– RIP Richard McIver.
– Telling women to get a gun is not rape prevention
– Can we close the gun show loophole please?
– David Brooks was wrong, wrong wrong on Iraq. Good thing they gave him the New York Times slot.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– RIP Richard McIver.
– Telling women to get a gun is not rape prevention
– Can we close the gun show loophole please?
– David Brooks was wrong, wrong wrong on Iraq. Good thing they gave him the New York Times slot.
– You Suck at Constitutionality Tim Eyman!
But a REPUGNANT would claim it is impossible to rape a woman who does not have a hand gun as she obviously wanted it to happen.
No one ever could have imagined that handing public land to a private corporation would end badly.
@ 2
No one ever could have imagined that handing public land to a private corporation would end badly.
Right. ’cause things work out so well when land is ripped from the hands of a private owner in order to benefit the public:
The Famous ‘Kelo House’ Property Is Now A Vacant Lot
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com.....z2NFIeb5HO
This, BTW, is one of the ways that liberatarians are created.
There are ‘promises’ and there are contractual obligations (the lease, pertinent sections):
23.5 Center Nights Free Admission. Center Art will work cooperatively with Seattle Center to create a regular free admission program in conjunction with other Seattle Center resident organizations under a branded “Center Nights” or similar framework, pursuant to which Center Art shall make a minimum of 10,000 free tickets available annually. The goal of this program is to provide free access opportunities for low-income Seattle residents who might otherwise not be able to afford admission to the Project and other events by Seattle Center resident organizations.
24. Community Partners. As long–time proud and supporting members of the diverse Seattle community, the members of Center Art L.L.C. and Chihuly are committed to furthering arts education and arts engagement for youth and adults. During the Initial Term, Center Art will partner with at least four community groups to provide arts education and activities for youth and adults. The initial community partners are Seattle Public Schools, Pilchuck Glass School, Pratt Fine Arts Center and ArtsFund. After the initial agreements with the four identified community partners expire (which shall not be sooner than the expiration of the Initial Term), Center Art agrees to continue to work with a minimum of two (2) community partners during any Extended Term in order to provide a consistent level of arts education and community activities throughout such Extended Term(s). Prior to finalizing any agreement with a community partner for any Extended Term, Center Art agrees to provide written notification to City Council and the Director, and further agrees to partner with a minimum of one arts-oriented and one education-oriented partner. A brief summary of the initial community partner plans is as follows:
24.1 Seattle Public Schools. To enhance access to arts education, Center Art will consult with the Seattle Public Schools to develop a student curriculum program for Seattle Public Schools focused on the 8th grade level that spans visual arts and science and supports graduation and testing requirements. Students will have guided and self-guided thematic experiences at the Project, coupled with hands-on projects and related classroom activities. This program, which also includes funding for roundtrip transportation from each participating school to the venue, is to be funded by Center Art pursuant to a budget agreed upon between Center Art and the Director with the expectation to directly benefit approximately 4,000 Seattle students annually.
24.2 Pratt Fine Arts Center . Center Art will implement a program that supports Pratt artists throughout the year and culminates in a week long artist lecture series on the Premises open to Pratt students at no admission charge. Additionally, to help make the educational offerings at Pratt more accessible to all regardless of economic circumstances, Center Art will annually host (at its own expense) an event to specifically fund the Pratt scholarship and tuition assistance program.
24.3 Pilchuck Glass School . Center Art will sponsor a new, week-long artist lecture series with Pilchuck that culminates in a celebration of the work of Pilchuck at the Premises and honors the Pacific NW Studio Glass Movement and all glass artists inspired by this tradition.
24.4 ArtsFund . In support of ArtsFund’s mission to promote artistic and organizational excellence and advocacy for the arts, Center Art will annually host an event to encourage and support giving to the arts through ArtsFund.
I suppose someone could spend the time to determine whether the tenant is making good on the contractual obligations. I do note that one of those obligations is payment of substantial rent.
And then there’s this little item, in the lease, which was voted on by City Council and passed 9-0:
This Lease and the Exhibits attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein, together with the construction agreement, if and when executed, set forth the entire agreement of City and Center Art concerning the Project and the Premises, and there are no other agreements or understanding, oral or written, between City and Center Art concerning the Premises except for the separate construction agreement referenced in Section 14.1. Any subsequent modification or amendment of this Lease shall be binding upon City and Center Art only if reduced to writing and signed by the City and an authorized officer of Center Art. This Lease shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.
