Stupes: Goposaurus Rex
Klynical: Goperatops
Stamn: Gopodactyl
Pooper: Goprolite
Tom Fossspews:
Among the many real problems facing the Repubs, three jump out at me.
One is that they not only lack a standard bearer, but their depth is worse than the team formerly known as the Sonics. Trotting out a Bush, whose brother is slipping even lower in the polls since he was gone; a disaster as a presidential candidate in the plastic flim flam man, Romney; and Eric Cantor as the rebranding messagers? And who did I see as the ornament walking up to the podium in one shot? Was that the true airhead, Cathy McMorris Rodgers? Wow, this list speaks speaks volumes.
Two, the problem will get worse for the party. They are in a death spiral if they don’t arrest it- first, they chase out moderates, then they become even more of a narrow based shrinking party (22% says Pew today), and they are now a small regional party limited to deep Dixie, and are even losing their hold in the remaining Rocky Mtn states. Yet they continue to purify and purge themselves as the even more conservatives (Demint? Imhofe? wow.)continue to haunt and chase the only slightly less conservatives out of their party. Even Tom Delay is soon to be looking good! Their electoral base is maybe 94 votes and even that number is fading and sinking lower.
Third, and their biggest problem- they stand for nothing anymore, other than division, and their only strategy is to have Obama and the country fail. Seriously. What else do they stand for? So if they can try and keep Obama from success and undermine the whole country, they think they have a chance at a comeback. Gee, they were supposed to be the “America, love it or leave it” party. Now they are banking their future on bringing us all crashing down.
So, what is their other real problem? Its that when Obama and the Democratic Majorities do succeed, 1936 is going to be looking normal to the Repubs. I would have to go check, but weren’t they down to like eighty some odd Rps in Congress, and an electoral vote smaller than Mondale? They will be in danger of slipping into historical oblivion.
The Dems still have to deliver, and that will be hard because we are possibly in the worst hole we have ever dug for ourselves, thanks to neo cons and Bush. To think that the worst international situation ever inherited by a President is only his second worst problem. Hey, where is W now?
But when the Dems do deliver, a generation of progressive government will be the Bush legacy. Hey, then we can say something good came out of his presidency after all.
Wow! All of these GOPERS are oh so desperate! It is amazing to`watch them try to spin what is happening to them into some form, any form of positive connotation. Looks to me they are working oh so hard to convince themselves of the validity of all of the dung they are trying so desperately to spread around. I wonder if they realize just how unintelligent they ALL look? Guess when you are panicked to the point of desperation you just do not care what you look like or how negative a valid, knowledgeable and credible representative that you appear. All spells one word to me PANIC!
The 1st thing Repubs. need to admit is that they are failures and wrong about everything.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
A man wakes up in the hospital bandaged from head to foot. The doctor comes in and says, “Ah, I see you’ve regained consciousness”. Now you probably won’t remember, but you were in a huge pile-up on the freeway. You’re going to be ok, you’ll walk again and everything, but……your penis was severed in the accident and we couldn’t find it.
The man groans, but the doctor goes on, “You’ve got $9000 in insurance compensation coming and we now have the technology to build a new penis.” They work great but they don’t come cheap. It’s $1000 an inch.
The man perks up. “So,” the doctor says, “you must decide how many inches you want.”
But this is something you should discuss with your wife. If you had a five incher before and get a nine incher now she might be a bit put out. If you had a nine incher before and you decide to only invest in a five incher now, she might be disappointed. It’s important that she plays a role in helping you make a decision.
The man agrees to talk it over with his wife.
The doctor comes back the next day, “so, have you spoken with your wife?”
“Yes I have,” says the man.
“And has she helped you make a decision?”
“Yes” says the man.
What is your decision?” asks the doctor.
“We’re getting granite countertops
The GOP now represents only the most faaaar right nutjobs in the country. If you’re an inbred, cowardly, baby-raping, traitor – then you’re probably a publican. They have no relevance other than as something to make fun of. The whole world is laughing at the GOP!
By the way if you watch the entire video you realize just how totally fucked the GOP really is.
We were told in the mid-90’s that the Democratic party was over. That there had been a seismic shift in the electorate and that the Republicans now had a perpetual majority that would dominate American politics for the next hundred years. Remember, we were hearing this only three presidential cycles ago.
Obviously that turned out not to be the case.
Likewise, we should hold out on the eulogies for the GOP. It’s not the Bull Moose party and it’s not going to evaporate like a fart in a high wind. In fact, they are free now to pursue an even more radical agenda and they will likely make inroads in that regard as the Democrats re-accustom themselves to the realities of majority politics.
“The Democrats have gone left of Europe.”
Someone forgot to take his meds…
@2: ROTF. “Goprolite.” Brilliant.
Republican teabaggers unitespews:
The GOPers “are free now to pursue an even more radical agenda and they will likely make inroads in that regard”…
Like treason, secession, assassination, violent revolution and teabagging.
9 – Actually we heard that the Dems were finished as recently as 2004. All I can say to the Dems: don’t screw it up like they did.
I see that there were a few things Mr. Klynical declined to tell us this morning. In Rasmussen’s Presidential Approval Index our nation’s president is up a whopping 400% from last week to +5. Overall approval is up over 5%. In other Rasmussen poll results, 69% of Republican voters think Republicans suck.
