Got nothing against teh gay and you SAY you got nothing too BUT
did he have to FILM himself in the ACT with pay for play boys!?!!?!
Since it’s an open thread….
Anybody else notice how thin the Seattle Times has become, now that the holidays are over?
Today’s Seattle Times:
Section A: 10 pages, not much advertising.
Section B: 14 pages, including maybe five pages of advertising (including classifieds).
Section C: 4 pages, the last page of which is a full-page Fry’s ad.
18 pages total. But BIG pictures on the front of each section, perhaps to camaflauge the reduction in content?
A reflection of things to come?
@5 Good Lord! That’s the Orwellian family values gang for you. Hmm, I wonder if Pudz and his goat are on those tapes? Hey, Pudz, did you know that there’s a good chance your buddies are taping you and the goat in action? LMFAO!!!
proud leftistspews:
I’ll bet that Puddy failed to obtain the goat’s consent to taping before turning the camera on. Just like Puddy to fail to respect a goat’s privacy.
@8 “The distinction is made with the interception of oral communication and video,” Freed said. “If it does contain sound, it is a wire tap violation, and that is considered a felony of the third degree. If it is just video, it is considered a third-degree misdemeanor if there is only one violation or a second-degree misdemeanor if there is more than one, and there’s usually more than one.”
Yeah, Ol’ Pudz had better lawyer up, alright.
Just wait. The Pavlovian Pudz has heard the ringing bell and will soon arrive to accuse all of us of being pervs! LMFAO!!!
Hey, Pudz! I hear that your goat is now talking to the detectives! LMFAO!!!! Shit, Pudz, I hope for your sake that the goat didn’t cross state lines. LMFAO!!!! This is just too much!
100 to 500 times?!??!!? And that doesn’t count the times he didn’t film it.
That’s one SICK Republican!
He must have burnt through a good portion of home equity to pay for that much sex.
Well, it seems Bob Barr, the author of the Defense Of Marriage Act, now thinks DOMA should be done away with.
In effect, DOMA’s language reflects one-way federalism: It protects only those states that don’t want to accept a same-sex marriage granted by another state. Moreover, the heterosexual definition of marriage for purposes of federal laws – including immigration, Social Security survivor rights and veterans benefits – has become a de facto club used to limit, if not thwart, the ability of a state to choose to recognize same-sex unions.
Even more so now than in 1996, I believe we need to reduce federal power over the lives of the citizenry and over the prerogatives of the states. It truly is time to get the federal government out of the marriage business. In law and policy, such decisions should be left to the people themselves.
Of course, it also looks like Barr wants to re-fight the Civil War, but hey politics make strange bed fellows…
@14 I’m sure Pudz agrees with you. He’s rather odd that way – a black guy who runs with racists who hate him. Oh, wait, that’s right, you guys don’t actually hate him. You think of Ol’ Pudz as “one of the few good niggers”.
Where’s Pudz? Geez, he didn’t turn his back on Troll, did he? That could have some serious consequences. Sigh! Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if the poor sap ever posts again. I kept telling him to quit running with racists but the dumb fuck just wouldn’t listen.
I’m not a racist. I don’t judge people on their race. I judge them by their character.
@18 Oh, I see. Of course, you’re no racist. It’s just that black people have bad character.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 I would think being judged by your character is the last thing you want. You’d be better off if you could get people to judge you by your species. Not that your species amounts to much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Apparently the big story in the local news is the weather and how hard things are for commuters with so many roads under water. Of course, that’s not a problem for those of us who don’t work.
None of you hypocritical little shits have the right to criticize me. I ATTENDED THE MEMORIAL TO THE TUBAMAN! DID YOU?
proud leftistspews:
I’m sure the Tubaman was so honored by your presence. I’m guessing there must have been a post-memorial buffet, which gave you a change from your usual meal of Kraft mac and cheese. Do you honestly believe that attending a funeral bequeaths some sort of character points? Holy shit, you are one stupid mf.
No issues to speak of on my 2.5 mile commute.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Steve, the moron. What I see the goat let go your tongue.
yelling loser boy, you bringing up that OLD news again?
I’ll change your name to re-run.
So re-run@5 keep bringing it up. We know you love that stuff. Remember Bernie Ward re-run.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
25. Michael spews:
No issues to speak of on my 2.5 mile commute.
Long way to ride a goat Michael.
Steve likes ridin’ them goats.
