Nope, not satire. An actual poster from the Drug Czar’s new ad campaign. I wonder if there’s anyone in the Office of National Drug Control Policy who could do my job sober as well as I could do theirs stoned.
[via Pete Guither]
by Lee — ,
Nope, not satire. An actual poster from the Drug Czar’s new ad campaign. I wonder if there’s anyone in the Office of National Drug Control Policy who could do my job sober as well as I could do theirs stoned.
[via Pete Guither]
I think you can include Roseanne Barr as a couch security guard. Her comments against black over their vote in CA’s Prop 8 proves she’s couch guarding for the gays against us blacks.
Roseanne Barr: “70% of black church going californians who voted this cycle voted for prop 8. As they overwhelmingly supported America’s first chance to elect a person of color and strike a death blow to racism, they also went out of their way to misuse their votes (no doubt at the behest of their immoral and hateful pastors and clergy) to isolate and punish a small minority of citizens, and to deny them basic civil rights. – [PuddyCommentary] Roseanne you are a moron. Where is that in the constitution? Or was it another attempt of legislation from the libtard bench?]
They voted to deny over 70,000 californian children coverage of the insurance benefits of their gay parents. They voted to destroy the constitution that Obama will hopefully uphold against their wishes, by making sure that church and state remain separated. They voted to “uphold the sanctity of marriage” by making a mockery of it. They showed themselves every inch as bigoted and ignorant as their white christian right wing counterpartners who voted for mccain-palin and bush-cheney.
When i suggested a couple of years ago that gay organizations should build official bridges with african american organizations, in order to build political consensus and not just represent a purely gay agenda, this very vote is what I was trying to speak to.
The gay community needs to do outreach to the black and latino christian and immigrant communities.
the more things change, the more they stay the same.
REPENT all ye bible blabbers!!!!
babble on babylon”
Yes, I am so glad she’s a Donkey libtard Moonbat! She does your peeps proud.
I know headless lucy and his 24 other sock puppets are cheering in the background. But nary a peep from the HA Donkey. So how ’bout you other HA Donkey. Are blacks bigoted and ignorant?
[ ] Yes blacks are bigoted
[ ] Yes blacks are ignorant
[ ] Yes blacks are bigoted and ignorant
[ ] What’s a bigot
[ ] Proud Leftist and yelling loser boy are ignorant
[ ] Well they did vote 95% for Obama, so isn’t that bigoted?
[ ] All of the above
Didn’t Barack Obama say Americans are counting on us to stop the hateful rhetoric filling our airwaves? So why aren’t leftist moonbeans like you telling RoseASS she’s out of line.
Oh… wait a minute… she’s a lefty so she gets a pass.
Goldy, in an earlier thread I brought up the SEIU. I should have remembered the 10 year fight Jeff Leer had against the WEA for sucking out his dues for libtard political purposes. SCOTUS corrected that. I should have remembered Jeff Leer receiving this letter from WEA:
“Dear Mr. Leer, I am the general counsel for the Washington Education Association [WEA.]. You have repeatedly and forcefully asked [your] District to stop collecting political education dues from W.E.A. members…. You are hereby warned that if [your] District withholds dues transmission. . . we will sue you.”
I forgot Joe McDimWitt – (D)imwitt of Seattle sponsoring House Bill 2079, and signed into law by Queen Chrissie, was to ensure the Donkey still got the campaign financing dues from the WEA. McDimWitt wanted to ensure the guvnur still got her WEA financing for the 2008 election…
Puddy forgot the Congressional Vote on Union Thuggery oversight.
When Puddy forgets is like winter sunshine in Seattle, it’s seldom and shocking…
More leftist BULLSHITTIUM on CNN. SeattleJew this is way stupid and absurd. I was busy so I didn’t get this out Deborah Feyerick on Lou Dobbs November 11 2008.
“Some experts who track diversity say the election of the first black US president will change dynamics in the workplace. They say white people who have never worked for an African-American boss will likely develop a new trust; while black people, they believe, will gain a sense of new possibility.”
What a bunch of crap. So if you work for a black boss now there is no trust? Because she’s another CNN whack-job libtard sooooooooooo she gets a pass.
Now today I went back to CNN and they REMOVED it from the transcript. I wonder why…
Now this is funny…
Hint… click on [this]
STRASSMANN: It’s also a grim time for alternative energy champions. Billionaire T. Boone Pickens suspended his massive wind power project in Texas, plunging natural gas prices dried up credit. Sinking oil prices could have the same impact on plans to develop alternative sources of energy or fund green developments.
So I guess Strassmann is upset because OPEC isn’t doing it like what happened to all the alternative fuel projects in 1985-1986 when OPEC lowered the price of Oil from $37 to $14.
