– I support the rights of police to collectively bargain. But this is a pretty shit reason to sue.
– Cut cut cut cut. NOT ME!
– It’s hard to get a full sense of it from a Twitter conversation, but predictive policing seems to be a positive idea.
– The full state senate repeals Seattle’s sick leave/safe leave law.
– Good news everybody! Scott Brown landed on his feet.
One-trick pony Democrats.
Your headline du jour, WA-style:
Patty Murray budget: $1 trillion in new revenue
Meanwhile, blue-state IL demonstrates what happens when idiot Democrats and idiot unions are allowed to run things for too long:
Illinois Settles SEC Claims It Misled Public on Pensions
From 2005 to 2009, Illinois failed to disclose the degree of underfunding for the plans, the SEC said today. The state didn’t adequately disclose cuts in its annual payments to buoy the funds, the agency said. Its pension debts swelled as the state borrowed and used accounting techniques that delayed for years steps to shore up the financing, the agency said.
On the other hand, here’s an example of a blue state trying to help kids in the schools with the greatest difficulties:
BOSTON—Massachusetts lawmakers are considering eliminating a cap on the number of charter schools that can operate in the lowest-performing school districts, including here in the capital city.
While other states also have weighed lifting caps, charter advocates point to left-leaning Massachusetts as a somewhat unlikely model for the movement. “This demonstrates that charter schools are a viable reform,” said Nina Rees, president of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, a nonprofit aimed at advancing the movement. “If it can happen in Massachusetts, it can happen anywhere.”
No real surprise: Teachers don’t like having their problems remedied without them:
The 107,000-member Massachusetts Teachers Association is likely to oppose the bill, said union president Paul Toner.
Of the two Democrats pushing for charter school expansion in MA, one is state Representative Russell Holmes:
I wonder if Lib Sci would refer to him as performing a minstrel show in his advocacy for charter school expansion?
Well, that didn’t take long:
McClatchy-Marist poll shows Obama tumbling in voters’ eyes
But in the biggest political clash of the year – over the federal budget and how to curb deficits – voters split 44 percent to 42 percent between preferring Congress or Obama.
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/201.....rylink=cpy
Congress poll numbers are in the shitter and have been for years, and yet people still prefer Congress to The One to get us out of this mess?
Get a job, hippie:
-by 57-35 they prefer to cut energy spending rather than raise taxes;
–by 55-38 they prefer to cut spending on jobless benefits rather than raise taxes;
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/201.....rylink=cpy
The impact of this bill would be twofold. First, any employer with a principal place of business outside of Seattle—that means most national and regional chains—would be exempt from Seattle’s sick leave law, intentionally creating a competitive disadvantage for small businesses wholly located within city limits. Second, it’s basically an incentive for Seattle companies to move their “principal place of business” outside of Seattle. Ha, ha, gotcha, Seattle! And so forth.
I think that passage would be more accurate if Goldy referred to another competitive disadvantage created for Seattle businesses, and another incentive for Seattle companies to get the hell out.
Yawwwwwn… Yeah try home health aide..
The kind of folks Bob stares down his proboscis at..
Wow Bob. Nice find.. The SEC “getting tough” on Dems and Unions (Public Safety unions excluded of course)..
Kid gloves for Wall Street..
Just the way you like it I’m sure.
@ 6
Your point noted about salary, YLB. Of course, that doesn’t stop SEIU from getting in on the action:
Want to work in a fast-paced, start-up environment with a mission? Put your passion to work where it will make a difference in the lives of over 40,000 healthcare workers and the people they care for. We are a new non-profit 501(c)(3 ) school dedicated to research, development, and delivery of cutting edge Home Care Aide training – training that is evidenced based, full of opportunity for self-discovery, and delivered with creative zeal. We are looking for passionate and experienced educators with health care experience to fill part time and full time Faculty Instructor positions.
’cause all those low-paid aides are gonna be a valuable source of SEIU dues in the future, YLB.
@ 9
The SEC “getting tough” on Dems and Unions (Public Safety unions excluded of course)..
YLB, tough comes later.
Watch carefully what happens in Detroit to union contracts and other Democrat staples.
Then apply it to a whole state. Illinois is a municipality just like Detroit is, only larger. Things that can’t go on forever, don’t. Sooner or later there won’t be any more taxes to raise, and promises made to unions by Democrats, who are re-elected by unions, who then make more promises to them, will start to be broken.
Wisconsin is recovering while Illinois is flailing. Suck on it.
If Goldy had a dollar for every time a right winger called Patty Murrary a “dim bulb” in these threads he’d be back to regular blogging here.
Go Patty! Balance the books, not on the backs of poor people and seniors and students and the unemployed, but on the backs of greedy right wing fucks.
I find it so….precious…that Dr. Bob has chosen this blog to post relentlessly in his search for a sense of relevance and self-worth.
It’s fascinating, really, watching someone spend their Ivy-educated time not doing their work as a department head at a small rural hospital, but rather obsessively posting misleading right-wing drivel in a pointless quest to be the first-second-third-fourth poster on nearly every thread on this here little blog.
Deeply, deeply weird.
@ 11
Hey Lib Sci.
