The GOP is run by rich folks, and basically looks after their class interests; low taxes, no estate taxes, helping out business. However, there are not enough rich folks to elect a president, even if you count the toadies, the hangers-on, the wanna-bes and the folks who think they’re rich but aren’t. So the party has to use the religious right as its actual voters, and this group includes a fair number of folks who AREN’T rich.
To gather this group in, the GOP promises, but doesn’t deliver, a return to a simpler age where abortion was done in back allies, gays were closeted family men who could be thrown in jail and the black folks and the Jews knew their place. It’s been a 30-year exercise in stringing these folks along. The rich people who pay for the party have neither interest in making good nor incentive; once abortion is made nationally illegal a lot of the religious right probably won’t bother turning up to vote.…
The good folks at the ny times are telling obama supporters not to get their hopes up for obama to keep his promises.
Obama Aides Tamp Down Expectations
President-elect Barack Obama has begun an effort to tamp down what his aides fear are unusually high expectations among his supporters
Sucks to promise hope and change and then do the same old.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. YLB spews:
The GOP is run by rich folks, and basically looks after their class interests
So the republicans want to keep the rich rich so the republicans can keep their power.
No big surprise. For politicians, it’s all about power.
On the other hand, every poor person that becomes rich is a lost vote. So the democrats have to keep the poor poor to keep their power. Which explains the dismal conditions of the inner-city areas governed by democrats.
No big surprise. For politicians, it’s all about power.
5 – When are you going to get it through your head that you’ve been beaten?
We’re not going to rest on our laurels here for much longer. We’re going to roll up our sleeves and get to work turning around our country.
Either help or you’re just noise we’ll tune out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. YLB spews:
GOP promises, but doesn’t deliver, a return to a simpler age where abortion was done in back allies, gays were closeted family men who could be thrown in jail and the black folks and the Jews knew their place. It’s been a 30-year exercise in stringing these folks along.
Gays, blacks and gay vote for for democrats. Which party has been stringing them along?
Hell, even the president elect is against gay marriage, as was the last democrat president.
On the other hand, every poor person that becomes rich is a lost vote.
People who have been helped tend not to forget who helped them. Relatively few people become rich. A lot, lot more have become middle class though. And for many years they have had to run faster to stay in place.
And during those years this country was governed by Republicans. If you can call it governing that is. More like looting.
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. YLB spews:
5 – When are you going to get it through your head that you’ve been beaten?
Is that an admission that obama is going to do the country wrong?
If he’s the messiah you think he is aren’t I going to be enjoying a better quality life?
If he’s the messiah you think he is aren’t I going to be enjoying a better quality life?
He’ll be the President on Jan 20. Keep on name-calling Stamm, I’ll keep turning the pot down.
@7 The only reason he shows up here is for any attention he might attract by being such a stupid fucktard. Even when he’s abused it’s still attention he’d never get anywhere in real life, where he’s probably ten times the loser he comes off as here. Hmm, perhaps it’s difficult to imagine a loser of that magnitude but that’s our Marvin for ya.
Hey, until Geov mentioned it I didn’t see the byline on this open thread.
Will, you and the rest of the I-1000 crew really rocked the house. What is it, approval in 38 counties?
No need to gloat in front of Joel next time you see him. I’m sure the whole thing is just another little anecdote for him to repeat for the next decade or two.
Gee – now I feel so BADLY (according to the idiot Stamn) because Obama won a landslide election and before he even takes office Stamn is implying he won’t keep his promises.
I got news for you Sta-m-moron, name a President that kept all of his promises?
Name a President who came in with as big a mess? (the only one I can think of is FDR)
Almost anything that Obama does – from universal health care to supreme court justices to fixing the Justice dept. the FDA and the EPA so they pay attention to real science – will be great.
Yup – Obama can’t fix the entire economy on his own right away – gee I am SOOOO disappointed.
You have no credibility Stamn – so get lost.
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. YLB spews:
We’re not going to rest on our laurels here for much longer. We’re going to roll up our sleeves and get to work turning around our country.