Do you always talk to yourself like this?
You betcha. Someone gotta show these Moonbat!s truths.
Nice puddy tat picture. So I guess the SCOTUS decision on union dues upset you, eh?
WalMart announced their sales up 10%. Must pizz off headless lucy and his 24 other sock puppets
More truths
After Taxes, World Series Winner Finishes Second
“Denmark’s tax rate is 45% on the first 4 million Danish Kroners (about $680,000) and 75% on income above that. Mr. Eastgate will owe about $6.7 million in Danish taxes, and will get to keep only $2.5 million of his winnings—just 27.23% of his prize. In other words, he faces an effective tax rate of 72.77%. Ouch.”
Guess what’s coming to America near you?
High taxes…
re 1: That’s been my entire point from the beginning.
I can not make up my mind if Paddybud’s Chant,” Higher taxes” is either a poor rich boy complaining about country club dues or a deadbeat father dodging child support.
The Drug Czar’s ads have gotten a lot funnier since they stopped believing their own line about pot being dangerous. I’m still not quite clear on why pot smokers deserve to go to jail, though — because they’re lazy? Being a couch potato isn’t a crime — it’s the American way!
“First they came for the pot-smokers’ TV and bag of cheetos, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a pot smoker. Then they came for mine! Where’s my damn cheetos? It’s time for American Idol!”
This third person shit of Pudz is getting to be more than just a little bit weird, don’t you think?
– Universal health care
– Reduced dependence on oil
– Ending the Occupation of Iraq
– Reductions in nuclear weapons worldwide
– Effective, realistic controls on fissile materials
– Port, chemcial plant, and other national infrastructure security
– 5 million “green-collar” jobs
– The Employee Free Choice Act
and more, coming soon to a country near you…
best tim eyman interview ever!
What is your point, besides being a racist and stupid?
So what? He still won $2.5 million playing cards. And he gets to go back to a country with a much higher quality of living than here. Most Americans are figuring out that that’s a trade-off they want to make.
Why is Puddy lying about higher taxes? why is he repeating old REpublican talking points that have been totally debunked? Why is Puddy dissing Obama after claiming he would vote for Obama?
Or was Puddy part of the less than 10% of African Americans who voted for McGrumpy?
Obama will only raise taxes on those making over 250K. there is no way Puddy makes that much – given his lack of logic and the amount of time he spends on here talking to himself…
Why is Puddy lying about higher taxes? why is he repeating old REpublican talking points that have been totally debunked? Why is Puddy dissing Obama after claiming he would vote for Obama?
Because he’s a gullible moron.
Nov 4. was a heck of a “truth”.
People are sick and tired of right wing bullshit.
Law enforcement sources report “hundreds” of incidents across the nation involving rightwing racists acting out their hatred of President-elect Obama. Examples:
In Georgia, a boy on the school bus told a 9-year-old black girl, “I hope Obama gets assassinated.”
Another Georgia student was suspended for wearing an Obama t-shirt to school the day after Obama’s victory. The principal told the student’s mother, “Whether you like it or not, we’re in the South, and there are a lot of people who are not happy with this decision.”
North Carolina State University students wrote anti-Obama comments that said, “Let’s shoot that (N-word) in the head.”
A Maine convenience store set up a betting pool on when Obama would be killed with a sign that said, “Let’s hope someone wins.”
In Los Angeles, where swastikas, racial slurs, and racist graffiti were spray painted on sidewalks, houses and cars.
In Idaho, elementary school students chanted “assassinate Obama” on a school bus.
A University of Alabama professor who put an Obama poster on her office door found it defaced with a racial slur and death threat.
In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Obama supporters found burning crosses in their yards.
In New York City, a black teenager was clubbed by 4 bat-wielding white men who chanted “Obama” as they beat him.
(Material quoted from Associated Press used under fair use.)
Lee, I’m the gullible idiot with your drug stances?
Pulease. I’ve given you a pass so many times.
Actually he called you a gullible moron. There is a difference between idiot and moron. A moron is substantially more intelligent with an IQ between 51 and 70.
Exactly what’s gullible about my drug stances?
I think the poster is kinda funny…as a joke, not as an actual drug policy (which itself is a joke).
Lee, I agree more with SeattleJew’s positions on drug than you. Maybe it’s because I see more eye to eye with SeattleJew than you. I tend to stay out of the drug laden Lee/SeattleJew discussions and/or disagreements.
Ekim – Thanks for the complement. Since you are a purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution, does that make you an idiot savant?
Yes it does!
It’s “refreshing” to see how the HA loonies agree with Rosie’s opinion above.