This guy from the Hoover Institution at Stanford called racism a mirage:
I guess that makes you a genie bigot, Lib Sci. What kind of bigotry do you desire your children to demonstrate as adults? You get three. Wishes.
Blah, blah, fuckin’ blah.
More of the same nothing from you, Bob, as usual.
Shouldn’t you be reading a CT or something?
@ 2
Lib Sci, is it all black men who don’t unfailingly toe the liberal line that you refer to in derogatory racist terms, or just the ones you really don’t like?
And have you properly instructed your children as to your list of the times it’s appropriate to use a person’s skin color against them in a dispute? You wouldn’t want them to drop their own masks.
Poor Bob.. Wisconsin’s state pensions were fully funded pre-Walker..
So according to you, Walker was a solution in search of a problem – not too much searching was needed – there were greedy right wing fucks whose taxes needed cutting.
Suck on that.
@ 15
I wasn’t referring to pensions, YLB. I was referring to deficits.
How’s Walker doing in that regard?
According to figures from the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Wisconsin will have a positive budget balance of $154.5 million or, in other terms, a surplus of $89.5 million, by June 30, 2013. (Roughly $65 million of the $154.5 million is a modest reserve for the state, so it can’t be spent by an administration.)
A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.
Joe Lieberman to join conservative think tank
Lieberman was a longtime moderate Democrat until 2006, when he lost his Senate primary to businessman Ned Lamont — driven largely by liberal dissatisfaction with Lieberman’s positions on foreign policy and the Iraq War.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z2NLe03Dz9
What kind of emptiness are you trying to fill?
Wouldn’t working with a counselor of some sort be better than relentlessly posting here?
Is there a chapter of Wingnuts Anonymous near you?
What will Tom T******* think about this use of your time? He looks like a pretty tough guy.
@ 18
Tell ya what, Lib Sci:
You answer my question @ 14
Lib Sci, is it all black men who don’t unfailingly toe the liberal line that you refer to in derogatory racist terms, or just the ones you really don’t like?
and I’ll answer yours.
@ 20
As I thought. Non-responsive pussy.
Hey, if you’re going to be talking to Tom, tell him I said hello and that I was glad to help his daughter with that letter of recommendation.
Funny I don’t see the word “deficits” in comment 1 but I do see “pension”..
Wow WI has a surplus.. Does that say cutting spending and laying off public workers has done wonders or there never was much of a deficit problem to begin with?
I see no comment about unemployment in WI..
No wonder..
Keep it hummin’ Scotty. With cheerleaders like Bob you’ll pass Minnesota eventually!
I would imagine you’re an expert in non-responsive pussy. That may be why you post here so much, I’d imagine.
Time for Puffy to Chime in.
@ 22
Laying off public workers? Au contraire, mon ami YLB. With the money saved, layoffs were avoided in some cases.
After a ceremonial bill-signing during which chants of “shame, shame” could be heard from the protesters packing the Capitol’s hallways, Mr. Walker praised Republicans for their efforts. He said the law would allow state and local government to better address budgetary challenges and noted that earlier in the day he canceled layoff notices for 1,500 state employees.
It’s not just a state-wide thing, either, YLB:
Instead of waiting until the school board’s April meeting, Chippewa Falls school officials said they wanted to tell board members the news Tuesday.
District Business Manager Chad Trowbridge said no layoffs will be made for the 2011-12 school year, and no programs will be cut.
That’s largely because of the concessions school employees made in their renewed contracts with the district.
Cutting spending, BTW, seems to have gone OK here in WA, too.
Oh. Pensions contribute to deficits and I mentioned WI in @ 9.
“I find it so….precious…that Dr. Bob has chosen this blog to post relentlessly in his search for a sense of relevance and self-worth.”
What’s left for him to do but post meaningless, snide drivel? His GOP has become a minority party infested with TeaBirchers, Dominionists, bunker-dwellers and disciples of a taker-hating, second-rate Russian immigrant novelist who hung out in Hollywood and sponged off of the government. Their most appropriate party symbols these days would be a worn Ayn Rand paperbacks, transvaginal wands, confederate flags and assault rifles. So it’s not like Bob’s able to post about how wonderful the wingnuts are and why on earth anyone should ever vote for them.
@ 26
Isn’t the Democrat Party also a minority party, Steve?
It’s been his way all along…snide attack without the ability to provide an affirmative reason to agree with him.
Weird and pathetic. All. Day. Long.
I love that. Best bullshit detector out there, really. As soon as someone uses that hacked, non-euphoneous, stilted construction, you know they’re full of shit.
Let Bob be Bob, I say.
@ 28
…without the ability to provide an affirmative reason to agree with him.
Conservative makes points to substantially larger group of liberals, who do not agree. News at 11.
Bet most people around here agree you made a bigoted comment about Artur Davis, Lib Sci. I’ll take it where I can get it.
Oh we’re speaking French now are we Bob.. I’ll take some freedom fries with that please.
But so sad for you Bob, your talking point is a bit worn:
I’m sure that did wonders for the surplus!
@14 I’m bored, I’ll chime in.
What kind of bigotry do you desire your children to demonstrate as adults?