Tom Fossspews:
Since its Open thread- why the hell does anyone care what Diane Feinstein or Jay Rockefeller thinks about Leon Panetta’s appointment? They have been a huge part of the problem of allowing the Bush/Cheney axis of evil to shred our values and our Constitution. They slpet through the “oversight committee” work. They helped pump false Bush-Cheney propaganda. They have also uniformly supported the worst of the Bush administration Judicial and Cabinet appointments including Alito and Roberts, if my memory serves me Gonzo and Mukasey, and also FISA and reenacting the so-called Patriot Act. Anyone they don’t like must be an improvement.
Panetta is the smartest and perhaps the best manager in the public sector, one of the most accomplished managers of unwieldy bureaucracies, and is fiercly loyal to Democratic principles and the bill of rights.
I hear Diane wants to run against the Governator in 2010. Good riddance. Then we can get a real progressive like Solis in the Senate.
@26 You stuttering or something? What are you trying to say there, Pudz, that you’re good with racists shooting blacks in the back? I’ll tell ya again, Pudz, you’re one strange motherfucker. You take the strongest possible exception and whine with extreme outrage at any small thing Dem, but stand completely silent when your own side spews racial hate and when they sexually abuse children. It begs the question, what kind of man are you? You’d sacrifice a child for a tax cut. That’s the kind of man you are. You disgust me.
@27 How about telling us some more about how you’re a real Christian. I just love it when you present your tin faith like it was some Made-in-China flag pin.
Technically speaking, you’re using the expression “begs the question” incorrectly.
@31 Oh, thanks for the heads up, Troll.
I am not going to join you in hell, nor did my Mo or Dad
26 – LMAO!!! It’s fresh as long as I get belly laughs from it.
For as long as I can remember it was nothing but holier than thou crap from you right wingers.
Well now the tables have turned. That RepublicanOffender site has cataloged all your holier than thou hypocrisy and we’re going to remind you of it just like we remind that bet welshing right wing scumbag MTR to pay his fucking gambling debt.
This economy has gone DOWN THE SHITTER! On your “conservative” chimp’s watch!
And don’t tell me he’s not a “conservative”.
It’s car or bike for me, I only like animals fried up and on a plate.
@22: In your day they used 20 mule trains to get over the pass.
How are those mules workin’ for ya?
You enjoying the republican depression. Cynical wrote in about 4 motnhs ago during the election to explain the economy was great and we were just whining (or was that Phil Gramm, or both).
How is that wonderful republican economy going cynical?
How is that policy of torture going?
How is that organized bribery scandal involving Karl rove, Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay and other republicans going?
How is that wonderful Justice department headed by that flake Gonzalez going? I hear he thinks he is a victim of 9/11….what a pathetic loser! He is a victim of being a lying sack of patisan crap. Some Attorney General….no memory of the illegal things he did.
GWB makes his Dad look like a great statesman in comparison. And this was the president who didn’t understand the “vision” thing…
How is
Politically Incorrectspews:
“little boys who choke the chicken…”
Well,it’s MY SOAP and MY DICK and I’ll wash it as fast as I want!
If you don’t like it, you can keep it to yourself!!
rhp: Did someone here write that Hitler solved Germany’s economic depression?
Someone did write that Churchill said that Hitler solved Germany’s depression before Baldwin/etc and FDR even understood theirs. Don’t have the stats to support Churchill’s assertion (let YLB find ’em … will keep him too busy to pollute the gene pool), but your assertions about Hitler getting credit for the end of pre-Hitler hyperinflation and of reparations are beside the point. Hitler, like Stalin in the same period, looked like he was working economic miracles, if you didn’t look too closely.
It’s said that Hitler was Keynes on steroids, pumping up Germany’s moribund economy with proscirbed rearmament. Have heard that Hitler got secret help from Stalin, in the mid-30s, for his illegal arms race.
Since we’re all Keynesians now, this is more than dueling footnotes. Hitler’s prewar economy, and FDR’s, are very effing relevant to where we’re at now, which is down the Rabbit hole. “Republicans” nationalizing vast sectors of George W. Jesusland? Throwing truckloads of money at problems? Ramming through the second Bolshevik revolution in about six months? And Democrats promising that even the fumes we’re running on will be running on fumes? Best to spend a few moments on the past because our future’s uncertain and the end is very near.