Tom Fossspews:
I do agree that Eulogies can be premature, and we have seen these swings in a very acute fashion over the last two decades (and longer) and we do need to remeber that what goes up will come down.
But what is different is that the Repubs will continue to be even more radical and thus marginalized from the country. What is also different is that as the Obama Admin restores faith and trust in the ability of Government to be a force for positive change, and their agenda works to move us out of the deep muck and start moving ahead again, that the politcal dybnamic will continue to change.
If that happens, the GOP will be in the wilderness, as David Broooks said, for at least three or four more presedential elections.
Tom Fossspews:
I do agree that Eulogies can be premature, and we have seen these swings in a very acute fashion over the last two decades (and longer) and we do need to remeber that what goes up will come down.
But what is different is that the Repubs will continue to be even more radical and thus marginalized from the country. What is also different is that as the Obama Admin restores faith and trust in the ability of Government to be a force for positive change, and their agenda works to move us out of the deep muck and start moving ahead again, that the politcal dybnamic will continue to change.
If that happens, the GOP will be in the wilderness, as David Broooks said, for at least three or four more presedential elections.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Typical of the intellectual content you get from Republicans these days, and illustrative of why the GOP is fading like cheap paint in bright sun.
@3: Reading what you say reminds me of when the tables were turned. It’s interesting to consider the case of Republicans now vs. Democrats in early 05.
After the 04 election, the idea of a Republican majority possibly for a generation or more seemed unassailable among the TV political punditry. But then Katrina happened and the Republican scam seemed to be exposed at last (as though found naked, shackled, and dead, hanging by its neck on pantyhose).
At the recent Republican pizza party, Mitt Romney seemed to suggest that Democrats controlling 2 branches of government sets the stage for an 05 in reverse, that it’s just a matter of time, and as though the Katrina fiasco could have just happened to any US government, and not just one stacked with cronies and a leader like Bush.
Perhaps politics always does move in cycles this way, and given enough rope to hang themselves (pantyhose for Republicans), politicians always eventually will. But it’s interesting to watch Republicans reduced to hoping for a domestic catastrophe this way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cripes, Cynical, if you’re gonna try to be funny at least tell jokes that are funny, like one I heard from a liberal pal about a priest who died, went to heaven, was granted his wish to be a stud for 2 weeks, and is now on a tire in Montana.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Mostly the GOPers defend wealthy tax cheaters who shelter their income in foreign tax havens and criticize Obama for cracking down on them. That’s not much of a platform on which to campaign for middle class votes.
@3: BTW, one thing I really hated in early 05 was my Republicans friends telling me, “You know, the problem with your party is….” So, to be polite, I’m going to reserve judgment on how Republicans are running their show, and just sit back and watch it all unfold.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 See #10. This isn’t the mid-90s, and today’s GOP isn’t the Democratic Party of the mid-90s. The GOP has opted for overheated rhetoric, the politics of hate and division, and irrelevance; the Democrats never did that. You just can’t compare the two parties because they’re not comparable. The GOP is a unique animal. There hasn’t been anything like it in the experience of any living American.
The GOP’s recent electoral disasters and plunging poll numbers clearly demonstrate that ordinary Americans have turned their backs on a corrupt, incompetent, and increasingly shrill party that has no solutions for the real problems in average citizens’ lives.
Frankly, I don’t think they can turn it around, because even if the GOP had leaders who understand their problem and know what needs to be done, which they don’t, they’ve lost control over their idiotic brainwashed followers, who are dragging the party’s candidates, office holders, and leaders over the precipice.
As a democrat, I want to compliment the republicans on how there are running their party.
They could have reexamined their priorities and dogma after the banking crisis, the Bush fiasco, the unAmerican torture and the rampant bush spending.
They could have repudiated all those as unAmerican and gotten back the the populist ideas:
Jobs, fair taxes, no embarassing torture, repudiate the Bush agenda and a balanced budget (including the defense misappropriations).
But NO…….they defend torture, the Bush record, the unnecessary war in Iraq, the torture, ignore the Bush deficit, don’t utter a word about the bloated defense budget and pretend that suddenly spending our wqay out of the economic conditions sincethe great depression is “profligacy”.
Now they are wondering why the American people see them as roadblocks to progress. They have no plans, no new ideas (just the same old ones that didn’t work the first time, yet they keep trying to re-invent themselves.
Here is a hint: Reinventing something round that spins and calling it a new wheel ain’t gonna help.
Driving out all the moderates does not make for a big tent – it makes for a pup tent.
And foreign policy? Obama has made more progress in Pakistan in 3 months than Bush made in 8 years of massive aid and minimal results.
Under Bush, Iran and North Korea got much worse and we concentrated unecessarily on Iraq – a nation with NO nuclear weapons or capabilities. Huge mistake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
To put things in perspective, the GOP is so bad they’ve made the country forget how bad the Democrats are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If the Democrats don’t fix things, they’ll be replaced, but not by Republicans. That might have happened in 1992 if Ross Perot had been anyone except Ross Perot. The Reform Party might have lasted if he hadn’t knifed it, and he had a real chance to become president until he quit the race. In the end, all the reformers ended up with was a collapsed dream and Jesse Ventura.