I am raising my child to demonstrate as little racism and bigotry as possible. (I think everyone has racist and bigoted impulses. It’s how you act on them that matters.) It’s not him I’m worried about. It’s your children that I fear. I’ve read what you post about roving bands of youths in Detroit and your descriptions of Travon and the president’s daughters.
My husband is African American, so I have his perspective to call on. Being republican and black is like being republican and gay. At best, a second class entity, a token to be trotted out at events to show how “diverse” they are, and that’s it.
You can call it The Mirage of Racism, but it’s like global climate change. You can deny it exists all you want, but that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s happening. Red Lining, Poll Taxes, Punishment rates of whites vs blacks in the Seattle School System, Predatory Lending, The different treatment of whites vs black when using the Stand your Ground laws, employment filtering. It all still exists. Liberals are working on making things more fair. Republicans are not.
@ 31
Noted. Any idea why? As it’s in December, I wonder if it might be seasonal and happens each year.
No time today to check.
Good one, YLB.
There are any number of reason why a black man might be a conservative republican. He has self esteem issues and wants attention and he doesn’t care how he gets it. (A black republican is going to get noticed) Maybe it’s Greed, he thinks he has wealth and hell with everyone else. He has mental issues. He wants to be powerful and he doesn’t care who he screws to get it and he thinks the republican party would help him do that. Maybe black republicans get groupies?
Hey, notice that we never talk about conservative black women republicans. They are even MORE rare than male black republicans. Why is that? Don’t republicans LIKE women?
Where’s Flailing Bob’s sidekick this morning?
Austerity: The Grapes of Rynd
@30 Bet even most people around here agree you made many many bigoted comment about Travon and the President’s daughters, Serial Conn. I’ll take it where I can get it.
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@ 32
I’ve read what you post about roving bands of youths in Detroit and your descriptions of Travon and the president’s daughters.
I said nothing about youths in Detroit. I fear spontaneous formation of largely black neighborhood militia-type groups in Detroit to defend against incursions by the state of Michigan, which is now majority-led by largely white politicians, if/when severe changes are forced by Detroit’s bankrupt state of affairs. Since the governor is about to appoint someone to make some changes, this could become reality, or (I hope) not, sooner than later.
Regarding Trayvon Martin, I called him a thug in training. It’s appropriate for someone with a history of thuggish violent behavior (“swang on a bus driver”, etc.) but who is young enough that there might still have been time for a correction in that behavior to have occurred. Since we’re not far from finding out that he likely died while engaging in thuggish behavior, I’d say the jury is, so to speak, still out on the accuracy of what I said.
Regarding Obama’s older daughter, I shouldn’t have said it. Kids of POTUS typically catch it in some way or other. Amy Carter wasn’t treated nicely and Chelsea Clinton wasn’t, either. The Bush twins weren’t exactly treated all that well by your side, I could note. But I regret saying it, and I won’t do it again.
Liberals are working on making things more fair. Republicans are not.
Nice way of invalidating the vast majority of an otherwise decent comment by an assholish statement at the end of it.
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@39 Michigan’s white male Republican troglodytes aren’t interested in running Detroit or putting Detroit on a sound financial footing. They’ll seize it just long enough to sell the sewers, water mains, and parks to their pals, and strip the copper wiring from the street lights, then walk away.
@ 41
No, but they’ll re-write a couple of union contracts.
Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
Yes – hopefully that holds true with you, sooner than later.
@ 42
Gmanboobs, a bunch of people said I’d be gone after November 6th.
I gotta stick it out at least until 2014 election. Or until RR hits 200,000 comments on HA, whichever happens first.
@44 – I was thinking more in the terms of being on this earth, not this blog.
@ 45
So was I.
I’m not sure that set, “conservative republicans” even includes Artur Davis, NTfF.
My big beef with him was that he is a duplicitous, back-stabbing turn-coat. He was life-long Democrat that committed political malpractice and lost his election, as a Democrat, but running like a Republican, for Governor. Only after that loss did he snuggle up to the White Peoples’ Party, in an ongoing quest for personal political power and relevance.
The Republicans are the party of exclusion and exploitation and plutocracy – witness their popularity with communities already dis-advantaged, like women, and people of color.
Dr. Bob thinks he’s scoring political points by dishonestly and incessantly accusing a liberal (me) of racism (really quite Rovian, big surprise). He seems not to understand, or chooses not to, that the racist indictment I made was against the institution of right wing politics, Bob’s politics, and that Artur Davis was just a cheap turncoat that turned to them for personal power and advancement. I used the term ‘minstrel show’ to encapsulate that – an empowered, elite, white audience watching a disempowered minority in a self-deprecating/demeaning performance, seeking approval and advancing the interests of the white/power-holding audience.
I suppose I’m as big a racist as Malcolm X was when he drew the distinction between house slaves and field slaves, in drawing attention to ingrained racist roles, power-relationships and subverting one’s community’s struggle in favor of petty personal advancement, or crumbs from the masters’ tables. This applies to race relations, but really to any unjust asymmetric power relationship against which people struggle. The rich will always try to buy off the poor, if they ever pose a threat. The bribe is always on offer. There are always weak links in the chain, people who will demean themselves and take the bribe.
