– Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day
– Boo CNN
– I don’t even know what to say about this case, it’s so terrible. I will say about the article, that it should be consistent about using the word “rape” instead of “sex abuse” and “have sex” some of the time, and if you look at the URL, it clearly was in the title at some point, so the decision to soft pedal it happened at some point.
– Oh CPAC, you’re terrible.
– Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not for ladies)
– Why does Bill Gates hate capitalism?
Even the British Press knows the truth coming from the USA!
A very interesting read… Puddy doubts many of the libtard leftist lemmings will get it.
I’ve had no reason not to ignore the Ted Van Dyk idiocy on the sidebar. But I still see his name all the time.
Why, here it is again, somewhere else:
My Unrecognizable Democratic Party
The stakes are too high, please get serious about governing before it’s too late.
It’s not too late for the president to take a cue from his predecessors and enter good-faith budget negotiations with congressional Republicans. A few posturing meetings with GOP congressional leaders will not suffice. President Obama’s hype about the horrors of fiscal-cliff and sequestration cuts, and his placing of blame on Republicans, have been correctly viewed as low politics. His approval ratings have plunged since the end of the sequestration exercise.
But time is running out for Democrats to get serious about governance. That concrete barrier—in the form of the 2014 midterm—lies just ahead on the highway, and they’re joy riding straight toward it.
Alas, The One is still betting on Sequestrageddon to pull him out of his freefall. As long as you’re heading for the concrete barrier, Obama, pedal to the metal.
Remember how you HA libbies – YLB in particular, IIRC – derided Ryan’s budget plan, which took 20+ years to balance the federal budget?
Turns out imitation’s the sincerest form of flattery:
Van Hollen: House Democratic plan will balance budget by around 2040
“We believe that our projections show that the budget we will submit will actually balance,” Van Hollen (D-Md.) said on NBC News’s “Meet The Press.” “It will balance at the same time the Republicans’ budget balanced last year — which is out in the future, around 2040.”
What is it tell you when the Democrat Party’s best ideas this year are proposals made by the GOP last year?
No, libby, I don’t want to see your Weiner:
Weiner rage comes to a head
Headline’s a little limp – an ode to Roger Rabbit. Seems to me that if the Post had truly worked on their headline, they could have come up with some sort of riff on the best one ever, “Headless Body Found in Topless Bar”. Everyone’s lazy these days.
Fresh from double-teaming Romney with The One in the debate she moderated last year, Candy Crowley solidifies her cred by siding with convicted rapists.
Candy Crowley Oozes Sympathy for Steubenville Rapists
Crowley was filled with sadness for two young men who took advantage of a drunk and possibly drugged young girl because the judge actually held them accountable for what they did. Instead of wondering aloud why they weren’t tried as adults, she was instead very concerned that now they would have to register for the rest of their lives as sex offenders.
Because he loves Obummer. Been telling y’all this for years. Another super rich 1%er for Obummer. Look at the top 10 richest and see how many voted for Obummer.
Fraggy has no OWS comment.
Watch Tricky Dick Turbin Durbin weasel away from the truth! Can’t answer because it will make Kimg Obummer look bad!
@1 Anytime puddy flings out the word “truth,” watch out!
So why is this HuffPo writer upset the ACLU sees it as Rand Paul does? Oh no! Imagine a drone hovering outside the Pluto boy hovel. Oh no!
@3 Let’s review what happened on Nov. 6, 2012: We won, you lost.
Obama isn’t going to agree to the Ryan budget that makes pensioners pay for millionaire tax cuts with Social Security and Medicare cuts. He won’t give you what you didn’t win at the ballot box. This is Civics 101.
Bacause the DUMB Wabbit fears TRUTH and FACT when his posts are deconstructed!
Fascinating. Cover the open canals with solar panels. Generating electricity while slowing water loss.
10. Sheldon Adelson
9. Alice Walton
8. Rob Walton
7. Jim Walton
6. Christy Walton
4. David Koch
3. Charles Koch
Wow – look how dominated that top 10 is by Obama supporters!
Ellison has given $20,000 to Republican candidates, and $17,500 to Democrats.
Such ENTHUSIASTIC Obama support there..
Once again a right wing MORON is destroyed by facts as he was last November.
Dull thread so far. Nothing going on here except puddy and Bob pulling each other’s puds. Yawn. I’ll be hopping back to bed in a few minutes.
