What’s so bad about allowing EMPLOYEES decide for themselves whether they want to sign cards requesting a union, or have a government-supervised ballot election?
Right now, the boss gets to decide how you are allowed to form a union. And he/she always picks the latter because it delays the outcome for months and months while they weed out the union supporters. In the end, this so-called “election” more closely resembles something you’d find in Russia, not in America.
The reason employers are so over-the-top in their criticism is they know the deck is stacked in their favor and they want to keep it that way.
Right wing morons like Stupes like those pictures of the rich and famous.
And of course they loathe themselves because there’s a snowball’s chance in hell they’ll ever have those things.
As for the rest of us, we’ll be more than happy to have a living wage, a reasonable amount of leisure time, decent schools to send our kids to and a dignified retirement.
Why aren’t you commenting on the SEIU actions Puddy posted earlier? You claimed the Wall Street Journal reportage is great and you liked it? Oh wait you can’t! Your SEIU “wife” wears the pants in your “home”:
“Meanwhile, there are new developments in the Rod Blagojevich scandal. The Wall Street Journal reports Andy Stern, the president of the Service Employees International Union, met with Blagojevich in early November. This is around the time that federal prosecutors allege the governor was discussing ways to sell the Senate seat vacated by Obama for a lucrative union position. Federal prosecutors allege that one of Blagojevich’s plans was to appoint a labor-friendly candidate to the vacated Illinois Senate seat in exchange for a $300,000-a-year position at an SEIU-affiliated labor federation called Change to Win. The SEIU was Blagojevich’s biggest campaign contributor, contributing $1.8 million for his two campaigns for governor.”
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot:
Or this one from a SEIU blog?
“While the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has decided to spend a $2 million bond issue for the Delaviega Golf Course, that same County came to the county’s 1200 In Home Support workers who take care of the disabled, elderly, and dying and pled poverty. They claimed that they could not pay more than our current $9.50 an hour, nor could they give us all healthcare, and they certainly could not give us a retirement plan.
Yet what was the response of our SEIU paid union officials? They came to the membership making excuses for the local politicians that were elected with our dues money.
The SEIU leadership gave $65 million to pro-war, anti-single payer healthcare Kerry (Kerry voted for the war in Iraq and vowed to continue it). This $65 million could have been put into strike funds to pay the bills of our membership when we fight back, or it could have gone into an insurance fund for our uninsured members, or $65 million could have gone a long way towards running a labor candidate independent of the Democrats and Republicans that would push our agenda to the foreground. Instead a hard earned $65 million was thrown away on a corporate politician.”
Your SEIU “wife” wears the pants in your “home” Good job chimp buttboy!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Goldy, why isn’t Rahmbo including you on the daily phone conference call along with CNN’s James Carville and Paul Begala and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos?
Good job chimp buttboy!
That describes you Stupes. You’re the one who defends that chimp that shuffled off the buffalo last Jan 20.
Now you’re the tool of the viagra-addled whale hypnotized by the noises through his blowhole!
Why aren’t you commenting
Don’t hang on every fart from your ugly ass.
I pity the poor fool who takes that up.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Figgers Goldy’s pet chimp has nothing to say about his wife’s union. Always comes to a gunfight with his pants down. I already described you as the chimp. Remember the link? http://horsesass.org/?p=13160&.....ent-900534
Typical and
See ya sucka!
Al Minkmanspews:
There are two parts of the market: Management and Labor. If one has all the say and the other has none, it’s not a free market. It’s a rigged game.
Speaking of ‘globalization’, it’s time for unions to globalize. Putting tariffs on goods produced in slave labor countries (like China and Viet Nam) takes away the slave labor advantage.
Let’s not keep the volume on American Corporate Business Ethics the slimmest one in the library.
Blue Johnspews:
If it’s budget time, it’s good to be a red state. And it’s very good to be Mississippi.
According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Taxpayers for Common Sense, Mississippi has won the earmark contest in the omnibus budget package.
For solo earmarks, nobody beat out Sen. Bob Byrd (D-W.Va.), last year’s appropriations committee chairman. The defender of earmarks took home $123 million. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) came in second, with $114 million. Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) rounded out the top three, bringing home $86 million by himself.
Rural and small-state voters were the big winners on an absolute and on a per capita basis, even though it was big states and urban areas that have delivered Congress and the White House to Democrats. Of the top ten earmarking senators, only Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.; $77 million solo; $235 combined), represents a large state and only three of the top ten are blue states. In the top 20, only six blue states are represented.
… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....71186.html
has nothing to say about his wife’s union
It’s a good union. Far from perfect but they do enough good work for our needs.
Go fish somewhere else fool.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Of course the knuckle dragge@12r won’t comment on SEIU shenanigans. But he’ll jump on anything conservative.
You are proven to be a fool, fool!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Of course the knuckle dragge@12r won’t comment on SEIU shenanigans. But he’ll jump on anything conservative.
You are proven to be a fool, fool! Don’t discuss my partisanship when the beam is up you ASS!
proud leftistspews:
This Act would would be a first step toward rebalancing the labor/management relationship. Particularly in time of financial crisis with high unemployment, management holds all the cards. We need to see free and fair unionization elections if labor is to regain any say in the employment market. The shrillness and loudness by which corporate interests and Republican politicians scream against this Act bear testament to its wisdom and fairness.
But he’ll jump on anything conservative.
Yeah you’ve been talking about jockstraps lately.
Your kind is only too willing to be a diaper – for the likes of right wing shitters like Vitter.
“Dick Durbin has a nasty surprise for two of Sasha and Malia Obama’s new schoolmates. And it puts the president in an awkward position.
The children are Sarah and James Parker. Like the Obama girls, Sarah and James attend the Sidwell Friends School in our nation’s capital. Unlike the Obama girls, they could not afford the school without the $7,500 voucher they receive from the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program. Unfortunately, a spending bill the Senate takes up this week includes a poison pill that would kill this program — and with it perhaps the Parker children’s hopes for a Sidwell diploma.”
Why are Democratics so racist against inner city kids? Can you say the WEA needs their payback?
Goldy’s butt boys and pet chimps ask why I supported Bush? Well this was one of those underpublished programs he instituted for my peeps in the inner city.
“Today, that program is helping 1,900 disadvantaged children to attend private schools, funded by these scholarships. The program is changing lives. Participating children are thriving, gaining confidence in the classroom, and becoming eager to learn”
Yep, more proof positive Democratics hate having minorities move up in life.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Steve, will you please republish my comments on David Vitter so HAs most stupid knuckle dragging chimp clueless village idiot@16 can see what I wrote. I know you paid attention but your leetle cousin is proving his worth as an idiot.
Of course Steve, where you figgered it out, HAs most stupid knuckle dragging chimp clueless village idiot wouldn’t have much to publish here.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Will Goldy blog on Dick Durbin and how Durbin hates minority children using vouchers?
Didn’t Preznit Obama say on Feb 24, 2009 that he wants every American to make a commitment to further his education?
Obama said in his almost SOTU address –
“But we know that our schools don’t just need more resources. They need more reform. That is why this budget creates new incentives for teacher performance; pathways for advancement, and rewards for success. We’ll invest in innovative programs that are already helping schools meet high standards and close achievement gaps. And we will expand our commitment to charter schools.”
It is our responsibility as lawmakers and educators to make this system work. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it.”
I guess Dick Durbin disagrees preznit. We already know headless lucy disagrees 24×7.
So Puddy wonders when the Obama/Durbin blessed education reprogramming camps start? Looks like rewarding inner city school failure starts at home in Washington DC.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
SeattleJew, you asked me why Puddy does what he does. Watch and learn my friend.
Liberals see the world as it is, which is not a pretty picture. Conservatives live in a fantasyland of their own construct, oblivious to truth and reality. See the difference?
Read the report. Depression is a clinical diagnosis, not a choice or a world-view. Portland was ranked number 1 in depression. See the difference?
Al Minkmanspews:
I think that goods produced in slave-labor countries (e.g., China, Viet Nam)should have hefty tariffs applied to them.
There’s no way that this cannot be viewed as fair.
If you compare a Minkman fake doggie doo-doo with one made in China, the difference is immediately apparent. The American made Minkman will fool you every time — but not the cheap Chinese knockoff.
The Truthspews:
Is this the act that would allow open voting for all to hear how one voted?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Compare these 2 videos of president “present” and bush.
Of course, there has to be an explanation for the difference in the greetings both received.
And notice how bush actually touched the hands of the ordinary servicemen while the obama didn’t want to.
It appears the troops know who is on their side.
Marvin Stamnspews:
10. Al Minkman spews:
There are two parts of the market: Management and Labor. If one has all the say and the other has none, it’s not a free market. It’s a rigged game.
Except… without the owners the labor does not have a job.
Remember, labor does not create a single job.
It is a free market, if labor does not like the job they are free to find another job. If labor does not like the game, they are free to become owners and create jobs.
Please don’t tell me you have never quit a job for a better one.
22 Why in the name of heaven would you think SJ would want to watch you wank off?
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. YLB spews:
Far from perfect but they do enough good work for our needs.
Glad to see someone is taking care of your needs.
The thought of you taking care of your own needs is depressing.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
FartyArt, here you one in action!!!!!!!! Yes you are!
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Will Goldy blog on Dick Durbin and how Durbin hates minority children using vouchers?
Not allowed…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here. http://horsesass.org/?p=5675#comment-847043
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Troll spews:
The most liberal city in America, also named the most unhappiest:
Sorry to disagree, I don’t feel portland is the most liberal.
