– This Danny Westneat piece is fine as far as it goes, but I think he forgot the part where he takes on the Seattle Times’ governing philosophy.
– Ross Hunter has never been my favorite legislator, but he’s making a lot of sense here.
– NPI’s Spring Fundraiser.
– The Daily Caller is so, so gross.
– Most of the Iraq war boosters are still around 10 years later.
And now for something completely different.
Buy a Parrot.
Train it to say “Help! Help! I have been turned into a Parrot.”
Happy Third Birthday, Obamacare!
Obamacare Premium Spike Goes National
Some analysts believe that the reports of triple-digit rate hikes will be extremely rare, and the analysis doesn’t take into account the fact that government subsidies will be available to allow those with less money to buy insurance. Nonetheless, a general trend is emerging, and it’s becoming obvious that at the very least, Obamacare is doing little to address rising medical costs, and is likely making the problem worse.
Confiscating 75% of the earnings of the most successful citizens seemed like such a good idea!!
How could it have gone this badly?
France Drops 75% Tax on Rich
“Mr. Hollande is starting to have a credibility issue,” said Gérard Grunberg, a political scientist at Sciences Po University in Paris.
Ya think?
How stupid are knee-jerk reactions to events that tug at heartstrings?
This stupid:
Cuomo’s 7-Bullet Limit to Be Suspended Indefinitely, Skelos Says
The ban on magazines holding more than seven bullets was set to start April 15. Cuomo has said the law needs to be rolled back because manufacturers don’t make seven-round holders. The measure was a center piece to a gun law the 55-year-old Democratic governor pushed through the legislature in January, making New York the first state to respond with tougher gun regulations to the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre.
Oh, and while not on-point, don’t miss this:
…Skelos, the Long Island Republican who co-leads the Senate with a group of five breakaway Democrats…
Is it possible that it isn’t just WA with a couple of Dem politicians ashamed of their colleagues?
Anyone taking Earth Hour seriously these days?
Jon Gabriel @ExJon
Candles are made from refined crude oil and emit more CO2 than lightbulbs. #EarthHour #IsAntiScience
Didn’t Al Gore’s hypocrisy teach you anything?
“France Drops 75% Tax on Rich”
The rich should learn to look on the bright side, Bob. After all, they used to drop heads over there.
Sequestrageddon update:
Sasha and Malia Obama are quietly vacationing at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Breitbart News has learned.
The first time I set foot on a tropical beach, I was 27, and paid my own way.
Good to know the White House is taking the lead in spending tax dollars wisely.
Shorter Serial Conn
2) Attempting to provide universal health care is doomed to fail
3) Attempting to tax the richest who can most afford it, is doomed to fail
4) Attempting Gun regulation is doomed to fail
5) Attempting Environmental Education is doomed to fail
More doom and gloom from the do nothing right wing. Don’t forget Bob, that Obamacare will also start killing old people with the death panels. I know it’s true because Michele Bachmann said so.
Republicans had the chance to shape the plan devised by their masters at the Heritage Foundation, but chose to do nothing, now they want to whine about it. The Republican Party is becoming more irrelevant as time goes by.
“Didn’t Al Gore’s hypocrisy teach you anything?”
Yeah,, that we could solve both the energy crisis and global warming if we could just figure out a way to take all of the energy lost from wingnut psycho-babble about Al Gore and connect it to the grid.
@ 6
The rich should learn to look on the bright side, Bob. After all, they used to drop heads over there.
We’re gonna take you and your queen
To the guillotine
And shorten you a little bit.
@7. When you show where you railed against Shrub’s endless vacations to Crawford that were more expensive than Obama, then I’ll bother to respond to you.
Otherwise you are just being a partisan hack. As usual.
I await your bush bashing links.
@ 9
Don’t forget Bob, that Obamacare will also start killing old people with the death panels. I know it’s true because Michele Bachmann said so.
It was Palin. Get your brunette bimbos straight, dude.
So Bob, when George Bush’s daughters flew to Argentina for spring break, were you this concerned?
@8 Actually, betting against Bob’s HA prognostications would have paid some handsome returns, so it’s probably looking good for those things. Betting with Bob? Eh, MBS tells me that doesn’t pay off so well.
Heh. Sorry, Bob. I couldn’t help it.
Just a few days ago:
“Obamacare “kills.” That’s what Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) of Minnesota said Thursday on the floor of the House. In a fire-breathing speech, the tea party favorite and former GOP presidential hopeful urged her fellow lawmakers to “repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens.””
