In his honor, I renamed my potato-salad recipe to “They Call Me…….. Tater Salad”, much to the delight of my friends everywhere.
Let’s just say I make some damn good tater salad. And because of that, my rugby brothers here in Reno now call my grandbabies ‘tater tots’.
Well what happened to the so-called TEABAGGING Movement? I thought some big deal movement was a coming? Two days and it’s over? That’s it? That’s all the shitheads on the right could muster? No wonder the idiots lost on Nov 4. They got SHIT for brains!
Maybe it’s the fact that America realizes the righties are full of crap hypocrites? Where were you teabagging fools when Bush was busy creating the largest budget deficit in US history?
bush was busy creating the largest budget deficet in history???????????? what do you think your chimp president is doing? you tool of the jewish left
lee, by the way, i am sort of glad u tell me to fuck myself, because it poved what i always knew about jews, evil and vidictive people. just like the picture of the 90 year old concentration camp guard being carried out of his house. you jews are the most revengeful people on the planet. thats why every country has kicked you out for 5000 years. when the us was founded, you were on this country like flies on shit figuring u could subvert it because it was new. so lol fuck u
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I got one better–
Redneck word of the year: “OBAMA”
” I bought me a case of beer and drank it OBAMA self!
1) You repeatedly make a bunch of anti-Semitic remarks at this blog and respond to the news of my becoming a father by making a snide remark about Bernie Madoff
2) I leave a comment to you that simply says “Fuck you”
3) This is further proof to you that Jews are terrible people
You are – by far – the most despicable pile of human waste that frequents these comment threads.
#6 Lee,
Hope you are still riding..or trying to.
Who is that a-hole manoftroof?
Woman of lies you’re simply too stupid to live. If you think calling me a Jew does anything other than make me laugh at you – you got it wrong bitch. Whatever it takes to get your fantasy going bitch. And of course, not ONE fucking right wing turd can tell me why there was no TEABAGGING when AWOL Bush created the largest government agency in US history – ON HIS WATCH. The TEABAGGING FAGS of the right wing are the laughing stock of the universe and woman of lies is at the head of the pack of impotent asslicks being laughed at.
I think child rapist CYNCYN got particularly excited about the teabagging movement because he had all sorts of fantasies about Puffybutt’s balls bouncing on his face! Why don’t you two cunts get a room CYNCYN?
Interesting update on the pirate attacks off Somalia. Now ships carrying food-aid to the distribution port in Kenya, of which some of the cargo’s final destination is Somalia, are getting escort. The latest, was under escort from the Canadian Frigate HMCS Winnipeg. With help from the USS Halyburton, they drove off the latest pirate attack, in fact, as our ships got closer, they dropped their weapons overboard. Apparently the only way to be let go, is to be unarmed. Plenty more weapons ashore for them to acquire anyway.
Ron White ain’t right. But, damn, he makes me laugh. I think he’s one of those people who pretty much knows all of us are full of shit, including himself. The best comedy comes from self-deprecation. Tater does that well.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 3: You have got to be kidding. Teabagger.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
Teabaggers!! You jerks sure know how to chase away the young adults.
Use an urban dictionary next time.
I have a new label you guys can use. It’s a native American word that means “Eagle that flies with pride and beauty”. It’s pronounced ahs wi peh (spelled ‘asswipe’).
Oc course, that does leave us in control of all but one of the newspapers still in print in Seattle, all the non-Mormon TV and radio stations, and the salmon slingers at Pike Place market.
I can tell you that, this Pesach, the cost of Christian Virgins was almost enough to make me swear of off fresh martzos.
May El and Astarte shed the light of human kindness on all of their people.
Daddy Lovespews:
I don’t know why anyone would call Ron White at all…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Kountry Klubber Steve!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 33% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty percent (30%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +3 (see trends).
Fifty-two percent (52%) now are concerned that the government will end up doing too much in response to the nation’s economic challenges. That’s the highest level of concern since last November’s Presidential Election. Just 31% now worry the government will do too little.
