– Comfortable Shoes and the Gender Gap
– Money is speech unless it’s used against the NRA.
– Bidness owners who want increased revenue from the state. (point 2)
– I’m sure most of you who care already know, but PZ Myers is coming to town this week.
Rick Warren and Michele Bachmann are evil clowns.
It’s always disheartening watching these performers, mistaken for ‘leaders’, dance and sing and screech about the virtues of impoverishing the masses in the service of enriching the few.
If money is speech, shouldn’t there be a less expensive way to say “It’s for the children.”?
NEA and its state affiliates spent more than $310 million in direct contributions on political campaigns for candidates and issues in that 12-year period. That figure does not include independent expenditures or issue advertising. Almost $53.4 million came from NEA national headquarters, while another $257.1 million was spent by affiliates.
It’s almost like those teachers are really saying something other than that.
But Justice Kennedy seemed very unlikely to provide either side with the fifth vote needed to prevail. He was deeply concerned with the wisdom of acting now when in his view the social science of the effects of same-sex marriage is uncertain because it is so new.
Makes sense to me, white male heterosexual that I am. The demographics are shifting and the politics are shifting – hell, in the past 24+ hours we’ve had McCaskill, Pryor, and Begich suddenly discover they support gay marriage – so if everyone just backed off a little and let the shifts continue, there’d be much less to fight about in the not-too-distant future.
Now, if I was a gay man and loved my partner and deeply wanted to marry and for that marriage to be respected at all levels, I’d probably have a different opinion.
It’s too bad that CA decided not to defend Prop 8. If the Supremes decide to punt, the issue remains unsettled.
“Dogs and cats, living together….”
And three liberal justices joining Justice Thomas in a 5-4 opinion written by Justice Scalia.
The Gay Agenda
I wish gun store owners were this conscientious about selling guns to criminals and murderers.
If money is speech, shouldn’t there be a less expensive way to say “It’s for the children.”?
It would be, if there wasn’t such consistent and relentless lobbying to defund and destroy public schools by conservatives.
I think the Supreme Court might just punt on Proposition 8 and DOMA. There is no case or controversy before the court in either case, since both sides in each case are in agreement. The constitution does not provide for the Supreme Court to render advisory opinions, only to decide actual cases that are in controversy.
Maybe there should be a new “reality” TV program starring Rick Warren entitled “The Real Hypocrites of Orange County”.
Last evening there was an accident near our house in which two people were killed and their daughter in law and infant grandchild helicoptered to Harborview in critical condition. This grand feat was done by a middle-aged guy with a shitty driving record and a few drinks under his belt roaring up a hill into the sun in his big penis-substitute pickup. I suspect a lot of y’all saw it on last night’s TeeVee news.
If he could do that with a motor vehicle, think of what he might have accomplished with a semi-automatic rifle.
@ 7
It would be, if there wasn’t such consistent and relentless lobbying to defund and destroy public schools by conservatives.
Yeah, that must have been why Chris Christie assumed control of Camden schools. It was to defund and destroy them.
During the 2011-12 school year, Camden spent $23,709 per student, compared with the statewide average of $18,045, the governor’s office said.
Statistics published by the New Jersey Board of Education show that school graduation rates in Camden are among the lowest in the state. In 2012, the city’s graduation rate fell to 49.27%, down from 56.89% the year before. This is well below the state average graduation rate of 86.46% in 2012.
From 2011 to 2012, only 2% of Camden students scored above a 1550 out of a possible 2400 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), compared with 43% students nationally. Only 19% and 30.4% of third- through eighth-grade students tested proficient in language arts and in math, respectively, both numbers well below the state average, the document say.
@11 Excuse the free association here, but our troll emeritus “Piper Scott”, who now lives back east, responded to Jim Carey having the gall to speak in public in favor of gun restrictions by declaring that Mr. Carey should be forced to live for a year in Camden.
@ 6
I wish gun store owners were this conscientious about selling guns to criminals and murderers.
You apparently, yet again, are not paying attention, RR.
They are:
From 1999 to 2009 the largest number of denials – about 900,000, or 56 percent of all denials – was due to a would-be buyer having a felony conviction. In addition, about 15 percent of denials were due to a would-be buyer having a conviction for domestic violence or being under a restraining order.
I’ll sidestep your apparent assertion that murderers are not criminals.
