I borrowed this from another post, But i liked it so much, I had to share it.
Seems fitting, with the findings this last week, that there were no wmd’s in Iraq, since the ones we sold to sadaam were destroyed.
Here are a list of quotes that deal with the Bush administrations claims that Iraq possesed WMD’s. I’m not sure exactly wich agencies gave him the information that they base their quotes on, I would imagine the CIA was the main one.
Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
– Dick Cheney, speech to VFW National Convention, Aug. 26, 2002
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.
– George W. Bush, speech to UN General Assembly, Sept. 12, 2002
No terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people and the stability of the world than the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
– Donald Rumsfeld, testimony to Congress, Sept. 19, 2002
The world is also uniting to answer the unique and urgent threat posed by Iraq.
– George W. Bush, Nov. 23, 2002
If he declares he has none, then we will know that Saddam Hussein is once again misleading the world.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, Dec. 2, 2002
We know for a fact that there are weapons there.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, Jan. 9, 2003
What we know from UN inspectors over the course of the last decade is that Saddam Hussein possesses thousands of chemical warheads, that he possesses hundreds of liters of very dangerous toxins that can kill millions of people.
– White House spokesman Dan Bartlett, CNN interview, Jan. 26, 2003
Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard, and VX nerve agent…. The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.
– George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, Jan. 28, 2003
We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.
– Colin Powell, remarks to UN Security Council, Feb. 5, 2003
We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons – the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.
– George W. Bush, radio address, Feb. 8, 2003
If Iraq had disarmed itself, gotten rid of its weapons of mass destruction over the past 12 years, or over the last several months since [UN Resolution] 1441 was enacted, we would not be facing the crisis that we now have before us.
– Colin Powell, interview with Radio France International, Feb. 28, 2003
So has the strategic decision been made to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction by the leadership in Baghdad?….I think our judgment has to be clearly not.
– Colin Powell, remarks to UN Security Council, March 7, 2003
Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
– George W. Bush, address to the U.S., March 17, 2003
The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder.
– George W. Bush, address to U.S., March 19, 2003
Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly…..All this will be made clear in the course of the operation, for whatever duration it takes.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleisher, press briefing, March 21, 2003
There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. And….as this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.
– Gen. Tommy Franks, press conference, March 22, 2003
I have no doubt we’re going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction.
– Defense Policy Board member Kenneth Adelman, The Washington Post, March 23, 2003
One of our top objectives is to find and destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.
– Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clark, press briefing, March 22, 2003
We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat.
– Donald Rumsfeld, ABC interview, March 30, 2003
Obviously the administration intends to publicize all the weapons of mass destruction U.S. forces find – and there will be plenty.
– Robert Kagan, The Washington Post, April 9, 2003
But make no mistake – as I said earlier – we have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about. And we have high confidence it will be found.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, April 10, 2003
We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.
– George W. Bush, NBC interview, April 24, 2003
There are people who in large measure have information that we need….so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country.
– Donald Rumsfeld, press briefing, April 25, 2003
We’ll find them. It’ll be a matter of time to do so.
– George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, May 3, 2003
I’m absolutely sure that there are weapons of mass destruction there and the evidence will be forthcoming. We’re just getting it just now.
– Colin Powell, remarks to reporters, May 4, 2003
I’m not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein – because he had a weapons program.
– George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, May 6, 2003
We said what we said because we meant it…..We continue to have confidence that WMD will be found.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, May 7, 2003
Before the war, there’s no doubt in my mind that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical. I expected them to be found. I still expect them to be found.
– Gen. Michael Hagee, Commandant of the Marine Corps, interview with reporters, May 21, 2003
Given time, given the number of prisoners now that we’re interrogating, I’m confident that we’re going to find weapons of mass destruction.
– Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, NBC Today Show interview, May 26, 2003
Do I think we’re going to find something? Yeah, I kind of do, because I think there’s a lot of information out there.”
– Maj. Gen. Keith Dayton, Defense Intelligence Agency, press conference, May 30, 2003
You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons….They’re illegal. They’re against the United Nations resolutions, and we’ve so far discovered two [the labs were later judged to not contain any such weapons, that they most likely were used for weather balloons]. And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on, But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong. We found them.
– George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, May 31, 2003
When I hear back from the person I got the list from, i’ll post his name if he’ll let me.
Another TJspews:
If people go with the substantive discussion, more power to them.
For me, I’ll offer my over/under on the M’s win total. Without doing a lick of research on the new team and their competition, I’ll go with 84 (In that case, maybe it’s more appropriate for (u)SP).
Ugh. And I used to put time into these things before pulling numbers out of my butt. Now I just go straight to the number…
(Note: I haven’t followed the previous open threads, so if this has been covered, please disregard.)
I can see Diggindude that you are against the troops.
How unpatriotic of you.
What ever happened to the Republicans culture of personal responsibility? The failure to find WMD is being blamed on intelligence gathering agencies. Sheesh! In the end, it was Bush and his inner circle that made the call to go to war.
Clinton had the same (sucky) intelligence information. The difference was, he didn’t charge into Iraq like Don Quixote.
The U.N. Inspectors were in Iraq, and they knew there were no WMD. This high quality data didn’t match what the Bushies wanted to find. Yep. . . Shrub will get his day in The Hague.
Against them being wasted. Very true.
But on a lighter note:
It’s a first grade classroom and the teacher notices a little boy
in the back of the class who keeps reaching down and rubbing or
scratching his little privates.
She goes back and whispers to him, asking what he’s doing… The
little boy explains that he was circumcised the previous day and that
his wiener is irritated and bothering him something fierce. The
teacher tells him to call his Mom and maybe have her pick him up and
take him home until it gets better.
The little boy leaves the class to call his Mom and when he returns the
teacher is mortified to look down and see his zipper down and his
little tallywhacker poking out… Shocked, she rushes back to him and
asks just what he thinks he’s doing?
“Well,” he said, “I called Mom like you told me to and
she said that if I could just stick it out until lunchtime, she would
come and pick me up!!!”
A guy is driving around and he sees a sign in front of a house:
“Talking Dog For Sale.”
He rings the bell, and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard.
The guy goes into the backyard and sees a Labrador retriever sitting
there “You talk?” he asks.
“Yep,” the Lab replies. “So, what’s your story?” The Lab looks up and
“Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young, and I
wanted to help the government;
so I told the CIA about my gift, and in no time at all they had me
jetting from country to country,
sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a
dog would be eavesdropping.
I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running.
“But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting
any younger so I wanted to settle down.
I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security
mostly wandering near suspicious characters and listening in.
I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals.
I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.” The
guy is amazed.
He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. “Ten
dollars.” The guy says,
“This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?”
“Because he’s a liar. He didn’t do any of that shit.”
For those who hate pooping at work, following is the survival guide for
taking a Poop Dump at the office.
CROP DUSTING: When farting, you walk really fast
around the office so the smell is not in your area and everyone else
a whiff but doesn’t know where it came from. Be careful when you do
this. Do not stop until the full fart has been expelled. Walk an
extra 30 feet to make sure the smell has left your pants.
FLY BY: The act of scouting out a bathroom before
pooping. Walk in and check for other poopers. If there are others
in the bathroom, leave and come back again. Be careful not to
become a FREQUENT FLYER. People may become suspicious if they catch
constantly going into the bathroom.
ESCAPEE: A fart that slips out while taking a leak at the urinal or
forcing a poop in a stall. This is usually accompanied by a sudden
wave of embarrassment. If you release an escapee, do not acknowledge
it. Pretend it did not happen. If you are standing next to the
farter in the urinal, pretend you did not hear it. No one likes an
escapee. It is uncomfortable for all involved. Making a joke or
laughing makes both parties feel uneasy.
JAILBREAK: When forcing a poop, several farts slip out at a machine
gun pace. This is usually a side effect of diarrhea or a hangover.
If this should happen, do not panic. Remain in the stall until
everyone has left the bathroom to spare everyone the awkwardness of
just occurred.
COURTESY FLUSH: The act of flushing the toilet the instant the poop
hits the water. This reduces the amount of air time the poop has to
stink up the bathroom. This can help you avoid being caught doing
WALK OF SHAME: Walking from the stall, to the sink, to the door
you have just stunk up the bathroom. This can be a very
moment if someone walks in and busts you. As with farts, it is best to
pretend that the smell does not exist. This can be minimized with
use of the COURTESY FLUSH.
OUT OF THE CLOSET POOPER: A colleague who poops at work and is damn
proud of it. You will often see an Out Of The Closet Pooper enter the
bathroom with a newspaper or magazine under their arm. Always look
around the office for the Out Of The Closet Pooper before entering the
SAFE HAVENS: A seldom used bathroom somewhere in the building where
you can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of
the opposite sex. This will reduce the odds of a same-sex pooper
entering your bathroom.
TURD BURGLAR: Someone who does not realize that you are in the stall
and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking
and vulnerable moments that can occur when taking a poop at work. If
this occurs, remain in the stall until the Turd Burglar leaves. This
way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.
CAMO-COUGH: A phony cough that alerts all new entrants into the
bathroom that you are in a stall. This can be used to cover-up a
WATERMELON, or to alert potential Turd Burglars. Very effective when
used in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.
ASTAIRE: A subtle toe-tap that is used to alert potential Turd
Burglars that you are occupying a stall. This will remove all doubt
that the stall is occupied. If you hear an
Astaire, leave the bathroom immediately so the pooper can poop in
WATERMELON: A poop that creates a loud splash when hitting the toilet
water. This is also an embarrassing incident. If you feel a
Watermelon coming on, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.
HAVANA OMELET: A case of diarrhea that creates a series of loud
splashes in the toilet water. Often accompanied by an Escapee. Try
using a Camo-Cough with an Astaire.