@ 15
Sorry, Bob. I couldn’t help it.
What might matter more, Steve, is whether you actually believe it. You, who made a donation to see what would happen and got the same response I posted online after I made mine.
@ 14
No, I wasn’t, and your comment noted. Of course, back in 2006 the White House wasn’t cancelling tours and otherwise doing all it could to make the sequester as painful as possible at the same time it was dropping large coin on the First Daughters.
Not much of a distinction, I’ll admit.
Dropping large coin on the First Daughters.
Prove it. Post the numbers, like we have on Shrub’s use of AF one. Otherwise you are just repeating rumor and innuendo.
As usual.
As to the second to the last topic above…can’t help but wonder if we’re actually seeing those folks live or if Roger Ailes took some of their old videos from a decade or so ago, did a little digital retouch to add some grey hair and wrinkles (except for Bill Kristol, who always looks like he’s been embalmed) and ran them over again…and again…and again…
@ 19
Prove it.
Well, it seems the last time someone tried, they were stonewalled by the Most Transparent Administration Ever:
Judicial Watch Sues U.S. Secret Service for Records Detailing Security Costs for Obama Daughter’s Spring Break Trip to Mexico
You’ll excuse me, NTfF, for not having sufficient interest to accede to your demand to prove something, when someone else trying to do essentially what you demand on the last trip one of the Obama daughters took on the taxpayers’ credit card has to file suit in the process.
@18. You are so Right! How dare the president’s kids have a vacation while Republican voters are loosing their jobs from the Republican caused Sequester! Why can’t Sasha and Malia be happy with a slip and slide in the back yard. Doesn’t he care that Republican kids are suffering?
Why doesn’t the president just let the NRA and Exxon pay for the junket and call it a fact finding mission, like they do for congressmen?
Judicial Watch – Looks about as credible and unbiased as Brietbart or your favorite site that paid prostitutes to attempt to frame and smear that Democratic politician.
“just let the NRA and Exxon pay”
You get what you pay for, and frackers own themselves some Pennsylvania pols. Little wonder Corbett acts as though he doesn’t care if he’s booted from office. He knows that, if his corporate masters are pleased, a much higher paying gig awaits him.
“your favorite site that paid prostitutes”
Tucker Carlson and Dominican Republic hookers. Now that’s fucking funny. I can’t wait to hear from the hookers on whether or not Tucker keeps the bow-tie on.
I just have to laugh at Bob and his whining about Presidential daughters. Just a few years ago (2006) the Shrub’s daughters made news in Argentina and were asked to leave.
The Bush Daughters, a Secret Service Headache
There were even reports of them running nude in the hallway of their hotel. I’m sure the lack of clothes helped reduce the costs of their trip.
OH FUCK!! Larry Klayman???
As I’ve pointed out many times in these threads:
@26. But this is the Sequester and is making Republicans look like lackies of the uber rich so anything spent on a Democrat or his children must be branded bad, very bad behavior.
“Won’t people think of the the Republican MONEY?”
Never mind that the republicans wasted bazzillions on the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, that was done by Republicans and therefore perfectly fine, apparently.
Just piling on…
I’m guessing you didn’t have a pair of highly paid professional parents. I’ll bet neither of your parents reached the absolute apex of success in their field.
And I’ll bet Sasha and Malia won’t get so out of control that our embassy in Barbados asks them to leave the country.
Is there anything sillier than one partisan hack accusing the other side of paying too much for travel. It’s the meme that refuses to die. (Didn’t Pelosi have a plane?) I suppose next you’ll be telling me that President X is going to declare marshall law and cancel the election to hold on to power.
@25 Oy vey, the visuals evoked by that notion…
@26 and that one…
@7 That one, too…
Stonewalling? Really? The Secret Service routinely and forever never discusses security measures taken including how much is spent when protecting the president or his family. That’s the sort of information those who would want to us harm would love to have by telegraphing to terrorists how many agents are assigned to protection details.
We have a Sequester going on.
Why isn’t the President firing Democrat voting Union workers and replacing them with low paid, no benefits workers thru Republican Contracting companies?