Job prospects brighten for Lib Sci’s children:
The health-care law could prove to be a boon for temporary-staffing companies as employers outsource jobs to sidestep complex requirements for medical insurance.
But some experts say the Affordable Care Act’s exceptions for temporary employees could undercut the goal of expanding coverage to more American workers.
The health law is also prompting larger organizations to use temp agencies. By requiring employer coverage only for those who put in at least 30 hours a week, the act appears to create an incentive for companies to do less with permanent workers and more with part-timers, which are the main focus of staffing agencies.
Manpower is talking to clients about “a more flexible labor model,” where workers “might be working 29 hours a week,” company chief executive Jeffrey A. Joerres told investors in January, adding, “We definitely look at it as a positive.”
School administrators in Dothan, Ala., decided to hire substitute teachers through Kelly Services to avoid possible health-cost obligations if they were to employ them directly.
I guess passing the bill so we could find out what’s in it is as dumbfuck stupid an idea as it sounds. Figures it was Pelosi’s idea.
Time will tell if Christie will help the school district or not.
The disgusting comments on this web site seem to think it’s not possible.
@14. Hey asshole, why are you referencing Liberal’s kids? Why do you always attack the children? There is something seriously wrong with you.
@ 16
You misunderstand, NTfF. I haven’t made one attack on his children.
I have, on numerous occasions, made reference to potential/likely deleterious consequences of liberal policy, or written statements by Lib Sci himself in certain instances, that might affect his children.
There’s a difference. Actions have consequences. All I’m doing is pointing them out.
Speaking of consequences of actions, I have to wonder if Camden’s problems @ 15 are the result of years and years of neglect on the part of liberal politicians and the unions who make sure they keep getting re-elected.
Corzine didn’t do NJ any favors, that’s for sure.
Need another name? Torricelli.
@14 Typical Conservatives, anything but anything to avoid paying a living wage and benefits.
I checked, Dothan, Ala. is a conservative area voting for Romney at 70%.
@18 How about Christie Whitman?
Nice to see the NRA wallowing in the pigsties of free speech and wealth inequality. Whoever said democracy isn’t messy?
@ 20
How about her? She smelled a rat in Camden long ago:
New Jersey Moves to Assume Daily Operation of Camden
In an unprecedented intervention into local affairs, Gov. Christine Todd Whitman has proposed that New Jersey officials take control of virtually all of Camden’s financial dealings.
The proposal, included in the pending $18 billion state budget approved by Senate and Assembly committees on Thursday, would establish a seven-member financial review board appointed by the Governor with sweeping powers over Camden’s budget, labor contracts and borrowing plans.
@10 And we’ll all pay higher insurance premiums as a result of claim payments generated by drivers like him.
@10 (continued) An habitual drunk driving without a license, and probably has no insurance either …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A couple years in jail isn’t enough. The legislature should upgrade crimes like this to murder with a life sentence. And “life” should mean life. This guy should never be on the streets again.
How can you spot a weak liberal argument?
The attempt to demonize Michael Bloomberg is going to be amazing and, more than likely, anti-Semitic,…
When a liberal can’t argue a point based on its merits without alleging racism (or in this case the rhetorical equivalent) of his/her opponent.
@ 24
Leave it to HA’s self-designated Legal Eagle Roger Rabbit to insightfully delve into and report only the most salient points of an issue.
It’s at least the perp’s third DUI and now there are two people laid out on a slab because of it.
What does RR point out? Dude didn’t have a license.
Gee. I can’t wait for RR’s analysis of today’s SCOTUS oral arguments.
@10 (continued) If he did this in Mexico or Afghanistan or Russia the victims’ relatives would simply kill him and society would be done with him.
How about a civil commitment process for habitual drunk drivers similar to what we have for sexual predators? After they do their prison time, they go to McNeil, and never get out. Sounds good to me. Too damn many Easter Bunnies are getting run over by drunk drivers on Aurora and Greenlake Way.
We have some positive economic data this morning and the Dow is +100 points. I’ve made $2600 this morning. I almost feel sorry for puddy because the poor guy has to WORK in a JOB to support himself. Not me! I’m a Capitalist living on the fat of the land.
@14, 17. That is a weasel word distinction and you know it. Get help. Really, you need help. There is something seriously wrong with you.
@26 Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired. Were you home-schooled? Thought so. Did you learn to be a doctor from a self-help book? I’ll pass. I’d rely on voodoo before I’d let you treat me for so much as a hangnail.
