Speaking of fail, the market’s 6th worst performance of the year happened when Obama opened his mouth today! This time he used TOTUS too! Only thing TOTUS isn’t under warranty.
Don Joespews:
@ 2
Frankly, I think Puddy in action is orders of magnitude funnier.
The number of Americans who believe that the nation is headed in the right direction has roughly tripled since Barack Obama’s election, and the public overwhelmingly blames the excesses of the financial industry, rather than the new president, for turmoil in the economy, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
proud leftistspews:
Wouldn’t you think that the trouble of coughing up lumps of shit, at least after a little while, would cause Puddy pause to wonder whether he wasn’t, indeed, full of that which he was coughing up?
Employment numbers for employers who have over 100 workers in Pierce County are out, we’re down a whopping 665 jobs.
665 is a lot of jobs to lose and yeah that’s a bad thing. But, the bobble-heads on cable TV make it sound like we’ve lost everything and everyone’s out of work.
New names have joined the list of major employers in Pierce County. Some companies have dropped away.
Hope for better days remains.
That’s the word from the Economic Development Board for Tacoma-Pierce County. The board annually compiles a list of those Pierce County companies that employ 100 or more full-time workers.
The list, issued last week, shows that where 208 companies employed 163,064 people in 2008, this year 193 companies employ 162,399.
Don Joespews:
PL @ 6
Check out the video I linked at 4. It explains precisely where all that shit comes from.
I’m looking for the “REPUBLICANS SUCK” thread.
Dear State Senators,
If you’re going to behave like idiots, please do us the courtesy of behaving like useful idiots.
MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2009
Senate Budget Does Not Take Full Advantage of Federal Funds
The Senate budget contains $2.7 billion in cuts for the Department of Social and Health Services, the primary agency responsible for health care and economic security programs in the state. These cuts are partially replaced by new federal funding. However, the Senate proposal cuts too deeply, resulting in a budget that does not fully take advantage of federal funds.
In order to keep from losing available federal recovery funds, the state must avoid deep cuts such as these by raising new revenue.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe@4: Sorry dude wrong nationality. More clueless wonders speed. He has the real shitty disposition. Kind of monomaniacal too.
Good try though.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Maybe the WaPo should re-poll the same people after what happened at GM.
The Truthspews:
57 percent say where on the wrong track.
Yet 66 percent think loser boy as a winner even though he has not created one job.
The Sheep are asleep they polled the reporters or whatever they call them today.
“The percentage of Americans in the new poll who said the country is on the right track still stands at just 42 percent, but that is the highest percentage saying so in five years and marks a sharp turnabout from last fall, when as many as nine in 10 said the country was heading in the wrong direction. Fifty-seven percent now consider the nation as moving on the wrong track. ”
It’s amazing how completely worthless the Publican cowards are. They’ve been telling lies 24/7. They’ve been expressing faux outrage 24/7. They’ve channeled their talking points to all the churches and right wing talking heads on radio 24/7. They’ve been praying for the failure of our nation 24/7. They’ve been trying to destroy our way of life and Constitution 24/7. They’ve tried to blame the complete, abject, utter failure of AWOL Bush on PRESIDENT OBAMA 24/7 and yet…..
HOW FUCKING PATHETIC these right wing looooosers are. They can’t do ANYTHING right! LOL!
9.11 happened while GW Bush was President – according to Oreo Puffybutt – 9.11 is Bush’s fault. Nuff said.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Alaska has responded to our Legislative Tax-addicted lunatics proposal on taxing refined fuel. Read this:
I call you KLOWNS “PINHEADS” because you are incapable of assessing possible consequences to your actions. You propose all this stuff ASSUMING others are just gonna sit back and take it.
LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS—it ain’t name-calling…it’s the Truth!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I think I know at least part of the cause of these misguided KLOWNS thinking….spear-fishing! I saw this on the news and it dawned on me, these KLOWNS may all be victims of similiar accidents…only there was brain penetration!
Taxpayers must stop the lunacy and say NO to all Tax Increases…and send the message to our Legislators that it is there job to draw the line on Discretionary Spending…and spend all their time on ways to more Cost-effectively deliver Mandatory Services, rather than how to fleece taxpayers via backroom strategy sessions.
BTW, wouldn’t it be interesting to know how many lame-brained tax studies our Dept. of Revenue has done the past year or 2 for Legislators intent on raising taxes??
Someone tried to get this info so it is out in the Sunshine…yet Legislators WHO REPRESENT US invoked some slimey “privilege” to keep us in the dark about their intentions.
The Democrats have been screaming the past 8 years about Open Government…yet they are worse than what they claim to abhor!
21 – Yawn. Garbage writing from a right wing garbage outfit.
Very few of those strange tax proposals have a prayer of passing – a non-issue.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
So what specifically do you refute in the article @ 21??
Too lazy to read?
Or perhaps, you can’t read?