I am a racist, in that I benefit, as a white male, from a system which is designed for my group to prosper, advance, and wield power, at the expense of people not like me. You have to constantly struggle with the overt and covert teachings and cues and indoctrinations that the society – from our families to our teachers to the ever present media – constantly provide and reinforce. The struggle is ongoing and daily, both internally and in society.
Bob, I imagine, will never understand that. I ran into lots of people like him in medical school – half-way smart children of privilege embarking on a path to more personal wealth/power, utter convinced of their special-ness, and haughty as a consequence, utterly misplaced. It’s a tired story.
Rather like a plague of locusts.
LOL!!! When Obama’s rope-a-dope of the Republicans plays out.. Please do stick around Bob…
RR’s first comment here that I can see was on 1/28/2005..
I count 76,185 comments to date and even though that may not be complete – do the math..
I predict your “leaving” will be Nov 2014.
@39 Oh really? List 3 ways republicans are trying to make things more fair, more equal. I think we would all enjoy discussing the pros and cons and ramifications of what you will list.
@ 47
As long as you’re copping to all the reasons you could be construed as a racist, why don’t you include the fact that you used someone’s skin color as an attack point, which is, by the way, the only reason I might have to think you to be one?
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and on and on and on…..
The search for relevancy continues…
@51. Just to be clear. You called Travon a thug in training because he was black and exhibiting thuggish behavior worthy of being killed for carrying skittles at night or maybe not acting in an excessively subservient manner for the guy with the gun. You made fun of the President’s daughters because they were black and didn’t exhibit stereotyped white girl beauty, though you now regret that.
What did Liberal say again that was so racist?
@ 53
I called him a thug in training because he was a kid engaging in thuggish behavior. Color had nothing to do with it. Union ‘thugs’ are also a color-neutral term.
Although ‘goon’ is more commonly used in hockey, ‘thug’ isn’t all that uncommonly used in that sport to describe the enforcer forwards. You won’t see too many black faces in this video:
For your edification, it even includes a definition:
Thug: noun; a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly
That’s the common definition of the word thug. Unfortunately, there have been many thugs in hockey over the years.
Instead of just including “common criminals,” we’ve expanded this to be the players who were involved in some of the most violent instances on the ice.
Here are the 50 biggest thugs in NHL history.
This is interesting….in a discussion of racism and politics. Some tweets directed at Michelle Obama yesterday
Which of those was you, Bob?
But what did Liberal say?
List 3 ways republicans are trying to make things more fair, more equal.
@ 55
Which of those was you, Bob?
You sure it wasn’t one of your children taking their cue from you, Lib Sci? Some of those seem pretty juvenile in a grunge sort of way.
It seems you’re ignoring @56. That can’t possibly be true.
I would actually love to hear your answers to both her questions.
UP Yours Fascist Pigsty. If your “black” husband can’t comprehend how others don’t toe the line and march in the reservation then he and you have issues with rational thought!
So we be slaves? Really. I saw what whitey has done to blacks in the inner city. They created the ghettos. So it must be A-OK for your “black” hsuband to jock strap policies that continue to denigrate his people. Very telling Fascist Pigsty. Did he look in da mirror and realize those great black leaders after Dr Martin Luther King Jr. are only in it for themselves? Must be he didn’t. Your commentary above speaks volumes. How does he reconcile Al NotSoSharpton not apologizing for the lie he promulgated with Tawana Brawley when reconfronted with it last year? How does he reconcile Jesse HiJackson at all? Remember Jesse thought Hugo Chavez was the man! Do you and your “black” husband?
Wow the shits keep coming. Trust me my self esteem is great. No help needed. That’s why Puddy battles with morons like you. You still think Sequestration is a Republican problem while SMART people finally comprehended what Bob Woodward wrote. Sequestration was Obummer’s IDEA. Sucks to be you Fascist Pigsty!
Puddy will share this thread with Puddy’s older brother who WAS a flaming NYC libtard but has come to the conclusion in the last two years DUMMOCRAPTS are MORE corrupt than Republicans. Oh he’s still a libtard just not flaming anymore. Watching Obummer and the CBC has him scratching his head. Watching Obummer lie from the TOTUS has him questioning why he voted for him twice. Puddy reminded his he did it cuz he’s black not for any great leadership decision Obummer made. Did your husband do the same? Sounds like reservation herd mentality. Just like that link Puddy posted from Jimmy Kimmel’s show.
So riddle me this Fascist Pigsty… Why is your supreme leader installing whitey in those vacant sadministration positions instead of brothers from the hood? Why John Effin Retread Kerry? Why not John Lewis? Or Barbare Lee? Or Sheila Jackson Lee? Or Bobby Rush from Chicago. He real hood!!! HAHAHAHA! Got a reason? Ask your husband. Puddy be very interested. Seems the CBC is too.
Puddy will let Dr. Ben Carson know about your lunacy. Puddy will let retired Lt Gen Russell Honore know about your lunacy. Because Fascist Pigsty… You R Stuck on Stupid.
Everyone’s favorite moron is back..
Check out your friends on #askflotus…
Dumbassed fool. Yeah LibSci beat me to it.. Sue me.