Bzzzt.. Wrong.. I condemned Ryan’s budget because it’s a fucking lie, an extremist document..
What’s its goal? Fiscal responsibility? Job growth for the economy?
Nope.. It’s more defense spending and tax cuts for the rich on the backs of everyone who’s not rich.
It’s only hysterically funny that with all the right wing rhetoric about “out of control spending” (wars of choice don’t count) that Ryan’s extremist budget doesn’t balance for 35-40 years.
Before I leave, this CNN writer points out the obvious: Republicans don’t want the deficit to go away, any more than they want abortion to go away.
These are great fundraising and vote-getting issues for them, so the last thing they want is abortions outlawed and deficits eliminated.
It works much better for GOPers to rant about abortion and deficits, and do nothing about them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: To which I might add that resident squatter troll Bob is the only one here who’s too dense to recognize it’s the GOP, not Obama, who’s obstructing a budget deal.
@16 What’s hysterically funny is that Ryan relies on Obamacare taxes to “balance” the budget while calling for repeal of Obamacare.
I know he kept the 39 percent rate so his latest budget would balance sooner than 35 years but if he kept the various Obamacare taxes that would be too funny..
Yep it’s true…
Heh.. But Puddymoron will whine “it’s law!. Republicans agreed to those taxes!”..
Ooops. I don’t believe they did.. I suppose they do now.. Who’d a thunk it?
Poor Puddymoron!
When Pluto boy posts you know it’s BULLSHITTIUM… Just one post that’s all it takes…
Larry Ellison
$29,400 Republican
$135,400 Democrat
$235,174 special interest
total: $399,974
Pluto boy… such a creep!
And of course the Walton Family will not give to Obummer. The OFA team has been bad mouth them for years. Why give to an anti-capitalist? Even the DUMB Bunny understands that stance. The DUMB Bunny agrees with Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook hiding $$$billions overseas from US Taxes in the name of capitalism Pluto boy!
20 – LOL!! Stupid again.. My link was for 2012 election cycle..
Changing the subject from the top 10 rich.. What a coward!
What??? Oh you’re conceding the point that you pulled that top 10 rich shit out of your ASS!
Yeah that’s why he signed so many tax cuts for small business.. An “anti-capitalist” would do that.
And of course Pluto boy forgets Warren Buffet. Curiously left off his list.
Is this another lie? I don’t believe in that myself.
Yeah here is Obummer’s “tax cuts” to small businesses.
LOL! Still spinning!!!! Give it up stupid! You crapped your shorts on that top 10 rich stupidness..
‘Cuz you’re a FOOL!
@27 That’s an insult to fools.
Once again Pluto boy swings and misses
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)SP! spews:
Heh.. Looks like Puddymoron turned tail and ran!
Too bad we didn’t get to the FACT that his beloved Ryan kept the Obamacare taxes..
Poor dummy.. Caught in a trap by the form of dementia called Obama Derangement Syndrome!
Oh there he is..
Once again he’s lying about Roger Rabbit..
No where in that quote is any support for corporate tax dodging..
What a dumbass.
This is interesting…
No entry for Larry Ellison on 2012. Yet Pluto boy screams
So Puddy displays OpenSecrets and NewsMeat… both are sites introduced to the libtard leftist lemmings by Puddy years ago. So it seems Pluto boy searched and found something to sling on HA. Typical.
Puddy don’t live on HA like unemployed skirt wearing Pluto boy!
“I don’t believe there’s a red state in America where people believe you should cut Medicare, Social Security and veterans’ benefits rather than doing away with corporate tax loopholes.” – Sen. Bernie Sanders
It’s the law you stupid jackASS! It was signed and codified and approved by SCOTUS.
Still as sorry a gutter dweller as ever.
This is the second or third time you proffered that argument and Puddy smacked it back then!
Gotta go Pluto boy. Work calls, something very anathema to you!
My link about Ellison was to Business Insider.. Are you blind as well as a dumbass???
LOL!!! Let’s look at the 2012 election cycle numbers again..
% b cs -r -t “^ylb$” -d “^2009|201[0-2]” -c
| count |
| 13619 |
1 row in set
b cs -r -t “^puddymoron$” -d “^2009|201[0-2]” -c
| count |
| 19596 |
1 row in set
During 4 years of your ODS sickness, you “lived” here more than I did you moron!
Cause they don’t have the taxes to do this in person?
Being pro choice doesn’t mean I am pro abortion. It just means that I understand it is none of my business.
