perk up goldstein!! the alaskan senate race will be settled today and tonight we can all get plastered for our new senate colleague. have some sunny delight and get your head right man, you’re going to need it tonight.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Ron Paul didn’t win; Rossi didn’t win: Hillary will never be prez.
It looks like tomorrow’s space race will be between India and China. We’ll likely be too broke to compete.
It’s Friday. It’s dreary. I’m unenthused.
This isn’t the time to be “unenthused” (???) . . . the state budget is in dire shape and the Governor is calling on citizens far and wide for help with novel ideas:
This should be a very interesting exercise in the months ahead.
Here’s an interesting site. You can track the infestation of corporate boards and CEO’s, even administrations. Ah, it’s a great life being a CEO and being on multiple corporate boards. One day you vote for a multi-million dollar salary and golden parachute for your buddy, the CEO of company A, the next day he votes a huge salary and parachute for you, the CEO of company B. Both boards proclaim how their CEO’s are worthy of such lofty compensation. Fuck the workers. They’re just whining rabble.
Be glad you don’t live in that ritzy suburb of LA that’s burning up. Go march tomorrow with the people protesting Prop 8 in California. As my mother would say, do something for someone else and get outside of yourself.
Buck up, Goldy. The updated Alaska results are in and Begich is now up by over 1,000 votes.
There’s a surprising amount of data available on the Alaska Elections site. I went through and did a quick and dirty tally by district of the remaining ballots in-hand to be tallied, then projected likely outcome based on the currently reported vote in each district.
The result is a net gain of another 350 votes for Begich — above and beyond the results just reported. That should give a final margin of victory for Begich of about 1400 votes.
Originallly from the London Times on Line but all over the place today including Kos.
Nicolas Sarkozy saved the President of Georgia from being hanged “by the balls” — a threat made last summer by Vladimir Putin, according to an account that emerged yesterday from the Élysée Palace. . . .
The Russian seemed unconcerned by international reaction. “I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls,” Mr Putin declared.
Mr Sarkozy thought he had misheard. “Hang him?” — he asked.
“Why not?” Mr Putin replied. “The Americans hanged Saddam Hussein.”
Mr Sarkozy, using the familiar tu, tried to reason with him: “Yes but do you want to end up like [President] Bush?”
Mr Putin was briefly lost for words, then said: “Ah — you have scored a point there.”
In other words, Bush has unwittingly left us with a new way to insult people.
“Don’t pull a Bush.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Yay! Mrs. Rabbit works tomorrow and I have this hole to myself!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Sux to be you, dont it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Give it a couple more months and he’ll also expand Paraguay’s tax base. BTW, can he pardon himself?
I’m guessing that Bush’s pardon list on the evening of Jan. 19th will include the entire membership of the Republican Party, including Stevens, DeLay, Rove, Cheney, Gonzales, Meirs, and Bush himself. They’ll need it.
Yay! More dams are coming down!
In the Western water wars, it’s the equivalent of the Berlin Wall coming down. That’s how important the demolition of four dams on the salmon-starved Klamath River will be if a promising agreement is carried out.
The preliminary pact, which will take four years of study leading to dam removals starting in 2020, will be the biggest dam removal project on record. Just as monumental is the political win: the deal ends a standoff pitting dozens of interest groups involved with a river running through Oregon and California.
Looks like another of Steve’s pedophile friends was caught…
@6 eliza, I’m pretty sure I love your mother. Is she married?
“I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls,” Mr Putin declared.
Ouch…it’s hard to take that out of context. Although considering the reports that claim the Saddam hanging was botched, it’s hard to imagine Putin fucking that up as bad as chimpy ‘n gang.
I think we all have a slight hangover from the recent Dem victory. Another thing, the enormity of this financial crisis — will it be a recession or depression??? — is very unsettling. My husband’s business has dried up. We have friends who may lose their businesses and houses. It’s scary.
Good for Boxer. Complaining that the senator did the right thing?
Is see the information went right over Michael’s head. He took another swig of the “solution”.
Boxer had a staff member who turned out to be a creep and she fired him out in the open as soon as she found out. She did the right thing. Contrast that to the “family values” party who knew about Mark Foley for years and kept it/him covered up. Mark Foley cost Denny Hastert his seat in the house. Because she did the right thing, Boxer’s creepy staff member will cost her nothing.
The only thing I’m swigging on is a little Knob Creek Bourbon.
