To those fondly speculating about Gov. Chris Gregoire being on the list of potential nominees to replace retiring US Supreme Court Justice David Souter, I offer two words of caution: Brad Owen.
The only good reason I can possibly think of for Gregoire becoming a Supreme Court Justice is that she’d be gone from here.
proud leftistspews:
Given that it’s an Open Thread and all, and it’s Friday night, and I want this week’s Golden Goat winner to know of his honor, I’ll post this again:
Hey, HA’ers, on this spectacular PNW Friday afternoon, I am bursting at the seams with pleasure; the pleasure springs from my getting to announce this week’s HA Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Due to some internal turmoil and untimely bouts with drunkenness, we were unable to obtain a quorum of voting members of the Goat Award Academy over the last couple weeks. The unfortunate result was that some deserving trolls went Goatless during that time. I apologize to those who were out there scratching tooth and nail for the Goat, only to find out that the Goat had vanished into ephemera.
Well, we’re back, and back in a big way. There was bruising, every-man-for-himself competition this week. As a casual observer, I was often in stunned disbelief this week at the viciousness of the roundhouse rights, uppercuts, and jabs our trolls threw at each other as they scrapped for glory. We had some events that caused hyperventilation among our trolls—Specter’s defection to the Enlightened, incredible poll numbers for Obama, and now a Supreme Court vacancy. I suppose we could excuse the insanity such events cause our trolls, but I do not care to do so. I prefer to reward the numbing nonsense about which they natter.
This week, on the national scale, we saw such creative spinning from GOP leaders that the Academy thought about opening up the competition to them, even if they don’t post here. I mean how can we not acknowledge performances like those of Mitch McConnell (Specter’s defection is a “local Pennsylvania matter”) and James Inhofe (Specter’s defection “provides the first visible evidence of a Republican resurgence”)? Damn, it’s tough to let such performances go without public salute. Ultimately, however, the Academy decided that broadening the pool of competitors to include those who do not post here was simply unfair to our own trolls. They work so hard to produce their bewildering witch’s brew of vitriol, non sequiturs, and inanity. They deserve attention. So, we’ll continue to serve the community that serves us.
This week’s winner, despite the spirited competition we witnessed, whacked the others. This fellow spewed like there would be no tomorrow, woodshedded facts like the inconvenient parasites they are, and built an altar to hubris. Endearingly, he believes that a reasoned argument simply involves repeating rightwing talking points until the other guy finally just walks away in exasperation. One of the characteristics we who visit here often love most about this week’s winner is his complete lack of humor. Statues smile more than this guy. How can we not respect someone who has been able to rid his personality of that drag on productivity–humor? Our winner also takes projection to new levels. All of us to his left, which includes pretty much everyone other than Dick Cheney, James Inhofe, and Sarah Palin, are haters, losers, and suckers of the public teat. He, however, presumably, well, I don’t want to presume about him. We know him by his words, and that is all we need to know about him to love him.
And, the Goat goes to—
Rick D., or as those of who love him affectionately address him, Little Ricky Dumbass. Finally, Ricky, your hard work has produced your reward. So, Ricky, strut and groove out there for all to see. The limelight never lasts long, so twirl around on center stage while you’ve got the camera’s eye. Puff out that chest, cock your head, you got game, man. Way to go, Ricky. You have won the Goat. Damn, that must feel good. Best to you, my friend.
Tamiflu is fun. A 10 day course that causes nausea and vomiting. You have to be prescribed something else for that.
Practically everyone who walks into a clinic now with a sneeze or a cough is being tested. Negative pressure room. Nurse or assistant wearing gown, face mask, etc. Nasal swab. Sent somewhere for testing and then if it’s of interest, sent on to the CDC.
Justified but it sure can crimp one’s style. Better that though than a bed in an ICU.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
You’re being satirical, right? I mean, what if Christine Gregoire was YOUR daughter?**
@1 Gregoire is a brilliant attorney and a logical choice for SCOTUS, although I don’t think she wants the job. As for you, you’re a nobody, a little skinny nothing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This comment is for the god-damned wingnut liars who claim Bush’s torturers merely “slapped around” a few detainees:
“Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, has testified to Congress that more than 100 detainees died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, with up to 27 of these declared homicides by the military. They were allegedly kicked to death, shot, suffocated or drowned.”
I’d also like to point out that the International Red Cross has determined that approximately 90% of the Iraqi detainees abused at Abu Ghraib were innocent.
I don’t agree with President Obama on not bringing the torturers to trial. It will set a bad precedent if we don’t bring them to trial. And if we don’t, someone else might, and a day may come when a U.S. jail will look pretty good to some of these people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember the soldier who reported the Abu Ghraib abuses because it was his job? He needed MP protection because rightwingers threatened to kill him.
Seattle Jew, a true liberalspews:
Roger Rabbit … stop eating the leaves, focus on the carrots!
@1 Gregoire is a brilliant attorney and a logical choice for SCOTUS, although I don’t think she wants the job. As for you, you’re a nobody, a little skinny nothing.
Gregoire is a WHAT???
Our Gov has many admirable traits but she is less qualified to be a justice of the SC than .. well than Clarence Thomas. Unlike him she has no significant judicial experience. Her management of the AGs office .. well lets leave that be as we are talking about scholar ship or legal acumen?
She CONVENED the state AG group that sued the tobacco companies. That was laudable but the ability to get elected attorneys to work together says very, very little about her courtroom or intellectual legal skills.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Janet Napalitano has decided it’s better for border agents and custom agents working at the border to not wear face masks.