Steve, will you please republish my comments on David Vitter
I doubt Steve will follow your orders but all I can say is too bad:
You made your bed, you gotta lie in it.
You DIAPER you! LOL!
The thought of you taking care of your own needs is depressing.
I’m glad to hear that so let me assure you that we take care of our own needs just fine as well.
Feeling better?
I bet Stupes and Stamn are only too happy to “diaper” for the bloviating whale on the AM dial!
Daddy Lovespews:
Wow, an open thread. I was wondering what one looked like.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. proud leftist spews:
Liberals see the world as it is, which is not a pretty picture.
Sad that liberals view life that way.
But when you consider that liberals have always seen the worse…
1958 John Galbraith and his “the affluent society” prediction
Paul ehrlich and his “population bomb” scare and his “eco-catastrophe!” prediction
Jimmy carter and his prediction we would use up all the oil resources in the next decade
The liberal prediction of nuclear doom and gloom under reagan
In the 70’s the fear was the end of the world due to global cooling
Now it’s the end of the world due to global warming
The left doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to predicting the future.
Yeah, liberals always see the worse in every situation.
Daddy Lovespews:
3 Pud
So now your position is that Obama does not have the right to redecorate the Oval Office to his liking?
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. YLB spews:
I’m glad to hear that so let me assure you that we take care of our own needs just fine as well.
With the help of the union.
#12 It’s a good union. Far from perfect but they do enough good work for our needs.
Kudos for relinquishing your power to the union.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. Daddy Love spews:
So now your position is that Obama does not have the right to redecorate the Oval Office
It’s not about a “right,” it’s about priorities.
When millions of people are losing their homes, going hungry and all those other things the media talks about how can he justify spending the money on redecorating.
Kinda like how those bank CEOs shouldn’t be spending $$ on private jets and parties.
Daddy Lovespews:
39 MS
No, we probably won’t have to worry about a “population bomb” when rising temperatures, changing climates, and rising sea levels disrupt food production and drown many of the poorest on earth on our many sea-level flood plains.
proud leftistspews:
Marvie @ 39
Yeah, the world is just doing great, isn’t it? Let’s consider all the positive developments across the globe: the financial markets are chaotic, Iraq and Afghanistan, Darfur, the polar ice caps are melting, Israel and Gaza are always on the brink of major conflagration, Iran and North Korea are headed by nutcases, etc., etc. Liberals look at the world and work to change it for the better. Conservatives look at the world and deny anything is wrong with it.
Al Minkmanspews:
Union elections are still secret.
What businesses are talking about is the doing away of the rule that says that there must be a secret vote as to whether there will or will not be a union on the premises. Not surprisingly, management has a great deal of influence on how those elections will turn out.
The difference here is that when you sign a card saying you intend to join the union, your fellow workers do not have a say in whether you can join a union or not.
You are in if you want to be — and fuck management if they don’t like it.
So, you do have a free choice if this bill passes. If not, then you will still have management scaring workers that they will lose their job if they are pro-union. Also, it would be easy to sue businesses that fire people solely because they are pro union.
You just check who joined the union against who just got fired. That’s the ‘secret’ that business does not want to get out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. YLB spews:
I bet Stupes and Stamn are only too happy to “diaper” for the bloviating whale on the AM dial!
It’s amazing how scared of rush you democratics are.
Daddy Lovespews:
42 MS
That’s kinda out of left field. Pud’s commment was about a non-existent flap regarding BHO returning a bust of Churchill that had been a gift to Bush.
Now you’re comlaining about how much money, not that you know a fucking thing about it, he is supposedly spending on redecorating. I am sure you were livid when Bush spent $62,000 on the hideous carpet he put in the Oval Office. Yea, I’ll bet you were all over that one. Or the $11 billion fleet of helicopters Bush ordered?
WHy don’t you fill us in on exactly how much the Obama redcorating costs? SInce you know and all, I mean. BTW the word is he’s saving us money and keeping the rug.
Daddy Lovespews:
46 MS
Scared of Rush? I admit there IS some danger of laughing myself to death.
Daddy Lovespews:
40 MS
So to you there is no difference between funding the upkeep for the house of our elected leader and alleged misuse of public funds by private companies taking public money to keep them afloat?
@23: Complete moron, Troll – What do you know about depression?
Obviously, very little.
Did you ever think about climactic conditions, such as amount of sunlight, being closely correlated with depression?
Instead – you attribute it to “liberals”.
Do you have ANYTHING to back up that statement besides a weak correlation?
Have you ever heard that correlation is NOT causation?
Get a clue – your pathetic ignorance is on display again.
Marvin Stamnspews:
49. Daddy Love spews:
40 MS
So to you there is no difference between funding the upkeep for the house of our elected leader and alleged misuse of public funds by private companies taking public money to keep them afloat?
Redecorating is now called upkeep?
I guess if you were gullible enough to fall for the definition of is is…
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Diddled Lover, Barack can do as he pleases in the Oval office. We see him spend profligately so far. He sends a secret letter to Russia about Poland’s defense system and doesn’t consult our European allies. The Russian president slaps him back with a big time rejection. Yes, you remove the missile defense shield but we’ll keep supplying the Iranians. Yep you voted for this guy. Real leadership there.
He removes a bust of Winston Churchill who signified defiant against all odds. He doesn’t follow protocol with a visiting head of state. A slap in the face of an ally. Yep you voted for this guy. Real leadership there.
Yep, that’s the guy you voted for. Can you here the stock market plummeting whistle?
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. Daddy Love spews:
46 MS
Scared of Rush? I admit there IS some danger of laughing myself to death.
The left is obsessed with rush.
Do you remember the letter from the democrats about the “fake soldier” that rush turned into a big contribution to the families of the troops? And let’s not forget, rush was proven right with his “fake soldier” comment.
The obama has spoken out against rush.
You can’t visit a left wingnut website without seeing the hate for rush.
If he was so irrelevant, he wouldn’t even be mentioned. When a right wing website talks about air america, it’s only to mock them for not having any ratings and stealing money from the boys charity.
Speaking of ratings, did you know the rush speech on saturday drew a bigger audience than any of olbermanns shows? How about fox had better ratings in february than cnn & msnbc combined.
It’s amazing how scared of rush
LMAO! It’s so entertaining how he’s leading right wingers right off a cliff and they’re only too willing to follow!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Dr NotRight, being around libtards is depressing. Here is a study you must of missed last year with all your McCain rantings of nothingness.
““Conservatives tend to be happier than liberals in general,” said Dr. Martin, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario. “A conservative outlook rationalizes social inequality, accepting the world as it is, and making it less of a threat to one’s well-being, whereas a liberal outlook leads to dissatisfaction with the world as it is, and a sense that things need to change before one can be really happy.””
“So perhaps conservatives don’t have a monopoly on humorless dogmatism. Maybe the stereotype of the dour, rigid conservative has more to do with social scientists’ groupthink and wariness of outsiders — which, come to think of it, resembles the herding behavior of certain hoofed animals. Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a terrifying example of the reindeer effect.”
So Dr NotRight, what do you read besides left-wing whack-job kook-aid sites? To Paraphrase Jesse Jackson “Stay out of the Kos'”.
““Conservatives tend to be happier than liberals in general,”
47. Daddy Love spews:
I am sure you were livid when Bush spent $62,000 on the hideous carpet he put in the Oval Office. Yea, I’ll bet you were all over that one.
Is that going to be the mantra for the next four years, bush?
Or the $11 billion fleet of helicopters Bush ordered?
SeattleJew, you paying attention here? Puddy is right so far.
Marvin Stamnspews:
56. YLB spews:
Yep – porno happy.
Have you noticed how many sex links you post. You still haven’t gotten over those issues from childhood have you?
proud leftistspews:
Marvie: “How about fox had better ratings in february than cnn & msnbc combined.”
I’m sure Fox’s ratings must be very consoling for you, Marvie. Personally, you can have your television ratings and I’ll take the asskicking our party gave yours in November. That seems like a fair trade to me.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless knuckle dragging village idiot@56: Where is his correlation of the 340 cities and how they voted in the last election? Now that would be an interesting find. All he is saying is those states voted for x or y. Almost all cities tend to be Democratic. So based on this:”Controlling for broadband, we see that subscriptions are 38 percent more prevalent in urban areas (1000 to 5000 people per square mile) than in rural areas (less than 40 people per square mile).” Where is that correlation?
It’s bunkum fool. And only you focus on porn the most more than anybody else here clueless knuckle dragging village idiot! Kind of leads us to believe you live in momma’s basement whacking off. Shaving those palms again?
Socialists, Anarchists, & Gompers, Oh Myspews:
Grrrrreat book: American Lightning, by Howard Blum.
It’s about the assymetric war of labor v. capital, in which labor — the Iron Workers Union — made war on America with bombs bursting from sea to shining sea. The Iron Workers’ bomb that took down the L.A. Times in 1910, back when the Times was a real paper for the real America, also took down about two dozen ink-stained proletarians.
That’s when Gompers of the AFL rushed to the defense of the bombers. He gave a fortune — extracted one quarter at a time from workers — to hack lawyer Clarence Darrow to get the killers off the hook and out of the noose. Darrow used part of his pile to bribe jurors and to threaten prosecution witnesses in a trial he couldn’t win by playing fair.
Typical of the left to use a crooked lawyer to beat the system, and typical of almost every 20th Century leftist cause that leftists carried a torch for liars, crooks, and killers. Here’s the short list:
– McNamara brothers, mad bombers, guilty;
– Sacco and Vanzetti, anarchist killers, guilty;
– Alger Hiss, commie, guilty of perjury and, we now know, guilty of espionage;
– Rosenbergs, commie spies, guilty;
– Mad bomber Bill Ayers, guilty as hell, free as a bird.