See if you can guess what really happened.
In what has become typical of international media, The Washington Post and a BBC bureau chief last November accused and convicted the Israel Defense Forces in a heartrending, angry piece without verifying their information after a fellow editor in Gaza lost his baby son in rocket fire that struck his home.
The front page photo of an Arab stringer for a world-class news network, clutching his dead baby son in his arms, tears running down his cheeks, became a powerful icon of the tragedy of the conflict.
It was used by Hamas as propaganda to blacken Israel’s name in the media and politically in the international arena as it fought to defend its southern population against Gaza’s missile fire.
But apparently very few questioned the source of the rocket fire – certainly not the grieving father, Jihad Misharawi, who at his son’s funeral blamed “the Jews” – nor did BBC Middle East bureau chief Paul Danahar, who came to Gaza to support his colleague, or The Washington Post, which printed the story, written by Max Fisher and “foreign staff”, with photos, published on the front page.
“Right. ’cause things work out so well when land is ripped from the hands of a private owner in order to benefit the public”
Didn’t they take from one private owner to make possible the development dream of another private owner? Then that new owner failed to develop the property? Isn’t that failure across the board? But you’re a libertarian so let’s just not mention any failure of capitalism. And how does that relate to Chilhuly and the Seattle Center in any way? Public land, a former park accessible to all, now in the hands of a private developer with promises broken. Isn’t that quite different? Public park to private development. Good grief, shades of Benton Harbor, Bob, I’d think you’d be jumping up and down with joy in celebration of what are turning out to be some very strange libertarian values, if that’s what they can be called.
@ 7
Hiya Steve. Say, we should start talking about Michigan again. Kwame Kilpatrick’s in the news
Kwame Kilpatrick Guilty: Former Detroit Mayor Found Guilty In Federal Trial
today, and Benton Harbor’s nothing compared with the debacle that Detroit has become. Gonna be an awful lot of unhappy public union types in Motown before it’s all said and done. Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
@ 7
City of Seattle still owns the land, Steve. Leasehold improvement costs borne by tenant. City derives revenue from the project, likely far in excess of what it derived from the Fun Forest.
No comparison to Benton Harbor. None. Zip. Zilch. Benton Harbor managed itself into receivership. Chihuly is paying base rent plus a fairly stiff percent of sales to the City. Nice try, Steve.
From what I can tell, the HA thread bemoans stuff that the Chihuly group said it would do but was subsequently negotiated away. All I did @ 4 was point out some of the stuff it’s contractually required to do, that wasn’t included in the thread.
I suppose right wing fools are all over the “news” that Paul Krugman declared bankruptcy?
b l -t puddymoron -D –summary | grep breitbart
| 979*261 | 2005-09-08T15:24 | breitbart | 100 |
% b l -t bob -D –summary | grep breitbart
| 43387*2 | 2012-05-03T10:12 | breitbart | 17 |
@ 10
First I heard of it, YLB.
It’s as believable as Sarah Palin working for al Jazeera. Or any other publication that has a relationship with Al Gore for that matter.
Ah, Boston.com. Howz the Globe doing these days? Heading down the Newsweek path to obscurity, rather quickly. NYT will probably take a 95% hit on that one.
You are aware, are you not, YLB, that the Boston Globe, NYT’s wholly owned subsidiary, also reported it?
Paul Krugman Files Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – Finance – Boston.com
4 days ago … Find the latest stock activity of the day with our stock market summary on Boston. com.
So I guess what you are saying is that Breitbart is as credible as NYT. Right, YLB?
11 – The credulousness of right wingers is lost on you old Bob..
No wonder – you’re one yourself.
Have a great day!
All of the above.
In Japan, two years after Fukushima nuclear accident, work resumes on new plant
Fortunately, we’ll soon have a nuclear physicist running DOE. Before long that eerie green glow emanating from Roger Rabbit’s study at night won’t just be from his moldy Fleshlight.
The Chihuly Garden and Glass is an example of when government does not listen to the people. I put it the category of Tunnel and the Tolling on 520 bridge or the Iraq War. The powers that be were going to install it for some corrupt lobbyist powered reason and no amount of public opinion against or facts proving it’s going to be a failure or a fraud were going to get in it’s way.