So Fascist Pigsty… Why no black member from the working world or the CBC made the grade for the second Obummer sadministration? Did you read how Obummer sent his consigliere Valerie Jarrett to placate the CBC with lip service? Damn funny to Puddy! Isn’t Mr Fascist Pigsty curious? Puddy curious. James Clyburn not good enough for Obummer? How about Marcia Fudge? Why not Andre Carson?
Puddy laughing at the CBC. Obummer used them and blacks like my brother and your husband to get reerected. Reservation dwellers don’t get it. And they won’t be getting any $$$$ from DUMMOCRAPTS for inner city projects. My older brother finally came to that conclusion but he still be somewhat DUMMOCRAPT, just no longer flaming.
Keep telling yourself Obummer had nothing to do with sequestration. That tells Puddy much about your cognitive processes!
Oh my Pluto boy… And the racist left been busy attacking Dr Ben Carson. Except they can’t find any SKELETONS in his closet. He clean as can be! How about how the racist left attacked Cory Booker? He still DUMMOCRAPT too. How about all those racist attacks on Allen West? Huh? You are a moron!
Good job Pluto boy. Still stupid as ever!
LMAO!! And Cal Thomas thought his remarks were “inappropriate”..
Go figure.. NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL with that grandstander..
And Honore??? Shit I remember he commanded battle hardened vets from Iraq and Afghanistan to point their fucking weapons down.. They WERE NOT in a war zone. They were in a U.S. City..
Poor Stupes.. Your hero Honore was “quaint” – a guy sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution.
@61. Try to stay on topic. The thread was about why would blacks be in the republican party. I can see why you would want to to deflect the discussion to what you perceive as what the liberals are not doing right, but that’s not the issue.
If you can, without bringing liberals and Obama into it, give me three reasons why a black man should be part of the Republican party? You can tell me what the Democrat are doing wrong in the post after, but, in the first one, what are the republicans doing right for Black people?
How about Susan Rice moron? The right wing morons in the Senate saw to that.
LMAO!!! Since according to you Republican shit don’t stink, I guess a Dem caught taking a bic pen home swayed your brother.
Why can’t Puddy discuss Obummer. He surely ain’t helping your husband’s weak cause!
1) When a black man or woman thinks independently Black Republicans don’t call them Uncle Toms. Black and whitey DUMMOCRAPTS do.
2) Black Republicans look to give a HAND UP not a hand out. We are not crabs or lobsters in a pot of hot water, pulling each other back into the pot. We want everyone to be RICH!
3) Black Republicans believe in IDEAS, not people spouting off rhetoric. We don’t think with our skin.
4) Black Republicans think black infanticide is reprehensible. Black Republicans think white DUMMOCRAPTS allow inner city violence to cull the black masses. Don’t you Fascist Pigsty?
5) Black Republicans think like most blacks on moral issues. Remember that CA vote Obummer is trying to overturn? 70% of ALL blacks in CA think marriage is between a man and a woman. Recent survey showed over 60% still think this way! Black Republicans support them.
6) Black Republicans think all wage earners should be supported not just low wage earners.
7) Black Republicans see DUMMOCRAPT party themes keeping blacks on the reservation.
8) Black Republicans want Black small business owners to succeed. DUMMOCRAPTS in Congress don’t.
9) We agree with Rev. Wayne Perryman’s lawsuit against the Democratic Party. Y’all haven’t apologized yet!
10) Black Republicans believe the CBC should include all Black Congresspeople, not just DUMMOCRAPT blacks!
In other news Paul Ryan put out a budget today..
It cuts
Food stamps, pell grants, WIC, Head Start, etc, etc, etc…
REPEALS Obamacare (for the 34th feckless time in 2+ years)
It keeps (besides Defense Spending of course)
Obama’s cuts to Medicare
Obama’s recent 600 BILLION tax INCREASE..
Ryan a tax raiser! Who’d a thunk it?????
Saying something was inappropriate is a racist attack Pluto boy? Cal Thomas liked his commentary ya moron!
Still stupid as ever!
It’s the law you idiot! Both parties agreed with it. No House Republican voted for ObummerCare. And how is your wife doing with that tax increase with ObummerCare you unemployed leach?
What a moron!
We desperately need better trolls.
Piddl whines…
Wikipedia again effortlessly proves piddl deluded, on the Congressional Black Caucus…
Hmmm.. This is target rich..
And one particular Black Republican lives for name-calling.. He started name-calling in HIS VERY FIRST COMMENT HERE… Been name-calling ever since.
Heh.. Yeah open up a Starbucks in the hood.. That’s the ticket.
How’d they work out last November? Romney carried the banner for those ideas. Right? They failed.
i.e. abortion.. Don’t like it, don’t have one.
So they suffer from paranoia.. This is not going well.
First 70 then 60.. This is progress.. Yes there’s lots of homophobia in the black community.. They’re coming around just like the U.S. military did.
Oh. They think the hedge fund manager pulling a cool billion in “carried interest” needs a bake sale too!
Themes!!! Oh my how terrifying! This author of this statement must believe black folks are easily cowed.
Now worries fool.. This shit will do the trick.
