Can a felon serve in the senate? You can vote on bills, but not in an election???
Particle Manspews:
A decent and level headed man. Our lands and waters are in good hands.
Oh and one more thing. Buy stock in hats and boots.
I hope they are very, very, successful in their promotion and protection of Sarah Palin.
@4: A good chuckle
They love their Palin and nothing anyone says can persuade them otherwise. Any gaffe that Palin makes is explained away. She “energized” the Party and they are sure she will run in 2012.
The fact she is unqualified and is missing the basics on government and geography doesn’t seem to phase the true believers. Her evangelical faith and right wing stands count for more than what she doesn’t know. She is qualified because she energized the base – on that reason alone Palin is their hero.
They have no clue how alienating that attitude is to the majority of americans who actually think their politicians should know some basics and there should be some minimum standards.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
Anybody read or heard anything of Ann Coulter lately?
Ann Coulter.
Real c*nt, no?
My Goldy Itchesspews:
Tell me you won’t miss the hilarious stories of the old man groping/being inappropriate with his female subordinates. The guy made me laugh my ass off on more than one occasion. THAT, I will miss.
Great guy.
Lets start working on 12 … Obama Pres, Emanuel VEEP, Goldmark Guv!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Did Young Voters Put Obama In The White House?
Nope. NBC’s political director, Chuck Todd, said on Brian Williams’ NBC Nightly News that if you eliminate all the under-30 votes, only 2 states would flip and Obama would win anyway.
Anybody read or heard anything of Ann Coulter lately?
Yep her latest column is pretty sick shit.
It’s on her website if you feel like taking a shower after reading it.
Here’s something that will lift any decent person’s spirits:
And you know what? Those same pictures will strike sheer terror into the moneybags behind the Republicans.
Roger @12
That sort of evidence does not mean youth votes did not pull him over the top. What percentage of the youth made up the campaign workers and spearheaded the online media?
Its not everything but simply subtracting the votes from a pretty decisive win does not really work.
And Grampa McSame is already in trouble of losing his Senate seat in two years, trailing potential challenger AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano by a wide margin in early polls. That is, of course, if she doesn’t get offered a Cabinet position by President-elect Obama
God help me, I love saying that……
Real Americanspews:
I am with Nindid @ 15, you cannot replace the spirit and hard work that young people brought to this triumph.
And I am far away from being in the “under 30” crowd.
@4 Wow. Those conservative (but no longer Republican, as many of them are quick to tell you) wackjobs are discussing not just how they will expel anyone who criticizes Palin, but even how they will oppose any Republican candidate who so much as hires any staffperson who once criticized Palin. Seriously.
And my favorite quote of all: one of their targets is any staffperson who “worked for Dick ‘My Grandchild has Two Mommies’ Cheney”. Yes, you read that right. The Red Staters are now going after DICK CHENEY (!!?) for being TOO SOFT ON THE LESBIANS (!!!??#^^#&#%^*# …aack, it’s too much, my brain cannot even process it).
Real Americanspews:
YLB @ 14, thanks for sharing that link! Truly does inspire hope for this nation!
Real Americanspews:
@ 4 and 19, I think we are seeing the future of the Republican party. A widening split between the nihilist billionaires, and the Christian Dominionists.
That also truly does inspire hope for the future.
14 You failed to notice the bag of crack
taped to the back of that sign. It was a real
tear jerker for me too. I hope all these
mesmerized sheep will go out and spend some
money now that America is saved and not just
sit by the mailbox waiting for Obamas check.
I wonder if any of them have a job?
Do you become hateful and violent because you’re a leftie or are hateful & violent people drawn to the democrat party?
Yelling loser boy, check on these two kids in 15 years.
My Left Footspews:
I took a quick gander at your link. Those mouth breathers simply can’t spell let alone form a cogent thought.
Thank you for the laughs.
yelling loser boy, I remember you claiming Rasmussen couldn’t be trusted. So did bybygoober.
They were the most accurate pollsters in this election cycle.
You are still a fool! Keep up the good work.
And your pals were posting Zogby, CBS/New York Times, and Newsweek polls. All were WRONG!
So what happened to those Burner polls?
Hey Pud, I’ll take a Burner loss for Obama, Gregiore, and increased leads in the House and Senate.