You have turned YLB’s mind to mush!
You are Puddy..
YLB is Silly Putty!
@22 What’s up with that hat??
24 – Do I have to repeat myself? No. So I won’t.
For the last 4 years I’ve read enough right wing garbage.
Where did it get your crowd? Got a Rassmussen for us today fool?
25 – Klake used to dribble, long, long streams of repetitive, right wing bullshit here. His comments and JCH’s I would just scroll right past.
Now he’s doing the same thing at the SeattlePI.com site. What a loon!
Don Joespews:
I’ve criticized the Bush tax cuts before, and, while many of our friends from the right have pooh-poohed (some have even used the word “evsicerated”) those criticisms, no one has taken those arguments head-on.
Well, I ran across some interesting data today that further bolsters my criticisms of the Bush tax cuts. To understand this point, however, we need to consider the primary difference between the conservative and liberal economic philosophies.
Both conservatives and liberals generally contend that the way to achieve full employment in the economy is by promoting growth. Where they differ is in the specific policy tools we should use in order to promote economic growth.
The conservative view holds that using tax cuts for fiscal stimulus is the more efficient way to promote growth, and, more specifically, tax cuts for the wealthy. The argument relies on the general equilibrium condition where savings equals investment. The wealthy have a much higher marginal propensity to save, so giving them tax cuts increases savings the most, which, in turn, increases investment that much more. This increase in investment, in turn, increases employment.
The question is, is that really what happened with the Bush tax cuts? To understand the answer to that question, we have to consider what actually happened with employment over the past eight years.
Employment is generally measured by two different surveys, known generally as the “Establishment Survey” and the “Household Survey”. The Establishment Survey tries to measure who is employed. The Household Survey tries to measure who is unemployed.
Because the two surveys attempt to measure different things, they often run counter to each other. This difference in results between the two surveys provides insight into the structure of employment and how economic growth affects employment.
Barry Ritholtz’ has a fascinating post that details all of these issues. Of particular interest to any questions about the Bush Tax cuts is the graph at the end of Ritholtz’ post. An extended version (through 2008) of that same graph can be found here.
The graph shows the ratio of the Establishment Survey to the Household Survey. For reasons detailed in that post, this ratio tends to serve as a recessionary indicator. As the economy grows, the ratio tends to go up. As the economy falters, the ratio tends to go down.
Had the Bush Tax Cuts worked the way Republican/conservative ideology predicts, the EST/HH ratio should have started to go up at some point after the enactment of those tax cuts. However, as the graph at the second link shows, the EST/HH ratio continued to go down from 1999 all the way to 2008 with no up-tick in sight.
This data affirms much of the liberal arguments about how best to increase employment. Clearly, it’s not enough to simply rely on the GE condition where savings equals investment. How that savings translates into investment matters, and, especially when that investment manifests itself in the form of capital asset appreciation, we will not see a corresponding change in the underlying employment data.
The most important conclusion from this data is that the current Republican prescription for getting us out of the current crisis is fundamentally flawed. Cutting taxes, especially cutting taxes in a way that favors the wealthy, is as likely to lead to a capital asset bubble as it is likely to lead to more robust employment.
Don Joespews:
By the way, the data above is particularly damning to calls to further reduce the capital gains tax. The capital gains tax applies to capital asset appreciation. However, when firms put capital assets to use in production, capital assets depreciate. Lowering the capital gains tax increases the incentive for forms to allow their capital assets to sit idle while they appreciate in value. This is exactly the opposite of what we want to happen.
The Truthspews:
We have a majority of middle class democrats who will work for low pay and pereks. They write books on taxpayers dime and leave congress as millionaires.
This is your government that only cares about themselves and how they can be a Bill Gates of DC. Would YLB want Franks to tell him how much money he should take home. sorry bad example any of you HA team members work?
“Rep. Alan Grayson, the Florida Democrat who wrote the bill, told me its basic message is “you should not get rich off public money, and you should not get rich off of abject failure.” Grayson expects the bill to pass the House, and as we talked, he framed the issue in a way to suggest that virtuous lawmakers will vote for it, while corrupt lawmakers will vote against it.”
“It was nearly two weeks ago that the House of Representatives, acting in a near-frenzy after the disclosure of bonuses paid to executives of AIG, passed a bill that would impose a 90 percent retroactive tax on those bonuses. Despite the overwhelming 328-93 vote, support for the measure began to collapse almost immediately. Within days, the Obama White House backed away from it, as did the Senate Democratic leadership. The bill stalled, and the populist storm that spawned it seemed to pass.
But now, in a little-noticed move, the House Financial Services Committee, led by chairman Barney Frank, has approved a measure that would, in some key ways, go beyond the most draconian features of the original AIG bill. The new legislation, the “Pay for Performance “Act of 2009,” would impose government controls on the pay of all employees — not just top executives — of companies that have received a capital investment from the U.S. government. It would, like the tax measure, be retroactive, changing the terms of compensation agreements already in place. And it would give Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner extraordinary power to determine the pay of thousands of employees of American companies.”