Blatant disregard for the taxpayer is that fuels the tea party and Dori Monson to yammer endlessly that government is corrupt and in this instant, I would agree with them. Which is sad, Government does so much, reasonably well, but high profile boondoggles like this poison good feeling for the rest of it’s processes.
I wished the right people would lose their jobs over this.
@ 14
I put it the category of Tunnel and the Tolling on 520 bridge or the Iraq War.
And you wonder why so few people take you seriously.
The powers that be were going to install it for some corrupt lobbyist powered reason and no amount of public opinion against or facts proving it’s going to be a failure or a fraud were going to get in it’s way.
Um, wouldn’t that put it more in the category of, say, your average taxpayer-funded green energy project?
Except for one small difference – the Glass Center will probably be profitable to the City.
The Kelo house link sound like a cautionary tale against giving soul-less capitalists influence over government.
What I find FASCINATING is that the justices were the “liberal” ones in favor of taking the land.
Speaking of taxpayer-funded frauds on the public:
A 2012 comprehensive life-cycle analysis in Journal of Industrial Ecology shows that almost half the lifetime carbon-dioxide emissions from an electric car come from the energy used to produce the car, especially the battery. The mining of lithium, for instance, is a less than green activity. By contrast, the manufacture of a gas-powered car accounts for 17% of its lifetime carbon-dioxide emissions. When an electric car rolls off the production line, it has already been responsible for 30,000 pounds of carbon-dioxide emission. The amount for making a conventional car: 14,000 pounds.
@ 17
Read the opinions carefully. Some of the justices were pretty much begging for legislatures to pass laws to prevent it from happening in the future, which many states subsequently have done.
@ 17, 19
Here’s the line I referred to @ 19. It’s on p. 19 of the Opinion (emphasis mine):
We emphasize that nothing in our opin-
ion precludes any State from placing further restrictions
on its exercise of the takings power.
That was written by Justice Stevens as part of the majority opinion. The Court was boxed in and forced into their decision. The open invitation for states to, in effect, invalidate the Kelo decision through legislation is pretty striking in its bluntness.
@15. As if I care what you think.
All are examples of things that the people did not want, that they said would be boondoggles and the government went and did them anyway and, surprise, they were costly follies that we are going pay for for decades.
Then Serial Conn, you support an unfunded invasion that cost thousands of American lives and trillions of borrowed dollars, You support tolling I-90 and 405 probably lake city way for a bridge that is so badly made that is going to sink . And you support a tunnel that few will use, that won’t serve the people that used to use the viaduct and is going to cost the taxpayers of Seattle millions in over runs. We see where your values lie. Again.
@20. You are right. We should do nothing. That’s all you conservatives suggest, do nothing but drill baby drill, more of the same. I guess when we totally run out, THAT will be the most green solution.
Heck let’s go back to serfs as human engines. That would be the most green.
(That’s Sarcasm by the way, just in case, you are too stupid to figure that out. )
Krugman has tenure @ Princeton. He has a job for life.
From 22,
“Serfs as human engines?” Sounds like the USSR under Stalin.
@ 24
He’s lost it. As far as I can tell he thinks I want to put drilling derricks on the Fun Forest property.
“It’s for the children.”
“I think the cover up of that theft, and the lies to the teachers, is far worse morally than Denise Owens having a severe gambling problem,” said Steve Rakow, lead prosecutor for the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, at the Feb. 19 sentencing.
Insurance handled it
MSEA filed an insurance claim stating it suffered a $236,545 loss due to “local elected treasurer dishonesty.” The claim paperwork, which was filed by prosecutors among the court documents, offers space for the claimant to explain how authorities may have been alerted to the incident.
In this case, the authorities were not brought in.
“Not reported because of potential impact on membership and loss of members,” the claim document states.
That doesn’t pencil.
The amount for making a battery car:30,000 pounds
The amount for making a conventional car: 14,000 pounds.
12,000 mile average per year per passenger vehicle (cars, minivans, pick-ups, vans and SUVs) ÷ 25.5 average miles per gallon
= 470.6 average gallons per year
× 17.68 average pounds of CO2 per gallon of gas
= 8,320 pounds of CO2 per vehicle per year
10 years later
battery car:+0 pounds
conventional car:+80,000 pounds.