Yeah we should follow the lead of that “immoral” Republican Ken Melhman.. Totally agree!
Bob seems to have evaporated….maybe someone demanded that he do his job.
Pity. I was looking forward to his answers to NTfF’s questions.
Yeah right….
Too bad. SCOTUS said it’s law stupid.. Passed muster.
Puddy knew Pluto boy would appear with the crazed databaze…
Pluto boy, pegged with his innate inbred stupidity! The rest of the rant except for #6 is pure Pluto boy lunacy.
yeah right you fucking idiot!
Talk to Roger DUMB Wabbit ya idiot. Puddy and DUMB Wabbit discussed this recently. It was way over your head!
lol! Changing the subject! Tell me asswipe.. What “support” does a fucking hedge manager need?
Thanks, piddl, I didn’t know much about Wayne Perryman.
HOWEVER, from his website, I learned that he believes this stuff:
Ah…crackpots. Gotta love all that Bibul-thumpin’, all mixed in with some paranoia and megalomania. You have one hell of a set of heroes, piddl.
What Lib Sci doesn’t relate was the original position of the CBC with Allen West. The stink made them change.
1) Not on Topic
2) Black Republicans look to give a HAND UP not a hand out. We want everyone to be RICH!
>> Then why, for example, are republicans fighting raising the minimum wage which has been proven to improve standards of living? Why promote increased sale taxes which have been proven to make the poorest poorer?
3) Black Republicans believe in IDEAS, not people spouting off rhetoric. We don’t think with our skin.
>>What ideas? You didn’t cite.
4) Black Republicans think black infanticide is reprehensible.
>> I think most everyone wants abortion to be as RARE as possible. I believe that if one doesn’t believe in abortion, they should not personally have one. I personally will never have one. But then, I’m a man, so I don’t have any skin in the game. But republicans also block birth control, sex ed and empowerment of women to make their health care decisions so women HAVE to turn to abortion more than they should.
5) Black Republicans think like most blacks on moral issues.
>> Black Republicans are in favor of discrimination and bigotry, so long it’s not pointed at them?
6) Black Republicans think all wage earners should be supported not just low wage earners.
>> Are all wage earners living from pay check to pay check? Are all wage earners spending everything they make to cover expenses and have nothing left over for wealth creation?
7) Not on Topic
8) Black Republicans want Black small business owners to succeed.
What policies are Republicans proposing that would help Small business?
9) Not on Topic
10) Black Republicans believe the CBC should include all Black Congresspeople
>> Liberal showed they do. It’s not the CBC fault there are A) so few of them, B) won’t join.
Cal Thomas didn’t agree with Ben saying it at the NPB. You are a moron!
Did I say differently?
Wow Cal Thomas was so impressed he called on CARSON TO APOLOGIZE!!!
Go figure! Freak.
When you and other folks around you hear about someone you know and their same-sex partner getting married and you and the rest of those folks GENUINELY feel happy for them..
Then you know things are changing for the better..
That will come in time for the black community – in CA at least.
It’s too sad that others can’t just live and let live.
We’re doing just fine you miserable fool..
Thanks for asking!
By the way..
Which union is it?
!!GAS PRICES!! !!BENGHAZI!! !!GREECE!! Keep entertaining us crackpot!
I saw a guy named Ezra Klein on MSNBC last night who was complaining that California, with 38 million people, had only 2 senators while a group of states, whose total population was also 38 million, had 42 Senators. The guy must have missed that day in 9th grade civics class when the teacher discussed how the Founding Father set things up.
The House represents the people to the Feds directly, while the Senate was established to represent the entire state to the Feds. In fact, senators were originally appointed by each state’s legislature to the Senate until the Constitution was amended by the 17th Amendment that directed that senators be elected by the populace, not by the state legislatures. My old poly sci prof used to say the Senate represents land while the House represents people. California has a lot more representation in the House than Wyoming, but equal representation with Wyoming in the Senate. If it weren’t this way, the small states would be totally dominated and controlled by the big population state. It would be like China pushing Norway around and getting away with it.
I’d say the Founding Fathers has pretty good plan when it comes to the House and Senate. It has worked well. Ezra Klein needs to do a little homework on the American government.
Before we get too far into piddl’s fever dreams about which is the party of justice and compassion, the whole notion of engaging piddl is silly.
He is dishonest and nasty, a Bibul-thumpin’ hater dispensing he hallucinations about who his ‘god’ is gonna smite next.
Seems the notion of ‘one person-one vote’ eludes you.
And I would tell your ‘poly sci prof’ (if such a person is any more than your imagining) that the Constitution begins, “We, the people…” Note that it doesn’t start, “We, the people and the land they live on…”
Ugh. I can’t bring myself to take apart the whole China/Norway idiocy. Somebody else do it, if we must.
Paul Ryan, intellectual leader of the Republican Party, speaking about his new! budget and its upteenth attempt to repeal ObamaCare
Of course you’re not, asshole.
And if you ever wondered why the trolls here are so feeble minded, you don’t need to look any further than their Intellectual Leader.
I thought this was their Intellectual Leader.