So, tell us what *YOU* will be doing. And none of that political speak, be as specific as you re capable of.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Steve spews:
@7 The only reason he shows up
Hey sockpuppet… I see I’m still on your mind.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. correctnotright spews:
Gee – now I feel so BADLY (according to the idiot Stamn) because Obama won a landslide election and before he even takes office Stamn is implying he won’t keep his promises.
It was the new york times reporting that obama has “begun an effort to tamp down what his aides fear are unusually high expectations among his supporters.”
I’m just relaying what the new york time says.
If you consider obama won by a landslide, what did reagan win? Didn’t Bush1 win by more than obama? And say, didn’t nixon also have a “landslide?” Obama won, but keep it in perspective.
So, tell us what *YOU* will be doing.
You’re not worth sharing it with. I’ll just say it involves making a better world for my kids.
The pot is going down, down, down…
@16 “I see I’m still on your mind.”
Only when I read your shallow and insipid posts, you stupid goatfucker.
The GOP has sent an attorney to Alaska to get their $200,000 of clothes back. Fat chance of that!
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. YLB spews: So, tell us what *YOU* will be doing.
You’re not worth sharing it with.
Exactly the answer I knew you would give. If your ideas were worth anything why not share to help make the world a better place? Unless of course your answer is let the government do for you and you’re too embarrassed to admit that’s your plan.
I’ll just say it involves making a better world for my kids.
About time you did something to help your kids instead of resting on your laurels.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Steve spews: @16 “I see I’m still on your mind.”
Only when I read
Whatever you say sockpuppet.
@22 Whatever you say, goatfucker.
Did you get your pink slip from the BIAW today? I hear they’re laying off the deadbeats on their payroll after sending seven million down the Rossi rathole.
If your ideas were worth anything why not share to help make the world a better place?
I’ll be sharing with those who don’t have a tin ear if you don’t mind.
About time you did something to help your kids instead of resting on your laurels.
That chimp in the White House is still in power until Jan 20. Time enough to start another war, steal more billions and keep a lot of names off our favorite website with his pardon privilege:
I voted for Rossi. Not because I like Rossi. I voted for Rossi because I saw it as a vote against the hegemony and dictatorial attitude of Seattle and King County “progressives.”
A little education for the ineducable Stamn:
1) People are not afraid of Socialism, it is an acceptable political outcome.
Well, be honest. The voters have long supported socialism. This country was dominated for 50 years by the New Deal coalition, remember? The Reagan and Gingrich revolutions were never against the New Deal. They were against the Great Society. Thus, people have never opposed socialism for themselves. People have for decades wanted free public schools, grants to go to college, retirements, medical care, money to keep their businesses and farms afloat, etc. So in other words, Americans supported the socialism that benefitted them and people like them. They just opposed it for the other guy. The Great Society was easy pickings, because it went to a small segment of society that, let’s face it, most people didn’t like anyway. But the GOP never even seriously tried to cut off the spigot of the huge amounts of money going to “real Americans.” By contrast, the GOP actually gave away more money to their constituents than the Democrats ever dreamed of giving to their inner city base. Remember when Democrats were pointing out that “red state America” was a net economic drain while “blue state America” paid more taxes than they spent? It was 100% true, yet the next GOPer who stood up before his “real American” constituents of suburbanites and middle Americans and told them that they needed to get off welfare and stand on their own two feet would be the first. No, that was a message for the folks in Barack Obama’s inner city, not the Iowans whose economic boom the past few years has been totally due to the government funded ethanol industry.
Now where did that come from?
Not the DailyKos but click through and I’m sure you’ll be surprised:
Every day Obama stays in office, the GOP sinks further in the muck. If Obama is smart he’ll double his and his family’s security detail.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Typical liberal democrat. Talk the talk but won’t walk the walk.
From obama’s website-
Initiate a Safe Computing R&D Effort and Harden our Nation’s Cyber Infrastructure: Barack Obama will support an initiative to develop next-generation secure computers and networking for national security applications. He will work with industry and academia to develop and deploy a new generation of secure hardware and software for our nation’s critical cyber infrastructure.
