In his last White House press conference … George W. Bush said: “I readily concede I chucked aside some of my free-market principles when I was told by chief economic advisers that the situation we were facing could be worse than the Great Depression. So I’ve told some of my friends who’ve said—you know, who have taken an ideological position on this issue, you know, ‘Why’d you do what you did?’ I said, ‘Well, if you were sitting there and heard that the depression could be greater than the Great Depression, I hope you would act too,’ which I did.”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, in his last days in office, Bush decided America couldn’t afford Republicanism anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
10 cents an article is like 100 bucks to rent a DVD. Does he know how many articles are in the New York Times every day? If a typical educated reader (not you, wingnuts!) peruses 50 articles a day it would cost 5 bucks to scan the daily paper. FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS A DAY!!! Not fucking likely in the jaws of Great Depression II. Let’s get real here — 1/10th of a cent is more like it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment #2 has been moved by the author to the next thread and no longer exists in this thread. (OK, you’ll have to pretend it doesn’t; Goldy’s edit function isn’t working.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 (continued) Funny how Republicans always turn out to be the biggest fucking socialists in the D.C. dung heap! Nixon, not LBJ or Carter, was the president who slapped on price controls (whole lotta good that did — remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage?).
Goldy’s edit function works for everybody with a computer made this century.
Goldy, the edit function doesn’t even appear on the screen on my 2005 laptop here at home (damned snow). It does, though, appear and function on the older machine at work.
Hmm, I’d edit that last post if I had an “Edit” function to work with.
Marvin Stamnspews:
3. Roger Rabbit spews:
Comment #2 has been moved by the author to the next thread and no longer exists in this thread. (OK, you’ll have to pretend it doesn’t; Goldy’s edit function isn’t working.)
Is it really that hard to post your rabbit droppings in the correct thread? Do you need a government program to help out?
And like the typical leftie, you didn’t take personal responsibility you blamed it on goldy and his blog.
Watch the Kanjorski video again, think about that context, then watch John Boehner go in front of the cameras and say they voted against the bailout because Nancy Pelosi was mean. There was a loaded gun pointed at the head of the American economy, and the Republicans were bitching about the color of the uniforms worn by the SWAT team there to rescue them.
I don’t think it is nuts to have soured on the GOP. I think it is nuts to support them.
With a precision that comes from the knowledge that no one else is counting, Nielsen Wire reports that 49,455,133 people (for a 30.8 household rating) watched the new president on eight networks use a TelePrompter to deliver more dire economic warnings and answer questions from a predetermined list of reporters for about 54 minutes.
Shortly after his 1993 inauguration, Bill Clinton had a similar news conference on four networks that drew and audience of 64.3 million and a household rating of 42.1.
President Bush held a primetime news session that attracted 64.813 million and a 42 household rating.
Dire predictions? What happened to his campaign chant of “hope.” Did taking a job he can’t vote “present” at change his outlook?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another post about obama at the left wing huffington post.
The laughter was at its height when Obama officials explained that the White House planned to guarantee a wide swath of toxic assets — which they referred to as “legacy assets” — but wouldn’t be asking Congress for money. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), a bailout opponent in the fall, asked the officials to give Congress the total dollar figure for which they were on the hook. The officials said that they couldn’t provide a number, a response met by chuckling that was bipartisan, but tilted toward the GOP side. By guaranteeing the assets, Geithner hopes he can persuade the private sector to purchase a portion of them.
This is priceless… Priceless in the way that the obama administration couldn’t provide a dollar figure.
This does explain why so many people are scratching off their obama/biden bumper stickers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
American Apparel Inc. wanted to open a clothing store on valencia street in san francisco, pay their employees double minimum wage, health benefits. The planning commission turned them down because of fear that it would spoil the “magic of the neighborhood.”
Major U.S. news organizations were limited to one seat each. Among those also getting a seat:, Gray Communications, Air America, Ed Schultz (liberal radio talk show host), Al Jazeera, Essence, Saudi Press Agency, and America Blog.
It’s amazing that the same people that would have whined and cried if bush would have put rush and hannity in the front row of the press corps turn a blind eye with eddie schultz and air america. Hypocrites? Naw, they know the difference and they don’t care.
Shauna Daly, a 29-year-old Democratic operative, was named last month to the new job of White House counsel research director. Though she is inside one of the most powerful legal offices in the land, Miss Daly holds no law degree and doesn’t list any legal training on her resume.
Her sole experience has been as an opposition researcher for Democratic political campaigns: She helped dig up dirt on rivals, or on her own nominee to prepare for attacks.
Just imagine the outrage if bush had done this. Shauna would have earned olbermann’s worst person award.