At this point, the GOP clearly isn’t the answer, and if the Democrats also fail, America will be ripe for the creation of a new center-based party.
The “center,” of course, is not what wingnuts think it is. They’re so far right they think people like Huckabee represent the center. They couldn’t be more wrong. The “center” is exactly where it’s always been, which is pretty much where FDR, JFK, and LBJ were. Most Americans want Social Security and Medicare, fair tax laws, family-wage jobs, guaranteed health care, an economic safety net, consumer protection laws, the right to sue those who cheat or injure them, public education, and so on.
Rightwing rhetoric about “freedom” and “liberty” is gibberish because people who don’t have jobs, health care, or access to education have no freedom; they are merely flies caught in a spider’s web that was designed to devour people like them. They’ve made it clear they’re not going to vote for more of that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Republican Noise Machine is no longer working because the American people have stopped listening to it. Flim-flam men can get only so far with empty talk; eventually they’re found out, then the public turns its back on them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans turned America into a country where asset-flipping is rewarded with huge profits and generous tax breaks, while working is punished with shrinking wages and high taxes. These policies have created billions of Roger Rabbits who graze in public parks and produce nothing except methane gas. There’ll soon be so many rabbits we’ll push humans off the planet! That doesn’t sound like a plan for human species survival. But hey, if you stupid humans want to do things that way, we’ll take it! When rabbits run this place I’m gonna be their king.
I think a whole lot of people stopped listening to more noise machines than just the GOP’s when they realized their newspapers weather page was more accurate than the business page.
The present state of things makes it possible to recycle some old humor.
Case in point: the scene from The Road To Singapore in which Bob Hope and Bing Crosby are struggling to land a marlin. Crosby at one point hollers, “It won’t give up!”, to which Hope replies, “He must be a Republican.”
I have to admit, though, that Cyn’s contribution above is funnier.
It’s funny the GOP traitors are on a “listening” tour – when asked by a journalist what they would do if they found out that America supported gay unions, the GOP assholes said, “Well we’ll stick to our core principles – only men and women can marry.”
Yeah – like you right wing turds would listen to anyone other than yourselves. Keep working that way PLEASE. I think we can get the number of Americans willing to identify themselves as publicans from 1 in 5 to 1 in 20!
Marvin Stamnspews:
20. Roger Rabbit spews:
@7 Mostly the GOPers defend wealthy tax cheaters who shelter their income in foreign tax havens
How do you feel about families like the kennedys that do exactly that?
Oops, I forgot.
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
30 The main problem with the hard-core zealots who’ve gained control of what’s left of the GOP is that almost all of the “listening” they do is to each other, and from that they come to the conclusion that their delusions are universally popular. Meanwhile, outside of their insular circle, their more moderate supporters are fleeing like rats jumping off a sinking ship.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. ArtFart spews:
Case in point: the scene from The Road To Singapore in which Bob Hope and Bing Crosby are struggling to land a marlin. Crosby at one point hollers, “It won’t give up!”, to which Hope replies, “He must be a Republican.”
How about the bob hope movie “the ghost busters” where bob hope compares brain-dead zombies to democrats?
Nice bitch-slappin’ you gave to our pal ArtFart. He’s got a tiny-bit of a sense of humor though…so the appropriate response by AF ought to be “TOUCHE!”
Bob Hope once said, “Ronald Reagan is not a typical politician because he doesn’t know how to lie, cheat, and steal. He’s always had an agent do that.”
Bob Hope said, “Demagogues can’t survive humor. Truly great men, like Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the other Presidents I have known, thrive on it.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
35. Mr. Cynical spews:
Nice bitch-slappin’ you gave to our pal ArtFart.
The clip that art posted I believe is a compliment. Saying “he won’t give up” speaks about someone that has drive and determination and doesn’t quit and give up. Does art believe the democrat way would be to quit and give up?
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Steve spews:
Bob Hope said, “Demagogues can’t survive humor. Truly great men, like Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the other Presidents I have known, thrive on it.”
Thanks steve… I was wondering why the late night comedians weren’t making jokes about obama/biden.
For once you educated me on something, for that I am grateful.
@39 “Thanks steve… I was wondering why the late night comedians weren’t making jokes about obama/biden.”
Out of touch, are you? Or do you just pull shit like that from your ass?
“How many watched the President’s news conference last night? He got a little testy there, you know. When he was asked why he waited three days to speak out against the AIG bonuses, President Obama said he likes to know what he’s talking about before he speaks. So, yet another reversal of the Bush policies.” –Jay Leno
So you pulled it from your ass and you’re out of touch. Any search will find plenty of Obama late-night jokes, although -heh- a lot of them are at your expense.
Heh- Bob could only think of one Republican to include in the company of “great men” like Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy. I notice you skipped that.
Mr. Klynical and Marvin had just bought a ranch together, so they were driving the fence line to check everything out when they came upon a goat with his head stuck in a fence.
So Mr. Klynical gets out of the truck, looks around, and then starts screwing the goat. He gets finished, takes a step back, and asks Marvin, “Hey, you want a piece of this?”
Marvin says, “Yeah, but do I have to stick my head in the fence?”