Blum’s book has a good local hook, the anarchist colony in Tacoma. And Seattle, of course, is where the McNamaras learned the theory and practice of dy-no-mite.
Blue Johnspews:
MTSU POLL: One In Six Tennesseans Admit To Telling Racist Jokes About The President
Yep, Blew John, just can’t trust Tennessee college kids these days.
The following letter in the YakimaHR, came from another (of many) bigots residing in the Yakima area;
the ideas of free expression,as well as free
enterprise escapes this individual;all
of this misguided diatribe he presents,has its
roots in bigotry.
Posted by aamodtdb at 02/26/09 04:14PM Post ID#: #1927
Hector, I think the citizens of Yakima could pretty much assure you that Hispanic people would be much more welcomed here if they would simply assimilate. And that means learning and speaking English just as our ancestors did, and adapting to the American way of life. We should not have May 5th or any other Mexican holiday jammed down our throats. We should not have, and do not need Spanish Language Radio stations, TV stations, and newspapers. Either Hispanics want to be here or they don’t. Offering Spanish language media just further enables Hispanic people so that they do not have to conform. It’s like as offering a drink to an alcoholic. There’s way to much a sense of entitlement to my way of thinking. In two words, adapt, assimilate.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Marvin@57, that’s a technical web site. Libtards visit Kurse and Media Morons more
Personally, I’d be more than overjoyed if the wife and I collectively made enough to be paying whatever additional charges Obama ends up levying on incomes over $250K. Being as we now manage to get by on considerably less than that, it shouldn’t be that much of a hardship.
As to the spoiled Ivy league silver-spoon crowd who rake in many times that a year, and are oh, so upset that they might have keep the Bentley for two years instead of replacing it in one, or might just have to spread the caviar a trifle thinner, I have one thing to say: BOO FUCKING HOO.
67 Er, Puddles…you mean the folks in Beautiful Downtown Pulaski?
Wow, an open thread. I was wondering what one looked like.
Troll-spew, just like all the other threads!
Al Minkmanspews:
So, we seem to have gotten off of the topic of making it easier for people to join unions and, predictably, the conservatrds dragged the ‘free elections’ herring across the whole subject.
And that is a subject I would like to return to. I say the conservatards are lieing about that — and I can prove it.
A conservative outlook rationalizes social inequality
And puddy quotes that approvingly! Just drink the Kool-Aid, everything will be great! Sheesh, no wonder we have such a huge stinking mess to clean up now!
Sorry wingnuts. That whale you worship is only going to lead you to the deep, dark, cold water:
@43 No, we probably won’t have to worry about a “population bomb” when rising temperatures, changing climates, and rising sea levels disrupt food production and drown many of the poorest on earth on our many sea-level flood plains.
Speaking of the poor, Daddy, were you outside the Microsoft corporate campus yesterday in a show of solidarity with your fellow workers after they’d had their pay cut 10% by your employer:
What an opportunity to be seen and heard and ACTUALLY put something on the line, eh?
Two weeks ago, of course, Microsoft had tried to claw back severance pay from workers it had recently fired, but the public – if not Microsoft – would hear nothing of it and the company was forced to reverse itself.
Have you noticed how many sex links you post.
There’s nothing in this one except for what Faux News puts out already:
When you have the far left nuts almost begging to dump Rush that is telling.
The more these libs attack a republican the more their afraid of them as threat to the lies they say everyday. When all 3 nightly news start off with the same subject Rush and HA has it the next day The republicans are having a good day and the libs are in shambles.
59 – And this one of course only proves how sick and tired the average american is of your party of holier than thou hypocrites:
Yes. We’re really scared of Rush! Make him your poster boy — or posters boy if he won’t fit on one.
Al Minkmanspews:
re 80: That is a really disturbing image.
proud leftistspews:
Is your perception of reality is so twisted that you think Democrats are scared of Rush Limbaugh? Is it fear that is prompting Democratic leaders to get him front row center in the news? We couldn’t be happier that Limbaugh is getting all this attention. The more attention he gets, the more the public recognizes that the heart of the Republican Party is a mouth-breathing bloviator who wants the nation to go down in flames. Limbaugh is a great friend to the Democrats and we surely would like to see him continue to make news.
The Truthspews:
History proves your terrifying of him.
You can say all the words you want about him However,there full of empty words with nothing to base facts on just hearsay and wishful thinking..
proud leftistspews:
Yep, the Republican “leadership” is sure turning the GOP’s fortunes around:
“Despite the country’s struggling economy and vocal opposition to some of his policies, President Obama’s favorability rating is at an all-time high.” And,
“By comparison, the Republican Party — which resisted Obama’s recently passed stimulus plan and has criticized the spending in his budget — finds its favorability at an all-time low. It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington and trails the Democrats by nearly 30 percentage points on the question of which party could best lead the nation out of recession.”
Jennie T@74: There always will be social inequity. Jesus discussed it in the Gospels. Have you cracked open your Bible lately? Jesus admonished His followers to do good by your fellow man. We on the right open our wallets to help overcome it. The Salvation Army already proved rich SF Democratics give less than poorer peeps in Fargo. Puddy pastes it each Christmas time. But then again facts hurt your libtard mind.
Even NBC News has Obama at 60% the same as Rasmussen.
What a Tooltard of worthless facts.
The Truthspews:
“It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington”
Please explain this ?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Pretty damn telling not one HA libtard donkey would touch Racist Dickless Turbin Durbin and his racist policy of killing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program for his WEA union pals.
Goes to show you HA libtards don’t care about poor inner city minorities, only their votes for the Democratic.
Here was an opportunity for HA leftist pinheads to stand up and be counted and you sitdown and are cowards. So Dr NotRight, why shouldn’t I be petty and attack everything you and others throw up here? You comments are very petty and easily disproven.
See SeattleJew? Just proved my point again.
proud leftistspews:
As usual, you just don’t get it. Obama’s numbers in the particular poll I cited are at their highest, while the Republican numbers in that poll are at their lowest. The trends are not good for you. You and your party are truly at risk of becoming irrelevant. Fortunately, none of you seem to grasp that risk. Keep your blindfold on and your earplugs in. And, by the way, quit bragging about how charitable you are. It’s unchristian.
Al Minkmanspews:
re 90: He’s trying to make the point that charity is best left to the private sector. That’s why he advised the CEO of Bear-Stearns to talk to his pastor about getting some financial relief.
Daddy Lovespews:
90 PL
You and your party are truly at risk of becoming irrelevant.
They left irrelevant behind a long time ago.
Daddy Lovespews:
Sidwell Friends School costs nearly $30K per child per year in tuition alone. A “$7,500 voucher” may help with that, but what you’re talking about basically are upper-middle lclass or upper class families who, if they were not able to “afford” Sidwell Friends (and I think that a family that can scrape together $21-26K per year for each child–the description of the voucher was unclear–would actually know how to find $7500 more, too), could surely afford one of many, many other private schools in that area for their children. But one thing these parents ARE NOT is “poor inner city minorities.”
Personally, I don’t cry over affluent parents who are tragically blocked from moving their child from a superior private school to an elite private school on the public dime. In fact, I oppose it. This is why Republicans BACK vouchers–it lets rich parents save money on private schools by charging the public for it.
Daddy Lovespews:
Puddy, find us a WA DC private school for which a “$7500 voucher” would COMPLETELY cover tuition. THEN you can argue thet “poor, inner-city minorities” could use it to their benefit. But it ain’t Sidwell Friends.
Daddy Lovespews:
84 T
History proves your terrifying of him.
You can say all the words you want about him However,there full of empty words with nothing to base facts on just hearsay and wishful thinking.
I am sure your thinking as as muddy as your grammar and syntax.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Proud leftist, as always you missed the wall, barn, homestead, farm, town, county, and state.
Obama started at 78% approval rating. It’s been going downhill since then, Is it there now…? If not at 78% how can they be at their highest point?
In the survey, 68 percent have a favorable opinion of the president
Where? I just gave the overall polls above and NBC, parent of Keith Olbermann’s personal toy has Obama at 60%.
Dense as spent uranium!
What a Tooltard!
Daddy Lovespews:
76 SM
Speaking of the poor, Daddy, were you outside the Microsoft corporate campus yesterday in a show of solidarity with your fellow workers
Those are not my fellow workers. They work for temporary agencies. What those agencies decide to pay their workers is not my business, nor anything I can influence. But I did see many people I know laid off recently.
proud leftistspews:
You just pull crap from your ass. Read the post. It says Obama’s numbers are at their apex. Who do you think I believe, the purveyors of the poll or Puddy the partisan nutcase?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Diddled Lover, Fact just slap you side your face and knock the crap out of you.
“That’s the reality that the Parkers and 1,700 other low-income students face if Sen. Durbin and his allies get their way.”
The maximum annual scholarship amount of $7,500 per child is available for families at or below 185% of the federal poverty level ($39,220 for a family of four). Families must reapply and prove their eligibility each year.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Proud Leftist Puddy read the post. Where do you think Puddy got the quote from fool? But did you look at all the polls and their average? http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls/ try again…
Nope cuz proud leftist is a dope!
So who’s poll did they use? ABC (02/19-02/22) or CNN (02/18-02/19)? Their competition? NBC (02/26-03/01) at 60%?
Just a big dummy drunk with leftist kook-aid. How does it feel being the real nutcase here on HA?
