I’m as for a silly list as anyone, and this list of possible new ways to raise revenue for the state is pretty solid. But, it does highlight the absurdity of how far we’re behind on a decent budget. And we all know that a income tax is the only real long-term fix for our current budget woes.
Stocks are up again today, but I won’t weep for market timers. They were warned decades ago. All the good investors told them not to do this. Money under mattresses, in gold, or stashed in zero-interest bank accounts is dead money. I don’t care if stupid trolls lose their money; that’s their problem. I just don’t want to see them peddling their nonsense “advice” on this blog. Not that anyone listens to Puffed Butt anyway, other than his equally moronic radiologist sidekick …
I don’t see any serious suggestions in the Spokesman-Review’s list of revenue “ideas” that is actually useful for solving the state’s revenue problem. Of course, that’s typical of rightwing newspapers; see, e.g., the Seattle Times. Of course we need a state income tax, but that’s like saying we need a cure for cancer. Actually, we’re probably much closer to a cancer cure than we are to a state income tax. Meanwhile Republicans, predictably, intend to balance the state budget by raiding the cops’, firefighers’, and teachers’ pension funds so this state’s rich folks will never, ever, have to pay any state taxes.
Bernie Sanders won 3 of the 4 states whose Democratic delegates were up for grabs this weekend. If he wins the Democratic nomination, all of Puffed Butt’s rants about Benghazi (don’t hear about that much anymore) and Hillary’s emails will go down the drain as useless exercises in futility.
I’m sure the Bible thumpers will have their panties in a bunch over this one. Hey – welcome to the Party!
Sort of Breaking News Dep’t: Seattle Times Endorses Kasich, Sanders
First of all, you wonder, why now? Their unconvincing explanation:
“Editor’s note: The crucial process of selecting the nation’s presidential candidates proceeds painfully far away. Washington’s voters are largely sidelined, with Democrats selecting their delegates in March 26 caucuses and Republicans selecting theirs in a May 24 primary. Regardless, the spectacle, especially on the Republican side, has prompted the editorial board to make our primary and caucus recommendations early.”
This sounds more like some sort of primal scream than a timely and thoughtful newspaper editorial. But ST editorials are never thoughtful, so I guess no precedent is being violated. The editorial begins,
“Blurry-eyed Republicans looking for a plausible candidate to represent their party in November should turn to Ohio Gov. John Kasich. As Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio descend into the cesspool maelstrom, Kasich offers the experience, composure, dignity and authentic achievement of a credible candidate.”
Hard to argue with that. Kasich is the only grownup in the GOP Romper Room.
This being the Seattle Times, with all that implies, I expected the editorialists to grudgingly endorse the socialist as the not-Benghazi, not-emails, not-Wall Street speaking fees candidate. And this isn’t altogether incorrect; the editorial alludes to Hillary’s “increasing challenges, not the least of which are ongoing questions about her home email server when she was secretary of state.” But it mostly praises Sanders in positive terms, which coming from the Seattle Times is surprising, although of course it doesn’t miss the opportunity to call him “less experienced” and his plans “impractical.”
Which doesn’t leave much doubt about which party’s nominee the Seattle Times will endorse in November. But we already knew that, didn’t we?
The Spokansas Review issues another typical “conservative” response. Calcified in their thinking by voodoo “conservative” orthodoxies, and perpetually distracted by manufactured “outrages”, they are unable to offer meaningful solutions to real governmental challenges.
They should stick to what they know: fishing reports, high school sports and incessant whinging about WSU playing a game in Seattle.
“Money under mattresses, in gold, or stashed in zero-interest bank accounts is dead money.”
The loon’s money died when he gave it all to Carson. Now he has nothing to show for it except a plagiarized book.
“Ben Carson Issues Apology for Plagiarism in His Book”
I propose a $2/spew fee for each post on HA over 5/day.
