– I usually like it when national and international orgs mention Washington, but boo to having disasters bad enough for that in Snohomish County.
– What would you like to see from the next SDOT director?
– Don’t turn off Twitter, national leaders.
– They are taking a lot of handouts in the financial districts of various cities.
Speaking of “purity culture”, I have a question. If they consider women as an object to be considered “pure”, and maintained as such at any cost whatsoever, then why do they always speak about how unclean women are? And how terrible and disgusting a thing it is, to have females speak their minds, or have medical conditions, or have positions of authority over men?
What is really is, is serious, untreated mental illness. Possibly related to psychological abuse suffered through childhood in the form of Religion. Anything can be justified or rationalized within the context of a dogmatic belief system. Any action, any practice, any institution can be fully justified by a Religion. These people prove that. They deliberately murder their children’s minds and subjugate their souls for the sake of an ancient set of superstitions that nobody, ever, has been able to independently verify, in any way, shape or form. They openly speak of how they tell their children to NOT think about things, that careful analysis and appraisal of a given situation is somehow a sin, and somehow dangerous. If you THINK about things too much, you will stray from the path of “God”. Asking questions is an indication of possible disbelief, and they actively discourage questioning of anything within their set of beliefs, often with physical punishments. Then they actively engage in suppression of possible answers to questions that do come up.
Kids in private voucher schools are being taught, that the Great Depression is a myth, and did not happen. Kids in these schools are being actively taught that people who do not believe in God are crippled, insane and are therefore dangerous. They are being taught that Science is criminal, because it causes people to question God. Science is therefore something to be hated and crushed.
It really is psychotic behavior, and it should be treated as such.
Obummercare slamdunk!
Bad news for true believers (like POODEBUTT)..
Very few gullible klownservatives buy that klownservative snake oil propaganda any more..
Why should they? All they gotta do is listen to the Limbaugh show to be fed the latest pap if they can’t afford the cable upgrade to soak in Faux Snooze through their eyeballs.
It’s too much work for them to move their lips while staring at a dead tree. Sad!
14 states to avoid like the plague..
Child abuse, pure and simple.
Now if that’s indicative of a failure of previous education standards think how it will be if all these ignorant yahoos get their way.
Klownservatives say who needs a social safety net? The churches managed just fine in the bad old days!
It’s too freaking wrong of course:
Just leave it to the churches – more right wing bullshit!
An Iraqi war veteran, a Marine, gets a 4.5 million dollar settlement for police abuse..
Oh wait a minute, he participated in Occupy.
The klownservatives will declare open season on hating on this guy and praise the cops for a job well done!
And before POODEBUTT makes a stoopid remark about my gravatar..
A 25 year kindergarten teacher quits..
That’s kindergarten due to No Child Left Behind – another Bush disaster. Bad time to be a kid.. We should study what Finland does – they have NO private schools by the way.
Puddy PWNS this moron
Sux to be the crazed clueless databaze deala!
In Oakland…? Home of Big Time DUMMOCRETINS? Jean Quan is the Democratic mayor of Oakland, California!
NUFF Said Sucka!
Sux to be the crazed clueless databaze deala!
9 – Notice how the cretin PooDeButt reacts to the bad news about HARDLY ANYBODY caring about reading right wing bullshit anymore.
He reacts like an idiot!
10 – Notice how the moron doesn’t express any sympathy for the fallen marine..
He’s too busy hating!
Talking to the mirror again?
Did Puddy post a link in those two posts? That’s the crazed clueless databaze deala since 2005!
Sux to be it!
Wrong again crazed clueless databaze deala! Go talk to Ted Kennedy’s grave!
NUFF Said Sucka!
Sux to be the crazed clueless databaze
LOL! And here it is!
Just a dumbass obsession with folks who are appalled at his obnoxious behavior and dumbass views!
Who signed it into law?
Everybody Dead? How Do They Know?
When you ASSUME things, you make an ASS of U and ME. But that’s what Malaysian officials did today when they told anxious relatives of Flight MH370 passengers that they assumed the plane crashed at sea and therefore they assumed none survive.
They’re probably right, of course. The chances that Flight MH370’s 239 crew and passengers are captives and the plane is hidden in a hanger or under camouflage netting in Pakistan or some other -stan or Iran are slim-to-none.
But it does seem to me a bit premature to write off the plane, crew, and passengers in the complete absence of any tangible evidence that their theories about what happened to it are correct.
They probably are, but like the Higgs Boson, we want to see proof – a piece of luggage, a scrap of wing material, anything, however small, that definitely shows the plane is in the ocean.
Until then, officials have nothing but theories, and the theories are nothing more than conjecture — or, if you prefer, educated guessing.