If only we could agree on terms. Keynes, free market, depression, fascism … what do they all mean? Even ‘unemployment’ is hard to pin down. Michael Barone (?) suggested that 1930’s unemployment, which never got below 15%, was particularly devastating because most families then were one-earner families. Unlike now, when unemployment stats are mitigated by second earners in a family, unemployment then was flat out meltdown. (And getting a grip on how New Deal unemployment, a mere 15%, came down from 25% Hoover unemployment is important too.)
YLB got a takedown by showing that 1936 GDP had reverted to 1929 levels, but Depression continued because of devastating unemployment. And then got worse in 1937. (And when did FY 1929 begin? October? That would make a difference in assessing the nominal recovery to 1929 GDP that led to FDR’s 1936 landslide. Turn YLB loose on untying this knot, too. Boosts his self esteem when we occasionally allow him to get one right.)
Fascism: Someone here cited an Orwell comment that ‘fascism’ means anything you disagree with. Like calling inconvenient people racists, calling them fascists tends to end discussion on a high note of smugness and snobbery.
Lindbergh: Yes, he got a medal from Goering. And Joe Davies, FDR’s ambassador to Moscow, got the Order of Lenin. So ….. your point is?
My point is that the Soviet holocaust deserves at least a movie. So does the story of Arkansas sharecroppers’ attempt to form a union in 1919. A recent book about it is very good, despite being written by a typical white person. Think it’s called In the Lap of Gods. Anybody read it?
Yo! Steve! Some big wide-stance kisses to you, darling!
Yo! pcp666! Kisses right back at ya, babe.
Little Big Mouthspews:
Big Dave Ross whimpered today about the viciousness of the Blagoshere. Say what? It’s bad to hear a big man whimper, but to hear an apologist for Democrat pathology whimper about Blago’s Democrat Culture of Corruption in Illinois? Even worse.
Oh, silly me. Not Blagoshpere … BLOGosphere. That would be Shark’s Sound Politics, marca registrada, where Ross is taking hits for hypocrisy. And if there’s one thing Democrats do better than pathology, it’s hypocrisy.
Imagine the surprise of us compassionate conservatives when we learned that Ross does not live in a sustainable South Lake Union treehouse under I-5, and that he does not save the planet by climbing down (avoiding heavy carbon-centric breathing) and walking to “work” at Eastlake. Instead, Ross lives way over in East Snobville, Mercer Island. And he drives to work. In an SOV, a single-occupancy vehicle. And that he wants you and me to be jammed on overpriced public transit, to save the planet, but that he himself has taken Metro maybe once.
Almost gives me Prius Envy. Almost makes me tune in to Dori.
Little Big Mouthspews:
@40: So does that mean we can be a creatively modern family? I’ll be the daddy, you be the mommy, and you can have my baby.
@42 Have you discussed this with the goat yet? I’d hate to be the one causing the break up of an existing, loving relationship. Yeah, I suggest that you talk to the goat and get back to me.
Billy Whiskersspews:
Roger’s totally cool with it, Steve. Wants a three-way, in fact. In fact, he probably wants you for himself/itself.
(You thought Roger’s a silly Rabbit? He’s a goat in really bad drag. You want him, you can have him.)
Roger’s your goat?? Goes to show what I know. Damned internet toobs! And here I had thought so highly of him.
PatO'Day Drove Me 2 Drinkin'spews:
HNMT regrets that he’ll be unable to attend the next liberal drunk at Montlake. He’ll attend instead a private party at the corner of 2nd & Pike, with Roger. We’ll get long-neck empties out of the dumpster in the alley, break out the butt ends on a hydrant, and gouge each other.
Pat O'Day Drove Me 2 Drinkin'spews:
Well, his manboobs were such an intense but brief turn-on …
You’ve got a good sense of humor, Troll of Many Names. It’s a cinch that you’re not a Pudz sockpuppet, that’s for sure. Speaking of the humorless Pudz, if you run into him please mention to him that I’m waiting oh so patiently for his apology.
Too funny. You’re on a roll. One that’s unprecedented in the annals of troll blogoshpere history. Or is that anals? Hmmm….
Man's Best Friendspews:
You’re very retentive, Steve, but I can’t remember if I took anals or orals.
Anyway, you make a tingle go up my leg. Better back off, or somebody will try to elect me to the Senate from Pennsylvania.