Yet his own website is getting hacked by foriegn entities…
At the Obama headquarters in midsummer, technology experts detected what they initially thought was a computer virus—a case of “phishing,” a form of hacking often employed to steal passwords or credit-card numbers. But by the next day, both the FBI and the Secret Service came to the campaign with an ominous warning: “You have a problem way bigger than what you understand,” an agent told Obama’s team. “You have been compromised, and a serious amount of files have been loaded off your system.” The following day, Obama campaign chief David Plouffe heard from White House chief of staff Josh Bolten, to the same effect: “You have a real problem … and you have to deal with it.” The Feds told Obama’s aides in late August that the McCain campaign’s computer system had been similarly compromised. A top McCain official confirmed to NEWSWEEK that the campaign’s computer system had been hacked and that the FBI had become involved.
If he can’t protect his own website, how can he protect the countries websites.
@27 “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Steve spews:
@22 Whatever you say, goatfucker.
Did you get your pink slip from the BIAW today?
Pink slip? What are you talking about?
Oh yeah, the sockpuppet is forced to make stuff up.
Stick with the goats sockpuppet. It’s obviously your area of expertise.
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. YLB spews:
A little education for the ineducable Stamn:
1) People are not afraid of Socialism, it is an acceptable political outcome.
If so, why didn’t obama just admit it?
Did he lack the political courage to be honest?
How do you feel about socialism, will you be happy with it?
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. YLB spews: If your ideas were worth anything why not share to help make the world a better place?
I’ll be sharing with those who don’t have a tin ear if you don’t mind.
Of course, any excuse you can use to not look foolish.
Like I said, I don’t blame you for not “sharing” what you are going to do. I wouldn’t if I were you either. I too would be embarrassed.
27 – From the same article:
The Feds told Obama’s aides in late August that the McCain campaign’s computer system had been similarly compromised. A top McCain official confirmed to NEWSWEEK that the campaign’s computer system had been hacked and that the FBI had become involved.
I thought Republicans were perfect in every way. Oh well, not so much with computers but I guess they’re perfect spendthrifts (from the same article):
NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin’s shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain’s top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family—clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent “tens of thousands” more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as “Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast,” and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.
Imagine that. A rich Republican being “shocked” that other Republicans would steal from him. It’s too freaking funny.
Of course even as we speak, Palin is being thrown under the bus. See the recent “expose” by Faux News.
Religious right wing whackos are only good for votes for the policies favored by the Club for Growth crowd.
Once they forget their place, they’re cast out. Palin is probably fully aware of this and that’s why she looted the RNC’s coffers. She’s going to hold on those clothes and shoes for dear life.
@29 and 30 “Waaaaaaaaaaa”
Marvin fucks goats.
How do you feel about socialism, will you be happy with it?
In the articles I’ve cited. “Socialism” is just a code word for person of color. If a guy says he’s against socialism then it really means he doesn’t like a guy with a darker shade of skin color.
Socialism in the real sense according to the paragraph I cited has been enjoyed by the white majority since New Deal times. It was ok for them but they went insane when it was extended to people of color.
Bush tried to change Social Security, a cornerstone New Deal program, traveled to 60 or so places to sell his plan and he got nothing but a ration of shit for it. People like Social Security. It works for them and they don’t want it messed with. Try calling them socialists if you’d like.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Steve spews:
Marvin fucks goats.
Keep me in your thoughts sockpuppet.
@36 My thoughts? I’m looking forward to finding you here in the Republican hall of shame:
Here in Kalifornia it was because of democrats that gays can’t marry.
Damn, you’re one ignorant sockpuppet.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. Steve spews:
Republicans love animals video:
Yet you have links to all the videos.
Yeah, Marvin fucks goats.
How mature. Do you still spit on girls that have cooties little sockpuppet?
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. YLB spews:
How do you feel about racism Stamm? Are you happy with it?
Were those my words in the link?
You should know I hate you democrats for all your racist policies that keep blacks poor and uneducated and aborting their children at a rate 3Xs the rate of whites. Say, how do you feel about planned parenthood? Founded by a racist to get rid of the black race. You still supporting them? And why is it they have 80% of their clinics in minority communities?
Answer this again… why are inner city schools under democrat control doing such a terrible job of educating black kids?
And why do democrats insist in keeping the age of social security the same age that the average black man dies? Is that to keep the money in the hands of whites?
