– Buffer zones for abortion clinics are necessary.
– When the Washington State Legislature adjourned without getting much done, at least it didn’t get the bad stuff done.
– A while ago in an open thread, I’d mentioned that Rodney Tom has an opponent, Former Kirkland Mayor Joan McBride. If you’re interested, here’s her website. [h/t]
– Given my grammar, punctuation, and poor word choice, far be it from me to make fun of a typo by the Discovery Institute. But not far be it from me to link to someone else making fun of a typo from them.
Wrong headline… It now costs money to get a close up look at America’s DUMOCRETINS… There that’s better!
Wait a minute… This is the standard scream of morons like ekimgoatappendagelover or OWS Racist Fraggy; It’s big money an Republicans… Pfffffffffffffft! Well Puddy been saying this for years and the PuddyProof was not on left wrong sites but main stream sites that would lapse into truth mode.
HAHAHAHAHA! DUMMOCRETINS ignoring their own kind.
Thanks Carl for dispensing truth for a change instead of copying posts from vapid left wrong sites!
If you allow buffer zones for one, you must allow buffer zones for all.
Yep, now they are run by the corporatists and that’s why Jesse Hi-Jackson called them the Rainbow Coalition long ago!
Where is the HA DUMMOCRETIN hue and cry for this? If it was Alberto Gonzalez, there would be multiple threads on this from the head HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Intentionally lying to Federal Courts numerous times. Eric Holder and gang are scum lawyers… DUMMOCRETIN pond scum lawyers and peeps like Roger Idiot Wabbit like DUMMOCRETIN pond scum lawyers!
Jim McDimwitt – Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07)
No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS love Jim McDimWitt!
I see the person playing the puddibigot has achieved a new triumph in caricaturing stupidity.
He’s linking to a series of Teahaddist fever swamp pages – nested references whose links, when they work – all go back to an alleged 2009 ‘newsletter’ which appears to state that a huge number of Democratic Congresscritters are also in the Democratic Socialist’s caucus. It’s all very conspiratorial, and very likely fictitious, and of course reiterated all over the bumpkin pages.
Were it only so – the Congress would be vastly improved if there were a bunch of Socialists there.
I’m proud to consider myself a Socialist, and I think that the only socialist in the Senate, Bernie Sanders, is too often a lone voice for sanity and justice.
From the Democratic Socialists’ website:
Thank you, person playing puddibigot, for the opportunity to post that. You’re a mensch.
Notice nuthin Lib NoScientist wrote above discounts or refutes the original premise offered by Puddy above.
Can you find any link to disprove it Lib NoScientist or as previously offered, the HCL and H2SO4 fumes from those acids used to clean those test tubes has scrambled your single celled pea-sized brain?
Well Look at the link from Carl… That’s not working for you DUMMOCRETINS!
How’s that working for ya when the DUMMOCRETIN elite freezes out the leetle people per Carl’s link?
Hey puddy, where are real Republican Jobs bills?
What is the legitimate republican replacement for the Affordable Care act?
I don’t really give much credance to puddy. In puddy’s perfect world, the internet would be controlled by say…the koch brothers and all data that was conservative would be free but anything liberal or union would be blocked or at best, astronomically expensive to access. Anyone who thinks that’s acceptable is insane.
I’m for some limited socialism that make America stronger and more equitable, same with capitalism. I want a vibrant middle class and the ability for the poor to attain the middle class or better if they work for it, and play by the rules.
Alas, little that current republicans are proposing is forwarding that vision.
After all, there are not 10.5 million unfilled teaching, networking, programming, laywer, marketing and neurosurgeons jobs in America. That’s just amount of people out of work, not counting the people who would like better work.
Notice this stupid meme?
1) Obummer wanted no input for Republicans
2) Republicans obliged Obummer
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Still didn’t read the Appeals Court decision did you Fascist Pigsty? Obummer’s FCC wanted to assert control, not the Koch Brothers you idiot!
Another Sorry EPIC FAYLE from Fascist Pigsty!