UNCLE TED: A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. Could
spend extended lengths of time in front of the mirror or sitting on the
pot. An Uncle Ted makes it difficult to
relax while on the crapper, as you should always wait to poop when the
bathroom is empty.
This benefits you as well as the other bathroom attendees.
Seems kind of funny that the Pope, is/was much less conservative than the ‘neoconwingnuts like cynicalidiot, anoninmyass,etc’ Maybe he shoud be/should have been a better roll model for the IDIOTS that are trying to ruin the once great USA
I can’t believe that you ratted me out.
Ok, I guess I can.
jpgee – idiot is spelled “j p g e e“. In fact, neoliberalfruitcake is also spelled exactly the same. And for your edification, role model is spelled exactly as shown.
dj @ 15
Ahh… Hadn’t read (or at least recalled) the previous comment.
Kinda made gave me one of those “inappropriate wonderings” about whether vegan cannibals eat PVS patients.
Mark @ 15,
Hmmm . . . you have a good start for a “tasteless” joke in there somewhere :-)
Oops. . . Mark @ 17 not 15
JPGEE: You must have shook the tree, look what fell out; post 16. They say, “treat them extremists so many ways they got to like one of them.” ;-)
When you set your clocks back tonite remember it is a by product of war that makes us do that…not farmers or crops or any crap like you were pumped up with in public school…
I haven’t heard anything lately about Letho’s study of the anomaly in Snohomish County voting — machines v. paper — anybody have anything more on that?
What a boring thread, except the jokes are funny. They must be so old even I haven’t heard them before.
Hey Dubyasux,
Who are we, your state sponsored LEFTIST entertainers? Take some personal responsibility if you find the thread so boring!
But seriously, how ’bout them 87 unopened absentee ballots that KC found in the last few weeks?
OK, here’s an item — Bush called the Pope an “inspiration.” Really?? That’s like a bank robber saying his favorite TV show is “Cops.” Last time John Paul II saw Shrub, he gave Georgieboy a well-deserved ass-chewing.
What 87 ballots?
Here’s another item. I just went to the WSRP web site to see if that’s where dj found his “87 unopened ballots” (nope), and although I didn’t find 87 unopened ballots, I did find this:
“Chelan County Superior Court Judge Judge John Bridges formally scheduled a hearing on the Rossi Re-Vote litigation for April 5th to set the timetable for further action in the case.”
Now the interesting thing about this is they’re still calling it “the Rossi Re-Vote litigation” even though Judge Bridges has ruled he lacks authority to order a revote even if Rossi somehow miraculously wins this lawsuit.
To put that in proper context, if you scroll down a little further, you’ll find a large “Re-Vote!” banner (white against red — you can’t miss it) and below that a link “To Contribute to the Re-Vote Effort, Click Here” … it would seem our friends at the WSRP are still trying to shear their flock … in case there’s still any sheep out there who haven’t gotten the word yet.
Well, I don’t feel sorry for the Republican idiots getting taken by this scam. Anybody who contributes to the “Re-Vote” campaign deserves to get fleeced, as it were.
Agreed. I cannot imagine that the Pope liked ANYTHING about Shrub. Dubya did get a big return on his ass-chewing: 52% of the Catholic vote. What’s up with that?
I just wish the legislature would hurry up and put a stop to the BIAW using L & I taxes to pay Rossi’s lawyers. Tom McCabe should go to jail for that one.
dj @ 27
Oh, that’s not hard to figure out. They don’t listen to him about birth control or abortion, either.
Scandalous! It appears there was a conspiracy by GOP-leaning election workers to keep KC ballots (which tend to favor Gregoire) from being counted! Fortunately, the unflagging efforts of Dean Loan, our champion of Truth, Justice, and the American Way, has outed these scammers!
Although it’s too late to count these votes, they definitely should go into the proportional analysis pot to offset the steadily shrinking list of errors working to Rossi’s favor, raising the bar Rhe has to jump over by a couple dozen more votes.
Poor Rossi, can’t catch a break. Things just keep getting worser and worser for him.
Don’t know how the weather is up in WA, but it is a nice day in my area. Think I will wander out and do some needed yard work. Before I do, and since this is an open thread, I will toss this out and see what direction, if any, it explodes: On Native American Tribes. I will put away my fine tipped ‘Sharpie’ and take out my blunt, broad-tipped ‘Marks-a-Lot’ in order to graffiti the points as I see them…
The Tribes are not doing enough for their local communities. While they are making gaming centers, and lining their pockets with the money from the eager “investors” they do little for the care of the majority of their tribal society. Indeed, employing the local populace in low paying jobs, while the Tribal Board members take executive-level salaries and then pass off a trifling sum to local projects, many of which do not help the large majority of poor in their midst does not seem like a responsible thing to me.
Seems to me the Tribal leadership by and large is the very same caricature of Republican fat cats that Democrats are fond of describing: They are getting rich at the expense of the poor. They have excellent political connections based on the campaign money they contribute to local, state and national candidates. Politicians will continue to actively line their war chests with that cash. They continue to ignore the local community needs in order to preserve their own power.
I think that is a broad enough. If I am correct, should something be done about it and what specifically should be done about it?
Oh, the reason I came up with this is because my wife is forcing me to go to a tribal casino tomorrow. :(
I have a few dozen ballots at my house too. They’re pretty easy to get if you live in King County and know the right people. BTW, Goldy, Chee, jpgee, Don – I found the perfect website. You’ll love it. http://sp-usa.org/. Those folks think just like we do.
Hey, if you decide you want to throw in a few more ballots, just AIM me and we can put the hurt on my copier. You know, it’s never too late to add more votes for Christine (She is a TOTAL BABE! Hubba Hubba!). In any event, there’s nothing like giving those damned republicans the good-old fashioned democrat illegal vote enema.
Walter M.
In Memoriam — Pope John Paul II — A Towering Giant of History
The Pope is dead. Long live the Pope.
marks @ 31
The tribes contribute to Democrats, so they can’t be all bad.
fvp @ 32
How about if we fire you out of a cannon in the general direction of KC Elections? Just hang on tight to them extra ballots!
Dubyasux @ 35
Are you ever planning to answer my question from the earlier thread? You sure got out of there in a hurry. Since the main questions were apparently too hard for you, here are just the “bonus” ones:
1. How much restitution is ordered each year?
2. How much of that money is so far UNPAID?
3. How much money do WA taxpayers spend each year on treating victims when criminals won’t pay restitution?
Marks @ 31 Seems to me the Tribal Leadership by and large is the very same caricature of Republican fat cats…. I don’t know a lot about the tribal leadership, but if what you say is so, they are not a caricature of Repbulican fat cats who get rich at the expense of the poor. Neither is a caricature of the other. Unfortunately.
Geez, I would like to know the answers, too. Do you know? If so, please do tell. I believe about 25% of felons end up paying restitution, but I cannot recall where I got that figure from.
Question #2 isn’t really the right question. Felons have 10 years to repay restitution, I believe, so the total amount of money at any point in time is a complex function of how many felons are paying restitution and what year of their schedule they are in.
A better question might be, “how much money is unpaid by felons who default on their restitution responsibility each year?” And, “how much money IS paid in restitution each year?” Ideally we would want to know year by year.
Mark @ 37
I did answer your question, and having already spent a considerable amount of time doing so, I’m not inclined to spend any more.
dj @ 39
A more pertinent question might be, “Do restitution laws impose unrealistic financial burdens on felons?” Most leave prison penniless, and at a serious disadvantage in the job market. How, exactly, is an ex-felon supposed to fulfill his restitution obligation if he can’t get a good paying job? Can you stop ranting long enough to come up with constructive suggestions?
Dubyasux @ 41
Hmmm. . . I was asking real questions of Mark, not ranting. In either case, I fully agree with you that this is a real catch-22 for ex-felons, who will pay for their crime long after their official punishment ends—many for the rest of their lives in lost economic opportunity. The problems are made worse by the high interest rates and unequal application. If one goes by the philosophy that restitution should be used to compensate for damages, not as an additional type of punishment, then the solution is simple: restore voting rights after completion of the sentence, and treat restitution like any other financial debt. My guess is that successful repayment rates would go up if didn’t keep ex-felons perpetually demoralized by excluding them from voting sentence completion.
Take 2 on that last sentence:
My guess is that successful repayment rates would go up if we didn’t keep ex-felons perpetually demoralized by excluding them from voting after sentence completion.
marks@31. While I do not have a pulse of all the the Indian casinos and their inner workings, I do have close contact with one tribe in Washington. They have by far the most plush casino. I have been close with the leaders since I was young and know they came up the hard way, fishing and barely living at a meager level. Now, since they have risen they deserve the money they make and wages they get. They work hard, put their own to work and donate enormous amount of money to their local community. They are proud people with a deep-rooted sense of nature, their spiritual philosophy has been kept alive and handed down from generation to generation. They are a joy to be around, much to learn from the wise elders. History, portrays the Indians as the scalpers, paints a one sided picture where white man was kind and innocent of any wrong doing towards Indians. White man writes and speaks with forked tongue. None the less, today’s Native Americans are cultured and doing fine art and fine things. May they prosper. No skin off me no matter how rich they get. They have new homes built where what used to be unpainted shacks on the reservation. Today their children are dressed well instead of running barefoot and bare of clothing. They have came a long way, and I have watched their climb.
Lyle Lanley: Well, sir, there’s nothing on earth
Like a genuine,
Bona fide,
What’d I say?
Ned Flanders: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: What’s it called?
Patty+Selma: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: That’s right! Monorail!
[crowd chants `Monorail’ softly and rhythmically]
Miss Hoover: I hear those things are awfully loud…
Lyle Lanley: It glides as softly as a cloud.
