– Pacific NW Portal 5.5 is up.
– And from one of the new blogs at the PNWP, there’s a more accurate name for Chained CPI.
– What is going on with the Bellevue Police?
– Tim Eyman remains awful.
– The Daily Caller remains gross.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Pacific NW Portal 5.5 is up.
– And from one of the new blogs at the PNWP, there’s a more accurate name for Chained CPI.
– What is going on with the Bellevue Police?
– Tim Eyman remains awful.
– The Daily Caller remains gross.
– What Chris Hayes Means to the Debate
Did we say we reject the contract? What we meant to say is we approve it by a 7:1 ratio.
The 7,350 technical professionals at Boeing represented by the Society for Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) reversed course and overwhelming approved a four-year contract Monday, 87 to 13 percent, a month after rejecting the same terms by a narrow margin.
Well played, union. Well played.
Maybe this helps explain why health care is so damned expensive.
@1 Stalinist Russia and Hitler Germany didn’t have unions, either.
And then there’s the tone-deaf musician’s union in SF:
Violist David Gaudry, chair of the musicians’ negotiating committee, called management’s latest two-year proposal a “draconian” attack on wages, benefits and work rules.
It would have increased pay by 1 percent by the end of the first year, and by 2 percent in the second, bringing the minimum annual salary to $145,979 (from a current $141,700) and to a projected average of more than $165,000. Musicians would continue to receive 10 weeks’ vacation. Three of four family health plan options would have required no monthly payments by the musicians …
Meanwhile, California now has the nation’s highest unemployment rate.
Well played, union. Well played.
Alternate headline: Reid’s Lucy predictably stymies Feinstein’s Charlie Brown.
Assault weapons ban loses steam
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on Monday that a controversial assault weapons ban will not be part of a Democratic gun bill that was expected to reach the Senate floor next month.
After a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday, a frustrated Feinstein said she learned that the bill she sponsored — which bans 157 different models of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines — wouldn’t be part of a Democratic gun bill to be offered on the Senate floor.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z2O0Bwfhi2
I don’t think the 2014 elections are going to be quite the cakewalk that some around her make it out to be.
Not to be overlooked is the carnival playing out in Cyprus. It seems Germany wants to fuck with the Russian mafia, so they’re forcing the hapless Cypriots to grab the Russians’ money. (And, like Capitalist Robber Baron desirous of living up to the name, they’re grabbing the peasants’ money, too.) Problem is, when you fuck with Russian gangsters, they get even. Guess who Germany gets their entire natural gas supply from? Russia. And who runs Russia? Putin, a guy who built his political career on a swaggering tough-guy image. Doesn’t take much imagination to see how this will play out.
Meanwhile, Germany’s decision to confiscate small depositors’ savings so the insolvent banks’ (German) bondholders won’t lose a dime is scaring money out of European banks like rats jumping off a burning ship, and a lot of it will cross the Atlantic to good ol’ safe-haven USA, where this new influx of cash will push American stocks even higher.
Stay tuned while that notorious Capitalist Pig, Roger Rabbit, laughs all the way to the, um, not-bank.
@5 The next time 20 dead kindergartners are found lying dead in pools of their own blood in the back of a school bus, the grieving parents will know exactly which political party to blame.
@ 7
The next time 20 dead kindergartners are found…
How many dead-by-gunshot inner-city children in Chicago do you think there will be, RR, before we see our next mass killing of white first-graders in some upscale suburban school RR?
This assault weapons ban issue is miniscule by comparison.
@7 As always, conservative judges are on the wrong side of the police videotape issue; and conservative judges are, of course, appointed by Republican presidents and confirmed by Republican senators; so why would anyone who cares about our constitutional rights and civil liberties ever vote for a Republican presidential or senatorial candidate? A vote for a Republican is a vote for a police state.
@8 “This assault weapons ban issue is miniscule by comparison.”
You’re right, we should ban ALL the guns; you humans can’t be trusted with any type of gun.
@8. As usual, Serial Conn, if you are so concerned, where is your advocacy for a solution for the gun violence in Chicago?
You only trot out Chicago to defect the argument that since current gun regulation doesn’t fix everything, nothing should be done.
You are such a shill.
DUMMOCRAPTS… becuz they will not address crazy people. ACLU claims it violates personal rights!
When DUMMOCRAPTS deal with the craziy peeps like Pluto boy, then we can have an honest gun debate. Until then nuthin will happen!