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas and Jon Meacham on the Charlie Rose show:
THOMAS: Saul Alinsky is, uh, really was a model from this, er, famous community organizer in Chicago, and this whole idea that Alinsky had that it’s not gonna work if you offend large groups of people. You know, we think of community organizers as having their fist out and, you know? Ah, no, no, no, no, no. You have to win over the majority by being peaceful and nonthreatening. Saul Alinsky used the word “nonthreatening.” This is key to Obama. There’s no militancy involved. This is very important and — and his chief strategist, Axelrod, really understood this. Especially if you’re running a black guy for president, you cannot threaten the whites.
MEACHAM: He’s very elusive, Obama, which is fascinating for a man who’s written two memoirs. At Grant Park he walks out with the family, and then they go away.
ROSE: Mmm. Mmm-hmm.
MEACHAM: Biden’s back, you know, locked in the bar or something.
ROSE: (haughty chuckle)
MEACHAM: You know, they don’t let him out. And have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage?
ROSE: Mmm.
MEACHAM: No adoring wife, no cute kid. He is the messenger.
THOMAS: There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all this. I mean, he’s such an admirable —
ROSE: Slightly. Creepy. Cult of personality.
ROSE: What’s slightly creepy about it?
THOMAS: It — it — it just makes me a little uneasy that he’s so singular. He’s clearly managing his own spectacle. He’s a deeply manipulative guy.
Interesting. Now they can come clean and have a clear conscience?
Michael, Michaal, Michael
Foley wasn’t found guilty of any crime Michael. He may have been a scummy guy, but he didn’t break any laws unike Boxer and CantVoteWell’s twosome.
20 continued…
Creepy pervs happen. They exist on the left, right, in the middle and apolitical. It’s how you deal with them that counts. The Dem’s have a track record of dealing with these sorts of things honestly and out in the open when they come up. The right could learn from the left on this one.
21 – Wow Stupes. You have a couple of white guys afraid of the black guy.
You sure know how to pick ’em.
Are sceeered Stupesy?
No, Foley didn’t get convicted of anything. But, he did do some horrible stuff and his party, rather than discipline him for it or move him away from the kiddies just tried to keep everything under wraps and allowed him contact with the kids.
Boxer found out the guy was a creep and fired him without trying to cover anything up. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats handling of this will cost them nothing.
15 – Ha! You’d vote for any of these guys in a flat half second as long as the right wing bullshit is spewed:
@26 That’s the thing. To come up with a single Democrat after all these posts, over all this time, Pudz only proves that to find Dem perv is to find an abberation. Your link and all the other stuff we’ve posted shows that the Republicans have a fucking problem. Along the way, Pudz has also displayed the state of denial required to be a Republican these days. Worst of all, as they reach the edge of their psychotic abyss, they start fucking goddamned goats!
Yeah, Pudz, keep telling yourself that you guys don’t have a problem.
Trust me Steve, you are drinking too much of Steve’s Stupid Solution if you think for a nanasecond I’m in denial, at the edge of a psychotic abyss.
Thank goodness you’re OK, Pudz. I was worried about you, what with the denial, psychosis and all that. I’d sure like to help you get better. Oh, I know. Try saying this after me:
“Republicans are pervs, Republicans are pervs, Re..”
Yes, this is good. Repeat this until you believe it and it just might help lead you back to a reality-based state of mind. Oh, no, no, don’t thank me, Pudz. It’s just me doing my bit to make this a better world.
Just think, Pudz, Obama’s going to appoint the next three Supreme Court justices.
proud leftistspews:
Idiocy is not a civil right. You are, by any reasonable standard, an idiot. How do you live with yourself?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 So you’ve got a transcript of a couple of talking heads talking. So what? Is there a point in there somewhere?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “Thank goodness you’re OK, Pudz.”
Maybe, though I wouldn’t vouch for him in a competency hearing, but this much is clear: Puddinghead is an illiterate fuck who can’t spell “nanosecond.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 And President Biden will appoint the three after that.
@10 I thought you were a financial genius.
Why do you make your wife work if you are so smart?
17 Jill, all of this financial turmoil is the
result of failed liberal ideas. If you would do
a little research on your own and quit listening to Roger Rabbit you will come to
your senses. Americans just put more wolves in
charge of the chicken coup. Its over, so you better buy more food and ammo. Everything for
“free” doesn’t work. AND IT NEVER WILL.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 You have to work and I don’t, neener neener!