Breaking news: Rob Portman announces he’s reversed his opposition to government funding of firefighters after his son’s house caught on fire.
Sad. Just sad.
Stupid dumbass!! You’re still running from your own words like a chicken!
We were talking about the 39 percent rate which raised 600 billion in that comment..
We’re talking about totally DIFFERENT taxes in this thread! Taxes YOU CLAIM NO REPUBLICAN in the House of Representatives voted for!
If we want to have US companies repatriate overseas monies, maybe the smart thing to do is set any taxes on those funds to a very low rate to encourage the reptriation. We can garner more money for the Treasury with a strategy that encourages companies to bring the money home.
From 41,
I’m afraid the outlook for Detroit is vey dismal. It may simply cease to be a city in another decade or two.
Heh. The so-called “History Channel”. Satan in their “The Bible” series looks like President Obama and wears a hoodie. Too funny!
I was wondering why this series sucked and why it indulged so much in gory violence. Right-wing focus group approved! The guy who produced this makes reality TV shows, including Sarah Palin’s Alaska.
We talked about that here…
Problem is, the Republicans, want the rate to be ZERO… Or they simply suffer from “nobama” syndrome.
@12 “when his posts are deconstructed”
When has that ever happened?
@19 “if he kept the various Obamacare taxes”
That’s exactly what he did! I couldn’t believe it when I read it; I knew the latest iteration of the GOP/Ryan budget was political grandstanding, unrealistic, and unpassable, but I wasn’t prepared for this:
“The way in which the proposed House budget resolution treats Obamacare is central to how Ryan was able to balance the budget in ten years. Over a ten-year period, Obamacare spends $1.9 trillion on subsidizing insurance coverage for uninsured Americans. The law funds that additional spending by cutting Medicare by $716 billion, and raising taxes by $1.2 trillion. The Path to Prosperity keeps, but repurposes, Obamacare’s Medicare cuts and tax increases, while repealing the law’s spending on the uninsured.”
Of course, this is vintage Republican meanness on display. Unable to get Obamacare struck down by the Supreme Court or repealed by Congress, Republicans now want to steal all of the money it raises to provide health care to the uninsured and use it to give tax cuts to millionaires disguised as “deficit reduction.” Under the New! Improved! Whiter Than White! Ryan Budget! top tax rates would fall from 43.6% to 25%.
The gall of these people is unbelievable. Earlier in this thread @3 our friend Cereal Bob aka Kap’n Kornflake pontificated, “please get serious about governing before it’s too late.”
Well, my answer is, we are serious about governing and if Republican bastards want a partisan war, we’ll give them a partisan war.
Cyprus Bank Bailout Triggers Fresh Eurozone Crisis
Nobody has commented yet in this thread about events in Cyprus this weekend. Briefly, pressured by EU officials (read: Germany) and the IMF, Cypriot officials agreed to a 10-billion-euro bailout of Cypriot banks to be paid for by confiscating 10% of the money deposited in Cypriot banks.
The reaction was instantaneous. Within minutes of the announcement on Saturday, people had emptied all of the island’s ATM machines. Cyprus banks were closed today anyway because today is a holiday in Cyprus, but this morning the Cypriot government extended the bank closure through Thursday. It doesn’t take a genius to realize what will happen when the banks reopen: Depositors will withdraw every cent they have, and the Cypriot banking system will collapse.
Cyprus has a tiny economy, less than 1% of EU’s GDP. The problem is people all across Europe will figure, “if they do this to Cyprus, they might do it to us, too.” That could trigger Europe-wide bank runs, although the more likely result of the Cyprus fiasco is that companies, wealthy individuals, and investment managers will quietly move money from Europe to safe havens like the U.s.
It’s the bad precedent that makes Cyprus a big deal. This could be Europe’s “Lehman Brothers moment” and the beginning of the end of the euro currency. We’ll have to wait and see.
@49 So in Cyprus, I can put 100 euros in the bank and a week later, I would have 90. A negative savings rate. If I didn’t put my money in the bank, I would have 100 euros.
How was this even considered a viable idea?
Puddy @36 You have to work? My condolences. I’m living off the fat of the land.
@50 That happens a lot of the time in other places…like f’rinstance the good old USA. The difference is that here, the bank takes the money out of your account and keeps it instead of transferring it to the government, and instead of “taxes” it’s called “service fees”.
