– I don’t want to sound like an alarmist here but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah mice.
– I’m just going to put this out there: don’t send threatening emails to school staff
– The world on the other side of their fence is vast and free and beautiful.
– Marthe Gautier, another woman scientist trivialized
– Hillary Clinton was in Cascadia, but no media.
– Something something Ukraine.
– Something something The Oscars.
LOL!! It sures pays to “work hard” these days.
What a pathetic joke the world according to conservatives and tea partiers.
@1 Capitalists would be in big trouble if workers stopped believing their work ethic fraud.
It’s time our schools teach kids the truth: In America, you get ahead by owning capital, not by working hard. Spending doesn’t make you rich, it makes you poor. Investing makes you rich. Spending is the enemy of investing and wealth accumulation.
Okay, so here’s the deal that capitalism is offering you. You commute 40 miles a day (because you can’t afford the rents closer to your job), paying $4 for gas, and you won’t know how many hours of work you’ll get until you’re there. You work varying shifts, rotating shifts, night shifts, weekend shifts. There are no medical or pension benefits. You pay for your own uniforms and tools. Oh, and the capitalists think you’re overpaid at $7.25 an hour, and argue there shouldn’t be any minimum wage laws at all. All of this so they can live like kings while people like you do all of the work and pay all of the taxes.
And they expect you to have a “work ethic”?
There’s always hope of course..
The 8 minute mark was especially good.
@3. Yes but, you have to know what the right investment is. If you invest in the wrong things, you may be screwed. The best tactic is to be born into a rich family. Now THAT is the easy way to make money.
@4. Not for very long. Look at what dynamo that conservative and libertarian paradise Somalia is.
Best I can tell, capitalists just assume they will be dead or left the country by the time it gets that bad. Either way, not their problem.
I had a facebook conversation with someone about income inequality. He was a doctor who claimed he paid too much in taxes for what he got back in benefits and that he didn’t use any of the commons to earn or keep his wealth.
At the end, as I thought I punched holes in all his arguments, he called me the worst thing he could think of, he said I was a socialist and stopped talking to me.
His argument was “Any services I may use more of, are in my local area, and that is accounted in my property taxes.”
My question to him was…
As a doctor, do you avoid all freeways? Do you avoid the court system? Do you put your money in banks or stock markets that do not have any government regulations and monitoring? Do you avoid all advice and education from the Center for Disease Control or the Federal Drug Administration?
Do you make sure none of your income comes from Medicare or Medicare or the VA? Did the patients that come you also avoid using any of the commons to reach you and that none of your patients work directly or indirectly for the federal government?
Did your receptionist and nurse and janitor service also avoid all these things?
He did not answer.
Recently HA’s self-loathing jewish moron OWS Racist Fraggy claimed conservatives were in love with Putin; comparing his “powerful” shadow to Obummer’s weak shadow. Well here’s a libtard writer who EXPLODES another of OWS Racist Fraggy’s stooooooooooooopid rants. The libtard author doesn’t lke how libtard MSM has painted his “bud” Putin!
Well all of it’s rants are very stooooooooooooooooopid! OWS Racist Fraggy is so sad a DUMMOCRETIN!
Using two sentences and the headline of the article. Not bad at all!
Libtards run to the WA Post to excoriate conservatives as necessary but run far away when they begin to realize Obummer is a real lightweight with foreign policy…
Puddy been voicing that forever…
Really WA Post? You been his biggest cheerleader! The winner was
These are the libtards y’all cheered in 2012. Now we’re realizing the whirlwind of nothingness!
Meanwhile Marco Rubio delivers another perfect review of the situation!
That would force Obummer to admit a mistake. Obummer never admits mistakes no matter how glaring they are. He’s study the situation just like he’s still studying that red line “ultimatum” he gave Syria!
These are the libtards y’all cheered in 2012. Now we’re realizing the whirlwind of nothingness!
Meanwhile Charles Krauthammer NAILS IT AGAIN! These are the libtards y’all cheered in 2012. Now we’re realizing the whirlwind of nothingness!
