– It’s the last day to get signed up for health care for the year, so if you haven’t yet, here’s the website for Washington.
– GOP Condemn A Black Woman Over A Tweet: A Timeline
– Not even really sure what a Chinese backed company would mean in that case.
– Congrats to Robert Cruickshank for being the new President of NPI.
– The only one of these proposed Constitutional amendments I’d support is number 5.
– If fantasy baseball was more like this, I could probably get more into it.
Why — and when — net neutrality is important
Comcast/Netflix deal good?
Comcast/Time Warner deal bad?
I haven’t been following the net neutrality too closely so I found this to be an interesting read.
@1. Bad link, unless you were trying to be snarky, and still a bad link.
I might lose my health coverage literally tomorrow. Should I be signing up?
@3 I don’t know.
Gov’t Orders Backup Cameras On New Cars
There they go again! Damn bureaucrats interfering with free markets! The NHTSA has ordered carmakers to put “rear visibility technology” on new passenger vehicles beginning in 2018.
The NHTSA says roughly 210 people a year are killed in backover accidents, many of them children, some run over by their parents; and estimates backup cameras would save 59 to 69 lives a year, at a cost of about $140 per vehicle.
Currently, backup cameras are optional on some new vehicles, but the NHTSA rule would make them mandatory.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More socialism! Another erosion of our God-given liberties by nanny government! People should have the freedom to choose for themselves between spending an extra $140 on a car or squashing their kids in the driveway. That’s how a libertarian would see it.
International Court Rules Against Japanese Whalers
The International Court of Justice, in a case captioned Australia v. Japan, ruled that Japanese whaling in the Southern Whale Sanctuary is not for “scientific purposes” as alleged by the Japanese whalers, and ordered the International Whaling Commission to revoke the Japanese whalers’ permits. In December 2013, Japan’s ambassador to the U.S. said Japan would abide by ICJ’s decision in the case, but that remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has conducted hearings in Seattle this winter on legal proceedings against Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and its founder, Paul Watson. Federal courts have issue injunctions against the U.S. branch of SSCS and Watson, so this winter anti-whaling operations against the Japanese whaling fleet were carried out by Australians while Watson remains decamped in Vermont, spending his time writing books.
The Japanese whalers have called Watson a “terrorist.” Watson once told me he considers them to be “criminals.” So I guess it takes one to know one. Some people might argue they deserve each other, but I think the Japanese whalers deserve Watson much more than the whales deserve them.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A 39-year-old mother doing laundry in her own home was killed by a stray bullet from a street fight outside this weekend.
Roger Rabbit Changes Sides, Now Opposes Gun Control
Gun advocates were right all along: Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.
Gun control is a misguided concept that won’t work, because guns aren’t the problem. They’re merely inert objects.
What we need is people control, not gun control, because people are the problem. Guns, left to themselves, won’t hurt anyone. On the other hand, if we confiscate or lock up all the guns, people will still hurt people. They’ll simply use knives, sticks, rocks, clubs, or whatever they can lay their hands on.
So don’t register guns. Register people. There’s no need to lock up all the guns if you lock up all the people. The guns will do fine if people aren’t around.
Therefore, I propose people control as an alternative to gun control. Let’s forget about registering guns, and instead register people who have guns, because they’re the danger, not their guns.
Instead of requiring background checks on gun buyers, we should require background checks on everybody, because everyone has access to guns. We should put all you stupid humans in a locked room and require you to pass a background check to get a permit to leave the room and circulate in society, where the guns are.
My new slogan: Register humans, not guns.
The Rich Are Different Dep’t
A judge concerned about how a wealthy du Pont heir might fare in prison gave him probation for raping his 3-year-old daughter.