@50 They’re especially targeting Russians, who they figure stole it in the first place, which they probably did, but if you’re a corrupt Russian politico or money launderer you’ll probably still calculate that depositing 100 and getting back 90 is a bad deal. Plus Putin, who is buddies with every grifter and grafter in Russia, has these things:
From 46,
OK, then, we agree – a low tax rate will encourage repartition of the money and benefit us all.
History channel Devil and Obama.
From 55,
They look similar, but the guy on the left is much, much older.
Quite a imagination you have.. A talent for seeing things that don’t exist. Anything else you want to impress us with?
All a low tax rate has ever done is short change the american people in my view. See the wonders low taxes accomplished starting in December 2007 right on through the fall of 2008..
Worked miracles didn’t they?
@54 “a low tax rate will encourage repartition of the money and benefit us all”
How about making them pay the same taxes as everyone else? I’m tired of rich assholes demanding and getting privileged treatment. It’s time for them to support this country like the rest of us have to do.
And while we’re on the topic of corporate taxes, let’s make companies who offshore jobs pay higher taxes, instead of giving them tax breaks to give American jobs to foreigners.
That’s another Republican idea that sucks dogshit.
You know, there just aren’t any Republican ideas that I can vote for. Republicans really, really suck. They can try cosmetic makeovers of their party’s image until the cows come home, they’re not going to win elections until they quit fucking over the American people.
@55 Demonizing Obama is nothing new for the racist pigs on the right who can’t stand the fact the American people twice rejected their corporate bootlickers and elected a black guy. See #59.
Madman Of The Day (TM)
“A former student found dead in a University of Central Florida dorm room along with makeshift explosives and weapons was planning an attack on the school’s Orlando campus, the university police chief said on Monday.
“A fire alarm had gone off less than an hour earlier, and as campus police responded, a 911 call came in reporting a man with a gun, police said. When police went to investigate, they discovered the man’s body as well as a .45 caliber handgun, a .22 caliber tactical weapon and four homemade explosive devices. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition were also found, police said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s an example of what I’m taking about @59. Why are people like this allowed access to guns and ammo? I don’t care what the Second Amendment says, or what interpretation the Wingnut Court puts on it, when you can’t even get the NRA or Republicans to support something as basic and unobtrusive as universal background checks for gun purchases, it’s time to write off the whole wingnut community as a bunch of antisocial cranks and screwballs, and shove them out of the way so responsible adults can write reasonable laws that clearly are needed for the safety of the rest of us. Except rabbits should be allowed to have guns, and there should be no closed season or bag limit on dogs, especially those that chase rabbits in public parks.
At least this guy had the decency to kill himself before going on a rampage against innocents. I wish all these madmen would do that.
“A New Jersey compounding pharmacy has temporarily shuttered operations after Connecticut hospital officials reported finding visible mold in bags of a vital injection drug.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking market failure, and another example of what I’m talking about @59. Republicans ran this country for 8 years under their trained chimp, from 2001-2009, and during that time we had multiple cases of tainted food recalls, numerous FDA approvals of unsafe drugs, etc., because Republicans don’t want to regulate anything, their whole shtick is maximizing profits no matter what it costs the rest of us. You can’t trust Republicans. They’ve proved that over and over again. So why does anyone vote for them? Do some voters have a death wish? Do they hate their children and hope a tainted vaccine will kill their kids? You gotta wonder about these people.
Looks like this asshole has decided his chances are better in a war crimes court than in the bush. Notice he turned himself in at an American embassy. We must have a reputation as a rule-of-law country or something. Anyone else would have necklaced him with a burning tire.
@3 “Why, here it is again, somewhere else”
Gawd, you must be truly desperate if Ted Van Dyk is all you’ve got.
“On taking office, however, the president adopted a my-way-or-the-highway style of governance.”
Nothing “my way or the highway” about Republicans. Nah, they demanded Obama surrender and bow before Zod, which is obsolutely reasonable given that Republicans lost. Again.
“He opted instead to demonize Republicans for their supposed hostility to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”
Yeah, Republicans aren’t hostile. They just hate the poor, the elderly and the sick. That’s why Baby Jesus loves wingnuts and hates progressives.
“fear campaigns in which Mitt Romney and the Republicans were painted as waging a “war on women,” being servants of the wealthy, and of being hostile toward Latinos, African Americans, gays and the middle class.”
Yeah, fear campaign. Republicans have no issues with transvaginal wands, makers, takers or brown people.