We’d likely hear fewer daily bloviations from The Incontinent One about the size of his
penisportfolio.“Ben Carson Issues Apology for Plagiarism in His Book”
Heh. A grifter admitting its grift? Awwww. A grifter would never do that right?
Therein lies the grift.
Kansas and Louisiana are total economic basket cases. Clear examples of failed bagger policies.
You’d think this country would learn after 2008.
To vote GOP this cycle is to just double down on that failure.
LMAO!! Check it out folks!
The ultimate boob and babbling jackass fantasy flick!
@9 That article is from Jan. 2015, before Carson was a candidate. Being a plagiarist didn’t hurt him. Not knowing jackshit about domestic or foreign policy killed his campaign. That happens to a lot of amateur politicians who view the White House as an entry-level job.
@8 Same flaw as the sales tax, leaves too much to individual discretion. Let’s tax capital gains. People are less willing to give those up, those paying the tax can easily afford it, and they’re undertaxed now.
How about creating a state owned pharmaceutical company? There’s some big money. It could cut into big pharma corruption as a bonus. Or how about a state owned auto insurance company? One that couldn’t waste billions on advertising and then pass the cost on to drivers. Or just tax advertising? Yes! Tax drug and insurance companies advertising and tell them they cannot pass the tax onto customers. There’s some money!
Michael Bloomberg announced today he will not run for president.
The man’s a manipulative genius. But there’s no shortage of them standing in line to sift through the pocket lint of the credulous douche bags in thrall to “conservatism”.
Re-re-re-re-cycling the failed trope about Democrats being the party of slavery plays well, and exclusively to latent white racists and lick spittle aspirational non-whites like that fuckin’ troll.
Amuse yourself by watching aging gas-bag Mary Matalin threaten to choke Stephen Henderson of the DFP for daring to step out of line, however carefully (starts at 1:36). Matalin too falls back on the trope. But doing so serves only to change the subject. Which is the fucking point. Like intoning the magic incantations “race card”, and “all lives matter”, referencing ancient party history is intended to shut down the conversation. It is the rhetorical equivalent of them jamming their fingers in their ears and shouting “la, la, la, la, la…”
Meanwhile, in a nearby primary state, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are busy jerking off Klansmen. The cognitive dissonance is so thick you could cut it with chain saw.
Another market failure. Why are airline tickets still so pricey after their fuel costs have dropped by two-thirds? Because monopoly.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, with a good pair of rabbit legs, you don’t need the airlines.
@11 Yeah, slavery should be a winning issue for conservatives this year, at least down south where they want to bring it back.
The loon’s money died when he gave it all to Carson.
No, Puddy didn’t QPPS. Keep screaming into the brick wall!
QPPS is still shilling over old Carson material…
By SHUSHANNAH WALSHE Jan 8, 2015, 2:50 PM ET
2015 QPPS?
And did y’all notice the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS was right there cheerleading that quadruple shit pressure about to go KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
R senile @12,
That 2015 FACT doesn’t matter to QPPS or the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Puddy glad to see you actually acknowledged that FACT Puddy immediately saw!
R senile @12,
That 2015 FACT doesn’t matter to QPPS or the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
In FACT, the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS brought this up earlier last year! QPPS was toooooooo stoooooooooopid or ignored salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS commentary like most do!
Puddy glad to see you actually acknowledged that FACT Puddy immediately saw!
@15 R senile forgot this and the Heilary threats to Bloomberg… http://www.slate.com/articles/.....ident.html
Well, at least he can fall back on selling cars.
Meanwhile the libtard stoooooooooopid is thick on college campuses… http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25070/
Four campus stories that will make your BRAIN HURT
– Exhibit A: Protest supporting black students canceled because it was organized by white students.
Y’all can read the libtard stoooooooooopid!
Meanwhile the libtard stoooooooooopid is thick on college campuses… http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25070/
Four campus stories that will make your BRAIN HURT
– Exhibit A: Protest supporting black students canceled because it was organized by white students.