Look, it’s Sheik al Marvin and his Taliban buddy, Mr. Cycnical back slapping each other over the Sheiks’ “bitch slappin.”
How fucking PATHETIC can you two get?
I mean, besides the degrading talk about our honorable soldiers who followed Bush’s Torture orders.
Why you two just CANNOT accept the fact that Bush ORDERED this treatment of detainees and apologize for shitting on American troops in a combat zone is beyond me.
You two are so fucking arrogant you won’t believe the facts as laid out in writing from the Bush admin and realize our troops followed his orders.
But, that’s the kind of arrogance to be expected by people who have the weak mind set to follow authoritarian rule. Never question what your handlers told you to believe. Never think for yourself.
You both know in your heart of hearts if the situation was reversed FOX news, righ-wing talking heads, and pussies like you would be screaming at the top of your lungs demanding apologies and condeming the left.
This just goes to prove you have no moral compass, you’re unpatriotic, and no principles.
Keep this up, because what ass holes like you are doing is actually helping America by killing your party.
Mr Klynical caught Marvin screwing his goat, so he called the cops and they arrested him.
Marvin’s lawyer called to Mr. Klynical…….
“Now tell the judge, just what you saw my client doing.”
“Well your honor, I saw that man fucking my goat.”
Then the lawyer said,” and tell the judge what else you saw.”
Well Judge, after fucking my goat, he had the goat lick his dick to clean him up.”
About that time, Marvin whispered to his lawyer, “a good goat will do that for ya…..”
Q: What do you call Mr. Klynical when Mr. Klynical is standing on a street corner with a goat under each arm talking with Marvin?
A: Marvin’s pimp.
Q: How do Mr. Klynical and Marvin practice safe sex?
A: They mark the goats that kick with a big X.
Q: What does Mr. Klynical call his goat barn?
A: His whorehouse.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. Steve spews:
“How many watched the President’s news conference last night? He got a little testy there, you know. When he was asked why he waited three days to speak out against the AIG bonuses, President Obama said he likes to know what he’s talking about before he speaks. So, yet another reversal of the Bush policies.” –Jay Leno
If this is the best example you’ve got you’ve screwed the pooch on this one.
That was a joke at bushs expense.
Are you really that obtuse?
Marvin Stamnspews:
42. GBS spews:
How fucking PATHETIC can you two get?
When either of us challenge someone to a fight knowing we will never show up we can compare our patheticness to yours. Until then, you’re the king.
Since you choose to stay safe and stay in washington, I;ll give you another chance to prove your stuff…
Check out these pics from left-wing protests- 12
Can you find any pics from right-wing protests expressing the same “support” for the troops?
Your baseless claim that righties don’t support the troops is joining your “bravery” in the shitter.
And speaking of apologizing…
Remember what john kerry said about troops raping women, killing children, cutting off ears, etc.
Have YOU apologized for the crimes against humanity your brothers & sisters perpetrated?
What was it john murtha said about the troops, something about killing in cold blood like savages? You gonna apologize for the actions of your brothers & sisters?
Wasn’t that oklahoma bomber guy an ex-military? What is it about being in the military that makes normal people become violent killers? Have you apologized to all those people in oklahoma yet?
that’s the kind of arrogance to be expected by people who have the weak mind set to follow authoritarian rule
Are you talking about me or the type of people that would join the service and blindly follow orders?
Maybe I shouldn’t have called you a coward for not coming down and walking your talk. Maybe you are still on probation for beating your wife and are not allowed to leave the state.
Or maybe you can’t afford the couple hundred bucks to make the trip, how about you asking steve for a loan so you can show everyone that you are more than a big talker.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. Steve spews:
Q: How do Mr. Klynical and Marvin practice safe sex?
A: They mark the goats that kick with a big X.
That was a good one.
Librull, arrogant,smoke blowing,wool pulling talking heads, will be the demise of the democrat party.As usual they think they are the ones with all of the answers.
I wouldn’t bet on the republican party being dead in the water yet.
When this child with a credit card, photo ops
with the statue of liberty, chumming with the enemies of this country,His apointment with american idol are over…
Republican conservatives will still be here.
There’s plenty of late night Obama jokes. Here’s a bunch:
Just a few short months ago the liberal media insisted that Palin wasn’t qualified for office because she was only a mayor.
Strange how things flip-flop when democrats are in office.
Checkout the latest fun and insight from Joe The Plumber. Keep up the good work Joe!
Wurzelbacher: At a state level, it’s up to them. I don’t want it to be a federal thing. I personally still think it’s wrong. People don’t understand the dictionary–it’s called queer. Queer means strange and unusual. It’s not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we’re supposed to do–what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we’re supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. I’ve had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn’t have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they’re people, and they’re going to do their thing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. Steve spews:
So you pulled it from your ass and you’re out of touch. Any search will find plenty of Obama late-night jokes, although -heh- a lot of them are at your expense.
Not long after the historic presidential election, Maher joked that Republicans were feeling particularly superstitious: “They say the country is having bad luck because there’s a black cat in the White House.” The studio audience erupted in loud groans and boos — a reaction, Maher observed in a recent interview, that exceeded his often scathing attacks on organized religion.
“Obama is the new God,” quipped Maher of the poorly received dig, which he pointed out pokes at conservatives more than the commander in chief.