Stammers @ 7: What do you care what union guards think…aren’t they just labor thugs?
Stick to your root principles, man.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Gregoire is a political hack who has spent her entire working life on the government dole. SCOTUS would cap a lifetime of being an economic leech: she’d never have to retire, have a cushy job with absolutely no accountability to anyone, and make good money to boot.
The only good thing to come of Queen Christine, the Grinch’s sister, going to be on the SCOTUS would be that she wouldn’t be here. While I’d love it if she was to leave the state forever, she could actually do more harm to the country and the world by being on the Supreme Court. Hopefully, the Milk Chocolate Messiah won’t be dumb enough to nominate her.
Gregoire is a political hack who has spent her entire working life on the government dole.
Same as John McCain, maybe she should run for president.
Your argument doesn’t hold water. The 27 deaths classified as homicides, are not necessarily related to, or as a result of, interrogation. That is total homicide deaths while in US custody. Therefore you cannot claim “Bush’s torturers” are solely responsible.*
And some of those homicidal deaths, were extra-judicial and the perpetrators have been tried and convicted.
Others, well, let’s just say, pulling the trigger on an IED will get your ass kicked by the surviving recipients of the IED. It’s fucking war, what do you expect.
*[Unless by “Bush’s torturers” you mean the entirety of US forces in Iraq. Which would put you squarely in the camp of the soft hearted (and soft headed) anti-war left, which feels any act committed by US troops is inherently evil and must be prosecuted. That group of useful idiots should be staked out for the buzzards. That might be considered torture – for the buzzards – I’m sure ANSWER and Code Pink wacko meat is quite bitter.]
Ha-ha-ha-ha. Are you serious? Queen Chrissy is an intellectual lightweight, even for a weasel, er I mean lawyer.
Normally the ugly girls have more than a few brains, but don’t let her looks fool you, she’s a dumb as they come. Vicious and venal – yes. Brilliant – hardly.
Unkl Witzspews:
I predict that no matter who Obama nominate, the right will characterize them at “THE MOST LIBERAL JUDGE ON THE BENCH”, anywhere.
Richard Popespews:
To those fondly speculating about Gov. Chris Gregoire being on the list of potential nominees to replace retiring US Supreme Court Justice David Souter, I offer two words of caution: Brad Owen.
Personally, I would be more worried about ROB McKENNA. If Gregoire is appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, Owen takes over as ACTING Governor, and legally remains as Lieutenant Governor. There would be a special election in November 2009 to fill the vacant position. Depending on when Gregoire was confirmed, it might be too late for a primary, and the November special election could be plurality winner elected.
I would predict McKenna would win a special election in November by a country mile. If McKenna is head-to-head against a Democrat in a top-two runoff, he would win by at least 5 points, if not 10 points. If there is no primary, Republicans will unite behind McKenna, and there could be several Democratic candidates, making it a complete walkover for McKenna.
No, I don’t want McKenna as Governor. But I am afraid that if McKenna gets to run for Governor any time in the next few years, he will be fairly easily elected. He is a much stronger candidate than Dino Rossi, who almost got elected once, and didn’t do too badly six months ago when Republicans were getting massacred.
Normally the ugly girls have more than a few brains, but don’t let her looks fool you, she’s a dumb as they come.
This coming from the the genius who thought Palin would seal it for McSame. Ha ha ha!
This fool most certainly has a face made for radio. No doubt the mind is as ugly as they come in the right wing world.
I’m sure ANSWER and Code Pink
What is it with wingnuts and those two groups? They’re about as irrelevant to what’s happened the last eight years as it gets.
Morons like the fool @ 16 will do anything to deny the reality of last November. Hint to the moron: answer and code pink had next to nothing to do with it.
This country tried the right wing program for almost 30 years. It was a disaster. The people threw the bums out. Now they’re trying something else.
If Obama’s approval numbers are any indication, they’re willing to try it for quite a while longer. Sure sucks to be the right wing.
As predicted, the knuckle dragging racist right at Faux News is using the Swine Flu to drum up hatred for Mexicans.
Oops looks like old Newt The Hoot (you know the right wing hypocrite who was banging his intern at the time the GOP was spending 50 million in taxpayer dollars to try to mess with President Clinton?) is in trouble. He’s attacking his own party. Nothing makes me happier than watching the right wing traitors fight amongst themselves.
She can head back east and fuck shit up on a national level with Sims. Why can’t you tards see what losers these people are? Brilliant attorney? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH FUCK ME TO TEARS ARE YOU KIDDING?
Hmmm, Michelle Obama spending a whopping $540 on sneakers! Just a girl of the people, yup. My sneakers cost $50. And I thought that was expensive. I’m sure you guys are freaking out that Mrs. Obama is wasting so much money on clothes when she could be paying that money into the treasury instead.
proud leftistspews:
Call me at my personal line, then continue your whine. Here’s my number–(206) FUC-KYOU. I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Kountry Klubber AND Yacht Klub Kommodore…the martini-swilling Steve.
I know you love to quote Rasmussen.
Well here’s something to stuff your olive with:
Today’s Rasmussen shows Obama’s worst number EVER! The more the guy talks, flip-flops and dicks around, the worse it gets!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 33% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-two percent (32%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +1
Hey Steve–
That’s a 97% drop since a couple days post-Inauguration and a 50% drop since you starting quoting.
Your KLOWNISH Atheist Progressive Agenda is stalled.
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. What’sittoya spews:
Hmmm, Michelle Obama spending a whopping $540 on sneakers!