Al Minkmanspews:
re 100: Why don’t you go flap your lips elsewhere?
Congressmen Overseeing Defense Budget Got $8 Million from PMA Group and Clients
“The FBI hasn’t been the only group continuing to investigate lobbying firm PMA Group, which specializes in securing federal earmarks for its clients. At the Center for Responsive Politics, we’ve expanded our original analysis of contributions from the lobbying firm to lawmakers, specifically those on the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, to include contributions from PMA’s clients, as well.”
John P. Murtha (D-Pa) $2,378,552
Pete Visclosky (D-Ind) $1,369,298
Jim Moran (D-Va) $997,348
Norm Dicks (D-Wash) $536,330
Total contributions to Dems on the subcommittee: $5,829,828
Total contributions to Reps on the subcommittee: $1,968,055
@97 Those are not my fellow workers. They work for temporary agencies.
Excuse me? Because they work for temp agencies, they’re not your fellow workers? Sort of a two-class society, those that have permanent jobs (for now), and those that don’t?
And it’s none of your business that their pay is getting cut by a hefty 10% by YOUR employer, making it difficult for some to pay their bills?
Where’s the Love, Daddy?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
salliemac: Class warfare at it’s best from Diddled Lover@97. He got his and screw the rest.
That’s his argument against Puddy. Well all can see what he really is made of.
@104 He got his and screw the rest.
But this isn’t the Obama message, is it? It sorta seems like Daddy is ok with that message as long as he doesn’t have to stick his own neck out. I gotta’ say, those poor MSFT temp workers – not anyone in Daddy Loveless’ circle, apparently – who will soon enough be struggling with their bills are going to be asking the very same question.
HNMT @ 102
I thought you wingnuts said Dems were soft on defense?
What a maroon! Wow the biggest offender cost 2.4 million – a drop in the bucket compared to the billions pissed away in Iraq.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Excuses excuses@106 from HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot.
asswipe @ 107
Find the missing billions in Iraq that happened on your fucking chimp’s watch and then come back to talk about piddly-ass Dem defense earmarks.
@106 Wow the biggest offender cost 2.4 million – a drop in the bucket compared to the billions pissed away in Iraq.
This has no relevance, whatsoever. Corruption is corruption, if that’s where this leads. The Obama administration has made cleaning up the procurement system a top priority. And I just don’t think he would have bought into your “argument.” When you lost that eye, me thinks you lost everything just behind it.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
salliemac: Wow that was funny…
When you lost that eye, me thinks you lost everything just behind it.
He’s the clueless village knuckle dragging idiot because there is nothing behind the eye. Hint: no one has challenged Puddy’s naming of clueless village knuckle dragging idiot.
Can’t you see the neon lighted “Vacancy” sign? Look closely.
Oh wow! This is all a distraction from the top two earmarkers in this budget cycle.
Cochran and Wicker of Mississippi.
Both REPUBLICANS! In fact 6 of the top 10 have an R next to their names.
Nice try asswipes.
Corruption is corruption, if that’s where this leads.
So earmark means corruption. In the case of Cunningham, yes, now that you mention it.
113 – It’s no wonder. You can’t find your own ass with a flashlight:
Here’s the database you all have been waiting for – the FY 2009 Omnibus with 8,570 earmarks worth $7.7 billion. Since the Senate started debate on the bill today, we tabulated the Senate recipients of earmarks – from top to bottom. So you’ll find the Mississippi delegation at the head of the pack followed by the Louisiana delegation hot on their heels.
@64: Wrong about Blum (Howard’s a leftist, but from the dead-as-dogshit dead tree New York Times) and wrong about Pinkertons. Billy Burns is the hero of 1910’s terror war.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy wouldn’t know the truth if it was fucking him in the ass. I do find comfort in knowing how intellectually limited our opposition is.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Clueless idiot is still clueless idiot…
Oh wow! This is all a distraction from the top two earmarkers in this budget cycle.
This cycle:
Robert 3K Sheets Byrd $122,804,900 is #1. What a tard!
Cochran is 5th behind #4 Feinstein
Wicker is #44.
The totals are shared fool. Solo and With Other Members
I previously proved HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot didn’t know how to interpret spreadsheets.
@116 “Puddy wouldn’t know the truth if it”
Given that the name of one of our trolls is “the Truth” I thought at first that there might be a pun hiding in that sentence.
@116 I do find comfort in knowing how intellectually limited our opposition is.
In which case you’re probably also comforted knowing that you’re paired with your intellectual equal: YLB.
Two giants!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Hey proud leftist Obama still at 78%? Recheck http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls/ fool! And see the real analysis of HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot’s link.
You are the moronic loser here!
Cherry pick all you want moron.
What’s being debated right now in the Senate has heavy earmarks for R’s written all over it.
What “other members”? Mostly R’s of course. That’s why they call them red states.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot, how did I cherry pick? You wrote:
Oh wow! This is all a distraction from the top two earmarkers in this budget cycle.
The top porker is still the top porker Robert Byrd.
Salliemac discussed PMA and it’s
The FBI hasn’t been the only group continuing to investigate lobbying firm PMA Group
you throw up a worthless canard.
Still can’t read spreadsheets. What a fool!
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 118
Please, let’s not go there.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 120: “You are the moronic loser here!”
Oh, Puddy, please I implore of thee, could you give me an award stating you deplore me more than all others? Please, please, I’ll never ask for another thing from you.
Can you explain why your party has ratings at an all time low and our PRESIDENT – OBAMA has his at an all time high?
you throw up a worthless canard.
So it’s worthless that Taxpayers for Common Sense has identified red Mississippi as the biggest recipient of earmarks in the appropriations bill being debated now in the Senate. I see.
If PMA has broken the law let the chips fall where they may but old hands like Murtha are NOT going to fall for 2.4 million dollars for DEFENSE companies in their districts while contractors have some splainin to do for the billions that were pissed away in the sands of Iraq.
Dream on fool!
Keep on distractin’ from the problems of Republicans like…
“American Lightning” throws valuable new light on an episode that seems, for us today, particularly pertinent. Terrorism happened here, conducted by Americans who had a reason, a notion whose uncomfortable edges this story forces us to confront.”
This is the point of the book that conservatives can only cope with with lies and suppression. There is something rotten at the core of capitalism – and that thing is the capitalists.
AND Pinkerton detectives were known for their murderous violence when attacking striking workers. So, I’m not sure what your point is, as I am not wrong about either of the things that you said I was.
Marvin Stamnspews:
89. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Pretty damn telling not one HA libtard donkey would touch Racist Dickless Turbin Durbin and his racist policy of killing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program for his WEA union pals.
I heard from a friend in dc that the rumor going round is that the obama didn’t want his kids hanging around those poor kids that are only in the school because they had vouchers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
90. proud leftist spews:
Obama’s numbers in the particular poll I cited are at their highest, while the Republican numbers in that poll are at their lowest
It’s an msnbc poll. What else would you expect.
Marvin Stamnspews:
97. Daddy Love spews:
Those are not my fellow workers. They work for temporary agencies. What those agencies decide to pay their workers is not my business,
Don’t they deserve a living wage with benefits?
Not your business??
What a hypocrite you are!!!!!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Proud Leftist, you have redeeming qualities unlike others here. So sorry can’t do that.
On the subject of earmarks, Maureen Dowd nails Team Obama:
Stage of Fools
Team Obama sounds hollow, chanting that “the status quo is not acceptable,” even while conceding that the president is accepting the status quo by signing a budget festooned with pork.
Obama spinners insist it was “a leftover budget.” But Iraq was leftover, too, and the president’s trying to end that. This is the first pork-filled budget from a new president who promised to go through the budget “line by line” and cut pork.
On “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, dismissed the bill as “last year’s business,” because most of it was written last year.
But given how angry Americans are, watching their future go up in smoke, the bloated bill counts as this year’s business.
It includes $38.4 million of earmarks sponsored or co-sponsored by President Obama’s labor secretary, Hilda Solis; $109 million Hillary Clinton signed on to; and $31.2 million in earmarks sought by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood with colleagues.
(Even Barack Obama was listed as one of the co-sponsors of a $7.7 million pet project for Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Vocational Institutions until he got his name taken off last week.)
And then there are the 16 earmarks worth $8.5 million that Emanuel put into the bill when he was a congressman, including money for streets in Chicago suburbs and a Chicago planetarium.
Blame it on the stars, Rahm, or on old business. But as Shakespeare wrote in “Lear”: “This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune — often the surfeits of our own behavior — we make guilty of our own disasters, the sun, the moon, and the stars.”
HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@126, you didn’t say that before. You cleaned it up in #126.
“Typically, a legislator seeks to insert earmarks that direct a specified amount of money to a particular organization or project in his/her home state or district.”
Byrd inserted the most single earmarks. Cochran had the most shared earmarks. Which means others had earmarks that also fell into his district. Thems da facts dude (term used lightly).
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Salliemac – When Rahmbo is on Puddy calls it Deface the Nation!
Tomorrow’s another day. Perhaps we will discover why Daddy Loveless refused to support his not-my-fellow workers and instead had only this to say about their plight during these terrible economic times:
@97 Those are not my fellow workers. They work for temporary agencies.
Or maybe YLB will see the light as Maureen Dowd has and come to understand – if only in a very loose sense – that earmarks DO matter and that Obama must provide the leadership on this crucial issue that he pledged he would time and again during the campaign.
Al Minkmanspews:
The biggest earmark artists come from the southern states — you know the place — that’s where all the dumb, racist, conservative crackers live.