Grand Total after 10 years
battery car:30,000 pounds
conventional car: 94,000 pounds. (And I don’t know ANYONE who does only 12,000 mile average per year )
@26 skimming the article. That happened on the East Coast, not in Washington at all.
I notice you didn’t bother to mention that
Unlike republicans, unions who are responsible to their constituents learn from their mistakes and make changes to improve them. I wished republican would.
@ 27
NTfF, if a battery-powered car is sitting in, say, Texas, where does the energy to power it come from? How much CO2 per kWh is expelled in production of that energy?
Will the battery last 10 years? Howz it working out for Tesla, GM? How are batteries doing in, say, Phoenix for Nissan’s Leaf?
Nice try. It was a good start, you just need to keep working at the numbers.
Repubicans: We will cut our way to Prosperty!
This is amusing.
Typical republican. Cut the money from programs that don’t effect me! Those people over there, them! Not me! Gimme gimme gimme!
@ 30
In South Bend, Ind.,, “A $30 million dollar construction project … is delayed because of the sequester budget cuts.”
If the sequester delayed the Seattle tunnel project, how would people feel about that?
You all don’t know this…but the President and I had the exact same campaign slogan years ago.
But unfortunately UPS sued both of us and made us stop using it…you remember our slogan– ‘what can brown do for you?’
Speaking of brown, I was hoping to see my good friend John Boehner here.
We go to the same tanning salon.
Just another Southern GOP white guy. Same ol’, same ol’.
Absolutely no substance here this morning. Just noise from the cereal-box windup toy. I’m going back to bed. yawn
@ 34
Aw, RR. And to think I was steeling myself for an interpretation of Kelo from you that no one had ever before fathomed.
The Museum has been open for nearly a year and there are no free admission days/nights. So they are not only in violation of the spirit with which they were handed public lands but they are in violation of the contract unless they somehow give away 10,000 tickets between now and May.
@2 If you are suggesting that we kill off corporate welfare, we could agree on that point. When do we get the oil subsidies back? When does the Seattle Times give us back their specially created tax exemption? When will Yakima get back everything they poured into the WallMart Supercenter? When will Georgia account for the enormous gifts to the non-unionized auto industry in their state?
@18 The average conventional car (keep in mind average, SMARTS are balanced by Escalades) releases 8,500lbs of co2 per year assuming 12,000 miles. A Prius releases, on the highest of calculations, about 4,000 pounds. That’s 4,500 more for a conventional car. A plug in hybrid or straight electric the yearly average is even lower. Significantly lower.
Do the math. A conventional car built (14,000lbs) and a ten year lifespan (85,000 pounds) vs. a Hybrid construction, (30,000 lbs) and a 10 year lifespan (40,000) which is greater? All this is googleable?
I don’t expect you to be smart enough to see through this article. That’s why the WSJ prints it and dullards like you lap it up.
7:36, 7:44, 8:02, 8:04, 8:09, 8:15, 8:29, 8:38, 8:53, 9:07, 9:09, 9:12, 9:13, 9:29, 9:46, 9:53, 10:13, 10:26, 10:34, 11:24…Probably in the neighborhood of 15k words. Slow day at work or are you actually unemployed?
Only you brought it up Pluto fool! Nice try at attempting to be prescient.
You give idiots a bad name! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Golly Fascist Pinhead, Puddy be deriding the leftist SCOTUS Kelo decision for six years on HA. Now all of a sudden their decision is bad because you are SEEING the consequences instead of THINKING about the consequences back in 2006? Way to use that Neanderthal cranial orifice Fascist Pinhead. You can’t think because you are continually blinded by libtard idealogy. You are the typical HA leftist libtard lemming in action. Anything from the SCOTUS left is good without comment because it’s your peeps making the decision. Kelo was another of those leftist SCOTUS decisions that will live in infamy.
Ask Pluto fool to look Puddy’s commentary on Kelo on his crazed databaze Fascist Pinhead. Puddy dares ya! Bwawk Bwawk Bwawk!
Once again Fascist Pinhead forgets Sequestration was Obummer’s original idea… July 27, 2011 at 2:30 PM to Scary Harry Land Deal Reid. Bob Woodward told the world it was so. Whitey house got mad because the truth was told instead of lies inspired on TOTUS. Jay Carneybarker, official Obummer daily mouthpiece admitted it when confronted by whitey house reporters.