And whatever happened to Sick Comic Al Franken? Haven’t heard a word about him since Big Fat Idiot.
but Depression continued because of devastating unemployment. And then got worse in 1937. (And when did FY 1929 begin? October? That would make a difference in assessing the nominal recovery to 1929 GDP that led to FDR’s 1936 landslide. Turn YLB loose on untying this knot, too. Boosts his self esteem when we occasionally allow him to get one right.)
Another senior moment O slobbering wingnut of many aliases. I already pointed out Krugman’s analysis of FDR’s mistake to play Republican and try to balance the budget in his second term only precipitated another recession. Well it took a world-wide conflict and a mass mobilization of the long suffering populace to finally bring unemployment to 1.2 percent!
Even so before WWII FDR succeed in dropping unemployment 10 WHOLE POINTS. From 25 PERCENT to yes, a still miserable 15 percent but try telling that to the poor slobs who lost everything and then had some hope restored.
So what does this mean for the immediate future? Apparently, with unemployment at less than 10 percent for now, Obama doesn’t need nearly as much of new New Deal to get paychecks flowing again but as Krugman and Robert Reich have so wisely pointed out it’s better for Obama to go too far with stimulus than to buckle and appease laissez faire dogmatists.
We’re all Keynesians now? We always were. Ronnie Raygun and even Dumbya relied on the government fiscal stimulus of war production to prod a tired economy. Too bad we get hardly anything from that except weapons systems that are often badly matched with the challenges of the future. Remember the B-2 bomber, the “peacekeeper” missile?
@53 The attempt to rewrite history about FDR should have waited until all who lived through that time were dead and gone. I had a long conversation with an elderly lady the other evening. I had recently helped her bury her son – something Puddy had denigrated so soon after I had offered him my own condolences following the death of his own friend’s son. She and I eventually discussed her experiences during the depression era, something I wanted to touch on since this recent hate fest towards FDR. Her family had some wealth at the time, with a family business and seven rental homes. The business failed but they made it through the depression with the rental income. I mentioned that I had never met a person of her age that didn’t have the utmost admiration for FDR and his wife. I told her about the recent attempts to rewrite history. This was a woman who earned her doctorate, had become a distinguished educator, busted through glass ceilings when that phrase was unknown, and had raised the finist man I ever knew. She had lots to say but in the end she was able to distill the answer to my question to a single sentence. Why was he so deeply admired? “He put the nation back to work.”
They’ll stop at nothing Steve, these corrupt re-writers of history, these failed, hollow men and women like Amity Shlaes (an English major!). I hope our side has pushed back enough against them to allow Obama the room he needs to turn this thing around.
Catchy tune.
I think I may use it too.
See you all in the Hot Place.
There is something oddly engaging about that video.
Anyone who lives next to or with a liberal is already in hell.
I’m just prayin’…
little boys who choke the chicken…
Must be that cur DOOFUS at 3.
Hey Stupes,
I brought this up before but I just can’t stop laughing at this fat Republican fuck:
Got nothing against teh gay and you SAY you got nothing too BUT
did he have to FILM himself in the ACT with pay for play boys!?!!?!
Since it’s an open thread….
Anybody else notice how thin the Seattle Times has become, now that the holidays are over?
Today’s Seattle Times:
Section A: 10 pages, not much advertising.
Section B: 14 pages, including maybe five pages of advertising (including classifieds).
Section C: 4 pages, the last page of which is a full-page Fry’s ad.
18 pages total. But BIG pictures on the front of each section, perhaps to camaflauge the reduction in content?
A reflection of things to come?
@5 Good Lord! That’s the Orwellian family values gang for you. Hmm, I wonder if Pudz and his goat are on those tapes? Hey, Pudz, did you know that there’s a good chance your buddies are taping you and the goat in action? LMFAO!!!
I’ll bet that Puddy failed to obtain the goat’s consent to taping before turning the camera on. Just like Puddy to fail to respect a goat’s privacy.
@8 “The distinction is made with the interception of oral communication and video,” Freed said. “If it does contain sound, it is a wire tap violation, and that is considered a felony of the third degree. If it is just video, it is considered a third-degree misdemeanor if there is only one violation or a second-degree misdemeanor if there is more than one, and there’s usually more than one.”
Yeah, Ol’ Pudz had better lawyer up, alright.
Just wait. The Pavlovian Pudz has heard the ringing bell and will soon arrive to accuse all of us of being pervs! LMFAO!!!
Hey, Pudz! I hear that your goat is now talking to the detectives! LMFAO!!!! Shit, Pudz, I hope for your sake that the goat didn’t cross state lines. LMFAO!!!! This is just too much!