Thanks for playing lefties. You prove my point everyday, you all think just like headless lucy 24×7.
re 1: “Are blacks bigoted and ignorant?
[ ] Yes blacks are bigoted
[ ] Yes blacks are ignorant
[ ] Yes blacks are bigoted and ignorant
[ ] What’s a bigot
[ ] Proud Leftist and yelling loser boy are ignorant
[ ] Well they did vote 95% for Obama, so isn’t that bigoted?
[ ] All of the above”
And you call others racist?
Looks like your friend Rosie wants to pal with Sarah Palin now.
headless lucy – if you can’t see my parody on Pelletizer you are too far gone!
BTW did you forget your post #11?
Puddy the Moron @28
Ekim – Thanks for the complement.
Eh? You’re welcome, I guess. If you feel it is a complement to be labeled a moron, who am I to judge. However, I do have to tell you I always thought you to be more intelligent than that.
But then I recall that study released not long ago that showed conservatives on average to be of lesser intelligence and willing to march over a cliff in lock step as long as they can do it together.
Since you are a purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution, does that make you an idiot savant?
Ah, no. While I have nothing against idiot savants, I am not one myself.
As to what you refer to as Steve’s Stupid Solution, I assume you mean his referring to you as a Goat Fucker. I have nothing against you being a goat fucker, though you may be able to bring light on a subject that has intrigued me. Is it choice or genetics that so many right wing trolls favor the fucking of goats?
Ekim, No I am not fluent in that “study” you discuss. Please show us the link.
You forget the study that showed Conservatives are more generous to their fellow man than lefties. You see I post facts: Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published “Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism.”
One of his big findings — “Although liberal families’ incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).”
I’m sure you forgot the charitable contributions of Obama and Biden vs McCain and Palin. – You can look it up and laugh like I did.
I’m sure you forgot the Salvation Army report of Christmas time pot contributions – You can look it up and laugh like I did.
I wait for your study Ekim. Keep selling Steve’s Stupid Solution!
And No Ekim, I have never known a goat biblically. Butt, knowing you…
Enjoy your goat.
Oh Ekim, I found this “study”
“Lead author David Amodio, an assistant professor of psychology at New York University, cautioned that the study looked at a narrow range of human behavior and that it would be a mistake to conclude that one political orientation was better.”
NYU & UCLA did the study? Liberal bastions of “thought”?
Stupes – we’ll ignore your baiting litmus tests if you don’t mind. Haven’t you figured out you’re completely irrelevant?
Here’s real racism:
This is the typical right wing trash that lands in your e-mail Stupes.
Your masters blame the bad economy on lending to people of color.
How you stay associated with that garbage dump of a party is totally beyond me.
Yo Stupes,
Joe the craphead plumbing fraud has got a website now.
Read all about it.
Believing in frauds is your neck of the woods. Hell he wants to charge people to read his “blog”. Don’t you love it?
Sarah Palin could be your side’s Maggie Thatcher but we all know you have irreconcilable theological differences with her.
Now your side wonders why we can’t freaking stand her. Moron Barone drones about abortion and scumbag Dennis Miller says we’re jealous she’s so oversexed.
John Cole says it best:
We can’t stand her because we love our country. Same goes for that chimp you voted for twice.
yelling loser boy, ever notice no further attacks on US soil has occurred? Did you read about all those clandestine missions reported in the international newspapers going on while you were asleep?
I hope we’re as safe for the next four years while Obama repatriates the Gitmo Hotel gang.
Since you are too stupid to understand 20% of those already released were either killed, injured or recaptured in the battle field. Yep, that makes good newsprint except your libtard MSM won’t print it.
You can continually claim I’m irrelevant, but the hits from your side keep coming so I’ll keep posting…
You see yelling loser boy if you watched 60 Minutes, that’s one of dem promises Obama made which Kroft pressed him on. Now the reality sinks in as he reads those security reports as preznit-erect. We’ll see if he keeps Gitmo open after all.
Cuz if he doesn’t and one comes back to attack… Maybe Biden’s words will be prescient about the attack and them doing nothing…
40 – So effing what? We’re looking for them now. We weren’t looking as hard before 9/11 especially during Chimp vacation time.
You think Obama is so stupid as to let that crap happen? Of course you do. You never fail to live up to my nickname for you.
Gitmo is a fucking disaster. 20 percent? Name the source for that fool if you’re not afraid of being made fun of again.
41 – Shit. Fantasies. Yeah I actually would trust Obama to READ intelligence briefings and have his people act on them. And so what if he’s tested? Isn’t that what adversaries do? You think we don’t test our enemies?
You’re such a freaking idiot!