Your leetle pinhead mind still hasn’t comprehended it or accepted it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Here is something to explode Fascist Pinhead’s pea brain mind in that Neanderthal cranial orifice…
Sucks to be you Fascist Pinhead!
My my my… Three of the biggest libtard supporting companies are “stockpiling” cash overseas… Nary a peep from the libtard lemming leftist pinheads on HA.
Where is Fraggy and his OWS friends on this?
It’s very very qwiet on HA! Another dagger in the standard argument made by libtard lemming leftist pinheads on HA. Where is Obummer on this? MIA cuz they helped his reerection last year!
Sure is amazing how the libtard press and blogs derided Rand Paul’s Filibuster over drone strikes in America and how many DUMMOCRAPTS became neo-cons because their great leader Obummer and his sadministration created the plan. Almost every leftist libtard lemming on HA became a neo-con on this drone strike in America policy. Now that the public is questioning this sadministration’s “transparency” on the issue, DUMMOCRAPT House leaders are NOW asking questions. Yet they were very very qwiet before then and some went on the blathering libtard MSM shows making fun of Rand Paul.
PuddyCommentary: As Wee Willy Female Flavored Cigar Clinton did per Dick Morris… Check the daily polls and react to them. Typical DUMMOCRAPT playbook of 2013.
Oh Piddles, peddling your bogus talking points again. You’re suggesting that companies should NOT avail themselves to the laws as they stand? What kind of rightie capitalist are you? Chalk this up to one of the many things that are legal but not good for the country that Republicans won’t lift a finger to change.
You are aware that the Obama administration proposed a 5.5% tax rate on repatriated profits, down from 35% as the law currently stands? House Republicans say NO DEAL unless it’s 0% taxes.
McCain proposed 8.5% in 2011. Senate Dems offered to tie the package to infrastucture construction (you know, jobs and stuff) McCain refused and House Rs said no to the whole deal. The bill died in committee. Eric Cantor loved the idea. Chalk it up to another thing republicans love unless Obama proposes an even lower rate.
@29 How many pounds of CO2 spewed to get a gallon of gas to the petrol station? Much of it was shipped half way around the world and then there is the refinery power or fuel use. After that they truck it to service stations around the country. If you want to run one back to the earth it is only fair to run the other back to the earth.
How much CO2 in my electricity? It is mostly hydro and nuke.
Checkmate… If these libtard led companies put their money where their politics are, then why are they anti-American with stuffing billions overseas? They would pony up their tax revenues in the same calendar year. They don’t any you approve. Remember (if you had a mind) Jeffrey Immelt is Obummer’s jobs czar. More of your stupid blinded by libtard idealism arguments eh checkmate? And this tax argument you put forth… it was tied to other moronic budget strings by Obummer. You and your ilk still forget Obummer promised spending cuts in 2011. He got his $600 Billion in tax increases last January and is still lying about spending cuts. They haven’t happened yet. When Obummer offers spending cuts without taxation strings then real negotiations can begin.
Still offering those Nancy Pelosi approved DUMMOCRAPT taking points. Still using the DUMMOCRAPT playbook by smearing the opposition with slanted facts.
Here we see the Psuedobulbar affect..
Too much ODS..
Amazing how much bogus right-wing noise fakery you can pack into a single post. For someone who claims to be smart and no what’s going on your power of thought is as a stone. Hint, when your radio and television and print overlords tell you something, they’re COUNTING on you being stupid.
ah, the volunteer to pay more chestnut. You are aware that corporations are statutorily required to maximize shareholder value. (I could use this to point out that in the days of the founders, corporations were required to have an expiration date as continued accumulation of shareholder value by necessity eventually butts up against labor wages and social value but that’s for another day.) If Apple voluntarily repatriated profits and paid more and their share price or dividend payment declined, their shareholders could have the board fired and sue for damages. Making bad business decisions that result in corporate losses is not criminal in the corporate world in fact it’s often rewarded with generous firing….errr…retirement bonuses. Knowingly and intentionally harming a corporation’s profits is criminal.
So there are three options. Remove all tax exemptions for overseas profits and treat them like ordinary income which even a lefty like me will admit is likely to cause large corporations to leave the country and cause harm to the economy. (the 35% is too high argument) Make the tax rate just high enough that bringing profits back under the protection of U.S. courts and banks without giving away the store, so to speak, so repatriation is a better investment than is being realized by parking them overseas at low interest (the Zero is too low argument). Do nothing and require corporations BY LAW to maximize their profit at the intentional detriment to the U.S. economy.