Now Obama wants a drastic Budget cut of 1/35,000 of the Budget!!
Boy, that ought to improve his numbers.
What a joke Obama is.
Spending us into oblivion.
The Rasmussen polls trend nowhere. Our president’s support is stable as he tackles the ruined economy left by the eight years of the Republican Bush administration, six years of a Republican congress and two years of Republican obstructionism.
The Republicans spent us down the road to oblivion as you remained oblivious to the disaster that was unfolding, cheerleading Republicans as the fool you are. Now all you do is whine as you fervently pray for America to fail so that your party can regain power.
Tough shit. It ain’t gonna happen.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Dow DOwn 200–Obama’s watch.
The cratered DOW – Bush’s watch. A cratered economy – Bush’s watch. Misbegotten war – Bush’s watch. Huge government – Bush’s watch. Trillions in debt – Bush’s watch. Perversion of the DOJ – Bush’s watch. Treasonous cries for revolution and seccession? Republicans.
continuing Bush’s policies re:bank bailout:
Obama’s watch
continuing spying/wiretapping: Obama’s watch
Continuing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and escalating them into Pakistan: Obama’s watch
ignoring the war crimes of the Bush administration Obama’s watch
You know a thread is going nowhere when Cyn and Puddy start posting stuff from RazzMuffin.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rasmussen ranked #1 along with PEW.
Here is why nothing is happening for you 14%ers
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 34% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-two percent (32%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +2 (see trends).
Thirty-six percent (36%) of women Strongly Approve along with 31% of men. At the same time, 35% of men Strongly Disapprove. That view is shared by 29% of women (see other recent demographic highlights).
The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates also available on Twitter.
Overall, 54% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance so far. That’s his lowest total approval rating to date. Forty-five percent (45%) disapprove.
Obama continues to plummet.
Taxes & cost of government are huge issues..except for NON-TAXPAYERS like most of y’all.
If a stock fluctuated between $34 and $35 for a couple of months would Mr. Klynical claim that it “continues to plummet”? Only if Mr. Klynical were batshit crazy, which, of course, he is.
In his honor, I renamed my potato-salad recipe to “They Call Me…….. Tater Salad”, much to the delight of my friends everywhere.
Let’s just say I make some damn good tater salad. And because of that, my rugby brothers here in Reno now call my grandbabies ‘tater tots’.
Well what happened to the so-called TEABAGGING Movement? I thought some big deal movement was a coming? Two days and it’s over? That’s it? That’s all the shitheads on the right could muster? No wonder the idiots lost on Nov 4. They got SHIT for brains!
Maybe it’s the fact that America realizes the righties are full of crap hypocrites? Where were you teabagging fools when Bush was busy creating the largest budget deficit in US history?
bush was busy creating the largest budget deficet in history???????????? what do you think your chimp president is doing? you tool of the jewish left
lee, by the way, i am sort of glad u tell me to fuck myself, because it poved what i always knew about jews, evil and vidictive people. just like the picture of the 90 year old concentration camp guard being carried out of his house. you jews are the most revengeful people on the planet. thats why every country has kicked you out for 5000 years. when the us was founded, you were on this country like flies on shit figuring u could subvert it because it was new. so lol fuck u
I got one better–
Redneck word of the year: “OBAMA”
” I bought me a case of beer and drank it OBAMA self!
Ah, yes, your logic is impeccable.
1) You repeatedly make a bunch of anti-Semitic remarks at this blog and respond to the news of my becoming a father by making a snide remark about Bernie Madoff
2) I leave a comment to you that simply says “Fuck you”
3) This is further proof to you that Jews are terrible people
You are – by far – the most despicable pile of human waste that frequents these comment threads.
#6 Lee,
Hope you are still riding..or trying to.
Who is that a-hole manoftroof?
