There’s something great, or at least stereotype challenging, about the fact that Seattle’s Marxist City Council member organized a meeting for business owners to complain about city government. Specifically figuring out construction mitigation on 23rd Ave. I know, I know, it’s for small businesses, and representatives of the 23rd Ave Starbucks, for example, probably wouldn’t be welcomed.
There is nothing contrary to socialism in helping businesses. The way I see it, socialism is a fair blend of healthy business and healthy public. Each benefiting from the other. It’s not some competition. It’s not about state control of everything. It’s about the state as arbitrator for the health of all. The system we have is unbalanced. The people do not get a fair shake under our system. The rich are literally getting away with murder by undermining our people’s well being.
Dissecting the Scalia conspiracy theories …
1. An autopsy wasn’t done at the family’s request.
2. Texas law allows a judge to declare a person dead over the phone.
3. The ranch owner has clarified that “pillow over his head” means “pillow above his head against the headboard,” not “pillow over his face.”
4. Local law enforcement officials say there was no evidence of foul play.
5. “Scalia kept his health issues private. ‘By the time you’re 79, most people will have some degree of heart disease,’ said Dr. Barron Lerner of the Langone Medical Center at New York University. ‘It’s rumored that he did not have shoulder surgery because it would have been too risky, which suggested he might have more severe heart disease than what was thought before.'” Scalia, in fact, died of a heart attack.
6. He was 16 days away from his 80th birthday for chrissakes.
It doesn’t take much to get the tinfoil hatters cranked up and moving. I wish I could get my car started that fast.
Those Oregon domestic terrorists are pigs:
“The group that moved in to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near the town of Bend set up a large outdoor camping site that, according to Reuters, was near artifacts and sacred burial grounds of the Burns Paiute Tribe. CBS affiliate KOIN in Portland reports the campsite ‘large food stores that are spoiling’ and ‘significant amounts of human feces in and around an outdoor camping area.’ Additionally, FBI agents found large amounts of firearms and explosives, and are concerned some of the abandoned cars may by booby-trapped.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure I’d want to get anything these squatters “occupied” back. The Occupy Wall Street protesters didn’t shit on the sidewalk like these militia swine. Meanwhile, it looks like the feds are cracking down on the militias (yay!); they scooped up 7 more on Thursday, and now there are 25 under arrest and behind bars in connection with the Oregon occupation. I hope they’re rounding up the Nevada thugs who aimed sniper rifles at BLM officers, too. And it’s time to go get old Cliven’s cattle to pay off the $1 million he owes the taxpayers, too. I might even start eating hamburger again! He doesn’t need ’em anymore, because he has so many charges against him, he’s probably looking at life in prison.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.)
What kind of parent allows 14 year old boys to play with guns unsupervised near a busy freeway?
“Deputies here arrested two 14-year-old boys in connection with truck shootings on Highway 75 over the last two nights. While knocking on doors along the stretch of Highway 75 where the shootings happened, deputies spoke to a man who told them his son and the son’s friend had been out hunting and shooting Monday night. Sources told CBS Tulsa affiliate KOTV the boys confessed to doing ‘target practice’ and said they didn’t intend any harm.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The NRA claims guns make us all safer. I say that’s bullshit. Even if nobody gives a damn about Walmart trucks, they probably were hunting rabbits.
The Dow stocks are up triple digits for a 3rd straight day. I wonder if the people who stashed their money under mattresses got back into the market in time? I haven’t been counting (busy with legal stuff), but my stocks have gained somewhere around $14,000 over the last 3 days. Sure beats working for $7.25 an hour.
Looks like oil producers may finally agree on production ceilings. Texas crude is +6% this morning. That’s what’s setting stocks on fire.
I’ve always thought the typical right wing, knee jerk criticism of socialism was fundamentally off base, and generally missing the point.
In our economic system that the right clings to, all claims to private property rights arise from the state and depend entirely upon the state for their protection. Of course having established a private property right through the state, any owner is free to defend it by their own private means. And in many cases they are wise to do so (I know I’ve got locks on my doors). Moreover, a pretty considerable portion of the infrastructure necessary to production is owned by the state. The state owns the airports, sea ports, roadways, lots of utilities, the courts, and the civil law making authority. Try to employ a privately owned means of production without those things and you probably won’t get very far.
As any good capitalist will be happy to remind us, ownership entails risk. Too many capitalists are happy to externalize the riskier elements of private production onto the state and society. Only to turn around and demand that society forfeit any claim to social reward arising from shouldering that externalized risk. Fuck that. Every member of society should see that for what it is, and reject it without serious consideration. But capitalists are very good at making threats and buying influence.
So our system shares ownership of the means of production between the state and private citizens cooperatively. The debate concerns the point of balance and the obligations of cooperation. But since the state, representing the collective wishes of the governed, gets to decide the limits of how private property is employed, those limits should be set to ensure that society benefits. And so long as that is the objective, there’s nothing contradictory about a socialist cooperating with private capital.
This is true:
Federal law permits a private party to sell a long gun to a baby.