Y’all can read the libtard stoooooooooopid!
More leftist university stoooooooooooopidity checked.
PuddyCommentariat: Libtards are at the end of their putrid ideas, hence they only have the Saul Alinsky tactics left.
An inspiring Boston Marathon bombing survivor has been killed in a car wreck.
Meanwhile there are rays of right hope from the darkness of left wrong dopes http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/26477
– It began when he started to realize professors only gave him one side of the story, he said in an interview with The College Fix.
Yep, the left wrong side only!
Students told: ‘If you’re Christian, confess to be atheist; If you’re straight, confess to be gay’ – “Advanced Conversation and Composition” at University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill
More university BULLSHITTIUM!
The dumbfuck loon’s head is exploding all over this thread because the grifter plagiarized his book. What a dumbfuck loon! Gave all his money to the grifter and now he hasn’t anything to show for it! Sucks to be a dumbfuck loon!
National DUMMOCRETINS are really worried over this scandal even though HA DUMMOCRETINS keep scoffing at it!
It’s a good thing. Sometimes it helps to review a bit of what’s been going on to re-establish perspective. Like the plan now generally agreed upon within the Republican party and enthusiastically promoted by each of its two (let’s be real) remaining candidates for President.
They promise to deport 11 million people, generally without much in the way of process. They promise to “round them up” domestically using conventional law enforcement, and send them “elsewhere”. This they are promising. Over and over again.
Think about it. 11 million people. Arrested, transported, booked, temporarily held, and then sent across our borders to other sovereign nation’s territories. How the fuck does that work? How the fuck does that not spark a state of war and UN sanctions?
Train, boat, airplane? (remember the 11 million?) Where’s this train, boat, airplane going and how does anybody honestly expect it to be allowed to get there? Any way you slice it such a plan inevitably involves violating the territorial sovereignty of some other nation. Big time. They aren’t just going to give the U.S. “permission” to relocate 11 million people (or even one million) onto their national territory. Even the most advanced industrialized nations would refuse and ultimately be forced to go to war over something like this.
But that’s their fucking Republican plan. No immigration reform. Just a 40 foot Mexico wall and a massive deportation. They demand they be put in charge. They refuse to allow the government to operate otherwise. And if we give in to them this bullshit is what they promise to do.
The grifter waited until he had all the dumbfuck loon’s mattress money, then grifter drops out of the race! Sucks to be a dumbfuck loon!
More truths that scare DUMMOCRETINS… https://pjmedia.com/diaryofamadvoter/2016/03/06/the-democratic-debates-are-even-worse-than-the-republican/
They promise to deport 11 million people, generally without much in the way of process. – The Oregon moron forgets they are here illegally!
They promise to “round them up” domestically using conventional law enforcement, and send them “elsewhere”. – So we all know the Oregon moron loves sanctuary cities where many of them have killed US Citizens.
Think about it. 11 million people. Arrested, transported, booked, temporarily held, and then sent across our borders to other sovereign nation’s territories. – FACTS – http://www.westernjournalism.c.....e-us-does/
The rest of the rant is pure unadulterated BULLSHITTIUM!
his head is exploding because The Grifter quit and now poor fuckwad has lost his way. He has to choose between one of the two remaining white supremacists. Tough choice.
One of them is more phony-pious. While the other is more televangelical. The pious one who talks directly to Jesus is sure to be a top contender for the idiot-troll vote. But he’s foreign born.
Toss up.
Of course the HA DUMMOCRETIN atheists will explain this away… http://www.westernjournalism.c.....aking-out/
@27 “Libtards are at the end of their putrid ideas”
Abolish child labor
Establish a minimum wage
Collective bargaining rights for workers
Universal free public education
Eight-hour workday
Health care for all
Retire with dignity
That’s only a small part of the liberal agenda, but it’ll get you started. And what’s the conservation agenda? Turn back the clock to the 1880s. Who wants to live in the 19th century?Besides Republicans, I mean. That’s why the GOP is, and always will be, a minority party.