Reading these posts and I see you tards are
still angry. You just won the liberal lottery.
Proud Leftist: You, a liberal moron, calling me an idiot, is a badge of “honor” I’ll wear proudly.
Now look in the mirror and use some makeup to cover the M for moron on your forehead.
Daddy Lovespews:
No mark, we’re happy, and you’re angry.
Daddy Lovespews:
41 Pud
Maybe he just graduated from the University of Michingan.
Look for some real blood-letting this week in the markets. It’s gonna get downright obscene. Does everyone have their pantry stocked?
It’s 10:00 pm, do you know where your 401k is?
Your boys were the ones that ran up record deficits, not ours. I guess, that’s not exactly getting something for free, it’s getting something and then having future generations pay it off with interest.
Stupes – are your progressive older brothers also “Morons”?
This country is in deep trouble and all you know how to do for solutions is “find it in the Murdoch papers”.
Talk about the mark of “M” on your forehead.
You must have a brand of “MM” (Murdoch’s Moron) on your SILLY ASS!
Mark, I’m amused that the right wing in trying to blame the left for this financial mess. Though you can’t point to one SINGLE reason, certainly the complete lack of regulation is at the root of it; that and greed. I lay the blame on the past eight years. Squarly. That aside, I’m wondering how we’re going to survive. My husband hasn’t worked in two weeks. We have a kid in college, insurance to pay, all that. IF this continues, I don’t know what we’re going to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 Fucking amazing. Wingnuts have been running this country since 1981, and they just ran it into the ground, and now they’re blaming it on liberals. Fucking amazing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Do what everyone else does every time there’s a depression. String together 2 or 3 part time jobs. Eliminate non-essentials from your spending. Sell possession and go to food banks. Tell your kid he’ll have to put himself through college. Vote Democrat for the rest of your life.
50 What, make your wife work. What a fucking loser, though typical ponytail liberal.
How many earrings you got rog?
yelling loser boy@24: Those two white guys a libtards who voted for Obama. You should be scared…
52 – Stupid doesn’t scare me Stupes. Even when there’s an epidemic of stupid and it results in a disaster like the chimp being elected, I know it will run its course and people will eventually come back to some semblance of their right mind.
perk up goldstein!! the alaskan senate race will be settled today and tonight we can all get plastered for our new senate colleague. have some sunny delight and get your head right man, you’re going to need it tonight.
Ron Paul didn’t win; Rossi didn’t win: Hillary will never be prez.
Well, I guess one out of three ain’t bad.
India lands probe on the moon:
It looks like tomorrow’s space race will be between India and China. We’ll likely be too broke to compete.
It’s Friday. It’s dreary. I’m unenthused.
This isn’t the time to be “unenthused” (???) . . . the state budget is in dire shape and the Governor is calling on citizens far and wide for help with novel ideas:
This should be a very interesting exercise in the months ahead.
Here’s an interesting site. You can track the infestation of corporate boards and CEO’s, even administrations. Ah, it’s a great life being a CEO and being on multiple corporate boards. One day you vote for a multi-million dollar salary and golden parachute for your buddy, the CEO of company A, the next day he votes a huge salary and parachute for you, the CEO of company B. Both boards proclaim how their CEO’s are worthy of such lofty compensation. Fuck the workers. They’re just whining rabble.
Be glad you don’t live in that ritzy suburb of LA that’s burning up. Go march tomorrow with the people protesting Prop 8 in California. As my mother would say, do something for someone else and get outside of yourself.
Buck up, Goldy. The updated Alaska results are in and Begich is now up by over 1,000 votes.
There’s a surprising amount of data available on the Alaska Elections site. I went through and did a quick and dirty tally by district of the remaining ballots in-hand to be tallied, then projected likely outcome based on the currently reported vote in each district.
The result is a net gain of another 350 votes for Begich — above and beyond the results just reported. That should give a final margin of victory for Begich of about 1400 votes.
Btw, the Alaska results are posted at
The new tally is
Begich 137,527
Stevens 136,466
Originallly from the London Times on Line but all over the place today including Kos.
Nicolas Sarkozy saved the President of Georgia from being hanged “by the balls” — a threat made last summer by Vladimir Putin, according to an account that emerged yesterday from the Élysée Palace. . . .