Woman of lies you’re simply too stupid to live. If you think calling me a Jew does anything other than make me laugh at you – you got it wrong bitch. Whatever it takes to get your fantasy going bitch. And of course, not ONE fucking right wing turd can tell me why there was no TEABAGGING when AWOL Bush created the largest government agency in US history – ON HIS WATCH. The TEABAGGING FAGS of the right wing are the laughing stock of the universe and woman of lies is at the head of the pack of impotent asslicks being laughed at.
I think child rapist CYNCYN got particularly excited about the teabagging movement because he had all sorts of fantasies about Puffybutt’s balls bouncing on his face! Why don’t you two cunts get a room CYNCYN?
Interesting update on the pirate attacks off Somalia. Now ships carrying food-aid to the distribution port in Kenya, of which some of the cargo’s final destination is Somalia, are getting escort. The latest, was under escort from the Canadian Frigate HMCS Winnipeg. With help from the USS Halyburton, they drove off the latest pirate attack, in fact, as our ships got closer, they dropped their weapons overboard. Apparently the only way to be let go, is to be unarmed. Plenty more weapons ashore for them to acquire anyway.
Ron White ain’t right. But, damn, he makes me laugh. I think he’s one of those people who pretty much knows all of us are full of shit, including himself. The best comedy comes from self-deprecation. Tater does that well.
re 3: You have got to be kidding. Teabagger.
Teabaggers!! You jerks sure know how to chase away the young adults.
Use an urban dictionary next time.
I have a new label you guys can use. It’s a native American word that means “Eagle that flies with pride and beauty”. It’s pronounced ahs wi peh (spelled ‘asswipe’).
You may use it proudly.
Man of Truth …
You found us out!
But, take heart, we are an old people. Recently, finally!, the Elders of Zion retired!
Oc course, that does leave us in control of all but one of the newspapers still in print in Seattle, all the non-Mormon TV and radio stations, and the salmon slingers at Pike Place market.
I can tell you that, this Pesach, the cost of Christian Virgins was almost enough to make me swear of off fresh martzos.
May El and Astarte shed the light of human kindness on all of their people.
I don’t know why anyone would call Ron White at all…
Hey Kountry Klubber Steve!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Now Obama wants a drastic Budget cut of 1/35,000 of the Budget!!
Boy, that ought to improve his numbers.
What a joke Obama is.
Spending us into oblivion.
The Rasmussen polls trend nowhere. Our president’s support is stable as he tackles the ruined economy left by the eight years of the Republican Bush administration, six years of a Republican congress and two years of Republican obstructionism.
The Republicans spent us down the road to oblivion as you remained oblivious to the disaster that was unfolding, cheerleading Republicans as the fool you are. Now all you do is whine as you fervently pray for America to fail so that your party can regain power.
Tough shit. It ain’t gonna happen.
Dow DOwn 200–Obama’s watch.
The cratered DOW – Bush’s watch. A cratered economy – Bush’s watch. Misbegotten war – Bush’s watch. Huge government – Bush’s watch. Trillions in debt – Bush’s watch. Perversion of the DOJ – Bush’s watch. Treasonous cries for revolution and seccession? Republicans.
continuing Bush’s policies re:bank bailout:
Obama’s watch
continuing spying/wiretapping: Obama’s watch
Continuing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and escalating them into Pakistan: Obama’s watch
ignoring the war crimes of the Bush administration Obama’s watch
You know a thread is going nowhere when Cyn and Puddy start posting stuff from RazzMuffin.
Rasmussen ranked #1 along with PEW.
Here is why nothing is happening for you 14%ers
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Obama continues to plummet.
Taxes & cost of government are huge issues..except for NON-TAXPAYERS like most of y’all.
If a stock fluctuated between $34 and $35 for a couple of months would Mr. Klynical claim that it “continues to plummet”? Only if Mr. Klynical were batshit crazy, which, of course, he is.
A Republican who actually makes some sense:
The odds are very poor that her words will be taken to heart by the batshit insane (like Stupes and Mr. Klynical) that are at the base of her party.