, fails to point out how much of the $350 over budget amount is attributable to TARP.
A while back, I suggested that Puddy should look solely at expenditures, thereby removing revenue shortfalls entirely from the equation. We can do this by looking at changes in the CBO baseline projected expenditures over time.
I should point out that each CBO baseline projection covers expenditures over the entire fiscal year. So, mid-year baseline projections include both monies that have already been spent plus projected expenditures for the remainder of the Fiscal Year based on legislation currently in effect.
I’ve already posted a link to the original CBO baseline analysis of the FY09 budget, which projected expenditures at $3,041 billion, in other comments. The remaining documents can be found either directly or indirectly by looking at CBO monthly budget reviews here.
Looking through those reports, we see that, as of January 2009, the CBO had revised their estimated FY09 expenditures from the original $3,041 billion to $3,543 billion. [See The Budget and Economic Outlook:
Fiscal Years 2009 to 2019 (CBO pub. no. 3187), Table 5.]
In other words, based solely on legislation that George Bush signed into law, the Federal government was projected to be over budget by $502 billion dollars as of January 2009. Some, but not all, of that amount had already been spent, most of it on TARP. For a breakdown of these expenditures, see the full report.
According to the CBO’s more recent Baseline and Estimate of the President’s Budget, that baseline budget had been revised still higher to $3,853 billion for all of FY 09.
The difference between the January revised baseline and the March revised baseline is $310 billion dollars, and, if we understand that a “revised baseline” means, this difference includes both funds already spent and fund that have yet to be spent. The point is, this difference in expenditures is based solely on legislation that George Bush signed into law.
So, before we even account for the ARRA or the March Omnibus appropriations, government spending for FY09 would have been, by the CBO’s best estimates, a total of $812 billion over budget. Yet, Puddy wants to argue that all of this $812 billion in over-budget spending is “On Obama’s hands.”
Taking into account both the ARRA and the March appropriations bills, the CBO estimates that the total expenditures for FY09 will amount to $4,004 billion dollars, or a total of $963 billion over the original budget. Of that amount, $812 billion will have been spent under legislation that George Bush signed into law, leaving only $151 billion over-budget spending stemming from legislation that Barak Obama has signed into law.
Now, there might be a “better” way to apportion blame for over-budget spending for FY 09, but Puddy hasn’t given us one that stems from a coherent argument using apples-to-apples comparisons. Puddy’s arguments have been all over the financial map, and have failed to take into account a variety of factors, most notably which laws provide the legislative authority for any given expenditure.