The General reviews Joe the Plumber’s new book.
Scott Morgan writes about the dangers of getting hooked on anti-drug propaganda.
Our nation’s dumbest citizens are “threatening” to remove themselves from the nation’s workforce. More here. And some tangential silliness here.
Finally, it’s a sad day as WhackyNation is no more.
The state legislature seems primed to shame the state by spending most of the transportation stimulus in the boonies.
Thanks to a huge assist by the state highway department, which doesn’t seem to know who it works for, most of the transportation stimulus the state controls will be among the worst possible on the job creation list.
Had enough? Tell them. Seattle’s delegation has been sleeping through all of it. Seattle’s mainstream media is more worried about saving their own jobs, and beating up on the biggest job creator of all, in a lame play to the masses.
Stupid. The reporters know better. And most of them depend on the routes negatively impacted to do their work. Super stupid.
Looks like the good guys win another one. Man it must suck to be a Publican. We’ve been bitch-slapping the right wing traitors for six weeks now with abandon!
Unlike those brilliant scholars that threatened to leave the united states if bush was reelected… and then never left.
I see Mamasboy was afraid to post on sound politics and this time ran straight to his blog.
Anyone who wants to forego $350,000 in favor of $249,999, just to avoid the extra $4,000 in taxes, deserves our gratitude. None of us will ever be as stupid as that.
I’m sure this poster from the link Mamasboy supplied will never be earning that kind of money so they will never have to concern themselves with taxes.
Lee: Did you see this feature on Mexico’s drug war on 60 Minutes? (Of course not, you’re under 60 and have never heard of Flomax).
Pretty scary stuff.
assuming lee is jewish, he would rather have mexicans come across the border as a method of offsetting white christians so he feels some sense of defense against another holofraud, even if it means murder, crime and kidnappings for the rest of us.
Wow, Marvin’s comment isn’t the stupidest one in this thread so far. Well done!
I haven’t seen that yet. Thanks!
just curious. there are people in this country that get hysterical if someone doesnt want drug dealers coming across the border, doesnt want people coming across the border who are going to be a burden on the social services, doesnt want gang members coming here and doesnt want potential terrorists coming here. so tell me, why do u get so hysterical about that?
Another headline ignored by Lee
“A scientist forces Al Gore to back down”
“For example, he has blamed mankind for the melting of glaciers. But scientists say 10,000 years ago, one-third of North America was covered in ice.”
Another headline ignored by Lee
“‘Bridge to nowhere‘ OK’d for Everglades”
$212 Million.
Another headline missed by Lee:
“Pelosi’s List: Who’s On Her Bad Side?”
Either you have to jackboot goosestep with Nancy or you are on his “list”.
@12: If you actually read the articleyou would see that it is not an actual list and that there are some good reasons for her to “not like” the actions of some of those politicians
Hardly a “jackboot” goosestep, and certainly not even close to the “bow down to Rush” mentality of the republicans.
Where are the abject “apologies” and the knee bends for crossing “dear leader” Rush?
Where are the “failures of dogma” and the apologies for speaking their minds and being critical of the “one” Rush?
Hahaha – you hypocrite. Not even close. You don’t condemn Rush for all of his racist comments – yet you compare Pelosi to a Nazi?
So, Pelosi was angry at the staff of David Obey for leaving some of the “crap” in the stimulus bill?
Good for her. We need leaders that get rid of the crap in the bills – unlike all the republicans who are on the apporpriations committee and helped put in all the earmarks – that suddenly McCain doesn’t like…another freekin’ hypocrite.
oops Puddy, maybe you should read the article. that is NOT what Gore backtracked on. Scientist have confirmed that manmade global warming is reponsible for melting glaciers and your quote is just plain stupid – yes there was more ice during the ice age – now there is less. So what? Is that supposed to disprove global warming?
Wow, what nonsensical crap you are posting. You don’t even read your own links and can’t even draw the correct conclusions from what you do link to.
The comments in the TBogg link are hillarious. One guy claiming he’s got to cut back on his “overtime” to stay under $250,000.
Clearly, he hasn’t worked for an hourly wage in so long that he doesn’t understand the concept of actual overtime, or he simply wants people to think he’s earning a lot more than he actually does, either for his own grandizement or to make an unfounded political point.
So I decided to play with spreadsheets for a minute. Now, to do this I had to make some assumptions. First of all, I had to assume that by “overtime”, he meant it in the normal sense: extra work performed at an hourly wage, subject to the usual time-and-a-half multiplier. If he’s salaried “overtime” wouldn’t apply. If he’s a professional, such as a doctor, lawyer, or dentist, he wouldn’t use the term overtime, he would have called it “reducing his hours”, or some such, since such professionals don’t refer to their time as “overtime”.
Third, I assumed that he would be working a full 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, at a regular hourly rate, and another 20 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, at overtime. This errs on the side of the poster, giving what would be the most optomistic view of how much overtime he could earn over the course of a year. Although people can work more than 20 hours per week overtime on a short-term basis, it can seldom be maintained for more than a few weeks without a considerable diminishment in productivity – assuming the individual is actually WORKING during their regular work week. Likewise, it is overly optimistic to assume that an employee would work overtime 52 weeks a year, with no vacations or holidays, or that the employer would ALLOW them to continue to do so. But I kept it in because reducing it requires making quite a few additional assumptions and estimates, so I erred on the side of the formula which would be most favorable to the poster’s position.
So, after building the formula in MS Excel, and using the “goal seek” feature to determine at what hourly rate this person would have to receive in order to earn $250,000 per year, the figure is: $68.66 per hour (at regular hourly rate). His overtime rate would be $103.20 per hour.
So, how likely is it that he is an hourly worker recieving a rate of $68.66 per hour, plus an additional 20 hours per week overtime on average for the entire 52-week year? Not very likely. There might hypothetically be some union jobs that command that kind of pay, but I personally don’t know of any, and there can’t be very many of those type, and they would have to be held by guys with a lot of seniority who would be unlikely to be working 20 hours per week overtime 52 weeks per year. In any event, what employer would authorize that kind of overtime on a continuous basis, when he could get someone cheaper to do at least a portion of the work?
Is there any business he could be in where he could get that kind of money? If he is a tradesman (plumber, electriction, etc.) with his own business he could command a higher hourly rate, but then we get into the difference between hourly wages and “billable time”, less expenses, which is another calculation all together. Perhaps he might be a commission salesman? If so, his reference to “overtime” is very misleading, and I’ve never met a commission salesman who would pass on a sale because of the tax rate.
So, I’m guessing we have another “Joe the Plumber”, making this hypothetical comment as if it were a fact, even though he’s not really a plumber, isn’t anywhere close to earning what he claims to be earning, and isn’t working nearly the amount of overtime he claims.