More missing information from the HA leftist libtard DUMMOCRETINS… Holy $15/Hour Batman
Y’all love to trot out Bill when it’s tax the rich and it’s mute time when he doesn’t toe the DUMMOCRETIN progressive line here. Well if you remember… Bill kind of knows how to build a business. He knows labor costs unlike these pie-in-the-sky libtards who lived in guvmint or drink the progressive swill all their lives.
Didn’t 5 Nobel Laureates sign a letter to DUMMOCRETINS against raising the minimum wage?
Yes they did! Where is that well known economist Markos Moulitsas Zuniga when HA DUMMOCRETINS need to visit his Daily Kooks left wrong site to get their raise the minimum wage marching orders?
Oh my Bill Gates, you just pizzed off the HA DUMMOCRETIN faithful!
Meanwhile you have Robert NoLonger Fibbs telling the truth… Yet Dan Pfieffer lies to you with a straight face.
It’s spin vs. real BULLSHITTIUM! Obummer’s pinheads deliver the latter!
Who is this troll?
Oh yeah the guy that’s near the top of this list..
Kicking the worthless asses of klownservative Faux News and the “unskewed pollster”.
Now here is something the lame stream media will skip over Case #1087 – gun owner thwarts a robbery against herself…
The force that talks: Smith and Wesson!
Did @16 even post something worthwhile for 2014?
Nope cuz the crazed databaze deala is a dope. Nothing regarding the truth from all those economists!
PUDDY deep in the mind of the crazed databaze deala!
Sux to be him or it!
Fascist Pigsty farted…
Well it seems the WaPost knows about it!
It looks like Joan McBride needs to update her site… not much on the calendar yet:
What kind of odds to you give her for knocking out Rodney Tom?
You must have missed this one in the same paper…armed delivery driver goes after unarmed homeowner, both get shot by the same bullet in struggle.
Was more interested in the Brig General court martial case where he sexually abused a captain in his command!
or this one
Not in the North Carolina paper.
See ya hans!
Remember it’s A-OK to lie to infidels. Puddy already gave HA DUMMOCRETINS the two sections in the Koran!
Yet Obummer and his minion Jon Stewart (carried by HA Leader DUMMOCRETINS) screamed about Republicans being very skeptical over the deal. Well seems the Republicans are looking correct again! Puddy found the letter… http://www.aipac.org/~/media/P.....Letter.pdf
Charles Krauthammer nails it again!
Weak and taking senate DUMMOCRETINS down with him!
Remember, you DUMMOCRETINS voted for this Obamanation.
Now with the NSA revelations the Internet being in China’s or Russia’s control. Imagine HA under Russia/China control?
@17 How about this one — cop shoots elderly man with cane because cop thought cane was a gun?
The cop, at least, apologized to the wounded man and his wife (who also was in the car). The cop’s boss called his actions “appropriate.” WTF? Shooting an old person because you can’t tell the difference between a cane and a gun is never appropriate! In my opinion, they both should be fired. When citizens are in more danger from the police than from criminals, it’s time for a housecleaning.
ABSOLUTELY hans… So how could Puddy miss
See how English works hans
See ya hans! No hans on this deck!
Let’s see the global warming deniers explain this away:
“California is coming off of its warmest winter on record, aggravating an enduring drought in the most populous U.S. state, federal weather scientists said Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Basically the same thing will happen here in the Pacific Northwest. As the climate warms, insufficient snowpack will accumulate in the mountains, then kiss eastern Washington’s irrigation water and agriculture industry goodbye!
Wow. Back in ’98.. What did Bush do about that?
Yesterday was a big day for science, as researchers announced their data appear to confirm Big Bang inflation. However, scientists are waiting for additional confirmation.
@32 Whether we go to war with Russia over Crimea depends on who is president. Obama — no. Rand Paul — probably not. Ted Cruz — bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.
Puddy is deep in the mind of the crazed databaze deala…
That was Clinton years ya moron. Did Bush claim anything about the releasing the Internet as Obummer has?