In Oklahoma, all gun sales are limited to 18 and older. But minors are probably permitted to possess. I’m just too lazy to check about OK. But chances are pretty good that the law there allows 14 year-olds to run around with loaded rifles and shoot at stuff. It’s possible OK law requires adult supervision. But that requirement is seldom enforced in most jurisdictions that have it… unless the kids are black, or latino. Then it’s totally different – somebody’s goin’ to jail. Hell yes!
‘Cause…. FREEEDOM!!!! AYEEEEEE!!!!
We really have to respect the Constitution, the process, and historical precedent.
And in a case such as this, the record shows unequivocally that there has never, never, never, NEVER been a Supreme Court vacancy filled in an even numbered election year…
where an Associate Justice died at a ranch in Texas…
during the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Monkey…
while the reigning Super Bowl Champion is from a city west of the Mississippi…
during a leap year.
So. History, and tradition, and shit. Hooray!
Goldy @GoldyHA
NY Times ed board: “… the risk in keeping the minimum too low is bigger than the risk of raising it too high.” …
Hillary Clinton Should Just Say Yes to a $15 Minimum Wage
Mrs. Clinton should join Bernie Sanders, not fight him, on the issue of raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.
The New York Times @nytimes
NY Times ed board: “The President’s supporters insist vehemently that, having won the 1984 election, he has every right to try to change the Court’s direction. Yes, but the Democrats won the 1986 election, regaining control of the Senate, and they have every right to resist.”
Goldy @GoldyHA
As president, I would approve the use of torture against @realDonaldTrump.
And if that’s as far as you’re willing to go against him, I would accuse you of being soft on crime.
Bork never even got to submit a CV?
Bork never even got to meet with the members?
Bork didn’t even get hearings?
Bork didn’t even get a vote?
Wow. I never knew that. Those bastard Democrats!
Lather, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat…
Go Donald!
I find it interesting that Boob is here just about everyday. And I’m not sure I really have a clear understanding of who he supports. He’s jumped on the bandwagon of just about every Republican when they seem to get more noise or support from the party, but he’s never really said who he likes. And now it sounds like he isn’t a Trump supporter.
Oh well Boob, you should have thought about the consequences years ago when the Tea Party revolted (pretty much for no particularly good reasons).
Back in the fall it sounded like he was in the bag for Rubes.
Then by January, when his poll numbers were sinking and Rube started doing the Funky Robot in Beatle boots, he quieted down.
But since Rubotio scored his AMAZING, STUPENDOUS, THIRD PLACE VICOTORY© in Iowa, I think Boob may be coming back around.
But you can’t blame him for being reluctant. Which end of the shit sandwich should he start on?
@ 13,14
In all honesty, my nightmare is facing a Trump v. non-Trump decision in the Fall.
Might be an easier decision if Webb or Bloomberg go indie.
“In all honesty, my nightmare is facing a Trump v. non-Trump decision in the Fall.”
The possibility of the billionaire reality TV star/developer Trump versus the socialist Sanders for the presidency… Too much.
@ 14
Rubio, irrespective of his positions, has many things going for him:
1. He’s Floridian. As long as he stays relevant, even if he doesn’t win, he could carry Florida. Think VP. Someone from FL needs to be on the ticket (see my previous mentions) and Jeb! won’t be in the second spot.
2. He’s Hispanic, and bilingual without having to crash-course it a la Julian Castro. It would be quite memorable to see Rubio switch from English to effortless Spanish mid-sentence in his acceptance speech, and again in his closing remarks during the third debate.
3. Because he’s Floridian, he’s about the only candidate other than Jeb! who can pick a woman for the VP slot without risking Florida’s electoral votes (right now I cannot come up with a noteworthy national GOP figure who is female and is from FL). So Rubio could pick a Nikki Haley (see today’s news item from SC), or any of the other competent GOP women I’ve mentioned previously. An Hispanic candidate in the top spot and a woman in the second slot for the GOP isn’t a whole lot different than a Hillary/Castro ticket.
4. He is a good-looking and young individual. That seemed to have some appeal in the 2008 election, as I recall.
5. He has a very good-looking family. First Lady.
6. If he’s relatively inexperienced, that deficit may be at least partly neutralized if Julian Castro is the Democrats’ VP pick. It’s harder to trash Rubio as inexperienced without implicitly trashing Castro at the same time and for the same reason.
Those are reasons for the GOP to be interested in Rubio, and they don’t have anything to do with his political positions in contrast with those of other primary GOP candidates.
With the tables turned, Obama now ‘regrets’ his 2006 Alito filibuster
“What the president regrets is that Senate Democrats didn’t focus more on making an effective public case about those substantive objections,” Earnest said. “Instead, some Democrats engaged in a process of throwing sand in the gears of the confirmation process. And that’s an approach that the president regrets.”
At the time, Obama told ABC News that he supported the filibuster “because I think Judge Alito, in fact, is somebody who is contrary to core American values, not just liberal values.” Obama said the court needed to “provide some check on the executive branch, and he has not shown himself willing to do that repeatedly.”
So the door is open for the GOP to object to Obama’s eventual nominee based upon lack of core American values, not just conservative values. And to the nominee’s inability to provide a check on the executive branch.