Enjoy your win.
Gotta love those whack-job lefties like Ralph Nader.
My Left Footspews:
the most accurate polls were at, from the same computer/statistics geeks who run
They hit the electoral numbers and the percentage of popular vote and I mean they HIT the popular vote percentages.
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. My Left Foot spews:
I took a quick gander at your link. Those mouth breathers simply can’t spell let alone form a cogent thought.
That’s not nice to talk about poor black kids like that.
They want an education, for some reason the democrat controlled school district doesn’t feel blacks kids deserve a real education.
Why are democrats against school choice for black families??
Looks like Boeing Bob and Windie’s buds are screaming and hollering again
K: While I disagree with Obama, a black man is still gonna be in the white house.
Rumor has it Obama is considering Lawrence Summers.
Do you remember what that misogynist said as president of Harvard?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anti-Obama Remark Ends College Player’s Career
The University of Texas has kicked a lineman off its football team for posting this comment on his Facebook page:
“all the hunters gather up, we have a #$%&er in the whitehouse”
The player subsequently issued an apology but he won’t be reinstated to the team. (Source: AOL Sports News)
Stupes! After a crushing defeat you’ve come to leave a few turds. How endearing!
What have we got?
Hey your favorite racist at 22 left a little crack joke. Love the company you keep.
Both you and Stamm are scratching your heads wondering why gays are angry at being codified as undesirables in the California State Constitution? So sad you can’t step into another person’s shoes.
You’re a real broken record on this Rasmussen thing. Rasmussen I would not trust too much although he’s definitely better than Zogby. As MLF mentioned killed.
As for those kids, under Democratic governance, I give them much better chances for productive, fulfilling lives than under people like the chimp you voted for twice.
Right wing bullshit was defeated Stupes. I wouldn’t be pointing to Papa Murdoch’s trash. EPIC FAIL.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 I’m only a reporter. That analysis wasn’t my idea. Blame NBC for that. But if their numbers are right, it was older folks who elected Obama — and it’s votes, not activists, that ultimately win elections — which IMO makes his victory that much more remarkable.
Do you remember what that misogynist said as president of Harvard?
LMAO!! Did you vote for Sutherland Stupes? He got da R next to his name you know?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 What was he supposed to do, shoot his daughter instead of his hunting buddy? Hmmmm, better not ask …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Feeling a little bitter, mark? Good.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 It’s an ambiguous world isn’t it, puddy? Even for you, sometimes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “Right wing bullshit was defeated”
Yup, that bottom-lines this election. The right is all about lying, and their lies caught up with them.
My Left Footspews:
Roger, you now have all the trolls scrambling to Google “ambiguous”. It is going to take them hours.
Who is going to entertain us while they are gone?
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. YLB spews:
Both you and Stamm are scratching your heads wondering why gays are angry at being codified as undesirables in the California State Constitution?
Once again you’re wrong.
I’m scratching my head wondering why so many obama supporters hate gay people.
In a state that is so liberal that democrats running for president don’t even campaign here, once again gay marriage has been voted down.
44 – The guy in that video looked like a Republican to me. But that’s just me.
Carlsabad? That’s Republican country.
If any Obama supporter voted Yes on Prop 8, they were wrong to do that.
On the other hand, it doesn’t follow that they hate gay people. That’s where you’re wrong.
proud leftistspews:
Your side lost. (I would not direct this missive to partisans like Marvistan, who never visit the real world; I think you occasionally do.) Why can’t you be honest enough to admit your side lost? Republicans are in a corner, besieged by each other. The backstabbing is occurring. What is it about this dysfunctional group that attracts you? We have an amazing man about to become president. I don’t give a damn about his race. He simply is brighter, more socially adept, and more attuned to what matters than any president I have seen in my lifetime. Yet, you were one of 3% of African-Americans nationwide who voted for his opponent. Puddy, did you know that being an idiot is not a constitutionally protected right.?
It’s good to see an Eastern Washingtonian in a state office.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
45 – Are you referring to Carlsbad, CA? And not “Carlsabad”? If so, you are correct…..the suburbs along the coast between San Diego and Camp Pendleton are VERY Republican. And the suburbs to the east are VERY redneck. I grew up in San Diego and you wouldn’t intuitively think of San Diego as a redneck town, but in many ways (El Cajon, Santee, Lakeside, Poway, Escondido) it definitely is. Not like the rest of California for sure.