@30 Nah, he’s just another word-twisting rightwing psychopathic liar. See, e.g., #26.
@28 We could do a swap of low level drug offense prisoners for drunk driving killers. That would make the for profit prison industry happy, they wouldn’t lose too much money.
I post a comment that says habitual drunk drivers who kill people should be locked up for life, and Mr. Weasel Words comes back with a retort like this: “What does RR point out? Dude didn’t have a license.” I really didn’t need to reply to this at all, because it so plainly speaks for itself.
@33 Habitual drunk drivers who kill people deserve to be fed the sawdust-extended bread and watered-down water for-profit prison companies feed their “customers” to cut costs and make more profit.
@ 30
It’s one thing to argue policy, ideology, and how it affects us personally. People smoke even though they know it’s bad for them – personal choice.
When couched in terms of how things might affect one’s children, who haven’t yet had an opportunity to make decisions for themselves and still rely on adult guidance, some arguments might carry greater weight.
Nothing weasel-word about that. It’s common, say, to want legalized and easily procured marijuana but to not want one’s kids exposed to it, or to be harmed due to its use by others (say, to be killed in a crosswalk by a driver under THC influence, for instance). There’s an inconsistency there, of sorts, and that’s my approach with Lib Sci. Some of what he advocates, such as higher taxation and ever-increasing debt burdens, will weigh heavily on his children. Why can’t I point that out?
It might be a little mean to point out that the long-term consequences of higher Federal debt will be borne primarily by his children and not by me, as I only have a few working years left in which I’ll be significantly affected by them.
Doesn’t mean it’s inaccurate.
@36. More Weasel words. Nothing but Weasel words to justify your writing about specific children in a derogatory manner. You did the same thing when you got called on mocking the looks of the president’s daughter and called Travon Martin a “thug in training”. You have repeatedly indulged in personal attacks on Liberal using his children.
Serial Conn, Get help. There is something seriously wrong with you.
North Dakota and their six-week abortion ban. Good luck with the women’s vote come 2016. I’d ask that you try harder to blow it, Bob, but I don’t know that you could.
@ 38
It’s the economy, stupid.
Unemployment Rates for States
Monthly Rankings
Seasonally Adjusted
Jan. 2013p
Rank State Rate
3.3% unemployment due to pro-energy economy there.
I appreciate your concern, Steve, but methinks I’ll take me chances.
CNN NEWS FLASH: Pics released of Tucker Carlson wearing only a bow-tie, cavorting with Dominican Republic prostitutes. Details @ 5:00PM
Heh. Calm down. I’m just kidding, Bob. I just feel bad that the faked Menendez prostitute story you endlessly peddled didn’t work out for you. After your epic Benghazi! fail, that really had to suck.
“I’ll take me chances”
Your pinning your hopes for 2016 on North Dakota, Nebraska and South Dakota? Yeah, you’re taking your chances, alright. LMFAO!!
@ 41
How about we start with Tim Johnson’s seat in 2014, and go from there, Steve?
Although you’ll instantly counter with Dorgan’s seat staying D, which is a good point, which I would counter with Obama can’t run again……..
Wow! What a relief for North Dakota that is.. What a relief for the whole country!
If only we had the “resolute” leadership of John McSame and Willard Rmoney. There’d be bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb and boots on the ground in Iran in no time flat..
The economy would be saved!
43 – “saved” with tax cuts for the “jawb kweatohs” thrown in of course.
Puddy wonders if Mark W. Mullan was let go due to libtard judges in libtard King and Snohomish Counties. Puddy wonders if Richard Pope can find out. It would really suck if he was let go do to judges who rule DUMMOCRAPT!
More about that Mark W. Mullan
Hey Artfart, Puddy wonders if this is where ekim gets his goats… from the same story
Or ArtFart is that your lady?
@39 Yeah, conservatives are running out of cheap labor in those states, so all the babies are needed and you can’t abort them.
@45 Will GOP legislators support life imprisonment for habitual drunk drivers who kill people? Until they do, don’t blame the judges.