Go ahead ylb, tell me why democrats are so racist. In your case, is it jealousy?
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Steve spews:
@36 My thoughts? I’m looking forward
I’m flattered you’re looking forward to thinking of me my little sockpuppet.
Keep talking about that goatsex, you gotta go with your passion.
Real Americanspews:
The Essence of Stamerin’ Marvin
{noun}{verb} sockpuppet!
Democrats are so racist they elected a black man for President!
I don’t fuck goats! Quit telling people I fuck goats!! It was only that one time.. I was drunk… and the sorority girls were making fun of the way Mom dressed me!
Waaaaaa!!!! Waaaaaa!!!
43 – Stamm if you hate racism so much then you shouldn’t support the Republican party. When they say “socialist” they mean black guy. They tried to use Khalidi too and that was totally racist, raising fears of Arabs. Whenever they divide people against one another, along whatever lines, race is always there.
The Southern Strategy was a racist political power play for the Republicans. They’ve leveraged it so much for power that now the Republican party has turned into a regional party based primarily in the South.
Every day Obama sits in the White House means that Americans will find it easier to see past his skin color. Exactly what the Republicans don’t want. The next thing the Republicans wanted people to hate were Mexicans but that was bound to fail because it was Republicans who were using their cheap labor to begin with. That’s why Bush supported a massive guest worker program.
A black family will be in the White House on Jan 20. Democratic voters nominated Obama and vaulted him into the Presidency starting in LILY WHITE IOWA. That should tell you something.
If those right wing canards you listed are fueling your hate than all I can say is no sale. You’re totally wrong. You’ve been sold a bill of goods and if you honestly look a little deeper then you’ll know I’m right.
I mean really! That stuff you list is just stupid.
“I voted for Rossi. Not because I like Rossi. I voted for Rossi because I saw it as a vote against the hegemony and dictatorial attitude of Seattle and King County “progressives.”
Impressive. You really showed them, eh.
Ok I can’t let this shit go.
You should know I hate you democrats for all your racist policies
Sorry to hear that but you’re wrong.
that keep blacks poor and uneducated and aborting their children at a rate 3Xs the rate of whites. Say, how do you feel about planned parenthood? Founded by a racist to get rid of the black race. You still supporting them? And why is it they have 80% of their clinics in minority communities?
You’re saying that all people who work for Planned Parenthood are racist? That’s stupid. Abortions at 3x the rate? Many reasons for that. Lack of practice in using contraception. Drug use is a factor as well. 80%? I don’t know if that stat is true but let’s say it is. I would assume it’s because minority communities are poor and under-served and Planned Parenthood gets public money to deliver services. Would you rather have minorities go to back-alley butchers or black marketeers for those services?
Answer this again… why are inner city schools under democrat control doing such a terrible job of educating black kids?
Easy. School funding is supported by property tax. White flight did a lot to undermine that. Inner city school districts have to compete with more politically connected white suburbs for scarce State and Federal funds. Not only is funding a problem, there’s all kinds of other socio-economic problems in inner city communities that schools are ill equipped to deal with.
And why do democrats insist in keeping the age of social security the same age that the average black man dies? Is that to keep the money in the hands of whites?
This is stupid. Social Security is set at whatever the actuaries say it should be set to preserve the financial health of the program. Gee if Republicans are so great then why didn’t the Greenspan commission who raised taxes on the middle class on Ronnie Raygun’s watch fix this perceived deficiency?
Got any more silly canards to debunk?
Marvin can I use your password to the goat fucking forum?
@43: The stupidest arguments I have ever seen for racism. Are you that dumb or are you just parroting stupid arguments you heard Rush make?
Debunking stupidity is too easy:
Planned parenthood: A public service organization that offers help parenting, help with decisions ansd sometimes abortions – if the person ASKS for it. No one is required to get an abortion – people are ASKING for them.
Founded by a racist to get rid of the black race. You still supporting them? And why is it they have 80% of their clinics in minority communities?