And just a few months ago left wing-nuts complained about how expensive the clothes palin was given were.
Why did the left wing-nuts stop being concerned about the cost of clothes?
Oh yeah…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
The left wing-nuts on this blog can’t handle the truth, they won’t even mention the truth.
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. Mr. Cynical spews:
Hey Kountry Klubber AND Yacht Klub Kommodore…the martini-swilling Steve.
I know you love to quote Rasmussen.
He won’t be quoting rasmussen again for a while. At least until rasmussen says something steve agrees with. Steve is like that.
Hey Steve–
a 50% drop since you starting quoting.
Good work steve. I always knew you were on our side. And with your obsession with goat sex this blog is struggling to get half the hits of Sound Politics. I’m sure stefan appreciates your efforts steve.
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. proud leftist spews:
Call me at my personal line, then continue your whine. Here’s my number–(206) FUC-KYOU. I look forward to hearing from you.
I called the number and it wasn’t yours.
I got a prerecorded message from ron sims saying that public records are his personal property and he’s not going to follow the law.
I wasn’t shocked considering how ron sims already screwed the taxpayers once by not obeying the law and forcing the government into paying stefan off so he wouldn’t take the case to court.
Rasmussen? Rasmussen shows that those who think the country is on the right track has gone up 16% since our President was elected. 69% of Republicans believe that the Republicans in congress don’t share their values. A couple of months ago support for our president was at 56%. Now it’s at 54%, (plummeting! Tanking! Sinking!) but only due to rabid Republican swine following the Bloated Bloviator over the cliff into irrelevance.
Mr. Klynical and his little doppleganger, the goatfucking Marvin, are so damned desparate to find a glimmer of hope for their regional, third party GOP. Here’s a clue for you – there is no hope. You’re fucked and even Rasmussen, an extremist right-wing Faux News poll, shows it. Pew, a non-partisan poll, shows support for President Obama at 73%. Suck on that one, losers.
Strange, after looking at it they came to the conclusion it wasn’t so bad. That’s codespeak for I’ll say anything to trash republicans and win elections but I’ll do the same thing.
Are you left wing-nuts seeing what is happening here? Obama is finding out that the bush policies are best for the country. Of course, obama can admit it now after the election.
Change? Nope, same as bush.
Did you notice, Marvin (who fucks goats) that Mr. Klynical ran away in shame from the Great Trade Confirmation Showdown? Do you know why? Mr. Klynical lied. There were no Wells Fargo trades. There were no investments. There were no trades. There was no risk taking. It was nothing but bullshit spewed by a fucking liar. And when the market collapsed due to the failure of everything you sorry fucks believe in, Mr. Klynical was so paralyzed with fear and dread he couldn’t make a move. His lack of faith in America, humanity and capitalism left him on the sidelines. As I was investing in great American corporations, Mr. Klynical was breaking out in a cold sweat. The sorry fuck lost out on the greatest investment opportunity of a lifetime. That’s what happens when you have no courage and no faith. That’s what happens when you don’t believe in America.
Goldy has my trade confirmations. Mr. Klynical has nothing to show. Instead, he ran away and hid in shame knowing that he’d been called out on his lies.
And you, Marvin? You fuck goats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Steve spews:
Did you notice, Marvin (who fucks goats) that Mr. Klynical ran away in shame from the Great Trade Confirmation Showdown?
Nope, I didn’t notice. Sorry.
I challenge you to the great goat showdown. Give goldy the proof that I fuck your goats.
Or you can run away in shame.
You choice steve.
(CNN) — Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr said Saturday it’s hard to “overestimate the damage” that’s been inflicted on the Republican Party — not only with this week’s defection of Sen. Arlen Specter, but also the “lack of any coherent philosophy, vision or leadership.”
“The Republican Party is in very deep trouble right now,” Barr said in an interview with CNN.
Barr added that Specter’s decision is “just another sign that the Republican Party nationally lacks any semblance of leadership.”
Asked if he ever considered returning to the GOP, Barr said, “That would make no sense as all, either from a philosophical standpoint or from the standpoint of wanting to join a party that knows what it’s all about.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Steve spews:
Mr. Klynical has nothing to show. Instead, he ran away and hid in shame knowing that he’d been called out on his lies.
When you fail to give goldy the proof, I will remind you that I called you out on your lies and you hid in shame.
Time to man up steve. Are you up to the task?
@35 That’s your comeback? Too much goatfucking must have fried what was left of your mind.
Marvin’s now reduced to seeking proof that he doesn’t fuck goats. Good luck with that.
Obama is finding out that the bush policies are best for the country.
Bullshit. He’s finding out that to clean up after Bush, he can’t use the American system.
It just illustrates how ugly and alien Bush was.
Sorry Marv, no matter which way you try to spin it, the last eight lost years were an ugly chapter in our history whose consequences will be with us for a long time.
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. Steve spews:
@35 That’s your comeback? Too much goatfucking must have fried what was left of your mind.
Thanks. You know I like it when you respond so quickly. I would hate to think you had anything else in life to do but wait for me to post.
So, are you going to urn over your proof I fuck your goats or are you going to do the exact same thing you accuse Cynical of doing?
39. Steve spews:
Marvin’s now reduced to seeking proof that he doesn’t fuck goats.
Actually, I was asking you for your proof I do fuck goats. I was simply calling you out and well, just like gbs you failed to back up your words.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. YLB spews: Obama is finding out that the bush policies are best for the country.
Bullshit. He’s finding out that to clean up after Bush, he can’t use the American system.
Can’t use the american system? What’s he going to do, outsourse his responsibility?