The heckling response to Maher’s gibe is hardly an anomaly. As late-night talk show hosts and other television comics who trade in political humor know, cracking wise about the new president, who marked his 100th day in office last week, is apparently not very funny for most of the people, most of the time. Not surprisingly, to guard against a frosty or uncertain reception, TV’s leading political humorists have largely backed away from their ritual comic hazing of the president, a colorful tradition in the medium, especially in its late-night time slots, since at least the Nixon administration.
“If you’re a comedian and you die and go to heaven, Bill Clinton is your president,” said Robert J. Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University. “If you’re a comedian and you die and go to hell, Barack Obama is your president.”
So even the liberal la times agrees with me.
Well CHRISTIAN Marvin the Pervert is at it again, showing off his LOVE of God by challenging people to fights when he knows damn good and well he hasn’t the stones to show up and even if he wanted to, he’s locked up in the McNeil Island sex-offender unit for raping little boys. Or maybe not? What’s your address in LA Marvin you bitch?
Good fucking riddance.
Stupes: Goposaurus Rex
Klynical: Goperatops
Stamn: Gopodactyl
Pooper: Goprolite
Among the many real problems facing the Repubs, three jump out at me.
One is that they not only lack a standard bearer, but their depth is worse than the team formerly known as the Sonics. Trotting out a Bush, whose brother is slipping even lower in the polls since he was gone; a disaster as a presidential candidate in the plastic flim flam man, Romney; and Eric Cantor as the rebranding messagers? And who did I see as the ornament walking up to the podium in one shot? Was that the true airhead, Cathy McMorris Rodgers? Wow, this list speaks speaks volumes.
Two, the problem will get worse for the party. They are in a death spiral if they don’t arrest it- first, they chase out moderates, then they become even more of a narrow based shrinking party (22% says Pew today), and they are now a small regional party limited to deep Dixie, and are even losing their hold in the remaining Rocky Mtn states. Yet they continue to purify and purge themselves as the even more conservatives (Demint? Imhofe? wow.)continue to haunt and chase the only slightly less conservatives out of their party. Even Tom Delay is soon to be looking good! Their electoral base is maybe 94 votes and even that number is fading and sinking lower.
Third, and their biggest problem- they stand for nothing anymore, other than division, and their only strategy is to have Obama and the country fail. Seriously. What else do they stand for? So if they can try and keep Obama from success and undermine the whole country, they think they have a chance at a comeback. Gee, they were supposed to be the “America, love it or leave it” party. Now they are banking their future on bringing us all crashing down.
So, what is their other real problem? Its that when Obama and the Democratic Majorities do succeed, 1936 is going to be looking normal to the Repubs. I would have to go check, but weren’t they down to like eighty some odd Rps in Congress, and an electoral vote smaller than Mondale? They will be in danger of slipping into historical oblivion.
The Dems still have to deliver, and that will be hard because we are possibly in the worst hole we have ever dug for ourselves, thanks to neo cons and Bush. To think that the worst international situation ever inherited by a President is only his second worst problem. Hey, where is W now?
But when the Dems do deliver, a generation of progressive government will be the Bush legacy. Hey, then we can say something good came out of his presidency after all.
Wow! All of these GOPERS are oh so desperate! It is amazing to`watch them try to spin what is happening to them into some form, any form of positive connotation. Looks to me they are working oh so hard to convince themselves of the validity of all of the dung they are trying so desperately to spread around. I wonder if they realize just how unintelligent they ALL look? Guess when you are panicked to the point of desperation you just do not care what you look like or how negative a valid, knowledgeable and credible representative that you appear. All spells one word to me PANIC!
The 1st thing Repubs. need to admit is that they are failures and wrong about everything.
The GOP now represents only the most faaaar right nutjobs in the country. If you’re an inbred, cowardly, baby-raping, traitor – then you’re probably a publican. They have no relevance other than as something to make fun of. The whole world is laughing at the GOP!
By the way if you watch the entire video you realize just how totally fucked the GOP really is.
I think the celebration is premature.
We were told in the mid-90’s that the Democratic party was over. That there had been a seismic shift in the electorate and that the Republicans now had a perpetual majority that would dominate American politics for the next hundred years. Remember, we were hearing this only three presidential cycles ago.
Obviously that turned out not to be the case.
Likewise, we should hold out on the eulogies for the GOP. It’s not the Bull Moose party and it’s not going to evaporate like a fart in a high wind. In fact, they are free now to pursue an even more radical agenda and they will likely make inroads in that regard as the Democrats re-accustom themselves to the realities of majority politics.
“The Democrats have gone left of Europe.”
Someone forgot to take his meds…
@2: ROTF. “Goprolite.” Brilliant.
The GOPers “are free now to pursue an even more radical agenda and they will likely make inroads in that regard”…
Like treason, secession, assassination, violent revolution and teabagging.
9 – Actually we heard that the Dems were finished as recently as 2004. All I can say to the Dems: don’t screw it up like they did.
I see that there were a few things Mr. Klynical declined to tell us this morning. In Rasmussen’s Presidential Approval Index our nation’s president is up a whopping 400% from last week to +5. Overall approval is up over 5%. In other Rasmussen poll results, 69% of Republican voters think Republicans suck.