Well, that should be simple enough.
There is something basic, instinctual about conflating good looks with competence. They did it with Rmoney. “Isn’t he good looking?” “He looks so presidential” “What a handsome family” as if any of that has anything to do with good governance. But it sells to lonely little old ladies. And they always vote. Republican, I might add.
looks like very good tactics to me. Since the President and Senate Democrats have no legal leverage, the strategy has to be incremental political embarrassment. One smart move in such a case would be to publicly express remorse for your own past transgressions. This costs the President nothing. But puts the ball in Grassley/McConnell’s court (no pun intended). If the President gets voters and teevee idiots agreeing with him that “obstructionism” is regrettable bad form, then the onus is on Senate Republicans to explain themselves. Again and again. They’d rather not have to do that. For Senate Republicans, the less they talk about any nominee, the better. Either they soften and give the nominee a hearing, or they dig in and look like assholes.
Much of the punditry around this kind of thing is bound to be flawed. Modern political pundits (those that aren’t themselves former politicians) have some key traits in common with politicians. One of those traits is an inability to experience humiliation or embarrassment. Politicians, and media attention seekers find it easy to bounce back and keep going after humiliating setbacks that would paralyze mere mortals. Ask David Vitter. But shame is something regular folks swim around in every day. They grew up with it, at home, at school, in church. They get it. Embarrassment resonates with voters. Pundits, jornos, and politicos usually tend to under-measure in real time the impact of embarrassment or humiliation.
Of course Senate Republicans don’t want to allow Obama to make another Court nomination. They’ve undoubtedly game planned all this. And they stand to bring in tons of money from it. But what they may not have a good grasp of is how it will make them look to voters in November.
@8 ” … unless the kids are black, or latino. Then it’s totally different – somebody’s goin’ to the morgue.”
@11 Not a Trump fan, I see. I have a better idea: Instead of torturing him, let’s tax him. It hurts worse, and does us more good.
@ 19
The video’s gone now but here’s the link. No less than dKos.
Obama Turns Reporters on Press Plane into a Bunch of Giggling School Girls!
While the video might now be AWOL (I wonder why?), one need only to read the 55 fawning Kossacks comments to have an understanding of the left’s synchronous fellatio of The One in 2008.
If, at all, you need some contrast with how the other side was treated that year, look no further than Jill Greenberg’s photo session with McCain
for The Atlantic.
Good times, good times.
@12 Yeah, this is different, I don’t recall the Dems ever saying, “We’re not going to confirm a Justice no matter WHO you send over here,” before they even have a name. What the GOP is doing i pure unadulterated obstructionism. A 4-4 tie on the country’s highest court suits them just fine, because they don’t want government to function at all.
Yeah, Republicans believe government should stay out of people’s private lives, except when they want to poke their noses into other people’s bedrooms.
@ 23
And heeeeeeerrrrrrrrre’s the video:
Reporters Swoon Over Barrack [sic] Obama In Jeans
“It’s killing us.”
@ 24
RR, since you put that in quotes, which Republican said it?
@27 Here’s a challenge for ya: Find a Republican senator who ISN’T saying it. I dare you.
@ 28
Orrin G. Hatch, Utah Jan. 4, 1977
Thad Cochran, Miss. Dec. 27, 1978
Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Jan. 5, 1981
Mitch McConnell, Ky. Jan. 3, 1985
Richard C. Shelby, Ala. Jan. 6, 1987
John McCain, Ariz. Jan. 6, 1987
James M. Inhofe, Okla. Nov. 30, 1994
Pat Roberts, Kan. Jan. 7, 1997
Jeff Sessions, Ala. Jan. 7, 1997
Susan Collins, Maine Jan. 7, 1997
Michael B. Enzi, Wyo. Jan. 7, 1997
Michael D. Crapo, Idaho Jan. 6, 1999
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Dec. 20, 2002
Lindsey Graham, S.C. Jan. 7, 2003
Lamar Alexander, Tenn. Jan. 7, 2003
John Cornyn, Texas Jan. 7, 2003
Richard M. Burr, N.C. Jan. 4, 2005
John Thune, S.D. Jan. 4, 2005
Johnny Isakson, Ga. Jan. 4, 2005
David Vitter, La. Jan. 4, 2005
Bob Corker, Tenn. Jan. 4, 2007
John Barrasso, Wyo. June 25, 2007
Roger Wicker, Miss. Dec. 31, 2007
Jim Risch, Idaho Jan. 6, 2009
Mark S. Kirk, Ill. Nov. 29, 2010
Dan Coats, Ind. Jan. 5, 2011
Roy Blunt, Mo. Jan. 5, 2011
Jerry Moran, Kan. Jan. 5, 2011
Rob Portman, Ohio Jan. 5, 2011
John Boozman, Ark. Jan. 5, 2011
John Hoeven, N.D. Jan. 5, 2011
Marco Rubio, Fla. Jan. 5, 2011
Patrick J. Toomey, Pa. Jan. 5, 2011
Ron Johnson, Wis. Jan. 5, 2011
Rand Paul, Ky. Jan. 5, 2011
Mike Lee, Utah Jan. 5, 2011
Kelly Ayotte, N.H. Jan. 5, 2011
Dean Heller, Nev. May 9, 2011
Jeff Flake, Ariz. Jan. 3, 2013
Tim Scott, S.C. Jan. 3, 2013
Ted Cruz, Texas Jan. 3, 2013
Deb Fischer, Neb. Jan. 3, 2013
Shelley Moore Capito, W.Va. Jan. 6, 2015
Bill Cassidy, La. Jan. 6, 2015
Cory Gardner, Colo. Jan. 6, 2015
James Lankford, Okla. Jan. 6, 2015
Tom Cotton, Ark. Jan. 6, 2015
Steve Daines, Mont. Jan. 6, 2015
Michael Rounds, S.D. Jan. 6, 2015
David Perdue, Ga. Jan. 6, 2015
Thom Tillis, N.C. Jan. 6, 2015
Joni Ernst, Iowa Jan. 6, 2015
Ben Sasse, Neb. Jan. 6, 2015
Dan Sullivan, Alaska Jan. 6, 2015
What is Bob’s point with the giggling press?