@12 “bumper stickers”
Tasting the bitterness of his political party’s newfound irrelevance, Marvin is reduced to making shit up.
@1 “Good to see”
Al Jazeera hates America far less than you, Rush and Hannity, that’s for sure.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Now that obama is elected and it can’t be undone the liberal media is now back to reporting on crimes and such.
This time it’s about children in chicago schools being abused by teachers and coaches (like headless lucy).
Is this the school reform that obama, along with terrorist william ayers, helped produce?
This was under the watchful eye of arne duncan, the same man obama selected as U.S. Secretary of education. Is this change you can believe in? Or as one of the abused kids might say… this is CHANGE that produces fear and helps promote drop outs.
“I’m thinking that I don’t really feel safe,” Martin said.
The 2 Investigators found reports of students beaten with broomsticks, whipped with belts, yard sticks, struck with staplers, choked, stomped on and pushed down stairs. One substitute teacher even fractured a student’s neck.
But even more alarming, in the vast majority of cases, teachers found guilty were only given a slap on the wrist.
CBS 2 informed former Chicago Public School CEO Arne Duncan of our investigative findings shortly before he was promoted to U.S. Secretary of Education.
“If someone hits a student, they are going to be fired. It’s very, very simple,” Duncan said.
Before heading to Washington, he vowed to take action.
“Any founded allegation where an adult is hitting a child, hitting a student – they’re going to be gone,” Duncan said.
But that’s not what happened under Duncan’s watch. Of the 568 verified cases, only 24 led to termination. Records show one teacher who quote “battered students for several years” was simply given a “warning” by the Board of Education.
And another student was given “100 licks with a belt.” The abuse was substantiated, but the records show the teacher was not terminated.
And to think obama talks about accountability.
HOPE = Parents HOPE their children won’t be beat at school by teachers.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”
In his last White House press conference … George W. Bush said: “I readily concede I chucked aside some of my free-market principles when I was told by chief economic advisers that the situation we were facing could be worse than the Great Depression. So I’ve told some of my friends who’ve said—you know, who have taken an ideological position on this issue, you know, ‘Why’d you do what you did?’ I said, ‘Well, if you were sitting there and heard that the depression could be greater than the Great Depression, I hope you would act too,’ which I did.”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, in his last days in office, Bush decided America couldn’t afford Republicanism anymore.
10 cents an article is like 100 bucks to rent a DVD. Does he know how many articles are in the New York Times every day? If a typical educated reader (not you, wingnuts!) peruses 50 articles a day it would cost 5 bucks to scan the daily paper. FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS A DAY!!! Not fucking likely in the jaws of Great Depression II. Let’s get real here — 1/10th of a cent is more like it.
Comment #2 has been moved by the author to the next thread and no longer exists in this thread. (OK, you’ll have to pretend it doesn’t; Goldy’s edit function isn’t working.)
@1 (continued) Funny how Republicans always turn out to be the biggest fucking socialists in the D.C. dung heap! Nixon, not LBJ or Carter, was the president who slapped on price controls (whole lotta good that did — remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage?).
Roger @3,
Goldy’s edit function works for everybody with a computer made this century.
Goldy, the edit function doesn’t even appear on the screen on my 2005 laptop here at home (damned snow). It does, though, appear and function on the older machine at work.
Hmm, I’d edit that last post if I had an “Edit” function to work with.
Is it really that hard to post your rabbit droppings in the correct thread? Do you need a government program to help out?
And like the typical leftie, you didn’t take personal responsibility you blamed it on goldy and his blog.
Limbots, your days are so numbered!
I’m not surprised that this blog doesn’t have any posts about obama and his speech last night.
So I might as well post something, something from the liberal los angeles times.
Numbers just in on the TV audience for President Obama’s first primetime White House news conference Monday night:
Big, but not the biggest.
With a precision that comes from the knowledge that no one else is counting, Nielsen Wire reports that 49,455,133 people (for a 30.8 household rating) watched the new president on eight networks use a TelePrompter to deliver more dire economic warnings and answer questions from a predetermined list of reporters for about 54 minutes.
Shortly after his 1993 inauguration, Bill Clinton had a similar news conference on four networks that drew and audience of 64.3 million and a household rating of 42.1.
President Bush held a primetime news session that attracted 64.813 million and a 42 household rating.
Dire predictions? What happened to his campaign chant of “hope.” Did taking a job he can’t vote “present” at change his outlook?
Another post about obama at the left wing huffington post.
Administration officials were greeted with sarcasm and laughter Monday night when they briefed lawmakers and congressional staff on Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s new financial-sector bailout project, according to people who were in the room.
