That’s pretty precious. The wingies’ world is collapsing in upon them and instead of trying to find an exit route, they’re piling on top of each other. It’s most entertaining. I suppose I should feel sorry for them given all the pain they’re experiencing. But, I don’t. The pain is self-inflicted. “Beer and popcorn, please.”
Yay! The state senates budget keeps all our state parks as state parks and open. From an email from the State Parks Foundation
You have probably read or heard about different Washington State Budget scenarios that have projected the possibility of closing anywhere from 13 to 40 State Parks. The closure of so many of our State parks will have a devastating impact on our outdoor recreational opportunities.
Fortunately, the proposed Senate Budget released last week keeps all State Parks open, on the same basis as they are today. The Senate Budget proposal includes anticipated revenues from a proposed $5 fee on vehicle registrations. Individuals will have the choice to opt out of paying the $5 fee when registering a vehicle, so the fee will be voluntary. Lead senators on the budget have indicated a strong commitment to keeping parks open even if this revenue fails to fully materialize in the coming months.
Daddy Lovespews:
There’s nothing goldarned wingnuttier than radical extremist GOPers hearing George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense propose a 4% increase in our already crazily runaway defense spending who insist on calling that “gutting the military.”
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Diddled Luvr, the same way the Dummocraptics in 1995 went all over the libtard MSM airways and complained Newt Gingrich and the Republicans were gutting skuul lunch programs when they wouldn’t allow the %age increase to stay at 8% but wanted to lower it to 5%? Clinton shutdown the Government. Did ya fetget dat Diddled Luvr?
Daddy Lovespews:
6 Pud
Newt shut down the government.
Speaker Gingrich and the new Republican majority claimed they wanted to slow the rate of increase in government spending. Gingrich led a Republican revolt to not submit a revised budget, allowing the previously approved appropriations to expire on schedule, and causing parts of the Federal government to shut down for lack of funds.
Claremont Isntitute:
Dick Armey said that what “killed us” during the 1995 government shutdown was that Gingrich and his House deputies were “full of themselves,” boasting about the shutdown in advance.
…the poll also shows that Republicans get more of the blame for a possible shutdown; 46 percent say they’re at fault, 27 percent blame the President.
Daddy Lovespews:
6 Pud
BTW, Pud, was that your defense of the Republican liars? “someone elkse did it too?” Why don’t you ask your momma if that’s a good excuse?
Hey, wingies, repeat after me: Senator Al Franken. Say it 3 times in a row, and maybe your heads will explode. Man, it sucks to be you.
This should also induce meltdown amongst our wingy troll friends:
That’s pretty precious. The wingies’ world is collapsing in upon them and instead of trying to find an exit route, they’re piling on top of each other. It’s most entertaining. I suppose I should feel sorry for them given all the pain they’re experiencing. But, I don’t. The pain is self-inflicted. “Beer and popcorn, please.”
Yay! The state senates budget keeps all our state parks as state parks and open. From an email from the State Parks Foundation
There’s nothing goldarned wingnuttier than radical extremist GOPers hearing George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense propose a 4% increase in our already crazily runaway defense spending who insist on calling that “gutting the military.”
Diddled Luvr, the same way the Dummocraptics in 1995 went all over the libtard MSM airways and complained Newt Gingrich and the Republicans were gutting skuul lunch programs when they wouldn’t allow the %age increase to stay at 8% but wanted to lower it to 5%? Clinton shutdown the Government. Did ya fetget dat Diddled Luvr?
6 Pud
Newt shut down the government.
Claremont Isntitute:
6 Pud
BTW, Pud, was that your defense of the Republican liars? “someone elkse did it too?” Why don’t you ask your momma if that’s a good excuse?