I do agree that Eulogies can be premature, and we have seen these swings in a very acute fashion over the last two decades (and longer) and we do need to remeber that what goes up will come down.
But what is different is that the Repubs will continue to be even more radical and thus marginalized from the country. What is also different is that as the Obama Admin restores faith and trust in the ability of Government to be a force for positive change, and their agenda works to move us out of the deep muck and start moving ahead again, that the politcal dybnamic will continue to change.
If that happens, the GOP will be in the wilderness, as David Broooks said, for at least three or four more presedential elections.
I do agree that Eulogies can be premature, and we have seen these swings in a very acute fashion over the last two decades (and longer) and we do need to remeber that what goes up will come down.
But what is different is that the Repubs will continue to be even more radical and thus marginalized from the country. What is also different is that as the Obama Admin restores faith and trust in the ability of Government to be a force for positive change, and their agenda works to move us out of the deep muck and start moving ahead again, that the politcal dybnamic will continue to change.
If that happens, the GOP will be in the wilderness, as David Broooks said, for at least three or four more presedential elections.
@6 Typical of the intellectual content you get from Republicans these days, and illustrative of why the GOP is fading like cheap paint in bright sun.
@3: Reading what you say reminds me of when the tables were turned. It’s interesting to consider the case of Republicans now vs. Democrats in early 05.
After the 04 election, the idea of a Republican majority possibly for a generation or more seemed unassailable among the TV political punditry. But then Katrina happened and the Republican scam seemed to be exposed at last (as though found naked, shackled, and dead, hanging by its neck on pantyhose).
At the recent Republican pizza party, Mitt Romney seemed to suggest that Democrats controlling 2 branches of government sets the stage for an 05 in reverse, that it’s just a matter of time, and as though the Katrina fiasco could have just happened to any US government, and not just one stacked with cronies and a leader like Bush.
Perhaps politics always does move in cycles this way, and given enough rope to hang themselves (pantyhose for Republicans), politicians always eventually will. But it’s interesting to watch Republicans reduced to hoping for a domestic catastrophe this way.
Cripes, Cynical, if you’re gonna try to be funny at least tell jokes that are funny, like one I heard from a liberal pal about a priest who died, went to heaven, was granted his wish to be a stud for 2 weeks, and is now on a tire in Montana.
@7 Mostly the GOPers defend wealthy tax cheaters who shelter their income in foreign tax havens and criticize Obama for cracking down on them. That’s not much of a platform on which to campaign for middle class votes.
@3: BTW, one thing I really hated in early 05 was my Republicans friends telling me, “You know, the problem with your party is….” So, to be polite, I’m going to reserve judgment on how Republicans are running their show, and just sit back and watch it all unfold.
@9 See #10. This isn’t the mid-90s, and today’s GOP isn’t the Democratic Party of the mid-90s. The GOP has opted for overheated rhetoric, the politics of hate and division, and irrelevance; the Democrats never did that. You just can’t compare the two parties because they’re not comparable. The GOP is a unique animal. There hasn’t been anything like it in the experience of any living American.
The GOP’s recent electoral disasters and plunging poll numbers clearly demonstrate that ordinary Americans have turned their backs on a corrupt, incompetent, and increasingly shrill party that has no solutions for the real problems in average citizens’ lives.
Frankly, I don’t think they can turn it around, because even if the GOP had leaders who understand their problem and know what needs to be done, which they don’t, they’ve lost control over their idiotic brainwashed followers, who are dragging the party’s candidates, office holders, and leaders over the precipice.
As a democrat, I want to compliment the republicans on how there are running their party.
They could have reexamined their priorities and dogma after the banking crisis, the Bush fiasco, the unAmerican torture and the rampant bush spending.
They could have repudiated all those as unAmerican and gotten back the the populist ideas:
Jobs, fair taxes, no embarassing torture, repudiate the Bush agenda and a balanced budget (including the defense misappropriations).
But NO…….they defend torture, the Bush record, the unnecessary war in Iraq, the torture, ignore the Bush deficit, don’t utter a word about the bloated defense budget and pretend that suddenly spending our wqay out of the economic conditions sincethe great depression is “profligacy”.
Now they are wondering why the American people see them as roadblocks to progress. They have no plans, no new ideas (just the same old ones that didn’t work the first time, yet they keep trying to re-invent themselves.
Here is a hint: Reinventing something round that spins and calling it a new wheel ain’t gonna help.
Driving out all the moderates does not make for a big tent – it makes for a pup tent.
And foreign policy? Obama has made more progress in Pakistan in 3 months than Bush made in 8 years of massive aid and minimal results.
Under Bush, Iran and North Korea got much worse and we concentrated unecessarily on Iraq – a nation with NO nuclear weapons or capabilities. Huge mistake.
To put things in perspective, the GOP is so bad they’ve made the country forget how bad the Democrats are.
If the Democrats don’t fix things, they’ll be replaced, but not by Republicans. That might have happened in 1992 if Ross Perot had been anyone except Ross Perot. The Reform Party might have lasted if he hadn’t knifed it, and he had a real chance to become president until he quit the race. In the end, all the reformers ended up with was a collapsed dream and Jesse Ventura.