Yes, perspective. Maybe it’s just what Republicans do these days.
-We’re going to repeal Obamacare.
-We’re going to outlaw abortion.
-We’re going to privatize social security.
-We’re going to allow prayer in public schools.
-We’re going to outlaw flag burning.
-We’re going to achieve peace with dignity.
-We’re going to cut taxes and lower the deficit.
-We’re going to balance the federal budget.
-We’re going to fight two endless wars simultaneously without borrowing.
-We’re going to deport 11 million people.
This is what “conservatives” and Republicans stand for. Wild, extremist claims and promises without any plan to back any of it up. There is no real plan to deport 11 million people because no such plan could ever be conceived, mush less implemented. But if you are a “conservative” implementation is apparently not your strong suit.
R senile @39… Costing $Trillions.
DUMMOCRETIN Debate and Putrid Ideas – Amateur Hour in America!
PMSNBC telegraphs their questions to Clinton’s campaign… http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....-will-ask/
@16 Might give some of y’all a bit of pause about wanting either of them to shake yours…
@11 At first I was a puzzled about how the guy who produced “Jurassic Park” would end up doing business with Douche D’Sleeza, but the more I think about it, the more it sorta makes sense.
CNN and their lying liars… http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....at-happen/
“I also know that this is not the first you have heard of this issue. And I know there are others who feel just as strongly in opposition to this. But I ask your help to ensure that this embryonic stem cell research, under appropriate guidelines, be protected as scientists pursue medical miracle possibilities.”
That’s embryonic stem cell research.
You know. In the news. Biiiiig Republican show trial in the do-nothing Republican Congress.
Meanwhile the very same “conservatives” are busy singing their phony eulogies to the dead Republican witch who did one thing right. She evolved (just a little) on abortion.
@14 Yes Conrade!!
Or are you suggesting Washington State replace some of the Mexican cartels. Take up distribution of their products and take control of the market. Hmmm pretty sure the state can’t engage in that kind of Capitalism and it was only an accident it ever tried to run the alcohol business like it did.
@44 “CNN and their lying liars…” sez the moron who regularly links to Breitbart. How do you know the CNN report is wrong? Because a Rubio mouthpiece denies it? Here’s a prediction for ya: CNN will be right by next Tuesday. Rubio will be gone after losing Florida to Trump.
@33 Think they will pass an increase in minimum wage or mind that labor costs may go up in some areas?
The cost of a head of lettuce will go up.
Actually didn’t the US like do this in the 1920s.
@41 “… Costing $Trillions”
And worth every penny, unlike your party’s putrid wars.
@40 “There is no real plan to deport 11 million people because no such plan could ever be conceived, mush less implemented.”
Careful, that’s what a lot of people thought about Hitler’s promise of a “final solution to the Jewish problem,” too. There are times when you should take politicians at their word.
Furry woodland creature tax.
Only furry woodland creatures have no money.
Legalize brothels and collect a user tax.
Special Canadian license plate tax, collected by smiling men in big hats.
Looking into men’s hearts tax.
Workers throw all their money into a giant pot and it’s properly distributed.
Tax per window with glass in it.
TV tax.
Tax all homes based on their outside appearance, the fancier ones mean more tax.
Clam tax.
Oregon moron @37,
We like our pious more than your “pious socialists” and liars!
Let me know the very minute “conservatives” modify their plan to call for internally “disposing” of the “undesirables”.
Though monstrous even for them, such a plan would certainly stand out among all Republican plans in terms of feasibility.
Oh lookee, here’s a photo of Ted Crud posing with one of the Oregon wildlife refuge terrorists. I don’t think it’s photoshopped, either.
“More truths”
The loon’s truths come from the same foul place he gets his facts. He gets his disinfectant there too, but he spends way too much time sniffing it to ill effect.