The Russian seemed unconcerned by international reaction. “I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls,” Mr Putin declared.
Mr Sarkozy thought he had misheard. “Hang him?” — he asked.
“Why not?” Mr Putin replied. “The Americans hanged Saddam Hussein.”
Mr Sarkozy, using the familiar tu, tried to reason with him: “Yes but do you want to end up like [President] Bush?”
Mr Putin was briefly lost for words, then said: “Ah — you have scored a point there.”
In other words, Bush has unwittingly left us with a new way to insult people.
“Don’t pull a Bush.”
Yay! Mrs. Rabbit works tomorrow and I have this hole to myself!
@2 Sux to be you, dont it?
@9 Give it a couple more months and he’ll also expand Paraguay’s tax base. BTW, can he pardon himself?
I’m guessing that Bush’s pardon list on the evening of Jan. 19th will include the entire membership of the Republican Party, including Stevens, DeLay, Rove, Cheney, Gonzales, Meirs, and Bush himself. They’ll need it.
Yay! More dams are coming down!
Looks like another of Steve’s pedophile friends was caught…
@6 eliza, I’m pretty sure I love your mother. Is she married?
“I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls,” Mr Putin declared.
Ouch…it’s hard to take that out of context. Although considering the reports that claim the Saddam hanging was botched, it’s hard to imagine Putin fucking that up as bad as chimpy ‘n gang.
I think we all have a slight hangover from the recent Dem victory. Another thing, the enormity of this financial crisis — will it be a recession or depression??? — is very unsettling. My husband’s business has dried up. We have friends who may lose their businesses and houses. It’s scary.
Good for Boxer. Complaining that the senator did the right thing?
Is see the information went right over Michael’s head. He took another swig of the “solution”.
Boxer had a staff member who turned out to be a creep and she fired him out in the open as soon as she found out. She did the right thing. Contrast that to the “family values” party who knew about Mark Foley for years and kept it/him covered up. Mark Foley cost Denny Hastert his seat in the house. Because she did the right thing, Boxer’s creepy staff member will cost her nothing.
The only thing I’m swigging on is a little Knob Creek Bourbon.
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas and Jon Meacham on the Charlie Rose show:
THOMAS: Saul Alinsky is, uh, really was a model from this, er, famous community organizer in Chicago, and this whole idea that Alinsky had that it’s not gonna work if you offend large groups of people. You know, we think of community organizers as having their fist out and, you know? Ah, no, no, no, no, no. You have to win over the majority by being peaceful and nonthreatening. Saul Alinsky used the word “nonthreatening.” This is key to Obama. There’s no militancy involved. This is very important and — and his chief strategist, Axelrod, really understood this. Especially if you’re running a black guy for president, you cannot threaten the whites.
MEACHAM: He’s very elusive, Obama, which is fascinating for a man who’s written two memoirs. At Grant Park he walks out with the family, and then they go away.
ROSE: Mmm. Mmm-hmm.
MEACHAM: Biden’s back, you know, locked in the bar or something.
ROSE: (haughty chuckle)
MEACHAM: You know, they don’t let him out. And have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage?
ROSE: Mmm.
MEACHAM: No adoring wife, no cute kid. He is the messenger.
THOMAS: There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all this. I mean, he’s such an admirable —
ROSE: Slightly. Creepy. Cult of personality.
ROSE: What’s slightly creepy about it?
THOMAS: It — it — it just makes me a little uneasy that he’s so singular. He’s clearly managing his own spectacle. He’s a deeply manipulative guy.
Interesting. Now they can come clean and have a clear conscience?
Michael, Michaal, Michael
Foley wasn’t found guilty of any crime Michael. He may have been a scummy guy, but he didn’t break any laws unike Boxer and CantVoteWell’s twosome.
20 continued…
Creepy pervs happen. They exist on the left, right, in the middle and apolitical. It’s how you deal with them that counts. The Dem’s have a track record of dealing with these sorts of things honestly and out in the open when they come up. The right could learn from the left on this one.
21 – Wow Stupes. You have a couple of white guys afraid of the black guy.
You sure know how to pick ’em.
Are sceeered Stupesy?
No, Foley didn’t get convicted of anything. But, he did do some horrible stuff and his party, rather than discipline him for it or move him away from the kiddies just tried to keep everything under wraps and allowed him contact with the kids.
Boxer found out the guy was a creep and fired him without trying to cover anything up. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats handling of this will cost them nothing.