Despite allegations of racism, Sanger’s work with minorities earned the respect of civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr.[27] In their biographical article about Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood notes:
In 1930, Sanger opened a family planning clinic in Harlem that sought to enlist support for contraceptive use and to bring the benefits of family planning to women who were denied access to their city’s health and social services. Staffed by a black physician and black social worker, the clinic was endorsed by The Amsterdam News (the powerful local newspaper), the Abyssinian Baptist Church, the Urban League, and the black community’s elder statesman, W.E.B. DuBois.[28]
While it is true that Sanger was a proponent of eugenics – that is clearly not the current position of Planned Parenthoos – as Puddy well knows.
You know, I think Dino was actually relieved to be able to able to say her name yesterday.
It was almost as if he was free of the chains imposed by his master:
Dino Two Time Loser told reporters his next project will be “cleaning out my garage.”
That’s more commensurate with his skills, experience, and intellect than being governor is; and I do wish him success in this endeavor.
Welcome back, Will! And great work on I-1000!
Wow! Really well-written. Short and sweet:
It gets better keep reading!
The good folks at the ny times are telling obama supporters not to get their hopes up for obama to keep his promises.
Sucks to promise hope and change and then do the same old.
So the republicans want to keep the rich rich so the republicans can keep their power.
No big surprise. For politicians, it’s all about power.
On the other hand, every poor person that becomes rich is a lost vote. So the democrats have to keep the poor poor to keep their power. Which explains the dismal conditions of the inner-city areas governed by democrats.
No big surprise. For politicians, it’s all about power.
5 – When are you going to get it through your head that you’ve been beaten?
We’re not going to rest on our laurels here for much longer. We’re going to roll up our sleeves and get to work turning around our country.
Either help or you’re just noise we’ll tune out.
Gays, blacks and gay vote for for democrats. Which party has been stringing them along?
Hell, even the president elect is against gay marriage, as was the last democrat president.
On the other hand, every poor person that becomes rich is a lost vote.
People who have been helped tend not to forget who helped them. Relatively few people become rich. A lot, lot more have become middle class though. And for many years they have had to run faster to stay in place.
And during those years this country was governed by Republicans. If you can call it governing that is. More like looting.
Is that an admission that obama is going to do the country wrong?
If he’s the messiah you think he is aren’t I going to be enjoying a better quality life?
If he’s the messiah you think he is aren’t I going to be enjoying a better quality life?
He’ll be the President on Jan 20. Keep on name-calling Stamm, I’ll keep turning the pot down.
@7 The only reason he shows up here is for any attention he might attract by being such a stupid fucktard. Even when he’s abused it’s still attention he’d never get anywhere in real life, where he’s probably ten times the loser he comes off as here. Hmm, perhaps it’s difficult to imagine a loser of that magnitude but that’s our Marvin for ya.
Hey, until Geov mentioned it I didn’t see the byline on this open thread.
Will, you and the rest of the I-1000 crew really rocked the house. What is it, approval in 38 counties?
No need to gloat in front of Joel next time you see him. I’m sure the whole thing is just another little anecdote for him to repeat for the next decade or two.
Gee – now I feel so BADLY (according to the idiot Stamn) because Obama won a landslide election and before he even takes office Stamn is implying he won’t keep his promises.
I got news for you Sta-m-moron, name a President that kept all of his promises?
Name a President who came in with as big a mess? (the only one I can think of is FDR)
Almost anything that Obama does – from universal health care to supreme court justices to fixing the Justice dept. the FDA and the EPA so they pay attention to real science – will be great.
Yup – Obama can’t fix the entire economy on his own right away – gee I am SOOOO disappointed.
You have no credibility Stamn – so get lost.
So, tell us what *YOU* will be doing. And none of that political speak, be as specific as you re capable of.
Hey sockpuppet… I see I’m still on your mind.
It was the new york times reporting that obama has “begun an effort to tamp down what his aides fear are unusually high expectations among his supporters.”
I’m just relaying what the new york time says.
If you consider obama won by a landslide, what did reagan win? Didn’t Bush1 win by more than obama? And say, didn’t nixon also have a “landslide?” Obama won, but keep it in perspective.
So, tell us what *YOU* will be doing.
You’re not worth sharing it with. I’ll just say it involves making a better world for my kids.
The pot is going down, down, down…
@16 “I see I’m still on your mind.”
