– I’m pretty excited about what’s happening on Pike/Pine
– Solid headline.
– I had never thought of bossy as a problem before.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I’m pretty excited about what’s happening on Pike/Pine
– Solid headline.
– I had never thought of bossy as a problem before.
Bridge = “I told you so” dance.
I wished there was a way to punish, actually punish, the fools who forced this on us, so the next people would think twice before doing it again.
Christine Gregoire?
And what would be a good punishment?
Personal Bankruptcy? Years of jail time?
“And he says it seems increasingly unlikely that the tunnel will open by its 2016 target date.”
Least surprising “news” of the day. I would have bet the farm on this outcome if there had been odds in Vegas any time in the past couple years.
Also, you could append “… if ever” to the end of that quote and it would be more accurate.
Bridge? I meant Tunnel. (roll eyes!)
Ahhh yes CBS News libtard bias…
Five Emmy Awards: Including a subject hated by HA’s biggest schmuck – Lib NoScientist – Fast and Furious!
Wow… No wonder the libtard nightly news media isn’t trumpeting these CNN findings…
Well with an agenda like that it’s only obvious where she was trying to land..
Nowhere.. Damn. Missed the opportunity of a lifetime to sidekick on Sean the Idiot’s show or Fakes and Freaks.
The American Public Transportation Association reported Public Transportation ridership last year was the highest it has been since 1956. Some of the biggest gainers were Los Angeles and Seattle. Portland did see a drop.
CNN is the libtard nightly news media.
Enough with the fucking trees! Every freaking road project has some stupid trees planted in it, eventually they turn into major road visibility hazards.