Tim Eyman needs one of these:
@ 11,12
I think that any ‘solution’ to Chicago’s problem also would violate personal rights to be effective, unfortunately. When a problem becomes as pervasive as is the case there, passing a law that only is tangentially related is a silly waste of time. It might make the Newtown families feel as if their children did not die in vain, and it may permit the HA libbies to cheer themselves to sleep, but it does virtually nothing to stop the nearly nightly carnage occurring in Chicago and in so many other urban areas.
Puddy thought Rahmbo DeadFish Never Reject a Crisis Emanuel had the solution. Oh yeah… it’s let the inner city blacks/hispanics kill each other off then blame it on the NRA.
Once again Fascist Pigsty U R full of shit! Where is your street cred to post anything about gun violence on this blog? Puddy hasn’t seen any solution from your fingers… just standard accusatory blame game tactics.
You see Facist Pigsty, Puddy came from inner city Philly. Been there seen that. You can even ask Pluto boy for the lat/long coordinates from his crazed databaze becuz Puddy posted them on this blog. Go on ask him… Puddy dares ya! So, where your husband come from? Puddy lived it, tasted it, seen people blown and knifed away in front of my eyes Fascist Pigsty. When we got out it was a blessing!
First – Make hand gun violence a first degree felony. The problem is hand guns not assault weapons. Assault weapons are the choice of crazy peeps. As stated above the ACLU won’t let anyone remove the crazies from society. It’s their civil rights! No if ands of butts on it. No plea bargains. You chose to do the crime you now do the time.
Second – Trace all weapons used in crime. Place specific markers on guns not serial numbers. If the gun dealer illegally gave out the weapons he goes to jail too. If the weapon was stolen then add 3 years mandatory sentences with no parole.
Third – Make mandatory laws mandatory laws. Too many leftist lemming libtard judges give out lenient sentences.
Four – If gang violence in prison, add 10 years no questions asked. If caught dealing out of prison add 10 years no questions asked.
Five – If they clean up then give them a clear record after 7 years. God’s perfect number.
Just off the top of my head thoughts on the issue. Puddy can refine them later. What is your idea Fascist Pigsty? Try to not deliver the standard DUMMOCRAPT platitudes!
BTW Fascist Pigsty, did you read about the 19 year old man who was blown away in Chicago because his hat was tipped the wrong way? Was it an assault weapon or a handgun?
What you not been paying attention?
Typical! Look at these two Obummer supporters.
I get it, the argument, “We have to pay large salaries to attract top talent” is only valid if referring to a CEO who cuts employment to improve bottom line for shareholders. It only applies to miserable corporate failures too.
Spending a lifetime practicing to be one of the best 10-15 people in the country at what you do is only worthy of compensation if you can throw or catch or hit some form of ball.
Small brained righties are so predictable. UNIONS! Yarrrggh!
From 6,
Part of most inner cities’ problems is the number of out-of-wedlock births. Family structure has broken down among poor minority families and poor whites.
I support abortion on demand for all, not only as a method of birth control but as a method of improving the chance of financial success for every family. Having children without having the wherewithal to support them properly is madness.
@14. If you have no solution to Chicago that you think is valid, then stop bringing it up every time there is a gun proposal to fix a different aspect of gun violence.
What did you think of Puddy’s solutions at 15?
Should we implement his ideas and the Assault weapons ban?
Fool! All the gangsta rap talks about uzi’s and ak’s…
Check out this left wing magazine:
At the time, weapons like the Uzi and the Mac 10 were widely used in inner-city gang crime.
So you’re giving a pass to gang thugs?
15 – Heh.. Total surprise there.. That’ll take you off the NRA’s xmas card list.
You know Boeing should just lock out SPEEA and outsource the engineering to China, India, Vietnam, Bangladesh…
And then put old Bob on the first test flight of a plane totally designed by rock bottom dollar labor and maximized Boeing executive bonuses.
@4 A world-class musician isn’t worth $165,000 a year? But a CEO or baseball player is worth $30 million a year? I think you’re the one who’s tone-deaf.
@21 … with a parachute manufactured in Pakistan.
@14 “When a problem becomes as pervasive as is the case there, passing a law that only is tangentially related is a silly waste of time.”
Right, that’s why Chicago needs a total gun ban, with life sentences for violators.
23 – LOL! That would be nice addition!
Hey I see old Bob has no comment about Robert Menendez’ “fucking”…
LOL!! A right winger’s favorite subject!
Never mind that Menendez might have been too cozy with a big donor..
“Fucking” always seals the deal with a right winger..
!!Benghazi!! !!Underage Hookers!!
!!Benghazi!! !!Underage Hookers!! Minstrel Show!!
@26 I took the liberty of amending it.