The Daily Kos article was dated 2008. Is it now 2016?
And the video clips provided is a 30 second clip shown twice, I guess to be more dramatic. So the woman press got their jollies by seeing Obama raise his leg for 30 seconds.
Sounds like Bob is a prude.
I wonder if there is a Ziki Ant.
Bob was is wrong with these fucking people?
What is Bob’s point with the giggling press? The Daily Kos article was dated 2008. Is it now 2016?
Because nothing has changed since 2008 Loving Every Human Teabag!
The leftists at Apple are laying down the red line to the leftists at the whitey house over encryption and ignoring the courts like any “good” leftist would.
I think these people should have choose Maine instead of Oregon.
I’m sure Lepage could have used more poop.
Bob – looks like Scalia was a man on the take.
@33 seems like Bob has the same reaction just looking at a photograph of Rubio.
@34 maybe the leftists at Apple should have sent Scalia to Texas.
@ 36
Actually, it looks to me like Nino paid off his good friend The Notorious RBG and she, in turn, paid off at least one of other left-leaning justices so that cert on the case in question would not be granted.
What a corrupt system.
So good luck with this, HA libbies. Oh, and thank you ever so much for the assist, Senator Schumer.
Collin Roth
NBC/WSJ poll makes it easy for Senate GOP to block Obama on SCOTUS. INDs evenly split, GOP strong against.
Trump on MSNBC talking about the 2 killers in San Bernadino, saying that they had bombs all over the apartment.
I remember the press going into the apartment with great pleasure and excitement. Other than that I didn’t read any stories about the killers. But what I thought I heard was that the bombs were in the garage.
Is Trump just speaking out of his ass with no facts? I suppose the garage is the apartment.
I think facts to Republicans don’t fucking mean anything.
@39 do you have a link to what you say? I’d like to read it.
BTW how to order the Zika Virus!
Originally acquired from Uganda monkey, one of dangling tea bags closed relatives!
I wonder if Bob wonders how big Marco’s dick is when he looks at him.
I’ll confess that that thought has crossed my mind while at the gym of the guy working out next to me but I have never wondered how big Obama’s cock is.
So Obummer will not attend Nino’s funeral. Instead Obummer will be:
1) Fundraising
2) Golfing
3) Back channel communicating with Iran
There’s like 240 news cycles to be fed between now and the first Tues after the first Monday.
Eight months ago Jeb! was the presumptive nominee and Sanders was our kooky uncle living over the garage.
Politics abhors a vacuum. And people are going to fill that vacancy with something. Republicans can’t win this thing by talking about it. And by not talking about it, they stand to lose in November.
If past performance is any indication Senate Republicans will choose the worst possible outcome by folding late.
@2 So your saying that there is no truth to the rumor that all will be revealed in the final X-Files? That instead of a cow mutilation there was a judge mutilation? And how would you know Mr. Rabbit unless you are one of the aliens?
Remember the term “You have been Borked” predates “You are Fired!”
So any chance that former President Bush is going to get the nomination to the Supremes? Or Donald Ttump? Too Machavallian for a Midwest Chicago style politician?
So which Presidential candidate is going to sing “Acres of Clams”?
Pet the starfish in the cold Puget Sound water? Say bandanna slugs are cool? Will the campaigns go to the wire so the Washington voters get their moment of glory like those fine citizens o Iowa and New Hampshire?
@34 I don’t think it’s anything to do with leftist at all. Frankly it’s about technology. If the NSA can’t figure out how to break into something all by itself then that pretty good encryption. It may just be possible that you can’t break into it. That there isn’t a back door may mean the system is self contained and breaking into the phone may require expertise in electronics, and software. It’s none of the governments business what is on my phone. Even if it’s just a grocery shopping list it’s none of the fucking governments business. And William Burke would agree with me.
@34 Magicians never reveal their secrets except that masked dude on the internet.
@40 You know if Obama wanted to spend a little political capital and get a dig at the courts he will just put up a nominee and see how things go and if the Republicans are overly stubborn he does a recess appointment.