Option 2 was preferred by the Republican party for 30 years until some guy named Obama also thought it was a good idea and now it’s terrible! So the Republicans now insist on option three which some might argue is a treasonous breach of their responsibility to strengthen the economy of the United States of America.
This is stupid even for you. So if Obama comes to the table with everything the Republicans have every had a wet dreams over THEN we can negotiate. That works? I’ll capitulate to your every demand as a negotiating tactic? I’d love to shop for a car with you. It would be highly entertaining.
Then why are you a OWS libtard leftist lemming cheerleader here on HA? ID10T! Your previous stance and positive OWS comments obliterate the rest of your “rant” checkmate. Talk out of both sides of your mouth again? If you were anti-OWS like Puddy then Puddy would payt attention to your comment.
Exploded by your own stance. Rant on moron!
Thanks for playing…
Did Pluto boy fart something about nothing again? Puddy wonders if his “effect” was previously sent to him over his continual use of his crazed databaze against us who think right!
@18, 27 and 29 The problem with the article is that it accounts for the CO2 produced to make the fuel for the electric car but not the CO2 produced to make the fuel for the gasoline powered car (that 12oz per mile is only the car burning fuel directly). If you count the roughly 6KWh of energy it takes to produce a gallon of gas and the 2lbs of carbon it takes to produce a kWh of energy using coal that adds about 7.7oz of carbon per mile to the car side of the equation.
If you do the math it means gas fueled cars are producing 1.23lbs of carbon per mile vs. .38lbs of carbon per mile. If you factor in the carbon production for making gas cars vs electric cars, then over the course of 100,000 miles the gas car produces roughly twice as much carbon.
Now does that carbon savings offset the cost of subsidies for electric car buyers based on $5 per credit (a price that fluctuates) that the author of that article claims is the key measure? No. But that’s not the purpose of the subsidies is to help build up the electric car infrastructure so when we do have green electricity that is cheaper than fossil fuels we don’t have to wait 10 years for an electric car industry to have any impact.
You may need to get YLB to check the database. I have no idea what pro OWS stance I took other than corporations that were given life support through tax revenue should be required NOT to give bonuses for failure.
I may have suggested that the sum total of a tax code that completely protects the interests of corporations (1%) over individuals is harmful to the economy and society. That’s pretty consistant with @45
that’s the problem with pre-adolescent Randian thinking such as yours. Economics involves shades of gray that you can’t fathom. it’s possible to agree on the core principles of a philosophy while knowing that absolutists on the fringe are fucking nuts. You should try it.
From 51,
I take it you’re a central planner proponent.
Nice Red Herring.
Thank you. There’s a cottage industry of research and journalism dedicated to claiming that hybrid and electric automotive technology and stimulous spending is and will continue to be a failure.
This misses the point. Fisker or Tesla may fail as a car company but if they can prove the concept that you can achieve range/speed/mpg and end up with a licensable patent they will be a success. First generation products are expensive. (remember the $10,000 DLP HDTV that looked like shit for live sports just about a five years ago? Texas Instruments is collecting a fraction of every DLP device sold today from their patent.)
Re @52: Looks like the wingnuts sent backup to Cereal Bob, who has been struggling lately.
This is what a real attention hound looks like.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Can there by any doubt that Ted Nugent is trying to be outrageous in order to get free publicity? One way is trying to sound like he’s threatening to kill the president — without actually doing it, so he doesn’t get thrown in jail — and then get in the papers a second time when the Secret Service pays him a visit. But machine-gunning pigs from a helicopter? That’s just plain boring. I’m surprised he didn’t try to magnify what little (if any) publicity value this has by trying to donate the carcasses to the Taliban. What will Nugent do for an encore? Join al Qaeda?
Despite all the attention gun freaks like Nugent are attracting to themselves, gun ownership in the U.S. has declined drastically in the last 40 years and continues to drop, the Seattle Times reported yesterday.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This means several things: First and foremost, that guns are increasingly irrelevant to the American way of life; second, that gun rights proponents are just another noisy minority lobby, not public-spirited defenders of the mainstream; with gun sales increasing while the number of gun owners continues to decline, the same people must be buying more and more guns for whatever reason.