It’s amazing how you can make excuses for obama doing the same as bush.
Is that why you are so bitter and hateful despite your party being in power? Knowing that you have to defend the very same thing you whined about under bush?
@41 OK. I just emailed Goldy proof that you fuck goats. Now it’s up to you to email Goldy proof that you don’t fuck goats. Then Goldy can start a “Does Marvin Fuck Goats?” thread where our proof is put up for open discussion and commenter judgement. If you fail to post proof, if there is no such thread, then everybody here can rightly assume that you have no proof and that you do indeed fuck goats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. Steve spews:
@41 OK. I just emailed Goldy proof that you fuck goats. Now it’s up to you to email Goldy proof that you don’t fuck goats.
Once goldy posts it I’ll email him the proof and respond in the thread. Now it is all up to goldy to post your proof. I hope he doesn’t ignore you steve.
If goldy refuses to post your proof, it is safe to say that goldy didn’t believe your proof met the low standard he holds for us trolls.
Well, 15 minutes have passed and Goldy has still received no proof that Marvin doesn’t fuck goats. You know what that means, don’t you?
Marvin fucks goats.
The illegitimate Queen? I don’t think so! At least she can’t steal this election….good ole’ pruneface would look silly in a robe anyhow.
Also, 5. Roger Rabbit spews:
‘As for you, you’re a nobody, a little skinny nothing.’
This coming from a retired janitor at the courthouse with extreme O.C.D. and in the beginning stages of senility. Talk about calling the kettle black!
Neal Horsley is back in the news. You all know him, Republican hero and all that. He was on the radio last night. Now, I already knew that he fucked barnyard animals – he’s an admitted mulefucker. That’s common knowledge. And I knew that he fucked washing machines – that’s out there too. What I didn’t know until last night was that he fucks watermelons! He actually said of wingnuts, “If there’s a warm watermelon out in the field, we give it a name!”
Now I’ve just gotta ask you, Marvin, do you grow watermelons?
Marvin Stamnspews:
The left is starting to notice that obama isn’t keeping his word.
Mia farrow is one of many speaking out against the obama.
During the campaign trail both he [Obama] and Biden made a lot of promises to help the region of Darfur, and nobody voted for him more excitedly than I but nothing has been done….
After March when the humanitarians were expelled I kept waiting for the shoe to drop but that never happened. I was just astounded, how could it be that a million lives could now be put at risk by a genocidal dictator and the world would just watch? I waited and waited — I waited for the appointment of an envoy. I saw that no-one was doing anything; it disappeared from the news entirely. But what I was getting from the camps and people on the ground was a very different and dire scenario unfolding, that no one seems to be talking about and writing about.
How many people have to die before obama does something.
Of course, the truth is obama doesn’t want to waste his time helping people in darfur when he is more concerned about making sure his wife has $500 shoes and he can eat his imported beef and spend over $300,000 to fly his donors around in air force one buzzing the city of new york.
Unless you are a taxpayer.
Rasmussen. Mr. Klynical and his goatfucking doppleganger like Rasmussen.
Hmm, Rasmussen concludes that 69% of Republicans think Republicans suck.
Only 21% of Republicans think Republicans don’t suck. 10% of Republicans are undecided about whether Republicans suck or not.
Marvin Stamnspews:
49. Steve spews:
Rasmussen. Mr. Klynical and his goatfucking doppleganger like Rasmussen.
How many threads are you going to post this in?
Alzheimers starting to kick in?
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. Steve spews:
Well, 15 minutes have passed and Goldy has still received no proof that Marvin doesn’t fuck goats.
If goldy refuses to post your proof, it is safe to say that goldy didn’t believe your proof met the low standard he holds for us trolls.
@51 No, you twit, if Goldy does not dispute me that means that I’ve posted convincing factual evidence to support the assertion that you fuck goats. In a nutshell, what this all boils down to is the fact that you fuck goats. I don’t see why you’re into all this denial, Marvin. Just follow the lead of your hero, Neal Horsely, who readily admitted that he fucks mules, washing machines and watermelons. I’m sure that nobody, well, Republicans anyway, will think the less of you for admitting to it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
When left wing san fran papers start noticing you know it’s become bad..
Maybe the rabbit can voice his legal opinion, but I feel that the fact sims didn’t want to answer any questions about the stadium case yet went on teev to talk about sounds fishy. Almost like he didn’t want to be on the record and be held accountable for his testimony. What say you rabbit, was sims afraid to answer the question
King County is also being sued for allegedly misusing funds set aside for wastewater treatment.
When things go bad for ron sims, they keep going bad.
King County will have to spend tens of millions of dollars to reimburse the fund
Damn. Sooner or later the rabbit will have to admit that ron sims screwed the city over.
@50 “How many threads are you going to post this in?”
You mean the Rasmussen “69% of Republicans think Republicans suck” poll? I thought I’d post it in every thread where Mr. Klynical posted his Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index poll results. Patience, Marvin, patience. I’ve only got 137 threads to go.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. Steve spews:
@51 No, you twit, if Goldy does not dispute me that means that I’ve posted convincing factual evidence to support the assertion that you fuck goats
If goldy refuses to post your proof, it is safe to say that goldy didn’t believe your proof met the low standard he holds for us trolls.
Sorry steve, the fact that goldy hasn’t posted your “proof” proves my point.
proud leftistspews:
Marvie is well-known in goat circles as a fucker of goats. I’m sure there are dozens of goats willing to testify about Marvie’s atrocities. It’s disgusting what he does with goats.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
56. proud leftist spews:
Marvie is well-known in goat circles as a fucker of goats. I’m sure there are dozens of goats willing to testify about Marvie’s atrocities. It’s disgusting what he does with goats.