The ones who always complain about gubmint spending.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Salliemac: The beauty of Maureen Dowd finding her voice is she is an avowed Bush hater with a very bad case of BDS.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
HAs knuckle dragging clueless village idiot, when one navigates through most of Cochran’s “earmarks” they are immediate work projects. Water and wasterwater, building repair. But look at the #1 porker Byrd and his “earmarks” and tell me what do you see?
Salliemac, watch for his response.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Here is the vaulted knuckle dragging clueless village idiot:
“Paulson’s contributions to President Bush have been small—just $2,000 in 2004 and nothing toward Bush’s 2000 election, apparently.”
“Wendy Paulson has been a major contributor to the League of Conservation Voters’ 527 fund, which campaigned for Democrat John Kerry and against George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election. She has given at least $401,000 to the League’s political activities since 2000.”
What’s so bad about allowing EMPLOYEES decide for themselves whether they want to sign cards requesting a union, or have a government-supervised ballot election?
Right now, the boss gets to decide how you are allowed to form a union. And he/she always picks the latter because it delays the outcome for months and months while they weed out the union supporters. In the end, this so-called “election” more closely resembles something you’d find in Russia, not in America.
The reason employers are so over-the-top in their criticism is they know the deck is stacked in their favor and they want to keep it that way.
For more info: http://www.aflcio.org/joinaunion/voiceatwork/efca/
Right wing morons like Stupes like those pictures of the rich and famous.
And of course they loathe themselves because there’s a snowball’s chance in hell they’ll ever have those things.
As for the rest of us, we’ll be more than happy to have a living wage, a reasonable amount of leisure time, decent schools to send our kids to and a dignified retirement.
Not to much to ask for is it? EFCA – yes!
Scary Movie: Obama snubs America’s closest ally.
“Although Mr Obama is by no means as anglophile as his predecessors – he has already returned a bust of Winston Churchill that sat in the Oval Office under President Bush – Mr Brown had hoped to be able to demonstrate a “special partnership” and develop a personal relationship with the President.”
The CBS News link was added for “balance”.
Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot:
Why aren’t you commenting on the SEIU actions Puddy posted earlier? You claimed the Wall Street Journal reportage is great and you liked it? Oh wait you can’t! Your SEIU “wife” wears the pants in your “home”:
“Meanwhile, there are new developments in the Rod Blagojevich scandal. The Wall Street Journal reports Andy Stern, the president of the Service Employees International Union, met with Blagojevich in early November. This is around the time that federal prosecutors allege the governor was discussing ways to sell the Senate seat vacated by Obama for a lucrative union position. Federal prosecutors allege that one of Blagojevich’s plans was to appoint a labor-friendly candidate to the vacated Illinois Senate seat in exchange for a $300,000-a-year position at an SEIU-affiliated labor federation called Change to Win. The SEIU was Blagojevich’s biggest campaign contributor, contributing $1.8 million for his two campaigns for governor.”
Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot:
Or this one from a SEIU blog?
“While the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has decided to spend a $2 million bond issue for the Delaviega Golf Course, that same County came to the county’s 1200 In Home Support workers who take care of the disabled, elderly, and dying and pled poverty. They claimed that they could not pay more than our current $9.50 an hour, nor could they give us all healthcare, and they certainly could not give us a retirement plan.
Yet what was the response of our SEIU paid union officials? They came to the membership making excuses for the local politicians that were elected with our dues money.
The SEIU leadership gave $65 million to pro-war, anti-single payer healthcare Kerry (Kerry voted for the war in Iraq and vowed to continue it). This $65 million could have been put into strike funds to pay the bills of our membership when we fight back, or it could have gone into an insurance fund for our uninsured members, or $65 million could have gone a long way towards running a labor candidate independent of the Democrats and Republicans that would push our agenda to the foreground. Instead a hard earned $65 million was thrown away on a corporate politician.”
Your SEIU “wife” wears the pants in your “home” Good job chimp buttboy!
Goldy, why isn’t Rahmbo including you on the daily phone conference call along with CNN’s James Carville and Paul Begala and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos?
That describes you Stupes. You’re the one who defends that chimp that shuffled off the buffalo last Jan 20.
Now you’re the tool of the viagra-addled whale hypnotized by the noises through his blowhole!
Don’t hang on every fart from your ugly ass.
I pity the poor fool who takes that up.
Figgers Goldy’s pet chimp has nothing to say about his wife’s union. Always comes to a gunfight with his pants down. I already described you as the chimp. Remember the link? http://horsesass.org/?p=13160&.....ent-900534
Typical and
See ya sucka!
There are two parts of the market: Management and Labor. If one has all the say and the other has none, it’s not a free market. It’s a rigged game.
Speaking of ‘globalization’, it’s time for unions to globalize. Putting tariffs on goods produced in slave labor countries (like China and Viet Nam) takes away the slave labor advantage.
Let’s not keep the volume on American Corporate Business Ethics the slimmest one in the library.
If it’s budget time, it’s good to be a red state. And it’s very good to be Mississippi.
According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Taxpayers for Common Sense, Mississippi has won the earmark contest in the omnibus budget package.
For solo earmarks, nobody beat out Sen. Bob Byrd (D-W.Va.), last year’s appropriations committee chairman. The defender of earmarks took home $123 million. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) came in second, with $114 million. Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) rounded out the top three, bringing home $86 million by himself.
Rural and small-state voters were the big winners on an absolute and on a per capita basis, even though it was big states and urban areas that have delivered Congress and the White House to Democrats. Of the top ten earmarking senators, only Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.; $77 million solo; $235 combined), represents a large state and only three of the top ten are blue states. In the top 20, only six blue states are represented.
It’s a good union. Far from perfect but they do enough good work for our needs.
Go fish somewhere else fool.
Of course the knuckle dragge@12r won’t comment on SEIU shenanigans. But he’ll jump on anything conservative.
You are proven to be a fool, fool!
Of course the knuckle dragge@12r won’t comment on SEIU shenanigans. But he’ll jump on anything conservative.
You are proven to be a fool, fool! Don’t discuss my partisanship when the beam is up you ASS!
This Act would would be a first step toward rebalancing the labor/management relationship. Particularly in time of financial crisis with high unemployment, management holds all the cards. We need to see free and fair unionization elections if labor is to regain any say in the employment market. The shrillness and loudness by which corporate interests and Republican politicians scream against this Act bear testament to its wisdom and fairness.
Yeah you’ve been talking about jockstraps lately.
Your kind is only too willing to be a diaper – for the likes of right wing shitters like Vitter.
Another Wall Street Journal article the clueless village idiot can’t say nothing about or refute.
“Will Obama Stand Up for These Kids?”
“Dick Durbin has a nasty surprise for two of Sasha and Malia Obama’s new schoolmates. And it puts the president in an awkward position.
The children are Sarah and James Parker. Like the Obama girls, Sarah and James attend the Sidwell Friends School in our nation’s capital. Unlike the Obama girls, they could not afford the school without the $7,500 voucher they receive from the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program. Unfortunately, a spending bill the Senate takes up this week includes a poison pill that would kill this program — and with it perhaps the Parker children’s hopes for a Sidwell diploma.”
Why are Democratics so racist against inner city kids? Can you say the WEA needs their payback?
Goldy’s butt boys and pet chimps ask why I supported Bush? Well this was one of those underpublished programs he instituted for my peeps in the inner city.
“Today, that program is helping 1,900 disadvantaged children to attend private schools, funded by these scholarships. The program is changing lives. Participating children are thriving, gaining confidence in the classroom, and becoming eager to learn”
Yep, more proof positive Democratics hate having minorities move up in life.
Steve, will you please republish my comments on David Vitter so HAs most stupid knuckle dragging chimp clueless village idiot@16 can see what I wrote. I know you paid attention but your leetle cousin is proving his worth as an idiot.
Of course Steve, where you figgered it out, HAs most stupid knuckle dragging chimp clueless village idiot wouldn’t have much to publish here.
Will Goldy blog on Dick Durbin and how Durbin hates minority children using vouchers?
Doubt it.
If you want to read more about how this act will take away workers right to vote …
Didn’t Preznit Obama say on Feb 24, 2009 that he wants every American to make a commitment to further his education?
Obama said in his almost SOTU address –
“But we know that our schools don’t just need more resources. They need more reform. That is why this budget creates new incentives for teacher performance; pathways for advancement, and rewards for success. We’ll invest in innovative programs that are already helping schools meet high standards and close achievement gaps. And we will expand our commitment to charter schools.”
It is our responsibility as lawmakers and educators to make this system work. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it.”
I guess Dick Durbin disagrees preznit. We already know headless lucy disagrees 24×7.
So Puddy wonders when the Obama/Durbin blessed education reprogramming camps start? Looks like rewarding inner city school failure starts at home in Washington DC.
SeattleJew, you asked me why Puddy does what he does. Watch and learn my friend.
The most liberal city in America, also named the most unhappiest:
Liberals see the world as it is, which is not a pretty picture. Conservatives live in a fantasyland of their own construct, oblivious to truth and reality. See the difference?
Read the report. Depression is a clinical diagnosis, not a choice or a world-view. Portland was ranked number 1 in depression. See the difference?
I think that goods produced in slave-labor countries (e.g., China, Viet Nam)should have hefty tariffs applied to them.
There’s no way that this cannot be viewed as fair.
If you compare a Minkman fake doggie doo-doo with one made in China, the difference is immediately apparent. The American made Minkman will fool you every time — but not the cheap Chinese knockoff.