From 89,
So you would have the larger population states have more senators than the lesser population states? Then those big population states would be the tyranny of the majority.
I think the Founding Fathers got it right at the outset: the House is where the big population states dominate, and the Senate is where things are more equal. Remember, the states created the federal government. The Founding Fathers never intended for there to be such a centralized authority as we have now. I know you’re probably one of those folks who thinks we should just not have state governments at all, but that’s not how we were set-up over 200 years ago. What, exactly, in you view, is the reason for the states to have a legislature if we have the federal government in place? I want to see more power shifted to the states and away from the Feds. You’re allowed to disagree, but you can’t change the original intent of the Founding Fathers.
@92 Ten Years After
While there is absolutely no evidence to either support the assertion or your knowledge in making it, let’s talk about what “The Founding Fathers” actually intended, shall we?
– Slavery
– White, male and property owning voting only
Given how that is totally fucked up, why do you continue to invoke “The Founding Fathers” as the be all and end all? And then go about divining their intentions as if you have a pipeline to their intentions via your Ouija board?
From 93,
Then you would support having the Senate the same number of members as the House? Why bother to have a House of Representatives then? It would be redundant.
@16 “I was referring to deficits.
How’s Walker doing in that regard?”
Who gives a rat’s ass?
There are other ways to protect the rights of minority groups than to give the same political representation to a few hundred thousand Wyomingans as you do to 35 million Californians. It’s entirely disproportionate if one’s goal is the preservation of minority power; it’s entirely undemocratic (small-d) in any other sense.
This reliance on the boundaries of states to define Senate representation is entirely anachronistic. It may have made sense in 1776 or 1789, but is certainly dated, unwieldy, and unjust today.
Your reliance on ‘original intent’ is out of context as well. Certainly it applies to Constitutional interpretation, but no one is disputing that the way the Constitution dictates how Senators are chosen is how we’re doing it now. What Ezra Klein is talking about, and what I’m arguing, is that we need to reorganize the Senate, and that would certainly mean amending the Constitution. The ‘original intent’ of the Holy Founding Fathers has no bearing on how we, today, go about amending the document, as long as the rules of procedure for amendment are followed.
Moe Howard, indeed.
You should give “Theodore and Woodrow” a read. It’s by a Judge Andrew Napolitano, and it’s about Teddy Rosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and how their arrogantly progressive ideas and actions attacked the Constitution. For example, Wilson manipulated the US into World War I. We should have remained neutral in that conflict and the warring parties would have settled the war among themselves. Then World War II would have been totally avoided.
Take a look – you’ll get a different perspective on Roosevelt and Wison.
Indeed. Why not a single House of Representatives? Valid question, one which derives from the notion that the Senate is undemocratic and therefore suspect and ripe for reform.
@41 Yup.
From 96,
So you would support eliminating the Senate and simply having the House of Representatives? Or would you prefer to eliminate the House and have representation in the Senate based solely on state population?
@94 Ten Years After,
Please don’t put words in my mouth. No, I would not support having a Senate with the same number of members as the House. I would consider abolishing the bicameral system in favor of a unicameral system with proportional representation.
One more thing about your paean droning about “The Founding Fathers” and “original intent”, before you sing that sad song again, please take in to consideration that in addition to the historical disaster of codifying slavery and native American genocide, the GD Constitution was so Fkn flawed at its time that it required significant changes (a.k.a. amendments) just to be ratified by white male property owners, only.
@97 Ten Years After,
Aw Fk! Glenn Beck horse shit!
From 98,
OK, then when we in Washington or Colorado finally enact a sensible law regrading marijuana, it would be hunkey-dorry for other states, because they have more people, to overrule the vote in WA or CO?
Do states really matter, in your view?
From 102,
Is that anything like Ezra Klein shit?
@98 Lib Sci,
re 103 et al: It is like discussing physics with a cat. And not Schrödinger’s cat. ;-)
From 101,
OK, if the Constitution is so flawed, which of the Bill of Rights would you eliminate? I guess you would eliminate the Second Amendment right off the bat. How about that First Amendment? Doesn’t it just drive you crazy that people can say nasty things about progressives, liberals and Democrats? Wouldn’t you just love to make it illegal to criticize any of your choices?
@104 Ten Years After,
When Ezra Klein starts giving his opinions in costume like Mr. Kotter, yes it shall be exactly.
douche bag.
From 105,
My aren’t we in love with ourselves!
From 107,
I could agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.
@106 Ten Years After,
Nope. And I’ve got the wounds and the medals to prove it. How ’bout you? Ever taken the oath to uphold and defend and dodged bullets living up to that oath?
Or maybe, like Glenn Beck, you’ve only worn a uniform as a costume in a “Founding Fathers!” paean clown show?
@42 Conservatives think cutting other people’s wages solves every philosophical problem. Their real-world problem is they can’t get wage earners to vote for them.
@49 There were some before that under other user names. If my RR count is 76,185, my total probably is about 76,350 or so.
@110 Ten Years After,
Hey, I’ve got to run, but your comment about illegality of criticism, are you aware of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Funny how the “Founding Fathers” used their “Constitutional” government to do just that.
Pudnutz @78: “It was way over your head!”