He gets a triple it pisses off the Republicans, he fulfills his responsibility, and it puts the court in a position where it’s best interest is to rule in favor of the Presidents power of recess appointments, when the Senate is not is session, and it’s clearly not in session 365 days of the year, and is not in session when the members are for the most part out of Washington except for the one poor Republican who has to show up on the floor of the Senate and go through some motions to make it appear the Senate is in session. Revenge is a dish served Scalia style.
@39 The cert in the majority of cases is not granted. The court gets to choose it’s own work. So yes the deck is stacked. No the justices are not politicians in robes. Sometimes they are just too naïve to be politicians or is that rhetoric?
The vast majority of justices are not in fact angels. If they are then some definitely party with Lucifer.
@45 What is wrong with that? Maybe he should go and pay his respects at the Hall of Justice while Mr. Scalia is there. The President is not required to go to his funeral. He can make the Vice President go, or make sure the Attorney General goes. That fulfills any protocol. He may have tea with his daughters and give a private prayer. Or maybe he and Michelle will put turn on an old Daily Show with John Stewart and do what millions of Americans did during the show.
By the way I’m not going to the mans funeral and I’m not voluntarily going to the Hall Justice view the dudes body.
Do facts really matter at this point?
@29 Irrelevant and off-topic response. Also disingenuous, I might add. We’re talking about the current vacancy.
@33 Things that have changed since 2008:
1. President Obama has been re-elected.
2. We’re no longer bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan.
3. Instead of losing 800,000+ jobs a month, we’re gaining 200,000+ jobs a month.
4. Health care reform passed and survived a Supreme Court challenge.
5. The S&P 500 has gained +112.8%.
6. The inflation-adjusted cost of gasoline has dropped by a third (average U.S. prices).
7. Osama bin Laden is dead.
One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is Republicans still are as stupid as ever.
@36 Not the first time this conservative icon’s personal and professional ethics were called into question.
@40 Trust me, we’ll remember, and we’ll repay in kind.
@41 “I think facts to Republicans don’t fucking mean anything.”
They don’t to Trump and his supporters, but that’s been true of most Republicans for a long time.
@56 Did facts ever matter to the tinfoil hat crowd?
Btw, it was Scalia’s family who requested no autopsy be done. They knew what his health was, very likely expected him to drop dead at any moment, and by all appearances weren’t even slightly surprised when he did.
Grassley Barometer Timeline
Saturday, 3pm:
“I think we ought to wait to make some more decisions, you know?
I wouldn’t make any prognostication on anything about the future because there’s so many balls in the air when those things are considered”
Saturday, 5pm:
“… it only makes sense that we defer to the American people who will elect a new president to select the next Supreme Court Justice.”
“I would wait until the nominee is made before I would make any decisions. In other words, take it a step at a time.”
“I will take it a step at a time. The president hasn’t nominated anybody yet.”
“Is it kind of common sense that if I said this whole thing ought to wait until the next election and let the people decide, doesn’t that preempt anything else?”
Why in the fuck are these idiots in charge of this?
or maybe he shouldn’t go because such a large percentage of Americans regarded Justice Scalia as an arrogant and graceless throwback who openly regarded women and minorities as inferior. Why offend the millions of intelligent voters who despised Scalia just to soothe the feelings of butt-hurt klownservatives. Let them clutch their pearls and dash to the fainting couch. Who cares? They’ve never respected this two-term, landslide winning President to begin with. Why should he respect one of their racist heroes.
Yup. There’s always that.
BREAKING NEWS — The Pope has declared Trump a “non-Christian.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this mean Catholics who vote for Trump will be excommunicated or go to Hell?
More Oregon moronisms… because such a large percentage of Americans regarded Justice Scalia as an arrogant and graceless throwback
Where is the proof? Link? American people study?
Just the blatherings of a ignorant</strong libtard idiot!
While HA DUMMOCRETINS sling useless BULLSHITTIUM against Republicans… the national newspaper of the DUMMOCRETIN party decides to admit some truths
PuddyCommentariat: Heilary does speak with forked tongue. A-OK because to DUMMOCRETINS the lying ends always justifies the means!
Butt the killer sentence on Heilary… As Mr. Sanders leads calls for politicians to ethically rid themselves of ties to wealthy individuals and corporations, the Democratic Establishment is doing everything possible to inoculate themselves from those calls to action.
Yet all we read about is comical BULLSHITTIUM on the Friday Night Comix! Puddy has to offer up the DUMMOCRETIN truth!
A Rubio-Haley Ticket Would Be Hillary’s Worst Nightmare – Yes it would
“On the fourth of August 2010,” the manager continues, as the beautiful young reporter walks around the luxurious and spacious rooms, “the U.S. president celebrated his 49th birthday, and the very same day his spouse, Michelle Obama, arrived for her vacation in Spain. Here is her room.” Not ceremoniously, the reporter touches the silk sheets and very rare travertine marble. “Here are the official numbers: for the week starting August 4, 131,000 Americans were fired, losing their incomes and jobs. At that moment, Michelle Obama was on vacation, and the taxpayers were paying $6,000 a night for this hotel suit.”