The educated guessers now feel 99.9999% confident — okay, 100% if you prefer — that the plane went south, not north. How do they know, er, I mean guess, this?
Well, for one, if the plane had gone north it would have run into a thicket of military radars and intercepter jets, and some country’s eternally vigilant border guardians would have spotted it for sure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wue02Y0lS38
A somewhat more persuasive argument is that the engineers and mathematicians who figured out the plane’s probable track from “pings” picked up by satellites used the Doppler effect to determine whether it was coming toward, or going away from, the receiving satellite. I know this works in principle, because in Vietnam, I learned that bullets traveling through air make noise and I could easily tell from the pitch whether it was coming toward (“incoming” = theirs) or going away (“outgoing” = ours). The Doppler effect confirmed the plane went away from the receiving satellite, i.e., south.
Just for fun, let’s say it did, then what does that mean? Well, I can play this guessing game, too, and I think it means the whole thing was an accident.
Why? It’s so obvious it hits you over the head. First, let’s start with basic principles: The simplest answer is the most likely one. A terrorist, a bomb, a hijacking, a passenger going nuts, or a suicidal pilot aren’t simple, so this eliminates those explanations upfront.
The simplest explanation is that the plane took off, climbed to altitude, and was flying on its heading when cabin decompression caused the pilots to turn around, head for the nearest airport, a drop to a lower altitude. Unhappily for them, they didn’t make it, and everyone was either unconcious or dead and the plane kept going by itself in the direction it had been pointed until it ran out of fuel. That’s about as simple as it gets, and if the plane is where the authorities assume it is, that’s almost certainly how it got there.
But we know planes don’t just decompress all by themselves, so that can’t be it, it had to have been a terrorist conspiracy or pilot suicide. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011.....y-landing/
Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone
Oh where, oh where can he be
With his ears cut short and his tail cut long
Oh where, oh where can he be?
Why America Is Doomed To Become A Third-Rate Country
“According to Politico, 14 states will spend a collective $1 billion in 2014 on vouchers for private and religious schools that teach kids to mistrust not only the science of evolution, but also cosmology, geology, biology and even math.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’re becoming a nation of illiterates, and I personally suspect Chinese subversives are behind it.
Why Putin Has Turned Into A Militaristic Bully
“Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the U.S. has:
– Booted longtime Soviet ally Saddam Hussein and his Iraq military from Kuwait in a 100-hour ground campaign in 1991. Sure, Saddam was a cruel dictator, and someone we hanky-pankyed with to help keep Iran in line, but Baghdad was basically a Russian client. Baghdad is 6,200 miles from Washington, D.C., but only 1,600 miles from Moscow.
– In 1999, the U.S. led a 10-week bombing campaign that forced the Serbs — Slavs, just like the Russians, and long-time allies of Moscow — out of Kosovo. Sure, Serbian President Slobodan Milošević was a thug to Americans, but to the Russians he was a Slav and one-time communist ally. … Belgrade is 4,700 miles from Washington, D.C., and 1,100 miles from Moscow.
– In 2001, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, a nation on Russia’s doorstep that it had tried, and failed, to subjugate during a decade-long occupation that ended, ignominiously for Moscow, in 1989. … Kabul is 6,900 miles from Washington, D.C., and 1,100 miles from Moscow.
– In 2003, apparently convinced that the original President Bush’s failure to topple Saddam was half-hearted and ill-conceived, his son finished up what his father started by bringing ‘shock and awe’ to downtown Baghdad. It led to the collapse of Saddam’s brutal government. After U.S. troops captured Saddam later that year, his political opponents hanged him in 2006.
Each of these events bothered at least some Russian elements in a big way. And while they may have appeared right, and even necessary, to most American eyes, Russians saw them as increasing evidence of U.S. bullying (not nice) and encroachment on Russia’s sphere of influence (really not nice). Local time in Baghdad and Kabul, for example, is within an hour of Moscow’s.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hmmm, do ya suppose Putin is getting aggressive because we’ve been a wee tad aggressive? Hmmm, interesting question …
The Rightwing Charity Myth
“[C]onservatives tell themselves a story, a fairy tale really, about the past, about the way the world was and can be again under Republican policies.
“This story is about the way people were able to insure themselves against the risks inherent in modern life.
“Back before the Great Society, before the New Deal, and even before the Progressive Era, things were better. Before government took on the role of providing social insurance, individuals and private charity did everything needed to insure people against the hardships of life; given the chance, they could do it again.
“This vision has always been implicit in the conservative ascendancy. … It was made explicit … by the likes of Newt Gingrich and William Bennett [who] argued that a purely private nineteenth-century system of charitable and voluntary organizations did a better job providing for the common good than the twentieth-century welfare state. This idea is also the basis of Paul Ryan’s budget ….