A financial manipulator who rakes in over $1 billion a year being allowed to pay the same tax rate as a single mom eligible for the Child Tax Credit isn’t over anyone’s head, except yours and Paul Ryan’s.
Speaking of whom … Paul Ryan unveiled the House GOP’s budget today. It’s even more aggressively conservative than the budget Republicans campaigned and lost on last year. Ryan said, “These are our principles.” But those are not the principles of the majority of Americans, which is why Republicans lost the elections. And as long as Ryan and his flock refuse to negotiate, refuse to compromise, refuse to budge on their “principles,” the GOP will remain the “Party of No” and the party of obstructionism and will be responsible for whatever happens in the stock market and economy as a consequence of America having a dysfunctional government. Ryan and his acolytes may have “principles,” but they are not principled. Those are two very different things, and having one doesn’t make you the other.
“Ezra Klein needs to do a little homework on the American government.”
And you need to spruce up your tired act. I watched that segment and you’ve completely misrepresented what Klein was saying. I say you did that on purpose because you’re the same old Klynical Klown, now concern trolling in shame after having had your ass handed to you last November.
@115 Roger,
Not wanting to disagree with you, but the new! Ryan budget is in no way conservative. As I believe the previous Intellectual Leader of the Republican party, Newt Gingrich, characterized it last time the Zombie-eyed Granny Starver rolled this shit out, “social engineering”.
@117 More like social demolition.
The argument was Ben Carson being attacked by DUMMOCRAPT racists…
You instead offered Cal Thomas.
Fascist Pigsty… Off topic to whom? Cuz you gots no answers. There were more than 3. Notice Fascist Pigsty had no response to #59! Still trying to determine how Obummer was identified with dreaming up da sequester and she missed that fact! Living on left wrong sites!
See ya. Nuff dealing with your sorry ASS!
Your chain is so EASILY yanked.
You are such a moron Pluto boy!
Thanks for playing again!
You mean DUMMOCRAPTS… Most blacks and Puddy includes Fascist Pigsty’s husband are low information voters. Even Puddy’s big brother in NYC now admits this truth. Witness Jimmy Kimmel’s video Puddy recently posted. “I voted for Obama cuz he’s black. That’s the ONLY reason. Don’t know what that is.”
We continue to be ignorant cuz whitey keeps us this way. Have you heard blacks speak in the Rainier Valley? What has McGinn done notably for this area? Also, blacks vote for DUMMOCRAPTS in droves cuz their ministers’ tell them to. The libtard media attacks any black for not meeting the standard stereotype.
But what has this vote wrought for the black masses and their black ASSES? Nothing Puddy can see. When I go back to visit the cuz’s back east all I see is continued inner city decay. Where is that “Great Society” we wuz promised in the middle 60s? Oh yeah… it went to the whitey burbs and passed us by.
Puddy noticed the Columbia City area is becoming gentrified, pusing out po blacks for rich whitey coming back. What is whitey DUMMOCRAPTS doing for them. Prolly nuthin. But being the sheeple they are… gotta vote to keep myself in poverty with the big poverty pimp himself Jesse HiJackson!
Okay you are an asswipe. Feel better now Pluto boy?
LMAO!! All this to distract from the FACT that some of the puddyidiot family income goes to “unions thugs”.. Who’d a thunk it?
Which union is it?
LMAO. Wrong again dummy! The argument was FLOTUS attacked by right wing racists to which YOU offered a grandstanding, showboating FOOL serving up stupid HSA’s! The CLASSIC puddyidiot hero!
Right wing Republican dolts like Ronald Reagan giving speeches in Philadelphia, Mississippi happened stupid. The silly sheep bought it.
LOL!! I’ve felt good for a long time fool! Especially since the EPIC FAYLE of you and your right wing bullshit last November..
Sure does rankle with you doesn’t it?
‘Whitey’ keeps blacks ignorant?
Blacks just do what their ministers tell them to do?
You don’t have a very high opinion of black citizens, do you? Self loathing much?
You are one twisted fuck, piddl.
Puffy can be summed up in one word- SCUM.
Mississippi should be tossed from the Union.
Fat, Stupid and Poor.
Another “BUTTBOY” hero bites it.
Florida Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll resigns amid probe of company she consulted for
The resignation came the same day that some people were arrested “for racketeering and money laundering charges in connection with Allied Veterans of the World’s illegal gambling companies,” Scott’s chief of staff Adam Hollingsworth said Wednesday. Carroll consulted for Allied Veterans while serving in the state House of Representatives in 2009 and 2010.
A REPUGNANT resigns over a little thing like this? Isn’t racketeering and money laundering “business as usual” for REPUGNANTs?
There goes Lib da moron again. See the Drinking Lemmings thread. When a black man who’s lived through whitey caused poverty leaves and reminisces about the still apparent issues he gets upset with the message, not what causes the messenger to deliver the message. Now why is that? Must be it strikes a nerve in that Lib da moron’s brain. Must be deep down he agrees that libtard leftist lemming policies have done nothing for blacks and all they have left is that old time religion.
You see Lib da moron… you never lived on my side of the tracks. I am living on your side but I never forget where I came from. Notice Puddy went first person here.