I see that over at (un)SP Jim Miller has surrendered to the will of Zod and no longer has comment threads. Putz.
!!Benghazi!! (Iraq) !!Underage Hookers!! (200 Republican pedophiles) Minstrel Show!! (Wingnuts cheering slavery at CPAC)
Bob’s a real laugh.
If CEOs are overpaid, the shareholders re being ripped off. If a ball player is overpaid, the sports fans are being ripped off.
29 – Sometimes I feel sorry for Bob.. His mentality was forged in the age of Raygun.. So many impressionable minds were turned to mush by that trash.
Thankfully back then I was influenced by very thoughtful lefties who had the skinny down cold on right wing propaganda.. I was tempted to sip but never drank that kool-aid. No thinking person could ever trust such liars.
Strangely enough some commendable things happened under Raygun – about 1 and one half things actually.. A treaty on intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe and a strategic lowering of oil prices in conjunction with the Saudis that ruined the Soviet Union’s balance of trade (and bankrupted many small oil producers in this country), the straw that broke the Soviet regime’s back. In any case, that was something the CIA had been anticipating for years.
It’s the ten-year anniversary of the start of our misadventure in Iraq. I can’t see any good that came out of that poor choice, except GWB got Saddam, and GWB thought Saddam tried to kill his old man, George the First. All in all, the price for GWB getting even was too high.
Afghanistan will be the same, once we’re finally out of there.
The complaint against Tim Eyeman’s initiative campaigns sounds like a description of right-wing heaven: workers work for free on one job in order to have the right to work for low wages at another job.
30 – And when workers are paid a living wage, right wingers froth at the mouth and their pattern baldness worsens.
Some right wingers I believe see a lot of good from that..
Right now Iraq is the third largest exporter of oil in the world, on course to becoming the second. Last I looked Iraq is number six on the list of countries we import the most oil from.
Never mind it’s now also one of the most corrupt countries in the world whose people see almost no benefit from its expanding oil production, sectarian violence still erupting 6 way to Sunday and as things get worse Iraq becomes cozier and cozier with Iran..
Way to go Bushies on that one.
In recent years, there’s been some musing about how in the rearview mirror of history, Richard Nixon doesn’t look half bad compared to the GOP’s current crop of crooked fools–in fact, I’ve indulged in a bit of that myself.
Well, fuck that, and fuck him. The most recent release of the Johnson tapes combined with transcripts of some BBC interviews with Johnson administration officials make it clear that Tricky Dick was directly involved in back-channel negotiations with North Vietnam to derail peace negotiations prior to the 1968 election. Johnson apparently decided not to act on it because he didn’t want to reveal the nature and extent of our intelligence operations at the time.
If this is credible (which it seems to be) Nixon personally committed high treason, and should have gone to prison (or before a firing squad) instead of getting elected. The result was that over 22,000 more American servicemen perished as the war dragged on for another six years and expanded further into neighboring countries.
And we still lost.
36 – Pretty shitty chapter in our history..
I was just reading about Roy Prosterman and Landesa.. His land reform ideas supposedly made some progress in putting a dent in the Viet Cong’s recruitment rate..
Unfortunately, the CIA was also running the Phoenix program… What a freaking bloodbath that was.
A pox on the whole political/national security class back then.
Who sez Puddy for assault weapons ban?
Where are the Fascist Pigsty thoughts?
This Pluto boy is a moron. Are the “gangsta rappers” using assault weapons ya moron?
This “being” can’t possess a brain. It’s waaaaaaaaaaaay too stooooooooooopid!
39 – Sidesteps the documented FACT of the use of assault rifles by inner city gangs..
What a dizzy dolt!
@30 “If CEOs are overpaid, the shareholders re being ripped off.”
Not only the shareholders, but the customers, the vendors and the rest of the employees, as long as the enterprise profits by way of sales of products or services. At times (the “dot-com” hysteria of the 1990’s being an example) there can be a flourishing of companies whose only true product is their own stock. That generally doesn’t work on a long-term basis.
Steve, you need to speak to Lib da moron. He runs to Daily Kooks and repukes what they say about minstrels. So you see Steve, when whitey libtards write about blacks not on the DUMMOCRAPT reservation, notice the tone and word choice. Notice the condescension and backhanded commentary.
Very telling to Puddy. Been reading this crap for years from the left wrong media!
So you believe Tupac or Snoop Dog never laid hands on an Uzi or AK or Mac 10?
Whip out da proof! What percentages are these used Pluto boy?