From the same editorial.
“The model for Mr. Putin’s occupation of Crimea was his incursion into Georgia in 2008, when George W. Bush was president. Mr. Putin paid no price for that action; in fact, with parts of Georgia still under Russia’s control, he was permitted to host a Winter Olympics just around the corner…
So let’s stipulate: We don’t want U.S. troops in Syria, and we don’t want U.S. troops in Crimea. A great power can become overextended, and if its economy falters, so will its ability to lead. None of this is simple.”
Thank you troll!
And lookie here… Someone is attacking Shrillary and here love of Russia!
schmucko-lunatic walked right into that…
1) GW Bush was constrained by Pelosi and Reid in any actions he could perform
2) GW Bush was in his final year of his presidency
3) GW Bush had to deal with the economy which turned south when DUMMOCRETINS retook the House and Senate!
4) Cheney wanted to do something but remember… this is what y’all thought of Bush
5) schmucko-lunatic got his walking orders from Daily Kooks as always!
Man you are really stooooooooooooopid schmucko-lunatic
schmucko-lunatic highlighted…
Yet you never thought this during the Bush years schmucko-lunatic!
Now why is that? Because Markos Moulitsas Zúniga didn’t approve those thoughts!
” GW Bush was constrained by Pelosi and Reid in any actions he could perform”
LOL! That “surge” in Iraq was so constrained by Democrats in Congress!
” A great power can become overextended, and if its economy falters, so will its ability to lead.”
LOL! When did that start happening troll?
See the graph and weep pathetic right winger!
Remember this bozo?
Nope you moron Tina Fey said it!
And we see Mitt Romney was very correct in 2012!
These are the libtards y’all cheered in 2012. Now we’re realizing the whirlwind of nothingness!
The Surge in Iraq decision was made in 2006 schmucko-lunatic… You can Google it!
Sux to be you!
And I’d wager you supported the simplistic notion that oil from Iraq would pay for the invasion?
Of course. Your crowd would believe anything from that failed administration!
“The surge had been developed under the working title “The New Way Forward” and it was announced in January 2007 by Bush during a television speech…”
Ahhh yes the bikini graph… Started after Libtards got control of the purse strings…
Notice how feckless the simpleton argument from schmucko-lunatic is?
Who is this troll?
Oh some liberal that’s second from the top of this list:
Way above right wing pollsters like Fake News and Rasmussen! Not to mention that joke of an “unskewed pollster”.
He must know something that you couldn’t possibly understand!
On December 6, 2006 the Iraq Study Group presented their report! Then this was missed by schmucko-lunatic…
So the DECISION was made in 2006!
Really sux to be you!
Golden moment…
Sarah Palin says Russia and Ukraine will be a problem with Obummer! DUMMOCRETINS go nutz. Well she was right!
Mitt Romney says Russia will be a problem in the future. DUMMOCRETINS go nutz. Well he’s right.
Nuthing offered from Daily Kooks will change these facts schmucko-lunatic!
Really sux to be you!
Ummm nope. Ask the crazed database cretin to search his DB when it comes back later this year!
To try to pay for Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, and the freeloading corporations, and new Medicare entitlement and his wars..
I see troll.. How unlucky the Democrats were during Bush’s second term to have to come up for the money for that.
Seems the only thing in schmucko-lunatic’s debate quiver is air!
So? Did the Congress under the leadership of Pelosi/Reid defund Bush’s wars? Of course not.. Right wingers would claim that Democrats weren’t supporting the troops..
You’re a bald faced liar troll. I see others have come to the conclusion that you’re a pathological liar.
Troll – that bikini graph also illustrates something pretty obvious.
Policies made by Democrats work – even with one hand tied by Republicans:
If we had had a President McCain or Romney, GM would have been allowed to collapse under bankruptcy and extreme poverty would be the new normal – way worse than today. Can’t be helped you idiots would crow – can’t raise taxes on the super rich!