Is this the act that would allow open voting for all to hear how one voted?
Compare these 2 videos of president “present” and bush.
Of course, there has to be an explanation for the difference in the greetings both received.
And notice how bush actually touched the hands of the ordinary servicemen while the obama didn’t want to.
It appears the troops know who is on their side.
Except… without the owners the labor does not have a job.
Remember, labor does not create a single job.
It is a free market, if labor does not like the job they are free to find another job. If labor does not like the game, they are free to become owners and create jobs.
Please don’t tell me you have never quit a job for a better one.
22 Why in the name of heaven would you think SJ would want to watch you wank off?
Glad to see someone is taking care of your needs.
The thought of you taking care of your own needs is depressing.
FartyArt, here you one in action!!!!!!!! Yes you are!
Not allowed…
Sorry to disagree, I don’t feel portland is the most liberal.
That would belong to san francisco.
It’s easy to tell how liberal it is…
lack of blacks”>According to Census estimates, the number of blacks here shrank from 13.4% of the population in 1970 to just 6.5% in 2005 — the biggest percentage decline in any major American city.
I doubt Steve will follow your orders but all I can say is too bad:
You made your bed, you gotta lie in it.
You DIAPER you! LOL!
I’m glad to hear that so let me assure you that we take care of our own needs just fine as well.
Feeling better?
I bet Stupes and Stamn are only too happy to “diaper” for the bloviating whale on the AM dial!
Wow, an open thread. I was wondering what one looked like.
Sad that liberals view life that way.
But when you consider that liberals have always seen the worse…
1958 John Galbraith and his “the affluent society” prediction
Paul ehrlich and his “population bomb” scare and his “eco-catastrophe!” prediction
Jimmy carter and his prediction we would use up all the oil resources in the next decade
The liberal prediction of nuclear doom and gloom under reagan
In the 70’s the fear was the end of the world due to global cooling
Now it’s the end of the world due to global warming
The left doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to predicting the future.
Yeah, liberals always see the worse in every situation.
3 Pud
So now your position is that Obama does not have the right to redecorate the Oval Office to his liking?
With the help of the union.
Kudos for relinquishing your power to the union.
It’s not about a “right,” it’s about priorities.
When millions of people are losing their homes, going hungry and all those other things the media talks about how can he justify spending the money on redecorating.
Kinda like how those bank CEOs shouldn’t be spending $$ on private jets and parties.
39 MS
No, we probably won’t have to worry about a “population bomb” when rising temperatures, changing climates, and rising sea levels disrupt food production and drown many of the poorest on earth on our many sea-level flood plains.
Marvie @ 39
Yeah, the world is just doing great, isn’t it? Let’s consider all the positive developments across the globe: the financial markets are chaotic, Iraq and Afghanistan, Darfur, the polar ice caps are melting, Israel and Gaza are always on the brink of major conflagration, Iran and North Korea are headed by nutcases, etc., etc. Liberals look at the world and work to change it for the better. Conservatives look at the world and deny anything is wrong with it.
Union elections are still secret.
What businesses are talking about is the doing away of the rule that says that there must be a secret vote as to whether there will or will not be a union on the premises. Not surprisingly, management has a great deal of influence on how those elections will turn out.
The difference here is that when you sign a card saying you intend to join the union, your fellow workers do not have a say in whether you can join a union or not.
You are in if you want to be — and fuck management if they don’t like it.
So, you do have a free choice if this bill passes. If not, then you will still have management scaring workers that they will lose their job if they are pro-union. Also, it would be easy to sue businesses that fire people solely because they are pro union.
You just check who joined the union against who just got fired. That’s the ‘secret’ that business does not want to get out.
It’s amazing how scared of rush you democratics are.
42 MS
That’s kinda out of left field. Pud’s commment was about a non-existent flap regarding BHO returning a bust of Churchill that had been a gift to Bush.
Now you’re comlaining about how much money, not that you know a fucking thing about it, he is supposedly spending on redecorating. I am sure you were livid when Bush spent $62,000 on the hideous carpet he put in the Oval Office. Yea, I’ll bet you were all over that one. Or the $11 billion fleet of helicopters Bush ordered?
WHy don’t you fill us in on exactly how much the Obama redcorating costs? SInce you know and all, I mean. BTW the word is he’s saving us money and keeping the rug.
46 MS
Scared of Rush? I admit there IS some danger of laughing myself to death.
40 MS
So to you there is no difference between funding the upkeep for the house of our elected leader and alleged misuse of public funds by private companies taking public money to keep them afloat?
@23: Complete moron, Troll – What do you know about depression?
Obviously, very little.
Did you ever think about climactic conditions, such as amount of sunlight, being closely correlated with depression?
Instead – you attribute it to “liberals”.
Do you have ANYTHING to back up that statement besides a weak correlation?
Have you ever heard that correlation is NOT causation?
Get a clue – your pathetic ignorance is on display again.
Redecorating is now called upkeep?
I guess if you were gullible enough to fall for the definition of is is…
Diddled Lover, Barack can do as he pleases in the Oval office. We see him spend profligately so far. He sends a secret letter to Russia about Poland’s defense system and doesn’t consult our European allies. The Russian president slaps him back with a big time rejection. Yes, you remove the missile defense shield but we’ll keep supplying the Iranians. Yep you voted for this guy. Real leadership there.
He removes a bust of Winston Churchill who signified defiant against all odds. He doesn’t follow protocol with a visiting head of state. A slap in the face of an ally. Yep you voted for this guy. Real leadership there.
Yep, that’s the guy you voted for. Can you here the stock market plummeting whistle?
The left is obsessed with rush.
Do you remember the letter from the democrats about the “fake soldier” that rush turned into a big contribution to the families of the troops? And let’s not forget, rush was proven right with his “fake soldier” comment.
The obama has spoken out against rush.
You can’t visit a left wingnut website without seeing the hate for rush.
If he was so irrelevant, he wouldn’t even be mentioned. When a right wing website talks about air america, it’s only to mock them for not having any ratings and stealing money from the boys charity.
Speaking of ratings, did you know the rush speech on saturday drew a bigger audience than any of olbermanns shows? How about fox had better ratings in february than cnn & msnbc combined.
LMAO! It’s so entertaining how he’s leading right wingers right off a cliff and they’re only too willing to follow!
Dr NotRight, being around libtards is depressing. Here is a study you must of missed last year with all your McCain rantings of nothingness.
““Conservatives tend to be happier than liberals in general,” said Dr. Martin, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario. “A conservative outlook rationalizes social inequality, accepting the world as it is, and making it less of a threat to one’s well-being, whereas a liberal outlook leads to dissatisfaction with the world as it is, and a sense that things need to change before one can be really happy.””
“So perhaps conservatives don’t have a monopoly on humorless dogmatism. Maybe the stereotype of the dour, rigid conservative has more to do with social scientists’ groupthink and wariness of outsiders — which, come to think of it, resembles the herding behavior of certain hoofed animals. Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a terrifying example of the reindeer effect.”
So Dr NotRight, what do you read besides left-wing whack-job kook-aid sites? To Paraphrase Jesse Jackson “Stay out of the Kos'”.
Yep – porno happy.
Is that going to be the mantra for the next four years, bush?
Good thing he did order them… Under the obama administration the plans for marine 1 were leaked to iran.
SeattleJew, you paying attention here? Puddy is right so far.
Have you noticed how many sex links you post. You still haven’t gotten over those issues from childhood have you?
Marvie: “How about fox had better ratings in february than cnn & msnbc combined.”
I’m sure Fox’s ratings must be very consoling for you, Marvie. Personally, you can have your television ratings and I’ll take the asskicking our party gave yours in November. That seems like a fair trade to me.
clueless knuckle dragging village idiot@56: Where is his correlation of the 340 cities and how they voted in the last election? Now that would be an interesting find. All he is saying is those states voted for x or y. Almost all cities tend to be Democratic. So based on this:”Controlling for broadband, we see that subscriptions are 38 percent more prevalent in urban areas (1000 to 5000 people per square mile) than in rural areas (less than 40 people per square mile).” Where is that correlation?
It’s bunkum fool. And only you focus on porn the most more than anybody else here clueless knuckle dragging village idiot! Kind of leads us to believe you live in momma’s basement whacking off. Shaving those palms again?
Grrrrreat book: American Lightning, by Howard Blum.
It’s about the assymetric war of labor v. capital, in which labor — the Iron Workers Union — made war on America with bombs bursting from sea to shining sea. The Iron Workers’ bomb that took down the L.A. Times in 1910, back when the Times was a real paper for the real America, also took down about two dozen ink-stained proletarians.
That’s when Gompers of the AFL rushed to the defense of the bombers. He gave a fortune — extracted one quarter at a time from workers — to hack lawyer Clarence Darrow to get the killers off the hook and out of the noose. Darrow used part of his pile to bribe jurors and to threaten prosecution witnesses in a trial he couldn’t win by playing fair.
Typical of the left to use a crooked lawyer to beat the system, and typical of almost every 20th Century leftist cause that leftists carried a torch for liars, crooks, and killers. Here’s the short list:
– McNamara brothers, mad bombers, guilty;
– Sacco and Vanzetti, anarchist killers, guilty;
– Alger Hiss, commie, guilty of perjury and, we now know, guilty of espionage;
– Rosenbergs, commie spies, guilty;
– Mad bomber Bill Ayers, guilty as hell, free as a bird.
Blum’s book has a good local hook, the anarchist colony in Tacoma. And Seattle, of course, is where the McNamaras learned the theory and practice of dy-no-mite.