Heilary’s bought and DNC approved stooooooooooooopid delegate count! Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP)
Hey look kids!
It’s a genuine, traditional, hillbilly idiot slap fight!
Can’t believe I almost missed that one. Priceless.
The GOP circular firing squad is switching their weapons to Rock’nRoll baby!
“Eventually at the national level these things are going to be vetted. What’s going to hurt her nationally was in 2006, she and her husband were pretty much flat broke” and then within a year she had many expensive possessions, including fine jewelry and a new house. “I don’t know where that money came from.
“I don’t think her problem is that she screwed around with me and other men,” Folks added. “Her problem is that she is not the person she claimed to be when she ran. She ran as the tea party, the anti-status quo. You could say she is the new face of the status quo.”
At least you can say about Palin, she went home to her kids at night. This is classic Peter Principle shit here. S.C. is the bush leagues. It’s fine for spring break, golf, and cheese ‘n grits. But this is not where great political careers are made. Rubotio may have just fucked himself.
Republicans, kind of, are coming to Trumps defense against the Pope.
Michael Steel and Mark Halprin basically said that the Pope over stepped by saying that Trump isn’t a Christian. Michael Steel said that it would have been one thing to say it wasn’t Christian like to build a wall but not to say Trump wasn’t a Christian.
Even Chris Matthews said that he has to walk on egg shells on this one. What a fucking moron.
What fucking hypocrites. They question everyone’s faith all the time. You know you can’t be Gay and be a Christian. You can’t be pr0-choice and be a Christian.
Right Puffy.
Heterosexuals are too stupid. Republicans can be shot down every time, but they are too stupid. Republicans hand it out on a silver platter and you don’t know what to do with it.
Even Chris Mathews said he has to walk on egg shells on this one. What a fucking moron.
Wow the Oregon moron is using Breitbart. Amazing. HA’s monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch must be having a goat now!
Some Breitbart stories skipped over by the Oregon moron: – As one friend of the Clinton’s told The Hill, “the shit will hit the fan” if she loses in Nevada. – Wonder why? – Wonder why?
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Pope say one thing about our families [families who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal immigrants]. I’m not sure he understands the loss we have felt. Is he just ignoring that? It rubbed me the wrong way,” Wilkerson told Breitbart.
Oh lookie here, another one happened…
Omaha Deputy Police Chief Dave Baker: As a local law enforcement agency, we’re not empowered to enforce federal immigration laws however, we do work with the immigration authorities on a federal level. In this case, the individual, Mr. Mejia, was in our country illegally. He was from Honduras. We do attempt to make sure the judge is aware the individual is in the country illegally, not on the basis of whether the individual is guilty or not guilty. It does not effect what charges they are charged with on a local or a state basis. It has to do with whether or not there is a flight risk. Our accident investigator did request a detainer; however, one was not issued or granted prior to him bonding out. His brother did bond him out before the detainer was issued. My understanding was that he was bonded out fairly quickly.
Hey those sanctuary cities are A-OK with HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere! Why do HA DUMMOCRETINS hate Americans? Maybe she was part of WHITE PRIVILEGE and like Kate Steinle from San Francisco, we have to eradicate WHITE PRIVILEGE from America so let their killers run free!
Breitbart’s def got it in for Rubes.
They seem to be ambivs over Trump/Cruz.
Must not care about the foreign born Canadian stuff.
While Politico is in the bag for Rubes, and fighting their way around Cruz to get to Trump. Crazy!
Calling Nikki Haley a slut and her husband, the soldier, a cuckservative. Brilliant! Probably plays well in the low country among the hill billies.
OHHHH looookieee, loooookkiiieeeeeee herere
oooooohhhhhh, loookiie, lookiie, looookiiieeee hereeeeee.
This was also on Breitbart
Somehow overlooked by the Oregon moron!
Obummer too petty to go to the funeral of the man who told Obummer to shove his executive orders up his ASS in so many words.
Unprecedented political move by Obummer not to attend the funeral of ASCJ Scalia!
Christopher Hayes ✔ @chrislhayes
Some amazing advice my mom gave me once: “If you’re wondering whether you should go to the funeral, you should go to the funeral.” 12:16 PM – 17 Feb 2016
He took selfies at Desmond Tutu’s funeral though!
Yesterday R senile the braggart was cracking along with the human teabag sucka from the east coast about some mythical stock market gains R senile the braggart claimed to have made. So how much of those mythical gains went poof today R senile the braggart ?
As Puddy wrote yesterday on four of those 8 indices were green. A few more went orange today. Huge change R senile the braggart.
So how many HA DUMMOCRETINS gonna vote with their vagina?
Susan Sarandon on Backing Bernie: ‘I Don’t Vote with My Vagina’
LOL! Scalia’s greatest disappointment, GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENT was his FAILURE to make other klownservatic justices see the Constitution his way.
Scalia died a FAILURE!
If it was a choice between a national security crisis (or other affairs of State) and the funeral of a failed judicial activist, TWO TERM President Barack H. Obama MADE THE RIGHT CALL.
