Here’s a real post for you druggies who are also pro-Mass Transit!
This Metro Bus Driver guilty of dealing drugs.
I can just see you Progressive KLOWNS defending him. He is you dream guy.
The military is denying it allows its soldiers to proselytize to Afghans, following the release of footage showing US soldiers in Afghanistan discussing how to distribute Bibles translated into Pashto and Dari. We speak to Air Force veteran and former Reagan administration counsel Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and journalist Jeff Sharlet, author of a Harper’s Magazine article on “The Crusade for a Christian Military.” [includes rush transcript]
Broadway Joespews:
Too fucking funny. Perhaps we should start sending trolls there…..
Just a reminder, the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +7 today, an increase of 600% since last Friday! Approval for our nation’s president is soaring! I bet that sucks for a few people around here. Isn’t that right, Mr. Klynical?
Where is CYNCYN’s daily report from Rasmussen? What? CYNCYN do you not want people to see Rasmussen?
You piece of shit. Not that I believe Rasmussen but it says all you need to know about that pervert CYNCYN – he bails on more threads than even that coward Puffybutt.
LMAO “I have Cholera.” Now for some of that Libertarian health care.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. Steve spews:
Just a reminder,
If you insist…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Marvin is such a faggot.
I see that today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, a 700% increase over last Friday! Our president’s approval continues to skyrocket, increasing with each passing day! Of course, this glorious news sucks for our America-hating, treasonous trolls who want America to fail. They placed their bet against America – bad move. They lose.
Oh, and did I mention that Marvin’s a little faggot?
Unemployed welfare recipients given free cars to by liberal government. And there are no restrictions on they they may use the cars! They also get free insurance, repairs, and an AAA membership!
Do you bother to read the article? Or just post the headline becasue it sounds bad.
Applicants for cars must have a job or prove they could get one if they had the car in order to qualify. Once they have the wheels, they must send DTA their pay stubs to prove they are employed.
To get the cars, they must be unable to reach work by public transportation and have a clean driving record. The program is only available to families on welfare with children.
Why do you hate children so much?
Why do conservatives despise programs that help the less fortunate?
Oh, BTW, I am not a conservative. On most issues, I fall in line with Democrats.
12 Who’s the “welfare” really benefitting? Sounds like a big plum for the carmakers.
Moron @ 14
You lied in your original post when you said the welfare recipient was “unemployed”.
Now you fault the state for not taking back the junker car that the recipient has to gas, insure and maintain.
80 percent of the recipients stay gainfully employed.
Not a perfect program but at least an effort to put wards of the state back into the workforce.
You’re no Democrat. By your behavior you’re a paid right wing shill.
Nice day on the Dow today.
The Dow is up 31% since the March 9 Bush bottom.
If Republicans and the Wall Street Fat Cats don’t like what President Obama is doing with the economy why are they investing so much of their money in to the stock market???
31% increase is a GREAT year in any economy, even the Roaring 90’s brought to us by Pres. Clinton, but 31% in just 60 DAYS!!!
From the day Bush came in office until the Bush bottom the Dow lost about 40% of it’s value, President Obama has improved the Dow 31% since fixing the Bush/Republican freefall.
Republicans = dying party and American Taliban who want to secede from the nation. Which means they probably just want to drop American from their party affiliation and just be know as the Taliban.
Here’s a real post for you druggies who are also pro-Mass Transit!
This Metro Bus Driver guilty of dealing drugs.
I can just see you Progressive KLOWNS defending him. He is you dream guy.
@0: ROTF. Ooo, cholera and no taxes! Everyone pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.
You know how we thought that the evil doers were over-reacting by calling us “crusaders” in Iraq and Afghanistan? Well, get ready to be disturbed:
Too fucking funny. Perhaps we should start sending trolls there…..
Just a reminder, the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +7 today, an increase of 600% since last Friday! Approval for our nation’s president is soaring! I bet that sucks for a few people around here. Isn’t that right, Mr. Klynical?
Where is CYNCYN’s daily report from Rasmussen? What? CYNCYN do you not want people to see Rasmussen?
You piece of shit. Not that I believe Rasmussen but it says all you need to know about that pervert CYNCYN – he bails on more threads than even that coward Puffybutt.
CYNCYN believes in cut and run!
I love it. Brilliant!
LMAO “I have Cholera.” Now for some of that Libertarian health care.
If you insist…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Marvin is such a faggot.
I see that today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, a 700% increase over last Friday! Our president’s approval continues to skyrocket, increasing with each passing day! Of course, this glorious news sucks for our America-hating, treasonous trolls who want America to fail. They placed their bet against America – bad move. They lose.
Oh, and did I mention that Marvin’s a little faggot?
Unemployed welfare recipients given free cars to by liberal government. And there are no restrictions on they they may use the cars! They also get free insurance, repairs, and an AAA membership!
Do you bother to read the article? Or just post the headline becasue it sounds bad.
Why do you hate children so much?
Why do conservatives despise programs that help the less fortunate?
Did YOU fully read the article? It also says that if they lose their job, THEY DON’T HAVE TO RETURN THE CAR!
Oh, BTW, I am not a conservative. On most issues, I fall in line with Democrats.
12 Who’s the “welfare” really benefitting? Sounds like a big plum for the carmakers.
Moron @ 14
You lied in your original post when you said the welfare recipient was “unemployed”.
Now you fault the state for not taking back the junker car that the recipient has to gas, insure and maintain.
80 percent of the recipients stay gainfully employed.
Not a perfect program but at least an effort to put wards of the state back into the workforce.
You’re no Democrat. By your behavior you’re a paid right wing shill.
Nice day on the Dow today.
The Dow is up 31% since the March 9 Bush bottom.
If Republicans and the Wall Street Fat Cats don’t like what President Obama is doing with the economy why are they investing so much of their money in to the stock market???
31% increase is a GREAT year in any economy, even the Roaring 90’s brought to us by Pres. Clinton, but 31% in just 60 DAYS!!!
Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama Gobama
From the day Bush came in office until the Bush bottom the Dow lost about 40% of it’s value, President Obama has improved the Dow 31% since fixing the Bush/Republican freefall.
Republicans = dying party and American Taliban who want to secede from the nation. Which means they probably just want to drop American from their party affiliation and just be know as the Taliban.