The rest of the piece is reminiscing about the good ol’ days of LBJ. Too funny, Bob.
From 57 and 58,
OK, then we’ll just let it be and the money will stay overseas and no taxes will be paid.
Half a loaf is better than none, guys! What would you rather have?
(Repatriation, not repartition. Sometimes the machine picks the wrong choice in its attempt to help.)
Re: The Cyprus Bailout
Question: What part of Fractional reserve banking does the EU not understand?
Answer: All of it.
If you have/had a bank account in Cyprus you could look forward to a 7% interest rate.
With the “bailout” you get taxed at 10%.
So, where should a wise person keep their money?
In a Cypriot bank? Or under the mattress?
Re: The Cyprus Bailout
Don’t be surprised if for the relatively small price of $20B the Russian government does not swoop in on EU (and US Fed and Obama Treasury) stupidity and buy a foothold in western banking that it never could during the Cold War.
Cyprus is where the Russians do a lot of money laundering for clients. As a matter of fact, the Russians are probably the best money laundering folks around!
From 68,
Yeah, makes you long for the days of the good old Cold War, don’t it?
@70, No. No longing for the stupidity of the past. The cost to Russia of the current policy is about $3B. If there is a moratorium of Cypriot payment of loans in addition to the grabbing of deposits, it makes even more sense for Russia to take a small chunk of its capital and buy it out.
@66 “What would you rather have?”
The taxes they owe, and their money can rot in Ghana until they decide to pay up.
@66 (continued) I don’t believe in rewarding hostage takers or tax dodgers for their bad behavior.
Republicans will oppose amnesty for draft dodgers to the end of time, but it takes them less than 3 seconds to grant amnesty to tax dodgers. If you want to keep your own life that’s a serious crime, but if you want to keep the government’s money that’s the liberty promised by the Declaration of Independence. See #59 again.
@68 The Russians are stupid. They’ll send tanks instead of money or oil. And get their asses kicked again like they got in Afghanistan.
I understand now why the Russians never invaded Western Europe, and why there never was any danger they would. They knew what would happen to their army if they sent it against a bunch of medieval peasants armed with crude copies of .303 Enfields. And after Afghanistan they didn’t have to guess.
Let’s review: Russia invaded a country that has exactly one road, which for much of its distance is flanked by cliffs, down which they had to transport all their fuel, food, ammunition, and supplies and most of their troops. All the resistance had to do was hide a few guys with RPGs and rifles up in the rocks and wait for the trucks to show up, then shoot down on them, they couldn’t miss if they tried. Then run off into the hills. It’s pretty obvious to ambushers which road to stake out when there’s only one road. The Russkies never did figure out a solution to this tactical problem, and they never had anywhere near enough airlift to not need the road, so 13,000 Soviet lives later (official count; Russian veterans say the actual toll was much higher) they finally admitted the obvious and got the hell out of there. Now our troops are trying the same thing thanks to the geniuses of the Chimp Administration …
Looks like the Republicans have gotten one thing right.
@78 Don’t hold your breath waiting for them to do anything about it. They’ll repackage the same rotten meat in a fresh wrapper and hope it sells.
@71 Why don’t the Russians just buy the whole goddamned island? It’s available for a song. They probably can get it just for assuming the repo debt. They’d get a warmwater port and missile base in the heart of Europe for next to nothing.
Of course, at the rate tailpipe emissions are melting artic ice, they’ll have a slew of warmwater ports in Siberia within a few years.
More On UCF Would-Be Shooter
Updated news reports on the University of Central Florida student who amassed guns, ammo, and explosives indicates he fully intended to carry out mass murder and committed suicide only when police were closing in on him.
The gunman, who was in a dormitory, pulled a fire alarm to flush students out of their rooms into hallways where he could shoot them en masse. But his roommate had already called police, who responded swiftly and massively. Cornered the gunman shot himself.
Oh no Bill Maher now thinks his taxes are too high!
Investigators say someone paid 3 prostitutes to lie about Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez paying them for sex. I can’t imagine who might do something like that …
@83 Nobody likes taxes, including me, and we’re allowed to bitch about taxes in this country. In some places, you’d get shot for that. But Republicans make an art form of bitching about taxes they don’t pay.
Yet most of those companies discussed from the crazed databaze jock strapped Obummer! Somehow Pluto boy missed that association!