Changing da subject Pluto boy. Puddy held an Uzi in the Puddyhands. So what? Puddy didn’t load it. Puddy didn’t aim it at anyone. Puddy wouldn’t use one to hunt humans per Dianne The Moron Feinstein.
Another useless post from the unemployed gutter dweller!
Have y’all noticed in all the Pluto boy babbling he hasn’t taken a position on crazy peeps with guns? We see Jared Loughner, James Holmes, Adam Lanza were crazy mofos. Yet Pluto boy wants to discuss gangsta rappers handling assault weapons.
Fascist Pigsty… MIA on Chicago gun problems!
Read it and weep stupid:
You say concentrate on hand guns.. So if inner city gangs can’t get hand guns,
what are they going to get? Brass knuckles?
Stupid as always.
Read it and weep stupid:
All a bunch of freaked out racist right wing gun fetishists!
Hey moron!
Nice pictures in this one:
Ya idiot!
Fuck! Can this idiot puddystupid be this dumb???
Yes you are stoooooooooooopid… This is about Chicago you ID10T! You offer Los Angeles where the Mexican Cartels are much more ruthless. Why don’t you take your unemployed ASS down there and talk libtard to them? Puddy sure they’ll listen to an unemployed homie!
LOL!!! Here’s a video of 1 moron march with an assault rifle:
Crazy as a shit house loon! Like Puddydumbass!
LOL!!! Nice try! We’re talking about gang violence you stupid moron..
You saying gangs behave different in Chicago?
In Madison Wisconsin… What are those college kids doing at UW with guns? Still waiting for Chicago Pluto boy. TEK 9 assault handgun – assault rifle? No it’s classified as a pistol!
SKS “assault rifle”? –
# 36: And Nixon eventually took credit for a peace deal which was essentially the same terms offered to him, and rejected, in 1968 – four years earlier. When they pondered the deal Nixon and Kissinger agreed that the S. Vietnamese government wouldn’t last much longer than four more years, but they also agreed that as long as they were out of office when it fell, they fault would be laid on the next administration.
Turns out Nixon wasn’t in office, but S. Vietnam wasn’t able to last four years anyway. It fell in the spring of 1975.
The only thing funny about all of this was that these guys – Nixon and Kissenger – thought of themselves as masters on the global stage. It was more like Stan and Ollie.
Once again Pluto boy has scum on da brain… The town with the most killings is Chicago. Serial Conservative used Chicago to make a point… Libtards in power are not interested in ending gun violence… just taking away guns from lawful owners. Then Fascist Pigsty rambles on like always with no solutions proffered, just her standard attack the messenger. Stupid as ever just like you.
Still waiting for those nasty ASSAULT WEAPONS in Chicago Pluto boy!
Gangs in Chicago, not your unemployed homies in LA!
Such a dumbass! You think Madison you automatically think college kids whose votes you want to supress?
Wait no more stupid:
Still waiting for the Pluto boy loon to say crazy peeps should not have guns at all. Notice the crickets chirping…
Assault weapons aren’t a problem???
According to the biggest DUMBASS in the history of this comment board!
LOL!! Nice try.. Still waiting for your dumb ass to square this:
Your words stupid.. Bye!
# 55: I’ve fired an SKS with a detachable clip. They come with several types of modifications. You can turn one into a full automatic with a few adjustments.
I don’t like firing it on semi-automatic because I don’t feel like spending more time loading the clips than I did shooting. I prefer to use bolt-action rifles.
I only fire rifles at targets – I used to fire competition, but now only to keep up the skills a bit. My eyes have gotten a bit too fuzzy for competition shooting. But if someone wants to challenge me in my own home, I wouldn’t use a rifle – I would use a shotgun. Less likely a round would go through the walls and hit a neighbor, and the likelihood of hitting a target in the dark is much greater.
By the way, did you know that Gen. Nathan B. Forest’s personal guard (which he used as shock cavalry) was mostly armed with shotguns? Their philosophy was to charge the enemy, no matter their numbers, yell like banshees, fire off both barrells of the shotguns (some carried two), then pull out their pistols (most carried at least two), then resort to the sabre after all ammo was expended.
Oh! This is too funny!
Chicago import guns from a magical right wing land where Puddydumbass is “respected”…
Nice pictures of Chicago-metro gun seizures from sweeps of open-air drug deals:
Yawwwn.. All of the more deadly guns are a problem not just hand guns..
Sorry right wing dings.
Twinkies may be back on shelves, possibly as early as June.
Golly in that Chicago article not one mention of an assault rifle. And Pluto boy sez what… Nuthin
Golly in the ABC link no mention of assault weapons… And Pluto boy sez what… Nuthin
Stupid stupid stooooooooooooooopid!