Only when I read your shallow and insipid posts, you stupid goatfucker.
Great debate, McCain vs. Palin.
The GOP has sent an attorney to Alaska to get their $200,000 of clothes back. Fat chance of that!
Exactly the answer I knew you would give. If your ideas were worth anything why not share to help make the world a better place? Unless of course your answer is let the government do for you and you’re too embarrassed to admit that’s your plan.
About time you did something to help your kids instead of resting on your laurels.
Whatever you say sockpuppet.
@22 Whatever you say, goatfucker.
Did you get your pink slip from the BIAW today? I hear they’re laying off the deadbeats on their payroll after sending seven million down the Rossi rathole.
If your ideas were worth anything why not share to help make the world a better place?
I’ll be sharing with those who don’t have a tin ear if you don’t mind.
About time you did something to help your kids instead of resting on your laurels.
That chimp in the White House is still in power until Jan 20. Time enough to start another war, steal more billions and keep a lot of names off our favorite website with his pardon privilege:
ahh. Gee you’re fading out…
I voted for Rossi. Not because I like Rossi. I voted for Rossi because I saw it as a vote against the hegemony and dictatorial attitude of Seattle and King County “progressives.”
A little education for the ineducable Stamn:
Now where did that come from?
Not the DailyKos but click through and I’m sure you’ll be surprised:
Every day Obama stays in office, the GOP sinks further in the muck. If Obama is smart he’ll double his and his family’s security detail.
Typical liberal democrat. Talk the talk but won’t walk the walk.
From obama’s website-
Yet his own website is getting hacked by foriegn entities…
If he can’t protect his own website, how can he protect the countries websites.
@27 “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Pink slip? What are you talking about?
Oh yeah, the sockpuppet is forced to make stuff up.
Stick with the goats sockpuppet. It’s obviously your area of expertise.
If so, why didn’t obama just admit it?
Did he lack the political courage to be honest?
How do you feel about socialism, will you be happy with it?
Of course, any excuse you can use to not look foolish.
Like I said, I don’t blame you for not “sharing” what you are going to do. I wouldn’t if I were you either. I too would be embarrassed.
27 – From the same article:
I thought Republicans were perfect in every way. Oh well, not so much with computers but I guess they’re perfect spendthrifts (from the same article):
Imagine that. A rich Republican being “shocked” that other Republicans would steal from him. It’s too freaking funny.
Of course even as we speak, Palin is being thrown under the bus. See the recent “expose” by Faux News.
Religious right wing whackos are only good for votes for the policies favored by the Club for Growth crowd.
Once they forget their place, they’re cast out. Palin is probably fully aware of this and that’s why she looted the RNC’s coffers. She’s going to hold on those clothes and shoes for dear life.
@29 and 30 “Waaaaaaaaaaa”
Marvin fucks goats.
How do you feel about socialism, will you be happy with it?
In the articles I’ve cited. “Socialism” is just a code word for person of color. If a guy says he’s against socialism then it really means he doesn’t like a guy with a darker shade of skin color.
Socialism in the real sense according to the paragraph I cited has been enjoyed by the white majority since New Deal times. It was ok for them but they went insane when it was extended to people of color.
Bush tried to change Social Security, a cornerstone New Deal program, traveled to 60 or so places to sell his plan and he got nothing but a ration of shit for it. People like Social Security. It works for them and they don’t want it messed with. Try calling them socialists if you’d like.
Keep me in your thoughts sockpuppet.
@36 My thoughts? I’m looking forward to finding you here in the Republican hall of shame:
Yeah, Marvin fucks goats. Cynical fucks goats. Pudz fucks goats. You’re all just a bunch of stupid, America-hating, fascist goatfuckers.
How do you feel about racism Stamm? Are you happy with it?
Republicans love animals video:
Yeah, Marvin fucks goats.
Republican marries his horse:
But never, ever let gays be wed!
Didn’t you hear?
Here in Kalifornia it was because of democrats that gays can’t marry.
Damn, you’re one ignorant sockpuppet.
Yet you have links to all the videos.
How mature. Do you still spit on girls that have cooties little sockpuppet?
Were those my words in the link?