“But this conservative vision of social insurance is wrong. It’s incorrect as a matter of history; it ignores the complex interaction between public and private social insurance that has always existed in the United States. It completely misses why the old system collapsed and why a new one was put in its place. It fails to understand how the Great Recession displayed the welfare state at its most necessary and that a voluntary system would have failed under the same circumstances.
“Most importantly, it points us in the wrong direction. The last 30 years have seen effort after effort to try and push the policy agenda away from the state’s capabilities and toward private mechanisms for mitigating the risks we face in the world. This effort is exhausted, and future endeavors will require a greater, not lesser, role for the public.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans are the stupidest people on earth. They’re wrong about everything. For example, they’re wrong that guns make us safer, that war makes the world safer, and that we’ll be stronger and more prosperous by teaching stupidity to our kids. Their cockamamie ideas about overcoming capitalism’s failures by unleashing private charity are wrong and stupid, too. But it doesn’t make a whit of difference how many times history and events prove these idiots wrong, because they are people who can’t be bothered with facts, who are living a life of lies, and who believe that endlessly repeating a lie somehow and magically makes it true.
Forget about booting Russia from the G-8, or boycotting the Sochi Special Olympics. Ukrainians have figured out how to kick the Russkies where it really hurts.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This will bring the Russian Army to its knees within two weeks. (They’ll be sucking each other off.)
Another foreign railcar builder is expanding it’s US production facility. Due to increased orders for streetcars and light rail vehicles, CAF of Spain is expanding it’s facility in Elmira Heights, New York.
One thing about Vancouver’s SkyTrain being automated, is that it does not have to worry about Labor Strife. Turns out, not so much.
BTW Rush Limbaugh nails it… Low information media! clueless how bidness works!
Obummercare taxes hitting now! The Putrid Morons got it wrong again! Matt Drudge kicked libtard ASS everywhere!
Another identified post where Puddy owns the crazed clueless databaze deala
Looks like Cathy McMorris Rodgers is going to get away with her campaign financing fraud. The investigation will “continue,” but no special committee will be created to look into her activities.
Comedy gold.
@20. The truth won’t make any difference to the blind conservatives. It’s not just that they believe that endlessly repeating a lie somehow and magically makes it true, they have make everyone else conform to their vision, to make it happen. They are just like the old Communists who kept saying if they could just convince enough people of the rightness of their ideology, reality would reweave and make it so.
They won’t change until they die off or realty hits them a body blow enough times that their reality bubble cracks.
Weasel words from Snohomish County officials who are already consulting with their lawyers:
“John Pennington, head of Snohomish County’s Department of Emergency Management, said at a news conference Monday[,] ‘It was considered very safe. This was a completely unforeseen slide. This came out of nowhere.’
“Snohomish County Executive John Lovick and Public Works Director Steve Thomsen said Monday night …[,] ‘A slide of this magnitude is very difficult to predict. There was no indication, no indication at all.'”
Yeah, right. Never mind that geologists said this hill was an accident waiting to happen. Ignore the fact that the state spent over $13 million to shore up the hill on the other side of the river. Of that locals called it “Slide Hill.” Disregard the fact this hill slid in 2006.
My guess is Snohomish County — you know, the guys who issued permits to developers to build houses at the base of Slide Hill — is now effectively bankrupt.
Is it credible that the home owners will say “Why was I allowed to build my house in that slide path?”?
Seems that some people knew about a possible risk and took the gamble that it wouldn’t happen in their life times.
Did anyone of these people fight to change zoning rules to let them build their dream homes there?
My coworkers were discussing the slide. Seems that no amount of regulation and good intentions will keep stupid and/or greedy people.
“It’s not safe to build there? I can get around that!”
No taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no zoning, no “taking”, no government employees, no government…
This sort of thing happens in Somalia all the time.
Question for the puddibigot…
Rumsfelds said this:
Now, if I were to say that Clarence Thomas was an ignoramus and a serial sexual harasser, and that a “trained ape” could do a better job as a Supreme Court Justice, would you consider that racist?
Lee Atwater, who brought us Ronald Reagan, and a host of other rogues, openly sums up the modern Republican party:
The constant hypocrisy of conservatives is a source of horrible amusement.
The Dixie Chicks were boycotted because
Conservatives lost their minds over that comment. But Rumsfeld says this;
and the conservatives cheer. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong in them.
So this explains the deranged bigot that plays the Puddybud character:
National Review: Black children have ‘weak impulse control’ compared to white children
Good to know, huh?