I’m sure your Lutheran pastor daddy must be all swollen up with pride reading your posts pl.
Grow up and wise up.
You can do better than that…or is this the best you can do??
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. Mr. Cynical spews:
You can do better than that…or is this the best you can do??
As sad as it is, this is the best proud leftist can do.
He thinks he’s insulting me, I’m laughing at him and steve for acting like grade school kids. But damn, do I enjoy egging them on.
I’m sure your Lutheran pastor daddy must be all swollen up with pride reading your posts pl.
His daddy is a pastor? That explains it. Maybe I should be a little nicer to proud leftist now that I know why he is the wy he is.
why you are so bitter and hateful
Nope. Just resigned to an old truth: change comes slowly.
But it does come.
Inevitably those of your ilk will fade into faint white noise – you’ve been a disaster for the country.
The only good reason I can possibly think of for Gregoire becoming a Supreme Court Justice is that she’d be gone from here.
Given that it’s an Open Thread and all, and it’s Friday night, and I want this week’s Golden Goat winner to know of his honor, I’ll post this again:
Hey, HA’ers, on this spectacular PNW Friday afternoon, I am bursting at the seams with pleasure; the pleasure springs from my getting to announce this week’s HA Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Due to some internal turmoil and untimely bouts with drunkenness, we were unable to obtain a quorum of voting members of the Goat Award Academy over the last couple weeks. The unfortunate result was that some deserving trolls went Goatless during that time. I apologize to those who were out there scratching tooth and nail for the Goat, only to find out that the Goat had vanished into ephemera.
Well, we’re back, and back in a big way. There was bruising, every-man-for-himself competition this week. As a casual observer, I was often in stunned disbelief this week at the viciousness of the roundhouse rights, uppercuts, and jabs our trolls threw at each other as they scrapped for glory. We had some events that caused hyperventilation among our trolls—Specter’s defection to the Enlightened, incredible poll numbers for Obama, and now a Supreme Court vacancy. I suppose we could excuse the insanity such events cause our trolls, but I do not care to do so. I prefer to reward the numbing nonsense about which they natter.
This week, on the national scale, we saw such creative spinning from GOP leaders that the Academy thought about opening up the competition to them, even if they don’t post here. I mean how can we not acknowledge performances like those of Mitch McConnell (Specter’s defection is a “local Pennsylvania matter”) and James Inhofe (Specter’s defection “provides the first visible evidence of a Republican resurgence”)? Damn, it’s tough to let such performances go without public salute. Ultimately, however, the Academy decided that broadening the pool of competitors to include those who do not post here was simply unfair to our own trolls. They work so hard to produce their bewildering witch’s brew of vitriol, non sequiturs, and inanity. They deserve attention. So, we’ll continue to serve the community that serves us.
This week’s winner, despite the spirited competition we witnessed, whacked the others. This fellow spewed like there would be no tomorrow, woodshedded facts like the inconvenient parasites they are, and built an altar to hubris. Endearingly, he believes that a reasoned argument simply involves repeating rightwing talking points until the other guy finally just walks away in exasperation. One of the characteristics we who visit here often love most about this week’s winner is his complete lack of humor. Statues smile more than this guy. How can we not respect someone who has been able to rid his personality of that drag on productivity–humor? Our winner also takes projection to new levels. All of us to his left, which includes pretty much everyone other than Dick Cheney, James Inhofe, and Sarah Palin, are haters, losers, and suckers of the public teat. He, however, presumably, well, I don’t want to presume about him. We know him by his words, and that is all we need to know about him to love him.
And, the Goat goes to—
Rick D., or as those of who love him affectionately address him, Little Ricky Dumbass. Finally, Ricky, your hard work has produced your reward. So, Ricky, strut and groove out there for all to see. The limelight never lasts long, so twirl around on center stage while you’ve got the camera’s eye. Puff out that chest, cock your head, you got game, man. Way to go, Ricky. You have won the Goat. Damn, that must feel good. Best to you, my friend.
Tamiflu is fun. A 10 day course that causes nausea and vomiting. You have to be prescribed something else for that.
Practically everyone who walks into a clinic now with a sneeze or a cough is being tested. Negative pressure room. Nurse or assistant wearing gown, face mask, etc. Nasal swab. Sent somewhere for testing and then if it’s of interest, sent on to the CDC.
Justified but it sure can crimp one’s style. Better that though than a bed in an ICU.
You’re being satirical, right? I mean, what if Christine Gregoire was YOUR daughter?**
**kkkynical irony alert. Buy Wells Fargo–you can’t miss!
@1 Gregoire is a brilliant attorney and a logical choice for SCOTUS, although I don’t think she wants the job. As for you, you’re a nobody, a little skinny nothing.
This comment is for the god-damned wingnut liars who claim Bush’s torturers merely “slapped around” a few detainees:
“Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, has testified to Congress that more than 100 detainees died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, with up to 27 of these declared homicides by the military. They were allegedly kicked to death, shot, suffocated or drowned.”
I’d also like to point out that the International Red Cross has determined that approximately 90% of the Iraqi detainees abused at Abu Ghraib were innocent.
I don’t agree with President Obama on not bringing the torturers to trial. It will set a bad precedent if we don’t bring them to trial. And if we don’t, someone else might, and a day may come when a U.S. jail will look pretty good to some of these people.