Lets hope he does a better job with this than his failed Dept of Agriculture run…what a dingbat
proud leftistspews:
You are mostly right–San Diego County has historically been very conservative. On the other hand, north county San Diego has always been more liberal than the southern bulk of the county. Now, if you head out toward Poway, where I have a niece, there is so much growth that it is very difficult to make any proclamations about who is what. Demographics change. I talked to an opposing lawyer today in North Carolina who was quite pleased that his state had gone blue. Grasp that. We are a country that grows, evolves, gets better. That’s what I think, for what it’s worth.
48 – Yes my bad. And thanks for confirming the politics of that area.
I believe Duke Cunningham used to represent that area.
PL – I believe Puddy voted for “none of the above”.
proud leftistspews:
Oh, by the way, all you batshit crazy wingnuts out there, did you know that a state for the first time in American history (I may be wrong about this, but still wanted to make a dramatic statement which is probably, though not necessarily, true), will likely split its electoral votes? The Omaha congressional district in Nebraska–Nebraska, wingnuts, if you can get your tiny minds around that concept–is going to go for Obama.
Broadway Joespews:
48 & 50:
And isn’t that the area where the Aryan Nations Church moved to after they got kicked out of Hayden Lake? IIRC, another major white-supremacist is in that area, can’t quite remember who or what….
Yahoo!!! Peter is a great guy and will make a great Lands Commissioner. Finally, someone who understands science is in that office.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. YLB spews:
If any Obama supporter voted Yes on Prop 8, they were wrong to do that.
On the other hand, it doesn’t follow that they hate gay people. That’s where you’re wrong.
Obviously you don’t have many black friends.
Blacks voted in a landslide against gay marriage.
Marvin Stamnspews:
46. proud leftist spews:
Your side lost. (I would not direct this missive to partisans like Marvistan
Okay comrade.
Marvin Stamnspews:
46. proud leftist spews:
Yet, you were one of 3% of African-Americans nationwide who voted for his opponent.
Like MLK said, judge on the quality of their character and not the color of their skin.
Sorry you can’t understand that.
Marvin Stamnspews:
54. Broadway Joe spews:
IIRC, another major white-supremacist is in that area, can’t quite remember who or what….
You mean reverend wright? Oops you said white supremacist.
Good thing neither mcsame or obama had a 20 year long with supremacists of either color.
Once again pointing out the double standard.
It took a few days but that coward Pudz has finally shown up. Didn’t want to share your exploding head with us, huh?
Geez, Pudz, you hate the gays on the left and don’t want them to marry but you love the pedophiles on the right and support them with your vote. What the fuck is wrong with your mind? Don’t you realize that you’re all fucked up in the head?
Blacks voted in a landslide against gay marriage.
You’re logic challenged aren’t you? Just because someone is against gay marriage doesn’t mean they hate gays.
Hell even some gays voted against gay marriage!
My Goldy Itchesspews:
50 – I think you have it backwards. South SD County (National City, Chula Vista, S. San Diego, San Ysidro) is heavily Hispanic and far less affluent than North County, and is much more moderate/liberal. In fact, the only Democrat from San Diego county in Congress is Bob Filner, who has represented the South Bay for at least 12 years.
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. YLB spews:
You’re logic challenged aren’t you? Just because someone is against gay marriage doesn’t mean they hate gays
Yet you implied that republicans were not going to vote for obama because they were racist.
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. YLB spews:
You’re logic challenged aren’t you? Just because someone is against gay marriage doesn’t mean they hate gays.
That’s your opinion.
There were many signs from the violent protests last night that disagreed with you.
Who should I believe, a gay person or you?
Broadway Joespews:
Marvistan, you ignorant slut.
I was pointing out that I vaugely remembered that a white-supremacist organization was based in that area, near San Diego, and that the Aryan Nations Church had relocated to the same area after they’d been run out of Idaho. I’ve since found that the similar organization has since relocated to (of all places) Auckland, New Zealand. Hope they have fun dodging pissed-off Maoris. And then there’s the story about Richard Butler and the porn star…..
There was no political content to my original post. So go back to your hallucinations, and leave us alone.