Damn! It sure does suck that the babbling jackass’ beloved karson kook-a-nut was “forced out” by…
“white privilege”
from that stinking, bat-shit insane party the babbling jackass is trained to shill for. Bet that miserable party of “white privilge” didn’t care much for the kook-a-nut’s kult either!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Too dammn funny! Sux to be the babbling jackass!
Woooo hooo! HAHAHAHAHA! Choosing a sleazy white billionaire with a trophy wife over a dark skinned klownservatic washed up brain surgeon who learned its bullshit politics from the babbling jackass’ beloved kraptastic websites.
That’s the babbling jackass’ beloved shit show of a party. Too funny!
Still…fuckwad vomits on.
He’s the leading edge of loony Republicans.
All these years and still nothing worthwhile ever said. Can’t even get the people correct here. There is only one vomit producer and he’s an Occupy Wall Street DUMMOCRETIN libtard loser like you rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Sad state of affairs that rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears fool is!
Fox News is working with IHOP for National Pancake Day for charity.
Libtard news stations are doing what for charity?
Nuthin like always! Waiting on the guvmint!
WHITE PRIVILEGE salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
The only WHITE PRIVILEGE are the two very lousy DUMMOCRETIN candidates. Republicans have two Hispanic candidates in the running. DUMMOCRETINS like their his panics doing what?
Playing second or third fiddle – Julian Castro potential VP as the is panic appeasement vote getter. The rest of them are not anywhere to be found. DUMMOCRETINS take minority votes for granted. What have DUMMOCRETINS done for your people salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Puddy has enumerated many times the DUMMOCRETIN failings for black people. Yet morons like you and rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears are toooooooooooo stooooooooooooooopid to see this. Keep bending over and having the donk drive it in the wrong hole! That’s all you two know!
Ted Cruz – Running for President
Marco Rubio – Running for President
Oh yeah they are Republicans.
A 6:00 AM psycho-laugh followed by a tremendous head explosion. Never a good sign! Looks like the loon is going to have another very bad day.
Poor QPPS,
It has nothing left in the quiver so copy Puddyisms!
Sad that QPPS is reduced to this level of looooooonacy! Well it goes to show when you strip away the veneer, it’s only pressed board chips and glue!
And such small chips too!
@61 I get the impression Rubio won’t be running for president much longer, and it’s a given he won’t be a senator much longer, because his term expires next January and he isn’t running for re-election.
As for Ted Crud, unlike Marco, he’ll still have a paying job next January — and probably beyond. He’s rapidly evolving into the GOP’s last hope of stopping Donald Hitler for whatever that’s worth. If that doesn’t work out, and it probably won’t, he shouldn’t have much difficulty getting re-elected in 2018; after all Texass is Texass. He’s also Cliven Bundy’s last, best hope; but Crud still has two substantial hurdles to overcome (named “Trump” and “Clinton”) before Cliven can get his “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
@61, 62, 63 – Three head explosions in a row. What a mess! Who’s going to clean up this splatter?
The karson kook-a-nut had the kult direct-konnect to the skydaddy.
What it do?
NOTHING!!!! Mustabeen all those PORK FUMES the kook-a-nut INHALED into “the temple”.
The babbling jackass DENIES LIKE A FOOL! the white privilege in its beloved stinking MESS of a shit show party.
Who’s on top in that party of “white privilege”?
Then the babbling jackass touts HINOS that spew bagger and neo-klown BULLSHIT that the babbling jackass loves and where’s it getting them?
NOT EVEN CLOSE to a bullshitting, swindling white billionaire!
The babbling jackass is stupid I tell you, a total DUMBASS!
Wow monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Tonight we see DUMMOCRETIN WHITE PRIVILEGE in Michigan for Sanders!
HINOS? Because they won’t give a lousy worthless lazy his panic DUMMOCRETIN like you free stuff?