Gun manufacturers and gun dealers love the fact that righties are whipping up an Obama-is-gonna-confiscate-your-guns frenzy. Buy ’em now while you still can! It shows how easily fools are parted from their money. And while they’re at it, sell ’em 10,000 rounds of ammo at a buck a shot! After all, you can only sell a gun once, the real money is in their repeated visits to the gun store for more ammo!
It’s not hard to visualize how you make a pretty good business out of encouraging gun freaks to start a civil war for the purpose of killing off the liberals. When our government goes to war, they figure on buying, supplying, and expending upwards of 100,000 rounds of small-arms ammo per enemy kill. And that’s when you have trained military shooters doing the shooting, and most of the kills are scored by artillery and air power! Think of the possibilities here: A typical incompetent civilian armchair warrior without artillery and tactical air backup might need 10 times that much ammo — every gun sold represents potentially $1 million or more of high-margin ammo sales! The only limit on how much these rubes will buy from you is how much bring-home pay is in their Friday pay envelope, because in a real shooting war, you can never have too much ammo!
I personally prefer the approach abandoned by the world’s professional armies generations ago: One shot, one kill. If I have to defend myself against a bunch of crazed killers, I’d much rather pay $1 than $1 million per NOT (Neutralized Opposing Target) Shooting Anymore. Call it productivity, or cost-effectiveness, or efficient resources deployment, or whatever you want, cheaper is always better in my book!
Anyway, I continue to urge my fellow liberals to arm, not because I take these yahoos seriously, but because it’ll help out your local gun shop owner. When the rubes see liberals arming, they’ll buy even more AR-15s and crates of ammo, and you’ll have made yourself a new friend. He may even give you a discount on your ammo if you agree to buy a box of 20 instead of 4 or 5 loose rounds from the military surplus bin.
From 54,
Well, are you a proponent of a centrally planned economy? That’s about as wing-nutty as you can get.
I know you think you’re just about the most wonderful entity in the universe, but what you are is a egotistical bastard, Roger.
about cereal’s poo stream above, when did it become okay to bulk post quotes?
It’s a stupid and irrelevant question, the premise of which is not supported by any claim of mine.
Are you in support of forced breeding of chuhuahuas? Do you like the color Yellow? Do you enjoy the taste of vegetarians?
The question is not intended to glean information. The purpose is to distract from any actual debate. A Red Herring.
Am I the only one that hope that Obama’s choice of Mary Jo White to run the Securities and Exchange Commission gets shot down in flames?
From 60,
Your whole existence is stupid and irrelevant. You just like to pretend that you have a purpose, but you’re just another of the herd mentality.
If it stops the tunnel that’s one more reason to be pro-sequester.
From 61,
The SEC hasn’t been very effective. The people in the SEC who do investigations often carry resumes with them so they can apply for a job with the firm they’re investigating. In other words, the regulators are all trying to get good jobs with firms like Goldman Sachs. The job at the SEC is just a way to get their foot in the door and get an interview for an investment banker’s job.
If you doubt this, read Harry Markpolous’ book about Bernie Madoff. (I’m not sure of the spelling of Harry’s last name, but you can figure it out.)
Always nice to see variations of the “I know you are but what am I” defense. Masterful.
@65 It’s just the Klown doing the concern troll thing. Lame. I take it as evidence that his head blew up real good last November.
They say PDA comes from TMI (Traumatic Brain Injury)..
Scratch that.. The subject is brainless.
Submitted without comment, Tesla is now set to pay pack it’s stimulus loan early.
@57 No. Why is it even necessary for me to post this? It’s a stupid question.
@58 I love it when my fans appreciate me for what I truly am!
For the record, have I ever denied being an egotistical bastard? No, I don’t think so, or at least I have no recollection of making such a denial. I deny being a socialist, I admit being a greedy capitalist moneygrubber, I claim to be a rabbit (but everyone knows I’m making that up and I’m really a human pretending to be a rabbit simply because it’s a lot of fun), and if you want to add “egotistical bastard” to my C.V., I’ll take it. I don’t recall that one being used on me before, although I’ve been called a lot of other things. Also, I want to say that I’m glad my obnoxious ego offends, annoys, irritates, angers, and discombobulates you. That’s what my basic mission here is, i.e. to piss off trolls like you. I’m grateful for customer feedback that says I’m doing my job. Please don’t leave; stick around so we can enjoy kicking you for a long time to come. This blog gets a lot of sissy trolls who cut and run when they find out what we do to trolls. We appreciate the masochists like puddy who love being abused and can’t get enough of being hit over the head, kicked in the teeth, and otherwise mistreated. Anyone who thinks liberals are wimps has the wrong blog. We’re sadists here.