Pud @ 45
1 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant Kcdc-east Div (sho) N00067230 11-08-1994
2 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant Puyallup Municipal 59976 01-03-1991
3 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant Puyallup Municipal 53465 05-15-1990
4 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant Seattle Municipal Ct 532564 01-19-2009
5 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant Seattle Municipal Ct 206093 07-11-1994
6 Mullan, Mark W
RESPONDENT King Co Superior Ct 99-2-10854-0 05-03-1999
7 Mullan, Mark W
RESPONDENT King Co Superior Ct 08-3-08902-2 12-30-2008
8 Mullan, Mark W
RESPONDENT King Co Superior Ct 03-3-09255-3 07-24-2003
9 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant Sno Co-south Div 7631A-12D 11-05-2012
10 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant Seattle Municipal Ct 584929 12-26-2012
11 Mullan, Mark W
Defendant King County District 213008040 03-26-2013
Thanks Richard Pope. Now can one figure out which judge heard those cases again Mullan? Two people died here and the lady is not doing well.
Sorry PUTZ, this is more information than we really want.
Say PUTZ, how is typing those wget statements going for yah? Keeping you busy are they?
Chinese navy makes waves in South China Sea
BEIJING – A Chinese navy flotilla is conducting military drills at an island chain that is claimed by nearby Malaysia in a rare and provocative visit to the southernmost part of the South China Sea.
The military show of force into the far reaches of the sea was seen by some experts as a signal from the new Chinese leadership installed this month under President Xi Jinping that it is going to enforce its claims to the entire South China Sea.
Good thing we didn’t allow VULTURE CAPITALISTS like MITT RMONEY move our tech industry to China. That would have been STUPID.
# 54: Remember Pres. Reagan sending a carrier fleet into waters claimed by Libya? The administration claimed it was just exercising it’s “right of passage” through international waters.
Unfortunately, we reap what we sow – we can’t do much to complain about China sending it’s Navy into the area – at least not until they start landing troops on the disputed islands.
Japan is still suffering economically from it’s dispute with China this past year over an island (I forget the name). China plays the economic card, restricting flights and landing rights by Japanese airlines, which had counted on the China market (freight and passenger) as part of their own expansion strategies.
@ 55
I do not believe you are accurately characterizing the Gulf of Sidra events. To which of them do you refer?
You also failed to note that Libya’s claim of territoriality was far beyond that recognized by international law.
Poor ekim goatherder, has to twist PuddyOriginal Missives because he can’t think originally for themselves (ekim and his goat harem).
Oh ekim, the wget worked perfectly… If unemployed Pluto boy knew what wget allows one to perform unemployed Pluto boy would be worth his weight in horse manure.
BUTTPUTTY the pedophile clergy loving PUTZ is so funny.
PUTZ is like a cat trying to cover up a mess on the carpet. PUTZ knows his perverse desire for goats is well documented. Yet PUTZ keeps trying to put it on others so PUTZ can say “you do it too.”
But no matter what BUTTPUTTY, you’re always the PUTZ.
Ekim @ 58
Wow! You’ve got this idiot @ 57 tied up in knots..
He’s OBSESSED with you! Just like he was with Rujax!..
He can’t get you out of his head!
Great work man! You’re on the right track with this right wing goon.
Oh you two are so much alike… a goat herder and an unemployed mental case.
Obsessed with whom unemployed Pluto boy? Puddy PWNs both goat harem ekim and lunatic unemployed Pluto boy.
Why do you two freak shows keep coming back to post? Gotta have the last word.
ekim – north seattle young goat waiting for ya. Use your big boots for extra comfort.
60 – Oh shit you’re such a fool! Ekim’s got you tied around his pinky!
YLB @59
Ekim @ 58
Wow! You’ve got this idiot @ 57 tied up in knots..
He’s OBSESSED with you!
You think he may be interested in my gentleman parts? Now that would bother me.
Hey BUTTPUTTY, you PUTZ, you leave my goodies alone! You hear me. You already have a bunch of farm animals to molest.
62 – Who can say what this fiend is truly interested in?
I’d rather not know myself.
Hey BUTTPUTTY the PUTZ, why is it you know where all the goats are around here? So much of a focus on goats you have.
No matter what BUTTPUTTY, you still a PUTZ.
@63, Farm animals and pedophile clergy seem to be his main interest.
Then there are those wget statements he is so fond of.
A real Sysadmin he is. Says so himself.
The one thing that does not change is:
BUTTPUTTY is still a PUTZ.
Puddy@60 was prescient again! Nuff said suckas.
Thanks again for playing: name those ignorant libtards!
Good day!