– Scott Sunde writes in the PI about the upcoming attempt to extradite Marc Emery to Seattle to face drug distribution charges for selling marijuana seeds to Americans. Not even pot, just seeds. The extradition is set for the first week in June. As one of Emery’s 4,999 Facebook friends, I have to admit that it feels weird to be so closely connected to someone who our government considers the largest drug kingpin in Canada. Our laws really couldn’t be any stupider.
– KUOW’s Weekday program did an excellent hour on drug policy [mp3]. King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg was part of the panel, and I have to say, if Republicans want to figure out how to become relevant again, they need to listen to that guy. Yes, using science and reason on topics like drug policy will make the base of the Republican Party mad as hell, but if you don’t do it, that base will just keep shrinking. At some point, you need to dump the loonies and start making sense to independent voters again.
– The arrogance and ignorance within Kitsap County’s Prosector’s Office is starting to get even more attention across the country.
– As a new father, this news item was extra terrifying for me.
Yep, if Republicans want to cut spending as they’re so often blathering, then pushing for an end to drug prohibition is a good place to start.
Shit, even Bill Buckley was for drug law reform.
Haha. Stuff it Lee.
Now that you have a kid, why don’t you put down the bong for once and try being a role model for your child and a good father? Time to grow up already. It’s really hard for you, I know. Whoa! Dude!
The publicans are against spending except when they are not.
Was there a point to that link, or are you too stoned to know what you’re doing again?
Turns out that Alberto Gonzales is afraid of being dis-barred or prosecuted for his crimes when AG under the AWOL president GW Bush! Good! I want that cunt to be afraid. He’s a fucking crook and needs to go to jail. We need to round the whole bunch up in fact and send them on a perp walk. America knows the Bush regime was nothing but a two-bit dictatorship installed by the right -wing Supreme Court. Now that we have the power we should charge them all with war crimes, try them and then hang em.
Ayn Rand and Ron Paul are his heroes.
i’m for legalization, but ewwww.
Its always bugged me that if a college kid gets busted for simple possession of pot or an MIP he/she on campus they get some sort of slap on the wrist and the arrest is sealed away in their academic record. But, get busted off campus and you’re in real trouble and the bust is part of the public record.
So… Not equal treatment under the law.
I recommend sending film out to be processed only if everyone is clothed.
Most of the people who work in film processing are great. Unfortunately, you also get the types that will call the cops on a ‘baby in the bathtub’ picture. And also the types that will upload the same ‘baby in a bathtub’ picture to the web.
I did find the comments of the people in favor of prosecution interesting. They seemed too intent on sexualizing the child in the picture.
is the new father gonna teach his kid to smoke pot by kindergarten?
How many millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours have been spent on chasing Emery and friends? This country’s got bigger fish to fry than that loud-mouthed minnow Emery. How can these expenditures be justified when we’re in a full-on fiscal meltdown?
More than that: How many hundreds of billions have been spent on this farce of a DrugWar?
Betcha a lot of folks who’ve recently lost their jobs, are on unemployment that’s about to run out, have kids, and are facing eviction wish they had that money. And they wouldn’t be too happy to know that they can’t get any more because some career anti-drug agency bureaucrat in DC pontificates that it’s needed to ‘keep their kids safe from drugs’, when those kids need to be kept safe from homelessness and malnutrition.
One of the big reasons behind the end of alcohol Prohibition was the Great Depression. We may be staring at another. This is no time to be p!$$ing away money in fool’s errands!
msnbc is sucking so bad in the ratings I was wondering who in the hell was still watching…
Now we know.
“at the white house as we always like to say, we love msnbc”
(around 1:50 in the video)
is the new father gonna teach his kid to smoke pot by kindergarten?
Why do you ask? Is that how you became a brain-dead bigot?
Faux News revenue is down 56% from a year ago. Perhaps people are tired of being lied to by the GOP News Channel?
I’m disappointed that as a father you are so pro-pot. Are you a regular user? How long have you been a regular user? Will you smoke pot with your kid? What age is it reasonable for your kid to start smoking pot?
Your “hero” Mark Emery…just selling seeds, somehow makes him less culpable. Where do you think those seeds go Lee? Where do you think the ultimate crop that is harvested goes Lee?