Apu: Is there a chance the track could bend?
Lyle Lanley: Not on your life, my Hindu friend.
Barney: What about us brain-dead slobs?
Lyle Lanley: You’ll be given cushy jobs.
Abe: Were you sent here by the devil?
Lyle Lanley: No, good sir, I’m on the level.
Wiggum: The ring came off my pudding can.
Lyle Lanley: Take my pen knife, my good man.
I swear it’s Springfield’s only choice…
Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
All: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: What’s it called?
All: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: Once again…
All: Monorail!
Marge: But Main Street’s still all cracked and broken…
Bart: Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!
All: Monorail!
[big finish]
Homer: Mono… D’oh!
Bravo Aaron, and timely. The news today is that the viaduct has sunk another .25″.
Yes but look where GW is now and look what happened to the pope…I heard the last thing he heard was Bush saying goodnite….
RE; HB1721 (Allowing tribes to keep a portion of sales taxes)
I find it troubling that elected officials are coming out in favor of giving sales tax revenue to the Tulalip tribe because of the improvements they’ve made building Quil Ceda Village near Marysville. The point that the Tulalip tribe support charities or are valued members of the community are not valid reasons to consider passing HB1721 into law.
They make the case that they invested 45 million in the infrastructure which included building roads, water and sewer system to make Quil Ceda Village viable and therefore
should be entitled to a portion of the local sales tax revenue because of this.
If this was the developers of Southcenter, Northgate, Auburn Super Mall or countless other major mall developers across the state who paid tens of millions to develop, build and maintain a major mall and they came asking for a portion of the sales tax what would their reception be in Olympia?
The Tulalip tribe, like every other mall developer/owner gets lease/rent payments from
Walmart, Home Depot and other tenants of their mall and factored into these payments the Tulalip tribe receives is the costs to develop and maintain the property in and around Quil Ceda Village and enough extra to provide a profit based on the Tulalip tribes investment. Just like every other developer would do when deciding how much to charge businesses for the space.
This is a bad precedent setting idea that could greatly affect the taxing authority of cities and counties all around the state and to be fair how can the state give a tax rebate to the Tulalip tribe and not give this same rebate to every other developer and tribe who invests 45 million dollars or more in a project.
At a time when our state is scrambling for new revenue to fill the large budget gap I find it ironic that many members of the House already voted to possibly set the precedent to now give millions to every tribe in the state of Washington which can claim similar circumstances since many tribes have agreements with the state that gives each tribe the same benefits that any other tribe gets. (See map below)
We already rebate all the gas taxes to many tribes even though their members drive the same exact roads and freeways we do. We allow tribes to keep the majority of all cigarette taxes even when non tribal members buy them rather than address the issue of illegal cigarette sales or the illegal importing of untaxed cigarettes. We ask nothing from the Tulalip tribe or any other tribe for that matter even though tribal casinos generate almost 1 billion a year yet some in Olympia want to squeeze mini casino owners into paying 21.5% taxes as a fair way to generate new revenue knowing it will close down many of them. Shame on you!
At a time of increasing needs some in Olympia seem to be forfeiting the states right to collect taxes that are for everyone’s benefit only to the benefit of a select few. The Tulalip tribe, like every other tribe deserves to be treated and respected as any other entity is treated in this state, no more, no less.
Sadly, Terri Schiavo’s death looks to me like the perfect crime. He was mean to her with impunity for so many years at the hospice (no sunlight, no going outside, no visits from other patients, not even a towel in her hand to keep her fingers from over-curling) and got court permission to kill her with the whole world watching. It was beyond strange.
In Memoriam – Pope John Paul II – A Towering Giant of History
The Pope is dead. Long live the Pope. -Comment by Dubyasux— 4/2/05 @ 12:49 pm
I’m going to accept this was offered in the spirit of respect and sincerity.
Pope John Paul was a holy man, not the titular head of a nation who ascends the throne by no other reason than the happy accident of a royal birth.
As Catholics, we believe that John Paul was chosen by and through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, as were those who preceded him and as will be his successor.
People around the globe have noted and are saddened that the world now has one less honorable and lovely man.
We, as Catholics, are grieving with broken hearts over the loss of the Spiritual Leader of our faith and our Holy Father here on Earth. We loved and respected him as our Holy Father in the same way we love and respect our earthly parental fathers and as we do our Eternal Heavenly Father. It’s hard to reconcile our mourning and our sadness with our jubilation of the most joyous of our liturgical seasons, Easter.
We will miss him.
Miserere nobis. Donna nobis pacem.
Democrats: Voter Felons, National Socialists, and Commies………See Chicago, NYC, Detroit, Harare, Zimbabwe, and King County. Any election controlled by Democrat employees can be considered fixed and crooked. Solution: make voter fraud a capital offense. After a few dozen hangings, many of these commie lib Democrats will quit cheating. [At least the dead ones will!]
dj @ 42
My bad. I thought that was Mark. I apologize (to you, not him).
dj @ 43
My guess is repayment rates would go up if restitution was set at levels offenders can actually pay, and voting would go down drastically if we disenfranchised everyone else who can’t pay their debts either.
Cheesy Chuckie @ 46
Leave it to you to say something utterly tasteless AFTER the Pope has died. Is it too much to ask that you show a little respect on this, of all days?
Cheryl @ 48
It absolutely was offered in a spirit of utmost respect and deep sincerity, Cheryl. John Paul II was not only the head of his Church, but an inspiring leader for the entire world. You didn’t have to be Catholic (I’m not) to be one of his children. He belonged to all of us, and we all belonged to him, and now he belongs to God.
Tell me what did the pope do? Did he prevent ant war? Did he save any life destined to die? Did he spare Terri”s life? Did he condemn her “husband” to hell? WHAT DID THIS GUY DO BESIDES BREATHE and spend money travaling around?
JCH @ 51
So you’re not accusing dead Democrats of voting anymore? What changed your mind?
Chuck @ 56
Get help for your anger problem. Counseling works.
chuckie as usual, your comments do not deserve a reply. You have absolutely no class or integrity.
Isn’t it amazing?
To be a liberal, you must only be against something.
You need only rally with sloganism and shallow pretenses.
No need for thoughtful discussion.
No need for rational consideration.
Just rant, rave, and be against something.
That alone is enough.
DubyaRocksKerrysAFruitCake @ 60, then you should absolutely be the finest example of a ‘liberal’ Because all you do under each and every nick you use is cut and paste your egotistical parties daily diatribe. Get a life, wus
Chuck @ wherever you are
I was raised a catholic. I have since walked away from that for personal reasons. I now do not consider myself a religious person, but after reading post # 56, I DO consider you an asshole.
the HONORABLE T.Delay is quoted in Spanish as saying ““Quiero que veamos con más detalle a los jueces y los tribunales arrogantes, fuera de control e irresponsables que se burlaron del Congreso y del presidente”, dijo DeLay.
El representante demócrata Frank Lautenberg, de Nueva Jersey, opinó tras conocer la declaración de su colega republicano que quizá DeLay haya violado varias leyes con estas amenazas a los jueces federales.
In English he says, “now we see with more detail how the judges and the arrogant courts, out of control and irresponsible laugh at the congress and the President (TEXAS TACO #1)
Frank Lautenberg, NJ opinions after understanding Delay’s declartaions that perhaps Delay has violated various laws with his threats against the federal judges”
Nothing abnormal here, texas taco’s 1&2 trying to get whatever they want in what ever means they can, with no regard for the citizens of the USA. God help us if these idiots (must be Cynnicals family) steal another 4 years. Imagine a beautiful and courageous country we will have with the ilk like First as our next President. Absolutely, GOD HELP US!!!!
Dave @ 48
The difference is that tribes are governments, not private property owners. It’s far more analogous to compare the Tulalip Tribe to a county or city than it is to compare it to a developer or mall owner.
You misunderstand what I am trying to articulate, Im not saying the pope is a bad guy, I am simply saying he has really done no more than anyone else that lived a decent life and died…although they dont get world recognition. AND Diggindude…you seemed very critical of Terri’s lifestyle, best as I remember…
JCH @ 51
Once again filling space without regard for facts. If New York is a poster child for Democratic vote fraud, why have the past two Mayors and the current governor been Republican?
Don’t confuse me with the facts, I guess.
dubyasux@64. They also do not let their Vegas investors run the show even when those backers keep on trying to. The leader of the tribe and tribal heads still keep a firm grip on controls and how things are ran.
How was I critical of the lifestyle of terri schiavo?
The pope is a symbol. Try reading a little about him, before you post. This will give you a point of view. possibly.
Also, chuck, did you really mean you are trying to “articulate”?
Do you mean you are attempting to twist?
Right Diggindude…..chuckies new nick should be ‘chuckie the pretzel’, no matter what is said, lil chuckie the pretzel can twist it again. It won’t make any sense, it will look very stupid….but then again, that is like a photo of him.
You still havent mentioned what he did beyond many others, being a symbol is BS in some interpretations of scripture the pope system is what leads us to the antichrist. According to some interpretations the papal system itself is evil…so what did he do?
If you can google for rumors, you can google for facts.
Nice piece, but a childhood guy I was honored enough to meet as a boy thru teen, was Mr. Landaker, he was a man who having no kids himself, adopted the entire neighborhood took them swimming and other activities. Was an honorable man with no ill intentions whatsoever.
He in my opinion was at least as honorable as the pope, when he died the line in the obits was all he got. The pope is no better…in my opinion, had Mr. Landaker had the monies available to the pope, let me assure you a lot more good would have been done!
ya chuck, well your opinion probably means very little to normal people.
