– Remembering Trailblazing Abortion Provider Mildred ‘Millie’ Hanson
– Since the state Senate isn’t sure that humans caused global warming, I’m just going to go ahead and blame it on the bears who want to end their hibernation early.
– It’s interesting to think of downtown sub-components and hopefully how to better serve them with transit.
– As a former fetus myself, that guy is a jerk.
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson says that funding the Veterans Administration is “just too expensive.”
Way to support the troops, asshole.
That “former fetus” dude reminds me of this guy. Boy, he looks like a real winner. The perfect Conservative. Probably a kitten-kicker.
The video of those Police officers being shot at in Ferguson was first posted on a “christian” pro-Police white-nationalist website barely 15 minutes after it happened.
Curious, that.
@1 “Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson says that funding the Veterans Administration is ‘just too expensive.'”
Easy for him to say. He (a) never served, (b) hasn’t contributed his children to the cause of our national defense, and (c) married into money and business opportunity, so he doesn’t have to worry about paying for his or their medical needs. In short, a typical Republican (“I’ve got mine, and fuck you”) — and, of course, eager to send other people’s children off to the next war. Why does anyone vote for these people? Have they lost their minds?
Odd thing, how easy it is to bullshit people when one makes highly extravagant claims about one’s own past, especially when one openly claims to be a mass murderer.
It’s all good, one can do anything, claim anything, and be anything, as long as one also claims to have accepted Jesus into one’s heart. That sort of “christian” will take the claims of anyone at face value. One could claim that one has stopped raping children, or smuggling narcotics, or damn near anything, and these folks will embrace you as a respectable person and a highly regarded role model for good, christian children of all ages.
So long as you also claim to Love Jesus.
Hell, Joseph Mengele and Heinrich Himmler would be perfectly welcome. After all, they were christians too.
What strange heroes the TeaNazis have cultivated for their movement.
I do not support forced pregnancy
A textual quirk may doom Scott Walker’s right-to-work law. While courts generally uphold such laws, Wisconsin’s Republicans in their zeal to knife unions may have reached for a bridge too far. Their law not only nullifies union shop rules, i.e., allows workers to choose non-membership without paying shop fees to reimburse the union for representation costs, but appears to require unions to provide non-members with free representation. That’s arguably an unconstitutional taking of private property without just compensation, and Wisconsin’s unions are suing to block the law from taking effect.
If you don’t believe cops make sport of preying on poor people, then read this disgusting story about a Portland, Oregon, homeless woman who was arrested and dragged into court for “stealing” electricity worth an immeasurably tiny fraction of a penny to charge her cell phone. How many hundreds or thousands of $$$ did it cost Portland taxpayers to process this case through the criminal justice system? They should take it out of that cop’s paycheck.
Wanna know how rightwing fucktards are explaining away the racist chants of spoiled and overindulged frat boys? They’re blaming it on hip-hop. That’s right, they’re blaming racism on blacks!
One less psychotic thug walking the earth. Score another one for Team Obama. They’re so much better at this than the Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight.*
(* You know what I mean — invading the wrong country, etc.)
The God business pays well, at least for some.
We really shouldn’t give tax exemptions to for-profit churches. They are, after all, businesses like any other.
If I go by the guy’s office, I’ll put up a sign that says, “Former(?) semen slurper.”
“That’s right, they’re blaming racism on blacks!”
It’s not only blacks the right blames for Oklahoma. Dan Savage of Seattle was blamed for it by Tony Perkin’s gay-hating Family Research Council. Blacks and a gay man from Seattle are to blame for the racist frat brats in Oklahoma. Got it!
Who’s next to have the finger of blame pointed at them? Jews? Well, not if you’re a member of Bibi’s Likud party, of course.
Wanna know how rightwing fucktards are explaining away the racist chants of spoiled and overindulged frat boys?
Wrong again senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Mika Brzezinski is a Obummer loving DUMMOCRETIN libtard!
Read and weep senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/brz.....ing-obama/
Mika is mosdef one of yours!
Sux to be so senile you can’t process yours from ours senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Minnesota Department of Health July 2013 abortion statistics claimed the Minneapolis based Mildred Hanson abortion center had the highest in percentage of late abortions – just under 22%
And guess which abortion center killed the most Minnesotan black babies…? Mildred Hanson’s!
No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS celebrate her “life”! Black Baby Killing Mill. Probably right up there with Kermit Gosnell of Philadelphia!
Stupid Solution Steve @12,
You used to be a leader here on HA DUMMOCRETINS, now you are just a sad third tier follower. So sad to watch you mingle your single brain cell with the single senile brain cell of the schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Now that you are over 60 it’s showing dude!
Ron Johnson says that funding the Veterans Administration is “just too expensive.” – DAYUM vomit producer @1 you really are a stooooooooooooooopid one. Did you even research the comment in it’s full context? NOPE you dope! You just drank the Daily Kooks man juice like absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch did for years!
So vomit producer do you remember the VA scandal? Do you remember anything not on left wrong puke man juice sites you love to guzzle?
When did Johnson make that comment?
Why did Johnson make that comment?
What reason did Johnson make that comment?
Do you remember Tammy Baldwin vomit producer? Well this is the final outcome… A Puddylink provided a few weeks back. Just ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a PuddyLik crazed databaze replay! http://www.newsmax.com/US/Tamm.....id/620800/ They VA was getting so much money and wasting it on extravagant offices, bonuses for useless workers and administrators and scummy facilities for our hero veterans! Seems you missed the memo vomit producer!
Another DUMMOCRETIN cover-up! BTW Puddy understands why the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @2 jumped on the vomit producer’s comment @1. Senility is strong in that one!
Sux to be those two!
Soooooooooooooooo now the vomit producer is insinuating a pro-police Christian web site paid those protest shooters to nearly off two NON-FERGUSON POLICE FORCE policemen so they could be the first to post video of the shooting?
This is what you libtards applaud as intelligent thought? Sheeeeeesh!