CalTrain in San Francisco is moving forward with the plan to electrify the San Francisco to San Jose service. The goal is to have it done by 2019.
Lies schmucko-lunatic?
Let’s review…
Puddy – So the DECISION was made in 2006!
schmucko-lunatic – So? – Not your claim in post #18 or #22. So who lied? schmucko-lunatic of course… Didn’t read the whole wiki article. Just used the left wrong’s site title! Not the first time schmucko-lunatic caught by Puddy either.
Thanks for playing schmucko-lunatic.
Sux to be you!
More stooooooooooooopidity by schmucko-lunatic…
Well… look at the military cuts just announced by Obummer’s gang. Puddy got friends in the military. Not happy with the Commissary cuts. Not happy with other benefit cuts.
Can’t cut social programs becuz the more peeps on food stamps the more they vote DUMMOCRETIN! Yet, we see the economic destruction performed by Obummer’s gang. Worst labor participation rate since 1977. Libtards admit this because the Labor Dept produced the numbas so they can’t lie for Obummer!
schmucko-lunatic speculation. As Puddy wrote above… all you have is an empty quiver!
Puddy documented from left wrong sites rich Wall Street’s love of Obummer. Can’t pin the tail on GW Bush anymore schmucko-lunatic! Medicare entitlement? That was Ted Kennedy’s baby you idiot!
Wars? Well we see how Obummer has allowed Iraq to fester with Al Qaeda with his “pull-out”. We see how Obummer’s red line in Syria was bellicose hot air!
Nuff said sucka! Your ilk voted for this foreign policy nightmare. Finally the WA Post agrees!
Sux to be you schmucko-lunatic!
@ 32 ER
That line is the only rail corridor through the peninsula to San Francisco. There are two major freight transits along that line each direction every night. It isn’t just the commuter rail. If they were to electrify those freighters as well it would quiet things down quite a bit. As it is, those freighters barrel through that line at 80 mph at around 11 pm and then every hour and a half or so until about 4 in the morning.
I used to ride that line pretty regularly when I was a kid. Six bucks got me a round trip from Palo Alto to San Francisco.
@ SpittlePuddles:
You mean this Sarah Palin?
Praising Putin while disparaging our own President. Christ what a bullet we dodged with that hag.
The troll has been busy deflecting and making lame arguments. Let’s cut through the bullshit offered up by this troll purveyor of right wing lies. Let’s go back to the beginning:
Conservatives crowed that the Iraqi surge was a success. The troll has shown no evidence that Pelosi/Reid constrained in any way the surge or anything else Bush wanted to do in National Security. Conservatives also said the Congress elected in 2006 was a “blue dog” Congress. Were “blue dog” Democrats going tie Bush’s hands on his military adventures? Of course not! That’d been a political loser for 2008.
I guess poor Bush’s blood was too tired dealing with Blue Dog Democrats to do anything about Georgia that conservatives fantasize that Obama should be doing in the present time in the Ukraine.
Oh I remember what Bush did about the faltering economy.. Worked great didn’t it? By the time the Russians and Georgians were fighting each other in August 2008 – poor Bush was all tired out and looking forward to retiring to his ranch – oh wait – that was a fake ranch for the cameras just like Reagan’s ranch!
The troll also does nothing to prove that Democrats in Congres had ANYTHING to do with the slowing economy in 2007 beyond confusing correlation with causation – a schoolboy debating error.
Indeed Cheney was a shoot first, ask questions later type of warmongerer. I remember Condolezza Rice was in lockstep with Cheney all the way on that! Or maybe my memory is not good on that! Whose advice did Bush take on that? Someone help me out.
I see the troll did not address the point I made about Markos Moulitsas. He’d have to admit that his favored right wing pollsters were beaten into the ground in 2008 by some liberal who runs a blog.
As usual these braindead bullet points are just a smoke screen spewed from a troll’s tailpipe! The most totally lame and discredited excuses for the non-actions of Bush in response to Russian invasion of Georgia that anyone can hope to see.
Let’s see what else?