It may suprise you how normal I am…
Dave @ 48
If Quil Ceda Village was on private land in unincorporated SnoCo, Marysville would be fighting tooth and nail to annex it so they could get the sales tax revenue. In this case, it is on tribal land, the Tulalips through their own “sweat equity” developed it, and they want to incorporate to realize a bigger return on this risky investment that they undertook.
I say more power to ’em on this. The developments the Tulalips are undertaking are the best thing that has happened for the tribe in our lifetimes. It’s spiteful to subject them to so much criticism for wanting to do what any city government would do. You guys that are agianst the tribes are forgetting that the tribal members can vote the current administration out if the money is not spent to the benefit of all the tribal members.
FYI, I happen to know that the developers of SuperMall had to pay between $10 and $15 million to WSDOT for “traffic mitigation” on 167. They subsequently lost the property including their entire investment in it by foreclosure because the mall was not a financial success, partly because of this extra cost. That is the type of risk that developers take when they spend big bucks on “off site improvements” or “traffic mitigation”. The Tulalips have spent big bucks on “off site improvements” for their developmeent and to deny them the right that any city has to capture the sales tax revenue from thos edevelopments is just plain wrong.
chuckie pretzel boy @ 75, nothing would surprise me of an inarticulate, self centered ‘ilk’ like you. OOPS, maybe the only thing would be if I found out you were in cahoots with Mrs. C, because Mr. C cannot get it up anymore (not even with his viagra generics)
K,..milwaukee, Chacago, and King County. About the same election comfidence as Harare, Zimbabwe. Democrats: Voter felons. Exterminate them!
Chuck@73. What you see, many also see. Idolatry; excess devotion to or reverance for some person or thing. Idol status, celebrity status and icon status is a high profile image. Pope John Paul 2nd has been worshiped with excess devotion and reverance. I view it as being way too steeped in idolotry and monarchy tradition. The Holy Father flooding and clogging the media and the robed cardinals with tall glorious chimmny sweep hats passing in review are a bit much. The royal family in England could use a bit of toning down and modernization also. I call it what it has become, worshiping IDOLS.
Your argument requires evidence. Evidence, the pope is assuming this role, as replacement god. Should tradition be scrapped, to accomodate flavor of the moment worship?
As for idol worship, Do you carry pictures of your kids?
Your wife? Are you being unfaithful to your family by doing this?
We hold symbols close to feel some connection to what they represent.
I dont see the pope as replacing god, rather as a reminder to what god means
Chuck@66. Your point is what makes John Pope holier than all others who have done good and been a good person. Answer: The Catholic Doctrine. The exalting practices of church deified the Pope, the practice of idolizing, adoring and holding him up in high honor. I do think there are many other people on earth who are as good people and do good that deserves the same recognition and great devotion, but they go unnoticed and neglected. It is the PIOUS nature of things that has made for the bowing down to one mere human being and ignoring another. It is far from Holy but more of a sacrilege, where one appropriates to the Pope what is consecrated to God. What is wrong is the bell does not toll for all.
diggindude@79. People worship ministers too, does not make it right since they too have feet of clay. I am not at all suggesting stretching the rubber-band or the imagination further than can be seen. I say worshiping the Pope has gone far beyond the purpose. We are a reminder of what God means! Not just the Pope.
diggindude: Not much for pictures in my wallet nor do I worship anyone. I do have great love for collective beings such as unity of family, friends and others of good energy. Holy Wars will always be fought over beliefs that can not produce an ounce of evidence. These beliefs exist and endure over time even without a shred of evidance as long as they continue to serve mankind; based on tradition and threads of hope.
diggindude@79. You said: “We hold symbols close to feel some connection to what they represent.” Chasity belts were once a tradition too. Webster says, in the Middle Ages, woman had to wear these belt-like devices to prevent sexual intercourse during the absense of their husbands. We tossed out this ancient tradition, finding it connected a bit too close to the bone for modern times. :-)
Please, actually attempt to learn something about the Catholic faith before you blithely accuse us of idolatry.
It seems pretty clear that the issue you have tried so hard not to name is that you resent, perhaps even hate, people of faith and Catholics in particular and our grief at the loss of this holy man simply rankles you. The answer for that is to turn off your TV. If you don’t like the way we honor our dead, don’t watch.
Had you substituted the word ‘homosexual’ or ‘African American’ or any other “protected” minority group, you’d be soundly denounced by your pals as racist, and yet somehow you manage to see nothing wrong with insulting the faith, the leader and the traditions of 1 billion 750 million+ Catholics.
I dont recall anyone worshiping a chastity belt, but there are many religions, I may have missed that one.
Religion itself, has little evidence, but that is the problem of those that believe, not me. I am far from defending religion.
What this started as, was a criticism to chuck suggesting the pope was no better, and deserved no more, than the average guy on the street.
I cant defend religion, I have nothing to defend it with.
What I do defend, Is the respect the pope should receive for devoting his life to honor god.
And even if you don’t believe in this,(which I dont), some respect for those that do, on their most grievous day, is at the very least, polite.
I have never seen anyone worshiping a minister.
I really dont believe anyone worships the pope. I believe they honor god through the pope, as he is the messenger of god to them. I really dont want to argue about religion, just think we should show a little respect to those that feel they have lost so much.
Thank you Dude.
One favor though…
Out of respect for those that do have a belief, please remember to capitalize God… just as you have a name, that is His.
Chery@87. “perhaps even hate.” Jumping to conclusions, resenting and rankling; no, not you. :-) Nothing was said about hating or resenting Catholics, the Pope or anyone. For your limited information , I had my children baptized Catholic and am not unlearned about Catholic faith or any other faith for that matter. Don’t get so rankled.
diggindude@86. People can mourn over whomever they chose to and as long as they care to, my views do not limit them. Whom I mourn or do not mourn is personal. I do not ask others to do as I do. The sacred word respect goes a long way, it applies to respecting all people across the board and world, not just in death but more-so in life. That was what Chuck was trying to get across. We can turn our TV off or on. I think people are more obsessed with death than life. There are people who treat people with a life without respect, then they act respectfull, mourn at their funeral. Humans are a funny mixture.
cheryl@87. “Out of respect for those who do have a belief.” First, start practicing what you preach, respect ALL other beliefs. If diggindude doesn’t use a CAPITAL where you think he should, in your narrow micro-cosmos he is being disrespectful of your faith? Please!
Yes, I thank you for looking at the point I was attempting to make instead of trying to read crap into it.
Cheryl. Hold your breath till a woman Pope comes along. We ahev yet to see a woman elected U.S. president. Finally got alter-girls after eons of alter-boys. You address GOD as a “HIS.” GOD is a spirit-form, has no gender. Male scribes created GOD in “HIS” image. GOD created men and woman in GOD’s image.
Dubyasux @ 40
No, you have never answered those questions. You have rambled on about all kinds of things, but never directly answered those questions.
Dubyasux @ 41
The solution is to make the penalty for crime sufficient enough to deter people from committing crime. If you can’t do the time (or pay the penalty), don’t do the crime. Or is it that you feel that crime is “merely the self-expression of the disconnectedness that some disenfranchised people feel from the rest of the world?”
Dubyasuxsux @ 53
Ohh… Them poor, poor criminals. They might actually have to pay for the medical care of their victims. Poor, poor criminals. As far as I’m concerned, they can bust rocks on a chain gang for $1.50 per hour until they’ve paid for the old lady’s medical treatment. There’s a job.
chuck@91. Think they will be counting rosary beads and saying Hail Marys for us if we passed on? :-)
Chuck@95. Queen Mother had announced she refused to attend King Charlie’s wedding. Now, even Charlie won’t be appearing on his wedding date. His wedding to Camilla Parker Bowles was moved to Saturday so that it doesn’t conflict with the funeral for Pope John Paul II. By the looks of things, the stanch old Queen is taking a stand, set in her ways and showing no respect to Ms. Camilla and letting the world know it. Maybe people can start beating up the Quenn Mother for lack of respect. Will take the heat off you. :-)
sorry, if i capitalize the g in god, that would show some relevance to the effect god has affected me. So in effect, i’m showing i’m not personally affected. I do respect your right to be though.
The time to act is now. Perhaps it’s already too late.
Your blog hss become inhabited by thoughtless indoctrinated tools. And weird ones at that. See for example post 77. What liberal fruitcake pansy focuses on another man’s wood? Friggin sicko. And then there’s the religion hating crowd coming in right after that. Erudite political discourse? Strongly held liberal values? Resounding principles that shape a lifetime? I’m afraid to bend over in this den of vipers. Your blog has really gone downhill.
zapporo @98,
You will notice, that I don’t generally participate in the open threads… it doesn’t surprise me when people shit in their own sandbox. I look at this thread as a kind of release from the slightly less invective-filled threads.
[Why Democrats must be exterminated!] WASHINGTON – The votes of at least 1 in 4 U.S. soldiers and overseas voters in last fall’s election never were counted. That’s the conclusion of a recent report by the National Defense Committee, a private, pro-military organization that surveyed local election offices across the country about the number of absentee votes cast and counted in the Nov. 3 election.
Another comment for Goldy, many blogs/logs that I use have a system where posts not previously read show up with a ‘red’ comment number next to them. That would be greatly appreciated by me atleast, so that I can view the new comments and not go through some of the previously read posts. Just a comment. All the best, and you would make a good ‘radio show host’ IMHO
I borrowed this from another post, But i liked it so much, I had to share it.
Seems fitting, with the findings this last week, that there were no wmd’s in Iraq, since the ones we sold to sadaam were destroyed.
Here are a list of quotes that deal with the Bush administrations claims that Iraq possesed WMD’s. I’m not sure exactly wich agencies gave him the information that they base their quotes on, I would imagine the CIA was the main one.
Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
– Dick Cheney, speech to VFW National Convention, Aug. 26, 2002
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.