Meanwhile Puddy’s hometown has the 2nd snowiest winter on record Roger Idiot Wabbit…
And Lake Superior isn’t that icy either… Just 92% covered! Close to a new record.
Regarding Charles Krauthammer…
The crazed databaze deala whips out 2008? Of course… Daily Kooks or Media Morons Everyone will see the crazed databaze deala changes the avatar and the name but it’s still the same old fool “clueless ylb”!
Still sux to be him. Did the crazed databaze deala find a yob yet? Or is the crazed databaze deala still sucking the unemployment tit?
If you keep having cold winters there and everywhere for a decade, then you have a trend.
Puddy is doing what too many lying republican do. Cherry picking one data point and using that to claim the whole thing is wrong. There is one welfare cheat so all of welfare must be destroyed. There is one cold winter, in one place, so climate change is invalid. Willfull ignorance.
I notice you don’t talk about any legitimate republican jobs bills.
Conservatives will do their best to shut down anything that threatens their world view.
For example. Puddy cannot even start to admit that climate change is happening.
The Apartheid of Children’s Literature
That’s sad. I wonder if each and every publisher decided that to maximize profits they couldn’t risk a black main character in a harry potter like story. I wonder if self publishing or e book publishing has greater diversity?
Man, Fascist Pigsty… how is a cold winter over the continental US a single data point?
And we also know that many of those “thermometers” were located in strange areas.
Or this…
Yeah those single points of 2013 predicted rise in tornado and hurricane activity fell flat last year huh Fascist Pigsty?
Why not ask JK Rowling why no black peeps in Harry Potter? She’s close to being a $$$Billionaire, so why not sue her with your DUMMOCRETIN loving lawyers peeps?
Why you’re at it why not sue Mattel because they won’t make more Black Barbie accessories?
Butt then again you have the exploitative doll manufacturers who are putting out “look-alikes”! Black Doll with blond hair!
Nothing but puddy between the ears? Maybe smokin a little too much of that puddy-bud!
@42. Conservatives are now trying to deny climate change because of the placement of the thermometers?
@44. There may have been great series, as good as Harry Potter, with African American main characters, or a Chinese kids or Mexican American teens, but we will never know, because the publishing houses won’t buy or promote them.
But what is the conservatives answer? Someone else should have lawyers sue to force them to make publish.
@43. yes, trying to say there is not Climate Change because we did get snow or didn’t get tornados for one specific season is cherry picking one data point and saying it proves or disproves the trend.
So by conservative logic, Men cannot grow beards if one measures 10 minutes after a man shaves.
Where are the legitimate republican jobs bills?
There goes Fascist Pigsty making stooooooooooopid commentary again!
BULLSHITTIUM, Rowling didn’t write black people into her series you moron! Take it up with the author.
Sheeeesh, this is what HA DUMMOCRETIN thought is now?
Oh my goodness!
Duh! What did Bush do about that Clinton era policy? Point to the policy statement..
Yawwwn.. You can’t. Not like I did. Republicans love privatizing shit!
Here are hurricanes and tornadoes from 2000-2013.
So much for that sucky single data point argument Fascist Pigsty!
This stuff is so easy to find too!
What else?
In 2008, Krauthammer says..
when Russia invades its neighboor Georgia and Bush is in charge.
In 2014 – Krauthammer like Puddyfool suffers from ODS..
Didin’t Puddy claim this was the crazed databaze deala? Didn’t Puddy claim Puddy lives in the mind of the crazed databaze deala?
Bush didn’t have to do anything because it was a proposal you moron! Obummer decided to go forth and do it! Whatatard!
Yes you shredded your own insipid argument you idiot!
Did you get a yob yet?
LOL! You mean privatizing a government function was beyond the capabilities of “teh deciderer in chief”?
Shredded again! Sad so sad!
The longer the scale, the better the charts.
I posted hurricane data for over a century, he posted hurricanes for just over a decade. Again, he is cherry picking the data. Typical republican.
This is fascinating when I googled “why are there less tornadoes”
Huh…Climate Change. Nobody could have imagined!
Why do conservatives choose to stay willfully ignorant?