The laughter was at its height when Obama officials explained that the White House planned to guarantee a wide swath of toxic assets — which they referred to as “legacy assets” — but wouldn’t be asking Congress for money. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), a bailout opponent in the fall, asked the officials to give Congress the total dollar figure for which they were on the hook. The officials said that they couldn’t provide a number, a response met by chuckling that was bipartisan, but tilted toward the GOP side. By guaranteeing the assets, Geithner hopes he can persuade the private sector to purchase a portion of them.
This is priceless… Priceless in the way that the obama administration couldn’t provide a dollar figure.
This does explain why so many people are scratching off their obama/biden bumper stickers.
American Apparel Inc. wanted to open a clothing store on valencia street in san francisco, pay their employees double minimum wage, health benefits. The planning commission turned them down because of fear that it would spoil the “magic of the neighborhood.”
This is what san francisco considers magic…
Valencia, in the Mission District, has 27 vacant storefronts, Chronicle editorial page writer Caille Millner noted in her column on the subject. Four of them, I discovered, are in the 900 block. Well, six if you count two additional rotting storefronts
Typical liberal anti-business approach to business.
Gotta love those obama press conferences.
Mr. Obama’s press conference this evening is also notable for the varied number of news organizations given seats.
Major U.S. news organizations were limited to one seat each. Among those also getting a seat:, Gray Communications, Air America, Ed Schultz (liberal radio talk show host), Al Jazeera, Essence, Saudi Press Agency, and America Blog.
It’s amazing that the same people that would have whined and cried if bush would have put rush and hannity in the front row of the press corps turn a blind eye with eddie schultz and air america. Hypocrites? Naw, they know the difference and they don’t care.
Good to see al jazeera is allowed in.
Nixon was before his time…
Amid the furor over controversies regarding Cabinet-nominee tax problems and the seismic battle over a nearly trillion-dollar economic rescue bill, President Obama made a little-noticed appointment that is now generating intrigue.
Shauna Daly, a 29-year-old Democratic operative, was named last month to the new job of White House counsel research director. Though she is inside one of the most powerful legal offices in the land, Miss Daly holds no law degree and doesn’t list any legal training on her resume.
Her sole experience has been as an opposition researcher for Democratic political campaigns: She helped dig up dirt on rivals, or on her own nominee to prepare for attacks.
Just imagine the outrage if bush had done this. Shauna would have earned olbermann’s worst person award.
@12 “bumper stickers”
Tasting the bitterness of his political party’s newfound irrelevance, Marvin is reduced to making shit up.
@1 “Good to see”
Al Jazeera hates America far less than you, Rush and Hannity, that’s for sure.
Now that obama is elected and it can’t be undone the liberal media is now back to reporting on crimes and such.
This time it’s about children in chicago schools being abused by teachers and coaches (like headless lucy).
Is this the school reform that obama, along with terrorist william ayers, helped produce?
This was under the watchful eye of arne duncan, the same man obama selected as U.S. Secretary of education. Is this change you can believe in? Or as one of the abused kids might say… this is CHANGE that produces fear and helps promote drop outs.
Hundreds of students have allegedly been beaten by teachers, coaches and staff at Chicago Public Schools. 2 Investigator Dave Savini continues his ongoing investigation involving the illegal use corporal punishment.
An exclusive CBS 2 investigation discovered Treveon Martin is one of at least 818 Chicago Public School students, since 2003, to allege being battered by a teacher or an aide, coach, security guard, or even a principal. In most of those cases – 568 of them – Chicago Public School investigators determined the children were telling the truth.
“I’m thinking that I don’t really feel safe,” Martin said.
The 2 Investigators found reports of students beaten with broomsticks, whipped with belts, yard sticks, struck with staplers, choked, stomped on and pushed down stairs. One substitute teacher even fractured a student’s neck.
But even more alarming, in the vast majority of cases, teachers found guilty were only given a slap on the wrist.
CBS 2 informed former Chicago Public School CEO Arne Duncan of our investigative findings shortly before he was promoted to U.S. Secretary of Education.
“If someone hits a student, they are going to be fired. It’s very, very simple,” Duncan said.
Before heading to Washington, he vowed to take action.
“Any founded allegation where an adult is hitting a child, hitting a student – they’re going to be gone,” Duncan said.
But that’s not what happened under Duncan’s watch. Of the 568 verified cases, only 24 led to termination. Records show one teacher who quote “battered students for several years” was simply given a “warning” by the Board of Education.
And another student was given “100 licks with a belt.” The abuse was substantiated, but the records show the teacher was not terminated.
And to think obama talks about accountability.
HOPE = Parents HOPE their children won’t be beat at school by teachers.
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”
Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931-2005
Cynical, check your email!