In the nineties we produced hi-tech goods and services but with NAFTA and other trade deals it became easier for capital to be allocated to lower wage domiciles.
In the Shrub years tax cuts only accelerated investment overseas. Jobs were created but they were lower-paying jobs in the consumption services sector of the economy. Low interest rates made going into debt too tempting for most Americans.
Shrub’s top priority was making war not helping Americans succeed at home through education, health care and infrastructure spending – that’ll take care of itself was the right wing attitude.
America needs to deliver cutting edge products and services that deliver value and employ Americans. The greed crowd is not interested in that or we would have seen it in spades during the Dumbya years.
The Truthspews:
The United States has put a $5 million bounty on his head, and he says Scouts under his control are planning a overnight outing in Washington that “will amaze everyone in the world.”
Baitullah Mehsud, commander of the Boys Scouts in Pakistan will enjoy a visit with loser boys soon says Pakistan Boys Scouts of the middle east.
29 – I remember during the nineties, right wingers said cutting the capital gains tax was the end all and be all. In fact they’d been saying that for years.
I remember one time a Clinton economic adviser was on Wall Street Week. The host, Rukeyser, a hard right ideologue, asked him about lowering the capital gains tax. The Clinton adviser said outright that there’s no evidence that a lower capital gains tax results in greater economic growth.
History has borne that out. The greatest post world-war II economic booms were not hindered by capital gains taxes.
The Truthspews:
I remember during the 90’s our schools installed vending machines for extra money and provided the kids with “JUNK FOOD” If this was too low in fat they offered you a hot meal of pizza, french fries, hamburgers you all have see the results.
You should follow the money on these contracts.
Today your Government has a change of mind after thousand of kids becoming diabetic. Today you want to trust these same people with health care.
It surprises anyone Klake is a Nazi????
Hey CYNCYN watch out – they’re coming for you next!
Are Klake and Timothy McVeigh brothers? They look like they could be twins…they have that same vapid look.
@35: Health care:
You mean the system we supposedly have where we spend more than any other country in the world and end up even with Latvia in overall health?
How could we be MORE inefficient then we are? Do you enjoy dealing with health care insureres that take your money and then fail to reimburse? All the other major industrialized countries in the world have some form of centralized health care that is superior to ours and costs less.
I guess their socialism is just better than ours….we only give money to the failed bankers who absconded with our money.
As far as junk food in our schools – it started with a guy named Reagan who proclaimed ketchup a vegetable. The moron republicans nodded their heads in agreement. We need a “no healthy lunch left behind” initiative to fix the sorry school cafeterias.
and “truth” says:
57 percent say where on the wrong track.
First, that is a lie or from some outlier poll that is irrelevant.
Second, moron truth, we’re = we are, NOT where.
You really ARE English impaired. Your opinions suffer not only from your latent stupidity, but also from your pathetic grasp of the English language.
The Truthspews:
it surprises anyone Klake is a Nazi????
And your response is a rant and not even on subject. You should start paying for health care
Not only are your eyes defective your brain cells are being destroyed daily. No one cares what you say maybe spending a few weeks in Canada under their health plan will cure your manly problem and mental and physical problems too.
Good luck on your trip.
Then come back and see us.
The Truthspews:
We have over 4 million kids going to school to eat be watched for 6 hours and then sent home.
The parents are happy the schools are overwhelmed. Oh, educations of the kids they don’t want it, the parents don’t want the kids to lose their heritage. Schools still get money for this waste of time.
School have taken away PE and let the kids sit and plug in the tunes for the day. No more exercise other than flipping the dial.
Why are cases of diabetics going through the roof with your kids? How many hours do you let them watch TV or play video games?
Don’t worry about the teachers worry about you kids for once.
Then Buy the New Improved ’09 Obaminator from UAW Proletarian Green Machine Motors! Save the Planet! Leave a carbon footprint no larger than your footprints! Buy credits from AlGore Inc. to offset the emissions you exhale while driving the Green Machine of Tomorrow, Today! Do it Now! Or Else!
Dr. Kill-Darespews:
How could we be MORE inefficient then we are?
By falling for leftist lies about collectivizing U.S. healthcare into a bureaucratically administered Medicare-for-everybody.
Left-wing media, a redundancy, report that current Medicare enrollees really really like the program to which they’ve become accustomed, and everybody likes Medicare’s low overhead: Billions served with almost nothing going for overhead … just the way all American health care would be if we really cared and let government run it.
But occasionally left-wing media screw up and speak the truth. NPR admitted that Medicare loses c. $70 billion/year ($35 billion in S. Florida alone) to supplies-and-service fraud. Low overhead means Medicare spends almost nothing to determine if it’s paying for actual and actually needed supplies and services. That’s because Medicare’s real function is lubing its computers to generate checks.