At this point, the GOP clearly isn’t the answer, and if the Democrats also fail, America will be ripe for the creation of a new center-based party.
The “center,” of course, is not what wingnuts think it is. They’re so far right they think people like Huckabee represent the center. They couldn’t be more wrong. The “center” is exactly where it’s always been, which is pretty much where FDR, JFK, and LBJ were. Most Americans want Social Security and Medicare, fair tax laws, family-wage jobs, guaranteed health care, an economic safety net, consumer protection laws, the right to sue those who cheat or injure them, public education, and so on.
Rightwing rhetoric about “freedom” and “liberty” is gibberish because people who don’t have jobs, health care, or access to education have no freedom; they are merely flies caught in a spider’s web that was designed to devour people like them. They’ve made it clear they’re not going to vote for more of that.
The Republican Noise Machine is no longer working because the American people have stopped listening to it. Flim-flam men can get only so far with empty talk; eventually they’re found out, then the public turns its back on them.
Republicans turned America into a country where asset-flipping is rewarded with huge profits and generous tax breaks, while working is punished with shrinking wages and high taxes. These policies have created billions of Roger Rabbits who graze in public parks and produce nothing except methane gas. There’ll soon be so many rabbits we’ll push humans off the planet! That doesn’t sound like a plan for human species survival. But hey, if you stupid humans want to do things that way, we’ll take it! When rabbits run this place I’m gonna be their king.
I think a whole lot of people stopped listening to more noise machines than just the GOP’s when they realized their newspapers weather page was more accurate than the business page.
The present state of things makes it possible to recycle some old humor.
Case in point: the scene from The Road To Singapore in which Bob Hope and Bing Crosby are struggling to land a marlin. Crosby at one point hollers, “It won’t give up!”, to which Hope replies, “He must be a Republican.”
I have to admit, though, that Cyn’s contribution above is funnier.
It’s funny the GOP traitors are on a “listening” tour – when asked by a journalist what they would do if they found out that America supported gay unions, the GOP assholes said, “Well we’ll stick to our core principles – only men and women can marry.”
Yeah – like you right wing turds would listen to anyone other than yourselves. Keep working that way PLEASE. I think we can get the number of Americans willing to identify themselves as publicans from 1 in 5 to 1 in 20!
How do you feel about families like the kennedys that do exactly that?
Oops, I forgot.
30 The main problem with the hard-core zealots who’ve gained control of what’s left of the GOP is that almost all of the “listening” they do is to each other, and from that they come to the conclusion that their delusions are universally popular. Meanwhile, outside of their insular circle, their more moderate supporters are fleeing like rats jumping off a sinking ship.
How about the bob hope movie “the ghost busters” where bob hope compares brain-dead zombies to democrats?
Geoff: “When a person dies and is buried, it seems there’s certain voodoo priests who have the power to bring him back to life. ”
Mary: “How horrible. ”
Geoff: “It’s worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring. ”
Larry: “You mean like democrats?”
Hmm, not much has changed in the last 69 years since the movie was made.
Too Damn Funny Marvin@33
Nice bitch-slappin’ you gave to our pal ArtFart. He’s got a tiny-bit of a sense of humor though…so the appropriate response by AF ought to be “TOUCHE!”
Bob Hope once said, “Ronald Reagan is not a typical politician because he doesn’t know how to lie, cheat, and steal. He’s always had an agent do that.”
Bob Hope said, “Demagogues can’t survive humor. Truly great men, like Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the other Presidents I have known, thrive on it.”
The clip that art posted I believe is a compliment. Saying “he won’t give up” speaks about someone that has drive and determination and doesn’t quit and give up. Does art believe the democrat way would be to quit and give up?
Thanks steve… I was wondering why the late night comedians weren’t making jokes about obama/biden.
For once you educated me on something, for that I am grateful.
@39 “Thanks steve… I was wondering why the late night comedians weren’t making jokes about obama/biden.”
Out of touch, are you? Or do you just pull shit like that from your ass?
“How many watched the President’s news conference last night? He got a little testy there, you know. When he was asked why he waited three days to speak out against the AIG bonuses, President Obama said he likes to know what he’s talking about before he speaks. So, yet another reversal of the Bush policies.” –Jay Leno
So you pulled it from your ass and you’re out of touch. Any search will find plenty of Obama late-night jokes, although -heh- a lot of them are at your expense.
Heh- Bob could only think of one Republican to include in the company of “great men” like Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy. I notice you skipped that.
Mr. Klynical and Marvin had just bought a ranch together, so they were driving the fence line to check everything out when they came upon a goat with his head stuck in a fence.
So Mr. Klynical gets out of the truck, looks around, and then starts screwing the goat. He gets finished, takes a step back, and asks Marvin, “Hey, you want a piece of this?”
Marvin says, “Yeah, but do I have to stick my head in the fence?”
Look, it’s Sheik al Marvin and his Taliban buddy, Mr. Cycnical back slapping each other over the Sheiks’ “bitch slappin.”
How fucking PATHETIC can you two get?
I mean, besides the degrading talk about our honorable soldiers who followed Bush’s Torture orders.
Why you two just CANNOT accept the fact that Bush ORDERED this treatment of detainees and apologize for shitting on American troops in a combat zone is beyond me.