– George W. Bush, speech to UN General Assembly, Sept. 12, 2002
No terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people and the stability of the world than the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
– Donald Rumsfeld, testimony to Congress, Sept. 19, 2002
The world is also uniting to answer the unique and urgent threat posed by Iraq.
– George W. Bush, Nov. 23, 2002
If he declares he has none, then we will know that Saddam Hussein is once again misleading the world.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, Dec. 2, 2002
We know for a fact that there are weapons there.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, Jan. 9, 2003
What we know from UN inspectors over the course of the last decade is that Saddam Hussein possesses thousands of chemical warheads, that he possesses hundreds of liters of very dangerous toxins that can kill millions of people.
– White House spokesman Dan Bartlett, CNN interview, Jan. 26, 2003
Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard, and VX nerve agent…. The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.
– George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, Jan. 28, 2003
We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.
– Colin Powell, remarks to UN Security Council, Feb. 5, 2003
We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons – the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.
– George W. Bush, radio address, Feb. 8, 2003
If Iraq had disarmed itself, gotten rid of its weapons of mass destruction over the past 12 years, or over the last several months since [UN Resolution] 1441 was enacted, we would not be facing the crisis that we now have before us.
– Colin Powell, interview with Radio France International, Feb. 28, 2003
So has the strategic decision been made to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction by the leadership in Baghdad?….I think our judgment has to be clearly not.
– Colin Powell, remarks to UN Security Council, March 7, 2003
Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
– George W. Bush, address to the U.S., March 17, 2003
The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder.
– George W. Bush, address to U.S., March 19, 2003
Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly…..All this will be made clear in the course of the operation, for whatever duration it takes.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleisher, press briefing, March 21, 2003
There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. And….as this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.
– Gen. Tommy Franks, press conference, March 22, 2003
I have no doubt we’re going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction.
– Defense Policy Board member Kenneth Adelman, The Washington Post, March 23, 2003
One of our top objectives is to find and destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.
– Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clark, press briefing, March 22, 2003
We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat.
– Donald Rumsfeld, ABC interview, March 30, 2003
Obviously the administration intends to publicize all the weapons of mass destruction U.S. forces find – and there will be plenty.
– Robert Kagan, The Washington Post, April 9, 2003
But make no mistake – as I said earlier – we have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about. And we have high confidence it will be found.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, April 10, 2003
We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.
– George W. Bush, NBC interview, April 24, 2003
There are people who in large measure have information that we need….so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country.
– Donald Rumsfeld, press briefing, April 25, 2003
We’ll find them. It’ll be a matter of time to do so.
– George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, May 3, 2003
I’m absolutely sure that there are weapons of mass destruction there and the evidence will be forthcoming. We’re just getting it just now.
– Colin Powell, remarks to reporters, May 4, 2003
I’m not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein – because he had a weapons program.
– George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, May 6, 2003
We said what we said because we meant it…..We continue to have confidence that WMD will be found.
– White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, press briefing, May 7, 2003
Before the war, there’s no doubt in my mind that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical. I expected them to be found. I still expect them to be found.
– Gen. Michael Hagee, Commandant of the Marine Corps, interview with reporters, May 21, 2003
Given time, given the number of prisoners now that we’re interrogating, I’m confident that we’re going to find weapons of mass destruction.
– Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, NBC Today Show interview, May 26, 2003
Do I think we’re going to find something? Yeah, I kind of do, because I think there’s a lot of information out there.”
– Maj. Gen. Keith Dayton, Defense Intelligence Agency, press conference, May 30, 2003
You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons….They’re illegal. They’re against the United Nations resolutions, and we’ve so far discovered two [the labs were later judged to not contain any such weapons, that they most likely were used for weather balloons]. And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on, But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong. We found them.
– George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, May 31, 2003
When I hear back from the person I got the list from, i’ll post his name if he’ll let me.
If people go with the substantive discussion, more power to them.
For me, I’ll offer my over/under on the M’s win total. Without doing a lick of research on the new team and their competition, I’ll go with 84 (In that case, maybe it’s more appropriate for (u)SP).
Ugh. And I used to put time into these things before pulling numbers out of my butt. Now I just go straight to the number…
(Note: I haven’t followed the previous open threads, so if this has been covered, please disregard.)
I can see Diggindude that you are against the troops.
How unpatriotic of you.
What ever happened to the Republicans culture of personal responsibility? The failure to find WMD is being blamed on intelligence gathering agencies. Sheesh! In the end, it was Bush and his inner circle that made the call to go to war.
Clinton had the same (sucky) intelligence information. The difference was, he didn’t charge into Iraq like Don Quixote.
The U.N. Inspectors were in Iraq, and they knew there were no WMD. This high quality data didn’t match what the Bushies wanted to find. Yep. . . Shrub will get his day in The Hague.
Against them being wasted. Very true.
But on a lighter note:
It’s a first grade classroom and the teacher notices a little boy
in the back of the class who keeps reaching down and rubbing or
scratching his little privates.
She goes back and whispers to him, asking what he’s doing… The
little boy explains that he was circumcised the previous day and that
his wiener is irritated and bothering him something fierce. The
teacher tells him to call his Mom and maybe have her pick him up and
take him home until it gets better.
The little boy leaves the class to call his Mom and when he returns the
teacher is mortified to look down and see his zipper down and his
little tallywhacker poking out… Shocked, she rushes back to him and
asks just what he thinks he’s doing?
“Well,” he said, “I called Mom like you told me to and
she said that if I could just stick it out until lunchtime, she would
come and pick me up!!!”
A guy is driving around and he sees a sign in front of a house:
“Talking Dog For Sale.”
He rings the bell, and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard.
The guy goes into the backyard and sees a Labrador retriever sitting
there “You talk?” he asks.
“Yep,” the Lab replies. “So, what’s your story?” The Lab looks up and
“Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young, and I
wanted to help the government;
so I told the CIA about my gift, and in no time at all they had me
jetting from country to country,
sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a
dog would be eavesdropping.
I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running.
“But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting
any younger so I wanted to settle down.
I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security
mostly wandering near suspicious characters and listening in.
I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals.
I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.” The
guy is amazed.
He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. “Ten
dollars.” The guy says,
“This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?”
“Because he’s a liar. He didn’t do any of that shit.”
For those who hate pooping at work, following is the survival guide for
taking a Poop Dump at the office.
CROP DUSTING: When farting, you walk really fast
around the office so the smell is not in your area and everyone else
a whiff but doesn’t know where it came from. Be careful when you do
this. Do not stop until the full fart has been expelled. Walk an
extra 30 feet to make sure the smell has left your pants.
FLY BY: The act of scouting out a bathroom before
pooping. Walk in and check for other poopers. If there are others
in the bathroom, leave and come back again. Be careful not to
become a FREQUENT FLYER. People may become suspicious if they catch
constantly going into the bathroom.
ESCAPEE: A fart that slips out while taking a leak at the urinal or
forcing a poop in a stall. This is usually accompanied by a sudden
wave of embarrassment. If you release an escapee, do not acknowledge
it. Pretend it did not happen. If you are standing next to the
farter in the urinal, pretend you did not hear it. No one likes an
escapee. It is uncomfortable for all involved. Making a joke or
laughing makes both parties feel uneasy.
JAILBREAK: When forcing a poop, several farts slip out at a machine
gun pace. This is usually a side effect of diarrhea or a hangover.
If this should happen, do not panic. Remain in the stall until
everyone has left the bathroom to spare everyone the awkwardness of
just occurred.
COURTESY FLUSH: The act of flushing the toilet the instant the poop
hits the water. This reduces the amount of air time the poop has to
stink up the bathroom. This can help you avoid being caught doing
WALK OF SHAME: Walking from the stall, to the sink, to the door
you have just stunk up the bathroom. This can be a very
moment if someone walks in and busts you. As with farts, it is best to
pretend that the smell does not exist. This can be minimized with
use of the COURTESY FLUSH.
OUT OF THE CLOSET POOPER: A colleague who poops at work and is damn
proud of it. You will often see an Out Of The Closet Pooper enter the
bathroom with a newspaper or magazine under their arm. Always look
around the office for the Out Of The Closet Pooper before entering the
SAFE HAVENS: A seldom used bathroom somewhere in the building where
you can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of
the opposite sex. This will reduce the odds of a same-sex pooper
entering your bathroom.
TURD BURGLAR: Someone who does not realize that you are in the stall
and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking
and vulnerable moments that can occur when taking a poop at work. If
this occurs, remain in the stall until the Turd Burglar leaves. This
way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.
CAMO-COUGH: A phony cough that alerts all new entrants into the
bathroom that you are in a stall. This can be used to cover-up a
WATERMELON, or to alert potential Turd Burglars. Very effective when
used in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.
ASTAIRE: A subtle toe-tap that is used to alert potential Turd
Burglars that you are occupying a stall. This will remove all doubt
that the stall is occupied. If you hear an
Astaire, leave the bathroom immediately so the pooper can poop in
WATERMELON: A poop that creates a loud splash when hitting the toilet
water. This is also an embarrassing incident. If you feel a
Watermelon coming on, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.
HAVANA OMELET: A case of diarrhea that creates a series of loud
splashes in the toilet water. Often accompanied by an Escapee. Try
using a Camo-Cough with an Astaire.
UNCLE TED: A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. Could
spend extended lengths of time in front of the mirror or sitting on the
pot. An Uncle Ted makes it difficult to
relax while on the crapper, as you should always wait to poop when the
bathroom is empty.
This benefits you as well as the other bathroom attendees.
Wow! A month old open thread, and it has less than a dozen posts to it. You’re slipping, Goldy.