Right. BENGHAZI! Why didn’t Susan Rice tell the world that a secret CIA outpost were the first responders? Why is the President covering up that there are secret CIA outposts in BENGHAZI! Why are the Presedent’s daughters not locked away now that BENGHAZI happened. Don’t you care about four dead American’s? If Sasha had been in Benghazi you’d better believe we would have scrambled aircraft. Why were there no aircraft just hovering Sasha? Doesn’t the White House know to beef up security for Malia on this, the seventh anniversary of the Capitol Hill Massacre? BENGHAZI!
(CTL+H, BENGAZI / SEQUESTER, Wing Nut outrage du Jour accomplished)
“telegraphing to terrorists how many agents are assigned to protection details”
Attacking his daughters thus exposing our nation’s uppity Kenyan to danger. Sadly, most Republicans would consider that a twofer.
“Oy vey, the visuals evoked by that notion…”
Yeah, that’s a bad one for visuals. Sorry, I should have posted a warning.
Been busy “job creating”, so I’m late to Bob’s thread …
I see that Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGER wishes to congratulate us for the 3rd anniversary of the signing of ObamaCare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), the most significant government expansion and regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, 2 days late. (Is that guy on time with anything?)
I’m not going to take the time to look it up, but the congressional Republicans have voted at least 39 times in 3 years to repeal ObamaCare.
How many more years might it take for Republicans to provide the “replace” portion of their “repeal & replace” promised response to ObamaCare?
Steven D over at Booman has an interesting catch in today’s blogosphere
Civil War Breaks Out in South
He closes with
Go check it out.
Bankster STOOPID! Is it coming to a bank near you?
From 29,
Being a career politician is not the “apex” of anything. In fact, “career” and “politician” should not appear in the same sentence. Being a “career politician” is a disgrace, not an honor.
@38 Ten Years After,
Because being chosen by the voting populace and winning election after election after election after election is a bad thing!
When are you going to run and lose so that you may have the honor of never being a “career politician”?
@38. Then some other notable disgraces include:
Ronald Reagan, who’s principle accomplishment as an actor was running for and winning the SAG Presidency.
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush (Multiple failed business and a run for office)
Jeb Bush
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
John Beohner’s been bumping around Congress since 1990. Has he accomplished what someone else did since 2005?
Rick Santorum hasn’t held a job outside politics since his four year stint after law school ending in 1990? Where’s he?
I could go on.
Very Demented Conservative Moron wrote
Pffffffffffffft! EPIC FAYLE for this bumbling libtard… So let’s review the truth again for the Demented Moron
It really must suck as a leftist to be this libtard lemming stupid all the time Demented Moron. So why do you continue to post directly from Daily Kooks?
From checkmate… Interestingly when Puddy placed a post Puddy was admonished “Did you read what you posted?” Well there were two denials in the post. So Puddy will act like an HA libtard and
and later…
It’s so easy when you have been shown how to do it checkmate.
EPIC FAYLE on your part checkmate!
@ 29
I’m guessing you didn’t have a pair of highly paid professional parents.
Good guess.
@40 czechsaaz,
You picked up on one family that has made it a family business to be a “career politician”, but you forgot one. I believe he’s one of Ten Years After’s favorites.
Ron Paul’s 20 years in Congress and numerous political runs for President were such a successful business his son, Rand, has joined the Paul Family Business of “career politician”.
@43 No worries Kap’n, you won’t either!
Isn’t the Cyprus bank rush a combination of
1) European Socialism running amok
2) Shady bankers accepting shady money
3) An economy in shambles
And this is what Obummer wants to do to the US. From the NY Times.. The official libtard paper of record… BTW this has been placed here before… just ask unemployed moron Pluto boy… he’s serve it right up for ya… Well maybe not… unemployed moron Pluto boy will think you are making demands of unemployed moron Pluto boy, and unemployed moron Pluto boy doesn’t keen well with demands… But alas one can hope…
Very telling the Times would print this from the Brookings Institution… you know from WikiPedia…
See ya libtards!
Now where did unemployed moron Pluto boy post those answers to those questions…
Wrong Puddy, sequestration has been such a fetish with Paul Ryan that there’s a compilation of video of him asking for it for almost the past 10 years. If this were a drinking game, you’d be snockered by the end.
@4 Limiting magazine capacity makes a lot of sense because the best time for police or a hero to tackle a shooter is when he’s reloading.