MTSU POLL: One In Six Tennesseans Admit To Telling Racist Jokes About The President
The Blum that I know of is a leftist. Anyway, all I’ve got to say to you is ‘Pinkerton’.
It’s fair to fight fire with fire, doncha know?
Approximately 2% of the American households make more than $250,000 a year
I was thinking of Wm. Blum, not Howard Blum.
Yep, Blew John, just can’t trust Tennessee college kids these days.
The following letter in the YakimaHR, came from another (of many) bigots residing in the Yakima area;
the ideas of free expression,as well as free
enterprise escapes this individual;all
of this misguided diatribe he presents,has its
roots in bigotry.
Posted by aamodtdb at 02/26/09 04:14PM Post ID#: #1927
Hector, I think the citizens of Yakima could pretty much assure you that Hispanic people would be much more welcomed here if they would simply assimilate. And that means learning and speaking English just as our ancestors did, and adapting to the American way of life. We should not have May 5th or any other Mexican holiday jammed down our throats. We should not have, and do not need Spanish Language Radio stations, TV stations, and newspapers. Either Hispanics want to be here or they don’t. Offering Spanish language media just further enables Hispanic people so that they do not have to conform. It’s like as offering a drink to an alcoholic. There’s way to much a sense of entitlement to my way of thinking. In two words, adapt, assimilate.
Marvin@57, that’s a technical web site. Libtards visit Kurse and Media Morons more
Personally, I’d be more than overjoyed if the wife and I collectively made enough to be paying whatever additional charges Obama ends up levying on incomes over $250K. Being as we now manage to get by on considerably less than that, it shouldn’t be that much of a hardship.
As to the spoiled Ivy league silver-spoon crowd who rake in many times that a year, and are oh, so upset that they might have keep the Bentley for two years instead of replacing it in one, or might just have to spread the caviar a trifle thinner, I have one thing to say: BOO FUCKING HOO.
67 Er, Puddles…you mean the folks in Beautiful Downtown Pulaski?
Wow, an open thread. I was wondering what one looked like.
Troll-spew, just like all the other threads!
So, we seem to have gotten off of the topic of making it easier for people to join unions and, predictably, the conservatrds dragged the ‘free elections’ herring across the whole subject.
And that is a subject I would like to return to. I say the conservatards are lieing about that — and I can prove it.
A conservative outlook rationalizes social inequality
And puddy quotes that approvingly! Just drink the Kool-Aid, everything will be great! Sheesh, no wonder we have such a huge stinking mess to clean up now!
Sorry wingnuts. That whale you worship is only going to lead you to the deep, dark, cold water:
Nice try. Keep it up though. We’re lovin’ it!!
@43 No, we probably won’t have to worry about a “population bomb” when rising temperatures, changing climates, and rising sea levels disrupt food production and drown many of the poorest on earth on our many sea-level flood plains.
Speaking of the poor, Daddy, were you outside the Microsoft corporate campus yesterday in a show of solidarity with your fellow workers after they’d had their pay cut 10% by your employer:
What an opportunity to be seen and heard and ACTUALLY put something on the line, eh?
Two weeks ago, of course, Microsoft had tried to claw back severance pay from workers it had recently fired, but the public – if not Microsoft – would hear nothing of it and the company was forced to reverse itself.
There’s nothing in this one except for what Faux News puts out already:
When you have the far left nuts almost begging to dump Rush that is telling.
The more these libs attack a republican the more their afraid of them as threat to the lies they say everyday. When all 3 nightly news start off with the same subject Rush and HA has it the next day The republicans are having a good day and the libs are in shambles.
59 – And this one of course only proves how sick and tired the average american is of your party of holier than thou hypocrites:
Hey Stupes,
Here’s a great picture of that whale’s testicle trophy room:
Yes. We’re really scared of Rush! Make him your poster boy — or posters boy if he won’t fit on one.
re 80: That is a really disturbing image.
Is your perception of reality is so twisted that you think Democrats are scared of Rush Limbaugh? Is it fear that is prompting Democratic leaders to get him front row center in the news? We couldn’t be happier that Limbaugh is getting all this attention. The more attention he gets, the more the public recognizes that the heart of the Republican Party is a mouth-breathing bloviator who wants the nation to go down in flames. Limbaugh is a great friend to the Democrats and we surely would like to see him continue to make news.
History proves your terrifying of him.
You can say all the words you want about him However,there full of empty words with nothing to base facts on just hearsay and wishful thinking..
Yep, the Republican “leadership” is sure turning the GOP’s fortunes around:
“Despite the country’s struggling economy and vocal opposition to some of his policies, President Obama’s favorability rating is at an all-time high.” And,
“By comparison, the Republican Party — which resisted Obama’s recently passed stimulus plan and has criticized the spending in his budget — finds its favorability at an all-time low. It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington and trails the Democrats by nearly 30 percentage points on the question of which party could best lead the nation out of recession.”
Jennie T@74: There always will be social inequity. Jesus discussed it in the Gospels. Have you cracked open your Bible lately? Jesus admonished His followers to do good by your fellow man. We on the right open our wallets to help overcome it. The Salvation Army already proved rich SF Democratics give less than poorer peeps in Fargo. Puddy pastes it each Christmas time. But then again facts hurt your libtard mind.
And your worthless point was again…………………?
Proud leftist is a puddle of mush.
Even NBC News has Obama at 60% the same as Rasmussen.
What a Tooltard of worthless facts.
“It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington”
Please explain this ?
Pretty damn telling not one HA libtard donkey would touch Racist Dickless Turbin Durbin and his racist policy of killing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program for his WEA union pals.
Goes to show you HA libtards don’t care about poor inner city minorities, only their votes for the Democratic.
Here was an opportunity for HA leftist pinheads to stand up and be counted and you sitdown and are cowards. So Dr NotRight, why shouldn’t I be petty and attack everything you and others throw up here? You comments are very petty and easily disproven.
See SeattleJew? Just proved my point again.
As usual, you just don’t get it. Obama’s numbers in the particular poll I cited are at their highest, while the Republican numbers in that poll are at their lowest. The trends are not good for you. You and your party are truly at risk of becoming irrelevant. Fortunately, none of you seem to grasp that risk. Keep your blindfold on and your earplugs in. And, by the way, quit bragging about how charitable you are. It’s unchristian.
re 90: He’s trying to make the point that charity is best left to the private sector. That’s why he advised the CEO of Bear-Stearns to talk to his pastor about getting some financial relief.
90 PL
You and your party are truly at risk of becoming irrelevant.
They left irrelevant behind a long time ago.
Sidwell Friends School costs nearly $30K per child per year in tuition alone. A “$7,500 voucher” may help with that, but what you’re talking about basically are upper-middle lclass or upper class families who, if they were not able to “afford” Sidwell Friends (and I think that a family that can scrape together $21-26K per year for each child–the description of the voucher was unclear–would actually know how to find $7500 more, too), could surely afford one of many, many other private schools in that area for their children. But one thing these parents ARE NOT is “poor inner city minorities.”
Personally, I don’t cry over affluent parents who are tragically blocked from moving their child from a superior private school to an elite private school on the public dime. In fact, I oppose it. This is why Republicans BACK vouchers–it lets rich parents save money on private schools by charging the public for it.
Puddy, find us a WA DC private school for which a “$7500 voucher” would COMPLETELY cover tuition. THEN you can argue thet “poor, inner-city minorities” could use it to their benefit. But it ain’t Sidwell Friends.
84 T
History proves your terrifying of him.
You can say all the words you want about him However,there full of empty words with nothing to base facts on just hearsay and wishful thinking.
I am sure your thinking as as muddy as your grammar and syntax.
Proud leftist, as always you missed the wall, barn, homestead, farm, town, county, and state.
Obama started at 78% approval rating. It’s been going downhill since then, Is it there now…? If not at 78% how can they be at their highest point?
Where? I just gave the overall polls above and NBC, parent of Keith Olbermann’s personal toy has Obama at 60%.
Dense as spent uranium!
What a Tooltard!
76 SM
Speaking of the poor, Daddy, were you outside the Microsoft corporate campus yesterday in a show of solidarity with your fellow workers
Those are not my fellow workers. They work for temporary agencies. What those agencies decide to pay their workers is not my business, nor anything I can influence. But I did see many people I know laid off recently.
You just pull crap from your ass. Read the post. It says Obama’s numbers are at their apex. Who do you think I believe, the purveyors of the poll or Puddy the partisan nutcase?
Diddled Lover, Fact just slap you side your face and knock the crap out of you.
“That’s the reality that the Parkers and 1,700 other low-income students face if Sen. Durbin and his allies get their way.”
The maximum annual scholarship amount of $7,500 per child is available for families at or below 185% of the federal poverty level ($39,220 for a family of four). Families must reapply and prove their eligibility each year.
Proud Leftist Puddy read the post. Where do you think Puddy got the quote from fool? But did you look at all the polls and their average? http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls/ try again…
Nope cuz proud leftist is a dope!
So who’s poll did they use? ABC (02/19-02/22) or CNN (02/18-02/19)? Their competition? NBC (02/26-03/01) at 60%?
Just a big dummy drunk with leftist kook-aid. How does it feel being the real nutcase here on HA?
re 100: Why don’t you go flap your lips elsewhere?
Congressmen Overseeing Defense Budget Got $8 Million from PMA Group and Clients
“The FBI hasn’t been the only group continuing to investigate lobbying firm PMA Group, which specializes in securing federal earmarks for its clients. At the Center for Responsive Politics, we’ve expanded our original analysis of contributions from the lobbying firm to lawmakers, specifically those on the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, to include contributions from PMA’s clients, as well.”