15 – Ha! You’d vote for any of these guys in a flat half second as long as the right wing bullshit is spewed:
Come to Florida it’s sunny!
Come to Florida it’s sunny!
@26 That’s the thing. To come up with a single Democrat after all these posts, over all this time, Pudz only proves that to find Dem perv is to find an abberation. Your link and all the other stuff we’ve posted shows that the Republicans have a fucking problem. Along the way, Pudz has also displayed the state of denial required to be a Republican these days. Worst of all, as they reach the edge of their psychotic abyss, they start fucking goddamned goats!
Yeah, Pudz, keep telling yourself that you guys don’t have a problem.
Trust me Steve, you are drinking too much of Steve’s Stupid Solution if you think for a nanasecond I’m in denial, at the edge of a psychotic abyss.
Thank goodness you’re OK, Pudz. I was worried about you, what with the denial, psychosis and all that. I’d sure like to help you get better. Oh, I know. Try saying this after me:
“Republicans are pervs, Republicans are pervs, Re..”
Yes, this is good. Repeat this until you believe it and it just might help lead you back to a reality-based state of mind. Oh, no, no, don’t thank me, Pudz. It’s just me doing my bit to make this a better world.
Just think, Pudz, Obama’s going to appoint the next three Supreme Court justices.
Idiocy is not a civil right. You are, by any reasonable standard, an idiot. How do you live with yourself?
@21 So you’ve got a transcript of a couple of talking heads talking. So what? Is there a point in there somewhere?
@31 “Thank goodness you’re OK, Pudz.”
Maybe, though I wouldn’t vouch for him in a competency hearing, but this much is clear: Puddinghead is an illiterate fuck who can’t spell “nanosecond.”
@32 And President Biden will appoint the three after that.
@10 I thought you were a financial genius.
Why do you make your wife work if you are so smart?
17 Jill, all of this financial turmoil is the
result of failed liberal ideas. If you would do
a little research on your own and quit listening to Roger Rabbit you will come to
your senses. Americans just put more wolves in
charge of the chicken coup. Its over, so you better buy more food and ammo. Everything for
“free” doesn’t work. AND IT NEVER WILL.
@37 You have to work and I don’t, neener neener!
Reading these posts and I see you tards are
still angry. You just won the liberal lottery.
Proud Leftist: You, a liberal moron, calling me an idiot, is a badge of “honor” I’ll wear proudly.
Now look in the mirror and use some makeup to cover the M for moron on your forehead.
No mark, we’re happy, and you’re angry.
41 Pud
Maybe he just graduated from the University of Michingan.
Look for some real blood-letting this week in the markets. It’s gonna get downright obscene. Does everyone have their pantry stocked?
It’s 10:00 pm, do you know where your 401k is?
Your boys were the ones that ran up record deficits, not ours. I guess, that’s not exactly getting something for free, it’s getting something and then having future generations pay it off with interest.
Stupes – are your progressive older brothers also “Morons”?
This country is in deep trouble and all you know how to do for solutions is “find it in the Murdoch papers”.
Talk about the mark of “M” on your forehead.
You must have a brand of “MM” (Murdoch’s Moron) on your SILLY ASS!
Mark, I’m amused that the right wing in trying to blame the left for this financial mess. Though you can’t point to one SINGLE reason, certainly the complete lack of regulation is at the root of it; that and greed. I lay the blame on the past eight years. Squarly. That aside, I’m wondering how we’re going to survive. My husband hasn’t worked in two weeks. We have a kid in college, insurance to pay, all that. IF this continues, I don’t know what we’re going to do.
@38 Fucking amazing. Wingnuts have been running this country since 1981, and they just ran it into the ground, and now they’re blaming it on liberals. Fucking amazing.
@48 Do what everyone else does every time there’s a depression. String together 2 or 3 part time jobs. Eliminate non-essentials from your spending. Sell possession and go to food banks. Tell your kid he’ll have to put himself through college. Vote Democrat for the rest of your life.
50 What, make your wife work. What a fucking loser, though typical ponytail liberal.
How many earrings you got rog?
yelling loser boy@24: Those two white guys a libtards who voted for Obama. You should be scared…
52 – Stupid doesn’t scare me Stupes. Even when there’s an epidemic of stupid and it results in a disaster like the chimp being elected, I know it will run its course and people will eventually come back to some semblance of their right mind.