You two are so fucking arrogant you won’t believe the facts as laid out in writing from the Bush admin and realize our troops followed his orders.
But, that’s the kind of arrogance to be expected by people who have the weak mind set to follow authoritarian rule. Never question what your handlers told you to believe. Never think for yourself.
You both know in your heart of hearts if the situation was reversed FOX news, righ-wing talking heads, and pussies like you would be screaming at the top of your lungs demanding apologies and condeming the left.
This just goes to prove you have no moral compass, you’re unpatriotic, and no principles.
Keep this up, because what ass holes like you are doing is actually helping America by killing your party.
Mr Klynical caught Marvin screwing his goat, so he called the cops and they arrested him.
Marvin’s lawyer called to Mr. Klynical…….
“Now tell the judge, just what you saw my client doing.”
“Well your honor, I saw that man fucking my goat.”
Then the lawyer said,” and tell the judge what else you saw.”
Well Judge, after fucking my goat, he had the goat lick his dick to clean him up.”
About that time, Marvin whispered to his lawyer, “a good goat will do that for ya…..”
Q: What do you call Mr. Klynical when Mr. Klynical is standing on a street corner with a goat under each arm talking with Marvin?
A: Marvin’s pimp.
Q: How do Mr. Klynical and Marvin practice safe sex?
A: They mark the goats that kick with a big X.
Q: What does Mr. Klynical call his goat barn?
A: His whorehouse.
If this is the best example you’ve got you’ve screwed the pooch on this one.
That was a joke at bushs expense.
Are you really that obtuse?
When either of us challenge someone to a fight knowing we will never show up we can compare our patheticness to yours. Until then, you’re the king.
Since you choose to stay safe and stay in washington, I;ll give you another chance to prove your stuff…
Check out these pics from left-wing protests-
1 2
Can you find any pics from right-wing protests expressing the same “support” for the troops?
Your baseless claim that righties don’t support the troops is joining your “bravery” in the shitter.
And speaking of apologizing…
Remember what john kerry said about troops raping women, killing children, cutting off ears, etc.
Have YOU apologized for the crimes against humanity your brothers & sisters perpetrated?
What was it john murtha said about the troops, something about killing in cold blood like savages? You gonna apologize for the actions of your brothers & sisters?
Wasn’t that oklahoma bomber guy an ex-military? What is it about being in the military that makes normal people become violent killers? Have you apologized to all those people in oklahoma yet?
Are you talking about me or the type of people that would join the service and blindly follow orders?
Maybe I shouldn’t have called you a coward for not coming down and walking your talk. Maybe you are still on probation for beating your wife and are not allowed to leave the state.
Or maybe you can’t afford the couple hundred bucks to make the trip, how about you asking steve for a loan so you can show everyone that you are more than a big talker.
That was a good one.
Librull, arrogant,smoke blowing,wool pulling talking heads, will be the demise of the democrat party.As usual they think they are the ones with all of the answers.
I wouldn’t bet on the republican party being dead in the water yet.
When this child with a credit card, photo ops
with the statue of liberty, chumming with the enemies of this country,His apointment with american idol are over…
Republican conservatives will still be here.
There’s plenty of late night Obama jokes. Here’s a bunch:
Friends acknowledge that Mrs. Clinton herself was initially swamped by the challenge of taking over the sprawling State Department bureaucracy — management being one deficit in her career. She likens it to being “mayor of a good-sized small city.”
Just a few short months ago the liberal media insisted that Palin wasn’t qualified for office because she was only a mayor.
Strange how things flip-flop when democrats are in office.
Checkout the latest fun and insight from Joe The Plumber. Keep up the good work Joe!
I searched and I found this…
On his HBO show, “Real Time With Bill Maher,” the comedian routinely makes vicious fun of celebrities, politicians, presidents and even God. But he’s learned that, for much of his audience, Barack Obama is off limits.
Not long after the historic presidential election, Maher joked that Republicans were feeling particularly superstitious: “They say the country is having bad luck because there’s a black cat in the White House.” The studio audience erupted in loud groans and boos — a reaction, Maher observed in a recent interview, that exceeded his often scathing attacks on organized religion.
“Obama is the new God,” quipped Maher of the poorly received dig, which he pointed out pokes at conservatives more than the commander in chief.
The heckling response to Maher’s gibe is hardly an anomaly. As late-night talk show hosts and other television comics who trade in political humor know, cracking wise about the new president, who marked his 100th day in office last week, is apparently not very funny for most of the people, most of the time. Not surprisingly, to guard against a frosty or uncertain reception, TV’s leading political humorists have largely backed away from their ritual comic hazing of the president, a colorful tradition in the medium, especially in its late-night time slots, since at least the Nixon administration.
“If you’re a comedian and you die and go to heaven, Bill Clinton is your president,” said Robert J. Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University. “If you’re a comedian and you die and go to hell, Barack Obama is your president.”
So even the liberal la times agrees with me.
Well CHRISTIAN Marvin the Pervert is at it again, showing off his LOVE of God by challenging people to fights when he knows damn good and well he hasn’t the stones to show up and even if he wanted to, he’s locked up in the McNeil Island sex-offender unit for raping little boys. Or maybe not? What’s your address in LA Marvin you bitch?