Top recipients:
John P. Murtha (D-Pa) $2,378,552
Pete Visclosky (D-Ind) $1,369,298
Jim Moran (D-Va) $997,348
Norm Dicks (D-Wash) $536,330
Total contributions to Dems on the subcommittee: $5,829,828
Total contributions to Reps on the subcommittee: $1,968,055
@97 Those are not my fellow workers. They work for temporary agencies.
Excuse me? Because they work for temp agencies, they’re not your fellow workers? Sort of a two-class society, those that have permanent jobs (for now), and those that don’t?
And it’s none of your business that their pay is getting cut by a hefty 10% by YOUR employer, making it difficult for some to pay their bills?
Where’s the Love, Daddy?
salliemac: Class warfare at it’s best from Diddled Lover@97. He got his and screw the rest.
That’s his argument against Puddy. Well all can see what he really is made of.
@104 He got his and screw the rest.
But this isn’t the Obama message, is it? It sorta seems like Daddy is ok with that message as long as he doesn’t have to stick his own neck out. I gotta’ say, those poor MSFT temp workers – not anyone in Daddy Loveless’ circle, apparently – who will soon enough be struggling with their bills are going to be asking the very same question.
HNMT @ 102
I thought you wingnuts said Dems were soft on defense?
What a maroon! Wow the biggest offender cost 2.4 million – a drop in the bucket compared to the billions pissed away in Iraq.
Excuses excuses@106 from HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot.
asswipe @ 107
Find the missing billions in Iraq that happened on your fucking chimp’s watch and then come back to talk about piddly-ass Dem defense earmarks.
@106 Wow the biggest offender cost 2.4 million – a drop in the bucket compared to the billions pissed away in Iraq.
This has no relevance, whatsoever. Corruption is corruption, if that’s where this leads. The Obama administration has made cleaning up the procurement system a top priority. And I just don’t think he would have bought into your “argument.” When you lost that eye, me thinks you lost everything just behind it.
salliemac: Wow that was funny…
He’s the clueless village knuckle dragging idiot because there is nothing behind the eye. Hint: no one has challenged Puddy’s naming of clueless village knuckle dragging idiot.
Can’t you see the neon lighted “Vacancy” sign? Look closely.
Oh wow! This is all a distraction from the top two earmarkers in this budget cycle.
Cochran and Wicker of Mississippi.
Both REPUBLICANS! In fact 6 of the top 10 have an R next to their names.
Nice try asswipes.
So earmark means corruption. In the case of Cunningham, yes, now that you mention it.
Really@111. PMA? Hmmm…? Somehow Puddy doesn’t believe you.
Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss) $4,500
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss) $1,000
113 – course not. You couldn’t find your ass with a flashlight.
113 – Believe what you want fool:
113 – It’s no wonder. You can’t find your own ass with a flashlight:
@64: Wrong about Blum (Howard’s a leftist, but from the dead-as-dogshit dead tree New York Times) and wrong about Pinkertons. Billy Burns is the hero of 1910’s terror war.
Puddy wouldn’t know the truth if it was fucking him in the ass. I do find comfort in knowing how intellectually limited our opposition is.
Clueless idiot is still clueless idiot…
This cycle:
Robert 3K Sheets Byrd $122,804,900 is #1. What a tard!
Cochran is 5th behind #4 Feinstein
Wicker is #44.
The totals are shared fool. Solo and With Other Members
I previously proved HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot didn’t know how to interpret spreadsheets.
@116 “Puddy wouldn’t know the truth if it”
Given that the name of one of our trolls is “the Truth” I thought at first that there might be a pun hiding in that sentence.
@116 I do find comfort in knowing how intellectually limited our opposition is.
In which case you’re probably also comforted knowing that you’re paired with your intellectual equal: YLB.
Two giants!
Hey proud leftist Obama still at 78%? Recheck http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls/ fool! And see the real analysis of HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot’s link.
You are the moronic loser here!
Cherry pick all you want moron.
What’s being debated right now in the Senate has heavy earmarks for R’s written all over it.
What “other members”? Mostly R’s of course. That’s why they call them red states.
HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot, how did I cherry pick? You wrote:
The top porker is still the top porker Robert Byrd.
Salliemac discussed PMA and it’s
you throw up a worthless canard.
Still can’t read spreadsheets. What a fool!
Steve @ 118
Please, let’s not go there.
Puddy @ 120: “You are the moronic loser here!”
Oh, Puddy, please I implore of thee, could you give me an award stating you deplore me more than all others? Please, please, I’ll never ask for another thing from you.
ATTENTION TO ALL RACE TRAITORS – Puffybutt that’s you. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29493021/
Can you explain why your party has ratings at an all time low and our PRESIDENT – OBAMA has his at an all time high?
So it’s worthless that Taxpayers for Common Sense has identified red Mississippi as the biggest recipient of earmarks in the appropriations bill being debated now in the Senate. I see.
If PMA has broken the law let the chips fall where they may but old hands like Murtha are NOT going to fall for 2.4 million dollars for DEFENSE companies in their districts while contractors have some splainin to do for the billions that were pissed away in the sands of Iraq.
Dream on fool!
Keep on distractin’ from the problems of Republicans like…
Mike Steele?
Obama said my white House with be transparent and open. Everyone will be able to share views.
More lies from obama
Cramer called Pres. Obama’s budget a “radical agenda,” adding, “This is the greatest wealth destruction I’ve seen by a President.”
re 115: http://articles.latimes.com/20.....ard-blum21
“American Lightning” throws valuable new light on an episode that seems, for us today, particularly pertinent. Terrorism happened here, conducted by Americans who had a reason, a notion whose uncomfortable edges this story forces us to confront.”
This is the point of the book that conservatives can only cope with with lies and suppression. There is something rotten at the core of capitalism – and that thing is the capitalists.
AND Pinkerton detectives were known for their murderous violence when attacking striking workers. So, I’m not sure what your point is, as I am not wrong about either of the things that you said I was.
I heard from a friend in dc that the rumor going round is that the obama didn’t want his kids hanging around those poor kids that are only in the school because they had vouchers.
It’s an msnbc poll. What else would you expect.
Don’t they deserve a living wage with benefits?
Not your business??
What a hypocrite you are!!!!!
Proud Leftist, you have redeeming qualities unlike others here. So sorry can’t do that.
On the subject of earmarks, Maureen Dowd nails Team Obama:
Stage of Fools
Team Obama sounds hollow, chanting that “the status quo is not acceptable,” even while conceding that the president is accepting the status quo by signing a budget festooned with pork.
Obama spinners insist it was “a leftover budget.” But Iraq was leftover, too, and the president’s trying to end that. This is the first pork-filled budget from a new president who promised to go through the budget “line by line” and cut pork.
On “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, dismissed the bill as “last year’s business,” because most of it was written last year.
But given how angry Americans are, watching their future go up in smoke, the bloated bill counts as this year’s business.
It includes $38.4 million of earmarks sponsored or co-sponsored by President Obama’s labor secretary, Hilda Solis; $109 million Hillary Clinton signed on to; and $31.2 million in earmarks sought by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood with colleagues.
(Even Barack Obama was listed as one of the co-sponsors of a $7.7 million pet project for Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Vocational Institutions until he got his name taken off last week.)
And then there are the 16 earmarks worth $8.5 million that Emanuel put into the bill when he was a congressman, including money for streets in Chicago suburbs and a Chicago planetarium.
Blame it on the stars, Rahm, or on old business. But as Shakespeare wrote in “Lear”: “This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune — often the surfeits of our own behavior — we make guilty of our own disasters, the sun, the moon, and the stars.”
HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@126, you didn’t say that before. You cleaned it up in #126.
“Typically, a legislator seeks to insert earmarks that direct a specified amount of money to a particular organization or project in his/her home state or district.”
Byrd inserted the most single earmarks. Cochran had the most shared earmarks. Which means others had earmarks that also fell into his district. Thems da facts dude (term used lightly).
Salliemac – When Rahmbo is on Puddy calls it Deface the Nation!
Tomorrow’s another day. Perhaps we will discover why Daddy Loveless refused to support his not-my-fellow workers and instead had only this to say about their plight during these terrible economic times:
@97 Those are not my fellow workers. They work for temporary agencies.
Or maybe YLB will see the light as Maureen Dowd has and come to understand – if only in a very loose sense – that earmarks DO matter and that Obama must provide the leadership on this crucial issue that he pledged he would time and again during the campaign.
The biggest earmark artists come from the southern states — you know the place — that’s where all the dumb, racist, conservative crackers live.
The ones who always complain about gubmint spending.
Salliemac: The beauty of Maureen Dowd finding her voice is she is an avowed Bush hater with a very bad case of BDS.
HAs knuckle dragging clueless village idiot, when one navigates through most of Cochran’s “earmarks” they are immediate work projects. Water and wasterwater, building repair. But look at the #1 porker Byrd and his “earmarks” and tell me what do you see?
Salliemac, watch for his response.
Here is the vaulted knuckle dragging clueless village idiot:
“Paulson’s contributions to President Bush have been small—just $2,000 in 2004 and nothing toward Bush’s 2000 election, apparently.”
“Wendy Paulson has been a major contributor to the League of Conservation Voters’ 527 fund, which campaigned for Democrat John Kerry and against George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election. She has given at least $401,000 to the League’s political activities since 2000.”
Facts continue to slap Dr NotRight too.