@46 If you can’t blame Cyprus on Bill Clinton, blame it on Obama! Wingnuts never change their tune, only a few of the lyrics, which is why they always sound like a tired TV commercial jingle …
@38 I disagree. I don’t want rank amateurs in those jobs. Being a politician is indeed a career with voters gradually giving greater responsibilities to those who perform best. (Republican voters are a different story, but I’ll discuss that some other time.) For example, Obama’s talent and ability are so obvious (in stark contrast with his predecessor) that it’s not really surprising he advanced from state senator to the White House in only six years.
@46 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
First off, there is not a bank rush in Cyprus (in case you have not read, the banks have been closed for 2 weeks). There is yet another financial collapse.
And you don’t even appear to understand that your (1) and (2) are incongruous.
1) Eeevool! European soshulist (i.e. the Eastern Bloc) countries never had banking collapses and financial crises. These are a long observed design flaw with Free Market! capitalism.
2) “Shady bankers” are an artifact of a concept that the financial sector is some sort of productive enterprise which needs to be unfettered. Bankers need to be shackled else they become banksters. Whether it be Ireland, Iceland or (now) Cyprus banks, when the deposits become an industry which is greater than the national GDP the system becomes unstable, i.e. a Ponzi scheme.
@46 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!,
One other thing.
As predictable and preventable as the global financial collapse was in 2008, one thing the Bush administration got correct was to temporarily increase FDIC insurance for depositors from $100k to $250k.
Your two time popular vote winning nemesis, President Obama, and the Senate Democrats took it a step further with the support of the House Democrats making the deposit insurance increase permanent, in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, despite repeated persistent Republican opposition to the bill which continues to this day.
In addition to the permanency of the FDIC deposit insurance increase, Dodd-Frank went one step further and distinguished the benefit of unlimited insurance coverage between casino gambler accounts and bank accounts; those “noninterest-bearing transaction accounts are fully insured, regardless of the balance of the account, at all FDIC-insured institutions.”
Bottom line, thanks to Democrats the type of anticipated bank run in Cyprus due to mismanaged bail outs is less likely here because Democrats took action to protect and insure depositors.
Russian tycoon Berezovsky died by hanging -police
No cloak and dagger.
Just a lonely broken crook once again taking the easy way out.
Why do libtards like Don run away from truth and facts? Bob Woodward told the truth about sequestration, something anathema with libtards. Once the truth was known… Obummer’s approval rating starting tanking. DUMMOCRAPTS… when their lips move lies spread!
@55 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
I read that Bob Woodard got the secret details on the sequester from Obama on his death bed in the hospital when nobody else was around.
Man this moron Flubscout only reads left wrong sites…
Also Flubscout… Some strange Russian money is in Cyprus… They are pizzed over losing it. Check it out on real sites Flubscout!
Insignificant gnat, that’s Flubscout!
@57 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
When’s the last time you spoke to a Russian in Russia with money at risk in Cyprus?
I just got off of Skype 5 minutes ago.
Russians have been through much worse (in banking collapses too). This rolls off of their back like water off a duck.
Not just another mental case.
Great story.
@46 – sounds so scary. Get a grip.
Hey Republicans, where are those jobs bills?
The sad thing is none of the proposed reasonable regulations would have changed that kids’s death. A smaller clip wouldn’t have mattered. It wasn’t apparently an assault rifle. Dad was just a stupid F**K and killed his own son. Maybe a universal background check would have made a difference, but I don’t think the background check looks at how dirt stupid the gun owner is.
Keeping ALL guns out of homes would have made a difference but I’m not willing to support that.
An interesting comment
Republican ‘Support the TROOPPPPS!‘ values.
The dude in question, former head of the South Carolina Republican Party, Todd Kincannon, is a kindred soul with our very own cheapshotBob, speculating about Trayvon Martin’s future.
Despite being engaged, he seems to like to send pictures of his cock to young women to whom he’s not engaged.
Republican family values, eh, piddl and cheapshotBob?
@64. A prince among men.
Is that biggest moronic right wing idiot this side of Larry Klayman ordering people around again?
As it was ever thus with right idiots..
Nice find Don @ 48..
Will it calm the moron whose behavior is discussed in 66?
Heh.. Not a chance..
Did don find something unemployed Pluto boy? Gee, Puddy skipped right over it!
Puddy behavior… It’s you who created the crazed databaze unemployed Pluto boy moron! It is you unemployed Pluto boy who asks so many questions. Yet unemployed Pluto boy you won’t discuss anything when you are asked.
Typical unemployed moron Pluto boy!