@61 I haven’t been paying attention to that one. What’s wrong with her? Not enough cajones for the job? a JAWS? (Just Another Wall Street lackey)
We got a broad-brush look at the newest iteration of the Ryan/GOP budget today. He promises:
1. $4.6 trillion of deficit reduction over 10 years;
2. A balanced budget by 2023;
3. Two tax brackets, 10% and 25%;
4. Replace Medicare with vouchers to purchase private health insurance;
5. Repeal Obamacare;
6. Keystone XL will be built;
7. Welfare reform.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of these 7 proposals, 1 has a ghost of a chance of being realized (#6). The rest of this looks like a “Kick Me” sign. Let’s take them one by one.
1. We know Republicans don’t want to raise taxes or cut defense spending, so guess where the $4.6 trillion (that’s $460 billion a year) will come from? The entitlement programs near and dear to Democrats, of course. Problem is, the Romney/Ryan ticket didn’t win, and Democrats have the Senate, so the only way this amount of deficit reduction can get into a compromise bill that can pass both houses of Congress and get the president’s signature is if Republicans bend a lot on tax increases and defense cuts, which they continue to insist they won’t do. Mark this item “DOA” — just tag it and bag it.
2. The math doesn’t work without (a) GOP concessions the GOP won’t make, or (b) a GOP/Teaparty sweep in 2016, which is 3 years away, in which case they’ll have 7 years, not 10 years, to balance the budget.
3. Neat — drop the top bracket from 43.8% to 25%. That’s even bigger tax cuts for the rich than Bush and a GOP-controlled Congress ever passed. Well, you can’t accuse Ryan of being unambitious, whatever else he is. The only way this tax scheme doesn’t produce either (a) deficits dwarfing what we have now, or (b) shutting down virtually everything except the Pentagon, which may in fact be Ryan/GOP’s real objective, is if nearly everyone pays the 25% rate, including those on food stamps (which won’t exist anymore). The 10% rate will apply to, um, let me think about this … corporations and hedge fund managers. Everyone else will have to pay 25% on every dollar of their income for the federal government to even come close to maintaining skeletal governing functions and a watered down military. If you get Earned Income Credit, you’ll have to pay a 25% income tax on it, but don’t worry because EIC won’t exist anymore. Neither will Social Security or Medicare, so we won’t have to argue about privatizing those programs anymore. America will still have interstate highways and bridges, but you’ll have to pay tolls to private contractors to use them.
4. Let’s quit being mealy-mouth and explain this for what it is: America’s senior citizens will pay tens of billions of dollars more for health care out of their own pockets if this is passed. Even Ryan admits his “voucher” scheme is simply one of several possible methods of drastically cutting Medicare. Tag it and bag it; but if this somehow got enacted Ryan and every GOP congressman and senator would need police protection against the seething mobs of graybeards assembling in public squares all over the land for the purpose of lynching these public servants.
5. Oh, wouldn’t they ever love to repeal Obamacare! They lost at the ballot box, they even lost in the Republican-controlled Supreme Court, but the dream never dies. Tag it and bag it.
6. I give Keystone XL better than even odds of being built, now that the company has rerouted it, which they knew all along they’d have to do and have always had blueprints to do. Oil drillers will be happy, because this will make the price of midwest shale crude go up. I’ll be happy, because my oil and coal stocks will go up. But I’ve hedged this one by buying railroad stock. If there’s no pipeline, the only way to move that oil is by rail.
7. Although the details were left vague, I gather that Ryan’s stated goal of “giving states more flexibility” means allowing the states, or at least those run by Teaparty Republicans, to get rid of food stamps, Medicaid, and other forms of federal assistance altogether. That will save a lot of money for both the federal and state governments, but grocers will experience higher shrinkage losses as more people resort to using guns to obtain basic sustenance.
All can see what Pluto boy is reduced to… ad hominem attacks…
Can anyone elucidate what GOATBOY is saying?
On second thought, never mind.
I’m just not that interested…
LOL! They also say PDA comes from Alzheimers..
Again.. You first need a brain to have Alzheimers.