And KIRO’s Dave Ross, yesterday, mentioned Medicare’s black hole … the one leftists usually fail to mention. Medicare has made more promises than it (we) can pay for. It’s unfunded liabilities are at least 50 trillion dollars. In the demographic destiny sweepstakes, Medicare fainted and died at the starting line.
Damn that Dumbya for signing NAFTA and starting the long, downhill slide from Clinton’s glorious gay ’90s. Things were so much better then, when we had a pres who really cared about the workers.
Capitalist pig Dumbya, on the other hand, cared only about NAFTA-izing our working class out of their jobs and about giving cap gains cuts to his fat-cat buddies at Halliburton. Bush was a Nazi. Everybody knows that.
The Truthspews:
Workers say Obama treated autos worse than Wall St Autoworkers say Obama’s ‘tough love’ more tough than love, they get worse treatment than bank
We can’t wait until obama takes over the Grocery stores and the gas stations now we know how he promised a free tank of gas every month. He didn’t break his promise yet.
Obama Warranty Plan Leaves Many GM, Chrysler Owners Vulnerable
In the nineties we produced hi-tech goods and services but with NAFTA and other trade deals it became easier for capital to be allocated to lower wage domiciles.
In the Shrub years tax cuts only accelerated investment overseas.
And you’re incoherent. Your phrasing seems to show a chronological devolution from the good Clinton ’90s to the Shrub years when everything went awry, or away.
You insult the intelligence of HNMT, whoever that is, but suggesting that he/she/it doesn’t know when NAFTA got going, and by whom.
49 – Devolution? Your pretensions are nauseating. and so boring…
Went awry? Maybe in your small mind they went well. To most people it was the “recovery” that never felt like a recovery.
You insult the intelligence of HNMT,
Ohhh poor baby…
Capitalist pig Dumbya
Dumbya was the furthest thing from a capitalist.
He was a Rentier and a servant to the Rentier class in this country.
Dust off Adam Smith and you might learn what that is.
The righties are in-fighting again. Which nutjob is nuttier – that appears to be the question among the Publican traitors. Man they are just one fucked up bunch aren’t they?
Personally I want to see Palin be the star of the GOP. That way we don’t even have to show up to win in the next election.
The Truthspews:
Your making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Don’t worry about us you need all the help you can get.
Spend more time watching your party’s Great Loser
boy go down in flames.
The Wealth of Obamanationsspews:
HNMT knows exactly who dusty Adam Smith is. Dust him off your own damn self.
55 – Oh the authoritarian, rentier supplicant is giving out orders now. Crap rolls downhill as they say.
Nope, I ignore orders from name-calling right wing nutjobs.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Have you been snorting Coke with Ashley Biden??
Let’s see, she’s 27 years-old and daughter of the V-P, Tall-tale Joe Biden.
Probably out of your league ByeBye.
Ashley has quite a past.
You KLOWNS on the LEFT made a lot of vicious attacks against the Bush twins…especially Jenna. And of course, you were vicious with Sarah Palin’s daughter.
It appears the chickens are coming home to roost.
That said, I feel for her. Sounds like she was set-up real good and took the bait.
I cannot understand how she slipped away from the Secret Service to do this…if it’s true.
It was reported her boyfriend was there.
The question is..how can we expect anyone to take the Obama Administration’s Drug Enforcement seriously if the VP’s daughter is snorting??
This one will be on TV for years….sadly.
@57 “It appears the chickens are coming home to roost.”
People like you ragged on Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton for no reason other than their appearances and then you whined how unfair it was that people went after the Bush twins for their irresponsible partying and the Palin’s for their family values disaster.
In your delusional and pious state of mind, you think of yourself and your political party as being above reproach. Instead, it appears the chickens came home to roost on your sorry ass some time ago.
then you whined how unfair it was that people went after the Bush twins for their irresponsible partying and the Palin’s for their family values disaster.
So apparently it is fair game in your alleged mind to tag a coke snorter…her “irresponsible partying”.
OK. Ashley Biden put this Country at risk. This is the perfect set-up to shakedown the government.
Ashley needs help.
Fair game? Who ever mentioned fair? You see me one guy’s daughter’s dubious coke problem and a few nominee’s tax issues, and I’ll raise you two hundred convicted Republican pedophiles and a half dozen goatfucking trolls. You lose. Again.
Speaking of your hypocritical whine about irresponsible, partying coke snorters, you voted for one for president. Twice. Suck on that, bitch.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Dr Kildare NutRight:
All the other major industrialized countries in the world have some form of centralized health care that is superior to ours and costs less.
NutRight, I’ll have you speak to one of my older sisters who lived for years in England. She’ll tell you all about rationed health care.