Wow troll! Bush was so passionate about Ted Kennedy’s plan Bush’s own people were motivated to lie to Congress about it! You’re making a lot of (non)sense!
Sorry troll. These food stamp recipients voted for Romney in 2012..t How ungrateful were some of the other politicians they voted for – even as they voted for more subsidies for themselves.
Silly troll. Bush fumbled the ball on that one!
The Iraqis, at each throats all the time were UNITED on one thing: they wanted the Americans out! And they got what they wanted! They hated Bush and all the death and mayhem he brought to their country!
@38 “beaten into the ground in 2012”..
Almost forgot this idiocy from the troll:
Well they can blame that Republican Chuck Hagel for implementing what Donald Rumsfeld always wanted to do!
Howdy Ya’ll!
Or howzabout that Giuliani?
He loves him some Putin.
Gee schmucko-lunatic… Bush implemented sanctions when Putin invaded Goergia…
1) Obummer reset and trashed those sanctions as soon as he became preznit
2) Obummer told Poland and Czech Republic they won’t get a missile defense shield because Putin cried about it. Bush ignored Putin and was going to install it.
Sheesh schmucko-lunatic you are stooooooooooooopid!
Donald Rumsfeld? Aug. 8, 2001? Before 9/11 and this is your comparison?
Sheeesh schmucko-lunatic you are stooooooooooooopid as ever!
What happened to the Surge discussion schmucko-lunatic?
The only lame arguments are from your feckless mind after work cleaning those test tubes!
You offer Guiliani, you self-loathing anti-Semitic Jew and black hating racist OWS Fraggy?
Giuliani was comparing Putin who is decisive vs. Obummer who twiddles his thumbs. Remember you moron the Syria red line? Well we see they crossed the line and then Obummer backs down to a two-bit tin horn dictator because Russia told Obummer don’t go in there!
PMSNBC a bunch of idiot watched by a bunch of bigger idiots!
Ummm no you idiot! Bush didn’t blink… Obummer blinked. Obummer pulled the troops out. Now Iraq wants help again because Obummer was so quick to remove the troops. Now Iraq is worse off under Obummer.
Whatanidiot this schmucko-lunatic is! Witness his Surge discussion above!
Direct from your hero Ezra Klein…
Sux to be you schmucko-lunatic.
You can find it. He wrote how great Obummer’s Obummercare will be!
This was news for the Friday Night Comix… Duh Persessa chose to ignore the real news for that bullshit spin last Friday!
What a joke Patty Murray is! Puddy guesses the constitution has no meaning to DUMMOCRETINS!
This is what you HA DUMMOCRETINS voted for!
Thanks Obummer!
So how do HA DUMMOCRETINS feel about the idiot attorney nominated for DOJ Civil Rights position? Why do Senate DUMMOCRETINS support this?
Remember the 3rd debate in 2012 when Obummer mocked Romney and the libtard media attacked Romney when Romney claimed Russia was a problem?
Well the video doesn’t lie!
Oh is that all? Why did the invasion happen in the first place troll? Where was the “deterrent” against Russian aggression?
Just another right wing fantasy idiot!
Obama might be implementing sanctions too. Just like he did with Iran. What did this Israeli say about that?
Seems like Obama might know what he’s doing when it comes to sanctions unlike Bush.. Remember this from Bush?
And Condoleeza Rice?
“PUNISH France, ignore Germany, forgive Russia”
Wow that policy paid off in spades in 2008!
Troll, your favorite occupier of the White House, Bush, was a pathetic failure by your standards!
Sarah Palin was right!
LOL! What does Max Boot (no left winger that one!) say about Rumsfeld post 9/11 troll?
Damn you’re such a freaking idiot!
LOL! You are too stupid troll.. Additional social insurance benefits, when they are truly needed, are always welcome..
Why lie about the need to pay for them? Why freak out about deficits when Republicans do everything in their power to not pay for programs they voted for?
Another silly canard from this pathetic troll.
Where’s your evidence that Pelosi/Reid “constrained” the surge?