You should know I hate you democrats for all your racist policies that keep blacks poor and uneducated and aborting their children at a rate 3Xs the rate of whites. Say, how do you feel about planned parenthood? Founded by a racist to get rid of the black race. You still supporting them? And why is it they have 80% of their clinics in minority communities?
Answer this again… why are inner city schools under democrat control doing such a terrible job of educating black kids?
And why do democrats insist in keeping the age of social security the same age that the average black man dies? Is that to keep the money in the hands of whites?
Go ahead ylb, tell me why democrats are so racist. In your case, is it jealousy?
I’m flattered you’re looking forward to thinking of me my little sockpuppet.
Keep talking about that goatsex, you gotta go with your passion.
The Essence of Stamerin’ Marvin
43 – Stamm if you hate racism so much then you shouldn’t support the Republican party. When they say “socialist” they mean black guy. They tried to use Khalidi too and that was totally racist, raising fears of Arabs. Whenever they divide people against one another, along whatever lines, race is always there.
The Southern Strategy was a racist political power play for the Republicans. They’ve leveraged it so much for power that now the Republican party has turned into a regional party based primarily in the South.
Every day Obama sits in the White House means that Americans will find it easier to see past his skin color. Exactly what the Republicans don’t want. The next thing the Republicans wanted people to hate were Mexicans but that was bound to fail because it was Republicans who were using their cheap labor to begin with. That’s why Bush supported a massive guest worker program.
A black family will be in the White House on Jan 20. Democratic voters nominated Obama and vaulted him into the Presidency starting in LILY WHITE IOWA. That should tell you something.
If those right wing canards you listed are fueling your hate than all I can say is no sale. You’re totally wrong. You’ve been sold a bill of goods and if you honestly look a little deeper then you’ll know I’m right.
I mean really! That stuff you list is just stupid.
“I voted for Rossi. Not because I like Rossi. I voted for Rossi because I saw it as a vote against the hegemony and dictatorial attitude of Seattle and King County “progressives.”
Impressive. You really showed them, eh.
Ok I can’t let this shit go.
You should know I hate you democrats for all your racist policies
Sorry to hear that but you’re wrong.
that keep blacks poor and uneducated and aborting their children at a rate 3Xs the rate of whites. Say, how do you feel about planned parenthood? Founded by a racist to get rid of the black race. You still supporting them? And why is it they have 80% of their clinics in minority communities?
You’re saying that all people who work for Planned Parenthood are racist? That’s stupid. Abortions at 3x the rate? Many reasons for that. Lack of practice in using contraception. Drug use is a factor as well. 80%? I don’t know if that stat is true but let’s say it is. I would assume it’s because minority communities are poor and under-served and Planned Parenthood gets public money to deliver services. Would you rather have minorities go to back-alley butchers or black marketeers for those services?
Answer this again… why are inner city schools under democrat control doing such a terrible job of educating black kids?
Easy. School funding is supported by property tax. White flight did a lot to undermine that. Inner city school districts have to compete with more politically connected white suburbs for scarce State and Federal funds. Not only is funding a problem, there’s all kinds of other socio-economic problems in inner city communities that schools are ill equipped to deal with.
And why do democrats insist in keeping the age of social security the same age that the average black man dies? Is that to keep the money in the hands of whites?
This is stupid. Social Security is set at whatever the actuaries say it should be set to preserve the financial health of the program. Gee if Republicans are so great then why didn’t the Greenspan commission who raised taxes on the middle class on Ronnie Raygun’s watch fix this perceived deficiency?
Got any more silly canards to debunk?
Marvin can I use your password to the goat fucking forum?
@43: The stupidest arguments I have ever seen for racism. Are you that dumb or are you just parroting stupid arguments you heard Rush make?
Debunking stupidity is too easy:
Planned parenthood: A public service organization that offers help parenting, help with decisions ansd sometimes abortions – if the person ASKS for it. No one is required to get an abortion – people are ASKING for them.
Founded by a racist to get rid of the black race. You still supporting them? And why is it they have 80% of their clinics in minority communities?
While it is true that Sanger was a proponent of eugenics – that is clearly not the current position of Planned Parenthoos – as Puddy well knows.