dino got subpoena for his emails. he claimed an outlook search for “BIAW” was compliance. bwahahahahahaha.
I used to know a guy that voted for Bush specifically because he felt we needed a frat boy in the White House. He also thought the Blair Witch Project was true.
I always think of him when I think I might not want to bother voting, it always energizes me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Schram is a curmudgeonly old-school journalist of the sort who would give someone shit for saying they have a “degree in economics” when their main emphasis is computer science and they have only 5 courses in economics and 2 related math courses, which would be only a major in economics at most colleges.
Frankly, I also completed 5 economics courses and 2 related statistics courses in college, so I know how valuable that type of education is when you’re responsible for dealing with complex public issues. Rubberstamp Reichert, who voted with Bush 88% of the time, doesn’t have that education and the smoking wreckage of our economy speaks for itself.
If he were even-handed about this, he would also give a Schrammie to the Seattle Times for thinking a Harvard graduate with a computer science degree who also has 5 courses in ecnomics and 2 related math courses, which would be a major in economics at most schools, saying “I have a degree in economics” is front-page news.
As for you, only an idiot would believe that a Harvard degree in computer science with coursework that would be an economics major at any other school is inferior to an A.A. degree from a glorified high school.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I, too, completed 5 economics courses and 2 related statistics courses, so I know from first-hand experience how invaluable such education is when you’re responsible for dealing with complex public issues. Rubberstamp Reichert, who voted with Bush 90% of the time, doesn’t have this education and the smoking wreckage of our economy at his feet speaks for itself.
proud leftistspews:
Obama’s ad tonight kicked whatever was left of the rotting remains of McCain/Palin. He is a remarkable leader. McCain is a festering, maggot-ridden corpse. Palin is a toxic waste dump that we ought to send to an ally, like–shit, I guess we don’t have any allies anymore.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
4. Roger Rabbit spews:
Frankly, I also completed 5 economics courses and 2 related statistics courses in college, so I know how valuable that type of education is when you’re responsible for dealing with complex public issues.
Rog, explain to me how your Economics background helped you deal your whole career with the most FU’d bureaucracy in the civilized world…Washington State’s DSHS???
Perhaps it helped you with your successful Amway business, but there is obviously zero evidence that Attorney Rabbit’s 5 econ. classes improved DSHS.
Ranching in Montana is such easy work. It affords Cynical the time to post day and night on a Western Washington political blog. He also has plenty of time to dine at his favorite cafe in Lacey, just a short hop from the BIAW headquarters in Olympia. Yes, ranching in Montana is such easy work.
Not only did Darcy Burner earn a degree in computer science from Harvard, she earned a Schrammie today:
dino got subpoena for his emails. he claimed an outlook search for “BIAW” was compliance. bwahahahahahaha.
I used to know a guy that voted for Bush specifically because he felt we needed a frat boy in the White House. He also thought the Blair Witch Project was true.
I always think of him when I think I might not want to bother voting, it always energizes me.
@1 Schram is a curmudgeonly old-school journalist of the sort who would give someone shit for saying they have a “degree in economics” when their main emphasis is computer science and they have only 5 courses in economics and 2 related math courses, which would be only a major in economics at most colleges.
Frankly, I also completed 5 economics courses and 2 related statistics courses in college, so I know how valuable that type of education is when you’re responsible for dealing with complex public issues. Rubberstamp Reichert, who voted with Bush 88% of the time, doesn’t have that education and the smoking wreckage of our economy speaks for itself.
If he were even-handed about this, he would also give a Schrammie to the Seattle Times for thinking a Harvard graduate with a computer science degree who also has 5 courses in ecnomics and 2 related math courses, which would be a major in economics at most schools, saying “I have a degree in economics” is front-page news.
As for you, only an idiot would believe that a Harvard degree in computer science with coursework that would be an economics major at any other school is inferior to an A.A. degree from a glorified high school.
I, too, completed 5 economics courses and 2 related statistics courses, so I know from first-hand experience how invaluable such education is when you’re responsible for dealing with complex public issues. Rubberstamp Reichert, who voted with Bush 90% of the time, doesn’t have this education and the smoking wreckage of our economy at his feet speaks for itself.
Obama’s ad tonight kicked whatever was left of the rotting remains of McCain/Palin. He is a remarkable leader. McCain is a festering, maggot-ridden corpse. Palin is a toxic waste dump that we ought to send to an ally, like–shit, I guess we don’t have any allies anymore.
4. Roger Rabbit spews:
Rog, explain to me how your Economics background helped you deal your whole career with the most FU’d bureaucracy in the civilized world…Washington State’s DSHS???
Perhaps it helped you with your successful Amway business, but there is obviously zero evidence that Attorney Rabbit’s 5 econ. classes improved DSHS.
Ranching in Montana is such easy work. It affords Cynical the time to post day and night on a Western Washington political blog. He also has plenty of time to dine at his favorite cafe in Lacey, just a short hop from the BIAW headquarters in Olympia. Yes, ranching in Montana is such easy work.
Uh oh….
Where will all the marxist, socialist rhetoric go?