You have none. Any more than any evidence that Pelosi/Reid “constrained” that bullshit missile shield in Poland/Czech Republic that did so much to deter Russia from Georgia.
Bush didn’t blink…
He sure did stupid. What about this don’t you understand?
The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: “Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq”) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.
Any misstatement of fact there troll?
Who claimed Puddy said anything about Pelosi/Reid on the surge? Only you in post #18!
You did feckless moron. Puddy brought that up over the Georgia situation. Bush implemented sanctions. Obummer stopped them before they had a chance to work! Then killed a missile defense for Poland and Czech Republic because Putin cried fowl!
Weakness… a community organizer trait! Weakness… you standard proffered argument!
Feckless idiot! Really sux to be you!
Your words silly.
There you go again.. This was Bush reacting to aggression, not deterring any aggression.
He was obviously hypnotized by Putin’s “soul”..
Man you are an idiot… Iraq wanted to try American soldiers and BUSH said NO!
Bush didn’t blink! Obummer did. He went to Europe and apologized. He went to Egypt and apologized.
From Max Boot Rumsfeld link entered from schmucko-lunatic…
Hmm… before 9/11. Proves schmucko-lunatic doesn’t really read his proffered links!
Skipped right over that one eh schmucko-lunatic?
Yes, Bush reacted. Obummer is waffling like he did with Syria! So much for that red line eh schmucko-lunatic?
Not on the surge you idiot! Go back and reread #16. No mention of the surge.
Sux to be you! Keep deflecting on the Surge moron. You claimed it was 2007. WikiPedia proved you wrong AGAIN!
LOL! That “weakness” sure whipped RMoney’s ass last Nov 2012..
Sucks to be you troll!
Damn straight asshole! They KNEW it would get Bush out of their country!
Notice how schmucko-lunatic goes all silly when his simple arguments explode when facts are presented?
It was 2007. No boots were redeployed on the surge until 2007.
You said Pelosi/Reid constrained “any actions”.
Sure sucks to be you!
Oh why would a Republican “seriously consider” cuts to weaken the army?
Sure sucks to be you tool!
And Romney was right right right! The libtard media jock strapped Obummer and helped Obummer win!
Sux to be DUMMOCRETINS watching their preznit going apeshit because Obummer is clueless!
The Surge decision happened in 2006. Wikipedia proved it.
More facts that proves it sux to be you!
You claimed Puddy wrote that against the surge.
Four Pinocchios ASSHOLE!
How’s that for “facts”? Sure sucks to be you!
Seriously considering cuts vs. actually implementing cuts are two different things schmucko-lunatic…
Too bad you are reality deficient!
The libtard media jock strapped Obummer and helped Obummer win!
Awwww. How could a Republican lose to a “weak community organizer” like Obama?
Well like some idiot piece of crap troll once said:
“Romney wasn’t a great candidate..”
Got that right waaaaaay after it was obvious. Better late than never I guess.
Yawwwwn. Getting bored whipping this pathetic troll’s ass..
Gonna shut it off for now..
That’s nice… Libtard newspaper jockstrapping Obummer in 2009. Apology Tour…
Four Pinocchios – Obummer’s health care promises
Standard commentary when schmucko-lunatic has lost the argument.
Throw down the marbles, have a temper tantrum and claim he won. Except all can see the carnage of exploded schmucko-lunatic farts with true facts!
Easy… when you have the slobbering libtard msm covering up everything Obummer did and Candy Crowley giving Obummer cover for something Obummer never said. Now we see Susan Rice backtracking!
Puddy’s foot on schmucko-lunatic’s head!
LOL! Exactly.. Easy! May the Republicans long serve “easy” pickings like that foot-in-his-mouth a second R-Money!
And this idiot troll!
Bye bye!
36)Most likely Union Pacific will stay with diesels on SF Peninsula, even CalTrain will still use Diesels on the Gilroy service. Perhaps UP would redeploy a few GenSet locomotives to this line. UP has used electrics before, in Yakima.