100 to 500 times?!??!!? And that doesn’t count the times he didn’t film it.
That’s one SICK Republican!
He must have burnt through a good portion of home equity to pay for that much sex.
Well, it seems Bob Barr, the author of the Defense Of Marriage Act, now thinks DOMA should be done away with.
Of course, it also looks like Barr wants to re-fight the Civil War, but hey politics make strange bed fellows…
Some black guy got shot in the back by a white cop down in an Oakland BART station. I don’t see what the big deal is.
Speaking of p0rn, there’s some great disaster and destruction p0rn of our recent mudslides and flooding up on Flickr.
@14 I’m sure Pudz agrees with you. He’s rather odd that way – a black guy who runs with racists who hate him. Oh, wait, that’s right, you guys don’t actually hate him. You think of Ol’ Pudz as “one of the few good niggers”.
Where’s Pudz? Geez, he didn’t turn his back on Troll, did he? That could have some serious consequences. Sigh! Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if the poor sap ever posts again. I kept telling him to quit running with racists but the dumb fuck just wouldn’t listen.
I’m not a racist. I don’t judge people on their race. I judge them by their character.
@18 Oh, I see. Of course, you’re no racist. It’s just that black people have bad character.
@18 I would think being judged by your character is the last thing you want. You’d be better off if you could get people to judge you by your species. Not that your species amounts to much.
Apparently the big story in the local news is the weather and how hard things are for commuters with so many roads under water. Of course, that’s not a problem for those of us who don’t work.
(flossing teeth with claws)
In my day, they didn’t close the pass highways every time it snowed.
None of you hypocritical little shits have the right to criticize me. I ATTENDED THE MEMORIAL TO THE TUBAMAN! DID YOU?
I’m sure the Tubaman was so honored by your presence. I’m guessing there must have been a post-memorial buffet, which gave you a change from your usual meal of Kraft mac and cheese. Do you honestly believe that attending a funeral bequeaths some sort of character points? Holy shit, you are one stupid mf.
No issues to speak of on my 2.5 mile commute.
Steve, the moron. What I see the goat let go your tongue.
yelling loser boy, you bringing up that OLD news again?
I’ll change your name to re-run.
So re-run@5 keep bringing it up. We know you love that stuff. Remember Bernie Ward re-run.
25. Michael spews:
Long way to ride a goat Michael.
Steve likes ridin’ them goats.
Since its Open thread- why the hell does anyone care what Diane Feinstein or Jay Rockefeller thinks about Leon Panetta’s appointment? They have been a huge part of the problem of allowing the Bush/Cheney axis of evil to shred our values and our Constitution. They slpet through the “oversight committee” work. They helped pump false Bush-Cheney propaganda. They have also uniformly supported the worst of the Bush administration Judicial and Cabinet appointments including Alito and Roberts, if my memory serves me Gonzo and Mukasey, and also FISA and reenacting the so-called Patriot Act. Anyone they don’t like must be an improvement.
Panetta is the smartest and perhaps the best manager in the public sector, one of the most accomplished managers of unwieldy bureaucracies, and is fiercly loyal to Democratic principles and the bill of rights.
I hear Diane wants to run against the Governator in 2010. Good riddance. Then we can get a real progressive like Solis in the Senate.
@26 You stuttering or something? What are you trying to say there, Pudz, that you’re good with racists shooting blacks in the back? I’ll tell ya again, Pudz, you’re one strange motherfucker. You take the strongest possible exception and whine with extreme outrage at any small thing Dem, but stand completely silent when your own side spews racial hate and when they sexually abuse children. It begs the question, what kind of man are you? You’d sacrifice a child for a tax cut. That’s the kind of man you are. You disgust me.
@27 How about telling us some more about how you’re a real Christian. I just love it when you present your tin faith like it was some Made-in-China flag pin.
Technically speaking, you’re using the expression “begs the question” incorrectly.
@31 Oh, thanks for the heads up, Troll.
I am not going to join you in hell, nor did my Mo or Dad
26 – LMAO!!! It’s fresh as long as I get belly laughs from it.
For as long as I can remember it was nothing but holier than thou crap from you right wingers.
Well now the tables have turned. That RepublicanOffender site has cataloged all your holier than thou hypocrisy and we’re going to remind you of it just like we remind that bet welshing right wing scumbag MTR to pay his fucking gambling debt.
