– The two individuals indicted along with Marc Emery for selling marijuana seeds to American customers came down to Seattle from B.C. this week to enter a plea of guilty after reaching an agreement that would keep them from having to serve jail time. The formal sentencing will be on July 17. Hopefully, we’ll see a new U.S. Attorney for Western Washington who will have the sense to finally drop the charges against Emery and his partners and focus our limited resources on real criminals.
– Jacob Sullum looks at the potential for disaster as we plan to step up our efforts in Afghanistan.
– The Obama Administration moves to end the disparity between crack and powder cocaine penalties.
– The Cannabis Defense Coalition has posted its calendar of court dates. Over the next two months, there will be hearings in King, Snohomish, Mason, Okanagan, Grant, Stevens, and Kitsap Counties. I don’t know much about any of these cases, and some of them may be against individuals who were doing things outside of the medical marijuana law, but having observers in each of these courtrooms has been a tremendous help in making sure that any valid patients don’t get railroaded. If you have any interest in being an observer, please contact the CDC to find out about carpooling with others.
– If you thought that Obama was serious about not staffing his administration with any anti-science ideologues, you might want to think again.
– I almost missed the news of Pontiac’s demise. My dad, who has reliably bought only American cars since 1970, gave me his 1989 Grand Prix (manual transmission!) while I was in college. The Ann Arbor winters were rough on that thing, and within two years, much of the gray paint had peeled off the roof. I took it into a dealership in Lansing (where I was living for a summer) where I was told, “sorry, the car’s more than 5 years old, it’s not covered anymore”. My next car was a used BMW.
– And even more off-topic for this blog, my wife is a huge fan of Jon and Kate Plus 8, so I’ve been hearing a lot about this all week. All I know is that I’m looking forward to the episode where all hell breaks loose at a Pennsylvania Chuck E Cheese.
Bullet Train anyone?
Earlier Goldy raised the topic of the SCOTUS’s new ruling supporting the FCC’s rules on fleeting expletives.
Jimmy Kimmel shows the futility of bleeping words/images on TV by bleeping some non-obscenities:
Years back, Bill Marr did a wonderful job of showing the pointless of banning obscenities by telling Aaron Brown he’d spent his weekend “trying to get some stanky on his hang-down.”
Apparently the Newt-Omatic doesn’t think the right to free speech exists in Canada, despite free speech being part of their Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
@3: LOL, I can imagine Bill Maher saying that.
Yep, being the typical libtard… Bill Mahar was gonna visit the Hershey Highway that night!
Speaking of the Hershey Highway – I really enjoyed fucking Puffybutt’s fat, ugly wife in the ass last night – she revealed many new facts about Puffybutt including the fact that he was a deserter.
Hey – CYNCYN is at it again!
Delusional one @7… only in your truly violent dreams dude! You ain’t packing enough!
Typical rightie, hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about. Stanky’s a girl thing and not from her backside either.
Um, I’m not sure how to break it to you…
That wasn’t Puddy’s wife, it was michael moore. He even mentioned you by name on his blog. And by the way, michael didn’t say deserter, he said desert.
Oh Mike@10, Puddy understood what getting Stanky was. Puddy was making fun of Bill…
Remember Mike, it was Van Halen who introduced the Stanky Leg and it was the G Spot Boyz and Soulja Boy who moved it along…
Ever did the original Soulja Boy dance Mike?
Ewwwwwwwwwwww, Stillbentover on Michael Moore? Spare me that view puuuuuuuuulease!
President Obama offered condolonces to the family of the baby who died of swine flu, and then said “this is obviously a very serious situation”.
Now, 36,000 people die every year of the “regular flu”. Am i missing something, or does this whole swine flu thing feel like a setup?
So you see that Marvin the child raping pervert is admitting here that he fantasizes about sex with Michael Moore. And yes – this turd Marvin is one of the many claiming to be a “Christian.”
It’s easy to see why people have almost as much disdain for the church as they do for child raping cowardly publicans like Marvin!
Stop the swine flu. Kill an illegal.
See @17
@17 Looks to me like Catholic prep-school kids did as much spreading of the flu as anyone.
Yeah, that sign is awful and other than the one person holding up the sign, who backs that idea?
In America you’re free to make bad choices and say stupid shit.
Dori knows the people in the march are “communists and illegals” how?
You just gotta tip your hat to Dori though, he did a great job of taking one marchers use of eliminationist language to stereo type and justify his use of eliminationist language against everyone in the march.
That marcher has an audience of one, how big is Dori’s?
Probably the same leftist that made this sign or maybe this sign.
And in obama’s america, taxpayers will pay for the bad choices.
One of the same tricks out of the saul alinsky playbook that obama and his minions have been using.
I disagree with you on that, but even if it is true it doesn’t make it OK if both sides do it and did doesn’t change the truth of my statement @21.
Same as with Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, Carter, Ford, Nixion…
BTW, The Republicans on the list left us further in the hole than the Democrats did.
u fucking morons,the jews have it all figured out.this swine flu scam is a test run. first,they dumbed down the schools for years, so for example, they sell a pill called crestor for high cholesterol, but in fine print at the bottom of the screen it says it has not been shown to prevent strokes or heart attacks. so they figure if people are that stupid they can now start saying there’s this flu,and they are going to start restricting your freedoms….its coming morons,they’re not going to ebslave you at the point of a gun, they’re going to use your own stupidity
Woman of lies you are helping to prove that being inbred is a real problem.
Well, he does have a point about the swine flu epidemic being overblown
‘O yeah, it’s the Jews, why didn’t I think of that…
You remind me of the people who, 700 years ago, tried to blame the Black Plague on the Jews. Jews and the Black death aren’t connected. Cotton didn’t cause slavery either.
Haha. Stuff it Lee.
Now that you have a kid, why don’t you put down the bong for once and try being a role model for your child and a good father? Time to grow up already. It’s really hard for you, I know. Whoa! Dude!