You want it. Go for it.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder wrote:
In the nineties we produced hi-tech goods and services
And Bill Clinton sold them to the Chinese. They are now using them to improve their ICBM missile targeting.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Steve, I’ll throw in a dozen or so Dummocraptic pedophiles starting with Mel Reynolds. How about some prostitution loving Dummocraptic congressman?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Hey stillbentover: Pedro the movie will be on MTV tomorrow just for you.
Also I saw another of your family members in South America engaging in incest with their daughters creating a hole bunch of stillbentover cousins. One in Europe another in South America. Quite a family tree moron!
So that’s what wingnuts mean when they talk about the “porkulus”. Explains everything.
Funny, on the FailBlog we see Don Joe in action
Speaking of fail, the market’s 6th worst performance of the year happened when Obama opened his mouth today! This time he used TOTUS too! Only thing TOTUS isn’t under warranty.
@ 2
Frankly, I think Puddy in action is orders of magnitude funnier.
Comment FAIL!
Wouldn’t you think that the trouble of coughing up lumps of shit, at least after a little while, would cause Puddy pause to wonder whether he wasn’t, indeed, full of that which he was coughing up?
Employment numbers for employers who have over 100 workers in Pierce County are out, we’re down a whopping 665 jobs.
665 is a lot of jobs to lose and yeah that’s a bad thing. But, the bobble-heads on cable TV make it sound like we’ve lost everything and everyone’s out of work.
PL @ 6
Check out the video I linked at 4. It explains precisely where all that shit comes from.
I’m looking for the “REPUBLICANS SUCK” thread.
Dear State Senators,
If you’re going to behave like idiots, please do us the courtesy of behaving like useful idiots.
Don Joe@4: Sorry dude wrong nationality. More clueless wonders speed. He has the real shitty disposition. Kind of monomaniacal too.
Good try though.
Maybe the WaPo should re-poll the same people after what happened at GM.
57 percent say where on the wrong track.
Yet 66 percent think loser boy as a winner even though he has not created one job.
The Sheep are asleep they polled the reporters or whatever they call them today.
“The percentage of Americans in the new poll who said the country is on the right track still stands at just 42 percent, but that is the highest percentage saying so in five years and marks a sharp turnabout from last fall, when as many as nine in 10 said the country was heading in the wrong direction. Fifty-seven percent now consider the nation as moving on the wrong track. ”
4 – That’s Stupes for sure. He’s been cleaning out the elephant pen since at least 1994.
And his head’s been stuck up the sicko-phant ass for just as long.
Why can’t Governor Gregoire act & Perform like Mayor Hazel…rather than just look like her.
You must watch this:
It’s amazing how completely worthless the Publican cowards are. They’ve been telling lies 24/7. They’ve been expressing faux outrage 24/7. They’ve channeled their talking points to all the churches and right wing talking heads on radio 24/7. They’ve been praying for the failure of our nation 24/7. They’ve been trying to destroy our way of life and Constitution 24/7. They’ve tried to blame the complete, abject, utter failure of AWOL Bush on PRESIDENT OBAMA 24/7 and yet…..
HOW FUCKING PATHETIC these right wing looooosers are. They can’t do ANYTHING right! LOL!
9.11 happened while GW Bush was President – according to Oreo Puffybutt – 9.11 is Bush’s fault. Nuff said.
Alaska has responded to our Legislative Tax-addicted lunatics proposal on taxing refined fuel. Read this:
I call you KLOWNS “PINHEADS” because you are incapable of assessing possible consequences to your actions. You propose all this stuff ASSUMING others are just gonna sit back and take it.
LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS—it ain’t name-calling…it’s the Truth!
I think I know at least part of the cause of these misguided KLOWNS thinking….spear-fishing! I saw this on the news and it dawned on me, these KLOWNS may all be victims of similiar accidents…only there was brain penetration!
Few things funnier than Mr. Klynical’s attempts at being humorous.
Great article by Joseph Abrams on the trend of Cities & States (even Washington got a mention) on taxing nearly everything.
Taxpayers must stop the lunacy and say NO to all Tax Increases…and send the message to our Legislators that it is there job to draw the line on Discretionary Spending…and spend all their time on ways to more Cost-effectively deliver Mandatory Services, rather than how to fleece taxpayers via backroom strategy sessions.
BTW, wouldn’t it be interesting to know how many lame-brained tax studies our Dept. of Revenue has done the past year or 2 for Legislators intent on raising taxes??
Someone tried to get this info so it is out in the Sunshine…yet Legislators WHO REPRESENT US invoked some slimey “privilege” to keep us in the dark about their intentions.
The Democrats have been screaming the past 8 years about Open Government…yet they are worse than what they claim to abhor!
Klake is a nazi!
21 – Yawn. Garbage writing from a right wing garbage outfit.
Very few of those strange tax proposals have a prayer of passing – a non-issue.
So what specifically do you refute in the article @ 21??
Too lazy to read?
Or perhaps, you can’t read?