This economy has gone DOWN THE SHITTER! On your “conservative” chimp’s watch!
And don’t tell me he’s not a “conservative”.
It’s car or bike for me, I only like animals fried up and on a plate.
@22: In your day they used 20 mule trains to get over the pass.
How are those mules workin’ for ya?
You enjoying the republican depression. Cynical wrote in about 4 motnhs ago during the election to explain the economy was great and we were just whining (or was that Phil Gramm, or both).
How is that wonderful republican economy going cynical?
How is that policy of torture going?
How is that organized bribery scandal involving Karl rove, Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay and other republicans going?
How is that wonderful Justice department headed by that flake Gonzalez going? I hear he thinks he is a victim of 9/11….what a pathetic loser! He is a victim of being a lying sack of patisan crap. Some Attorney General….no memory of the illegal things he did.
GWB makes his Dad look like a great statesman in comparison. And this was the president who didn’t understand the “vision” thing…
How is
“little boys who choke the chicken…”
Well,it’s MY SOAP and MY DICK and I’ll wash it as fast as I want!
If you don’t like it, you can keep it to yourself!!
rhp: Did someone here write that Hitler solved Germany’s economic depression?
Someone did write that Churchill said that Hitler solved Germany’s depression before Baldwin/etc and FDR even understood theirs. Don’t have the stats to support Churchill’s assertion (let YLB find ’em … will keep him too busy to pollute the gene pool), but your assertions about Hitler getting credit for the end of pre-Hitler hyperinflation and of reparations are beside the point. Hitler, like Stalin in the same period, looked like he was working economic miracles, if you didn’t look too closely.
It’s said that Hitler was Keynes on steroids, pumping up Germany’s moribund economy with proscirbed rearmament. Have heard that Hitler got secret help from Stalin, in the mid-30s, for his illegal arms race.
Since we’re all Keynesians now, this is more than dueling footnotes. Hitler’s prewar economy, and FDR’s, are very effing relevant to where we’re at now, which is down the Rabbit hole. “Republicans” nationalizing vast sectors of George W. Jesusland? Throwing truckloads of money at problems? Ramming through the second Bolshevik revolution in about six months? And Democrats promising that even the fumes we’re running on will be running on fumes? Best to spend a few moments on the past because our future’s uncertain and the end is very near.
If only we could agree on terms. Keynes, free market, depression, fascism … what do they all mean? Even ‘unemployment’ is hard to pin down. Michael Barone (?) suggested that 1930’s unemployment, which never got below 15%, was particularly devastating because most families then were one-earner families. Unlike now, when unemployment stats are mitigated by second earners in a family, unemployment then was flat out meltdown. (And getting a grip on how New Deal unemployment, a mere 15%, came down from 25% Hoover unemployment is important too.)
YLB got a takedown by showing that 1936 GDP had reverted to 1929 levels, but Depression continued because of devastating unemployment. And then got worse in 1937. (And when did FY 1929 begin? October? That would make a difference in assessing the nominal recovery to 1929 GDP that led to FDR’s 1936 landslide. Turn YLB loose on untying this knot, too. Boosts his self esteem when we occasionally allow him to get one right.)
Fascism: Someone here cited an Orwell comment that ‘fascism’ means anything you disagree with. Like calling inconvenient people racists, calling them fascists tends to end discussion on a high note of smugness and snobbery.
Lindbergh: Yes, he got a medal from Goering. And Joe Davies, FDR’s ambassador to Moscow, got the Order of Lenin. So ….. your point is?
My point is that the Soviet holocaust deserves at least a movie. So does the story of Arkansas sharecroppers’ attempt to form a union in 1919. A recent book about it is very good, despite being written by a typical white person. Think it’s called In the Lap of Gods. Anybody read it?
Yo! Steve! Some big wide-stance kisses to you, darling!
Yo! pcp666! Kisses right back at ya, babe.
Big Dave Ross whimpered today about the viciousness of the Blagoshere. Say what? It’s bad to hear a big man whimper, but to hear an apologist for Democrat pathology whimper about Blago’s Democrat Culture of Corruption in Illinois? Even worse.
Oh, silly me. Not Blagoshpere … BLOGosphere. That would be Shark’s Sound Politics, marca registrada, where Ross is taking hits for hypocrisy. And if there’s one thing Democrats do better than pathology, it’s hypocrisy.