Just a thought. Think Govenor Goldmark 2012. And that is a great picture of him. He’s a great guy who knows what the hell he’s talking about and isn’t in the timber companies pockets.
Yet you implied that republicans were not going to vote for obama because they were racist.
I’d say a majority of Republicans. Not all.
Look at the map. Republicans are steadily becoming concentrated in the South. What do you find in the South?
This is one I really wanted us to win. Not as much as Obama, Gregoire, Burner, or the 60-seat Senate, but more than most.
I hope Gregoire does not become U.S. Attorney General. We need her here.
Al Franken Gaining
He’s only 336 votes behind, based on the latest data from the Minnesota SoS’s website. Yesterday, he trailed by 475 votes.
We must win all 3 undecided races to get a 60-seat Senate. We’ve got a chance in Minnesota and Georgia but Alaska is a long shot.
The Republican firing squad forms a circle and takes aim:
The comments are hilarious.
Can a felon serve in the senate? You can vote on bills, but not in an election???
A decent and level headed man. Our lands and waters are in good hands.
Oh and one more thing. Buy stock in hats and boots.
I hope they are very, very, successful in their promotion and protection of Sarah Palin.
@4: A good chuckle
They love their Palin and nothing anyone says can persuade them otherwise. Any gaffe that Palin makes is explained away. She “energized” the Party and they are sure she will run in 2012.
The fact she is unqualified and is missing the basics on government and geography doesn’t seem to phase the true believers. Her evangelical faith and right wing stands count for more than what she doesn’t know. She is qualified because she energized the base – on that reason alone Palin is their hero.
They have no clue how alienating that attitude is to the majority of americans who actually think their politicians should know some basics and there should be some minimum standards.
Anybody read or heard anything of Ann Coulter lately?
Ann Coulter.
Real c*nt, no?
Tell me you won’t miss the hilarious stories of the old man groping/being inappropriate with his female subordinates. The guy made me laugh my ass off on more than one occasion. THAT, I will miss.
Great guy.
Lets start working on 12 … Obama Pres, Emanuel VEEP, Goldmark Guv!
Did Young Voters Put Obama In The White House?
Nope. NBC’s political director, Chuck Todd, said on Brian Williams’ NBC Nightly News that if you eliminate all the under-30 votes, only 2 states would flip and Obama would win anyway.
Anybody read or heard anything of Ann Coulter lately?
Yep her latest column is pretty sick shit.
It’s on her website if you feel like taking a shower after reading it.
Here’s something that will lift any decent person’s spirits:
And you know what? Those same pictures will strike sheer terror into the moneybags behind the Republicans.
Roger @12
That sort of evidence does not mean youth votes did not pull him over the top. What percentage of the youth made up the campaign workers and spearheaded the online media?
Its not everything but simply subtracting the votes from a pretty decisive win does not really work.
We’re in trouble. Sarah Palin 2012! Oh no! lol:
And Grampa McSame is already in trouble of losing his Senate seat in two years, trailing potential challenger AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano by a wide margin in early polls. That is, of course, if she doesn’t get offered a Cabinet position by President-elect Obama
God help me, I love saying that……
I am with Nindid @ 15, you cannot replace the spirit and hard work that young people brought to this triumph.
And I am far away from being in the “under 30” crowd.
@4 Wow. Those conservative (but no longer Republican, as many of them are quick to tell you) wackjobs are discussing not just how they will expel anyone who criticizes Palin, but even how they will oppose any Republican candidate who so much as hires any staffperson who once criticized Palin. Seriously.
And my favorite quote of all: one of their targets is any staffperson who “worked for Dick ‘My Grandchild has Two Mommies’ Cheney”. Yes, you read that right. The Red Staters are now going after DICK CHENEY (!!?) for being TOO SOFT ON THE LESBIANS (!!!??#^^#&#%^*# …aack, it’s too much, my brain cannot even process it).
YLB @ 14, thanks for sharing that link! Truly does inspire hope for this nation!
@ 4 and 19, I think we are seeing the future of the Republican party. A widening split between the nihilist billionaires, and the Christian Dominionists.
That also truly does inspire hope for the future.
14 You failed to notice the bag of crack
taped to the back of that sign. It was a real
tear jerker for me too. I hope all these
mesmerized sheep will go out and spend some
money now that America is saved and not just
sit by the mailbox waiting for Obamas check.