Remember the soldier who reported the Abu Ghraib abuses because it was his job? He needed MP protection because rightwingers threatened to kill him.
Roger Rabbit … stop eating the leaves, focus on the carrots!
Gregoire is a WHAT???
Our Gov has many admirable traits but she is less qualified to be a justice of the SC than .. well than Clarence Thomas. Unlike him she has no significant judicial experience. Her management of the AGs office .. well lets leave that be as we are talking about scholar ship or legal acumen?
She CONVENED the state AG group that sued the tobacco companies. That was laudable but the ability to get elected attorneys to work together says very, very little about her courtroom or intellectual legal skills.
Janet Napalitano has decided it’s better for border agents and custom agents working at the border to not wear face masks.
Even the union is bothered by this blatant disregard for the health of its members.
How many more screw-ups until obama throws janet under the bus.
Way to go Ricky D. I’m sure your mothers proud of you. We’re not.
I’m with SJ on this one.
If Time magazine wasn’t left of center I would never bother posting a link like this…
Which city is safer for civilians, baghdad or democrat controlled new orleans?
48 per 100,000 people (baghdad)
62 violent deaths per 100,000 (new orleans)
Stammers @ 7: What do you care what union guards think…aren’t they just labor thugs?
Stick to your root principles, man.
Gregoire is a political hack who has spent her entire working life on the government dole. SCOTUS would cap a lifetime of being an economic leech: she’d never have to retire, have a cushy job with absolutely no accountability to anyone, and make good money to boot.
The only good thing to come of Queen Christine, the Grinch’s sister, going to be on the SCOTUS would be that she wouldn’t be here. While I’d love it if she was to leave the state forever, she could actually do more harm to the country and the world by being on the Supreme Court. Hopefully, the Milk Chocolate Messiah won’t be dumb enough to nominate her.
Same as John McCain, maybe she should run for president.
Your argument doesn’t hold water. The 27 deaths classified as homicides, are not necessarily related to, or as a result of, interrogation. That is total homicide deaths while in US custody. Therefore you cannot claim “Bush’s torturers” are solely responsible.*
And some of those homicidal deaths, were extra-judicial and the perpetrators have been tried and convicted.
Others, well, let’s just say, pulling the trigger on an IED will get your ass kicked by the surviving recipients of the IED. It’s fucking war, what do you expect.
*[Unless by “Bush’s torturers” you mean the entirety of US forces in Iraq. Which would put you squarely in the camp of the soft hearted (and soft headed) anti-war left, which feels any act committed by US troops is inherently evil and must be prosecuted. That group of useful idiots should be staked out for the buzzards. That might be considered torture – for the buzzards – I’m sure ANSWER and Code Pink wacko meat is quite bitter.]
Ha-ha-ha-ha. Are you serious? Queen Chrissy is an intellectual lightweight, even for a weasel, er I mean lawyer.
Normally the ugly girls have more than a few brains, but don’t let her looks fool you, she’s a dumb as they come. Vicious and venal – yes. Brilliant – hardly.
I predict that no matter who Obama nominate, the right will characterize them at “THE MOST LIBERAL JUDGE ON THE BENCH”, anywhere.
To those fondly speculating about Gov. Chris Gregoire being on the list of potential nominees to replace retiring US Supreme Court Justice David Souter, I offer two words of caution: Brad Owen.
Personally, I would be more worried about ROB McKENNA. If Gregoire is appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, Owen takes over as ACTING Governor, and legally remains as Lieutenant Governor. There would be a special election in November 2009 to fill the vacant position. Depending on when Gregoire was confirmed, it might be too late for a primary, and the November special election could be plurality winner elected.
I would predict McKenna would win a special election in November by a country mile. If McKenna is head-to-head against a Democrat in a top-two runoff, he would win by at least 5 points, if not 10 points. If there is no primary, Republicans will unite behind McKenna, and there could be several Democratic candidates, making it a complete walkover for McKenna.
No, I don’t want McKenna as Governor. But I am afraid that if McKenna gets to run for Governor any time in the next few years, he will be fairly easily elected. He is a much stronger candidate than Dino Rossi, who almost got elected once, and didn’t do too badly six months ago when Republicans were getting massacred.
This coming from the the genius who thought Palin would seal it for McSame. Ha ha ha!
This fool most certainly has a face made for radio. No doubt the mind is as ugly as they come in the right wing world.
What is it with wingnuts and those two groups? They’re about as irrelevant to what’s happened the last eight years as it gets.
Morons like the fool @ 16 will do anything to deny the reality of last November. Hint to the moron: answer and code pink had next to nothing to do with it.
This country tried the right wing program for almost 30 years. It was a disaster. The people threw the bums out. Now they’re trying something else.
If Obama’s approval numbers are any indication, they’re willing to try it for quite a while longer. Sure sucks to be the right wing.
As predicted, the knuckle dragging racist right at Faux News is using the Swine Flu to drum up hatred for Mexicans.
Oops looks like old Newt The Hoot (you know the right wing hypocrite who was banging his intern at the time the GOP was spending 50 million in taxpayer dollars to try to mess with President Clinton?) is in trouble. He’s attacking his own party. Nothing makes me happier than watching the right wing traitors fight amongst themselves.
She can head back east and fuck shit up on a national level with Sims. Why can’t you tards see what losers these people are? Brilliant attorney? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH FUCK ME TO TEARS ARE YOU KIDDING?
Hmmm, Michelle Obama spending a whopping $540 on sneakers! Just a girl of the people, yup. My sneakers cost $50. And I thought that was expensive. I’m sure you guys are freaking out that Mrs. Obama is wasting so much money on clothes when she could be paying that money into the treasury instead.