Rick @8,
Yeah, yeah… just came back from cooking dinner for 300 people at my daughter’s school. So I was a little bleary-eyed. Fixed the headline.
Kind of strange…Terri gets murdered…Poultry Magnate Frank Perdue Dies….I am a vegan, but that speakes volumes….
DJ @ 10
Not sure what connection you’re trying to make. Perdue sold animals for consumption… and this relates to Terri how?
Just curious… Are you a vegan for taste reasons, health reasons or moral reasons?
diggindude@1: I suppose they will all repent in leisure as Jane Fonda did.
Mark@11. You passed over that nicely.
Seems kind of funny that the Pope, is/was much less conservative than the ‘neoconwingnuts like cynicalidiot, anoninmyass,etc’ Maybe he shoud be/should have been a better roll model for the IDIOTS that are trying to ruin the once great USA
Mark @ 11
It was complete nonsense. See http://www.horsesass.org/my-co.....ment-19907
I can’t believe that you ratted me out.
Ok, I guess I can.
jpgee – idiot is spelled “j p g e e“. In fact, neoliberalfruitcake is also spelled exactly the same. And for your edification, role model is spelled exactly as shown.
dj @ 15
Ahh… Hadn’t read (or at least recalled) the previous comment.
Kinda made gave me one of those “inappropriate wonderings” about whether vegan cannibals eat PVS patients.
Mark @ 15,
Hmmm . . . you have a good start for a “tasteless” joke in there somewhere :-)
Oops. . . Mark @ 17 not 15
JPGEE: You must have shook the tree, look what fell out; post 16. They say, “treat them extremists so many ways they got to like one of them.” ;-)
When you set your clocks back tonite remember it is a by product of war that makes us do that…not farmers or crops or any crap like you were pumped up with in public school…
I haven’t heard anything lately about Letho’s study of the anomaly in Snohomish County voting — machines v. paper — anybody have anything more on that?
What a boring thread, except the jokes are funny. They must be so old even I haven’t heard them before.
Hey Dubyasux,
Who are we, your state sponsored LEFTIST entertainers? Take some personal responsibility if you find the thread so boring!
But seriously, how ’bout them 87 unopened absentee ballots that KC found in the last few weeks?
OK, here’s an item — Bush called the Pope an “inspiration.” Really?? That’s like a bank robber saying his favorite TV show is “Cops.” Last time John Paul II saw Shrub, he gave Georgieboy a well-deserved ass-chewing.
What 87 ballots?
Here’s another item. I just went to the WSRP web site to see if that’s where dj found his “87 unopened ballots” (nope), and although I didn’t find 87 unopened ballots, I did find this:
“Chelan County Superior Court Judge Judge John Bridges formally scheduled a hearing on the Rossi Re-Vote litigation for April 5th to set the timetable for further action in the case.”
Now the interesting thing about this is they’re still calling it “the Rossi Re-Vote litigation” even though Judge Bridges has ruled he lacks authority to order a revote even if Rossi somehow miraculously wins this lawsuit.
To put that in proper context, if you scroll down a little further, you’ll find a large “Re-Vote!” banner (white against red — you can’t miss it) and below that a link “To Contribute to the Re-Vote Effort, Click Here” … it would seem our friends at the WSRP are still trying to shear their flock … in case there’s still any sheep out there who haven’t gotten the word yet.
Well, I don’t feel sorry for the Republican idiots getting taken by this scam. Anybody who contributes to the “Re-Vote” campaign deserves to get fleeced, as it were.
Agreed. I cannot imagine that the Pope liked ANYTHING about Shrub. Dubya did get a big return on his ass-chewing: 52% of the Catholic vote. What’s up with that?
87 ballots: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ts02m.html
I just wish the legislature would hurry up and put a stop to the BIAW using L & I taxes to pay Rossi’s lawyers. Tom McCabe should go to jail for that one.
dj @ 27
Oh, that’s not hard to figure out. They don’t listen to him about birth control or abortion, either.
Scandalous! It appears there was a conspiracy by GOP-leaning election workers to keep KC ballots (which tend to favor Gregoire) from being counted! Fortunately, the unflagging efforts of Dean Loan, our champion of Truth, Justice, and the American Way, has outed these scammers!
Although it’s too late to count these votes, they definitely should go into the proportional analysis pot to offset the steadily shrinking list of errors working to Rossi’s favor, raising the bar Rhe has to jump over by a couple dozen more votes.
Poor Rossi, can’t catch a break. Things just keep getting worser and worser for him.
Don’t know how the weather is up in WA, but it is a nice day in my area. Think I will wander out and do some needed yard work. Before I do, and since this is an open thread, I will toss this out and see what direction, if any, it explodes: On Native American Tribes. I will put away my fine tipped ‘Sharpie’ and take out my blunt, broad-tipped ‘Marks-a-Lot’ in order to graffiti the points as I see them…
The Tribes are not doing enough for their local communities. While they are making gaming centers, and lining their pockets with the money from the eager “investors” they do little for the care of the majority of their tribal society. Indeed, employing the local populace in low paying jobs, while the Tribal Board members take executive-level salaries and then pass off a trifling sum to local projects, many of which do not help the large majority of poor in their midst does not seem like a responsible thing to me.
Seems to me the Tribal leadership by and large is the very same caricature of Republican fat cats that Democrats are fond of describing: They are getting rich at the expense of the poor. They have excellent political connections based on the campaign money they contribute to local, state and national candidates. Politicians will continue to actively line their war chests with that cash. They continue to ignore the local community needs in order to preserve their own power.
I think that is a broad enough. If I am correct, should something be done about it and what specifically should be done about it?
Oh, the reason I came up with this is because my wife is forcing me to go to a tribal casino tomorrow. :(
I have a few dozen ballots at my house too. They’re pretty easy to get if you live in King County and know the right people. BTW, Goldy, Chee, jpgee, Don – I found the perfect website. You’ll love it. http://sp-usa.org/. Those folks think just like we do.
Hey, if you decide you want to throw in a few more ballots, just AIM me and we can put the hurt on my copier. You know, it’s never too late to add more votes for Christine (She is a TOTAL BABE! Hubba Hubba!). In any event, there’s nothing like giving those damned republicans the good-old fashioned democrat illegal vote enema.
Walter M.
In Memoriam — Pope John Paul II — A Towering Giant of History
The Pope is dead. Long live the Pope.
marks @ 31
The tribes contribute to Democrats, so they can’t be all bad.
fvp @ 32
How about if we fire you out of a cannon in the general direction of KC Elections? Just hang on tight to them extra ballots!
Dubyasux @ 35
Are you ever planning to answer my question from the earlier thread? You sure got out of there in a hurry. Since the main questions were apparently too hard for you, here are just the “bonus” ones:
1. How much restitution is ordered each year?
2. How much of that money is so far UNPAID?
3. How much money do WA taxpayers spend each year on treating victims when criminals won’t pay restitution?
Marks @ 31 Seems to me the Tribal Leadership by and large is the very same caricature of Republican fat cats…. I don’t know a lot about the tribal leadership, but if what you say is so, they are not a caricature of Repbulican fat cats who get rich at the expense of the poor. Neither is a caricature of the other. Unfortunately.
Geez, I would like to know the answers, too. Do you know? If so, please do tell. I believe about 25% of felons end up paying restitution, but I cannot recall where I got that figure from.
Question #2 isn’t really the right question. Felons have 10 years to repay restitution, I believe, so the total amount of money at any point in time is a complex function of how many felons are paying restitution and what year of their schedule they are in.
A better question might be, “how much money is unpaid by felons who default on their restitution responsibility each year?” And, “how much money IS paid in restitution each year?” Ideally we would want to know year by year.
Mark @ 37
I did answer your question, and having already spent a considerable amount of time doing so, I’m not inclined to spend any more.
dj @ 39
A more pertinent question might be, “Do restitution laws impose unrealistic financial burdens on felons?” Most leave prison penniless, and at a serious disadvantage in the job market. How, exactly, is an ex-felon supposed to fulfill his restitution obligation if he can’t get a good paying job? Can you stop ranting long enough to come up with constructive suggestions?
Dubyasux @ 41
Hmmm. . . I was asking real questions of Mark, not ranting. In either case, I fully agree with you that this is a real catch-22 for ex-felons, who will pay for their crime long after their official punishment ends—many for the rest of their lives in lost economic opportunity. The problems are made worse by the high interest rates and unequal application. If one goes by the philosophy that restitution should be used to compensate for damages, not as an additional type of punishment, then the solution is simple: restore voting rights after completion of the sentence, and treat restitution like any other financial debt. My guess is that successful repayment rates would go up if didn’t keep ex-felons perpetually demoralized by excluding them from voting sentence completion.
Take 2 on that last sentence:
My guess is that successful repayment rates would go up if we didn’t keep ex-felons perpetually demoralized by excluding them from voting after sentence completion.
marks@31. While I do not have a pulse of all the the Indian casinos and their inner workings, I do have close contact with one tribe in Washington. They have by far the most plush casino. I have been close with the leaders since I was young and know they came up the hard way, fishing and barely living at a meager level. Now, since they have risen they deserve the money they make and wages they get. They work hard, put their own to work and donate enormous amount of money to their local community. They are proud people with a deep-rooted sense of nature, their spiritual philosophy has been kept alive and handed down from generation to generation. They are a joy to be around, much to learn from the wise elders. History, portrays the Indians as the scalpers, paints a one sided picture where white man was kind and innocent of any wrong doing towards Indians. White man writes and speaks with forked tongue. None the less, today’s Native Americans are cultured and doing fine art and fine things. May they prosper. No skin off me no matter how rich they get. They have new homes built where what used to be unpainted shacks on the reservation. Today their children are dressed well instead of running barefoot and bare of clothing. They have came a long way, and I have watched their climb.