Imagine the surprise of us compassionate conservatives when we learned that Ross does not live in a sustainable South Lake Union treehouse under I-5, and that he does not save the planet by climbing down (avoiding heavy carbon-centric breathing) and walking to “work” at Eastlake. Instead, Ross lives way over in East Snobville, Mercer Island. And he drives to work. In an SOV, a single-occupancy vehicle. And that he wants you and me to be jammed on overpriced public transit, to save the planet, but that he himself has taken Metro maybe once.
Almost gives me Prius Envy. Almost makes me tune in to Dori.
@40: So does that mean we can be a creatively modern family? I’ll be the daddy, you be the mommy, and you can have my baby.
@42 Have you discussed this with the goat yet? I’d hate to be the one causing the break up of an existing, loving relationship. Yeah, I suggest that you talk to the goat and get back to me.
Roger’s totally cool with it, Steve. Wants a three-way, in fact. In fact, he probably wants you for himself/itself.
(You thought Roger’s a silly Rabbit? He’s a goat in really bad drag. You want him, you can have him.)
Roger’s your goat?? Goes to show what I know. Damned internet toobs! And here I had thought so highly of him.
HNMT regrets that he’ll be unable to attend the next liberal drunk at Montlake. He’ll attend instead a private party at the corner of 2nd & Pike, with Roger. We’ll get long-neck empties out of the dumpster in the alley, break out the butt ends on a hydrant, and gouge each other.
Well, his manboobs were such an intense but brief turn-on …
You’ve got a good sense of humor, Troll of Many Names. It’s a cinch that you’re not a Pudz sockpuppet, that’s for sure. Speaking of the humorless Pudz, if you run into him please mention to him that I’m waiting oh so patiently for his apology.
Will do. Soon as I change my socks.
And speaking of Socks, heeeere’s … Buddy!
Too funny. You’re on a roll. One that’s unprecedented in the annals of troll blogoshpere history. Or is that anals? Hmmm….
You’re very retentive, Steve, but I can’t remember if I took anals or orals.
Anyway, you make a tingle go up my leg. Better back off, or somebody will try to elect me to the Senate from Pennsylvania.
And whatever happened to Sick Comic Al Franken? Haven’t heard a word about him since Big Fat Idiot.
Another senior moment O slobbering wingnut of many aliases. I already pointed out Krugman’s analysis of FDR’s mistake to play Republican and try to balance the budget in his second term only precipitated another recession. Well it took a world-wide conflict and a mass mobilization of the long suffering populace to finally bring unemployment to 1.2 percent!
Even so before WWII FDR succeed in dropping unemployment 10 WHOLE POINTS. From 25 PERCENT to yes, a still miserable 15 percent but try telling that to the poor slobs who lost everything and then had some hope restored.
So what does this mean for the immediate future? Apparently, with unemployment at less than 10 percent for now, Obama doesn’t need nearly as much of new New Deal to get paychecks flowing again but as Krugman and Robert Reich have so wisely pointed out it’s better for Obama to go too far with stimulus than to buckle and appease laissez faire dogmatists.
We’re all Keynesians now? We always were. Ronnie Raygun and even Dumbya relied on the government fiscal stimulus of war production to prod a tired economy. Too bad we get hardly anything from that except weapons systems that are often badly matched with the challenges of the future. Remember the B-2 bomber, the “peacekeeper” missile?
@53 The attempt to rewrite history about FDR should have waited until all who lived through that time were dead and gone. I had a long conversation with an elderly lady the other evening. I had recently helped her bury her son – something Puddy had denigrated so soon after I had offered him my own condolences following the death of his own friend’s son. She and I eventually discussed her experiences during the depression era, something I wanted to touch on since this recent hate fest towards FDR. Her family had some wealth at the time, with a family business and seven rental homes. The business failed but they made it through the depression with the rental income. I mentioned that I had never met a person of her age that didn’t have the utmost admiration for FDR and his wife. I told her about the recent attempts to rewrite history. This was a woman who earned her doctorate, had become a distinguished educator, busted through glass ceilings when that phrase was unknown, and had raised the finist man I ever knew. She had lots to say but in the end she was able to distill the answer to my question to a single sentence. Why was he so deeply admired? “He put the nation back to work.”
They’ll stop at nothing Steve, these corrupt re-writers of history, these failed, hollow men and women like Amity Shlaes (an English major!). I hope our side has pushed back enough against them to allow Obama the room he needs to turn this thing around.