Call me at my personal line, then continue your whine. Here’s my number–(206) FUC-KYOU. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hey Kountry Klubber AND Yacht Klub Kommodore…the martini-swilling Steve.
I know you love to quote Rasmussen.
Well here’s something to stuff your olive with:
Today’s Rasmussen shows Obama’s worst number EVER! The more the guy talks, flip-flops and dicks around, the worse it gets!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Hey Steve–
That’s a 97% drop since a couple days post-Inauguration and a 50% drop since you starting quoting.
Your KLOWNISH Atheist Progressive Agenda is stalled.
And just a few months ago left wing-nuts complained about how expensive the clothes palin was given were.
Why did the left wing-nuts stop being concerned about the cost of clothes?
Oh yeah…
The left wing-nuts on this blog can’t handle the truth, they won’t even mention the truth.
He won’t be quoting rasmussen again for a while. At least until rasmussen says something steve agrees with. Steve is like that.
Good work steve. I always knew you were on our side. And with your obsession with goat sex this blog is struggling to get half the hits of Sound Politics. I’m sure stefan appreciates your efforts steve.
I called the number and it wasn’t yours.
I got a prerecorded message from ron sims saying that public records are his personal property and he’s not going to follow the law.
I wasn’t shocked considering how ron sims already screwed the taxpayers once by not obeying the law and forcing the government into paying stefan off so he wouldn’t take the case to court.
Rasmussen? Rasmussen shows that those who think the country is on the right track has gone up 16% since our President was elected. 69% of Republicans believe that the Republicans in congress don’t share their values. A couple of months ago support for our president was at 56%. Now it’s at 54%, (plummeting! Tanking! Sinking!) but only due to rabid Republican swine following the Bloated Bloviator over the cliff into irrelevance.
Mr. Klynical and his little doppleganger, the goatfucking Marvin, are so damned desparate to find a glimmer of hope for their regional, third party GOP. Here’s a clue for you – there is no hope. You’re fucked and even Rasmussen, an extremist right-wing Faux News poll, shows it. Pew, a non-partisan poll, shows support for President Obama at 73%. Suck on that one, losers.
Brad would be a caretaker at best.
Yet another flip-flop for obama.
Strange, after looking at it they came to the conclusion it wasn’t so bad. That’s codespeak for I’ll say anything to trash republicans and win elections but I’ll do the same thing.
The Obama administration is moving toward reviving the military commission system for prosecuting Guantánamo detainees, which was a target of critics during the Bush administration, including Mr. Obama himself.
“The more they look at it,” said one official, “the more commissions don’t look as bad as they did on Jan. 20.”
Still, during the presidential campaign Mr. Obama criticized the commissions, saying that “by any measure our system of trying detainees has been an enormous failure,” and declaring that as president he would “reject the Military Commissions Act.”
Are you left wing-nuts seeing what is happening here? Obama is finding out that the bush policies are best for the country. Of course, obama can admit it now after the election.
Change? Nope, same as bush.
Did you notice, Marvin (who fucks goats) that Mr. Klynical ran away in shame from the Great Trade Confirmation Showdown? Do you know why? Mr. Klynical lied. There were no Wells Fargo trades. There were no investments. There were no trades. There was no risk taking. It was nothing but bullshit spewed by a fucking liar. And when the market collapsed due to the failure of everything you sorry fucks believe in, Mr. Klynical was so paralyzed with fear and dread he couldn’t make a move. His lack of faith in America, humanity and capitalism left him on the sidelines. As I was investing in great American corporations, Mr. Klynical was breaking out in a cold sweat. The sorry fuck lost out on the greatest investment opportunity of a lifetime. That’s what happens when you have no courage and no faith. That’s what happens when you don’t believe in America.
Goldy has my trade confirmations. Mr. Klynical has nothing to show. Instead, he ran away and hid in shame knowing that he’d been called out on his lies.
And you, Marvin? You fuck goats.
Nope, I didn’t notice. Sorry.
I challenge you to the great goat showdown. Give goldy the proof that I fuck your goats.
Or you can run away in shame.
You choice steve.
(CNN) — Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr said Saturday it’s hard to “overestimate the damage” that’s been inflicted on the Republican Party — not only with this week’s defection of Sen. Arlen Specter, but also the “lack of any coherent philosophy, vision or leadership.”
“The Republican Party is in very deep trouble right now,” Barr said in an interview with CNN.
Barr added that Specter’s decision is “just another sign that the Republican Party nationally lacks any semblance of leadership.”
Asked if he ever considered returning to the GOP, Barr said, “That would make no sense as all, either from a philosophical standpoint or from the standpoint of wanting to join a party that knows what it’s all about.”
When you fail to give goldy the proof, I will remind you that I called you out on your lies and you hid in shame.
Time to man up steve. Are you up to the task?
@35 That’s your comeback? Too much goatfucking must have fried what was left of your mind.
Marvin’s now reduced to seeking proof that he doesn’t fuck goats. Good luck with that.
Bullshit. He’s finding out that to clean up after Bush, he can’t use the American system.
It just illustrates how ugly and alien Bush was.
Sorry Marv, no matter which way you try to spin it, the last eight lost years were an ugly chapter in our history whose consequences will be with us for a long time.
Thanks. You know I like it when you respond so quickly. I would hate to think you had anything else in life to do but wait for me to post.
So, are you going to urn over your proof I fuck your goats or are you going to do the exact same thing you accuse Cynical of doing?