You have turned YLB’s mind to mush!
You are Puddy..
YLB is Silly Putty!
@22 What’s up with that hat??
24 – Do I have to repeat myself? No. So I won’t.
For the last 4 years I’ve read enough right wing garbage.
Where did it get your crowd? Got a Rassmussen for us today fool?
25 – Klake used to dribble, long, long streams of repetitive, right wing bullshit here. His comments and JCH’s I would just scroll right past.
Now he’s doing the same thing at the SeattlePI.com site. What a loon!
I’ve criticized the Bush tax cuts before, and, while many of our friends from the right have pooh-poohed (some have even used the word “evsicerated”) those criticisms, no one has taken those arguments head-on.
Well, I ran across some interesting data today that further bolsters my criticisms of the Bush tax cuts. To understand this point, however, we need to consider the primary difference between the conservative and liberal economic philosophies.
Both conservatives and liberals generally contend that the way to achieve full employment in the economy is by promoting growth. Where they differ is in the specific policy tools we should use in order to promote economic growth.
The conservative view holds that using tax cuts for fiscal stimulus is the more efficient way to promote growth, and, more specifically, tax cuts for the wealthy. The argument relies on the general equilibrium condition where savings equals investment. The wealthy have a much higher marginal propensity to save, so giving them tax cuts increases savings the most, which, in turn, increases investment that much more. This increase in investment, in turn, increases employment.
The question is, is that really what happened with the Bush tax cuts? To understand the answer to that question, we have to consider what actually happened with employment over the past eight years.
Employment is generally measured by two different surveys, known generally as the “Establishment Survey” and the “Household Survey”. The Establishment Survey tries to measure who is employed. The Household Survey tries to measure who is unemployed.
Because the two surveys attempt to measure different things, they often run counter to each other. This difference in results between the two surveys provides insight into the structure of employment and how economic growth affects employment.
Barry Ritholtz’ has a fascinating post that details all of these issues. Of particular interest to any questions about the Bush Tax cuts is the graph at the end of Ritholtz’ post. An extended version (through 2008) of that same graph can be found here.
The graph shows the ratio of the Establishment Survey to the Household Survey. For reasons detailed in that post, this ratio tends to serve as a recessionary indicator. As the economy grows, the ratio tends to go up. As the economy falters, the ratio tends to go down.
Had the Bush Tax Cuts worked the way Republican/conservative ideology predicts, the EST/HH ratio should have started to go up at some point after the enactment of those tax cuts. However, as the graph at the second link shows, the EST/HH ratio continued to go down from 1999 all the way to 2008 with no up-tick in sight.
This data affirms much of the liberal arguments about how best to increase employment. Clearly, it’s not enough to simply rely on the GE condition where savings equals investment. How that savings translates into investment matters, and, especially when that investment manifests itself in the form of capital asset appreciation, we will not see a corresponding change in the underlying employment data.
The most important conclusion from this data is that the current Republican prescription for getting us out of the current crisis is fundamentally flawed. Cutting taxes, especially cutting taxes in a way that favors the wealthy, is as likely to lead to a capital asset bubble as it is likely to lead to more robust employment.
By the way, the data above is particularly damning to calls to further reduce the capital gains tax. The capital gains tax applies to capital asset appreciation. However, when firms put capital assets to use in production, capital assets depreciate. Lowering the capital gains tax increases the incentive for forms to allow their capital assets to sit idle while they appreciate in value. This is exactly the opposite of what we want to happen.
We have a majority of middle class democrats who will work for low pay and pereks. They write books on taxpayers dime and leave congress as millionaires.
This is your government that only cares about themselves and how they can be a Bill Gates of DC. Would YLB want Franks to tell him how much money he should take home. sorry bad example any of you HA team members work?
“Rep. Alan Grayson, the Florida Democrat who wrote the bill, told me its basic message is “you should not get rich off public money, and you should not get rich off of abject failure.” Grayson expects the bill to pass the House, and as we talked, he framed the issue in a way to suggest that virtuous lawmakers will vote for it, while corrupt lawmakers will vote against it.”
“It was nearly two weeks ago that the House of Representatives, acting in a near-frenzy after the disclosure of bonuses paid to executives of AIG, passed a bill that would impose a 90 percent retroactive tax on those bonuses. Despite the overwhelming 328-93 vote, support for the measure began to collapse almost immediately. Within days, the Obama White House backed away from it, as did the Senate Democratic leadership. The bill stalled, and the populist storm that spawned it seemed to pass.
But now, in a little-noticed move, the House Financial Services Committee, led by chairman Barney Frank, has approved a measure that would, in some key ways, go beyond the most draconian features of the original AIG bill. The new legislation, the “Pay for Performance “Act of 2009,” would impose government controls on the pay of all employees — not just top executives — of companies that have received a capital investment from the U.S. government. It would, like the tax measure, be retroactive, changing the terms of compensation agreements already in place. And it would give Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner extraordinary power to determine the pay of thousands of employees of American companies.”