Thanks for replaying some of Puddy best commentary!
Puddy PWNs you Pluto boy! All Puddy needs now is the neck collar and chain!
After market modifications. Not how they were manufactured!
@55 Ask some Vietnam Veteran who was shot at with an SKS if he thinks those guns should be floating around on our streets.
@57 “not interested in ending gun violence… just taking away guns from lawful owners”
Apparently you haven’t noticed that recently I’ve been arguing for taking them away from all you stupid humans, which is a broader demographic than “lawful owners.” Rabbits, however, should be allowed to have them, and to shoot dogs that chase rabbits in public parks.
There is, however, a problem with “lawful owners” that puddy isn’t acknowledging. See, e.g.,
Let’s face it, the problem isn’t just criminals and madman, it’s also a stupidity problem, and there’s no shortage of human stupidity.
@62 “But if someone wants to challenge me in my own home, I wouldn’t use a rifle – I would use a shotgun.”
Exactly! When I “rode shotgun” for truck drivers, my weapon of choice was a 12-gauge pump-action. If someone climbed up in my truck without permission, he was going leave the same way he came, and very rapidly!
@68 Well duh, governments mass-produce military rifles as cheaply as they can. Especially the Russkies. Their philosophy was to emphasize quantity at the expense of quality. So they might make 100,000 tanks but they’d fall apart if you kicked a road wheel. A lot of the old Soviet stuff was junk when it rolled out of the factory. Perhaps not least because the only way they could get any production from the workers was if they were drunk on vodka.
The Chinese stuff was even cheaper and junkier. One thing you never, ever did was “cook off” a Chicom grenade, because the burn time of the fuse, shall we say, has a tendency to vary.
Well DUMB Wabbit you are the only one saying that. Maybe you can get Pluto boy to say it too. So far he just can’t say something not approved by the ACLU, SEIU and DUMMOCRAPTS. Kinda telling he’s an unemployed skirt wearer. Still waiting for Fascist Pigsty to proffer something!
DUMB Wabbit@71,
Others on your side would call that anecdotal evidence.
LMAO!! They “respect” you to your face and behind your miserable ass profit from gun sales that kill people of color in Chicago!
LMAO!! Posted more than one article in this thread ya idiot..
Only in the fantasy world of Puddymoron are seizures of 100 or more guns from drug gangs strangely lacking any assault rifles.
Metro is delaying the rollout of RapidRide E and F. After seeing the delays on the D-Line in Downtown Seattle, they should wait until more ORCA Card readers are installed before replacing routes 358 and 140,respectively.
Anyone else notice that Piddles language skills are deteriorating? I hate to go all pop psychology but whenever he wanders into his ‘concern’ for Chicago youth killings, the kind of ugly self loathing anti-intelligence speak percolates as if to prove his ‘cred. @15 includes a lot of sense that is utterly opposed by the NRA but Piddles largely blames the ACLU. I’ll concede that the abuses of the mental health “committal” system had a lot to do with putting mental patients back on the streets but that was the 60s and 70s. in 2013, where is the money to re-open closed facilities or even operate the remaining ones at full capacity? “Yarrrghh, social services and mental health? DEFUND! KILL, KILL, KILL. That’s the leeches that need help. That’s the takers not the makers! Add lunatics to the no gun registry…SECOND AMENDMENT?!”
“da brain”
“nuthin will happen!”
“What you not been paying attention?”
“Whip out da proof!”
Oh pooor pooor checkmate… doesn’t like PuddyPhrases! Puddy self loathes nuthin.
ABSOLUTELY! When crazies get guns like Jared Loughner, James Holmes, Adam Lanza and your ilk don’t want them investigated for being crazy BEFORE getting a gun then it proves Puddy’s point. R U as crazy? Must be that’s why you cry no money no money. Everything to a libtard is no money.
Sucks to be you. Thanks for playing… Checkmate you lose!
Ah Yes, Puddyworld…
Involuntary incarceration for 15 years without any form of treatment or diagnosis….GOOD!
Placing people EXACTLY like Loughner in a regular hospital bed for 24 hours with no treatment and releasing them into the population for lack of mental health care funding…ACLUs FAULT!
PUDDYWORLD, it’s never EVER, ever about money except of course, TAXEs…BAD!
“Washington State’s mental health system is inadequate. The underfunded system was cut by almost $26 million in the 2011-2013 Washington State biennial budget. The Governor’s current budget proposals would cause further deterioration of the system through cuts to Western State Hospital and Regional Support Networks (RSNs) that care for patients.”