Looks like this guy was an Obummer colleague at one time… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....29702.html
PuddyCommentariat: Not Obummer. Partisan instincts are strong in that one! Being a head of state is too petty for Obummer!
Tom Scocca claimed Scalia died a FAILURE and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS ate it up.
Tom Scocca is a left wrong moron who writes for his leftist LIVs at Slate and other left wrong sites.
Rejected with P R E J U D I C E!
Obummer has nothing on the Obummer Saturday schedule! Petty politics in play monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Sux to be the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch
LOL! Damn straight babbling jackass..
“It is only fitting that with the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the greatest hypocrites of the modern era, Republican partisans who similarly proclaim strict adherence to the Constitution and its “original intent” now plan to obstruct the President of the United States in carrying out his constitutional duty.”
“Original intent” – JACKASS STYLE!
Remember when Washington State DUMMOCRETINS jumped the bandwagon by declaring that all public restrooms and facilities would transition from gender specific to gender self-identified? Remember Puddy asked Goldy what we he think if some man showed up and showed his junk to Goldy’s daughter.
Remember the sounds of silence?
Then how did this fly under the HA DUMMOCRETIN radar?
Seems the dude asserted his “legal” rights under the new state law to verbally identify the law had changed and everybody was rendered as libtard statues in a retarded state of libtard social enlightenment! Golly gee what did we just do in Olympia they thought! Then… he returned when a bunch of school aged girls were changing for swim practice.
Wow libtards, this political correctness is sooooooo wonderful isn’t it!
So HA DUMMOCRETINS, your daughters and granddaughters are now being perved! Waytogo libtardos! This is what happens when libtards are in charged. They never think about the consequences!
So the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch runs to Salon!
Remember Chucky Schumer’s own words in 2007 fetid one! Apparently you forgot them! Puddy linked to them and the Oregon moron actually posted them!
Hey monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch,
how would you like if your daughter was perve on by some guy in a gender self-identified change room now? This is why we conservatives are conservative and like gender specific change rooms!
What a bunch of tools!
A guy like this?
She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut? Oh… that’s right she’s the offspring of a librul, she can do anything she wants!
is your daughter turning tricks yet?”
My duty as a parent is keep my kids safe from a “perve” who would BABBLE like that.
Hmmm. I don’t recall Schumer proclaiming his ass an “original intent” klownservatic like turtle-head McConnell.
All those “original intent” klownservatics are hypocrites whose only “intent” is power.
Wow. Bush campaign broke! Payroll runs out this Saturday.
$220 million. Gone.
Such epic failure and humiliation.
This is what Republican leadership looks like.
Looks like the Democratic nomination contest is turning into a genuine horse race:
“U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the self-described ‘democratic socialist,’ has drawn within striking distance of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the national race for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. The survey, taken after Sanders ran even with Clinton in the Iowa caucuses and then routed her in the New Hampshire primary, shows Clinton with a 53 percent lead among Democratic primary voters to 42 percent for Sanders. She held a 25 percentage point lead a month ago.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I believe what this reflects is that Bernie is likable and Hillary isn’t, and Democratic voters don’t care all that much about ideology. It’s really beginning to appear Sanders could actually be the Democratic nominee.
Idiot brother of the idiot son. And the jackasses who handed over that lucre can’t be bothered to pay taxes so that the children of “those people” can have access to decent healthcare, clean water and education.
So if spendthrift idiot Republicans can no longer pretend to be the “responsible with money” party, what’s left?
Oh, right. The Burning Mexican Witch party Sweet.
@85 You know Puddy 100% of Republicans have a vagina.
@90 So one locker room for everyone. Very chic and European.
I actually did reply and comment.
I don’t this one jerk proves your point. Unless you are the jerk.
@96 And Hilliary has made a left turn, and isn’t going to be able to ignore progressives if she does get the nomination.
@85 apparently Boob votes with his vagina, it twitches for Rubio.
@90 that’s kind of like the equivalent of someone arguing against teaching black people how to read or vote. You see what happens when you give the blacks the right to vote or read – you go from being a great prosperous nation churned by tax breaks and out of control spending to a failed nation that is the laughing stock of the world.
@95 Jeb! Come back. We need you to bankrupt this Country three times as bad as your brother.
@99 yeah, including Bob and Puffy.
Puffy likes to deuce his with the bible.
@90 sounds like you a worried that heterosexuals are perved and want to watch thier daughters take a pee. But those same daughters are being raped by Bill Cosby and the rest of the Frat Boys but that is not addressed. Johnny Manzel and the rest of the NFL bruts can beat thier womanz and that not be addressed. Puffy must like raping the womenz.
In other words – you keep milking it for the last ounce of blood.
Ben Carson Says The Chances Are ‘Good’ That He’ll Be Elected President
Not sure if Buthole realizes it but even after dropping out he can still ask people for monetary support. He should just check with Rang Dead Paul. I continue to get daily emails asking me to send money for his support, doesn’t sound like he’s giving up or starting early for the 2020 election.
Oh monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is still using that EPIC FAYLED argument about his daughter above. EPIC FAYLE #288 with the crazed database!