Actually, I was asking you for your proof I do fuck goats. I was simply calling you out and well, just like gbs you failed to back up your words.
Can’t use the american system? What’s he going to do, outsourse his responsibility?
It’s amazing how you can make excuses for obama doing the same as bush.
Is that why you are so bitter and hateful despite your party being in power? Knowing that you have to defend the very same thing you whined about under bush?
@41 OK. I just emailed Goldy proof that you fuck goats. Now it’s up to you to email Goldy proof that you don’t fuck goats. Then Goldy can start a “Does Marvin Fuck Goats?” thread where our proof is put up for open discussion and commenter judgement. If you fail to post proof, if there is no such thread, then everybody here can rightly assume that you have no proof and that you do indeed fuck goats.
Once goldy posts it I’ll email him the proof and respond in the thread. Now it is all up to goldy to post your proof. I hope he doesn’t ignore you steve.
If goldy refuses to post your proof, it is safe to say that goldy didn’t believe your proof met the low standard he holds for us trolls.
Well, 15 minutes have passed and Goldy has still received no proof that Marvin doesn’t fuck goats. You know what that means, don’t you?
Marvin fucks goats.
The illegitimate Queen? I don’t think so! At least she can’t steal this election….good ole’ pruneface would look silly in a robe anyhow.
5. Roger Rabbit spews:
‘As for you, you’re a nobody, a little skinny nothing.’
This coming from a retired janitor at the courthouse with extreme O.C.D. and in the beginning stages of senility. Talk about calling the kettle black!
Neal Horsley is back in the news. You all know him, Republican hero and all that. He was on the radio last night. Now, I already knew that he fucked barnyard animals – he’s an admitted mulefucker. That’s common knowledge. And I knew that he fucked washing machines – that’s out there too. What I didn’t know until last night was that he fucks watermelons! He actually said of wingnuts, “If there’s a warm watermelon out in the field, we give it a name!”
Now I’ve just gotta ask you, Marvin, do you grow watermelons?
The left is starting to notice that obama isn’t keeping his word.
Mia farrow is one of many speaking out against the obama.
How many people have to die before obama does something.
Of course, the truth is obama doesn’t want to waste his time helping people in darfur when he is more concerned about making sure his wife has $500 shoes and he can eat his imported beef and spend over $300,000 to fly his donors around in air force one buzzing the city of new york.
Unless you are a taxpayer.
Rasmussen. Mr. Klynical and his goatfucking doppleganger like Rasmussen.
Hmm, Rasmussen concludes that 69% of Republicans think Republicans suck.
Only 21% of Republicans think Republicans don’t suck. 10% of Republicans are undecided about whether Republicans suck or not.
How many threads are you going to post this in?
Alzheimers starting to kick in?
If goldy refuses to post your proof, it is safe to say that goldy didn’t believe your proof met the low standard he holds for us trolls.
@51 No, you twit, if Goldy does not dispute me that means that I’ve posted convincing factual evidence to support the assertion that you fuck goats. In a nutshell, what this all boils down to is the fact that you fuck goats. I don’t see why you’re into all this denial, Marvin. Just follow the lead of your hero, Neal Horsely, who readily admitted that he fucks mules, washing machines and watermelons. I’m sure that nobody, well, Republicans anyway, will think the less of you for admitting to it.
When left wing san fran papers start noticing you know it’s become bad..
Sims nomination mocks transparency claims
“The unchallenged findings of fact demonstrate King County repeatedly deceived and misinformed Yousoufian for years,” Justice Richard Sanders wrote. “King County told Yousoufian it produced all the requested documents, when in fact it had not.”
Sims told Sen. David Vitter, R-La., during his confirmation hearing last week that he could not comment on his role in the stadium case due to continuing litigation. The next day, though, Sims discussed the case at length in a television interview, denying that he concealed any records and claiming he was not linked to the affair.
Maybe the rabbit can voice his legal opinion, but I feel that the fact sims didn’t want to answer any questions about the stadium case yet went on teev to talk about sounds fishy. Almost like he didn’t want to be on the record and be held accountable for his testimony. What say you rabbit, was sims afraid to answer the question
When things go bad for ron sims, they keep going bad.
Damn. Sooner or later the rabbit will have to admit that ron sims screwed the city over.
@50 “How many threads are you going to post this in?”
You mean the Rasmussen “69% of Republicans think Republicans suck” poll? I thought I’d post it in every thread where Mr. Klynical posted his Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index poll results. Patience, Marvin, patience. I’ve only got 137 threads to go.
If goldy refuses to post your proof, it is safe to say that goldy didn’t believe your proof met the low standard he holds for us trolls.
Sorry steve, the fact that goldy hasn’t posted your “proof” proves my point.
Marvie is well-known in goat circles as a fucker of goats. I’m sure there are dozens of goats willing to testify about Marvie’s atrocities. It’s disgusting what he does with goats.
56. proud leftist spews:
I’m sure your Lutheran pastor daddy must be all swollen up with pride reading your posts pl.
Grow up and wise up.
You can do better than that…or is this the best you can do??
As sad as it is, this is the best proud leftist can do.
He thinks he’s insulting me, I’m laughing at him and steve for acting like grade school kids. But damn, do I enjoy egging them on.
His daddy is a pastor? That explains it. Maybe I should be a little nicer to proud leftist now that I know why he is the wy he is.
Nope. Just resigned to an old truth: change comes slowly.
But it does come.
Inevitably those of your ilk will fade into faint white noise – you’ve been a disaster for the country.