I used to know a barber who loved to talk rightwing politics and complain about taxes. One day he disappeared. I heard later he was arrested for tax evasion. He hadn’t filed a tax return in over 20 years. Maybe the reason Republicans can’t win elections anymore is because half of them are convicted felons.
Fine. Then Congress should have no problem seeing they pay their fair share of taxes….
Somehow puddydumbass missed the part in civics class about three branches of the federal government.
Idiot @ 86..
How’d that top ten rich being second term President Obama “jockstraps” work out for you?
Heh. About as well as all the R-Money bullshit worked out for R-Money last November!
What does that have to do with DUMMOCRAPT companies not paying taxes you JACKASS?
90 – zzzzZzzzzzzz.. So stupid it’s hopeless..
Oh no Pew Study sez MSNBC delivers HorsesASS!
Yep you are… Glad you noticed it about yourself.
Thanks for playing stooooooopid… wait… it comes naturally to you!
Ahhh yes, someone who understands what Clarence Thomas writes about in some of his opinions. Something probably lost on Fascist Pigsty’s husband! Always lost on HA leftist lemming libtards!
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING, unemployed ID10T. Such a corrupt person!
96 – How’d that top 10 rich bullshit work out for you dummy???
All the R-Money bullshit.. How’d that work out?
Keep believing in crap ya moron! Keep playing the fool.. We laugh at that shit.
Hey Lib da moron, Dr Ben Carson was at CPAC. Was he a minstrel?
Sez the unemployed moron@97.
No you dope… we laugh at you sitting on HA all day!
As for Bus Driver Appreciation Day, does it apply to the Metro drivers who operate Link on Sound Transit’ s behalf? Because I was on a Link train this morning that was delayed by a bus with a stuck door in the tunnel. The operator kept us informed, after a few minutes, dispatch had him turn back to keep up schedule. Too bad I don’t take my camera to work. Would have been a sight,seeing the redundant third track at Stadium Station in action. The delay to me was about ten minutes, and I made my connection with the D-Line.
Yawwwn.. Yes I know – a choir of voices inside your pinhead..
In other news, Texas Republicans have tried to reach out to African American voters:
Heh.. Results speak for themselves.. 98 percent of African-Americans in TX voted for second term President Obama. 3 points BETTER than the nation-wide stat.
I bet that really rankles puddymoron! Blaming the “libtardo-Soros emmessemm” in 5, 4, 3, 2..
Oh here’s a great story of American Enterprise!
Idiots like Puddymoron would say this is capitalism! Anyone opposed to this is “anti-capitalist”..
I wonder if any right wing tool like Puddyidiot can tell us how many “jobs” “capitalism” like this “created”???
Sez the unemployed moron Pluto boy@101.
Yes we laugh! Such a waste!
@ 102
Only one problem with your cheering on that account, YLB:
They can’t vote for Obama a third time. Meanwhile, maybe take a look at African-American unemployment in the Age of Obama. Maybe, just maybe, at some point the African-American community will realize the extent to which it has been used by the Democrat Party.
So this means what? African-Americans do better in the “age” of serial lying bullshit artists like Bush and Willard RMoney?
Yeah the record of African Americans voting for such frauds really bear that out.
Hey Bob I get it now.. Perhaps African American men have more opportunities as cannon fodder in recreational wars of choice initiated by the serial lying frauds you like..
That’s something I guess.
@77 I’ve been amazed (and more than a little disgusted) by the way righties on Facebook have been proclaiming their observance of the anniversary of our nation’s commencement of what might well have been the silliest war in history. Quite a few (including our old pal Piper Scott) made pilgrimages to “Ground Zero” in New York City. I’m sure they’d come up with some pretty bizarre rationalizations when asked why.
@84 I can’t quite understand why. These days, it seems Limpdick and Fox barf up total fantasies every day, and their remaining base of hard-core devotees accept it as Gospel truth.
@82 Doubtless the gun fetishists will venture that things would have turned out oh, so much better had every student in the dorm been packing. Meanwhile, back in the real world, had that been the case there might well have been dozens shot in a chaotic scene right out of a Quentin Tarantino movie.
New York? As if Saddam had ANYTHING do with 9/11???
OH MY GAWD.. I’d be amazed if there were a more brainwashed right wing dolt living in this State.
b cs -t therabbit -c
| count |
| 76185 |
1 row in set
% b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 37433 |
1 row in set
b cs -t ylb -c
| count |
| 23525 |
1 row in set