In the nineties we produced hi-tech goods and services but with NAFTA and other trade deals it became easier for capital to be allocated to lower wage domiciles.
In the Shrub years tax cuts only accelerated investment overseas. Jobs were created but they were lower-paying jobs in the consumption services sector of the economy. Low interest rates made going into debt too tempting for most Americans.
Shrub’s top priority was making war not helping Americans succeed at home through education, health care and infrastructure spending – that’ll take care of itself was the right wing attitude.
America needs to deliver cutting edge products and services that deliver value and employ Americans. The greed crowd is not interested in that or we would have seen it in spades during the Dumbya years.
The United States has put a $5 million bounty on his head, and he says Scouts under his control are planning a overnight outing in Washington that “will amaze everyone in the world.”
Baitullah Mehsud, commander of the Boys Scouts in Pakistan will enjoy a visit with loser boys soon says Pakistan Boys Scouts of the middle east.
29 – I remember during the nineties, right wingers said cutting the capital gains tax was the end all and be all. In fact they’d been saying that for years.
I remember one time a Clinton economic adviser was on Wall Street Week. The host, Rukeyser, a hard right ideologue, asked him about lowering the capital gains tax. The Clinton adviser said outright that there’s no evidence that a lower capital gains tax results in greater economic growth.
History has borne that out. The greatest post world-war II economic booms were not hindered by capital gains taxes.
I remember during the 90’s our schools installed vending machines for extra money and provided the kids with “JUNK FOOD” If this was too low in fat they offered you a hot meal of pizza, french fries, hamburgers you all have see the results.
You should follow the money on these contracts.
Today your Government has a change of mind after thousand of kids becoming diabetic. Today you want to trust these same people with health care.
It surprises anyone Klake is a Nazi????
Hey CYNCYN watch out – they’re coming for you next!
Are Klake and Timothy McVeigh brothers? They look like they could be twins…they have that same vapid look.
@35: Health care:
You mean the system we supposedly have where we spend more than any other country in the world and end up even with Latvia in overall health?
How could we be MORE inefficient then we are? Do you enjoy dealing with health care insureres that take your money and then fail to reimburse? All the other major industrialized countries in the world have some form of centralized health care that is superior to ours and costs less.
I guess their socialism is just better than ours….we only give money to the failed bankers who absconded with our money.
As far as junk food in our schools – it started with a guy named Reagan who proclaimed ketchup a vegetable. The moron republicans nodded their heads in agreement. We need a “no healthy lunch left behind” initiative to fix the sorry school cafeterias.
and “truth” says:
First, that is a lie or from some outlier poll that is irrelevant.
Second, moron truth, we’re = we are, NOT where.
You really ARE English impaired. Your opinions suffer not only from your latent stupidity, but also from your pathetic grasp of the English language.
it surprises anyone Klake is a Nazi????
And your response is a rant and not even on subject. You should start paying for health care
Not only are your eyes defective your brain cells are being destroyed daily. No one cares what you say maybe spending a few weeks in Canada under their health plan will cure your manly problem and mental and physical problems too.
Good luck on your trip.
Then come back and see us.
We have over 4 million kids going to school to eat be watched for 6 hours and then sent home.
The parents are happy the schools are overwhelmed. Oh, educations of the kids they don’t want it, the parents don’t want the kids to lose their heritage. Schools still get money for this waste of time.
School have taken away PE and let the kids sit and plug in the tunes for the day. No more exercise other than flipping the dial.
Why are cases of diabetics going through the roof with your kids? How many hours do you let them watch TV or play video games?
Don’t worry about the teachers worry about you kids for once.
Drive the New ’09 Obamobile! Or else!
Then Buy the New Improved ’09 Obaminator from UAW Proletarian Green Machine Motors! Save the Planet! Leave a carbon footprint no larger than your footprints! Buy credits from AlGore Inc. to offset the emissions you exhale while driving the Green Machine of Tomorrow, Today! Do it Now! Or Else!
By falling for leftist lies about collectivizing U.S. healthcare into a bureaucratically administered Medicare-for-everybody.
Left-wing media, a redundancy, report that current Medicare enrollees really really like the program to which they’ve become accustomed, and everybody likes Medicare’s low overhead: Billions served with almost nothing going for overhead … just the way all American health care would be if we really cared and let government run it.
But occasionally left-wing media screw up and speak the truth. NPR admitted that Medicare loses c. $70 billion/year ($35 billion in S. Florida alone) to supplies-and-service fraud. Low overhead means Medicare spends almost nothing to determine if it’s paying for actual and actually needed supplies and services. That’s because Medicare’s real function is lubing its computers to generate checks.