Lyle Lanley: Well, sir, there’s nothing on earth
Like a genuine,
Bona fide,
What’d I say?
Ned Flanders: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: What’s it called?
Patty+Selma: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: That’s right! Monorail!
[crowd chants `Monorail’ softly and rhythmically]
Miss Hoover: I hear those things are awfully loud…
Lyle Lanley: It glides as softly as a cloud.
Apu: Is there a chance the track could bend?
Lyle Lanley: Not on your life, my Hindu friend.
Barney: What about us brain-dead slobs?
Lyle Lanley: You’ll be given cushy jobs.
Abe: Were you sent here by the devil?
Lyle Lanley: No, good sir, I’m on the level.
Wiggum: The ring came off my pudding can.
Lyle Lanley: Take my pen knife, my good man.
I swear it’s Springfield’s only choice…
Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
All: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: What’s it called?
All: Monorail!
Lyle Lanley: Once again…
All: Monorail!
Marge: But Main Street’s still all cracked and broken…
Bart: Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!
All: Monorail!
[big finish]
Homer: Mono… D’oh!
Bravo Aaron, and timely. The news today is that the viaduct has sunk another .25″.
Yes but look where GW is now and look what happened to the pope…I heard the last thing he heard was Bush saying goodnite….
RE; HB1721 (Allowing tribes to keep a portion of sales taxes)
I find it troubling that elected officials are coming out in favor of giving sales tax revenue to the Tulalip tribe because of the improvements they’ve made building Quil Ceda Village near Marysville. The point that the Tulalip tribe support charities or are valued members of the community are not valid reasons to consider passing HB1721 into law.
They make the case that they invested 45 million in the infrastructure which included building roads, water and sewer system to make Quil Ceda Village viable and therefore
should be entitled to a portion of the local sales tax revenue because of this.
If this was the developers of Southcenter, Northgate, Auburn Super Mall or countless other major mall developers across the state who paid tens of millions to develop, build and maintain a major mall and they came asking for a portion of the sales tax what would their reception be in Olympia?
The Tulalip tribe, like every other mall developer/owner gets lease/rent payments from
Walmart, Home Depot and other tenants of their mall and factored into these payments the Tulalip tribe receives is the costs to develop and maintain the property in and around Quil Ceda Village and enough extra to provide a profit based on the Tulalip tribes investment. Just like every other developer would do when deciding how much to charge businesses for the space.
This is a bad precedent setting idea that could greatly affect the taxing authority of cities and counties all around the state and to be fair how can the state give a tax rebate to the Tulalip tribe and not give this same rebate to every other developer and tribe who invests 45 million dollars or more in a project.
At a time when our state is scrambling for new revenue to fill the large budget gap I find it ironic that many members of the House already voted to possibly set the precedent to now give millions to every tribe in the state of Washington which can claim similar circumstances since many tribes have agreements with the state that gives each tribe the same benefits that any other tribe gets. (See map below)
We already rebate all the gas taxes to many tribes even though their members drive the same exact roads and freeways we do. We allow tribes to keep the majority of all cigarette taxes even when non tribal members buy them rather than address the issue of illegal cigarette sales or the illegal importing of untaxed cigarettes. We ask nothing from the Tulalip tribe or any other tribe for that matter even though tribal casinos generate almost 1 billion a year yet some in Olympia want to squeeze mini casino owners into paying 21.5% taxes as a fair way to generate new revenue knowing it will close down many of them. Shame on you!
At a time of increasing needs some in Olympia seem to be forfeiting the states right to collect taxes that are for everyone’s benefit only to the benefit of a select few. The Tulalip tribe, like every other tribe deserves to be treated and respected as any other entity is treated in this state, no more, no less.
This map can also be viewed at the following site
Sadly, Terri Schiavo’s death looks to me like the perfect crime. He was mean to her with impunity for so many years at the hospice (no sunlight, no going outside, no visits from other patients, not even a towel in her hand to keep her fingers from over-curling) and got court permission to kill her with the whole world watching. It was beyond strange.
In Memoriam – Pope John Paul II – A Towering Giant of History
The Pope is dead. Long live the Pope. -Comment by Dubyasux— 4/2/05 @ 12:49 pm
I’m going to accept this was offered in the spirit of respect and sincerity.
Pope John Paul was a holy man, not the titular head of a nation who ascends the throne by no other reason than the happy accident of a royal birth.
As Catholics, we believe that John Paul was chosen by and through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, as were those who preceded him and as will be his successor.
People around the globe have noted and are saddened that the world now has one less honorable and lovely man.
We, as Catholics, are grieving with broken hearts over the loss of the Spiritual Leader of our faith and our Holy Father here on Earth. We loved and respected him as our Holy Father in the same way we love and respect our earthly parental fathers and as we do our Eternal Heavenly Father. It’s hard to reconcile our mourning and our sadness with our jubilation of the most joyous of our liturgical seasons, Easter.
We will miss him.
Miserere nobis. Donna nobis pacem.
Democrats: Voter Felons, National Socialists, and Commies………See Chicago, NYC, Detroit, Harare, Zimbabwe, and King County. Any election controlled by Democrat employees can be considered fixed and crooked. Solution: make voter fraud a capital offense. After a few dozen hangings, many of these commie lib Democrats will quit cheating. [At least the dead ones will!]
dj @ 42
My bad. I thought that was Mark. I apologize (to you, not him).
dj @ 43
My guess is repayment rates would go up if restitution was set at levels offenders can actually pay, and voting would go down drastically if we disenfranchised everyone else who can’t pay their debts either.
Cheesy Chuckie @ 46
Leave it to you to say something utterly tasteless AFTER the Pope has died. Is it too much to ask that you show a little respect on this, of all days?
Cheryl @ 48
It absolutely was offered in a spirit of utmost respect and deep sincerity, Cheryl. John Paul II was not only the head of his Church, but an inspiring leader for the entire world. You didn’t have to be Catholic (I’m not) to be one of his children. He belonged to all of us, and we all belonged to him, and now he belongs to God.
Tell me what did the pope do? Did he prevent ant war? Did he save any life destined to die? Did he spare Terri”s life? Did he condemn her “husband” to hell? WHAT DID THIS GUY DO BESIDES BREATHE and spend money travaling around?
JCH @ 51
So you’re not accusing dead Democrats of voting anymore? What changed your mind?
Chuck @ 56
Get help for your anger problem. Counseling works.
chuckie as usual, your comments do not deserve a reply. You have absolutely no class or integrity.
Isn’t it amazing?
To be a liberal, you must only be against something.
You need only rally with sloganism and shallow pretenses.
No need for thoughtful discussion.
No need for rational consideration.
Just rant, rave, and be against something.
That alone is enough.
DubyaRocksKerrysAFruitCake @ 60, then you should absolutely be the finest example of a ‘liberal’ Because all you do under each and every nick you use is cut and paste your egotistical parties daily diatribe. Get a life, wus
Chuck @ wherever you are
I was raised a catholic. I have since walked away from that for personal reasons. I now do not consider myself a religious person, but after reading post # 56, I DO consider you an asshole.
the HONORABLE T.Delay is quoted in Spanish as saying ““Quiero que veamos con más detalle a los jueces y los tribunales arrogantes, fuera de control e irresponsables que se burlaron del Congreso y del presidente”, dijo DeLay.
El representante demócrata Frank Lautenberg, de Nueva Jersey, opinó tras conocer la declaración de su colega republicano que quizá DeLay haya violado varias leyes con estas amenazas a los jueces federales.
In English he says, “now we see with more detail how the judges and the arrogant courts, out of control and irresponsible laugh at the congress and the President (TEXAS TACO #1)
Frank Lautenberg, NJ opinions after understanding Delay’s declartaions that perhaps Delay has violated various laws with his threats against the federal judges”
Nothing abnormal here, texas taco’s 1&2 trying to get whatever they want in what ever means they can, with no regard for the citizens of the USA. God help us if these idiots (must be Cynnicals family) steal another 4 years. Imagine a beautiful and courageous country we will have with the ilk like First as our next President. Absolutely, GOD HELP US!!!!
Dave @ 48
The difference is that tribes are governments, not private property owners. It’s far more analogous to compare the Tulalip Tribe to a county or city than it is to compare it to a developer or mall owner.
You misunderstand what I am trying to articulate, Im not saying the pope is a bad guy, I am simply saying he has really done no more than anyone else that lived a decent life and died…although they dont get world recognition. AND Diggindude…you seemed very critical of Terri’s lifestyle, best as I remember…
JCH @ 51
Once again filling space without regard for facts. If New York is a poster child for Democratic vote fraud, why have the past two Mayors and the current governor been Republican?
Don’t confuse me with the facts, I guess.
dubyasux@64. They also do not let their Vegas investors run the show even when those backers keep on trying to. The leader of the tribe and tribal heads still keep a firm grip on controls and how things are ran.
How was I critical of the lifestyle of terri schiavo?
The pope is a symbol. Try reading a little about him, before you post. This will give you a point of view. possibly.
Also, chuck, did you really mean you are trying to “articulate”?
Do you mean you are attempting to twist?
Right Diggindude…..chuckies new nick should be ‘chuckie the pretzel’, no matter what is said, lil chuckie the pretzel can twist it again. It won’t make any sense, it will look very stupid….but then again, that is like a photo of him.
You still havent mentioned what he did beyond many others, being a symbol is BS in some interpretations of scripture the pope system is what leads us to the antichrist. According to some interpretations the papal system itself is evil…so what did he do?
If you can google for rumors, you can google for facts.
Nice piece, but a childhood guy I was honored enough to meet as a boy thru teen, was Mr. Landaker, he was a man who having no kids himself, adopted the entire neighborhood took them swimming and other activities. Was an honorable man with no ill intentions whatsoever.