Perhaps as fatherhood begins to take hold, you will wise up and grow up…set down the bong.
Be more like Puddy…no drugs & no alcohol.
When you are more coherent in your thoughts, you may even allow some Conservatism into your mushbrain.
Wow did you see this? On November 4, 2008, there was a poll – well actually it was a vote – and guess what? The GOP got their ass kicked!
I guess what’s good about this is that we only take digital photos now – no need for processing. Either way, who’s to say that the picture I took of my newborn getting his first bath a few weeks ago isn’t going to be misconstrued as something else by someone policing Facebook. They’ve already had a problem there with people complaining about breastfeeding photos. It’s just unreal how repressed we are about sex in this society that we can’t even handle photos of breast feeding.
Interesting point you made lee, linking pot smoking to being a brain-dead bigot.
I never thought of you as brain-dead but I guess you know best.
LOL the cunt who serves as Ms. California has already been shown to be a typical GOP hypocrite. This bitch goes on and on about morals and being a Christian and yet she gets a boob job and poses nude?
When will the fucking inbred idiots on the right learn that they can’t sell their bullshit family values agenda if they can’t find one fucking publican who isn’t full of shit?
Unless it’s because of some film processor with a bad attitude, looking at all the other pictures on the roll will give a glimpse into the mind of the photographer. All pictures of a naked kid, call the cops. A picture of a kid in the bath along with pics of the kid in the pool, being held by grandparents, taking first step, in halloween costume, etc. wouldn’t deserve the force of the government getting involved.
It’s really pretty simple, except we’re talking about the government.
More low-life DEMOCRAT actions by the Murtha gang:
No conflict of interest there, is there!
I’m disappointed that as a father you are so pro-pot.
Who cares? Why would I care that you’re disappointed? You’re a moron. I put as much weight to your thoughts as I put to the guy who stands at the corner of 3rd and Bell with his underwear on his head screaming at the pigeons.
Are you a regular user?
Not any more.
How long have you been a regular user?
I smoked pot for 15 years. Don’t regret it at all. In fact, I think I’m a happier and better person because of it.
Will you smoke pot with your kid?
Not until he’s 18.
What age is it reasonable for your kid to start smoking pot?
I don’t think a young person should smoke pot until they’ve moved away from home and have responsibilities. That’s just my opinion, though. I think it’s reasonable to disagree with that.
Your “hero” Mark Emery…just selling seeds, somehow makes him less culpable.
No, it makes his prosecution that much more ridiculous.
Where do you think those seeds go Lee?
Every one that goes to an American to grow their own plant might prevent more money from going to Mexican gangs.
Where do you think the ultimate crop that is harvested goes Lee?
It goes to one of the millions of Americans who enjoy marijuana.
Perhaps as fatherhood begins to take hold, you will wise up and grow up…set down the bong.
Well, I haven’t even had much time to smoke since my son was born and I have no plans to start again. But having a son has made me even more motivated to change the assinine laws that I grew up under.
Be more like Puddy…no drugs & no alcohol.
Puddy’s a moron who can’t tell that he’s being fooled by corporate special interests into believing stupid nonsense. It’s far more important to my child that I teach him how to tell when people are lying to him (something that neither you nor Puddy ever learned), than for me to refrain from drinking or smoking pot.
When you are more coherent in your thoughts, you may even allow some Conservatism into your mushbrain.
Considering that conservative icons like William F. Buckley, Milton Friedman, Barry Goldwater, and Ayn Rand all agree with me on this issue and think you’re a moron, you might want to re-evaluate which one of us better understands conservative values.
All you people who don’t think pot should be legal: don’t smoke pot. Let others who choose to enjoy this substance alone. Marijuana has been around for a long, long time, and it’s time for you all to realize that people are going to use it regardless of your tired arguments against it. The War on Drugs is largely a waste of time, and decriminalizing marijuana is the first step in ending this war.
How can it be a conflict of interest if it’s standard democrat policy? They call it the “friends and family program.”
The families of elected democrat officials need you tax money so please stop blogging and get back to work.
Did you catch the article about that democrat from philly?
A federal jury in Philadelphia has convicted former Pennsylvania state senator Vincent Fumo of every one of the 137 counts against him, including the serious charges of conspiring to defraud the Pennsylvania Senate
Back when pelosi was running on a culture of corruption platform who knew she would keep her promise.