I wonder if any of them have a job?
Another left winger resorting to violence.
Why are lefties so violent?
Do you become hateful and violent because you’re a leftie or are hateful & violent people drawn to the democrat party?
Yelling loser boy, check on these two kids in 15 years.
I took a quick gander at your link. Those mouth breathers simply can’t spell let alone form a cogent thought.
Thank you for the laughs.
yelling loser boy, I remember you claiming Rasmussen couldn’t be trusted. So did bybygoober.
They were the most accurate pollsters in this election cycle.
You are still a fool! Keep up the good work.
And your pals were posting Zogby, CBS/New York Times, and Newsweek polls. All were WRONG!
So what happened to those Burner polls?
Hey Pud, I’ll take a Burner loss for Obama, Gregiore, and increased leads in the House and Senate.
Enjoy your win.
Gotta love those whack-job lefties like Ralph Nader.
the most accurate polls were at, from the same computer/statistics geeks who run
They hit the electoral numbers and the percentage of popular vote and I mean they HIT the popular vote percentages.
That’s not nice to talk about poor black kids like that.
They want an education, for some reason the democrat controlled school district doesn’t feel blacks kids deserve a real education.
Why are democrats against school choice for black families??
Looks like Boeing Bob and Windie’s buds are screaming and hollering again
K: While I disagree with Obama, a black man is still gonna be in the white house.
Rumor has it Obama is considering Lawrence Summers.
Do you remember what that misogynist said as president of Harvard?
Anti-Obama Remark Ends College Player’s Career
The University of Texas has kicked a lineman off its football team for posting this comment on his Facebook page:
“all the hunters gather up, we have a #$%&er in the whitehouse”
The player subsequently issued an apology but he won’t be reinstated to the team. (Source: AOL Sports News)
Stupes! After a crushing defeat you’ve come to leave a few turds. How endearing!
What have we got?
Hey your favorite racist at 22 left a little crack joke. Love the company you keep.
Both you and Stamm are scratching your heads wondering why gays are angry at being codified as undesirables in the California State Constitution? So sad you can’t step into another person’s shoes.
You’re a real broken record on this Rasmussen thing. Rasmussen I would not trust too much although he’s definitely better than Zogby. As MLF mentioned killed.
As for those kids, under Democratic governance, I give them much better chances for productive, fulfilling lives than under people like the chimp you voted for twice.
Right wing bullshit was defeated Stupes. I wouldn’t be pointing to Papa Murdoch’s trash. EPIC FAIL.
@15 I’m only a reporter. That analysis wasn’t my idea. Blame NBC for that. But if their numbers are right, it was older folks who elected Obama — and it’s votes, not activists, that ultimately win elections — which IMO makes his victory that much more remarkable.
Do you remember what that misogynist said as president of Harvard?
LMAO!! Did you vote for Sutherland Stupes? He got da R next to his name you know?
@19 What was he supposed to do, shoot his daughter instead of his hunting buddy? Hmmmm, better not ask …
@22 Feeling a little bitter, mark? Good.
@33 It’s an ambiguous world isn’t it, puddy? Even for you, sometimes.
@36 “Right wing bullshit was defeated”
Yup, that bottom-lines this election. The right is all about lying, and their lies caught up with them.
Roger, you now have all the trolls scrambling to Google “ambiguous”. It is going to take them hours.
Who is going to entertain us while they are gone?
Once again you’re wrong.
I’m scratching my head wondering why so many obama supporters hate gay people.
In a state that is so liberal that democrats running for president don’t even campaign here, once again gay marriage has been voted down.
44 – The guy in that video looked like a Republican to me. But that’s just me.
Carlsabad? That’s Republican country.
If any Obama supporter voted Yes on Prop 8, they were wrong to do that.
On the other hand, it doesn’t follow that they hate gay people. That’s where you’re wrong.
Your side lost. (I would not direct this missive to partisans like Marvistan, who never visit the real world; I think you occasionally do.) Why can’t you be honest enough to admit your side lost? Republicans are in a corner, besieged by each other. The backstabbing is occurring. What is it about this dysfunctional group that attracts you? We have an amazing man about to become president. I don’t give a damn about his race. He simply is brighter, more socially adept, and more attuned to what matters than any president I have seen in my lifetime. Yet, you were one of 3% of African-Americans nationwide who voted for his opponent. Puddy, did you know that being an idiot is not a constitutionally protected right.?