He in my opinion was at least as honorable as the pope, when he died the line in the obits was all he got. The pope is no better…in my opinion, had Mr. Landaker had the monies available to the pope, let me assure you a lot more good would have been done!
ya chuck, well your opinion probably means very little to normal people.
It may suprise you how normal I am…
Dave @ 48
If Quil Ceda Village was on private land in unincorporated SnoCo, Marysville would be fighting tooth and nail to annex it so they could get the sales tax revenue. In this case, it is on tribal land, the Tulalips through their own “sweat equity” developed it, and they want to incorporate to realize a bigger return on this risky investment that they undertook.
I say more power to ’em on this. The developments the Tulalips are undertaking are the best thing that has happened for the tribe in our lifetimes. It’s spiteful to subject them to so much criticism for wanting to do what any city government would do. You guys that are agianst the tribes are forgetting that the tribal members can vote the current administration out if the money is not spent to the benefit of all the tribal members.
FYI, I happen to know that the developers of SuperMall had to pay between $10 and $15 million to WSDOT for “traffic mitigation” on 167. They subsequently lost the property including their entire investment in it by foreclosure because the mall was not a financial success, partly because of this extra cost. That is the type of risk that developers take when they spend big bucks on “off site improvements” or “traffic mitigation”. The Tulalips have spent big bucks on “off site improvements” for their developmeent and to deny them the right that any city has to capture the sales tax revenue from thos edevelopments is just plain wrong.
chuckie pretzel boy @ 75, nothing would surprise me of an inarticulate, self centered ‘ilk’ like you. OOPS, maybe the only thing would be if I found out you were in cahoots with Mrs. C, because Mr. C cannot get it up anymore (not even with his viagra generics)
K,..milwaukee, Chacago, and King County. About the same election comfidence as Harare, Zimbabwe. Democrats: Voter felons. Exterminate them!
Chuck@73. What you see, many also see. Idolatry; excess devotion to or reverance for some person or thing. Idol status, celebrity status and icon status is a high profile image. Pope John Paul 2nd has been worshiped with excess devotion and reverance. I view it as being way too steeped in idolotry and monarchy tradition. The Holy Father flooding and clogging the media and the robed cardinals with tall glorious chimmny sweep hats passing in review are a bit much. The royal family in England could use a bit of toning down and modernization also. I call it what it has become, worshiping IDOLS.
Your argument requires evidence. Evidence, the pope is assuming this role, as replacement god. Should tradition be scrapped, to accomodate flavor of the moment worship?
As for idol worship, Do you carry pictures of your kids?
Your wife? Are you being unfaithful to your family by doing this?
We hold symbols close to feel some connection to what they represent.
I dont see the pope as replacing god, rather as a reminder to what god means
Chuck@66. Your point is what makes John Pope holier than all others who have done good and been a good person. Answer: The Catholic Doctrine. The exalting practices of church deified the Pope, the practice of idolizing, adoring and holding him up in high honor. I do think there are many other people on earth who are as good people and do good that deserves the same recognition and great devotion, but they go unnoticed and neglected. It is the PIOUS nature of things that has made for the bowing down to one mere human being and ignoring another. It is far from Holy but more of a sacrilege, where one appropriates to the Pope what is consecrated to God. What is wrong is the bell does not toll for all.
diggindude@79. People worship ministers too, does not make it right since they too have feet of clay. I am not at all suggesting stretching the rubber-band or the imagination further than can be seen. I say worshiping the Pope has gone far beyond the purpose. We are a reminder of what God means! Not just the Pope.
diggindude: Not much for pictures in my wallet nor do I worship anyone. I do have great love for collective beings such as unity of family, friends and others of good energy. Holy Wars will always be fought over beliefs that can not produce an ounce of evidence. These beliefs exist and endure over time even without a shred of evidance as long as they continue to serve mankind; based on tradition and threads of hope.
diggindude@79. You said: “We hold symbols close to feel some connection to what they represent.” Chasity belts were once a tradition too. Webster says, in the Middle Ages, woman had to wear these belt-like devices to prevent sexual intercourse during the absense of their husbands. We tossed out this ancient tradition, finding it connected a bit too close to the bone for modern times. :-)
Please, actually attempt to learn something about the Catholic faith before you blithely accuse us of idolatry.
It seems pretty clear that the issue you have tried so hard not to name is that you resent, perhaps even hate, people of faith and Catholics in particular and our grief at the loss of this holy man simply rankles you. The answer for that is to turn off your TV. If you don’t like the way we honor our dead, don’t watch.
Had you substituted the word ‘homosexual’ or ‘African American’ or any other “protected” minority group, you’d be soundly denounced by your pals as racist, and yet somehow you manage to see nothing wrong with insulting the faith, the leader and the traditions of 1 billion 750 million+ Catholics.
I dont recall anyone worshiping a chastity belt, but there are many religions, I may have missed that one.
Religion itself, has little evidence, but that is the problem of those that believe, not me. I am far from defending religion.
What this started as, was a criticism to chuck suggesting the pope was no better, and deserved no more, than the average guy on the street.
I cant defend religion, I have nothing to defend it with.
What I do defend, Is the respect the pope should receive for devoting his life to honor god.
And even if you don’t believe in this,(which I dont), some respect for those that do, on their most grievous day, is at the very least, polite.
I have never seen anyone worshiping a minister.
I really dont believe anyone worships the pope. I believe they honor god through the pope, as he is the messenger of god to them. I really dont want to argue about religion, just think we should show a little respect to those that feel they have lost so much.
Thank you Dude.
One favor though…
Out of respect for those that do have a belief, please remember to capitalize God… just as you have a name, that is His.
Chery@87. “perhaps even hate.” Jumping to conclusions, resenting and rankling; no, not you. :-) Nothing was said about hating or resenting Catholics, the Pope or anyone. For your limited information , I had my children baptized Catholic and am not unlearned about Catholic faith or any other faith for that matter. Don’t get so rankled.
diggindude@86. People can mourn over whomever they chose to and as long as they care to, my views do not limit them. Whom I mourn or do not mourn is personal. I do not ask others to do as I do. The sacred word respect goes a long way, it applies to respecting all people across the board and world, not just in death but more-so in life. That was what Chuck was trying to get across. We can turn our TV off or on. I think people are more obsessed with death than life. There are people who treat people with a life without respect, then they act respectfull, mourn at their funeral. Humans are a funny mixture.
cheryl@87. “Out of respect for those who do have a belief.” First, start practicing what you preach, respect ALL other beliefs. If diggindude doesn’t use a CAPITAL where you think he should, in your narrow micro-cosmos he is being disrespectful of your faith? Please!
Yes, I thank you for looking at the point I was attempting to make instead of trying to read crap into it.
Cheryl. Hold your breath till a woman Pope comes along. We ahev yet to see a woman elected U.S. president. Finally got alter-girls after eons of alter-boys. You address GOD as a “HIS.” GOD is a spirit-form, has no gender. Male scribes created GOD in “HIS” image. GOD created men and woman in GOD’s image.
Dubyasux @ 40
No, you have never answered those questions. You have rambled on about all kinds of things, but never directly answered those questions.
Dubyasux @ 41
The solution is to make the penalty for crime sufficient enough to deter people from committing crime. If you can’t do the time (or pay the penalty), don’t do the crime. Or is it that you feel that crime is “merely the self-expression of the disconnectedness that some disenfranchised people feel from the rest of the world?”
Dubyasuxsux @ 53
Ohh… Them poor, poor criminals. They might actually have to pay for the medical care of their victims. Poor, poor criminals. As far as I’m concerned, they can bust rocks on a chain gang for $1.50 per hour until they’ve paid for the old lady’s medical treatment. There’s a job.
chuck@91. Think they will be counting rosary beads and saying Hail Marys for us if we passed on? :-)
Yes just before the estate tax…
Chuck@95. Queen Mother had announced she refused to attend King Charlie’s wedding. Now, even Charlie won’t be appearing on his wedding date. His wedding to Camilla Parker Bowles was moved to Saturday so that it doesn’t conflict with the funeral for Pope John Paul II. By the looks of things, the stanch old Queen is taking a stand, set in her ways and showing no respect to Ms. Camilla and letting the world know it. Maybe people can start beating up the Quenn Mother for lack of respect. Will take the heat off you. :-)
sorry, if i capitalize the g in god, that would show some relevance to the effect god has affected me. So in effect, i’m showing i’m not personally affected. I do respect your right to be though.
The time to act is now. Perhaps it’s already too late.
Your blog hss become inhabited by thoughtless indoctrinated tools. And weird ones at that. See for example post 77. What liberal fruitcake pansy focuses on another man’s wood? Friggin sicko. And then there’s the religion hating crowd coming in right after that. Erudite political discourse? Strongly held liberal values? Resounding principles that shape a lifetime? I’m afraid to bend over in this den of vipers. Your blog has really gone downhill.
zapporo @98,
You will notice, that I don’t generally participate in the open threads… it doesn’t surprise me when people shit in their own sandbox. I look at this thread as a kind of release from the slightly less invective-filled threads.
[Why Democrats must be exterminated!] WASHINGTON – The votes of at least 1 in 4 U.S. soldiers and overseas voters in last fall’s election never were counted. That’s the conclusion of a recent report by the National Defense Committee, a private, pro-military organization that surveyed local election offices across the country about the number of absentee votes cast and counted in the Nov. 3 election.
Another comment for Goldy, many blogs/logs that I use have a system where posts not previously read show up with a ‘red’ comment number next to them. That would be greatly appreciated by me atleast, so that I can view the new comments and not go through some of the previously read posts. Just a comment. All the best, and you would make a good ‘radio show host’ IMHO