SOP for a current day democrat. I wonder if JFK would even recoginze what’s left of his party.
Wow, when lee made this comment I didn’t know it was democrat policy-
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
Why don’t democrats support the troops?
The court ruled that Murtha couldn’t be sued because he was acting within the scope of his employment when he accused Wuterich’s squad of killing innocent civilians “in cold blood” in Haditha, Iraq in 2005.
So falsely accusing soldiers of killing civilians “in cold blood” is within the scope of his employment? Gotta love those democrat rules and regulations for party members.
I wonder if that big talking pussy gbs is going to call murtha a “faggot” for disrespecting the troops. I doubt it, gbs isn’t know for having principles. Besides, gbs is a coward.
@14 Mr. Klynical says, “Be more like Puddy”
Q: How do Mr. Klynical and Puddy practice safe sex?
A: They mark the goats that kick with a big “X”.
Obama is so out of touch with regular people that not only does he not even know the names of holidays he can’t read a foreign language off one of his many telepromter correctly.
I wonder if he is only embarrassed when children can’t speak a foreign language, overlooking his own lack of skills.
And the funny thing, obama only had to say 3 words in spanish and he screwed them up. Oops, I mean one of his staff wrote the wrong thing on the teleprompter.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The marijuana movement needs to do some of the same things the gay movement has done over the last 40 years. One of the most important things that needs to happen is people in the public eye, people like politicians, actors, business people, etc., need to come out of the closet, so to speak, and admit that once in a while, they smoke pot. That they enjoy a good joint at the end of the week, like other people enjoy a beer or martini. This is the only way that people will begin to view marijuana as an acceptable recreational drug, like alcohol is now considered.
Hmm, I see that Mr. Klynical’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll reveals that President Obama’s Presidential Approval Index has risen to +6, up 500% from last week.
Goldy, seriously, put down the newspaper, step away from your computer, and go out and interview someone in person. Even Dori Monson is doing it. Have you seen him take his little video cam out with him and start ranting about the sound barriers along the freeways? He posts those video rants to his blog. You should do something like that.
Acorn does it again:
ACORN voter registration drive nets charges
Lee @ 21–
I’m sure your son will be proud of the “rebel” in you Lee.
Did your wife smoke pot while pregnant?
If pot is so good for you Lee, why wouldn’t she smoke it while pregnant?
Oh and Lee, I got some bad news for you….
your threads are proof pot is bad for you.
Your eyes start spinning and you salivate at the thought of your next bowl.
Lee, have you ever done drugs harder than pot?
If so, what & how often?
Murtha does it again:
Murtha’s Nephew Got Defense Contracts
Millions in Work Came Without Competition
The White House does it again:
” The $328,835 snapshots of an Air Force One backup plane buzzing lower Manhattan last week will not be shown to the public, the White House said yesterday.
“We have no plans to release them,” an aide to President Obama told The Post, refusing to comment further.”
Hey Lee–
This story about another “poor” victim (who grew up in Broadmoor) named David Mendoza ought to drive you batty.
I can see Lee leading the “Free David Mendoza” movement!
Read it from today’s Seattle Times:
So much for the Drudge Report news
Glad to hear it. There are many horrific stories about pot smoking parents.
Marvin are you still a regular child molester? Do you train your kids to be child molesters? When did you rape your first baby? Have you tried to get counseling to help you with your addiction to child porn? Was the first or the second time you went to prison for being a child molester the worst?
Of course he’s not going to release them, there were never any pictures taken. It was a plane ride at taxpayer expense for the special donors of the obama.
Just imagine the outrage from the left wing-nuts if bush had done the same thing.
Why do democrats always hold their leaders to a lower standard?
Did you see the recent Supreme Court decision slapping down government unions for trying to force government entities to collect political contributions for them:
That’s good news. The government unions are already deep into politics. You have to draw the line somewhere. This is now a deep line in the sand.
Since Horsesass.org has such a close relationship with Publicola and Sandeep Kaushik is spiritual adviser at Publicola and also spokesman for Mayor Nickels can we assume that horsesass.org’s commentary on the Mayors race is tainted? We can and we should. To not do so would be to be naive.