It’s good to see an Eastern Washingtonian in a state office.
45 – Are you referring to Carlsbad, CA? And not “Carlsabad”? If so, you are correct…..the suburbs along the coast between San Diego and Camp Pendleton are VERY Republican. And the suburbs to the east are VERY redneck. I grew up in San Diego and you wouldn’t intuitively think of San Diego as a redneck town, but in many ways (El Cajon, Santee, Lakeside, Poway, Escondido) it definitely is. Not like the rest of California for sure.
Lets hope he does a better job with this than his failed Dept of Agriculture run…what a dingbat
You are mostly right–San Diego County has historically been very conservative. On the other hand, north county San Diego has always been more liberal than the southern bulk of the county. Now, if you head out toward Poway, where I have a niece, there is so much growth that it is very difficult to make any proclamations about who is what. Demographics change. I talked to an opposing lawyer today in North Carolina who was quite pleased that his state had gone blue. Grasp that. We are a country that grows, evolves, gets better. That’s what I think, for what it’s worth.
48 – Yes my bad. And thanks for confirming the politics of that area.
I believe Duke Cunningham used to represent that area.
PL – I believe Puddy voted for “none of the above”.
Oh, by the way, all you batshit crazy wingnuts out there, did you know that a state for the first time in American history (I may be wrong about this, but still wanted to make a dramatic statement which is probably, though not necessarily, true), will likely split its electoral votes? The Omaha congressional district in Nebraska–Nebraska, wingnuts, if you can get your tiny minds around that concept–is going to go for Obama.
48 & 50:
And isn’t that the area where the Aryan Nations Church moved to after they got kicked out of Hayden Lake? IIRC, another major white-supremacist is in that area, can’t quite remember who or what….
Yahoo!!! Peter is a great guy and will make a great Lands Commissioner. Finally, someone who understands science is in that office.
Obviously you don’t have many black friends.
Blacks voted in a landslide against gay marriage.
Okay comrade.
Like MLK said, judge on the quality of their character and not the color of their skin.
Sorry you can’t understand that.
You mean reverend wright? Oops you said white supremacist.
Good thing neither mcsame or obama had a 20 year long with supremacists of either color.
Once again pointing out the double standard.
It took a few days but that coward Pudz has finally shown up. Didn’t want to share your exploding head with us, huh?
Geez, Pudz, you hate the gays on the left and don’t want them to marry but you love the pedophiles on the right and support them with your vote. What the fuck is wrong with your mind? Don’t you realize that you’re all fucked up in the head?
Blacks voted in a landslide against gay marriage.
You’re logic challenged aren’t you? Just because someone is against gay marriage doesn’t mean they hate gays.
Hell even some gays voted against gay marriage!
50 – I think you have it backwards. South SD County (National City, Chula Vista, S. San Diego, San Ysidro) is heavily Hispanic and far less affluent than North County, and is much more moderate/liberal. In fact, the only Democrat from San Diego county in Congress is Bob Filner, who has represented the South Bay for at least 12 years.
Yet you implied that republicans were not going to vote for obama because they were racist.
That’s your opinion.
There were many signs from the violent protests last night that disagreed with you.
Who should I believe, a gay person or you?
Marvistan, you ignorant slut.
I was pointing out that I vaugely remembered that a white-supremacist organization was based in that area, near San Diego, and that the Aryan Nations Church had relocated to the same area after they’d been run out of Idaho. I’ve since found that the similar organization has since relocated to (of all places) Auckland, New Zealand. Hope they have fun dodging pissed-off Maoris. And then there’s the story about Richard Butler and the porn star…..
There was no political content to my original post. So go back to your hallucinations, and leave us alone.
Goldmark will make us proud.
Just a thought. Think Govenor Goldmark 2012. And that is a great picture of him. He’s a great guy who knows what the hell he’s talking about and isn’t in the timber companies pockets.
Yet you implied that republicans were not going to vote for obama because they were racist.
I’d say a majority of Republicans. Not all.
Look at the map. Republicans are steadily becoming concentrated in the South. What do you find in the South?