And KIRO’s Dave Ross, yesterday, mentioned Medicare’s black hole … the one leftists usually fail to mention. Medicare has made more promises than it (we) can pay for. It’s unfunded liabilities are at least 50 trillion dollars. In the demographic destiny sweepstakes, Medicare fainted and died at the starting line.
And YLB = Yanqui Loco Basta.
Damn that Dumbya for signing NAFTA and starting the long, downhill slide from Clinton’s glorious gay ’90s. Things were so much better then, when we had a pres who really cared about the workers.
Capitalist pig Dumbya, on the other hand, cared only about NAFTA-izing our working class out of their jobs and about giving cap gains cuts to his fat-cat buddies at Halliburton. Bush was a Nazi. Everybody knows that.
Workers say Obama treated autos worse than Wall St Autoworkers say Obama’s ‘tough love’ more tough than love, they get worse treatment than bank
We can’t wait until obama takes over the Grocery stores and the gas stations now we know how he promised a free tank of gas every month. He didn’t break his promise yet.
Obama Warranty Plan Leaves Many GM, Chrysler Owners Vulnerable
And just wait until he gets his mitts on Bolivia.
HNMT @ all
Not blaming NAFTA on Dumbya.
You’re pretty stupid aren’t you?
You’re irony impaired.
And you’re incoherent. Your phrasing seems to show a chronological devolution from the good Clinton ’90s to the Shrub years when everything went awry, or away.
You insult the intelligence of HNMT, whoever that is, but suggesting that he/she/it doesn’t know when NAFTA got going, and by whom.
49 – Devolution? Your pretensions are nauseating. and so boring…
Went awry? Maybe in your small mind they went well. To most people it was the “recovery” that never felt like a recovery.
Ohhh poor baby…
Dumbya was the furthest thing from a capitalist.
He was a Rentier and a servant to the Rentier class in this country.
Dust off Adam Smith and you might learn what that is.
The righties are in-fighting again. Which nutjob is nuttier – that appears to be the question among the Publican traitors. Man they are just one fucked up bunch aren’t they?
Personally I want to see Palin be the star of the GOP. That way we don’t even have to show up to win in the next election.
Your making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Don’t worry about us you need all the help you can get.
Spend more time watching your party’s Great Loser
boy go down in flames.
HNMT knows exactly who dusty Adam Smith is. Dust him off your own damn self.
55 – Oh the authoritarian, rentier supplicant is giving out orders now. Crap rolls downhill as they say.
Nope, I ignore orders from name-calling right wing nutjobs.
Have you been snorting Coke with Ashley Biden??
Let’s see, she’s 27 years-old and daughter of the V-P, Tall-tale Joe Biden.
Probably out of your league ByeBye.
Ashley has quite a past.
You KLOWNS on the LEFT made a lot of vicious attacks against the Bush twins…especially Jenna. And of course, you were vicious with Sarah Palin’s daughter.
It appears the chickens are coming home to roost.
That said, I feel for her. Sounds like she was set-up real good and took the bait.
I cannot understand how she slipped away from the Secret Service to do this…if it’s true.
It was reported her boyfriend was there.
The question is..how can we expect anyone to take the Obama Administration’s Drug Enforcement seriously if the VP’s daughter is snorting??
This one will be on TV for years….sadly.
@57 “It appears the chickens are coming home to roost.”
People like you ragged on Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton for no reason other than their appearances and then you whined how unfair it was that people went after the Bush twins for their irresponsible partying and the Palin’s for their family values disaster.
In your delusional and pious state of mind, you think of yourself and your political party as being above reproach. Instead, it appears the chickens came home to roost on your sorry ass some time ago.
Another tax fraud.
Sebelius admits errors, pays $7,000 in back taxes
Kountry Klubber steve vomits:
So apparently it is fair game in your alleged mind to tag a coke snorter…her “irresponsible partying”.
OK. Ashley Biden put this Country at risk. This is the perfect set-up to shakedown the government.
Ashley needs help.
Fair game? Who ever mentioned fair? You see me one guy’s daughter’s dubious coke problem and a few nominee’s tax issues, and I’ll raise you two hundred convicted Republican pedophiles and a half dozen goatfucking trolls. You lose. Again.
Speaking of your hypocritical whine about irresponsible, partying coke snorters, you voted for one for president. Twice. Suck on that, bitch.
Dr Kildare NutRight:
NutRight, I’ll have you speak to one of my older sisters who lived for years in England. She’ll tell you all about rationed health care.
You want it. Go for it.
clueless wonder wrote:
And Bill Clinton sold them to the Chinese. They are now using them to improve their ICBM missile targeting.
Steve, I’ll throw in a dozen or so Dummocraptic pedophiles starting with Mel Reynolds. How about some prostitution loving Dummocraptic congressman?
Hey stillbentover: Pedro the movie will be on MTV tomorrow just for you.
Also I saw another of your family members in South America engaging in incest with their daughters creating a hole bunch of stillbentover cousins. One in Europe another in South America. Quite a family tree moron!