Marvin Stamn even took you apart when you cried like a stuck beeeyatch over that daughter comment way back in 2009. Wanna see the whole thread again monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch? It was DAYM funny!
So it seems the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS has no problem with those gender free change rooms!
Who knew?
Mark Adams,
That one jerk as you called it set the precedent because no one called the police. Libtard legislation gone wild. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Yeah he returned. Was the man comparing his set to the girls? You see libtards, you can’t run away from this stooooooooopid decision. Deep down you know it sucks, butt being the lemmings y’all are you keep your mouths shut. Typical! And Europeans have a much different view of the human body and sex. That’s why the age of consent n many countries is low.
In Europe, the Netherlands has no sodomy laws, the age of sexual consent is 16 for all, sex between an adult and a young person between the ages of 12 and 16 is permitted by law, as long as the young person consents. Other countries who have the age of consent set at 16 include Cyprus, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland. For Austria, Germany, Portugal and Italy it is 14, and in France, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Greece it is 15. Spain did have one of the lowest ages of consent on the continent at just 13, but recently agreed to raise this to 16.
Meanwhile The Philippines has the lowest age of consent in Asia at just 12 years old – an age shared by Angola, Mexico and Zimbabwe. A Japanese law allows for consent at age 12, but this only applies to metro Tokyo.
So you see Mark Adams, fallacious argument as always!
Hey Sucking Human Teabag Lollipops, what does Bill Cosby and Johnny Manziel have to do with gender neutral locker rooms?
U truly R a moron!
Apparently the Vatican has a big wall around itself and doesn’t accept illegal aliens. http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....d-vatican/
“As Uber and Lyft continue to lower prices for customers — uberX’s per-mile rates have dropped 50 percent since uberX launched in Seattle three years ago — many are concerned that drivers aren’t being paid adequately for their work.”
No wonder i keep getting ads in my Facebook feed looking for drivers foolish or desperate enough to work for them.
An Oklahoma gun range is being sued for discrimination for barring Muslims. “A sign posted on the business declared the range a ‘Muslim-free’ establishment, and is similar to signs that have been placed at businesses in Florida, Arkansas, Kentucky and New York, said Brady Henderson, legal director for the Oklahoma chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, which filed the suit.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Change the signs from no “Muslims” to no “Jews” and you’ve got 1930s Germany.
Neither does this asshole it appears.
Heh. The stupid troll really “perved out” over there I bet.
People in Northern Europe have few hangups about nudity unlike stupid kultists in this country.
Speaking of the kult, how’s that kook-a-nut Karson doing against all that “white privilege” in South Carolina?
PuddyCommentariat: Change the signs from no “Jews” to no “Japanese” and you’ve got 1940s DUMMOCRETIN led America.
Awww poor poor monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch still delivering EPIC FAYLES with the crazed databaze!
1 for 289 – 0.00346020761, a microcosm of the
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS neanderthal cranial orifice!
The stupid troll can’t accept that “white privilege” has DOOMED its beloved kook-a-nut’s lust for power to utter FAILURE!
I’m sure the sleepy “schizophrenic” talker will sell many books to the credulous.
@64 President Obama and Michele went past the casket in Hall of Justice. VP Biden will be at the funeral today. Protocol, protocol, protocol (a bit like the Pres doing a nomination) and more protocol as in how many guns does he get in the final salute from a grateful nation. It’s of course possible the family could have made the funeral private, but there would still be protocol. Enjoy your Saturday Mr. President. And Mr. Scalia would tell VP Biden you poor scoundrel.
@109 Your point? A person using the bathroom or changing in a locker room is not the same thing as sex or leading to sex.
You did manage to make Kentucky appear to be pretty avant guard.
I have been to Europe and some women will use the mens room or showers and vice versa. Adult who are human beings can meet their human needs in the presence of other human beings.
And should you ever have to go through a NBC decontaminant you will follow all the required actions in the presence other American of both sexes, all ages, all races..and if you do not comply you can get the fuck out and die, or be shot
@111 Yes there are walls in the Vactican, but there are walls all over Rome particularly where the ancient city walls are at like in the Vatican, but you can walk from Rome into the Vatican by stepping over the border in St Peters square. You can probably do it naked! Only ou better have conservative cloths with you if you want to go into the Catherdral, and if necessary the nuns or an order will cloth you if you are in need.
The Vatican is a very surreal place, it’s as open perhaps more open than Peace Arch Park in Blaine.
@113 Bravo ACLU! Doubt those gun ranges would have rainbow day. Doubt a whole lot of gay men care to go to a gun range, but some do, and if you do it right lesbians can make gun range down right profitable.
@115 Didn’t stop the US from drafting Japanese men and teaching them to shoot at army and navy gun ranges, and sending those men to Europe to fight while keeping the family in the camps.
What we did was wrong and we belatedly acknowledged it was. Our government deprived them of freedom and property and that was wrong and the victims received compensation. The Supreme Court and Congress made amends. Still those amends are small in light of the wrong done needlessly out of misplaced fear and racism. Seems we keep having to relearn the same lesson a little common sense, respect for others, and actually applying State Constitutions and the US Constitution….but we can’t seem to do that so business is good for the ACLU.